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: Research Method in ELT Code : EG#$%$ Instructor Off (r) S"har*anto+ M),d -./&&101 AA 66 RU Student Group Credit/Hours Schedule Frida2+ 13& 7ednesda2+13& Th"rsda2 : S1 En !ish Ed"cation : &'& Roo Consult!tion (.)1%& 42 A55oint*ent (0)1%/ (0) 1%/

O68ECTIVE: The co"rse is desi ned 9or the st"dents to 4e 9a*i!iar :ith the 4asic 5rinci5!es o9 research in ELT+ es5ecia!!2 C!assroo* Action Research+ to 5re5are the st"dents to 4e 5ro9essiona! teachers as re;"ired 42 the teacher standard) At the end o9 the co"rse+ the st"dents are e<5ected to 4e a4!e to :rite a research 5ro5osa! 4ased on their o:n chosen to5ic) MATERIALS: The content o9 the co"rse :i!! inc!"de -11 5rinci5!es o9 research+ -&1 research *ethods in ELT+ and -/1 c!assroo* action research in ELT) ACTIVITIES: The co"rse :i!! 4e cond"cted in the 9or*s o9 !ect"res+ disc"ssions+ and assi n*ents) The c!ass *eets once a :ee=) EVALUATION: The st"dents> 9ina! rades :i!! 4e 4ased on -11 a *id3ter* test+ -&1 a 9ina! test+ and -/1 assi n*ents) REFERENCES 6"rns+ Anne) &%1%) Doing Action Research in English Language Teaching: A Guide for Practititoners. Ne: Yor=: Ro"t!ed e) (orn2ei+ ?o!tan) &%%0) Research Methods in Applied Linguistics: Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mi ed Methodologies. O<9ord: O<9ord Uni@ersit2 ,ress) Mc=a2+ Sandra Lee) &%%A) Researching !econd Language "lassroo#s. Mah:ah+ N8: La:rence Er!4a"* Associates+ Inc) Uni@ersitas Ne eri Ma!an ) &%1%) Pedo#an Penulisan $ar%a &l#iah. Ma!an : Uni@ersitas Ne eri Ma!an ) MEETINGS+ TO,ICS+ and SOURCES OF MATERIALS 1) &) /) $) C) A) 0) Genera! O@er@ie: o9 the Co"rse 6asic ,rinci5a!s o9 Research -(orn2ei+ 5a es 1/3&11 Research (esi ns in ELT: Action Research -Mac=e2+ 5a es &B3/C1 Research (esi ns in ELT: S"r@e2 Research -Mac=e2+ 5a es /C3CB1 Research (esi ns in ELT: Intros5ecti@e Research -Mac=e2+ 5a es A%3011 Research (esi ns in ELT: D"a!itati@e Research -Mac=e2+ 5a es 013.A1 Mid3ter* test

.) Foc"sin on Action Research: 7hat is action researchE -6"rns+ 5a es 13&11 B) Action Research: ,!annin the Action -6"rns+ 5a es &&3C/1 1%) Action Research: ,"ttin the ,!an into Action -6"rns+ 5a es C$31%&1 11) Action Research: O4ser@in the Res"!ts o9 the ,!an -6"rns+ 5a es 1%/31$%1 1&) Action Research: Re9!ectin and 5!annin 9or 9"rther action -6"rns+ 1$131A11 1/) Indi@id"a! 5!an o9 research 5ro5osa!: research ;"estions 1$) Indi@id"a! 5!an o9 research 5ro5osa!: research desi ns 1C) Fina!iFin the research 5ro5osa! 1A) Fina! Test

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