Glyphs Lesson

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Name: Jillian Schoer Date: September 16, 2013 Type of Setting: Urban Self Contained Special Ed Classroom Grade:

4th Purpose: For students to become further acquainted with their classmates and be able to analyze data based on classmates statistics. Common Core Standards: 4.OA.C.5 Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule. Identify apparent features of the pattern that were not explicit in the rule itself SL.4.1 Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions with diverse partners on grade 4 topics and texts, building on others ideas and expressing their own clearly SL.4.3 Identify the reasons and evidence a speaker provides to support particular points Objectives: Students will be able to effectively listen and follow directions on how to create a glyph Students will be able to understand vocabulary terms Students will be able to analyze data based on their classmates glyphs Stage 1- Prereading Teacher will begin lesson by saying, During our first week of school we spent a lot of time getting to know one another. Today for our Math lesson, we will be carrying out an activity in which we will create a self- portrait by following a series of steps and guidelines. This activity will help us get to know one another better and we will also be able to analyze data about our class. Teacher will introduce vocabulary/ key terms o Glyph- a code that has a specific meaning o Data- belonging to a set of items What is a glyph? What are we going to be doing with data? o We will be able to analyze data o Why do we analyze data? o How do we collect data? o How can we show data? using a bar graph or a line graph o How do we use data? Stage 2- Reading Teacher review steps with students o Steps will be written on chart paper On your paper plate, draw an oval for your face and two eyes. Make an iris in each eye and color it the color of your eyes

If you wear glasses, draw some around your eyes. If you do not, do not draw any. Add hair to your drawing that matches the color of your hair. Draw your nose on the plate. If you have freckles, draw some on your face. If you do not, do not draw any. Add ears to your face. If you brought your lunch today, draw your mouth in a smile. If you did not, draw your mouth like a zero. Now add eyebrows to your face. If you have any pets, draw them straight across. If you do not have any pets, draaw your eyebrows curved. If you are 8 years old, add a blue shirt. If you are 9 years old, add a red shirt. If you are 10 years old, add a green shirt. If you are 11 years old, add a yellow shirt. Add a stripe to your shirt for every brother or sister that you have. In the background of your drawing, add the flag of the country you were born in. Teacher will model each step with class Teacher will ask for students to begin glyph with pencil and color at the end to avoid mistakes Stage 3- Responding After students have completed their glyph with coloring, teacher will ask students to figure out whose who based on their prior knowledge of the class Teacher will ask students to bring their finished glyphs to the rug Teacher will hang up glyphs and begin discussion o Teacher will ask 2 questions to begin discussion How many people have freckles on their glyphs? How many people have blue eyes? o Since students names are on the back of the glyph these can be considered anonymous o Based on what we know about our classmates, lets guess whos who! o Students will be conversing with each other trying to figure which glyph belongs to which classmate Stage 4- Exploring After the students participate in guessing which glyph belongs to which classmate, they will begin to analyze data Teacher will place students into groups based on their academic level. Each group will have a teacher and/ or teacher assistant o Group 1: Jesus Jayce David Xavier

Ms. C o Group 2: Franchot Christian Linda Ms. Schoer o Group 3: Abdoulaye Brailey Brayan Leo Ms. P Mr. Hernandez Teacher will hand out short chart paper that has questions for each group Each group will have their own set of questions Students will be able to work with their group to answers questions Group questions o Group 1: How many students are wearing striped shirts? How many students didnt bring lunch? How many students have black hair? How many students are wearing blue shirts? o Group 2: How many students have brown hair? How many students were born in the USA? How many students are wearing red shirts? o Group 3: How many students have brown eyes? How many students have pets? Stage 5- Applying After groups have had time to answer questions teacher will ask students to share their findings Groups will share their answers and begin a class discussion Assessment: Students will be assessed on their comprehension of the story by answering questions through grand conversation Students will be assessed through participation during the mini lesson on key terms Students will be assessed on their comprehension of understanding key terms and applying to individual fictional text. Differentiation: ESL students o Will have two teachers in their groups to help with answering questions o Will have visual representatives to follow directions

o May answer questions in Spanish or French if capable Low level o Will have two teachers in group o Will only answer two questions o Questions will be simplified Middle Level o There will be one teacher in group o Will only answer 3 questions o Questions will be simplified High Level o There will be one teacher o Will answer 4 questions o Some questions may involve inferring strategies to answer Materials: New York State Common Core Standards 4 Chart papers Crayola washable markers Pencils 15 Paper plates

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