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Economical analysis of Puerto Rican subjects opinion concerning cultural appreciation and racism

Al English and Sociology Investigation


Abstract The purpose of this investigation was to look for the opinion of common individuals from different generations about racism and cultural appreciation, including the economic effects of racism. These opinions gave an insight on how Puerto Rican interviewees see the presented problems and what are their proposed solutions. In the investigation, racism is seen from the economic aspect of the individuals who suffer it. The people who were interviewed belong to different generations, which helped to compare the opinions according to the age. The conclusion indicated that the interviewed individuals knew the meaning of cultural appreciation and racism was. Also, they had ideas that could help to solve the problems. Additionally, they knew the reasons by which people of a certain race have a lower economic status than those of another race.

Resumen El propsito de esta investigacin era ver la opinin de personas comunes de diferentes generaciones sobre el racismo y la apreciacin cultural, incluyendo los efectos econmicos del racismo. Estas opiniones dieron una perspectiva en como los puertorriqueos entrevistados ven los problemas presentados y tambin sus soluciones para los mismos. En la investigacin, el racismo es visto desde el aspecto econmico de los individuos que sufren del racismo. Las personas que fueron entrevistadas pertenecen a diferentes generaciones, esto ayudo a comparar las opiniones dependiendo de la edad. La conclusin indico que las personas que fueron entrevistadas saban lo que era la apreciacin cultural y el racismo. Adems, dieron soluciones que pueden ayudar a resolver el problema. Adicional, los entrevistados saban las razones por la cual personas de ciertas razas tienen un estatus econmico ms bajos que los de otras razas.

Problem How do Puerto Ricans propose to diminish racism and promote cultural appreciation? Purpose The purpose of this investigation is to gather the opinions of Puerto Ricans from different generations about the presence of racism in the island. By asking about their opinions, these individuals would be able to reflect on how racism economically affects the victims. The purpose of the investigation is not only to look on the opinion of individuals but also their solutions to fix the problem. By conducting the investigation, topics about cultural appreciation will be presented to the individuals in order to implement a better perspective on what is cultural appreciation and how it is present in society.

Literary Report People from different races have been affected in many ways by racism. The economic condition of these individuals is one of the aspects affected by racism. An article written in 1974 by Michael Reich tells that the median income of black individuals was far less of white individuals. Even if these statistics were taken almost forty years ago, it does show that an individuals race does affect his or her economic status. Also, another article from Women and the Economy says that in Canada the victims of racism are in poverty because they are earning significantly less than others. Usually, this is related to the fact that these individuals tend to have a low-end jobs, but also it has to do with workplace discrimination. With already known facts of how racism affects the individuals economy, it is important to know what common people know about racism and also their opinions on how to change this problem. Additionally, it is important that individuals know what cultural appreciation is and also how they see its presence in the Puerto Rican society.

Methods For the investigation on the opinion of individuals from different generations, two candidates were chosen for interview. The first one was a 21 year old female from generation Y and the second one a 46 year old female from generation X. The candidates were informed about the interview four days in advance. Both of the interviews were done in Spanish. The questions were the following: - What do you understand by cultural appreciation? - Do you believe cultural appreciation is present in Puerto Rico? - What do you understand by racism? - What factors do you think lead to racism? - What recommendations would you give to diminish racism and to increase cultural appreciation in Puerto Rico? - How do you believe racism affects economically the people that receive the discrimination? Their opinions will be used for the information and analysis of this investigation.

Results The result of the interviews was that both interviewees had an idea of what was cultural appreciation. The answers were mainly related to the study of other cultures and how much knowledge do the people have about their own culture. When they were asked if cultural appreciation is present in Puerto Rico they both answered that no because usually we do not pay significant attention to our own culture. Also, that it was present a long time ago but then the appreciation declined in the Puerto Rican society. Both of the interviewees knew the meaning of racism and both concurred in the following causes: ignorance, history events, prejudgments and racist parents that can pass believes to their children. The solutions they had for racism included activities of integration of races and increase the education in schools in terms of our roots. Finally, the interviewees had an idea on how racism affects economically those who receive the discrimination mainly in the types of obtained jobs.

Discussion and Conclusion The fact that the economical status of a person can be affected by his or her race is a problem that has been present by a long time. However, it is important that the people identify these situations so that they can meditate and look for solutions. The results showed that the individuals that were interviewed did have an idea on what was racism and cultural appreciation. Both of the interviewees coincided that there is not that much of cultural appreciation in Puerto Rico in this time. This means that those that were interviewed are aware on how the Puerto Rican society has decreased on the appreciation for cultures. Fortunately, this is one of the problems that our company Change is working on solving. By expressing the issue to people from the Puerto Rican society, they will be able to react to the problem and make the change. Finally, the solutions given for the racism present in Puerto Rico included activities to integrate people from different races and also the implementation of better education in schools regarding the different races. These results showed that common Puerto Ricans have ideas that if used can help to diminish racism in Puerto Rico. The investigation helped in accomplishing some of the goals from the company which included talking to people from the society about cultural and race problems so they can understand what it is and also how to solve it.

Bibliography Franklin, D. (2007). The Economic Effect of Racism- the Perpetuation of Poverty. Confessions of a West Tennessee Liberal. Retrieved from:

Reich, M. (1974). The Economics of Racism. Retrieved from:

The Economics of Race. Women and the Economy. Retrieved from:


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