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Rev. Dr. Stacey L. Edwards-Dunn, Executive Minister

PASTORAL STAFF Rev. Mark Barclay, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Carmin Frederick, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Michael D. Jacobs, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Neichelle Guidry Jones, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Rochelle Michael, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Linda Mootry-Dodd, Assoc. Pastor Rev. Barbara A. Heard, Vol. Assoc. Pastor Rev. Clyde White, Vol. Assoc. Pastor EXECUTIVE LEADERSHIP Deacon Wilfred Bentley, Business Mgr. Daryle Brown, Dir. of Multi-Media Comm. Ebony Only, Dir. of Human Resources Rev. Mark A. Smith, Minister of Stewardship OFFICE OF THE SR. PASTOR Melody Morgan, Exec. Asst. to the Pastor Deacon Karen Cupil, Admin. Asst. Brenda Tillman, Admin. Asst. Rev. Joan Harrell, Dir. of Public Comm. Rev. Aaron McLeod, Dir. of Special Projects

Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, Senior Pastor

PROGRAM STAFF Deacon Shirley Bims-Ellis, Dir. of CFABS Bryan Johnson, Exec. Dir. of Sacred Music Dr. Julia Speller, Dir. of Christian Education

Sunday Worship Services 7:14 a.m. & 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. (Praise Service begins 15 minutes prior) Youth Church 7:14 a.m., 10:45 a.m. Bible Discovery Hour 9:45 a.m.

Weekly Praise/Prayer Service 11:30 a.m. - Prayer Service 6:00 p.m. - Prayer Service 7:14 p.m. - Wednesday @ The Well Saturday Church School 9:00 a.m. CFABS Bible Study 773-966-1507 For current schedule, Visit

LIVE Sunday Webcasts 7:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m., 6:00 p.m. Television Broadcast Sundays, 1:30 p.m. (WJYS, Check local listings) Prayer Line: 866-962-5650 Radio Broadcast Sundays, 6:00 p.m. WVON 1690 AM

Church Hours Monday through Thursday 11:00 a.m. 9:00 p.m. Fridays 5:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. Saturdays 9:00 a.m. 7:00 p.m. Sundays 6:00 a.m. 8:00 p.m.

400 West 95th Street Chicago, Illinois 60628 - 1120 Telephone (773) 962-5650


There are different ways of serving, but the same Lord is served. 1 Corinthians 12:5 (TEV)

Table of Contents
Order of Worship (7:30 a.m. and 11:00 a.m.) ................................................................................. 2 Order of Worship (6:00 p.m.) .......................................................................................................... 3 Hymn of Praise Praise Him" ........................................................................................................... 4 Unison Scriptures ............................................................................................................................ 4 Confession of Sins ............................................................................................................................ 5 World AIDS Day Call To Commitment Litany ................................................................................... 6 Sermon Notes/Prayer Concerns ...................................................................................................... 7 Guest Minister: Rev. Dr. Frank Anthony Thomas ............................................................................. 8 Guest Minister: Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr. ...................................................................................... 9 Raise the Roof/Thank You from Deacon Hogg............................................................................... 10 Advent Meditation ........................................................................................................................ 11 Calendar ........................................................................................................................................ 12 Sanctuary Choir Concert ................................................................................................................ 13 Events ............................................................................................................................................ 14

Wednesaday@The Well ................................................................................................................ 10

Trinity UCC Media and Technology Protocols

Photography and Recording: Still photography, videography and audio recording of our worship services, ministry programs and community services is prohibited on church property, without prior expressed approval from Trinity United Church of Christ. To request permission, contact Rev. Joan Harrell, Director of Public Communications, at 773-962-5650. Media: If visiting in an official media capacity, please be sure to check-in at our reception desk upon arrival. WiFi: Trinity UCC offers Wifi for our members and visitors as a courtesy, so that they may participate in our worship services and ministry. User ID: trinity Password: guest Listening Assistance: As we endeavor to maintain a sacred worship experience, please return listening devices following the Benediction. An Audio Technician is available in the sound room for 15 minutes following each service for the return of your device. THANK YOU FOR YOUR COOPERATION!
2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013

** Order of Worship - 7:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.

Choral Introit (11:00 a.m.) .....................................................................Praise The Name Of Jesus Opening Song (7:30 a.m.) ...........................................................................................Great Things Opening Song (11:00 a.m.) ...........................................................................The Blood Still Works Hymn of Praise ..............................................................................................................Praise Him Unison Scripture (7:30 a.m.) .................................................................................... Psalm 100 (KJV) Unison Scripture (11:00 a.m.) .................................................................... Jeremiah 32:13-15 (NIV) PLEASE REMAIN STANDING FOR THE READING OF THE WORD Invocation Parish Concerns Visitor Recognition Passing of the Peace The Pastors Word The Service of Communion Confession of Sins Communion Collect Distribution of Elements Assurance of Pardon Words of Institution The Service of Giving Offertory Sentences Tithes and Offerings Guest Minister Altar Call (7:30 a.m.) .................................................................... When I Come Into His Presence Altar Call (11:00 a.m.) ........................................................................................................ Grateful Sermon (7:30 a.m.) ......................................................................................... A Reason To Rejoice Sermon (11:00 a.m.) ....................................................................... "Houses, Fields, And Vineyards" Hymn of Invitation (7:30 a.m.) ............................................................O Lord, We Give You Praise Hymn of Invitation (11:00 a.m.) .......................................................................................... Selected Benediction ......................................................................................................... All Night, All Day

2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013


Order of Worship - 6:00 p.m.

Opening Song .......................................................................................... Is There Anybody Here? Ministry of Music......................................................................... When I Come Into His Presence Sermon ................................................................................................... Weapons Formed For Us Hymn of Invitation ............................................................................................................... Selected The Service of Giving Offertory Sentences Tithes and Offerings Benevolence The Service of Communion Confession of Sins Communion Collect Distribution of Elements Assurance of Pardon Words of Institution Right Hand of Fellowship/New Members Altar Call/Benediction
[Once the sermon has begun, parishioners may not enter or re-enter the first floor sanctuary.] **The Order of Worship is subject to change, at the dictation of the Holy Spirit

Happy 52nd Anniversary

2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013


Hymn of Praise
Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Praise Him! Jesus, blessed Savior Hes worthy to be praised. From the rising of the sun until the going down Of the same, Hes worthy, Jesus is worthy, Hes worthy to be praised. God is our rock, hope of salvation; A strong deliverer in Him will I trust. Glory! Glory! In all things give Him glory, Jesus, blessed Savior Hes worthy to be praised.

Unison Scriptures
7:30 a.m.


Psalm 100 (KJV)

Verse 1

Make a joyful noise unto the Lord, all ye lands. 2Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing. 3Know ye that the Lord he is God: it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.
1 4

Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name. 5For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations. ____________________

Verse 2

11:00 a.m.

Jeremiah 32:13-15 (NIV)

In their presence I gave Baruch these instructions: 14This is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Take these documents, both the sealed and unsealed copies of the deed of purchase, and put them in a clay jar so they will last a long time. 15For this is what the Lord Almighty, the God of Israel, says: Houses, fields and vineyards will again be bought in this land.

2012 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 2013

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013

Unison Scriptures
6:00 p.m.

Confession of Sins

Isaiah 2:1-5 (NIV)

Almighty and Most Merciful Father, we come before You, acknowledging our sins, our shortcomings, and our breaking of our Covenant with You. Not only have we done things we ought not to have done, said things we ought not to have said, left undone so many things we ought to have done and been silent when we should have witnessed for You. Not only are we guilty of that, O Lord; but we have also closed our eyes and pretended not to see the injustices, the racism and the evil which pervade our everyday lives. We have shut our ears and pretended not to hear the cries for liberation which come from the lips, lives and hearts of the oppressed even our own Black brothers and sisters! Forgive us, O Lord, renew our courage and faith, and keep us ever mindful of Thy great sacrifice. Hear us, we beseech Thee, as we come to You in love and worship giving Your Name the praise forevermore. ****** To All Our Visitors ... To all who mourn and need comforting ... To all who are friendless and want friendship ... To all who are oppressed and need liberation; and to whosoever will come, Trinity opens its doors. Thank you for coming, and may God bless you.

This is what Isaiah son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem:

He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war anymore. 5Come, descendants of Jacob, let us walk in the light of the Lord.

2012 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited. 2013

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013


In the last days the mountain of the Lords temple will be established as the highest of the mountains; it will be exalted above the hills, and all nations will stream to it. 3Many peoples will come and say, Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the temple of the God of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may walk in his paths. The law will go out from Zion, the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.

World Aids Day Call To Commitment

Minister: People: Minister: People: Minister: People: Minister: People: Minister: People: Minister: People: Minister: All: We are the people of God. The people of God, living with AIDS. If we choose, we can make a difference. If we choose, we can contribute to the healing of AIDS. In our homes, in our churches, in our community. In our bodies, in our minds, in our spirits. Our sisters and our brothers; our parents and our children are infected with HIV. Our community is living with and dying with AIDS. If we choose, the blocks to healing can be removed. We choose compassion; we choose to respond. Will you respond with your money, with your time, with your love? We are the people of God. We choose to respond that AIDS may be healed. We pray and act for the healing of AIDS.

2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013

Sermon Notes

Prayer Concerns

2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013


Guest Minister
Rev. Dr. Frank Anthony Thomas is the
Nettie Sweeney and Hugh Miller Professor of Homiletics at Christian Theological Seminary in Indianapolis, Indiana. He is the former Senior Pastor of the Mississippi Boulevard Christian Church in Memphis, Tennessee.

Dr. Thomas received a doctoral degree from the University of Memphis in May, 2008. He has also earned a Doctor of Ministry degree from Chicago Theological Seminary, Chicago, Illinois; a Doctor of Ministry degree in Preaching, United Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio; and an honorary Doctor of Divinity degree, Christian Theological Seminary, Indianapolis, Indiana. He received a Master of Divinity degree from Chicago Theological Seminary, a Master of Arts degree in African-Caribbean Studies from Northeastern Illinois University in Chicago, Illinois, and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana. Dr. Thomas has taken his pastoral experience, his love of African American preaching and his abilities as a scholar to McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago, Illinois where he has taught Preaching in an adjunct capacity for many years. In addition, he teaches at the doctoral level in the Doctor of Ministry in Preaching Program and in the Master of Divinity Program at McCormick and has also taught Preaching at North Park Theological Seminary in Chicago and has served as an Adjunct Faculty member at Memphis Theological Seminary, Memphis, Tennessee. Dr. Thomas has written numerous books, including the just released, The Choice. He is in demand as a preacher, speaker, lecturer, and revivalist and was inducted into the Martin Luther King, Jr. Board of Preachers of Morehouse College. He is married to Joyce Scott Thomas, and they have a son, Anthony William, and a daughter, Rachel Sojourner Thomas.

2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013

Guest Minister
Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr. Anointed, gifted,
leader, teacher, virtuoso, maestro, scholar, theologian, professor, revivalist, activist, entrepreneur, counselor, friend, and pastor are just a few of the words that describe the Rev. Dr. Ozzie E. Smith, Jr. Dr. Smith, a native of Memphis, Tennessee, known for his phenomenal and heart-provoking saxophone playing, is an equally gifted preacher who is sought out for revivals across the country. His unique ability to combine his music and his invigorating interpretation of the gospel message has brought hope and encouragement to Gods people everywhere.

Dr. Smith received a Bachelor of Arts degree from Langston University and a Masters of Education in Music degree from the University of Memphis. He moved to Chicago to pursue his call to the ministry under the tutelage of Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright, Jr., and received a Masters of Divinity degree from McCormick Theological Seminary in Chicago. He was named the Samuel Dewitt Proctor Fellow and earned a Doctorate of Ministry degree from United Theological Seminary in Dayton, OH. Ordained by the United Church of Christ in 1994, Dr. Smith served as Associate Pastor and music staff supervisor at Trinity United Church of Christ. In 1996, Dr. Smith accepted Gods call to pastor Covenant United Church of Christ, a new church start in South Holland, IL. Since that first Sunday, Covenant has grown by leaps and bounds and now stands as the fastest growing and one of the largest churches in the United Church of Christ with over 2,300 members. He also serves as an adjunct professor of ministry at McCormick Theological Seminary. Dr. Smith was a loving husband to his late devoted wife and partner in ministry, Barbara Westbrooks-Smith, and he is the father of three children Lauran, Dr. Ozzie III, and Brian.

2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013


Raise The Roof

Every time we think of you, we thank God for you. Day and night youre in our prayers as we call to mind your work of faith, your labor of love, and your patience of hope in following our Master, Jesus Christ, before God our Father. It is clear to us, friends, that God not only loves you very much but also has put his hand on you for something special. When the Message we preached came to you, it wasnt just words. Something happened in you. The Holy Spirit put steel in your convictions. 1 Thessalonians 1:2-5 The Message

My Trinity Family, As my health has been challenged, I am so thankful for the many calls, cards, and well wishes from my family here at Trinity, and appreciate that Pastor Moss allowed me to say so in this short note to you all. Over many years, God has blessed me, certainly more than I deserved. Of all those blessings, the one I cherish most is that of friends and family. I appreciate you so much that words are inadequate to express . . . except the Word of God: Every time I say your name in prayer which is practically all the time I thank God for you, the God I worship with my whole life in the tradition of my ancestors. 2 Timothy 1:3 The Message Thank you, thank you, and God bless you, Deacon Thelma Hogg

The Holy Spirit has indeed put steel into the convictions of our congregation! We are now over 50% of our goal of $5 of million dollars in pledges with our members/families pledging a total of



visit the Raise the Roof web site:

Stay Informed!


2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013

Advent Meditation
Another year is coming to a close. The end of the harvest season led us to celebrate with a day of Thanksgiving. The day was not a time for analyzing how plentiful the harvest was, but for being grateful for what we have. We do not celebrate being lucky, but being blessed. We are thankful for intangible as well as tangible gifts. Family gatherings are held with feelings of love. After Thanksgiving, Advent arrives, signifying the coming of a new year. In Advent we consider how we are going to use what we have harvested, not only possessions but relationships. Where are we, as we come to this point in our lives? How can we enrich our days? What will make life more full? We do well to ask these questions, because this season celebrates the resources that God has given us, particularly the gift of Gods own self. The gospel of John quotes Jesus as saying, I am come that they may have life, and have it abundantly. What do we need to do to experience what this means? How do we welcome the One who is at the heart of the worlds life and also at the heart of our personal lives? God gives! God comes! God is here! The goodness of all life is reaffirmed. Sometimes in the preceding season, it felt appropriate to call it fall. Leaves fall, temperatures drop, and our lives seem to lose their vitality. The Advent season helps us become aware of Gods coming to change that direction and lift us up. We do well to realize the full import of the coming of that wonderful little baby. With that child, the everlasting Spirit that lies at the heart of our life is reborn in our individual hearts and lives. Glory to God, not only in the highest, as the angels sang, but also deep within each of us, as we find hope and guidance for making our lives richer and more full.

2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013



Today 12/14 12/21 Trinity UCC 52nd Anniversary Rev. Dr. Frank Thomas Book Signing Amani Day of Remembrance Saturday Church School Christmas Program 12/21 12/2312/28 12/25 12/26 12/31 Sanctuary Choir Annual Concert Church Closed Christmas Day Sunrise Service Kwanzaa Worship Service New Year's Eve Watch Service

TODAY 12/1
400 W. 95th Street
7:30 a.m. Worship Service - SA 9:30 a.m. Bible Teaching Moment - 203 Rev. Dr. Frank Thomas Book Signing - A 6:00 p.m. 11:00 a.m. Worship Service - SA Rev. Dr. Frank Thomas Book Signing - A Worship Service - SA

400 W. 95th Street
6:00 p.m. Band Rehearsal - SA 6:15 p.m. Mwanabaraka Dance Rehearsal - A 6:30 p.m. Kitchen Meeting - 202 Men's Dance Rehearsal - FH 6:30 p.m. Worship and Arts (Leaders) - BR 7:00 p.m. Divorce Care - 116 Women's Chorus Rehearsal - SA Khayralla Rehearsal - A

TUCC Village Center - 1947 West 95th Street

6:30 p.m. Chinara Dance Rehearsal - W301 7:00 p.m. Drug and Alcohol Recovery - W305

400 W. 95th Street
5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Domestic Violence - 116 Band Rehearsal - SA Boot Camp - A African Dance Rehearsal - A Men's Chorus Rehearsal - SA Singles Community - WC

TUCC Village Center - 1947 West 95th Street

11:00 a.m. Big Mama's House: Quilting - W301 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. 7:00 p.m.

Sisterhood Ministry - W301 Mime Rehearsal - W307 Adult Drama Rehearsal - W302 Domestic Violence Ministry - W305

400 W. 95th Street
6:00 a.m. - Prayer and Fasting 6:00 p.m. 11:30 a.m. Prayer Service - WC 5:45 p.m. Praise Team - FH 6:00 p.m. Prayer Service - WC 7:00 p.m. Wednesday@The Well - SA


2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013

400 W. 95th Street
6:00 p.m. Band Rehearsal - SA Drill Teams - 203 Piloxing - FH 6:30 p.m. I Am My Brother's Keeper (Men's Fellowship) - 120 Worship and Arts Dance Rehearsal - A 6:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Drill Teams - FH Married Couples Leadership Team - 102 Sanctuary Choir Rehearsal - SA

TUCC Village Center - 1947 West 95th Street

Career Development Resource Workshop - W302 THEC Parent/Student Gathering - W301

400 W. 95th Street
6:30 p.m. Isuthu Sponsors - 102 Men's Dance Rehearsal - FH

TUCC Village Center - 1947 West 95th Street

11:00 a.m. Selective Enrollment Test Prep, Part 3 - W301 7:00 p.m. Free-N-One - W302 Tough Love - W305

400 W. 95th Street

7:00 a.m. 7:30 a.m. 8:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. Administrative Committee - 203 Men's Intercessory Prayer Group - LI Yoga - NII Zumba - A Adult Bible Class - WC Christmas Program Dress Rehearsal - SA Saturday Bible School Conrmation Class - FH Yoga Leadership Meeting - BR 11:00 a.m. Chinara Placement Rehearsal - SA Family Caregiver Support Group - A Little Warriors/Imani Rehearsal - WC Math Tutorial - 202/203 Mimes Rehearsal - 116 Singles Ministry - 207 Youth/Jr. Drill Team Leadership Meeting - 102 12:00 p.m. Youth/Jr. Drill Team Rehearsal - FH

12:30 p.m. Little Warriors/Imani Sponsors Meeting - BR Walaika Rehearsal - WC Women's Drill Rehearsal - NII 1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. African Dance Rehearsal - SA Voices of Trinity - WC Men's Dance Rehearsal - SA Pre-Marital Counseling - 202 Deacon Ministry - WC


SANCTUARY CHOIR ANNUAL CONCERT CELEBRATE THE KING Saturday, December 21, 5:00 p.m. Sanctuary

2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013




BLACK AND CHRISTIAN NEW MEMBER Class, Sessions I and II, Saturday, January 4, 2014, Registration, 8:00 a.m., Class, 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m., Fellowship Hall; Children, ages 12 and under, 9:00 a.m. 1:00 p.m. (must be accompanied by parent or guardian), Receive Right Hand of Fellowship, Sunday, January 5, 4:45 p.m., RSVP and confirm participation, Call Membership Services, 773-9625650 BLAINE DENYE LIBRARY Ministry partners invite you to visit our library and explore the volumes on Bible study, African American history and culture, The theme for the month of December is Christmas: Chicken Soup for the Soul Christmas Treasury, by Jack Canfield; All Is Calm, All Is Bright: True Stories of Christmas, by Cheryl Kirking; A Different Kind of Christmas, by Alex Haley; Christmas Gif, by Charlemae Rollins; Christmas in the Big House, Christmas in the Quarters, By Patricia McKissack , The library is located on the 2nd floor, Our hours are Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, 6:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m., Wednesdays, 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. and Saturdays, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. CAREGIVER BUDDY SUPPORT Training and Caregiver Buddy General Meeting, Saturday, December 7, 10:30 a.m. 12:00 p.m. (Support Training); 12:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m. (General Meeting), Information, Call 773-966-1500 Mailbox 2375 or email DIVINE IMAGINATION CALL, Join Pastor Moss for his monthly Divine Imagination telephone message at 11:55 a.m., Thursday, December 12, Dial 218844-0860 and enter passcode 206047; press the # key PARENTING WITH LOVE AND LOGIC workshop and interest meeting, Saturday, December 14, 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m., Boardroom, presented by Rev. Avena Ward, Information and to RSVP, Call Rev. Carmin Frederick, 773-966-1573 or email cafrederick@ SATURDAY BIBLE SCHOOL Christmas Program, Joy: A Story of Toys, Saturday, December 21, 9:30 a.m., Sanctuary SAVE THE DATE! 2014 WOMENS CONFERENCE Daughters Repurposed for God: Designed, Determined, and Destined, Friday, May 16 Saturday, May 17, 2014, Renaissance Schaumburg Convention Center

ADOPT-A-STUDENT WINTER wRAP Session, Tuesday, December 17, 6:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m., Atrium, For college students, Food, fun and fellowship, Bring a $1-$5 unwrapped toy for a child between the ages of 2-6 years old, RSVP, 773966-1500 Mailbox 2302 or email adoptastudent@ by December 10th DOMESTIC VIOLENCE MINISTRY is dedicated to ending the silent killer in our community, Domestic Violence is not just a womans problem, it is a COMMUNITY problem, Please join us in our fight for survivors, call 773-966-1500, Mailbox 2317 EMMAUS ROAD Grief Work Support Group monthly meeting, Thursday, December 19, 7:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m., Wright Chapel, Topic: A Life for a Life, Information, Contact Deacon Dr. Herbert Goodman, Jr., 773-966-1500, Mailbox 2320 or email


2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013

FREE-IN-ONE For anyone suffering from drug and alcohol abuse, Fridays, 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., Tough Love meetings for family members of drug and alcohol abusers, Fridays, 6:30 p.m., Call 773966-1500, Mailbox 2319 HOUSING MINISTRY Are you in need of an affordable rental? View the 2013 Housing Guide at If you are a property owner with rentals under $1,300, email information to MEMBERSHIP SERVICES Have you moved? Any children left the nest? Newly employed or newly married? Forgot your giving number? Call Membership Services, 773-966-1556 or 966-1553 MICAH LEGAL MINISTRY Are you an attorney, judge, paralegal, law student, or other individual who works in the legal profession or is interested in serving in a ministry that empowers Gods people in addressing social justice issues and provides spiritual encouragement to those working in the legal profession? Information, email micah@ or leave a message at 773-9661500 Mailbox 2349 NON-VIOLENT CONFLICT RESOLUTION Stress Reduction interactive workshop, hosted by the Men of Trinity, Monday, December 9, 6:30 p.m., Fellowship Hall, Designed to empower men to become strong, spiritual leaders in our churches and communities, Utilizes the ancient Japanese martial art of Aikido, which helps reduce stress, while promoting self-care, conflict resolution, and the Black Value System, Information, call Rev. Mark Barclay, 773-966-1564 SINGLES MINISTRY CHRISTMAS PARTY Saturday, December 14, 6:30 p.m. 9:00 p.m., Yassa African, 716 E. 79th St., Enjoy Senegalese food and fellowship, White Elephant gift exchange, bring one wrapped gift from your Gifts from Christmas Past to join in the exchange, Information and RSVP, email SPOTLIGHT ON CAREER DEVELOPMENT Career Transitions, featuring Trinity UCC Resources, Thursday, December 5, 6:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m., Village Center, 1947 W. 95th St., Topics include online applications, careers in IT, resume writing, expungements, returning citizens, background checks, job barriers, mock interviews, resume writing, interview techniques and more, Information and to register, Call 773-966-1500 Mailbox 2309 or email TRINITY UCC LEGAL CLINIC providing direct legal advice, mediation services and representation to the congregation and community, For legal clinic hours Clinic is open 1st and 3rd Saturdays, 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., Village Center, No appointment necessary, Also, we are always in need of legal professionals (especially attorneys) interested in volunteering for the Legal Clinic and/or participating in our legal referral directory, Call 773966-1500, Mailbox 2339 or send e-mail to Legal@ USHER MINISTRY Have you ever considered becoming an usher? The Usher Ministry seeks members for the Adult, Young Adult, and Youth Ushers, If you enjoy meeting and assisting people, we invite you to become a Door Keeper in the house of the Lord! Its spiritually and personally rewarding and the church really needs you, if you feel the Lord is calling you to serve as an Usher, Contact the Usher Ministry, 773-966-1500, Mailbox 2303 or email

2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013



WIDOWS COUNCIL Annual Christmas celebration, The Joys of Christmas, Widows Annual Pie Day, in remembrance of Deacon Eva Johnson, Wednesday, December 11, 12:45 p.m. 2:45 p.m., Wright Chapel/Fellowship Hall, Games and prizes, widows and friends invited to join the celebration and locals, We are the original and the sweetest tours in town, uplifting through chocolate, Information, Call 312-929-2939 or email info@ CLERGY AND LAY LEADERSHIP Summit IX, Finding Common Truths: Addressing HIV and AIDS Beyond Theologies, Panel Discussion, Saturday, December 7, 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m., McCormick Theological Seminary, 5460 S. University Ave., Guest preacher, Bishop Yvette Flunder, Free and open to the public, RSVP required, Call 773-947-6310, email summit@ CONGO SQUARE THEATRE presents A Joyful Noise, holiday season cabaret, Sunday, December 8, 6:00 p.m. 10:00 p.m., Arts Revolution, 600 W. Cermak, Tickets and information, Call 773-296-1108 or visit GET SMART FOR SAFETY Metra Safety Poster Contest, Open to students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade, using the theme, Get Smart: Look, Listen, and Live, Information and to enter, visit MT. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH Born to Die Christmas Cantata, Sunday, December 8, 4:00 p.m., 1257-59 W. 111th St., Information, Call 773-2394000 PEOPLES GAS WINTER PREPAREDNESS Seminar, Monday, December 9, 9:30 a.m. 11:00 a.m., 130 E. Randolph St., Topics include gas bill forecast, Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP)/ PIPP Updates, Share the Warmth program, Community heating fairs, energy efficiency tips and more, RSVP 312-240-7688

ADVOCATE UCC Dedication Service of new church home, Sunday, December 8, 4:00 p.m., Advocate UCC, 1259 S. Avenue L, Information, Call 708-2486777 AFTER SCHOOL MATTERS internships and programs for teens at least 14 years old and currently enrolled in Chicago public high school, program opportunities include Spoken Word, Engineering and robotics, Culinary, Mural art, Aviation, Performing arts, and more, To apply and for information, visit www., Program begins January 27, 2014, Also seeking independent instructors and community organizations interested in providing interactive and engaging programs to Chicago teens during the 2014-15 program year BETHANY LUTHERAN CHURCH Annual Christmas Bazaar and Winter Farmers Market, Saturday, December 7, 10:00 a.m. 4:00 p.m., Get a jump on your shopping, crafts, raffles and more, Information, call Rev. Aaron McLeod, 773-721-2393 CARTER G. WOODSON birthday celebration, Thursday, December 19, 6:00 p.m., Woodson Regional Library Auditorium, 9525 S. Halsted, Includes tours of the library and the Vivian Harsh Research Center, Information, email Valerie LoweryHolder, CHICAGO CHOCOLATE TOURS Artisan chocolate walking and tasting tours, yearlong, for visitors


2013 Trinity United Church of Christ. All Rights Reserved. Any unauthorized use or reproduction is strictly prohibited.

Anniversary Sunday December 1, 2013

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Amani Day of Remembrance 4:00 p.m.

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Saturday Bible School Christmas Play 9:30 a.m. Sanctuary Choir Concert 5:00 p.m.

Monday, December 23 - 28, 2013


Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas Day Worship Service 7:00 a.m. Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., Pastor Emeritus

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Kwanzaa Service 7:00 p.m.

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

New Years Eve Watch Services 7:00 p.m. and 10:00 p.m.

Rev. Dr. Otis Moss III, Senior Pastor Rev. Dr. Jeremiah A. Wright, Jr., Pastor Emeritus 400 West 95th Street Chicago, Illinois 60628 - 1120 Telephone (773) 962-5650 Lifting Up Christ, Engaging the Community, and Celebrating our Culture

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