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Afif Amirul Mukminin 100222400634

A literary work is a kind of new world where authors are freely to make and construct its own identity of the work. Words, symbols, characterization and everything else in the work of literary are somewhat a creation ones imagination and creativity. Of course, the imagination would not and could not be out of the ordinary range. f may say, a literary work is a work, which its content is full of the authors o!inion about our surroundings. f !eo!le were to be more content and be more active in sensing of their surroundings, they may be able to create their own world. "oreover, it is a world where only he#she knew how to get through. $his is one of the things that make a literary work is sometimes hard to create but also it is easily created. A work of literary is delivered in such a way and uni%ue so that what the author is trying to tell is clear and meaningful. $herefore, language is one who binds the as!ects of this life. A language is the one that could tell how this world is. $he uni%ueness of an author telling its intention and in choosing the right words are what make the work gets intense. &owever, when the work is read, it will by itself gets more intense and !rofoundly have its own meanings '(atna, )**+, -./. A literature itself is a way to e0!ress ones feeling. $his feeling always comes from its e0!erience in life and this will lead them and other !eo!le to o!en them finally gain knowledge. 1iterature makes life to be livelier. $hey reveal things that might not cross our minds, or maybe unbelievably against the norms and society, but they are still indeed true to be trusted. 1iterature does not go outside of the main to!ic2 they are 3ust being !rofoundly active in sensing their surroundings. $herefore, such creativities and imaginations could be gained. When someone has obtained the ability of being active it its own life, in studying its surroundings, he#she will be informed, not4!ur!osely, by its environment. A literate !erson 'read, author/, are aware of this, that living is not 3ust about following what has been made but it is indeed beyond that. 1iterary works are com!osed by thoughtful thoughts. 5y making imaginary world, they make similarities according to the real world, whether they are the same or not, either one will make a literary work. $here are many literary works that we could use them to be our work as essays. 6eo!le choose a work as their desire and self4awareness of their limit in analyzing and inter!reting a work. Of course, they would not go beyond their limits. $here are two kinds of works that think have the easiest reasons to be analyzed.

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7irst one is !oem. think, other than other literary works, !oem is the most com!licated and a lot of inter!retation inside of the words. 8etails are not necessary in !oem2 however, they 3ust give the main !oint of what the writer wanted to deliver to the reader. $he readers are to inter!ret the work by themselves, therefore, !oem is one of literary works that has a very wide4 ranged of meaningful !ieces. (eaders are to give their desire in inter!reting in order to make the work meaningful. $herefore, another work will be created. A novel is very interesting to read and !recisely giving us, who want to analyze, the advantage in advance. n the novel, you have many things to talk about, because the details that the author given to the readers. A novel is like a life of someone, but unlike a !oem, novel has more words to say and in delivering. 9uch details are !rovided in order to make sure the readers understand what the author is trying to tell us. 5ut from these details too, they could be the authors weaknesses or !erha!s the advantages. t is weak because author will be mocked or %uestioned a lot about the details they have !ut. Or it is that the readers are creative enough to have creative thinking that the details are actually some kind of symbols, which the authors are trying to say, and this is giving the analyzer advantages. 7:" ; 9" $he critic i would like to use in anlyzing the !oem is 7eminism <riticism. 7eminism <riticism firstly occurred when the feminists desired to study the works of females writers in the !ast and 3ust to show the image of woman in the work of man writers that showed the image of woman as beings who are cornered, misunderstood, and also underestimated by the !atriarch tradition which is more dominant '83a3anegara, )***,)=/. ;ot only in writers, had such !assive actions treated to the females also shown in the surrounding of their own family. n a family 'e.g. >avanese <ulture/, females tend to be more !assive than man. 7emales are told not to be as free as men when it comes hanging out with friends. 9ome fathers limited their times 'female/. 9ome are even are not allowed to go out at all. 7emales must stay home and let the man take over the outside of the houses works. $his is the kind of !roblematic that feminists are trying to stand u! for. 7eminists want to make e%uality both for male and female. $here has been e%uality in rights movement, or womens liberation movement to free the women '9araswati. )**?,-+./. 7eminism is not something that try to go against womens creation !ur!ose, but it is more like an effort to end the slavery and e0!loitation of women '7akih, )***,+/

M. Afif Amirul Mukminin 100222400634

PROFILE OF THE AUTHOR n my case, would like to analyze a !oem, entitled 5angkitlah 6elacur46elacur @ota >akarta by W.9 (endra. &is com!lete name is Willibrordus 9urendra 5roto (endra ' slam name2 Wahyu 9ulaiman (endra/, born in 9olo, ;ovember = -A?+. $he critic that mostly would be using is 7eminism 9ocialist. &e is one of the most famous !oetic ever born in ndonesia. &e is known as the B5urung "erakB. &e managed to build an BorganizationB called B5engkel $eaterB in Cogyakarta in -A.=. t was the !roof of his enthusiasm in literature and as a !oetic. 5ut it was not long e0isted after the government had given a big !ressure towards the B5engkel $eaterB. 5ut it did not make him to sto! from !roving his greatness. After the first attem!t failed, he build again another one called B5engkel $eater (endraB in 8e!ok in October of -AD+. 9ince he was in university, he was very active in writing short stories and essays for various magazines. W.9 (endra had :nglish for 1iterature, Ea3ah "ada Fniversity, as his ma3or when he was in college but did not finish it. &e, then, got a scholarshi! to F9A for Academy of 8ramatical Art '-A.G4-A.=/. W.9 (endraHs ability as a !oetic had shown when he was still in "iddle 9chool. &e wrote many !oems, short stories and drama. would say he had the com!lete ability as a literate !erson. like to write a lot, about any things but to do drama, need so much effort to accom!lish it. "any drama scenes had he done and as a !oem reader was he very good at them all. W.9 (endra had done so many works, either for !oem or in drama. One of the drama he made entitled B@aki 6alsuB firstly !resented when he was in "iddle 9chool. BOrang4Orang di $ikungan >alanB, was the first drama to achieve an award, and at this time he was in &igh 9chool. 9o many times, too, his works in drama had !layed by the !eo!le in this country. n !oems, he has written a lot too. 7irstly he !ublished his !oem when he was in "iddle 9chool through a magazine called B9iasatB. Afterwards, he slightly !ublished his works through various magazines such as @isah, 9eni, 5asis, @onfrontasi, and 9iasat 5aru.

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7rom so many great works, a lot of awards too had he achieve, regionally and ;atinally. &is works have been translated into many languages2 :nglish, &olland, Eerman, >a!a, and ndia. n his 'almost/ last day, he could still write a !oem. A sickness that were attacking him, could not be avoided from his old. 6hysically, he was BtorturedB from com!lications but mentally, his s!irit lives on. t was !roof by his last !oem2 "Aku lemas Tapi berdaya Aku tidak sambat rasa sakit atau gatal Aku pengin makan tajin Aku tidak pernah sesak nafas Tapi tubuhku tidak memuaskan untuk punya posisi yang ideal dan wajar Aku pengin membersihkan tubuhku dari racun kimiawi Aku ingin kembali pada jalan alam Aku ingin meningkatkan pengabdian kepada Allah Tuhan, aku cinta padamu" W. 9 (endra wrote this while he was lying on his bed at "itra @eluarga &os!ital, 8e!ok >uly ?- )**A. &e !assed away on August . )**A.

M. Afif Amirul Mukminin 100222400634

ANALYSIS n this !oem, 5A;E@ $1A& 6:1A<F(46:1A<F( @O$A >A@A($A, W.9 (endra fought for the right of women, to liberate them from being mistreated in several ways. We know that feminism fight for the rights in e%uality in law, economically, socially, and !olitically. 9ince it is a !oem, reader must be very careful in reading each stanzas, even a word could be inter!reted into many meanings. Once a reader found out about this, things could be easier. W.9 (endra mentioned that 3obs field was merely im!ossible for women to get. <ertificates of education was no more than 3ust a !lain !a!er for accecories. Politisi dan pegawai tinggi Adalah caluk yang rapi Kongres-kongres dan konferensi Tak pernah berjalan tanpa kalian Kalian tak pernah bisa bilang tidak Lantaran kelaparan yang menakutkan Kemiskinan yang mengekang an telah lama sia-sia cari kerja !ja"ah sekolah tanpa guna Para kepala jawatan Akan membuka kesempatan Kalau kau membuka kesempatan Kalau kau membuka paha #edang diluar pemerintahan Perusahaan-perusahaan macet Lapangan kerja tak ada A lot of credits were given to the !rostitute. $elling them that this country could not !ossibly be what it is now without the e0istence of !rostitute. Women !ossibly known about this already, but they 3ust could not do more than giving themselves to the !olitian, men, because culturarly they are weak and also they were being !ressured economically. t is like f you

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sto! doing what i order you to do, how are your family going to eat. >obs fielf were not the o!tion to be ho!ed. >obs were !rovided but the needs of their families could not still afforded due to the very minimum !ayment they got. n the !ast, women were great at doing works, even u! until now, but because of this, women were not !aid as much as men do. $he disci!line that they showe could not reach the em!lyers eyes. t is like the em!loyers were covering their eyes for they were also got effected of the foolish belief that women should not get as much as men. &owever, women still has to live with the situation because they are really !assive, for most times. $his kind of doing might be foolish, doing things they do not want to do but this was and is the only way to get through their days and for the sake of their families. $his is the least thing they could do for the families or themselves. $hey were trying very hard to be active instead of !assive but culturly and socially, women are 3ust not that higher than men. $here was once a conference held in 7rench discussing whether a human is really the human that we knowI f a human really has a soul, then does the soul come in the form of human or animal, does it differ from animals soul or mens soul or even worstI At the end, the conference had a conclusion, stating that women 9 a human. 5ut only to serve men. '&aya binti "ubarok Al 5arik, :ncyclo!edia of "uslim Woman/ $his is 3ust to strethten and su!!ort what W.9 (endra had written. $hat really, he was not 3ust making such fuss. $hat he really had been overlooking through such issues not only in the !ers!ective of ndonesia, but also outside the country. think women, in the !oem, had a very big im!act on the making#revolutioning the country. Without their comforting, !olititian would not be able to work because their were not enough for them. 6olititian did not consider the !rostitute as the !eo!le who !artly hel!ing the !olititian in having such ins!iration to maintain the country. nstead, !olititian s!eak of disgraceness of the !rostitute. $hey think !rostitute should be swe!t off from the society.

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$herefore, W.9 (endra said that2 an kaurelakan dirimu dibikin korban t clearly tells me that women were 3ust actually the victim of all this chaos. According to 5etty 7riedman, Women are !assive for the culture that has !assed on through generations. $his is amusing and true. 1ike i have written in above, women were merely s!echless to all the !olititian had been doing. Women were forced to kee! their mouth shut. #esalkan mana yang mesti kau sesalkan Tapi jangan kau lewat putus asa $here was really nothing to regrets in whatever that the women had done. think W.9 (endra tried to say Women can do works too, 3ust like men and got !aid. What is wrong working as a !rostituteI Women are women, not a man. As a !rostitute is the !rove of their efforts as a useful human being. :s!ecially that women are not criminal. $hey were the victim of such thing called cons!iracy. Women were told to do, to surrender fully themselves to men, while outside of there, men are freely to mock whom they have sle!t illegally with. $his is what !olitics do to our society. $hey !romise, tell things good but very rarely do what was !romised and told. #arinah Katakan kepada mereka $agaimana kau dipanggil ke kantor menteri $agaimana ia bicara panjang lebar kepadamu Tentang perjuangan nusa bangsa Dan tiba-tiba tanpa ujung pangkal Ia sebut kau inspirasi revolusi Sambil ia buka kutangmu W.9 (endra told 9arinah to s!eak u! about the !olititians behaviors, s!eak u! about what those !olititian have done to the women2 the way !olititian 'men/ seduce women and 3ust to

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trick them. 9ince !olititian like to talk. $he way they seduce women was by telling such un4 ending stories about the revolution of the country. 9oftly congratulate the women as the ins!irations of revolution in the country but in the end, men 3ust have another intention behind that long stories. Although W.9 (endra was a male, he e%ually treated females, ari kelas tinggi dan kelas rendah%& 9ocial class also could be the !roblem for women in the eyes of men. Women in low classes would be treated even worst. think it would be more than slavery. &e stood u! for the sake of e%uals rights. 7eminism is not something that try to go against womens creation !ur!ose, but it is more like an effort to end the slavery and e0!loitation of women '7akih, )***,+/ Women were not meant anything to harm men, but %uestions always occurWhy cant men 3ust look at themselves. n the below stanzas, men used their !owers to enslaved women so that they could feel that they are really criminal, which they are not. "en used their !owers !assed on generation to endure its e0istence, to be thought as the strongest. "en, !olititian, used that social status to harm the women and as the rich !eo!le, they use it to maintain their rights and dignity of !osition in this country. Women became kecut, keder 'coward/ because of those facts. $he facts that were 3ust !assed on generations. 7rom the moment they changed into cowardice, men has !roven that they are really mistreating, mocking or rather intimidating women. Women should have been strong, although they do not show it easily. "en used this !ower to intimidate this !ower which men thought to be their weakness& 8ays by days gone with a blue and such sadness they have been given by men. Telah diganyang Telah haru-biru 'ereka kecut Keder Terhina dan tersipu-sipu Women were mocked but also blushed. "en revealed their secrets and also the !ower that women had.

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(ahai pelacur-pelacur kota )akarta #ekarang bangkitlah #anggul kembali rambutmu Karena setelah menyesal atanglah kini giliranmu $ukan untuk membela diri melulu Tapi untuk lancarkan serangan 5ut here, W.9 (endra tried to !ull the s!irit that he had and also the women, to stood u! againts men. $he action was not for the sake of avoiding or to run from the reality, that they were mocked and intimidated but to fight back. $o fight what was su!!osed to be on womens side. $o get back what was meant for e%uality. $he revolution that had been talking about was 3ust meant for those who have the high social class, men not women. "en do not care about what was in their communities. $hey neglected what was a reality. think it has two kinds of meanings. t is either really for the sake to be in heaven, therefore they 3ust concentrate on !raying to Eod or it is the meaning that readers should look dee!er2 men 3ust wanted to !lay women. t was only for the sake of mens ha!!iness and nothing less or more. f it was really for the sake of men themselves, then it would be kind of true because the revolution itself does not really have any effects for others. >obs were still to be ke!t at minimum, so that women do not have 3obs to do but only as a !rostitute but when they become a !rostitute men will most likely to intimidate women. t is kind of a links that 3ust do not end. 1ike i said above, it is the cons!iracy that men have been setting u! in our society, that make life seems harder to 3ust have !eace. $he stanzas could also be inter!reted as2 when !eo!le were to be really religous, sometimes they forgot where they came from, the country and the !eo!le around them. $hey will most likely think that their doings are not to be interferred that they do not acce!t any com!lains and they would 3ust !ut down with their status whomever trying to fight back. (eligion is indeed one of the most as!ect that feminism concerning about. n my o!inion, religion brings its followers to the wrong !aths. 5ut it is also !ossible that its followers themselves who misunderstand the conce!t of the religion that their surroundings become the victims 'women/.

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*e+olusi para pemimpin Adalah re+olusi dewa-dewa 'ereka berjuang untuk syurga an tidak untuk bumi *e+olusi dewa-dewa Tak pernah menghasilkan Lebih banyak lapangan kerja $agi rakyatnya W.9 (endra made sure that to break the link of those !rostitute 'women/ would need so much effort. $his is the effect of unfairness by what men have done to women. $he cons!iracy men made, have made women even stronger. $hey made women to have more and more reasons to kee! their 3obs, to ignore the society that what they are doing is morally not right. "en have done such terrible things to women, therefore, men must give back the dignity that women once had. $he 3obs field that were so limited must be e0!anded in order to break the community. Fnlike !olitics, that were made for the !ur!ose of status and dignity to be res!ected by other, !rostitute was made to fulfill the needs of their families and 3obs that were not !rovided for women. #audari-saudariku 'embubarkan kalian Tidak semudah membubarkan partai politik 'ereka harus beri kalian kerja 'ereka harus pulihkan darjat kalian 'ereka harus ikut memikul kesalahan

M. Afif Amirul Mukminin 100222400634

SOURCES http,--syairsyiar&blogspot&com-./0/-0/-biografi-ws-rendra&html http,--www&ruanghati&com-.//1-/2-/3-ws-rendra-dalam-kenangan-biografi-foto-dan-puisihttp,--kolom-biografi&blogspot&com-.//1-00-biografi-ws-rendra&html sastra4dansastra4feminis4dalam4kebudayaan.!df, Witakonia 9. 9om htt!,##kry!toniteangel.blogs!*--#*D#bersatulah4!elacur4!elacur4kota43akarta.html htt!,##sigodang!os.blogs!*--#*A#3enis43enis4kritik4sastra4dan.html htt!,##enyho*G.word!*-*#*G#-*#bab4+4manusia4dan4keindahan# literarycriticism.html 7:" ; 9": 8A1A" 6F 9 A58F1 WA<& 8 59, $eguh $rianton

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