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For 2500 years they have been giving democracy a boost Democracy Heist Now beyond belief heavens

above out of sight encroaching on disbelief suspension so high out of reach for any stretch of imagination Paul Desmarais held in high esteem (see video below !t would appear alien"s puppets have great difficulty painting the picture of what it is to be human # $ natural at the onset that go strange when enslaved to provide party gold Democracy is a form of government in which all citi%ens have an e&ual say in the decisions that affect their lives' !deally( this includes e&ual (and more or less direct participation in the proposal( development and passage of legislation into law' !t can also encompass social( economic and cultural conditions that enable the free and e&ual practice of political self)determination' *he term comes from the +ree,- ./01234564 7 (d8mo,rat9a

"rule of the people"(:;<

which was coined from .01= (d>mos "people" and 23?51= (@ratos "power"( in the middle of the 5th) Ath century BC to denote the political systems then eDisting in some +ree, city)states( notably $thens following

a popular uprising in 50E BC':2<

$ccording to some theories of democracy( popular sovereignty is the founding principle of such a system':F< However( the democratic principle has also been eDpressed as Gthe freedom to call something into being which did not eDist before( which was not given# and which therefore( strictly spea,ing( could not be ,nown'G:A< *his type of freedom( which is connected to human Gnatality(G or the capacity to begin anew( sees democracy as Gnot only a political system# :but< an ideal( an aspiration( really( intimately connected to and dependent upon a picture of what it is to be humanHof what it is a human should be to be fully human'G:5<

Ilectromagnetism precision adJustment must be applied to Political Kcience math FF ;LF across board if we demanded ;0 rich ;0 poor E0 pay all e&uilibrium reform http-LLwww'scribd'comLdocL;A55EEMFALBar)to)Bar)Nustice)Causes)Iccentric)to)Kaddle)Op)to)the)Bar http-LLwww'scribd'comLdocL;PP5F;50PLDone)Qhat)!)Can)to)Kave)Qorld)Ball)Now)in)Rour)Court $rrest them Karge http-LLwww'scribd'comLdocL;05PSA0SFLTCUP)Karge)Ktates)$pparently)!)*hought)Qere)$ctually) +oing)to)!nvestigate)+overnment)Corruption)as)Per)Complaint


Popular sovereignty or the sovereignty of the people is

the belief
that the legitimacy of the state is created by the will or consent of its people( who are the source of all political power' !t is closely associated to the social contract philosophers( among whom are *homas Hobbes( Nohn Voc,e and Nean)Nac&ues Tousseau' Popular sovereignty eDpresses a concept and does not necessarily reflect or describe a political reality' :;<

It is often contrasted with the concept of

parliamentary sovereignty( and with individual sovereignty'

$ popular uprising today Critical thin,ing PTW Political Teligious Wptimism Due Process !I $ flea bac,stro,ing with reserved erection calling forth for the draw bridge to be raised *$T*K *ruth always remains to Kee 2

$H$ Tight ya are Tobin $ Human $chievement


PK Political Kcience

www'WNtas,'com Wbstruct Nustice truth and source ,ill Forthright Forthwith Forthcoming FFF

!n the name of +od of( for and with the People Q*F http-LLwww'youtube'comLwatchXvYOb$CC+fP&)c

FFF Fic,le Fate Finger

Paul Desmarais
+ets High Uention


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