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is an estimation of the revenue and expenses over a specified future period of time. A budget can be made for a person, family, group of people, business, government, country, multinational organization or just about anything else that makes and spends money. A budget is a microeconomic concept that shows the tradeoff made when one good is exchanged for another. A surplus budget means profits are anticipated, while a balanced budget means that revenues are expected to e ual expenses. A deficit budget means expenses will exceed revenues. Budgets are usually compiled and re!evaluated on a periodic basis. Adjustments are made to budgets based on the goals of the budgeting organization. "n some cases, budget makers are happy to operate at a deficit, while in other cases, operating at a deficit is seen as financially irresponsible.

'#erformance Budget' is a budget that reflects the input of resources and the output of services for
each unit of an organization. $his type of budget is commonly used by the government to show the link between the funds provided to the public and the outcome of these services. %ecisions made on these types of budgets focus more on outputs or outcomes of services than on decisions made based on inputs. "n other words, allocation of funds and resources are based on their potential results. #erformance budgets place priority on employees' commitment to produce positive results, particularly in the public sector.

'#romotional Budget'
A specified amount of money set aside to promote a business' or organization's products or beliefs. #romotional budgets are created to anticipate the essential costs associated with growing a business or maintaining a brand name. $he budget is often set according to a percentage of sales or profits in order to maintain the intended growth rate. Advertising and promotion of a business is a cost which most businesses have a tough time predicting, which is why a percentage method might be used. "f new product lines are set to release in the near future, the budget could be increased. &igh promotional budgets cut into profits in the period of use and are intended to increase sales or awareness in the future.

'Balanced Budget'
A situation in financial planning or the budgeting process where total revenues are e ual to or greater than total expenses. A budget can be considered balanced in hindsight, after a full year's worth of revenues and expenses have been incurred and recorded' a company's operating budget for an upcoming year can also be called balanced based on predictions or estimates.

'(tatic Budget'

A type of budget that incorporates anticipated values about inputs and outputs that are conceived before the period in uestion begins. )hen compared to the actual results that are received after the fact, the numbers from static budgets are often uite different from the actual results.

Bangladesh Budget *+,*!,-

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