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Exercises Note: Use the procedure presented in the chapter example to compute exercises; that is, compress one time unit per move using the least-cost method. 1. Draw a project networ !ro" the !o##owin$ in!or"ation.
Acti%it& A B C ! " # % ' ( ) Pre'ecessor None A A A B C C, ! ", # % ', ( D(ration 2 4 2 $ & $ & &

Acti%ities ) an' * can +e shortene' to a "ini"(" o! , wee s. -hich acti%it& wo(#' &o( shorten to re'(ce the project '(ration +& , wee s. -h&.

,. Ass("e the networ an' 'ata that !o##ow. Co"p(te the tota# 'irect cost !or each project '(ration. I! the in'irect costs !or each project '(ration are /011 219 ti"e (nits34 /561 21734 /511 21834 an' /,61 21934 co"p(te the tota# project cost !or each '(ration. P#ot the tota# 'irect4 in'irect4 an' project costs !or each o! these '(rations on a cost:ti"e $raph. -hat is the opti"(" cost:ti"e sche'(#e !or the project. -hat is this cost.

*+,)"C- .ANA%"."N-: -'" .ANA%"+(A/ *+,C"00

Chapter 1 Reducing Project Duration

*+,)"C- .ANA%"."N-: -'" .ANA%"+(A/ *+,C"00

-he optimum duration is 23 time units at a cost o4 5647. 8*ro4 note- 26 9ould also :e ;ust as good as 23, 4rom a total cost perspective<

Chapter 1 Reducing Project Duration


5. Gi%en the 'ata an' in!or"ation that !o##ow4 co"p(te the tota# 'irect cost !or each project '(ration. I! the in'irect costs !or each project '(ration are /91 216 ti"e (nits34 /81 21034 /61 21534 /01 21,34 an' /51 21134 co"p(te the tota# project cost !or each '(ration. -hat is the opti"(" cost:ti"e sche'(#e !or the project. -hat is this cost.

*+,)"C- .ANA%"."N-: -'" .ANA%"+(A/ *+,C"00

Chapter 1 Reducing Project Duration

*ro4 note: so either 2 or 24 9ould :e the most e44ective solution 4rom loo=ing at total costs

*+,)"C- .ANA%"."N-: -'" .ANA%"+(A/ *+,C"00

0. I! the in'irect costs !or each '(ration are /14,11 !or 19 wee s4 /14151 !or 16 wee s4 /14111 !or 10 wee s4 /911 !or 15 wee s4 /791 !or 1, wee s4 /7,1 !or 11 wee s an' /891 !or 11 wee s4 co"p(te the tota# costs !or each '(ration. P#ot these costs on a $raph. -hat is the opti"(" cost:ti"e sche'(#e. Note: -he duration 4or this schedule is 9ee=s and students should :e told onl> to crash the net9or= one 9ee= at a time 8not da>s<.

Chapter 1 Reducing Project Duration

#or duration 24, B is chosen over ! ? " :ecause it is the earliest tas=. (4 pro:lems occur, >ou can crash ! or ".


*+,)"C- .ANA%"."N-: -'" .ANA%"+(A/ *+,C"00

Chapter 1 Reducing Project Duration



*+,)"C- .ANA%"."N-: -'" .ANA%"+(A/ *+,C"00

6. I! the in'irect costs !or each '(ration are /511 !or ,8 wee s4 /,01 !or ,9 wee s4 /171 !or ,6 wee s4 /1,1 !or ,0 wee s4 /91 !or ,5 wee s4 an' /61 !or ,, wee s4 co"p(te the 'irect4 in'irect an' tota# costs !or each '(ration. -hat is the opti"(" cost:ti"e sche'(#e. The c(sto"er o!!ers &o( /11 'o##ars !or e%er& wee &o( shorten the project !ro" &o(r ori$ina# networ . -o(#' &o( ta e it. I! so !or how "an& wee s. Note: -he duration 4or this schedule is 9ee=s. 0tudents should :e reminded that the> crash the schedule one 9ee= at a time 8not divide the 9ee= into da>s<.

Chapter 1 Reducing Project Duration


*+,)"C- .ANA%"."N-: -'" .ANA%"+(A/ *+,C"00

Chapter 1 Reducing Project Duration



*+,)"C- .ANA%"."N-: -'" .ANA%"+(A/ *+,C"00

9. Use the in!or"ation containe' +e#ow to co"press one ti"e (nit per "o%e (sin$ the #east cost "etho'. Re'(ce the sche'(#e (nti# &o( reach the crash point o! the networ . ;or each "o%e i'enti!& what acti%it&2s3 was crashe'4 the a'j(ste' tota# cost4 an' exp#ain &o(r choice i! &o( ha%e to choose +etween acti%ities that cost the sa"e. Note< Crash point o! the networ is the point in which the '(ration cannot +e re'(ce' an& !(rther. Activit> (! A B C ! " # % ' ( !irect Costs Normal Crash -ime Cost -ime Cost 4 5&7 7 & 37 2 5217 2 & 67 4 227 2 4 47 2 227 2 & $7 247 2 & &7 4 17 2 4 37 277 2 4 67 227 7 &7 7 -otal direct normal costs@ 5&&7 .aximum Crash -ime 7

0lope 547 47 47 47 47 7 7 -

Caution: -here is an error in the text A the BcrashC cost 4or Activit> C should :e 227, not 47. -his should not :e a pro:lem 4or most students since the slope is correctl> listed as 547, :ut 9e encourage >ou to point this out :e4ore assigning this exercise. Professor note- than=s to 0. )og 4or catching another :oo= error- (n order 4or % to have a slope o4 7, the crash cost needs to :e 5277, not 52$7. (t is changed here.

Chapter 1 Reducing Project Duration



*+,)"C- .ANA%"."N-: -'" .ANA%"+(A/ *+,C"00

Chapter 1 Reducing Project Duration



*+,)"C- .ANA%"."N-: -'" .ANA%"+(A/ *+,C"00

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