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ReBoot Babies!

1. Each group will construct a ReBoot baby. 2. The parents are phenotypically and genotypically identical. They are heterozygous for all 7 traits. 3. You will use the parents genes which are labeled on paper alleles to deter ine your baby!s genotype. The capital letters represent the do inant alleles and the lowercase letters represent the recessi"e alleles. #. $e will si ulate eiosis and i% the parents genes together to get a new co bination to for a ReBoot baby. &. 'fter deter ining your baby!s genotype and phenotype you will construct it out of clay.

1. 2. 3. #. &. Each pair of 2 students will recei"e a folder with 2 sets of alleles in it. (lace parent chro oso es face down on des). *atch chro oso es together by size +ho ologous pairs, -i ulate eiosis by pic)ing rando ly pic)ing 1 chro oso e fro each pair .hoose one set of chro oso es to co bine with your lab partners to create a ReBoot baby /. Record the genes donated by each parent on the data sheet 7. You now ha"e your ReBoot babies genotype. 0se the )ey to deter ine the phenotype of your ReBoot baby. Record this in the phenotype colu n. 1. 2btain aterials fro instructor to create ReBoot baby.

Useful Vocabulary
Alleles- The different for s of a gene. Genes- ' seg ent of 34' on a chro oso e that codes for a specific trait. Dominant Allele- 'n allele whose trait always shows up in the organis is present. Recessive Allele- 'n allele that is when the allele

as)ed when a do inant allele is present.

Phenotype- 'n organis !s physical appearance. Genotype- 'n organis !s genetic a)e5up6 or allele co bination.

Homo y!ous- 7a"ing two identical alleles for a trait. Hetero y!ous- 7a"ing two different alleles for a trait. "rait- ' characteristic that an organis Heredity- The passing of traits fro can pass on to its offspring through its genes.

parent to offspring.

#odominance- ' condition in which neither of two alleles of a gene is do inant or recessi"e.

ReBoot Babies Data Sheet

4a e888888888888888888888 (artners 4a e8888888888888888 9ey to traits: (urple eyes: EE or Ee Blac) eyes: ee 2 eyes: TT or Tt 3 eyes: tt (ointy nose: 44 or 4n Round nose: nn 4a e your ReBoot baby:88888888888888888888888888888888 Trait Eye color 4u ber of eyes 4ose shape Body seg ents ;egs 'ntennae 4ose color *o !s 'llele 3onated 3ad!s 'llele 3onated Baby!s =enotype Baby!s (henotype Two body seg ents: BB or Bb Three body seg ents: bb -i% legs: ;; <our legs: ;l Three legs: ll 2ne antenna: '' or 'a Two antennae: aa Red nose: RR 2range nose: Rr Yellow nose: rr 3ate8888888888888888 (eriod8888888888888888888

.o pare your ReBoot baby to a neighbors6 are there any differences> $hat about si ilarities> $hy do you thin) this is> ?s your ReBoot baby ho ozygous recessi"e for any traits> 7eterzygous for any traits>

?f your ReBoot baby is heterozygous for a particular trait6 what physical characteristic is shown>

3id you notice any patterns while

a)ing your ReBoot baby>

3oes your ReBoot baby show codo ance for any traits> ?f so6 which one+s,>

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