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Picture book

Teacher Name: Ms. Lutz Student Name: CATEGORY Required Elements ________________________________________ 3 All required elements are included in the st r!$ 2 All %ut 1 # the required elements are included in the st r!$ All 'ra(hics relate t the t (ic$ + st % rr "ed 'ra(hics ha&e a s urce citati n$ 1 Se&eral required elements "ere missin'$

Gra(hics ) Rele&ance

C ntent ) Accurac!

4 The st r! includes all required elements as "ell as additi nal in# rmati n$ All 'ra(hics are related t the t (ic and ma*e it easier t understand$ All % rr "ed 'ra(hics ha&e a s urce citati n$ At least , accurate #acts are dis(la!ed in the st r!$ The % * is e0ce(ti nall! attracti&e in terms # desi'n1 la! ut1 and neatness$

All 'ra(hics are related t the t (ic and m st ma*e it easier t understand$ All % rr "ed 'ra(hics ha&e a s urce citati n$ -). accurate #acts are dis(la!ed in the st r!$

Gra(hics d n t relate t the t (ic OR se&eral % rr "ed 'ra(hics d n t ha&e a s urce citati n$

3)4 accurate #acts /ess than 3 are dis(la!ed in accurate #acts are the st r!$ dis(la!ed in the st r!$ The % * is acce(ta%l! attracti&e th u'h it ma! %e a %it mess!$ The % * is distractin'l! mess! r &er! ( rl! desi'ned$ 2t is n t attracti&e$


The % * is attracti&e in terms # desi'n1 la! ut and neatness$

Family Interview
Teacher Name: Ms. Lutz Student Name: ________________________________________ 3 The (ur( se # the inter&ie" r the questi n t %e ans"ered durin' the inter&ie" is identi#ied1 %ut is stated in a s me"hat unclear manner$ 2 The (ur( se # the inter&ie" r the questi n t %e ans"ered durin' the inter&ie" is (artiall! identi#ied1 and is stated in a s me"hat unclear manner$ All required One required elements are element is (resent$ missin'1 %ut additi nal elements that add t the re( rt 6e$'$1 th u'ht#ul c mments1 'ra(hics7 ha&e %een added$ Accurate Accurate re(resentati n # re(resentati n # the data in ta%les the data in "ritten and4 r 'ra(hs$ # rm1 %ut n Gra(hs and ta%les 'ra(hs r ta%les are la%eled and are (resented$ titled$ 1 The (ur( se # the inter&ie" r the questi n t %e ans"ered durin' the inter&ie" is err ne us r irrele&ant$

CATEGORY 4 3uesti n45ur( se The (ur( se # the inter&ie" r the questi n t %e ans"ered durin' the inter&ie" is clearl! identi#ied and stated$

C m( nents # the re( rt



All required elements are (resent and additi nal elements that add t the re( rt 6e$'$1 th u'ht#ul c mments1 'ra(hics7 ha&e %een added$ 5r #essi nal l *in' and accurate re(resentati n # the data in ta%les and4 r 'ra(hs$ Gra(hs and ta%les are la%eled and titled$ Summar! descri%es the s*ills learned1 the in# rmati n learned and s me a((licati ns t real li#e situati ns$

Se&eral required elements are missin'$

8ata are n t sh "n OR are inaccurate$

Summar! descri%es the in# rmati n learned and a ( ssi%le a((licati n t a real li#e situati n$

Summar! descri%es the in# rmati n learned$

N summar! is "ritten$

Teacher Name: Ms. Lutz Student Name: CATEGORY Attitude ________________________________________ 3 Rarel! is (u%licl! critical # the (r 9ect r the " r* # thers$ O#ten has a ( siti&e attitude a% ut the tas*6s7$ 1 O#ten is (u%licl! critical # the (r 9ect r the " r* # ther mem%ers # the 'r u($ O#ten has a ne'ati&e attitude a% ut the tas*6s7$ Rarel! # cuses n the tas* and "hat needs t %e d ne$ /ets thers d the " r*$

2 Occasi nall! is (u%licl! critical # the (r 9ect r the " r* # ther mem%ers # the 'r u($ :suall! has a ( siti&e attitude a% ut the tas*6s7$ ; cus n the tas* C nsistentl! sta!s ; cuses n the ; cuses n the # cused n the tas* and "hat tas* and "hat tas* and "hat needs t %e d ne needs t %e d ne needs t %e d ne$ m st # the time$ s me # the time$ <er! sel#) Other 'r u( Other 'r u( directed$ mem%ers can mem%ers must c unt n this s metimes na'1 (ers n$ (r d1 and remind t *ee( this (ers n n)tas*$ C ntri%uti ns R utinel! :suall! (r &ides S metimes (r &ides use#ul use#ul ideas "hen (r &ides use#ul ideas "hen (artici(atin' in ideas "hen (artici(atin' in the 'r u( and in (artici(atin' in the 'r u( and in classr m the 'r u( and in classr m discussi n$ A classr m discussi n$ A str n' 'r u( discussi n$ A de#inite leader mem%er "h tries satis#act r! 'r u( "h c ntri%utes a hard= mem%er "h l t # e## rt$ d es "hat is required$ C ntent Sh "s a #ull Sh "s a ' d Sh "s a ' d understandin' # understandin' # understandin' # the t (ic$ the t (ic$ (arts # the t (ic$

4 Ne&er is (u%licl! critical # the (r 9ect r the " r* # thers$ Al"a!s has a ( siti&e attitude a% ut the tas*6s7$

Rarel! (r &ides use#ul ideas "hen (artici(atin' in the 'r u( and in classr m discussi n$ +a! re#use t (artici(ate$

8 es n t seem t understand the t (ic &er! "ell$

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