1 Isometries Lesson Plan

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Description of Classroom: High School Geometry; 16 18 year old students; class consists of both male and female students. Periods 6 and 7 contain appro imately !"# e ceptional students. Background: $his lesson %ill ta&e appro imately '! minutes. $he conte t of this lesson %ill appear at the beginning of the lesson on functions and isometries. (y the end of the lesson) S*(+$ sho% proficiency in connecting the input,output process for functions in +lgebra to the coordinate rules of Geometry. Content Objective(s): S*(+$ to identify isometries.

Language Objective(s): S*(+$ e plain ho% to recogni-e an isometry and %ill be able to e plain the difference bet%een the different isometries. Nevada Standards: S!"CO"B"# .se geometric descriptions of rigid motions to transform figures and to predict the effect of a gi/en rigid motion on a gi/en figure; gi/en t%o figures) use the definition of congruence in terms of rigid motions to decide if they are congruent. G.01.2 3escribe transformations as functions that ta&e points in the plane as inputs and gi/e other points as outputs. 0ompare transformations that preser/e distance and angle 4i.e. rigid motions5 to those that do not 4e.g. translation /ersus hori-ontal stretch. $e% &ocabular%: transformation) mapping) isometry) image and pre6image

Best 'ractices: (put an X next to those that you address in your lesson)
'reparation +daptation of content 8in&s to bac&ground 8in&s to past learning Strategies incorporated (ntegration of 'rocesses 8istening Spea&ing ;eading *riting X X X Scaffolding 7odeling Guided practice 9ndependent practice :erbal scaffolds Procedural scaffolds )pplication Hands6on +uthentic 47eaningful5 8in&ed to ob<ecti/es Promotes engagement X X X X X X X X !rouping Options *hole 0lass Small groups Partners 9ndependent )ssessment 9ndi/idual Group *ritten 1ral



*eac+ing Strategies:

This lesson will Make use of daily re-looping of previously learned material from Algebra. Direct teaching of the vocabulary. Hands on/active participation and problem solving by doing a worksheet.

,arm -p )ctivit%: . rior to the lesson students will have a warm up activity containing H!
properties real numbers # $o over previous nights assignments

" practice problems on

Lesson Se/uence:
# Define isometry and properties of Angles% &etweenness% 'ollinearity and Distance # Define the types of transformations and which are isometries . (dentifying isometries

)hen necessary follow the current (" for those students who are *e+ceptional*

Supplementar% 0aterials: 1evie23)ssessment:

# # # #

ackets containing glue sticks and compasses will be distributed if needed

,bservation of practice work -(nformal. (ndependent ractice -/ormative. Homework -!ummative. 0nit assessment of /ridays -1ui2/Test.


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