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Welcome to the Tribute Plan

We praise your hard work. We commend your loyalty. We believe you deserve more than a little gratitude. We believe you should be recognized for providing outstanding patient care. We believe you should be honored with a remuneration no other insurer can match. Welcome to the Tribute Plan, an unrivaled reward and a testament to a career well served.

Introducing the Tribute Plan, a breakthrough financial benefit that rewards you for your continued loyalty to The Doctors Company and for your commitment to superior patient care.

Welcome to a new level of commitment to you and to your practice.

As the largest insurer of physician and surgeon medical liability in the nation, The Doctors Company is committed to relentlessly defending, protecting, and rewarding doctors. We have taken bold steps to redefine the best medical malpractice insurance coverage in the industry, and as a new member of our organization, you will reap the rewards.
Our fierce dedication to our mission is backed by the industrys most aggressive claims defense and unrivaled protection for our insureds. But there is more to being a member of The Doctors Company. We have taken our commitment beyond what any other national medical liability insurer can match by offering our precedent-setting Tribute Plan. This unrivaled benefit is an innovative financial reward that compensates you for your loyalty to The Doctors Company and for your dedication to doing what you do bestproviding superior patient care. Our members have voiced enthusiastic support for the Tribute Plan. In our 2009 Member Experience Survey, the vast majority of our doctors rated us the finest malpractice insurer in the country and were delighted with our ability to provide such a significant benefit. The message is clear: our higher standard of member rewards empowers us to fulfill our critical mission and to share our success with our members. Only The Doctors Company honors a lifetime of service with a monetary career award. We base our actions on one powerful, fundamental principle: when we all work together to promote the practice of good medicine and improve our profession over time, we all win. We welcome you to The Doctors Company.

Richard E. Anderson, MD, FACP Chairman and CEO, The Doctors Company

A financial reward for you. A mission to improve the practice of medicine.

As an organization founded, owned, and led by physicians, we believe that doctors deserve more than a little gratitude for a career spent practicing good medicine. Thats why we created the Tribute Plan, a one-of-a-kind benefit that rewards you for your loyalty to The Doctors Company and for your commitment to providing outstanding patient care. Heres how the Tribute Plan works. Recognizing that we all win by working together to keep claims low, the Board of Governors set aside a specific allocation of funds for the express purpose of rewarding members. This is the Tribute Plan loyalty pool. The board approved five years of initial funding for the plan beginning in 2007. Each year thereafter, the board will allocate additional funds to the loyalty pool. Naturally, the more we all work to keep patients safe and claims low, the more money will be available to fund the pool. For eligible members, a portion of the loyalty pool will be allocated to his or her Tribute Plan balance annually. The dollar amount allocated to each member is based on the individuals annual premium. As a new member, you will be eligible to receive your award when you meet these three simple requirements: Reach age 55 or older, Retire permanently from medicine, and Have five or more years of continuous coverage with The Doctors Company on the day you retire.

EXAMpLES Dr. Taylor is a urologist whose medical group is covered by The Doctors Company. His $30,000 annual premium will result in an estimated Tribute Plan balance of $136,929 when he retires with The Doctors Company in 35 years.

Dr. Kelly is a neurosurgeon who joined The Doctors Company in 2007. Her annual premium is $90,000. She can expect her Tribute Plan balance to be $109,000 when she retires with The Doctors Company in 15 years.

Tribute Plan projections at fteen years. (as of January 1, 2008)

ANNUAL PrEMiUMS EStiMAtEd BALANcE At FiftEEN YEArS 15 YEARS 15 YEARS 15 YEARS $24,000 $72,000 $109,000
The information in this document is a summary of certain terms and conditions of the Plan Document (Plan Document) of the Tribute Plan, as established and administered by The Doctors Company. This document does not purport to describe all the terms and conditions of the Tribute Plan. The Plan Document contains a full description of the Tribute Plan. In the event of any conict, inconsistency, or other difference between this document and the Plan Document, the terms and conditions of the Plan Document will control in every respect. Any projected balance amounts or other projections shown herein are for illustrative purposes only. Said projections are not intended to be a forecast of future events or a guarantee of future balance amounts. The statistics used herein have been obtained from sources the plan administrators believe to be reliable but the accuracy and completion of the information cannot be guaranteed. Past experience and practices with respect to Plan Balances do not guarantee the same or similar future results.

PhySiciAN A PhySiciAN B PhySiciAN C

$20,000 $60,000 $90,000

Answers to questions you may have.

Am I eligible for the Tribute Plan? You are eligible for the Tribute Plan as long as you are listed as a Named Insured on a professional liability insurance policy issued by The Doctors Company and in force on or after January 1, 2007. Certain exclusions apply. See Do I need to sign up for the Tribute Plan? No. You will automatically participate in the Tribute Plan and start accumulating a balance upon renewal of your policy. How do I know what my balance is? You can see your Tribute Plan balance anytime by accessing your member information on The Doctors Companys Web site at And, you will see your current balance on special Tribute Plan statements, which will be sent out quarterly and with your annual renewal premium statement. Will the Tribute Plan increase my premium? No. The Tribute Plan is an added member benefit and will not increase your current or future premiums in any way. How do I receive my Tribute Plan award? Your Tribute Plan award comes to you as a lump sum after you retire and meet the eligibility criteria. If I suspend my coverage, will my participation in the Tribute Plan be affected? No additional contributions will occur while your policy is suspended. Your coverage may be suspended for a period of up to 12 months without being considered a terminated policy. Upon reinstatement of coverage within 12 months, your share of the loyalty pool will be adjusted to account for the suspension period. Policies suspended for active military duty are not subject to the 12-month limitation. Is my award balance guaranteed? The Doctors Company is among the financially strongest medical malpractice insurers. With $2.8 billion in assets and $820 million in policyholders surplus, The Doctors Company has a long history of fiscal conservatism and meeting all of its financial commitments. Your Tribute Plan balance is one of these commitments. While your balance is not legally guaranteed, the obligation is supported by the firm commitment of the Board of Governors and the substantial capital of The Doctors Company, an insurer that is rated A- (Excellent) by A.M. Best Company and A (Strong) by Fitch Ratings.

An organization thats accountable to you.

The Tribute Plan is tangible proof that we are dedicated to rewarding the physicians we insure. It reinforces the fact that, as a physician-founded, -owned, and -led organization, we consider the physicians we insure to be members of our organization and not merely policyholders. And it proves we are dedicated to rewarding our members unlike commercial insurance companies focused on rewarding their outside stockholders, or countless other insurance companies that view you as an anonymous policyholder. We firmly believe that this revolutionary benefit is the right thing to do. In fact, doing the right thing has always been part of our DNAfrom 1975 when we spearheaded the passage of the tort reform statutes that established MICRA in Californiacontinuing on to today with the offering of the Tribute Plan.

For a more comprehensive list of questions and answers, visit

For more information on the Tribute Plan and other ways we can work together to advance and protect the practice of good medicine, please talk to your agent, call The Doctors Company Member Services at (800) 421-2368, or visit

What our members are saying...

The Tribute Plan is proof that The Doctors Company rewards its members. No other insurer rewards its members like The Doctors Company. The Tribute Plan proves it. The Doctors Company really does reward physicians. I am very impressed. I dont have a retirement plan, so Im thrilled I am getting a little back.
Source: The Doctors Company 2009 Member Experience Survey

2009 J7570 9/09

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