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NEW BREAKTHROUGH! Options Weekly Paychecks System B Version 2.

0 Now Provides Up to 4 TIMES the Results with Greater Accuracy!

"Options Weekly Paychecks System B Home Study Course - Obtain Your Copy of Our Weekly Paychecks System Secrets and Work the Markets for a Potentially Lucrative Weekly Paycheck as Some of Our Students Have Already Done!"

Options Trading System Options Weekly Paychecks System B V. 2.0 (New!) Released for Increased Profitability and Accuracy

From the Options Trading for a Good Living Series Courses

What if you could possibly replace your job income by trading the markets on a part time basis? Did you know that the new upgraded OWP B Version 2.0 Is more Accurate with Winning Percentages as High as 95.65% Over a Six Month Span? That version 2.0 has been ranging between 80% and 90% winning over sample performance runs? A recent run over 6 months shows that on three more boring stocks with cheaper options $286,512.00 was produced on just 10 contracts for system results trading: WYNN, CLF and CAT And with our MOMMs Magical Options Money Management System you could have made much more than that.

Here is the Options Weekly Paychecks System B v. 2.0 Secrets Revealed for YOU (but for a very limited number and limited time)
We are going to give you the actual Options Weekly Paychecks System B v. 2.0 (More profitable than System A and more profitable and accurate than Options Weekly Paychecks System B v. 1.0)

The Possibility of Money Being DONE is Offered Before You Today Will You See It?

Massive new increases in system based results with the new Options Weekly Paychecks Version 2.0 Potential profitability is now tremendous. See the systems results below for details Accuracy has skyrocketed with the new Version 2.0 I mean how the heck is it possible to make 207 points off WYNN stock in six months with a 414.44 annualized points off of WYNN??? Have you even ever seen this level of profitability? Options Weekly Paychecks version1.0 has had several dramatically successful students already how much further are you going to surpass our past and current students now that you are going to get your hands on Options Weekly Paychecks VERSON 2.0!! You have more control and tighter entries with less and smaller entry risk verses system A Profitability has been double to triple that of system A Ultimately you can purchase a tried and true, student proven method that could end up being your new life career Get our family involved. Teach them how to trade right so they could potentially become financially free as well How about that college tuition these days. What a racket right?! Could OWP System B 2.0 What does it take to trade this system? This is part time professional trading system. You do need to be in tune with the system throughout the day but you dont need to be glued to your computer. This allows you to reduced your entry risk considerably which is important for maximizing profits and protecting your capital. How much does it take to get started? Stick with one stock and get good at that stock. Youll be using short term options so the options are much cheaper. Options can range in price from $100 to $1000 per contract on average

Look How Options Weekly Paychecks System B Version 2.0 DESTROYS WYNN In Just 6 Months.

Maybe Its Time You Completely Dump Whatever Youre Doing And Investigate This Options Trading For A Good Living System Because If You Lose This Youre Going To Be Pissd Later On
Look at these OWP B 2.0 System results on just WYNN. This stock isnt anything that special but its not too shabby either. What are these results? These are the exact system results you would have gotten if you would have traded all the OWP B 2.0 system trades according to the system rules. Simple as that and simply following the system is what it takes. Whats an options profit point ? Its the amount of profit made in an option vs. the stock which is roughly about 1/2 of a stock point on average. Look out for the Options Profit Points Per Week because that essentially is your average weekly paycheck historical result. So if you have an 4.74 Options Profit Point Per Week on reasonably priced options (reasonably meaning i.e. WYNN vs. GOOG where GOOG would have expensive options as of this typing) you could be looking at an average weekly paycheck of $9,480.00 Per WEEK Paycheck, Take Home Pay, for example. WYNN MAY 11 2011 1st Set 2.5 3.78 3.5 -3.08 12.06 1.06 4.07 16.08 8.78 -1.78 -3.17 11.21 8.23 2.36 -3.17 1.08 -3.08 3.35 -3.67 5.36 3.5 3.35 4.32 2.38 4.38 8.32 6.18 2.58 -5.82 8.47 5.03 winning trade a winning 95.65% trade b 82.61% 1 LOSS 23 TRADES 2nd Set.

-5.48 7.11 13.11 -6.88 7.08 4.78 -3.08 8.32 9.07 -7.88 -3.08 10/27/20117.4 86.6 WYNN 0.54 in 6 14.5 Months 101.64 -3.08 10.07 4.07

5.21 -7.59 0.77 -6.78 2.08 -2.73 16.08 22.13 9.07 5.08 4.88 96.25 9.33 105.58 9.33

Stock Points 207.22 Total Options Points113.97


10 $113,972.00 Contracts 20 $227,944.00 Contracts 50 $569,860.00 Contracts Options Profit 4.74 Points Per Week Annualized 227.94 Options Points


a. 1 2.5 4.1 -0.89 -0.89 1.1

b. 1 3 0 2.1

CLF 16-May

a. -1.2 4.5 2.3 2.6

2.53 7.23 1.1 -1.8 -1.86 -1.83 7.82 -3.61 10.13 -3.04 3.74 3.45 1.45 1.07 1.07 2.18 2.05 4.23 -1.41 -1.34 39.87 9.97 Stock Points 1.1 89.31 2.02 4.28 5.07 2.04 -1.8 -2.86 2.11

1.2 -0.5 0 3.96 -2.3 0 -4.32 2.11 2.88 2.28 8.14 4.33 0 2.78 -0.5 4.28 2.77 1.79 1.32 2.05 38.37 Over 6 Months 89.31 33 67% 24 83%


-1.3 3.4 7.7


Trades Day2 Winning

2.4 11-Jul 25-Jul 1.12 8.03 11.12 -3.02 10.14 6.68 2.14 1.68 0.62 16.14 1.32 2.43 4.55 1.27 8.28

Trades Day 1 Winning




10/24/201192.9 103.55


Options Points 39.3 Options Profit 1.63 Points per week Annualized 78.62 Options Points

Stock 150 Points Options 66 Points



10 Contracts Per Trade 20 Contracts Per Trade 50 Contracts Per Trade: In Just 6 Months of Track Record trading very reasonably priced options on CAT, CLF and WYNN. All entries, stop losses and profit taking exits are crystal clear and your performance should match ours. What if you simply traded 10 contracts per trade according to the system where no guessing is involved? Would $286,512.00 in six months replace your job? Do you know that our money management system would have that $286,512.00 in six months considerably more? Could you work this system? Others have before and have enjoyed the system.

$219,412.00 $438,824.00 $1,097,060.00

Performance of Options Weekly Paychecks System B Upgraded More Powerful Version 2.0 on Three Slower Stocks: What youll have to do to trade this system:

Have access to real time data and charts (, possibly etc) Watch the markets from time to time through out the day. This is NOT a day trading system. You do not have to stare at the ticker. Just check your charts 2 or 3 times in a day, but more so on your target entry days. Hit your entries and exits when they occur or use contingent orders to automatically trigger you in or out of an option automatically according to the stock price trigger. Its quite simple. Youll need to tune in in order to take advantage of the weekly trend money moves. Understand that some weeks will be KILLER, rediculously easy bringing in 300% to even 800% depending on the move and the delta of your options. But also understand that some weeks will be duds simply because the stock isnt moving that week. As a tip: usually stocks move big after slow weeks and slow down after big weeks. If you can understand that principle you can make millions from the markets (since your emotions will want you to do the opposite expecting big moves after big moves and nothing to happen after nothing happens) How to trade the system well: pay attention, stay small and follow our money management position sizing, do the signals and stay simple (i.e. dont try to optimize the system or go more aggressive because you think the markets are going to move big and dont skip signals). So so and youll likely be shocked (emotionally at least) how the system takes care of business on its own potentially netting considerable cash flow growth to your trading account

Some unsolicited customer feedback regarding some of their experience with Options Weekly Paychecks System B: (I told you that our stuff is the real deal !)

Mike Tells Us How Marched His Account from $30,000 to $500,000 and Gives Us the Exact Day He Plans to Hit $1,000,000 Which is Within 7 Months
May, 2010

I just made back the entire cost of the system in my first two positions that were half orders I bought puts on IBM and BBY yesterday late morning and cashed out this morning for a quick double on both of them. Thing is, had I gone normal size ($3,000 per order), I would have made $6,000, but I am learning so I went small. Very nice way to start, I really like the system! Thanks again! best, Michael 5 Days Later All anyone wants is a good simple system for making money (by the way, I made $13,000 this morning and cashed out If you give us the meat of the system, short and sweet with enough explanationsAug 18 Update regarding a clever tweak done using this system: .I should have turned $30,000 [started in may of same year] into $1,000,000 by December 13th just using that system, so I will definitely keep you updated Michael _________________________________________

LH Makes $240,000 in One Week

Aug, 2010: I just wanted to let you know that System B caught that Potash move this morning! I am rich!!!!! Thank you so much for giving me this freedom! I dont know how toexpress my gratitude! I hope someday I can repay your kindness for sharing this system! LH I ended up buying 100 contracts at 1.22 and got out at 25.30 and slightly broke some money management rules but not that bad. 100 contracts is alot for me but I just got so tired of being a wuss and being scared all the time and I figured I just have to do it. Im definitely feeling the crack high but Im completely out of the

position. Ive been doubting the system, and maybe my ability to trade the system for awhile, thinking that it was too good to be true. I now (finally!) have to accept that this system works. I was worried it was all a scam in the beginning! I have listened to all of Chriss audios so I remember him saying to own some stuff and pay off debts.

I just have to pay off my car and I will put the rest in the bank. You can use whatever testimonial you would like. You guys are amazing and Im so thankful for this good fortune.

** Results will vary from student to student depending on the correct use of the system and the actual use of the system. Many never use the system. Some never consistently apply the system. Stock and options choice will vary in the results they product. We can not promise you any future success since we are dealing with price markets. Our, your best bet for success is in taking a chance on a system that has performed well consistently over time in the hopes, possibility and probability that that systems performance, in combination with your performance of that system will due well at the present and into the future. Note: typical results or average results will range from lost money for those who break rules and refuse to trade the system correctly to zero for people who dont take any action to some of the customer examples as you see above and to results customers have not told us about. Bottom line: this is trading: you cant expect guaranteed results because that is a losing mindset in trading and it doesnt make any sense to good trading. You get a system to increase your chance, your probability, your potential for success. The only way you could guaranteed make money like past results is to have a crystal ball the pursuit of which, searching for a crystal ball is a

ever losing adventure. Trade right. Trade smart and maybe you could have great success too!

Options Weekly Paychecks System B Performance Record in the Home Study Course Look at This 4 Month Sample from Version 1.0. This is the old version the version LH and Michael had above. You now have access to Version 2.0 which is far more powerful! So dont think too much. If you know this is right for you, then sometimes you just need to ACT!

Options Weekly Paychecks System B V. 1.0

March 1 2009 to Jun 31 2009 TOTALS Points of Profit Stock 561.64

Run on Six Stocks: AAPL, ICE, BIDU, GS, POT, FSLR. Track record sampling was not optimized whatsoever and there are many periods of time that were much more profitable

140.41 Stock Points 35.10 Stock PointsPer Per Month Week


79.76 Options 19.94 Options 319.05 Points Per PointsPer Week Month NET This equates to $1,994 a week approximately on just one options contract or $19,994 a week on 10 contracts minus any time decay through the week.

In this course we are going to cover

COURSE OUTLINE 1. Introduction. Show me the money! 2. The Weekly Trend Phenomenon 3. Options Weekly Paychecks System B Explained 4. Options Trading. How to trade. Which options to buy. Time decay costs. All cost determination for realistic potential profit view. 5. Advanced Ordering. Making your life 10 Times, not just one time, but TEN times easier in options trading with advanced ordering. 6. The Right Broker and the current state of options brokers 7. The Setups 8. Entries 9. Buffers 10. Profit taking method A 11. Profit taking method B 12. Choosing the Options to trade. 13. Money management 14. Practice trading for correct technique. Moving into real money trading. 15. Cranking the deals 16. Ramping up number of stocks 17. Ramping up position size how to do 18. Ramping up to Millions How to literally become a millionaire from this system 19. Future probabilities

20. How to deal with rough patches, consolidation patches that limit follow-through in price. 21. BONUS module 1: Seasonal opportunities. 22. BONUS module 2: Tricks to potentially making every week a BIG paycheck week. 23. We like to improve our stuff over time. Those who purchase a home study course gets FREE access to future upgrades, new discoveries and improvements.

Here is the System Performance of the Old version Version 1.0 of Options Weekly Paychecks System B Home Study Course: Detailed Breakdown. Compare to Options Weekly Paychecks System B Version 2.0 Above!
AAPL 2011 2/7/2011 1/31/2011 CAT 4.33 6.11 6.08 11.32 3.03 3.28 3.88 1.25 2.21 1.56 -3.55 -5.24 2.08 3.56 -3.28 -5.44 - 2011 22-Feb 2.3 -1.25 2.9


7.31 10.22

3.7 -0.87 -1.25 3.1 2.3 -1.2 0.5 1.2 -0.7 1.3 0.8 5.1 -1 1.3 1.7




7.56 6.76 11.02 56.52 3.90 1.71

SUM 17.53


3.2 -0.8 -1 -1.2 16.18

0.5 2.1 4.75

Oct 4 2010 2.9 23.83

Points Per Week Options Points Per week

1.25 Points Per Week 0.55 Options Points Per week


- 2011 1.13 -1.21 1.8 -0.97 2.66 -2.12 -3.6 2.68 -1.67 5.33 -1.98 1.66 -2.28 2.31 -2.33 8.32 -1.5 2.63 -0.89 -1.62 8.35 1.07 0.47

BIDU 22-Feb 1.3 0.88

3.8 -1.98 3.12

1.43 1.13 2.33 8.89

Oct 4 2010 3.12 20.36

- 2011 1.7 3.12 9.76 9.33 4.13 1.87 1.11 8.31 -1.16 1.02 0.98 -1.67 9.23 0.67 5.8 2.31 1.18 -1.67 2.23 5.8 -2.6 -2.13 0.21 2.44


57.09 Points Per Week Options Points Per week

Oct 4 2010 59.53

3.13 Points Per Week 1.38 Options Points Per week


- 2011 9.4 -2.3 -3.4 11.06 -5.12 5.08 3.21 1.07 0.5 -2.85 -2.31V -1.8 -2.77 -2.44 12.85 -3.23 -3.11 -2.13 -3.77 -1.3 6.11 12.75 1.72 0.76 22-Feb 2.8 2.11

4.31 4.61 2.54

1.07 -2.18 4.66 15.31 4.61 Oct 4 2010 32.67

Points Per Week Options Points Per week For 4.5 Annualized average Factor months = 561.17 Annualized 246.91 ` 210.44 2.67 561.17

Running Totals Stock Points Options Points System Profit Based On: 5 Contracts $123,457.40 10 Contracts $246,914.80 20 Contracts $493,829.60 50 Contracts $1,234,574.00 100 Contracts $2,469,148.00

Purchase The Course Here:

The price of the Options Weekly Paychecks System B v. 2.0 is $4,997 which a paltry fee to charge compared to the results. Doubt me? Ok compare potential returns for this system vs. potential returns for a 4 year Bachelors, even at an Ivy League school (which is running about $200,000 over 4 years these days!) Even if you land the most awesome job ever out of a bachelors get what you get to do for at least 40 hours a week! Work! Yuck. Why not instead trade an hour or two each week (or less!). My point is that 1. Compare costs in dollars and effort and youll see that we are way under priced (and why do we charge so little in this industry ?? Who set these prices!) 2. If you treat trading as seriously as you would treat a job your potential can be dramatic Just ask Warren Buffet! 3. In that case maybe you ought to look into hiring a trading boss or coach to make you treat trading seriously! Hmmm For a limited time you can obtain Instant Access to this Trading System Home Study Course for only $4,997 $2,997. Also heres a breakdown and a set of bonuses for purchasing today. That said I only want your purchasing because you feel its the right thing to do. I only want you purchasing because youre wanting a change and are willing to simply put the system to use, starting small, then growing bigger over time in your trade sizes. 1. Obtain the Options Weekly Paychecks System B V2.0 Core Entry System 2. BONUS: Obtain the Options Weekly Paychecks System B V2.0 System #2 Power OX upgrade that boasts up to 95.65% Winning as seen on our WYNN Performance example 3. BONUS: Order within 15 minutes and get Options Weekly Paychecks for Only $997 4. BONUS : Options Money Management System for Maximum Profits 5. BONUS: Refining Factors and Strategies for OWPB to Hone in for the Kill. How to Identify the Potential Big Move Weeks and Pin Point Those With Accuracy 6. BONUS: How to Crate the Traders Success Habits in Yourself So You Can Turn into Consistently Successful Winning Trader Expensive? Try trading without a plan. $2,997 is just a small loss for most on a bad trade. Now get education to trade Options Weekly Paychecks System B 2.0 and get on the track for potentially having results as seen above. To purchase Options Weekly Paychecks System B , Options Trading System Home Study Course first read the terms below. Understand that is a highly

proprietary trading course. We will teach you a trading system through Videos, PDFs and some audios. This is a system that you learn, practice then trade. Do not purchase this course unless you are serious about committing the time and effort it takes to learn and trade the system.

Go her to purchase the course:

** Average results will vary depending on attention to detail and execution of the system, stock selection
for option plays, money management position sizing market conditions. We have no access to net trading results of customers trading unless volunteered and customers results maybe polluted by other trading ideas. Youre performance will vary. Your performance will also depended upon your accuracy in executing the trading system. You could screw it up if you dont learn the system or you could simply screw it up!! (so learn the system well and practice much!) You could net out profit, considerable profits or you could lose your shirt and everything you have and go bankrupt, have to move back with your parents and all sorts of other potential problems and stresses that come from losing all of your money etc etc Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request. The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, dont apply to the average purchaser and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individuals success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire and motivation. As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money.

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