A K Singh Q P - 12 Odd-2

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Surya Group of Institutions

Gaura Mohanlalganj Lucknow

Model Paper-I
Subject- Engg. Physics-I Subject "ode- #$S-%!% Se'ester-I SE"&I*# -$ $tte'pt all Parts Q1-(a) Write the postulates of special theory of relativity. (b) What do you mean by unpolarized light? (c) What is Time dilation? (d) What is numerical aperture? (e) What is the difference bet een !-rays and "-rays? (f) #efine massless particle. SE"&I*# -+ $tte'pt any three Parts Q$-(a) The value of %o and %" for a &uartz are 1.'(1) and 1.''*) respectively. +alculate the phase retardation for, -. '***/* hen the plate thic0ness is *.*1$mm. (b) +alculate the thic0ness of soap bubble film (%.1.(2) that ill result in constructive interference in the reflected light, if the film is illuminated ith light of avelength 2*** 3 (c) / cloc0 0eeps correct time .With hat speed it be moved relative to an obsever so that it may appear to lose ( minutes in $( hours? (d) 4ight of avelength of '*** 3 falls normally on a plane transmission grating having 1'*** lines in 1 cm. 5ind the angle of diffraction for ma6imum intensity in the first order. (e) 7f the fractional difference bet een the core and cladding refractive indices of a fibre is *.*11' and 8/ is *.$($'. +alculate the refractive indices of core and cladding materials. SE"&I*# -" $tte'pt one Part fro' each ,uestions Q1-(a) #escribe the construction and or0ing of 9ichelson and 9orley e6periment and e6plain its negative results. (b) :ho that no particle can attain a velocity larger than velocity of light? Q(-(a) What are the difference bet een spontaneous and stimulated emission? hy is spontaneous radiation incoherent? (b) :ho that the ;;4 and +;4 are the special cases of ";4. Q'-(a) #efine the /cceptance angle and derive the e6pression for the numerical aperture of an optical 5iber. (b) What is the basic principle of holography? "6plain the construction < reproduction of hologram. Q2-(a) #escribe and e6plain the formation of 8e ton=s rings in reflected monochromatic light. "6plain briefly hy 8e ton=s rings are circular? (b) #escribe the construction of a nicol prism. "6plain ho it can be used as a polarizer and as an analyser? Q>-(a) hat is diffraction grating? #erive an e6pression for dispersive po er of grating an e6plain it. (b) #erive time independent :chrodinger ave e&uation for a particle. What happen if particle is free? M.M.- ! &i'e( &wo )rs.

Surya Group of Institutions

Gaura Mohanlalganj Lucknow

Model Paper-II
Subject- Engg. Physics-I Subject "ode- #$S-%!% Se'ester-I SE"&I*# -$ $tte'pt all Parts Q1-(a) #efine acceptance angle. (b) What is grating element? (c) :ho that no particle can travel faster than velocity of light. (d) #efine matter aves. (e) What is optical pumping? (f) What do you mean by unpolarised light? SE"&I*# -+ Q$-(a) :ho that the circle, 6$ ? y$ . a$ in a frame : appears to be an ellipse in frame := hich is moving ith velocity v relative to :. (b) +alculate the smallest possible uncertainty in the position of an electron moving ith velocity v . 1@1*> mAsec. Biven m . C.11@1*-11 Dg and h . 2.21@1*-1(E-:. (c) +alculate the thic0ness of a half ave plate of &uartz for a avelength of '***/ *. Fere Ge . 1.''1 and G* . 1.''(. (d) What other spectral lines in the range (*** / * to >*** /* ill coincide ith the fifth order line of 2*** /* in a grating spectrum?. (e)The fractional change of refractive inde6 bet een the core material and the cladding material of a fibre is 1H. 7f the refractive inde6 of the core material is 1.(2, calculate the numerical aperture and acceptance angle? SE"&I*# -" $tte'pt one Part fro' each ,uestions. Q1-(a) !btain the e6pression for the addition of the relativistic velocities. :ho that c is invariant. (b) #educe inverse 4orentz transformations e&uations and sho that it reduces into Balilean transformation for lo velocity. Q(-(a) What do you understand by the resolving po er of a grating? #erive the necessary e6pression. (b) #escribe ho 8e ton=s rings e6periment can be used to determine the refractive inde6 of a li&uid .Q'-(a) #erive the :chrodinger time independent ave e&uation. (b) ;rove ave nature of an electron ith the help of #avission < Bermer e6periment. Q2-(a) Write do n the construction and or0ing of Fe-8e laser. (b) #escribe the process of construction and reconstruction of a hologram. /lso describe the application of holography. Q>-(a) #erive the formula for /cceptance angle and derive the e6pression for the numerical aperture of an optical 5iber. (b) "6plain double refraction and give the properties of ! and "-rays. M.M.- ! &i'e( &wo )rs.

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