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Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) refer to the standard framework of guidelines for financial accounting used in any given jurisdiction; generally known as accounting standards. GAAP includes the standards, conventions, and rules accountants follow in recording and summarizing accounting transactions, and in the preparation of financial statements. GAAP is a codification of how CPA firms and corporations prepare and present their business income and expense, assets and liabilities in their financial statements. GAAP is not a single accounting rule, but rather an aggregate of many rules on how to account for various transactions.

1) The Business Entity Concept:

The business entity concept provides that the accounting for a business or organization be kept separate from the personal affairs of its owner, or from any other business or organization. This means that the owner of a business should not place any personal assets on the business balance sheet. The balance sheet of the business must reflect the financial position of the business alone. Also, when transactions of the business are recorded, any personal expenditures of the owner are charged to the owner and are not allowed to affect the operating results of the business.

2) Going Concern Concept:

It assumes that the business will be in operation indefinitely. This validates the methods of asset capitalization, depreciation, and amortization. In cases when liquidation is certain, this assumption is not applicable. The business will continue to exist in the unforeseeable future.

3) The Time Period Concept:

The time period concept provides that accounting take place over specific time periods known as fiscal periods. These fiscal periods are of equal length, and are used when measuring the financial progress of a business.

4) Monetary Unit Principle:

It assumes that a stable currency is going to be the unit of record. The FASB accepts the nominal value of the US Dollar as the monetary unit of record unadjusted for inflation. This principle states that you only record transactions that can be expressed in terms of a currency. Thus, you cannot record such non-quantifiable items as employee skill levels, the quality of customer service, or the ingenuity of the engineering staff.

The monetary unit principle also assumes that the value of the unit of currency in which you record transactions remains relatively stable over time. However, given the amount of persistent currency inflation in most economies, this assumption is not correct - for example, a dollar invested to buy an asset 20 years ago is worth considerably more than a dollar invested today, because the purchasing power of the dollar has declined during the intervening years. The

assumption fails completely if an entity records transactions in the currency of a hyperinflationary economy.

5) The Revenue Recognition Convention:

The revenue recognition convention provides that revenue be taken into the accounts (recognized) at the time the transaction is completed. Usually, this just means recording revenue when the bill for it is sent to the customer. If it is a cash transaction, the revenue is recorded when the sale is completed and the cash received.

It is not always quite so simple. Think of the building of a large project such as a dam. It takes a construction company a number of years to complete such a project. The company does not wait until the project is entirely completed before it sends its bill. Periodically, it bills for the amount of work completed and receives payments as the work progresses. Revenue is taken into the accounts on this periodic basis.

It is important to take revenue into the accounts properly. If this is not done, the earnings statements of the company will be incorrect and the readers of the financial statement misinformed.

6) The Principle of Conservatism:

The principle of conservatism provides that accounting for a business should be fair and reasonable. Accountants are required in their work to make evaluations and estimates, to deliver opinions, and to select procedures. They should do so in a way that neither overstates nor understates the affairs of the business or the results of operation.

7) The Matching Principle:

The matching principle is an extension of the revenue recognition convention. The matching principle states that each expense item related to revenue earned must be recorded in the same accounting period as the revenue it helped to earn. If this is not done, the financial statements will not measure the results of operations fairly.

8) The Full Disclosure Principle:

The full disclosure principle states that any and all information that affects the full understanding of a company's financial statements must be include with the financial statements. Some items may not affect the ledger accounts directly. These would be included in the form of accompanying notes. Examples of such items are outstanding lawsuits, tax disputes, and company takeovers.

9) The Objectivity Principle:

The objectivity principle states that accounting will be recorded on the basis of objective evidence. Objective evidence means that different people looking at the evidence will arrive at the same values for the transaction. Simply put, this means that accounting entries will be based on fact and not on personal opinion or feelings.

The source document for a transaction is almost always the best objective evidence available. The source document shows the amount agreed to by the buyer and the seller, who are usually independent and unrelated to each other.

10) The Cost Principle:

The cost principle states that the accounting for purchases must be at their cost price. This is the figure that appears on the source document for the transaction in almost all cases. There is no place for guesswork or wishful thinking when accounting for purchases.

The value recorded in the accounts for an asset is not changed until later if the market value of the asset changes. It would take an entirely new transaction based on new objective evidence to change the original value of an asset.

There are times when the above type of objective evidence is not available. For example, a building could be received as a gift. In such a case, the transaction would be recorded at fair market value which must be determined by some independent means.

11) The Consistency Principle:

The consistency principle requires accountants to apply the same methods and procedures from period to period. When they change a method from one period to another they must explain the change clearly on the financial statements. The readers of financial statements have the right to assume that consistency has been applied if there is no statement to the contrary. The consistency principle prevents people from changing methods for the sole purpose of manipulating figures on the financial statements.

12) The Materiality Principle:

The materiality principle requires accountants to use generally accepted accounting principles except when to do so would be expensive or difficult, and where it makes no real

difference if the rules are ignored. If a rule is temporarily ignored, the net income of the company must not be significantly affected, nor should the reader's ability to judge the financial statements be impaired.

Who Currently Develops the GAAP?

In many situations there are rules, but the creators of the rules are sometimes unknown. It's almost as if an invisible hand is guiding a process and overseeing its successful implementation. The rules that guide the financial reporting functions of profit, non-profit, federal, state and local entities are called GAAP, or generally accepted accounting procedures. They are the result of the joint cooperation of three distinct organizations.

1. Identification

GAAP is created and monitored at two levels. The American Institute of Certified Public Accountants designated the Financial Accounting Standards Board to oversee the guidelines for financial reporting at the federal level. This includes publicly traded companies operating under the Securities and Exchange Commission guidelines. GAAP is monitored at the state and local level by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board.

2. Benefits

The benefits of multiple organization developing GAAP procedures are varied. Automatic internal checks and balances exist among the organizations. Practitioners at the local and state level have access to the process at the federal level, and vice versa. Consumers and all other

stakeholders have confidence that financial information is disseminated in a standard and efficient manner. The rule-making process is transparent to everyone.

3. Risk Factors

Failure to maintain a standard accounting procedure would cause havoc in the investment industry. What if, for example, a potential investor was comparing balance sheets for two corporations and one balance sheet didn't include current assets while the other included all assets? The investor wouldn't have an accurate perspective for comparison.

4. Considerations

As the world evolves, so does GAAP. Companies enter the world market on a daily basis. When this occurs, companies have to adhere to international accounting standards. By the year 2016, all US companies operating outside of the US will have to adhere to International Financial Reporting Standards.

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