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Annual IEEE Green Energy Workshop, 2012 CSULB

Dr. Chaw-Long Chu

November, 19th, 2012

1. Why Solar Power we need to knowCurrent Status 2. Source: Solar Spectrum 3. Solar Power Application: 3A Water Heater--- a device has been used for more than 100 years. 3B Solar Cell--- In recent 40 years, systematic R/D on solar power has generated sophisticated devices to convert light to electricity 4. Discussion

Part 1. Why Solar Power and What is the status

1. Global warming and extra CO2 generation
2. Nuclear and coal plants are not favored, petroleum price is high, natural gas is cheap, but still generate CO2. Hydraulic, geothermal

have geography limitation, wind power has advantage on lower cost but not so dependable and suitable for residential area. 3. New emerging economic regions consume more energy (Asia, Africa, middle East, and South America) 4. Multi Government sponsored incentive programs to encourage Solar Electricity 5. Due to production improvement, significant price reduction on Solar module; solar electricity is cheaper than new nuclear energy plant and is approaching grid parity. 6. Global Installed Solar Module increased from 71.5 MW (1995) to 30 GW (2012) 7. It is a convenient and low cost emergency relief power.

Halloween, 2012 will be a horrible night for so many northeast residentsStorm, Flood, Fire, and Power Outage.

Trick or Treat!

Where is Electricity?!

Hurricane Sandy Power Outage Map (11/1/2012)

Where is electricity?

11/2/2012 Jersey City residents lined up for gas supply to operate house generator, it took 3 hours to wait. Where is electricity?

New Yorkers were waiting for gas; day and night, no electricity to operate oil pump and shut down most gas stations. Where is electricity? (11/3/2012)

CO2 reach tipping point

Higher See level

Higher See water temperature Form a Perfect Storm to attack NE USA Power Plant Explosion

Hurricane Sandy Moved upward

Flood Fire We need green energy to reduce CO2 emission to save the earth Power Outage

Matched by Cold storm

How about nuclear energy? It wont generate CO2.


San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (~ 50 miles from CSULB)


Diablo Canyon Nuclear Power Plant (San Louis Obispo, CA) 1927, Lompco Earthquake (magnitude 7.1) was 2.5 miles offshore from the NPP and Shoreline Fault is 1 mile from NPP


Worldwide Solar PV Growth (GW)


On 2012, USA will install more than 2.5 GW (This is larger than the summation from 2000 to 2010)



Annual Value of Renewable Energy Installation (2012 and after is estimation)


USA Annual Installed Grid-Connected PV Capacity (2002-2011)

If 1 watt charges $2.5, $4.61 billion was spent in 2011 by USA.


Why solar power knowledge is important

Solar energy will be more popular in coming 20 years Solar energy and related business will hire more employees (current employee number ~ 100,000 in USA) Solar power will be popular in emerging economic area More solar module will be fabricated in USA for domestic supply (international?) Most solar heat is used for hot water generation, it indirectly reduced the consumption of electricity and natural gas Solar electricity is directly used to power daily life.


Part 2, Solar Spectrum

Solar Power is characterized by its spectrum, the intensity is affected by the distance (solid angle) and the materials existing between the light source and the detecting spot;
Outside but close to the atmosphere of earth, AM0 (air mass zero) 135.3 mW/cm2, on the surface of earth (sunny) AM1.5 100 mW/cm2 (average). Both intensity and spectrum are affected by atmosphere and water vapor. Photon energy at specific wavelength (i) = nic/i (ni: number of photon, : Planck's constant = 6.626068 10-34 m2 kg /s, c: light velocity) Direct industry application of solar energy: to warm up any media by absorbing the solar spectrum In-Direct industry application of solar energy: to produce electron by absorbed photon (ideal case: one photon to generate one electron)


135.3 mW/cm2

100.0 mW/cm2


Solar Heater: Supply Hot Water To save heating energy (electricity or gas) 9 million water heaters (~USD 450/unit) sold in USA, total revenue is about 4 billion/y. Natural Gas is cheap in USA, Canada, Russia. But, it is very expensive in Japan, most Asia area, and Europe. Solar water heater system could also warm up house.


Advertisement of Solar Water Heater (1902)


Flat Plate Solar Water Heater for Industrial or Commercial Areas


Solar Heater for Residential Area


Tube Shape Solar Water Heater


Minimum Design Criteria of solar hot water system

1. The temperature and quantity of hot water required from the system. 2. Changes in ambient temperature and solar radiation between summer/winter and day/night. 3. The possibility of the potable water or collector fluid overheating or freezing. 4. Potential application: house warming 5. Other requirements have to be satisfied: 1. Building code it may vary from city to city, 2. Geographic limitation


Classification of solar hot water systems


Classification of solar hot water systems

Direct system: Use solar heat to warm the water, no protection design Indirect system: Use Heat Transfer fluid to transfer the solar heat to water, overheat and anti-freezing protection is provided (cost higher) Passive system: Use the heat as convection driven force to circulate the water and heating fluid (for both Direct or Indirect system) Active system: Use pump to circulate the water and heating fluid (higher cost, but highest efficiency)


1. Heating efficiency is wavelength dependent and it varies from liquid to liquid

2. The solar power could be properly shared by Solar cell and water heater.

Engineering/Business Concerns of Solar hot water system Design

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Reliability of components Water source criteria (hard or soft water) Heating rate and solar spectrum Average water temperature: >500C. Criteria for heat transfer fluid selection Weight limitation for roof top installation Performance survey and user expectation How many major vendors to provide the heater, globally and domestically How to design a house warming system using this design


10. Discussion

Global Installation of Solar hot water system


Break Time


Solar Spectrum Definition



135.3 mW/cm2 CdSe

100.0 mW/cm2

Si ZnS




InAs(3.44x10-6) InSb(7.29x10-6)



Band Gap and Lattice Constant of II-VI, III-V, and IV-IV Compounds


Point Focus Parabolic Dish


Concentrated Photovoltaic Panel (CPV)


Single axis trackers with roughly 20 degree tilt at

Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada, USA


What is solar cell?


Suggestive definition of solar cell

A device to convert light to electricity
Any material or material combination to convert light or EM-wave to energized electrons (engineering part) and used for operation of motor or equivalent machines (business part) Material selection, purification, processing (solid, liquid, gas, vacuum.) Low resistivity conducting system to efficiently carry the electrons Quantitatively defined operation


Classification of Solar Cell

Crystalline Solar Cell: Si, Triple Junction (GaInP/GaAs/Ge, GaInP/GaAs/InGaAs) Thin Film Solar Cell: Amorphous Si, CIGS, CdTe Dye Solar Cell, Organic Solar Cell (R&D only) Concentrator Solar Cell: 500 x ~ 1000x (GaInP/GaAs/Ge) Vacuum?


Criteria to start PV Business

Pre-Selection Criteria (Finance, Marketing, and Technology):
Richness of material resource and cost of purification Fabrication cost, market demand, and competition Potential of solar cell/solar module quality improvement Investment and Incentive opportunities Patent Issues ( money, marketing, engineering, equipment, labor, law)

PV Industry includes
Solar cell (materials, fabrication and test equipment, package) Solar module (materials, fabrication and test equipment, package) Solar cell/module environment evaluation Solar module installation, maintenance, and recycle Operation Insurance


Solar Cell/Module Design Principle

What is customers expectation
Dependability, economy, maintenance availability

Design for successful field operation

Reliability Minimum environment contamination Operation flexibility for both regular operation and emergency relief Functional enhancement User friendly


Designs of Solar Cell and Solar Panel

Solar Cell Structure: p/n junction, p- and n- contacts, AR-Coating Solar Module Structure: Solar Cell, Rear Side Supporting, Front Side protection, Adhesive, Interconnection Design Guidance: Efficiency, Cost, Weight, Reliability (20 years field operation) Fabrication Concerns: Yield, Operation Cost (including contamination control) Tooling Used for Cell Design (light intensity dependent) Cell parameters: Voc, Isc, FF, Eff
Voc determined by solar cell material (band gap), junction preparation, cell process determined passivation effect, metal contact resistance and series resistance Isc determined by Solar Cell Material (minority carrier life time), junction preparation process, front and rear contact, passivation, AR-coating FF (the squareness of diode IV curve), determined by solar cell material (direct or indirect band gap), p/n junction preparation, contact resistance and series resistance Eff (efficiency) = (Voc * Isc * FF)/(Cell Area * Light Intensity)


Designs of Solar Cell and Solar Panel Software used for Solar Cell Design
PC-1D, essential solar cell parameters estimation (Voc, Isc, Eff) AR-Coating layer thickness optimization (Isc) No software available to calculate FF

Equipment used for Solar Cell Testing

Minority Carrier Lifetime Hall Effect, EBIC (SEM) Band Gap Measurement Photoluminescence Sheet Resistance Measurement (Bulk material) 4-point probe, spreading resistance Doping Profile -- Back Scattering Effect, SIMS, Auger, ECV Ohm Meter Resistance Measurement Solar Simulator Voc, Isc, FF, and EFF Quantum Efficiency (or spectral response) Isc Estimation Solar Radiometer Solar Simulator Spectrum Calibration X-Ray Diffractometer Lattice size determination of Epi-layer

Single Junction Solar Cell and Future

Ge solar cell to begin with: low bandgap, low efficiency, high cost material (failed) Si solar cell is a successful example: wider bandgap (1.1 eV), higher efficiency (AM1.5, ~24.7%, 1989), low cost material, most popular global installation solar module (>85%). It will be the main stream product in PV industry. Concerns on weight, efficiency, and application for special environments, R&D on multi-junction solar cell started. To reduce the cost of solar cell/module; thin film, dye, organic solar cells started As solar module popular; retired module recycle and environment contamination and other supporting factors, such as house insurance, mortgage, tax will be required

Essential Solar Cell Parameters

Independent Parameters:
Voc = kt/q*ln(IL/I0 + 1) (open circuit voltage) K: Boltzmanns constant t: absolute temperature (0K) q: electronic charge IL: light generated current (Isc) I0: diode saturation current (determined by material and related process) Isc = QE()*ni()* = QE()*ni()*d Curve Factor (FF) = (Vmax*Imax)/(Voc*Isc) Cell Efficiency () = (Vmax *Imax)/(Power Intensity * Cell area)

Derivative parameters:

Dominating factors to Voc, Isc, FF

Material characteristics (Band Gap, Indirect/Direct, crystal defects, impurities) Solar Cell design Materials and procedures used for process

Silicon Solar Cell (single Junction) Spectral Response


Spectral Response of GaInP/GaAs/Ge

Triple Junction Solar Cell


Top Junction (15.88 mA/cm2)

Spectral Response (A/W-cm2)

Middle Junction (16.19 mA/cm2) Bottom Junction (27.67 mA/cm2)





0.0 300






Wavelength (nm)

How to Test Solar Cell

Light Source Calibration (multi-artificial light sources used to simulate the sun light)
Uniformity of illuminated area Single solar cell test Solar module test (LAPSS-pulse light source)

Standard Cell Preparation

Balloon flight (120000 ft, AM0) Jet flight (60000 ft, <AM0) Spectral response or Quantum efficiency measurement


Schematic Drawing of Solar Cell Test Set Up

Concerns of Test:

Light Uniformity and Measurement Accuracy


1. Steady Light Simulator

2. Large Area Pulse Solar Simulator


Block Diagram of Major Solar Cell Process



Equipment Used for Solar Cell Fabrication

Si solar cell
Si ingot grower, Wire Dicing machine (Wire saw and Disc Saw), Junction Diffusion Machine, Si3N4 CVD, Screen Printing Machine, Annealing Tube, AM 1.5 Simulator/Testing Setup, Microscope

Thin Film Cell

Substrate Preparation (Glass, Metal Sheet, or Kapton Sheet), Sputtering or Co-Evaporation Machine, Transparent Conducting Contact Sputtering Machine, Collector-Grid Screen Printer, Cell Interconnector, AM 1.5 Simulator/Testing Setup

Ge Ingot Grower, Wire Dicing machine (Wire saw and Disc Saw), Junction Generation Machine (MOCVD), Front and Rear Metal Grid Evaporator, AR-Coating Evaporator, Annealing Chamber, Cell Dicing Saw, Solar Simulator/Testing Setup, Microscope




GE Flexible CIGS Module



Triple Junction Solar Cell (4cm x 8cm) Includes Monolithic Bypass Diode

Diode/cell Contact N-Diode Contact Integral Bypass Diode N- Diode P- Diode Window: N - AlInP2 Top Cell Jumper Emitter: N - GaInP2 Base: P - GaInP2 TC BSF P++ -TD N++-TD MC Window

Top Tunnel Diode

Middle Cell

Emitter: N - GaAs Base: P- GaAs

Bottom Tunnel Diode P- Cell Bottom Cell Contact

P++ - TD N++ -TD Nucleation / Buffer/MCBSF Emitter: N - Ge Base/Substrate: P -Ge P-Contact


Solar Cell and PV Module Efficiency (AM 1.5)

Dye-sensitized Solar Cells
Single Crystalline Silicon Amorphous Silicon (Multijunction) Polycrystalline Silicon HIT Cell (-Si/c-Si) Cadmium Telluride (CdTe)

Cell (Lab)
24.7% (UNSW, PERL) 13.2% 20.3% (FhG-ISE) 21% (Sanyo) 16.5% (NREL)

3 5% (INAP)
22.7% (UNSW) 10.4% 14 -18% 18.4% (Sanyo) 8 10% (First Solar)

Copper Indium Gallium Selenium (CIGS)

InP AlInGaP/InGaAs/InGaAs (IMM) GaInP/GaAs/Ge (~250X) GaInP/GaAs/Ge (~450X)

13.0% (TSMC)

20.3% (Miasol)
21.9% (Spire) 33.9% (Emcore) 40.7% (Boeing) 41.6% (Boeing)

Effort on PV Industry
Reduce the fabrication cost
Silicon material reduction (cost effective?) Enhance the production scale or business merge (STP, the world largest company is facing financial problem, Schott Solar stopped the cell fabrication in USA)

More aggressive government incentive programs required Multi-functional Solar module Development and Existing Module Flexibility Improvement Encourage BIPV design (Many German Designs could be considered) What is your contribution? How to approach?


20 Micron Thick Si Cell

Proton radiation to lift off a thin layer Si for solar cell process (existing Si cell is 500 um thick).

What is your contribution? How to approach?

To be an engineer as you, what will be your contribution to this promising industry? New design? New Material? New business plan? In addition the solar car, could school and industry support some student activities on solar product design?


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