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Spanish East Indies

Spanish East Indies

Spanish East Indies
Indias orientales espaolas
Colony of Spain
(Territory of the Viceroyalty of New Spain from 1565 to 1821, and province of
Spain from 1821 to 1898)



Coat of arms

Map of the Spanish East Indies (19th century)


Cebu (15651571)
Manila (15711898)
Iloilo (13 August 1898 10 December 1898)


Spanish and native languages


Roman Catholicism

Political structure

Colony of the


15651598 (first)

Philip II

18961898 (last)

Alfonso XIII

15651572 (first)

Miguel Lpez de Legazpi

1898 (last)

Diego de los Ros


Historical era

Spanish colonization


27 April 1565

Treaty of Paris

10 December 1898

Spanish East Indies


300,000km (115,831 sq mi)







18.6 /km (48.1 /sq mi)


Peso fuerte

Preceded by

Succeeded by

New Spain

Republic of Negros

Kingdom of Tondo

Republic of Zamboanga

Kingdom of Namayan

First Philippine Republic

Kingdom of Butuan
Sultanate of Maguindanao

United States
United States Military Government of the Philippine Islands

Sultanate of Sulu

German New Guinea

Today part of


Part of a series on the

History of the

Prehistory (pre-900)

Callao and Tabon Men

Arrival of the Negritos
Austronesian expansion
Angono Petroglyphs
Society of the Igorot
Classical Period (900-1521)

State of Ma-i

Tondo Dynasty

Confederation of Madja-as

United States

Spanish East Indies

Kingdom of Maynila

Kingdom of Namayan

Rajahnate of Butuan

Rajahnate of Cebu

Sultanate of Maguindanao

Sultanate of Sulu

Sultanate of Lanao
Spanish Period (15211898)

Viceroyalty of New Spain

Spanish East Indies


Dutch Invasions

British Invasion

Revolts and uprisings


Philippine Revolution
American Period (18981946)

First Republic

PhilippineAmerican War

Tagalog Republic

Negros Republic

Zamboanga Republic

Insular Government


Japanese Occupation

Second Republic
Independence (1946present)

Third Republic
Marcos era
Fourth Republic
Fifth Republic
By topic

Philippines portal

The Spanish East Indies (Indias orientales espaolas) were the Spanish territories in Asia-Pacific from 1565 until
1898. With the seat of government in Manila, they extended to the Philippine Islands, Guam and the Mariana
Islands, the Caroline Islands (Palau and the Federated States of Micronesia), and for a period of time, Sabah, and
parts of Formosa (Taiwan) and the Moluccas. From 1565 to 1821 these territories were part of the Viceroyalty of
New Spain based in Mexico City, and after Mexican independence they were ruled directly from Madrid. Following
the SpanishAmerican War in 1898, most of the islands were occupied by the United States while the remaining
territories were sold to Germany during the GermanSpanish Treaty of 1899. The King of Spain traditionally styled
himself "King of the East and West Indies" (Rey de las Indias orientales y occidentales).[3] and the Royal Household
of His Majesty the King. But note too that following the new constitution of 1837, Isabel II (reigned 18431868)

Spanish East Indies

was styled Por la gracia de Dios y la Constitucin de la Monarqua espaola, Reina de las Espaas (By the grace of
God and the Constitution of the Spanish monarchy, Queen of the Spains).</ref> Administrative affairs were handled
by the Captaincy General of the Philippines and the Royal Audience of Manila.

Exploration and Settlement (15211643)
Spanish contact began on 6 March 1521, when the Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan reached the Mariana
Islands. He named Guam "Isla de Ladrones" (Island of Thieves) because some of his supplies in the galleon Trinidad
were stolen. Magellan's crew eventually left the island and reached the island of Homonhon in the Philippines on 16
March, with only 150 crewmen. There they met the indigenous peoples and were able to communicate with them
because the Malayan interpreter, Enrique of Malacca, could understand the natives' language.
The territories in Asia claimed by the Spanish crown was governed by the
Viceroyalty of New Spain in Mexico City. Seeking to develop trade
between the East Indies and the Americas across the Pacific Ocean,
Antonio de Mendoza encouraged the exploration of Spain's new
territories, as he commissioned the expedition of Ruy Lpez de
Villalobos to the Philippines in 15421543. Miguel Lpez de Legazpi set
out from Mexico, and established the first Spanish settlement in the
Philippines in 1565, which became the town of San Miguel. Andrs de
Urdaneta discovered an efficient sailing route from the Philippines
returning to Mexico. In 1570, the native city of Manila was conquered
and trade links soon began in the Manila-Acapulco Galleons.
The Manila-Acapulco galleons shipped products gathered from both
Asia-Pacific and the Americas, such as silk, spice, silver, gold and other
Asian-Pacific islander products to Mexico. Products brought from
Asia-Pacific were sent to Veracruz and shipped to Spain and, via trading,
to the rest of Europe. While Spanish-Mexican colonists brought with
them Hispanic and indigenous Mexican customs, religion, languages,
foods and cultural traditions to the Philippines, Guam and the Mariana
In 1606, the Spaniards established some form of trade links with the
Maluku Islands and remained until 1663. Contacts with Japan were also
established and Sebastin Vizcano was sent as ambassador in 1611, until
Routes of early Spanish expeditions in the
Japan closed its trading post in 1630. On the north eastern coastal region
of Taiwan, the Spaniards built Fort Santo Domingo near Keelung in 1626
and a mission in Tamsui in 1628, which they occupied until 1642. Several
Pacific islands were visited by Spanish ships in the 16th century, including New Guinea (Yigo Ortiz de Retez in
1545), the Solomon Islands (Pedro Sarmiento de Gamboa in 1568) and the Marquesas Islands (lvaro de Mendaa
de Neira in 1595), but they made no effort to trade with or colonize them.
In 1668, Diego Luis de San Vitores established the first mission in Guam, Mariana Islands where he and the Filipino
saint Pedro Calungsod were later martyred.
In 1762 British troops briefly captured the city of Manila during the Seven Years' War. However, they were unable
to establish control over areas outside Manila through the efforts of the Spanish lieutenant governor, Simn de
Anda y Salazar, the remainder of the islands remained loyal to Spain. The British promised support for an uprising

Spanish East Indies

led by Diego Silang and his wife Gabriela but the British force never materialized. Under the peace settlement
Manila was exchanged, along with British-occupied Havana, for Florida and Minorca. It was handed back to Spanish
authorities in April 1764.

Colonial government
The Seven Years' War prompted Charles III to initiate extensive governmental reforms throughout the overseas
possessions. An intendencia was established in Manila in 1784 to handle the government finances and to promote
the economy. (The plan to introduce more intendencias throughout the Philippines did not materialize.) In a similar
vein, to promote innovation and education among the residents of the islands, Governor-General Jos Basco y
Vargas established the Economic Society of the Friends of the Country.
For over 256 years, the Spanish East Indies were governed by a governor-captain general, and an audiencia. All
economic matters of the Philippines were managed by the Viceroyalty of New Spain, located in Mexico. Because the
eastward route was more widely used for military purposes, in addition to commerce that included the
Manila-Acapulco galleon trade, most government correspondence went through Mexico, rather than directly to Spain
(with the exception of a short period at the end of the 18th century).
In 1821 the New Spanish Viceroyalty collapsed following the Mexican War of Independence, which resulted in the
First Mexican Empire. All control of the Spanish East Indies government was then transferred to Madrid, until the
United States annexed most Spanish territories in the Asia-Pacific region after the Spanish American War of 1898.

The Audiencia and Captaincy General

In 1574 the Captaincy General of the Philippines was created as a dependency of the Viceroyalty of New Spain. The
Real Audiencia of Manila was created on 5 May 1583 and established in 1584 as the highest tribunal of the Spanish
Empire in the East Indies, that had the Governor-General of the Philippines as its ex officio highest judge. Both
institutions were created by Royal Decree from King Felipe II
Law XI (Audiencia y Chancillera Real de Manila en las Filipinas) of Title XV (De las Audiencias y Chancillerias
Reales de las Indias) of Book II of the Recopilacin de Leyes de los Reynos de las Indias of 1680 which compiles
the original decree and the one of 25 May 1596 describes the limits and functions of the Audiencia and its
"In the city of Manila on the Island of Luzon, Head of the Philippines, shall reside another Royal
Audiencia and Chancellery of ours, with a president, who shall be governor and captain general; four
judges of civil cases [oidores], who will also be judges of criminal cases [alcaldes del crimen]; a crown
attorney [fiscal]; a bailiff [alguacil mayor]; a lieutenant of the Gran Chancellor; and the other necessary
ministers and officials; and which shall have for district said Island of Luzon, and the rest of the
Philippines, the Archipelago of China, and its Mainland, discovered and to be discovered. And we order
that the governor and captain general of said Islands and Provinces, and president of their Royal
Audiencia, have exclusively the superior government of the entire district of said Audiencia in war and
peace, and shall make provisions and favors in our Royal Name, which in conformity to the laws of this
Compilation and the rest of the Kingdoms of Castile and the instructions and powers that We shall grant,
he should and can do; and in gubernatorial matters and cases that shall arise, that are of importance, said
president-governor should consult on them with the judges of said Audiencia, so that they give their
consultive opinions, and having heard them, he should provide the most convenient to the service of
God and ours and the peace and tranquility of said Province and Republic".

Spanish East Indies

The Spanish East Indies came to be defined as:
Las Islas Filipinas (today the Republic of the Philippines): Manila, Luzon, the Visayas, Palawan, Balambangan
Island, Northern Mindanao, Zamboanga, Basilan, Jolo, Palmas Islands, including isolated outposts in Keelung,
Taiwan, and in the islands of Gilolo, Ternate, and Tidore in the Maluku Islands and Manado in Northern part of
Sulawesi (formerly Celebes).
Islas Carolinas (the Federated States of Micronesia)
Islas Marianas (Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the United States Territory of Guam)
Islas Palau (Republic of Palau)
The Spanish used several names that are not currently used. Gran Moluca (Great Molluccas) for the island of
Mindanao and Nueva Castilla (New Castile) for Luzon.
Because Spanish interest in the region was primarily focused on its use as a base for trade with East Asia, direct
Spanish control over the area expanded slowly. The Batanes Islands were conquered in the 18th century by Jos
Basco. The highlands of Luzon remained outside Spanish control until the early 19th century, and the southernmost
tip of Palawan, not until the late 1890s. The rest of Mindanao (Caesarea Karoli) aside from outposts in Northern
Mindanao, Zamboanga, Cotabato, and the islands of Basilan and Jolo, the rest was nominally under Spanish control,
recognizing Spanish rule, but left to administer their own affairs, as in the cases of the Sulu, and the Maguindanao
sultanates, as well as a number of other Lumad tribes not affiliated with either. Similarly, Palau and the vast majority
of the Caroline Islands were not governed by Spanish missions until the early 19th century.

Spanish cultural influence

Spain's influence on its former colonies in Asia-Pacific is significant to this day. The majority of the people of the
Philippines, Guam and the Mariana Islands belong to the Roman Catholic faith which was introduced by Spanish
missionaries in the 16th and 17th centuries. A large part of the population in these countries use Spanish names and
surnames. Also, because of the introduction of new tools, products, crops and technology by Spaniards and
Mexicans in the three centuries of colonial rule, many Spanish loanwords entered the native languages of these
countries. Art forms such as music, architecture and fashion also have much Spanish influence. The national cuisines
of these countries also have Mexican and Spanish elements. In terms of ethnicity, a small minority of the inhabitants
of these territories are descendants of Latin American and Spanish settlers. These descendants of mixed heritage are
known as mestizos.

A sizeable proportion of the current population of the Northern Marianas Islands (4555%) and Guam (3045%), as
well as that of Palau (1525%) is of Filipino descent. Some of the local peoples in the previously stated territories
also use Filipino names and surnames (one example is the surname Pangelinan, which comes from the Filipino
surname Pangilinan). The current Chamorro population is believed to be partly of Filipino descent, both because of
the historic links between Guam and the Philippines during Spanish rule, and currently through different waves of
migration.[citation needed]

Spanish East Indies

[1] Population of the Philippines Census Years 1799 to 2007 (http:/ / www. nscb. gov. ph/ secstat/ d_popn. asp). National Statistical
Coordination Board.
[2] Population of the Philippines Census Years 1799 to 2007 (http:/ / www. nscb. gov. ph/ secstat/ d_popn. asp). National Statistical
Coordination Board.
[3] The traditional formula is: "His/Her Majesty, Don/Doa [name of reigning monarch] by the grace of God King/Queen of Spain, King/Queen
of Castile, of Len, of Aragn, of the Two Sicilies, of Jerusalem, of Navarre, of Granada, of Seville, of Toledo, of Valencia, of Galicia, of
Sardinia, of Crdoba, of Corsica, of Murcia, of Jan, of the Algarves, of Algeciras, of Gibraltar, of the Canary Islands, of the East and West
Indies, of the Islands and Mainland of the Ocean Sea; Archduke of Austria, Duke of Burgundy, of Brabant, of Milan, of Athens and Neopatria;
Count of Habsburg, of Flanders, of Tyrol, of Roussillon, and of Barcelona; Lord of Vizcaya and of Molina; Captain-General and Supreme
Head of the Royal Armed Forces; Sovereign Grand-Master of the Order of the Golden Fleece and of the orders awarded by the Spanish state."
These titles, of course, are not used by the current king, but are often given as honorary "historical" ones. The current Constitution leaves the
issue open and simply describes the King as the "King of Spain": "His title is King of Spain, and he may use the other titles appertaining to the
Crown" (Su ttulo es el de Rey de Espaa y podr utilizar los dems que correspondan a la Corona). <ref name="velde">

CUNNINGHAM, Charles Henry (1919). STEPHENS, H Morse; BOLTON, Herbert E, eds. The Audiencia in the
Spanish Colonies as illustrated by the Audiencia of Manila (15831800) (
41443) (ProjectGutenberg). Publications in History. Berkeley: University of California Press. OCLC 19679822
PHELAN, John Leddy (1959). The Hispanization of the Philippines: Spanish Aims and Filipino Responses,
15651700. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. ASIN B0007DMLSE (

External links
Web oficial Asociacin Espaola de Estudios del Pacfico (
Philippine "The Early Spanish Period" (
The Impact of Spanish Rule in the Philippines (
History: The Spanish Colony (
Guam History and Culture (
Filipinas (
Forts of the Spice Islands of Indonesia (

Article Sources and Contributors

Article Sources and Contributors

Spanish East Indies Source: Contributors: $antander, 23prootie, 52 Pickup, AdBo, Aeusoes1, Albrecht, Aldo samulo, Arius1998,
Berniemack, Buho09, Bwilkins, C.Kent87, Canadianshoper, Capricorn42, Cavrdg, Chaiyan anantasat, CommonsDelinker, Corsarius, Dodger209, Domino theory, Edward321, Erudy,
EuroHistoryTeacher, Fastifex, Fifteen22, Filiep, Fuhghettaboutit, G.W., Gary King, Gimferrer, Glloq, Heralder, HkCaGu, Hmains, Hoygan!!, IEPH, Iloilo Wanderer, JCRB, JL 09, Jason Quinn,
Jhbeck23, Jjarivera, Johnmperry, Jojit fb, Joseph Solis in Australia, Joshua, Jowaninpensans, Kintetsubuffalo, LeftAire, LilHelpa, Look2See1, Matthew06 87, Matthewprc, Miguel raul,
Mistakefinder, Mix321, Namayan, Nikhilmn2002, OwenBlacker, Pare Mo, Patsw, Pigman, RafaelMinuesa, Ramirez72, Rbraunwa, RegentsPark, RepublicaNegrense, Rholton, Rich Farmbrough,
Rovic Eslao, SPQRes, Santos30, Seth Nimbosa, Sunquanliangxiuhao, Thejumpman, TriniMuoz, Tweeheart, Unpocoloco, V111P, Vberger, Waterloo1974, WikiEditor50, Woohookitty,
XavierGreen, Xuruguetu, Zburh, 181 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

File:Flag of Spain (1785-1873 and 1875-1931).svg Source: License: Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Contributors: previous version User:Ignaciogavira ; current version HansenBCN, designs from SanchoPanzaXXI
File:Lesser Royal Coat of Arms of Spain (1700-1868 and 1834-1930) Pillars of Hercules Variant.svg Source: License: Creative Commons
Attribution-Sharealike 3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0 Contributors: Heralder
File:Spanish Provinces in the Pacific.png Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Beao,
Joey-das-WBF, Kintetsubuffalo, Look2See1, Shadowxfox, Telim tor
File:Blank.png Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Bastique, Chlewey, ChrisDHDR, It Is Me Here, Jed, Paradoctor,
Patrick, Penubag, Rocket000, Roomba, Timeroot, Tintazul
File:Flag of Maguindanao.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Bringing It All Back Home
File:Late 19th Century Flag of Sulu.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Orange Tuesday
(talk). Original uploader was Orange Tuesday at en.wikipedia
File:Flag of Republic of Negros.png Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Cjbaynas, Fry1989,
Hariboneagle927, INeverCry, JuTa, 2 anonymous edits
File:ChavacanoFlag.JPG Source: License: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported Contributors: Arben
File:Philippines Flag Original.svg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: own work, based on source
File:US flag 45 stars.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Abjiklam, Cycn, Homo lupus, Jacobolus,
File:German new guinea flag.svg Source: License: GNU Free Documentation License Contributors:
File:Flag of the Philippines.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: User:Achim1999
File:Flag of Palau.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: User:Gabbe
File:Flag of the United States.svg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: Anomie
Image:Philippine History Collage.jpg Source: License: Public domain Contributors: by Scorpion prinz
File:Itinerario legazpi.jpg Source: License: Public Domain Contributors: User:Txo

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