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Competency-based Training and Assessment

A guide for employers, apprentices and trainees

June 2012

What is competency-based training?

Apprenticeships and traineeships in Queensland are competency-based with an emphasis on the workplace application of knowledge and skills. Competency-based training allows apprentices and trainees to move through their apprenticeship or traineeship efficiently while maintaining an emphasis on quality of work. Progression occurs as the apprentice or trainee attain competencies rather than by serving time. When all the competencies outlined in a training plan have been achieved, and all parties agree, the apprentice or trainee can complete their apprenticeship or traineeship. For further information about apprenticeships or traineeships please contact Apprenticeships Info on 1800 210 210 or

Training plan
The employer and the apprentice/trainee are required to choose a training organisation to supervise training in the apprenticeship or traineeship. The supervising registered training organisation (SRTO) will help you negotiate a training plan which outlines the training to be completed by the apprentice or trainee. A training plan focuses on engaging the learner in training and clearly defines the roles of the employer and the SRTO. During development of the training plan, you should discuss with the SRTO how assessment of competence will occur. It is important for an employer to be aware of how and when assessment occurs and how the workplace may contribute to assessment. Results may directly affect apprentice/trainee wage progression.

Delivery of training
The SRTO is responsible for ensuring the training required to be delivered under the training plan is delivered to the apprentice or trainee in a timely manner. The employer also has a responsibility to ensure all the workplace training is delivered. The employer must release the apprentice or trainee to undertake any training and assessment the SRTO is required to provide. The work provided by an employer needs to support the learning which is required by the apprentice or trainee as set out in the training plan. When provided with an adequate range of workplace tasks the apprentice or trainee will have the best opportunity to develop the necessary skills to achieve competency and complete their apprenticeship or traineeship.

How the workplace contributes towards the assessment of competence

Assessment ensures only apprentices and trainees who hold the required skills and knowledge are certified as competent. Assessment should be valid, reliable, flexible and fair. The focus is on the apprentice or trainee acquiring knowledge and skills to the standard of performance required by industry. Broadly, the
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concept of industry competency concerns the ability to perform particular tasks and duties to the standard of performance expected in the workplace. Assessment in the workplace must be performed by either a qualified assessor or a qualified assessor together with a person who can demonstrate vocational competence in the qualification being assessed for example: a qualified tradesperson. There are five common assessment strategies. These are: 1. the SRTO completes the assessment off-the-job and verifies the on-the-job competence by working in partnership workplace supervisor; by agreement, the SRTO provides a fully simulated assessment in an off-the-job setting that effectively mirrors the workplace requirements; assessment through recognition of prior learning by the SRTO where the apprentice or trainee presents (at any point throughout the training contract period) with appropriate knowledge and skills; workplace assessment where the qualified workplace assessor attends the workplace to observe practical tasks, together with an off-the-job assessment of the underpinning knowledge and skills co-assessment where the assessor negotiates with, and provides appropriate resources for the employer to conduct the assessment on behalf of the SRTO.





Training record
The SRTO will give the apprentice or trainee a training record to keep and maintain during the apprenticeship or traineeship. It is the responsibility of the apprentice/trainee, employer and SRTO to progressively record training undertaken by the apprentice/trainee. This record should include training delivered by the SRTO and the particular workplace tasks the apprentice/trainee has undertaken to develop their skills and knowledge in each of the competencies stated in the training plan. At reasonable intervals (at least three-monthly), the training record needs to be reviewed and updated. An apprenticeship or traineeship works best when there is good communication. Regular communication between the workplace supervisor, apprentice/trainee and SRTO will assist all parties to monitor the apprentice/trainees progress effectively. By monitoring the apprentice/trainees progress, the employer can be assured the apprentice/trainee is developing skills and knowledge as planned and can address any issues which may be preventing the progression of the apprentice/trainee. When up to date and finished, the training record provides a complete summary workplace tasks the apprentice or trainee has undertaken to develop their skills and knowledge. The completion of a training record book does not end the apprenticeship or traineeship.

Issuing the qualification and completion certificate

When the employer and the apprentice/trainee agree all the training required to be delivered by the employer under the training plan has been completed, they should initiate the completion process by contacting their SRTO and discussing an agreed completion date. All the training stated in the training plan must be completed and the relevant qualification issued by the SRTO before a certificate of completion can be issued by Skills Queensland.

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The following diagram shows the phases in an apprenticeship or traineeship.

Training contract is signed

AAC conducts sign-up of training contract during probation

Australian Apprenticeships Centre lodges training contract with DETE for registration

SRTO negotiates & develops training plan with employer & apprentice/trainee

Employer & SRTO provide training, supervision & assessment to apprentice/trainee in accordance with training plan
Employer releases apprentice/trainee to attend training & assessment as required Apprentice/trainee undertakes training & assessment as required AND

Apprentice/trainee maintains training record

(Training record is reviewed and updated at least every three months)

Continue through to completion of apprenticeship/traineeship

Employer to notify DETE, in writing, if any of the following events occur: amendment, temporary assignment or cancellation of the training contract sale or disposal of the business dissolution or change of a business partnership if the employer believes the apprentice/trainee is not making reasonable progress in the apprenticeship/traineeship if the employer believes the apprentice/trainee will not complete within the timeframe shown In the training plan

Completion process begins when apprentice/ trainee has completed all units of competency required under the training plan

Employer & apprentice/trainee agree all training the employer was required to provide under the training plan has been completed and contact SRTO to arrange an agreed completion date Agreed completion date is confirmed by employer, apprentice/trainee and SRTO SRTO issues qualification to apprentice/trainee DETE issues completion certificate

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