Matlab - Preview and Capture Webcam Into An Axes

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matlab: Preview and capture webcam into an axes

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PostedbyadminonJul7,2012inmatlab|16comments MyfirstMatlabtips.WewillcreateaGUIformthatwillpreviewandcapturepicturefromwebcamconnected toyourcomputer.Webcampreviewandcapturedimagewillbeshownonanaxes. CreateanewblankGUIusingMatlabsGUIDE(File>New>GUI>BlankGUI).Putone panel,twopushbuttonandoneaxes.Youcanarrangethemlikethis:

Arrangethecomponentlikethis(justfor example) TagtheaxesasaxPreview,firstpushbuttonaspbPreviewandsecondpushbuttonaspbCapture. WhenuserclickonpbPreviewimageformwebcamwillbeshownonaxPreview.pbCapturewillcapturetheimage,showitonaxesand saveitasanimagefile. youneedtoknowhowsMatlabdetectedyourwebcam.OpenImageAcquisitionToolbox.FromMatlabsCommandWindow,typethis: imaqtoolORyoucanfollowthisscreenshottoaccessitviaMatlabsstartmenu



matlab: Preview and capture webcam into an axes

accessimaqtoolviastartmenu MakesureyourwebcamisconnectedinyourcomputerbeforeMatlabrun!Ifnot,Matlabmightnotdetectyourwebcam imaqtoolwindowwillbeshown.Seethescreenshot(apartofimaqtoolform):

Matlabdetectedmywebcam Fromthescreenshot,mywebcamisdetectedaswinvideo1andMatlabalsolistsallsupportedmodethatmywebcamhas.Illuse YUY2_176x144mode(the176144numberisobviouslytheimagesize) PutthesecodesonyourpbPreview_Callback(itsnotquiteprettycolored,GeSHidoesntsupportMatlab.mfilelanguageyet).Readthe codescommentfortheexplanationlinebyline

1 %c h o o s ew h i c hw e b c a m( w i n v i d e o 1 )a n dw h i c h m o d e( Y U Y 2 _ 1 7 6 x 1 4 4 ) 2v i d=v i d e o i n p u t ( ' w i n v i d e o ' ,1 ,' Y U Y 2 _ 1 7 6 x 1 4 4 ' ) ; 3 %o n l yc a p t u r eo n ef r a m ep e rt r i g g e r ,w ea r en o tr e c o r d i n gav i d e o 4v i d . F r a m e s P e r T r i g g e r=1 ; 5 %o u t p u tw o u l di m a g ei nR G Bc o l o rs p a c e 6v i d . R e t u r n e d C o l o r s p a c e=' r g b ' ; 7 %t e l lm a t l a bt os t a r tt h ew e b c a mo nu s e rr e q u e s t ,n o ta u t o m a t i c a l l y 8t r i g g e r c o n f i g ( v i d ,' m a n u a l ' ) ; 9 %w en e e dt h i st ok n o wt h ei m a g eh e i g h ta n dw i d t h 1 0v i d R e s=g e t ( v i d ,' V i d e o R e s o l u t i o n ' ) ; 1 1 %i m a g ew i d t h 1 2i m W i d t h=v i d R e s ( 1 ) ; 1 3 %i m a g eh e i g h t 1 4i m H e i g h t=v i d R e s ( 2 ) ; 1 5 %n u m b e ro fb a n d so fo u ri m a g e( s h o u l db e3b e c a u s ei t ' sR G B ) 1 6n B a n d s=g e t ( v i d ,' N u m b e r O f B a n d s ' ) ; 1 7 %c r e a t ea ne m p t yi m a g ec o n t a i n e ra n ds h o wi to na x P r e v i e w 1 8h I m a g e=i m a g e ( z e r o s ( i m H e i g h t ,i m W i d t h ,n B a n d s ) ,' p a r e n t ' ,h a n d l e s . a x P r e v i e w ) ; 1 9 %b e g i nt h ew e b c a mp r e v i e w 2 0p r e v i e w ( v i d ,h I m a g e ) ;

1v i d=v i d e o i n p u t ( ' w i n v i d e o ' ,1 ,' Y U Y 2 _ 1 7 6 x 1 4 4 ' ) ; 2v i d . F r a m e s P e r T r i g g e r=1 ; 3v i d . R e t u r n e d C o l o r s p a c e=' r g b ' ; 4t r i g g e r c o n f i g ( v i d ,' m a n u a l ' ) ; 5v i d R e s=g e t ( v i d ,' V i d e o R e s o l u t i o n ' ) ; 6i m W i d t h=v i d R e s ( 1 ) ; 7i m H e i g h t=v i d R e s ( 2 ) ; 8n B a n d s=g e t ( v i d ,' N u m b e r O f B a n d s ' ) ; 9h I m a g e=i m a g e ( z e r o s ( i m H e i g h t ,i m W i d t h ,n B a n d s ) ,' p a r e n t ' ,h a n d l e s . a x P r e v i e w ) 1 0p r e v i e w ( v i d ,h I m a g e ) ; 1 1



matlab: Preview and capture webcam into an axes

1 2 %p r e p a r ef o rc a p t u r i n gt h ei m a g ep r e v i e w 1 3s t a r t ( v i d ) ; 1 4 %p a u s ef o r3s e c o n d st og i v eo u rw e b c a ma" w a r m u p "t i m e 1 5p a u s e ( 3 ) ; 1 6 %d oc a p t u r e ! 1 7t r i g g e r ( v i d ) ; 1 8 %s t o pt h ep r e v i e w 1 9s t o p p r e v i e w ( v i d ) ; 2 0 %g e tt h ec a p t u r e di m a g ed a t aa n ds a v ei to nc a p t 1v a r i a b l e 2 1c a p t 1=g e t d a t a ( v i d ) ; 2 2 %n o ww r i t ec a p t 1i n t of i l en a m e dc a p t u r e d . p n g 2 3i m w r i t e ( c a p t 1 ,' c a p t u r e d . p n g ' ) ; 2 4 %j u s td i a l o gt h a tw ea r ed o n ec a p t u r i n g 2 5w a r n d l g ( ' D o n e ! ' ) ;


ExampleformrunningourMatlabcodes Thingstoremember: connectyourwebcambeforerunningMatlab putapauseafewsecondsbeforecapturingimage,withoutthisyoullcaptureblack/darkimage! choosergbasReturnedColorspacebeforecapturingimage UPDATE:sincetherearepeoplethathavingdifficultiesimplementingthecode,youcandownloadthis.zipfilesoyoucanquicklytryitonyour ownMatlab.(PleaserememberthatthiscodeiscreatedusingMatlab2011aGUIDE,Idontguaranteeitwillworkonearlierversion)


Detectinginstalledwebcamviacommandline/mscriptfile(5) [matlab]gettingandsettingvalueinotherform/figure/gui(4) Matlabvariablesharing(globalvariableandsuchandsuch)(4) ConnectandaccessMySQLdatabase(3) Savebandwidth,blockimagehotlinking(1)

16ResponsestoPreviewandcapture webcamintoanaxes


budisays: 2012/08/22at01:55 thankyouverymuch,reallyhelpalot. Reply


fradosays: 2012/09/18at09:47 thanksalot,thecodeisveryeasyandfocus.



matlab: Preview and capture webcam into an axes



JuChsays: 2012/09/24at11:51 Thankyou,justIneeded Reply


lalitsays: 2012/10/08at12:37 Thankyouverymuch..Iamjustbegginnerwithmatlabandcamerainterfacing..andthishelpsmelot Reply


Sevcansays: 2012/10/19at02:49 Imgratefultoyou!ThiswasmyhomeworkandIhavesearchingaboutthreehoursontheinternet. Thanksalot. Reply


bosbubalussays: 2012/11/02at19:38 iuseditinmycode,butsuddenlyitstoppedworking.Idontknowwhy Reply

adminsays: 2012/11/05at09:11 Iveeditedmypost,pleasedownloadmycode(.zip)andtryit.Letmeknowiftheresstillerror. Reply


chidisays: 2012/11/04at01:15 ikeepgettinganerrorregardingundefinedvariableorclasshandlesandhandles.axPreview.Howdoisolvethis? Thanks Reply

adminsays: 2012/11/05at09:12 postupdated,pleasedownloadmycodes(.zip)file.youcantryit. Reply


AlexRickettssays: 2012/11/16at22:16 Wherearethezipfiles? Reply



matlab: Preview and capture webcam into an axes

adminsays: 2012/11/17at01:24 Readthewholepost.Attheendofthepost,thereisabigdownloadbutton(DownloadMATLABdemocodestocaptureimage fromwebcam) Reply


amilasays: 2012/12/04at00:27 thanksdear.. itworks. Reply


jemssays: 2013/01/07at10:38 thankyouverymuch..itsworks.. but,howtousetwotypesofaxes 1axesforpreview anotheraxesforresultofcapturing thanksalot Reply


SamiOgnsays: 2013/04/22at19:10 Thathelpedmereallyverymuchthanksalotforyoureffortsyouaregood )) Reply


XDankesays: 2013/05/22at04:41 Gracias!!!esloqueandababuscandoyloexplicasmuybien. Reply


poojasays: 2013/07/03at16:03 thankusomuch,,itsrealyhelpfullforme Reply

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matlab: Preview and capture webcam into an axes

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matlab: Preview and capture webcam into an axes

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