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Cumbria: Using the Compact when negotiating contracts

AWAZ Cumbria is a support organisation for people from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) communities. AWAZ aims to empower the voice of BME people and communities through influencing strategy, policy and service delivery. They recently used Compact principles to successfully negotiate the renewal of their Cumbria Equality Consortium Agreement following the loss of some of its funding. Published: August 2012 Theme: Funding Arrangements Compact name: Cumbria Compact

One of the member organisations of the Cumbria Equality Consortium withdrew their participation, which resulted in a loss of 9000 from the value of the total contract. The member organisations decision to withdraw itself from the commissioning consortium meant a 3000 reduction in funding for three voluntary and community organisations. This reduction would have had a critical impact on the services provided by the organisations, staff hours and relationships with commissioners. After holding open and transparent discussions - which followed Compact principles - a positive outcome was reached. Although the organisation did not re-join the commissioning consortium during that financial year, it did decide to renew the contract with AWAZ and the other 2 partner agencies independently for the remaining 9 months of the financial year, with a commitment to renew the contract for 2012-2013 to its original contract value of 9000.

Contact: Sardar Aftab Khan AWAZ Cumbria Cumbria Equality Resource Centre Although 3 months funding was lost to each of the partner agencies, the process The Old Stables of using the Compact has been beneficial Redhills, Penrith CA11 0DT to all partners involved. It has improved relationships, empowered the voluntary Phone: and community organisations involved 01768 895242 and ensured that funding arrangements were established in the fairest possible Email: way.

Cumbria County Council worked with District Councils, NHS Trusts, and Housing Associations to create a Public Sector Consortium Agreement for the delivery of services by three voluntary and community equalities organisations. AWAZ Cumbria is one of those three. The consortium consists of nine member organisations that are committed to embedding equality and diversity throughout the whole of their organisations.

Compact Principles
3: Delivering policies and services 4: Allocating resources 5: Promoting equality and fairness

Local Compacts Engagement


The three voluntary and community organisations involved do not receive any other core funding outside of the agreement. The agreements were drawn up to both contribute to the voluntary organisations financial sustainability, and also to ensure the advancement of equality across the public sector members of the consortium. Each agreement complies with the principles of the Cumbria Compacts terms and conditions for contracting with voluntary and community organisations, and sets out shared principles, individual and joint undertakings as well as arrangements for management, monitoring and review. When one of the member organisations withdrew their participation in the consortium, there had been no consultation or review of the impact that this would have - even though it meant a reduction in nearly 10% in the annual income of AWAZ and the other 2 equalities partners. During discussions, AWAZ and its equalities partners reminded the organisation of their commitments under the Compact and the need to review their decision. AWAZ offered to help by participating in the review process. This meant AWAZ would have both the opportunity to present its case for continued funding, as well as hear the member organisations reasons behind its decision to withdraw from the consortium thereby ending funding for three organisations. Previous good relationships and a commitment to the Compact meant that both AWAZ and the member organisation were able to hold open and transparent discussions putting all issues on the table in an equal footing. The discussions resulted in a positive outcome.

Using the Compact has allowed us to regain funding and retain sustainability of our organisations - Sardar Aftab Khan, AWAZ Cumbria

Relevant Compact Principles

3: Delivering policies and services 4: Allocating resources 5: Promoting equality and fairness

Related links

For information about the consortium visit: For information about equalities services in Cumbria visit: Cumbria Compact can be downloaded at:

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