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1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. I WILL write my "T" or "F" answers to the LEFT of each numeral designating 2-point questions from 1-26. I will answer 27-30 on the back of this paper, ONLY! I can then answer bonus questions on an additional page. I will bring these materials to class on Monday, October 14. According to materials from the first week of class, poverty does not lower IQ by to 13points, affect cognition, and make it easier for poor people to make mistakes, because these mistakes often make them rich. In other words, desperation makes people smarter, so it is good to be poor. According to materials from the first week of class, Socrates tells us that the gods "war over objective things like size, weight and measures of things.". According to materials from the first week of class, Euthyphro is willing to use "force" to settle his disagreement with his father (the force of conventional law, always with the threat of violence), while Socrates would rather talk about it, first. According to "ethics #1.mp4", asking who is a great philosopher is the same as asking who created the world. According to "ethics #1.mp4", "ethics" and "morality" cannot be distinguished. According to "ethics #1.mp4", Hegel is able to describe the evolution and development of both an individual and of a society or civilization in the same set of terms. According to "ethics #1.mp4", Hegel thought that ideas create history, and that these ideas are forged in philosophy. According to "ethics #1.mp4", we can choose to become a faceless servant of the system into which we are born, we can become a champion for or against that system, or we can uniquely transform the world by synthesizing apparent contradictions into a common ground, a "future" toward which we all can aim in our every action, i.e. we can MAKE history. According to the short biography on Socrates (link in ethics #1.mp4), Socrates' wife complained that he did not make enough money. According to "ethics #1.mp4", Thomas Jefferson warned that "technology will someday surpass human discourse, and this will result in a nation of idiots." According to Hegel, we make/create/instantiate/become history, through experience - i.e. through the constructive application of ideas gained through experience toward a better future. According to "ethics ppt#2.mp4", "impiety" is compared to "blasphemy", and blasphemy is found WORSE than impiety. According to "ethics ppt#2.mp4", Socrates distinguishes between two kinds of disagreement one kind that people kill and die for, and another that people do not (usually) kill and die for. ACCORDING to "ethics ppt#2.mp4" (between 15:00 and 18:00), some people may think that piety is doing what their ancestors did. According to "ethics ppt#2.mp4", the best indication of a good leader is the condition of the "flock", the people that the leader leads. According to Euthyphro, "piety" is "that part of justice which attends to the gods, as there is the other part of justice which attends to men." According to "ethics ppt#3.mp4", every good definition uses the word to be defined in the definition, e.g. "blue" means "having the quality of blueness." According to "ethics ppt#3.mp4", "justice" is a set of rules essential for the creation of a better world. According to "ethics ppt#3.mp4", "willful ignorance" arises when a person actively ignores the truth (in order to remain comfortable, become famous, and so on...). According to "ethics ppt#3.mp4", practical wisdom is "preparing for and recognizing opportunities for right action."

10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

22. According to "ethics ppt#3.mp4", it is NOT possible to imagine an economy of virtue because, in an economy of virtue, most of the people must be trying to become better people most of the time, and this is impossible.. 23. According to "ethics ppt#3.mp4", rule #1 = Answer the question! 24. According to "ethics ppt#3.mp4", the Ten Commandments in the Bible are sort of a set of unwritten laws. 25. According to "ethics ppt#4.mp4", the State and the individual who are filled with discord will pursue the good directly. 26. In "ethics ppt#4.mp4", I showed a picture of different TIME magazine covers. Using a single vector diagram, show how these TIME magazine covers might change the orientation of the readers. Label important aspects of the diagram. (1:44 of the video. 12 points.) 27. In "ethics ppt#4.mp4", I wrote that "the greatest State vector has the greatest consonance/agreement between the constitutive vectors." Draw three vector diagrams, one for the harmonious State, one for the State in discord, and the other for the State in civil war. Label important parts. Note the ends toward which the States are being led (or misled). Name these. Why are these different ends important factors in determining the health (relative harmony) of the three different States that you are diagramming? (12 points) 28. In "ethics ppt#4.mp4", you saw a short video of a police officer arresting a child. In "ethics ppt#4.mp4", I relate State oppression to the cancelation of individual vectors, and note that the measure of oppression is a measure of an inefficient social structure, and ultimately of bad leadership. Using vector diagrams, relate the video of the boy with State inefficiency. To which ends are the State pointing in the video? Next, propose a different vector diagram that represents a more efficient State. To which ends do these vectors point? Why do you think that States (government officials) oppress people? How does your proposal improve the relationships between State and people? (12 points) 29. At 5:12 in "ethics ppt#4.mp4", I wrote about sophistry and the downfall of the State. Illustrate the process described there using vector diagrams. These diagrams may show multiple generations of Athenians, all stacked on each other to produce the State vector. Show how sophistry enter the picture, and changes the shape of the State vector. Label important parts. (12 points) 30. In "ethics ppt#4", I noted some research on the differences between the wealthy and the poor. Summarize these differences. Why do you think that the poor are more moral than the rich? Use vector diagrams, Venn diagrams, or any other useful illustration. Bonus: 1) At 9:10 in "ethics ppt#4.mp4", I note that "Only tyranny thrives in war...". What do you think? Using vector diagrams, using Plato's four different forms of government, illustrate the ends of these governments, their espoused virtues ("espouse" means to proclaim and to embody some purpose for one's own), and also draw the vector diagrams for the typical constituents (individuals). Whose vectors thrive, and whose vectors are canceled, in war? Imagine that wars determine the rulers of the world. Draw the vector diagram for this kind of ruler. Which kind of government does it match? (+10% possible) super bonus: Note the orientation of both State and individual vectors within two spaces of value: first, that space set up by the State, its myths and legends and laws, rules, economies, and so on; and second, that space of absolute value within which the State and individuals also operate. You must select the terms that define these spaces, and briefly explain why you choose these terms to define these spaces. These terms may be natural, environmental, ecological, psychological, or more easily they can be classic virtues and traditional ends - e.g. the good, wealth, power, courage, generosity, and so on. (+10% possible) NOTE: Add any other bonus point materials to this answer sheet. Label your answers.

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