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Department of Mechanical and Automobile



DMS Report

Department of Mechanical & Automobile Engineering Sharda University, Greater Noida June, 2013

Department of Mechanical and Automobile



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Department of Mechanical and Automobile

Engineering ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all we whole heartedly acknowledge everyone who has supported us throughout the project. We are very grateful to our teacher PAPIYA BHOWMIK MAM. for giving us moral support and guided us in different matters regarding the topic. She had been very kind and patient while suggesting us the outlines of this project and clearing our doubts. We thank her for her overall support. Finally we would like to thank the helping hands of our friend who helped us a lot in gathering different information, collecting data and guided us from time to time in making this project unique. We together as a team have put great effort to complete it and make it a good one.


Department of Mechanical and Automobile



Department of Mechanical and Automobile


The heart is a muscular organ that lies in the center (left) of the thoracic cavity. It is composed mostly of myocardium (cardiac muscle) and is enclosed in the pericardial sac. The heart has four chambers, divided into left and right halves. Each half contains an upper chamber, the atrium (for receiving blood) and a lower chamber, the ventricle (for pumping blood). The heart is a muscular organ enclosed in a fibrous sac (the pericardium).The pericardial sac contains watery fluid that acts as a lubricant as the heart moves within the sac. The wall of the heart is composed of cardiac muscle cells, termed the myocardium. The inner surface of the wall is lined by a thin layer of endothelial cell; the endothelium. The heart is actually two separate pumps; a right heart which pumps blood through the pulmonary artery into the lung, and a left heart which pumps blood through the aorta into the peripheral organ. Each of these two pumps is consists of two chambers, an atrium and a ventricle, separated by atrioventricular valve (left; mitral valve and right; tricuspid valve). Blood exists from the right ventricle through the pulmonary valve to the pulmonary trunk, and from the left ventricle through the aortic valve into the aorta.

Department of Mechanical and Automobile


Facts on heart
1. The volume of blood pumped by the heart can vary over a wide range, from five to 30 liters per minute. Every day, the heart creates enough energy to drive a truck 20 miles. In a lifetime, that is equivalent to driving to the moon and back. Because the heart has its own electrical impulse, it can continue to beat even when separated from the body, as long as it has an adequate supply of oxygen. The fetal heart rate is approximately twice as fast as an adults, at about 150 beats per minute. By the time a fetus is 12 weeks old, its heart pumps an amazing 60 pints of blood a day. The heart pumps blood to almost all of the bodys 75 trillion cells. Only the corneas receive no blood supply. During an average lifetime, the heart will pump nearly 1.5 million barrels of bloodenough to fill 200 train tank cars. Five percent of blood supplies the heart, 15-20% goes to the brain and central nervous system, and 22% goes to the kidneys. The thump-thump of a heartbeat is the sound made by the four valves of the heart closing.
A healthy heart pumps approximately 2,000 gallons of blood a day









The heart does the most physical work of any muscle during a lifetime. The power output of the heart ranges from 1-5 watts. While the quadriceps can produce 100 watts for a few minutes, an output of one watt for 80 years is equal to 2.5 gigajoules.

10. The heart begins beating at four weeks after conception and does not stop until death. 11. A newborn baby has about one cup of blood in circulation. An adult human has about four to five quarts which the heart pumps to all the tissues and to and from the lungs in about one minute while beating 75 times. 12. The heart pumps oxygenated blood through the aorta (the largest artery) at about 1 mile (1.6 km) per hour. By the time blood reaches the capillaries, it is moving at around 43 inches (109 cm) per hour. 13. Early Egyptians believed that the heart and other major organs had wills of their own and would move around inside the body. 14. An anonymous contributor to the Hippocratic Collection (or Canon) believed vessel valves kept impurities out of the heart, since the intelligence of man was believed to lie in the left cavity. 15. Plato theorized that reasoning originated with the brain, but that passions originated in the fiery heart. 16. The term heartfelt originated from Aristotles philosophy that the heart collected sensory input from the peripheral organs through the blood vessels. It was from those perceptions that thought and emotions arose.

Department of Mechanical and Automobile

17. Prolonged lack of sleep can cause irregular jumping heartbeats called premature ventricular contractions (PVCs). 18. Some heavy snorers may have a condition called obtrusive sleep apnea (OSA), which can negatively affect the heart. 19. Cocaine affects the hearts electrical activity and causes spasm of the arteries, which can lead to a heart attack or stroke, even in healthy people. 20. Galen of Pergamum, a prominent surgeon to Roman gladiators, demonstrated that blood, not air, filled arteries, as Hippocrates had concluded. However, he also believed that the heart acted as a lowtemperature oven to keep the blood warm and that blood trickled from one side of the heart to the other through tiny holes in the heart. 21. Galen agreed with Aristotle that the heart was the bodys source of heat, a type of lamp fueled by blood from the liver and fanned into spirituous flame by air from the lungs. The brain merely served to cool the blood. 22. In 1929, German surgeon Werner Forssmann (1904-1979) examined the inside of his own heart by threading a catheter into his arm vein and pushing it 20 inches and into his heart, inventing cardiac catheterization, a now common procedure. 23. On December 3, 1967, Dr. Christiaan Barnard (1922-2001) of South Africa transplanted a human heart into the body of Louis Washansky. Although the recipient lived only 18 days, it is considered the first successful heart transplant. 24. Atrium is Latin for entrance hall, and ventricle is Latin for little belly. 25. A womans heart typically beats faster than a mans. The heart of an average man beats approximately 70 times a minute, whereas the average woman has a heart rate of 78 beats per minute. 26. Blood is actually a tissue. When the body is at rest, it takes only six seconds for the blood to go from the heart to the lungs and back, only eight seconds for it to go the brain and back, and only 16 seconds for it to reach the toes and travel all the way back to the heart. 27. French physician Rene Laennec (1781-1826) invented the stethoscope when he felt it was inappropriate to place his ear on his large-buxomed female patients' chests. 28. Physician Erasistratus of Chios (304-250 B.C.) was the first to discover that the heart functioned as a natural pump. 29. Galen argued that the heart constantly produced blood. However, William Harveys (1578 -1657) discovery of the circulation system in 1616 revealed that there was a finite amount of blood in the body and that it circulated in one direction.

Department of Mechanical and Automobile

VALVES OF THE HEART As each chamber of the heart contracts, it pushes a portion of its blood into a ventricle or into a great artery. To prevent backflow of blood, the heart is equipped with valves, formed from the connective tissue of the cardiac skeleton and covered with endocardium.They open and close by pressure changes. There are two types of heart valves: 1. atrioventricular (AV) valves 2. semilunar (SL) valves 1. ATRIOVENTRICULAR VALVES

Atrioventricular (AV) valves lie between the atria and the ventricles. The tricuspid valve is on the right side, and the bicuspid (mitral) valve is on the left. Each cusp of an AV valve is roughly shaped like a triangle; the base is attached to the heart wall and the apex is pointed down into the ventricle. Mechanism by which the atrioventricular valves open and closeIn order for blood to pass from atrium to ventricle, the AV valve must be open with its pointed ends extending into the ventricular cavity, the papillary muscles relaxed. Contraction of the ventricular myocardium increases the pressure within the ventricle, forcing the blood toward the opening between atrium and ventricle. The pressure change and the force of the blood drive the cusps of the AV valve upward until their edges meet and close the opening, thus preventing backflow of blood into the atrium. SEMILUNAR VALVES locations -- The semilunar (SL) valves, the second type of heart valves, are located in the pulmonary trunk and aorta just as each vessel emerges from its respective ventricle. shape -- Each of these valves consists of three half-moon shaped cusps that are attached to the artery wall like a pocket is attached to a shirt, with a free upper margin. functioning -- When blood is ejected from the ventricle into the artery, the cusps are pushed flat against the artery wall, allowing blood to pass. After contraction, when arterial pressure becomes greater then ventricular pressure, blood begins to flow back to the ventricle. As it does so, blood backfills the SL valve cusps, filling the pockets and causing the free margins to bulge outward from the wall of the vessel. When the edges of the three bulging cusps meet each other, the valve is closed and blood cannot return to the heart.

Department of Mechanical and Automobile

PHASES OF THE CARDIAC CYCLE Normal cardiac cycle- In a normal cardiac cycle, the two atria contract while the two ventricles relax, then the two ventricles contract while the atria relax. The term systole refers to the contraction phase. The term diastole refers to the relaxation phase. One complete cardiac cycle- One complete cardiac cycle consists of a systole and a diastole of both atria, plus a systole and diastole of both ventricles. The cardiac cycle of a normal resting adult is divided into four main phases. The four phases are Ventricular filing, Isovolumetric Contraction ( Ventricular Systole), Ventricular Ejection ( Ventricular Systole), and Isovolumetric Relaxation. It is arbitrary in your discussion of the cardiac cycle as to where to begin. Isovolumetric Relaxation is the phase described initially below. Please see attached handout too! Isovolumetric Relaxation Phase- At the end of a heart beat when the ventricles start to relax, all four chambers are in diastole. This is known as the quiescent period. As the ventricles relax, ventricular pressure drops and blood begins to flow from the great arteries back toward their respective chamber. This results in closure of the SV valves, giving the second heart sound. At this point, the volume of blood within the ventricles does not change because the AV valves are also closed. This period is called isovolumetric relaxation. (ESV of 60 ml remains in ventricles) As the ventricles continue to relax, their chamber size continues increasing until ventricular pressure drops below atrial pressure. As a result the AV valves open and this leads us into the next phase. Ventricular Filling Phase- Blood from the atria begins to move into the ventricles, passing through the open AV valves, following the pressure gradient, and the ventricles begin to fill. Atrial pressure> Ventricular pressure Both atria and ventricles are in diastole most of the time until last third of filling (atrial systole) Ventricular filling -- 70% of ventricular filling occurs just after the AV valves open because of blood that had been filling the atria from the venous circulation while they were in diastole and the AV valves were closed. The first third of ventricular filling is thus known as the period of rapid ventricular filling, and occurs without the benefit of atrial systole. The middle third of ventricular filling is called diastasis. It occurs as blood flow from the atria slows and a much smaller volume of blood enters the ventricles.

Department of Mechanical and Automobile

Excitation of the SA node initiates atrial systole, marking the end of the quiescent period, and causing the last third of ventricular filling to occur (remaining 30%) as the atria completely empty themselves. At the end of ventricular diastole, each ventricle contains about 130 ml of blood, the enddiastolic volume (EDV). Throughout this entire phase the AV valves are open and the SL valves are closed. Isovolumetric Contraction Phase ( ventricular systole). Ventricular systole -- As the excitation passes into the AV node then throughout the rest of the conduction system, the ventricular myocardium enters systole. Ventricular pressure, which was already increased by ventricular filling, now begins to rise even higher. As a result, when the ventri-cular pressure exceeds the atrial pressure, the AV valves close. Pressure rise not high enough to yet exceed arterial pressure so semilunar valves still remain closed. This is known as the period of isovolumetric contraction because the volume of blood within the ventricles remains the same (130ml). Ventricular Ejection Phase ( ventricular systole). Atria still in diastole Ventricular pressure> atrial pressure- AV valves remain closed. When ventricular pressure finally exceeds arterial pressure, the SL valves open and blood is ejected from the ventricles into the appropriate artery. This period is known as ventricular ejection and continues until the ventricles begin to relax. The volume of blood moved from each ventricle during ventricular systole is known as the stroke volume (70 ml). Once the relaxation phase has begun again, arterial pressure exceeds ventricular pressure and the SL valves close again. At this time each ventricle contains about 60ml of blood, the end systolic volume (ESV).

Department of Mechanical and Automobile

Description of pump Water Pumps Pumps are devices that cause the motion of a fluid, usually by generating a change in pressure. (An exceptional case is the chain of pots described in section 2.2 of your textbook) Most pumps use mechanical motion to produce this change in pressure. The motion is usually repetitive, and can be either reciprocating or rotary. Reciprocating Pumps Reciprocating pumps can be broken down into two main subcategories, bellows/diaphragm type pumps and piston pumps. Both of these types of pumps use a change in the volume of the pump chamber to produce a lower pressure than that of the reservoir to draw water in, and a larger pressure than that at the receptacle to force the water out. Both require inlet and outlet valves to restrict fluid flow to be in one direction only. Valves The most common type of valve used is a check valve, in which a movable element , shaped like a cone or ball is positioned opposite a cylindrical tube called a seat. Normally the movable element held away from the seat either by the force of gravity or by a spring. However, if the pressure force on the same side of the movable element exceeds that on the opposite side by more than the weight of spring force, the element is pushed against the seat, closing the valve, and blocking the flow of fluid through it. If the pressure force is greater on the opposite side, the element is forced back, and fluid can flow. Spring valves have the advantage that they can be used in any position, while gravity valves must be oriented downwards. So called flapper valves are also used in some cases (for example in toilet tanks), and have the advantage of being very simple. A disadvantage is that they tend to seal more slowly, and thus allow more fluid to leak through before sealing.

Provided that the minimum volume of the chamber during the inlet stroke is extremely small compared to its maximum volume, full retraction of the movable part will provide a nearly complete vacuum so that the distance through which the water can be lifted from the reservoir to the pump will be close to the maximum, h=Patm/(rg). Providing that the height of the pump above the reservoir hpr is less than this maximum value the volume will fill with water until the pressure at the inlet line, balances atmospheric pressure. When a force is applied to the actuator to decrease the chamber volume it this imparts an additional pressure to the water causing the inlet valve to close and the outlet valve to open. This pressure causes water to rise in the outlet line to a maximum height H= (Papp-Patm)/ (rg). Water will flow out of the outlet line provided the difference in height between the catch basin and pump hcp is less than this value. (Note that the overall maximum height difference is the sum of the two or H=Papp/(rg) as it should be-atmosphere acts both at the reservoir and at the catch basin.)

Department of Mechanical and Automobile

Conclusion Blood carries oxygen and many other substances around your body. Oxygen from your blood reacts with sugar in your cells to make energy. The waste product of this process, carbon dioxide, is carried away from your cells in your blood. Your heart is a single organ, but it acts as a double pump. The first pump carries oxygen-poor blood to your lungs, where it unloads carbon dioxide and picks up oxygen. It then delivers oxygen-rich blood back to your heart. The second pump delivers oxygen-rich blood to every part of your body. Blood needing more oxygen is sent back to the heart to begin the cycle again. In one day your heart transports all your blood around your body about 1000 times. Your right ventricle pumps blood to your lungs and your left ventricle pumps blood all around your body. The muscular walls of the left ventricle are thicker than those of the right ventricle, making it a much more powerful pump. On the other hand, Pumps are devices that cause the motion of a fluid, usually by generating a change in pressure. That also happens in heart.

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