The STATE Created The Office of PERSON

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The STATE created the office of person This vital information offers light to overcome darkness.

This light will shine bright as to guide your way. J !" !A##$S% $t&s an $llusion ' ())* +,-.. /E#S$ "0 http%11youtu.be1o2J34kcJgE,ilmed at The 5ritish 6onstitution 7roup .awful #ebellion 6onference in Stoke8on8Trent on the (9th January ())*. http%11www.tpuc.org1 John !arris gives us his perspective on what&s going on. !e describes how we are economic slaves to a debt dependent system; notably achieved through the deception of the birth certificate and the creation of a legal fiction known as your &<E#S "&. $t is this <E#S " that the government then wields it&s control upon. Although John points out that this arrangement only works when we consent. -nfortunately inaction is taken as consent= hence we have unwittingly surrendered our inalienable rights through identifying with the <E#S ". #emember you are freeborn spiritual being with god given rights= all you have to do is claim them. The word >person> in legal terminology is perceived as a general word which normally includes in its scope a variety of entities other than freeborn spiritual beings. Seee.g. ? -.S.6. sec ?. 6hurch of Scientology v. -.S. @ept. of Justice +?*A*0 B?(,.(d 9?A; 9(:. $n construing state statutes and each and every word; phrase; or part hereof; where the conteCt will permit% +?0 The singular includes the plural and vice versa. +(0 7ender8specific language includes the other gender and neuter. +D0 The word >person> includes individuals; children; firms; associations; Eoint adventures; partnerships; estates; trusts; business trusts; syndicates; fiduciaries; corporations; and all other groups or combinations. " TE ! FE/E#; T!E STAT-TES @ " T .$ST GA" # F GA" 88 T!E#E, #E T!E2 A#E E46.-@E@ ,# G A.. STAT-TESHHH A man; a woman; a child are living spiritual beings eCcluded from all statutes. -nder the rule of construction >eCpressio unius est eCclusio alterius;> where a statute or 6onstitution enumerates the things on which it is to operate or forbids certain things; it is ordinarily to be construed as eCcluding from its operation all those not eCpressly mentioned. 7enerally words in a statute should be given their plain and ordinary meaning. Fhen a statute does not specifically define words; such words should be construed in their common or ordinary sense to the effect that the rules used in construing statutes are also applicable in the construction of the 6onstitution. $t is a fundamental rule of statutory construction that words of common usage when used in a statute should be construed in their plain and ordinary sense. $f you carefully read the statutes enacted by state legislatures you will also notice that they are all written with phrases similar to these five eCamples% ?. A person commits the offense of failure to carry a license if the person . . . (. A person commits the offense of failure to register a vehicle if the person . . . D. A person commits the offense of driving uninsured if the person . . . 9. A person commits the offense of fishing if the person . . . :. A person commits the offense of breathing if the person . . . "otice that only >persons> can commit these state legislature created crimes. A crime is by definition an offense committed against the >state.> $f you commit an offense against a human; it is called a tort. ECamples of torts would be any personal inEury; slander; or defamation of character.

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