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Stephanie Ambrosio BSBA-OM HUMREMA Movie Reflection: Devil Wears Prada A fresh graduate, Andrea Sachs lands on her

dream job most of the girls ould fight o!er it" As she enters the orld of fashion industr#, she falls into the hands of the po erful and sophisticated Miranda $riestl#" As the ruthless and merciless e%ecuti!e&s assistant, Andrea Sachs faces a challenge as she too' the job" (igel then becomes Andrea&s guiding angel as he turns the girl into a more appropriate assistant for the )ashion e%ecuti!e b# dressing her more ade*uatel#" Emil#, the former assistant of Miranda, shares pieces of ad!ice to the just-graduated lass as she face the ne en!ironment da# b# da#" And because of that, the heel of her fate suddenl# changes ithout her being a are of it that affected a hole lot of factors in the ne graduate&s life" +hat , found in the mo!ie that sho ed best practices as Andrea&s illingness to 'eep her job e!en if it means losing e!er#thing she has right no " But the fact that there is no assurance of her getting to a higher position in the compan# is hat ma'es me see that this is one of the best practices" She adapted to change, as not most of all the old people ould usuall# do" She reconsiders initial s'epticism and sho s herself as being highl# in!enti!e and resourceful" On the other hand, Miranda $riestl#&s leadership s'ills doesn&t reall# sa# it as one of the best practices in HR" Miranda as an obsessi!e, strict, capricious and unforgi!ing" -i'e in one of the scenes here in the compan# had a meeting, Miranda sho ed ine!itable and rude attitude to ards her subordinates" She doesn&t listen to the ideas of her emplo#ees and also she doesn&t let an#one, as in A(.O(E, tal' her out of her decision less spea'ing out" /he relationship bet een them is just a gi!e-gi!e situation" Onl# Miranda ins in an# discussion bet een her teammates ho are her emplo#ees" /he culture in 0Run a#&s0 en!ironment is not reall# a good one to sta# for long if #ou are planning to or' there" )irst, Miranda doesn&t gi!e an# consideration to an#one that or's for her" /here ere no connection bet een an#one of them" E!en if her compan# reigns in the fashion industr#, the compan# still lac's a more friendl# or' en!ironment" E!en corporate ethics cannot be found an# here" And because of that, the potentials of each member of her team can&t be e%pressed and sho n thoroughl#" And that&s hat , thin' ould ma'e their compan# a more successful one" ,f onl# Miranda ould ha!e return the fa!or b# being responsi!e to her team, , thin' the compan# ould ease up and become more close to e!er#one and the# ould do their or' more genuinel#" But, despite the mistreatment that Miranda $riestl# is sho ing to her subordinates, , commend the people ho stood b# Miranda&s side as she becomes more successful to her field of e%pertise" E!en if the# 'no that

Miranda can be ominous most of the time, the# still sta#ed ith their current jobs not because it&s a job but because the# alread# fall in lo!e ith their job" /he# alread# lo!ed their job that the# are illing to face an# challenges fate ould thro at them" /he# still maintained to or' as a team e!en if the leader ne!er became their member"

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