ASU Design and Manufacturing BOOKLET

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ASU Designing For All Manufacture

Dennis Golabiewski

General Comments
Successful mechanical design requires several factors to be brought under consideration.
The following are some of those issues you will need to consider and understand about
the design process, as it relates to the machine shop, before submitting projects to the Ira
A. Fulton School of Engineering Development Machine Shop:
Design scope, intent and complexity.
Time to completion (shop time is our concern here). You need to remember that your
design time can be only a fraction of the time it will take to manufacture a part. If it takes
weeks to design, it may take even longer to machine.
Cost: materials and specialty tooling in the shop. Labor is no charge.
Design: complexity and clarity greatly affect job completion time.
Shop Backlog: varies during the year.
Design, engineering, detailing and manufacturing tools: use (CAD/CAM, FEA, CAE)
Staff experience: There are varying degrees of expertise and backgrounds
in the shop. This as well as work load may result in a variation of the actual time quoted for
part production
Intelligent Design Guidelines and conveying Design Intent.
Employ the "KIS" principle (Keep It Simple), simple designs almost always result in functional
parts and assemblies as well as generating a quicker turn-a-round)
ASSEMBLY NOTE: For each assembly component, there is opportunity for incorrectly designed
component/assembly interference. As the number of components increase, the material cost and time for fabricating the
product increases. Tolerance accumulation (stack tolerances) becomes more significant and may require additional
design considerations to produce functional assembly components. Additionally, creating design documents and
manufacturing processes are additive. As the product structure and required operations are simplified, fewer fabrication
and assembly steps are required, manufacturing processes and lead-times are reduced. The designers, research
engineers and manufacturing engineers should review all components within an assembly to determine whether
components can be eliminated, simplified or combined with another component or the function of a design can be
executed with a simpler approach. Remember these are engineering functions not machine shop functions. The shop
pays machinists to make parts not design them! Always have your designs proofed by at least one other engineer.
Design using off the shelf, standard or OEM components to simplify the design and
manufacturing process. (we do not manufacture parts you can purchase) To minimize the amount and
variation in common components and to insure standard replacement part availability check for
reliable suppliers. Standard components will insure reduction in manufacturing time and result in
reliable quality. Standard component design charts (availably on the internet) can be used to
expedite efficient design. Some suppliers do offer CAD files of the components they sell.
Downloading these files is useful even when modifications are required for off the shelf parts.
Manufacturing is simplified and production brought to the foreground quickly.
Design for ease of fabrication and assembly. Know about the manufacturing and machining
processes in your design, understand the materials and production requirements. Select
materials compatible with production processes and that minimize processing time while meeting
functional, realistic design requirements. Avoid unnecessary part features. They involve extra
processing effort and/or more complex tooling. If you want it to look pretty, paint it later!

Machine Shop Equipment and Tooling
The following list covers most of the machine tools and equipment utilized in the Ira A. Fulton
School of Engineering Development Machine Shop.
Manual Milling Machines are used to drill, ream, bore, counterbore, countersink, lap and tap
holes. Mill 2D profiles and pockets. (accuracy to 0.002, Operation dependent)
Manual Engine Lathes are used to drill holes (on centerline of rotation, (turn) machine ODs
(outer diameters), bore IDs (inner diameters), face (cutting the end of a piece flat) groove (cut
slots or steps on the ID or OD of a piece, cut or chase threads on the ID or OD of a workpiece
and machine both ID and OD tapers up to 10 degrees. Although cylindrical or conic workpieces
are the majority of work done on lathes it is possible to cut rectangular pieces or holes in
rectangular pieces. (accuracy to 0.002)
Surface Grinders are used to machine extremely flat and smooth surfaces. They machine parts
flat, parallel and square to a very high tolerance. Some materials cannot be ground do to the
properties of the material. (accuracy to 0.0005)
Cylindrical Grinders are use to machine high tolerances on cylindrical or conical shaped pieces.
Both the OD and the ID of this type of piece can be machined. (accuracy to 0.0005)
CNC Milling Machines have all the functionality of manual milling machines plus some very
important added capabilities. Because the movement of the machine is now controlled by a
computer and servo motor control cards rather than the machine tool operator additional complex
features or surfaces can now be machined. The CNC mills at ASU are capable of
simultaneous/independent 2, 3 and 4 axes movement. This allow for machining of complex 3
dimensional surfaces. Such surfaces as are found in parts like air foils, impellers, gears and
double helix screw designs to name only a few. CAD files are directly imported from your data
files submitted to the shop. CAM (computer aided machining) software is then used to prepare
surfaces for machining and generation of computer code (G-code) the machine tool can
CNC Lathes are also capable of performing all of the operations done on standard manual
lathes. There are additional functionalities found on CNC lathes. The process of importing data
directly from completed data design files is the same as that done with CNC mills. With that in
mind we now have the ability to cut sculpted surfaces on cylindrical and conical components as
well as tapered or double helix threads.
Other Machines and Equipment in the Shop
Radial Arm Drill Press Pedestal Drill Arbor Press
Shear Brake Broach Hand Tools

Machining Processes
Threaded (tapped) Holes
Design for full thread depth. Usually 1 - 2 times the major diameter provides adequate
holding strength (this will be different for each application and material).
Drilled hole depth (to the sharp point of the tool) is recommended to be at least equal to
the full thread plus major diameter, but never less than .050"
Material thickness as measured from the bottom of the drilled hole to next surface should
not be less than the diameter of hole or not less than 1/16.
When design functionality allows, thru holes are always preferred. (drilling op. only)
Drilled Holes
The standard maximum depth for a drilled hole is generally no deeper than 3 - 5 times
the diameter of the hole.
The accuracy of a drilled hole is generally 0.005 depending on the quality of the tooling
and the skill of the machinists
Drilled holes are usually clearance or placed on a part to reduce weight. They may also
be precursors to subsequent operations.
The finish on drilled holes is somewhat rough. The larger the drilled hole the rougher the
The denser the material the larger the minimum diameter of hole that can be drilled
in it.
(in general) Drilling is one of the fastest material removal operations performed in our
machine shop.
Drilling not only varies in accuracy of diameter but also in absolute dimension location
and concentricity. .
Reamed or Bored Holes
The standard depth of reamed or bored holes parallels that of drilled holes
The diameter accuracy of a reamed hole can be as good as 0.0005. The diameter
accuracy of a bored hole can be as close as 0.0001. This varies with the age of the
machine tool, the quality of the tooling and the skill of the machinists.
The finish on reamed and bored holes can be from 200-240 micro-inches (see chart
below). Again the same variables mentioned early apply.

Lathe Turning, boring, parting, threading, slotting and facing
Turning is the process where material is removed from the outside of a cylindrical or
conical piece mounted to the head stock of a lathe. The degree of accuracy will
dependant on material, diameter and machine tool. (accuracy to 0.0005). This is
operation specific and does not apply across the board!
Boring is the process of removing material from the inside of a cylindrical or conical piece
mounted to the head stock of an engine lathe. The degree of accuracy will dependant on
material, diameter and machine tool. (accuracy to 0.0005).
Threading is the operation where threads are cut either internally or on the OD (outer
diameter of a cylindrical or conical piece. (NOTE) There are ways to thread on machine
tools other than lathes.
Facing is the operation used to flatten the end of a piece mounted to the headstock of a
lathe. It should be known that the piece does not have to be a cylinder or conical in
shape to be faced off.
Slotting is the operation that cuts grooves in the OD or ID of a piece on the lathe.
Parting is simply separating a finished piece from the stock being held in the head stock.
Lathe finishes parallel that of milling and some grinding finishes. See Micro finish chart

Material Finish Chart


Examples of Perishable Tooling (cost to customer)
Perishable Tooling (cutting tools) varies from machine type to machine type. Some tooling can
be used on both lathes and mills. For example, both lathes and mills use drills (drill bits),
reamers, boring tools, taps and single point cutters. Some tooling is designated for specific
machine tools only.
Lathe tooling

cemented carbide lathe bit boring head (precision hole lathe/mill) inserted carbide


Tapered engraving end mill

.2 flute finish end mill (heavy metal removal) 2 flute finish ball end mill


rotary carbide files (light metal removal)

taps (for internal threads) Drill bit, rough holes

adjustable reamer (size holes) broach set (cut keyways) grinding wheels
To view additional metal cutting tools search the internet for (metal cutting tooling)
The tooling above is a very small sample of the perishable tooling used in a machine
shop. The more you understand the types of tooling and the machine tools used in the
material removal process the more realistic your designs can become.


Common Machine Tools

Radial Arm Drill Press Pedestal Drill Press Band Saw

Surface grinder Horizontal knee mill
Standard Engine Lathe

Materials and Material Selection
Material selection is an important part of your design. Often times students, research assistants
and even researchers will submit drawings without making a material call out. When ask what
material is needed the answers vary and are usually pretty humorous, It doesnt matter or a
generic answer like steel. Remember, if it doesnt matter, Im making it out of wax! It cuts
really easy.
The shop requires that all drawings have a call out for material and that the call out should be
specific. There are thousands of types of steel, aluminum and plastic available. Were sure that
in many instances your project requires materials with specific properties. You will need to
consider what properties are relative to the functionality of your parts. You can find a listing of
ALL materials and all their properties at You must register at this sight but it
is free of charge. The single most important property the machine shop concerns itself with is the
machinablity of the material. There are some materials that cannot be machined in our shop. If
necessary the work can be sent out to a facility with the equipment to machine your parts but
remember, you will be charged.
Manufacturing considers and general design guidelines:
For high volume parts, consider castings (molds), extrusions or other volume
manufacturing processes to reduce machining and inmachine time. This would require
that the job be quoted off campus. (various types of mold can be built on campus) There
are videos at the shop you can check out for molding techniques you can do yourself.
Consult with manufacturing engineering to determine and design for solid mounting or
other fixture-locating features on the component. This is usually a function of the shop
but you may be required to participate unusually if there are additional materials to be
When designing avoid thin walls (depth should not exceed 1 thickness of wall), thin
webs, or similar features may result in distortions due to manufacturing and material
stress migration.
Avoid undercuts that will require special operations, tools or outside quotes.
Always design around standard cutters when possible, drill bit sizes or other tools (metric
or english) This requires you know at least the basics of machine tool usage and the cutting tools
for them. All the information you require can be found on the web. Check and There is an immense amount of
information that will aid you.
Avoid small holes and threaded features (design for nut and bolt assembly). Small holes
(under 1/16

) cause the extreme difficulty when machining.

Remember when designing try to use standard fractional or metric sizes.
Manufacturing tooling employs these standard sizes in the manufacture of tooling.
Non-standard (nominal) sizes may result in a substantial cost in the production
of your parts.

Fixture/tooling and structural support material selection
When designing large steel fixtures, support structures or tooling where high accuracy flatness,
perpendicularity, parallelism or true position is required, specify a material such as one of the low
carbon HRS (hot rolled steels). This material is very stable and will retain form better than CRS
(Cold Rolled Steels). If large amounts of material are removed from your billet remember to call
out for stress relieving prior to finishing the parts.
Dimensional Tolerancing
For surface composite curves such as, internal pockets or other profiles in CNC manufacturing a
continuous cutting path will be established and manufactured. Design for and specify symmetrical
tolerances (+/- .XXX) when possible.
Reason: Often the machine tools used in the manufacture of components utilize a feature called "Cutter
Compensation". This allows +/- size control variation of the features being machined without having to control the NC
(numerical code) program (data file) to an exact match with the cutter diameter. For a continuous path, if "X" dimension
has +0, -.005 and "Y" dimension has +.005, -0 tolerance specifying the cutter compensation cannot be used to control
size, because adding or subtracting from cutter path input automatically invokes an error to the dimension of the other
toleranced continuous path surface. Simply, a offset is input into the machine relative to the cutting tool to manufacture for
mid tolerance of surface "X" at -.0025 however; this path is not compatible with the "y" surface in that the nominal offset is
.0025 out of tolerance. This is also a problem when dealing with jigs, fixtures or inspection gages. Understanding this
could drastically reduce programming and re-programming time.

If a dimension is not toleranced the following tolerances will be
applied to that dimension!
Shop defined standards will be used by the machine shop
1 place dimensions 0.015
2 place dimensions 0.010
3 place dimensions 0.0015
4 place dimensions 0.0005
The degree of your tolerances should be within manufacturing capabilities of the
development machine shop. The degree of accuracy for our equipment was discussed during
the orientation walk through and listed above. Do not use tolerances beyond those needed
to make your parts functional! If you require closer tolerances than we are able to produce
the work can be quoted for off campus completion. This would be at your expense.
Concurrently designing for manufacturing will greatly improve product quality and reduce
fabrication costs and complications. Consult with manufacturing early in the design process. After
completion of preliminary drawings, meet with manufacturing and review design plausibility,
requirements and determine manufacturing process requirements. Manufacturing should review
tolerances and determine process capabilities to meet dimensional limits. Manufacturing should
identify tolerance challenges that require design reconsiderations.
In general, designers should avoid unnecessarily tight tolerances. Especially those that are
beyond the natural capability of the Development Machine Shops manufacturing processes.
Tolerance stack-ups should be considered on mating parts. Overall assembly tolerances should
be calculated, and interference as well as clearance requirements understood. Surface finish
requirements can be established based on actual manufacturing processes. However employed,
surface finish requirements should be understood and the designers intent accurately defined. (if
your know the correct use of GD&T them use the symbols)
Simplify design and assembly so that the assembly process is instantly recognizable.
Components should be designed so that they can only be assembled the correct way (called fool
proofing); they cannot be reversed. Roll pins, dowel pins or offset mounting holes can be
employed but should be labeled for functionality understanding on the manufacturing floor.
Remember that all design drawings must meet these very simple requirements.
All drawings must be to scale and the scale must be called out in the title block.
Drawings can be in either English or Metric notation but the two cannot be mixed
in one drawing unless both are called out on every dimension.
All drawings must be done using standard third angle projection.
Drawings should contain enough view to fully define the part
Drawings need to be dimensioned from DATUM. ( start points ) As the designer
it is your responsibility to make the decision on where to locate your datums for
each view. Datums are generally chosen by functionality of a feature. ( edge or
hole )
All drawings must contain a specific material call out.
All drawings need a quantity call out or only one will be produced.
Hole features should be labeled to avoid confusion as to the function of the
CAD drawings must be submitted as both data file and hardcopies. (part files
must be included)
Drawings done by hand must meet the same detailing requirements as CAD
Solidworks is the School of Engineering standard. It is available for to all faculty
and staff as well as students. If you are using a different CAD system check
with the shop to determine the type of data file you will need to export to. We
have direct translator for most major CAD systems.


Design for component orientation and handling to minimize non-value-added manual effort,
ambiguity or difficulty in orienting and merging parts. Basic principles to facilitate parts handling
and orienting are:
Parts should be designed to consistently orient themselves. Examples are the use of offset dowel
Product design should avoid parts that can become tangled, wedged or disoriented.
Verify clearance for assembly tooling such as hand tools, screws, nuts and bolts.
With hidden features that require a particular orientation, provide an external access feature, that is
to say provide access to hidden internal components in assemblies.
Design in fasteners large enough so that are easy to handle and install as well as provide the level
of functionality you require.
Special Issues
Flatness should be applied with reasonable overall form tolerance as a means to prevent abrupt
surface variation within a relatively small area of the feature. Depending on material thickness
and application, a note can be added to a design drawing: " Consider that FLATNESS MAY BE
should include specific restraining requirements or the lack of them. Extreme flatness
requirements add substantial cost and time to the production of the part.

Internal Radii
Always specify the largest radius possible. Small diameter tools add significant cost and
time to the manufacturing process and may be impossible to do in our shop.
When depth exceeds 2
the diameter of the pocket corner radii, consult
manufacturing on alternative fabrication methods. Depths of up to 5 xs are possible
when machining soft metals and plastics but you still need to consult with the shop to
make sure your design is possible.
For deep sharp corner cutouts that require broaching or EDM, specify radii max at all
cutout corners i.e. (4xs R .008 MAX) Remember in most instances this work will be sent
out for manufacture and you will be billed for the additional costs.

Design for efficient joining and fastening, know your hardware. We do
not know what a whatchamajiggie is.
Threaded fasteners (screws, bolts, nuts and washers) can be time-consuming to assemble.
Consider design alternatives that will reduce fastener count. Use uniform screw sizes where
practical. WE DO NOT SUPPLY or Build HARDWARE (items pictured below).


Decimal Equivalents
English Metric Decimal English Metric Decimal English Metric Decimal English Metric Decimal

.. .1 .0039 45 .. .0820 5 .. .2055 7/16 .. .4375
.2 .0079 44 .. .0860 4 .. .2090 29/64 .. .4531
.. .3 .0118 43 .. .0890 3 .. .2130 15/32 .. .4687
80 .. .0135 42 .. .0935 7/32 . .2187 .. 12. .4724
79 . .0145 3/32 .. .0937 2 .. .2210 31/64 .. .4844
1/64 .. .0156 41 .. .0960 1 .. .2280 1/2 .. .5000
.. .4 .0157 40 .. .0980 A .. .2340 .. 13. .5118
78 . .0160 39 .. .0995 15/64 .. .2344 33/64 .. .5156
77 . .0180 38 .. .1015 .. 6. .2362 17/32 .. .5312
. .5 .0197 37 .. .1040 B .. .2380 35/64 . .5469
76 . .0200 36 .. .1065 C .. .2420 .. 14. .5512
75 . .0210 7/64 .. .1094 D .. .2460 9/16 .. .5625
74 .0225 35 .. .1100 1/4 .. .2500 37/64 .. .5781
. .6 .0236 34 .. .1110 F .. .2570 .. 15. .5906
73 .. .0240 33 .. .1130 G .. .2610 19/32 .. .5937
72 .. .0250 32 .. .1160 17/64 .. .2656 39/64 .. .6094
71 .. .0260 .. 3. .1181 H .. .2660 5/8 .. .6250
.. .7 .0276 31 .. .1200 I .. .2720 .. 16. .6299
70 .. .0280 1/8 .. .1250 .. 7. .2756 41/64 .. .6406
69 .. .0292 30 .. .1285 J .. .2770 21/32 .. .6562
68 .. .0310 29 .. .1360 K .. .2810 .. 17. .6693
1/32 .. .0312 28 .. .1405 9/32 .. .2812 43/64 .. .6719
.. .8 .0315 9/64 .. .1406 L .. .2900 11/16 .. .6875
67 .. .0320 27 .. .1440 M .. .2950 45/64 .. .7031
66 .. .0330 26 . .1470 19/64 .. .2969 .. 18. .7087
65 .. .0350 25 .. .1495 N .. .3020 23/32 .. .7187
. .9 .0354 24 .. .1520 5/16 .. .3125 47/64 .. .7344
64 .. .0360 23 .. .1540 .. 8. .3150 .. 19. .7480
63 .. .0370 5/32 . .1562 O .. .3160 3/4 .. .7500
62 .. .0380 22 .. .1570 P .. .3230 49/64 .. .7656
61 .. .0390 .. 4. .1575 21/64 .. .3281 25/32 .. .7812
.. 1. .0394 21 .. .1590 Q .. .3320 .. 20. .7874
60 .. .0400 20 .. .1610 R .. .3390 51/64 .. .7969
59 .. .0410 19 .. .1660 11/32 .. .3437 13/16 .. .8125
58 .. .0420 18 . .1695 S .. .3480 .. 21. .8268
57 . .0430 11/64 .. .1719 .. 9. .3543 53/64 .. .8281
56 .. .0465 17 .. .1730 T .. .3580 27/32 .. .8437
3/64 .. .0469 16 .. .1770 23/64 .. .3594 55/64 .. .8594
55 .. .0520 15 .. .1800 U .. .3680 .. 22. .8661
54 .. .0550 14 .. .1820 3/8 .. .3750 7/8 .. .8750
53 .. .0595 13 .. .1850 V .3770 57/64 .. .8906
1/16 . .0625 3/16 .. .1875 W .. .3860 .. 23. .9055
52 .. .0635 12 .. .1890 25/64 .. .3906 29/32 .. .9062
51 .. .0670 11 .. .1910 .. 10. .3937 59/64 .. .9219
50 .. .0700 10 .. .1935 X .. .3970 15/16 .. .9375
49 . .0730 9 .. .1960 Y . .4040 .. 24. .9449
48 .. .0760 .. 5. .1968 13/32 .. .4062 61/64 .. .9531
5/64 .. .0781 8 .. .1990 Z .. .4130 31/32 .. .9687
47 .. .0785 7 .. .2010 27/64 .. .4219 .. 25. .9842
.. 2. .0787 13/64 .. .2031 .. 11. .4331 63/64 .. .9844
46 .. .0810 6 .. .2040 1 25.4 1.000

Web sights that can answer most of the design, detailing and manufacturing questions
you may have. material properties all engineering (mechanical, mfg., chem., MAE, Indus.) any detailing or dimensioning questions right. How stuff works! Anything! manufacturing

Tap Drill
Tap Drill
- SAE Tap & Drill Chart -
Fine Thread
.0595 No. 53 0-80 .0469 3/64
2-56 .0700 No. 50 1-72 .0595 No. 53
3-48 .0785 No. 47 2-64 .0700 No. 50
4-40 .0890 No. 43 3-56 .0820 No. 45
5-40 .1015 No. 38 4-48 .0935 No. 42
6-32 .1065 No. 36 5-44 .1040 No. 37
8-32 .1360 No. 29 6-40 .1130 No. 33
10-24 .1495 No. 25 8-36 .1360 No. 29
12-24 .1770 No. 16 10-32 .1590 No. 21
1/4-20 .2010 No. 7 12-28 .1820 No. 14
5/16-18 .2570 'F' 1/4-28 .2130 No. 3
3/8-16 .3125 5/16 5/16-24 .2720 'I'
7/16-14 .3680 'U' 3/8-24 .3320 'Q'
1/2-13 .4219 27/64 7/16-20 .3906 25/64
9/16-12 .4844 31/64 1/2-20 .4531 29/64
5/8-11 .5312 17/32 9/16-18 .5156 33/64
3/4-10 .6562 21/32 5/8-18 .5781 37/64
7/8-9 .7656 49/64 3/4-16 .6875 11/16
1"-8 .8750 7/8 7/8-14 .8125 13/16

1"-14 .9375 59/64



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