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Activity Group Ther py For p tie!t "ith re #ity $i%orie!t tio!

Tutor 1 Intan Yunitasari as Leader Lestari Nursyifa Aeni as Observer Rati Erviani as Patient 1 Oky Octaviani as Nurse 1 Annisa Widiyaningsih as Patient 2 Nurfadlah as Nurse 2 Rr !erning Putri " as Patient # $%iandini as Nurse #


& '(rning everyb(dy )(day %e*ll be d(ing thera+ies (f activities gr(u+ es+ecially (rientati(n (f reality seas(n 1 ,ef(re %e start it- I*ll intr(duce .y self 'y na.e Intanand I a. as .anage in this activity )his activity has +ur+(se t( kn(% each (ther and t( c(ntr(l (ur eg( WellI %ill read the rules (f this activity /Read a rules0 N(%- all (f y(u .ust intr(duce y(urselves t( (thers- %h( %ill be the first1

/Patient 1- 2- # %ant t( intr(duce the.selves rashly0 Nurse 1 Patient 1 Nurse 1 Patient 1 Patient 2 & Y(u .ust raise y(ur hand bef(re y(u %ant say anything.(. & What1 'ust I1 I*. head .aster (f 2NPA$ )his is .y rightful auth(rity & 3(rry .(.- y(u .ust f(ll(% the rule & /s.irk0 & Oh .y g(d- .(. I have +(%er very .uch in therebecause I*. the (ne (f g(vern(r candidate in this c(untry Nurse 2 Patient 2 Leader Patient # Nurse # Patient # & ,e cal. .(.- +lease $( y(u hear the rules1 Raise y(ur hand u+ first if y(u %ant t( say s(.ething & )he rules14 !ah4 & Ok- st(+ it every(ne I*d like t( +(int (ne (f y(u f(r intr(duce y(ur self n(% Patient # %ill be the first & Wh(1 'e1 N(- I d(n*t %ant t( & Why .(.1 & All (f y(u d(n*t kn(% .e1 I*. s( fa.(us- because I*.

an artist /Patient 1 and 2 s.irking0 Nurse # Patient # & 3ee- they d(n*t kn(% y(ur na.e .iss & Ok- .ake it fast because I have s( .any schedules /3tand u+0 'y na.e is 5 .y 6(b is an artist Really y(u d(n*t kn(% %h( I a.11 Leader Patient 2 & "((d 6(b4 Ne7t +atient 2- +lease1 & Ah- (k )his is .y turn /3tanding0 'y na.e is 5 and .y +artner*s any%ay1 /Asking Nurse 20 Nurse 2 Patient 2 Nurse 2 Leader Patient 1 Leader Patient 1 & Please sit d(%n- .(. & We are fr(. 89ENA):9EN2) PAR)Y*- +lease ch((se us and v(te nu.ber 1444 & En(ugh .(.- sit d(%n +lease & E7cellent .(.- and n(% the last1 & /raise hand u+0 & Yes- +lease & 'y na.e is 5 'y 6(b is head .aster (f 2NPA$- I have been there f(r # years I*. sure that all (f .y student %ill get sch(larshi+ t( Aus Nurse 1 Patient 1 Nurse 1 Patient 1 Leader & En(ugh .(.- +lease sit d(%n & Why14 I haven*t finished yet4 & )he inf(r.ati(n fr(. y(u is en(ugh ;ust y(ur na.e and sit d(%n +lease & Oh c(.e (n & N(%- anyb(dy can tell .e %hat the +ur+(se (f this activity1 /Patient 1- 2- and # raise the. hand and say 8I kne%*0 Oh- %h(*s y(ur na.e

Leader Patient # Leader

& Ok- g((d I %ant y(u +atient #- +lease ans%er %hat the +ur+(se (f this activity1 & )( c(ntr(l (ur eg( & Ok- very e7cellent We have finished this activity 3(- if y(u %ant t( s+eak s(.ething y(u .ust raise y(ur hand $( y(u understand1

/Patient 1- 2- and # n(ds and say 8yes*0 Leader & Ok- %e %ill .eet again t(.(rr(% f(r being discussed ab(ut y(ur h(bbies Agree1 /Patient 2 and # n(ds and say 8yes*0 Patient 1 Nurse 1 Patient 1 Leader & I can*t- because I have t( lecture .y student & 3(rry .(.- but %e have arranged y(ur schedule f(r f(ll(% this class till finish & Really1 & Ok- class )(.(rr(% after breakfast %e %ill be .eeting in here N(% y(u can back t( y(ur r((. Please nurse f(r deliver the.- g((dbye5 After # nurses deliver # +atients- they discussed result (f activity %ith Observer and Leader Observer & Well- %e have finished seas(ns 1 ab(ut c(ntr(l the. eg( In .y n(te- +atient 1 %h( thing herself is head .aster (f 2NPA$ 3he had tr(uble things harder things harder than (thers ,ecause at that .(.ent- she al%ays talking t(( .uch and n(n:sense 3he can*t res+(nse t( f(cus the t(+ic (r leader Any(ne %h( add ab(ut this1 /Every(ne in r((. n(ds and understands %hat (bserver talking ab(ut0 Observer & Ok- see y(u t(.(rr(%

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