Manoj Resume

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Plot No-43,Flat no.201,B-wing, Vithai bldg, Sanpada sector-1, Na i !"#bai $ 400%0&. Mobile No. Email : +91-8693895855 : toma o!"a#a$%&mail.'om

'o b"ild a long ter# career in the #echanical engineering (ield with opport"nities (or career growth and to learn and wor) e((ecti el* in an organi+ation and to constantl* "pgrade #* )nowledge and s)ills.

-e&$ee B., 0.S.1 S.S.1 . i/e$0it12)oa$3 !"#bai -ni ersit* !aharashtra Board !aharashtra Board St$eam !echanical 4ea$ o5 (om"letio 2012 200% 200& Pe$'e ta&e ...20/ &2/ %1.33/

2 ha e wor)ed on a (inal 3ear pro4ect 5,6,1'78-!,109N2196 1978! B897:; in a gro"p o( 3 tea# #e#bers. 'he s*ste# consisted o( high resol"tion digital ca#era, !ain processing "nit and #onitor "nit. 'he ca#era capt"res the i#age o( the coin o( the caro# board and trans#its it to the central processing "nit. F"rther the #ain processing "nit co#p"tes and is"ali+es on the #onitor "nit.



<or)ing as Prod"ction 'rainee ,ngineer in Flo-:*ne 1ontrols =2> P t 6td. Since sept.2012 to present.8rgani+ation 2n(o Flo- :*ne 1ontrols =2> P t. 6td is a 6eading #an"(act"rer o( 2nd"strial Silencer, S"rge Vessels ? F"ll* owned s"bsidiar* -nit o( Flo-:*ne 1ontrols -@.

<or) :escription 1"rrentl* wor)ing as Prod"ction c"# A"alit* engineerB related wor)s are li)e to gi e order o( #aterial to p"rchase :ept. as per reA"ire#ent in pro4ect as per Bill 8( !aterial. 9s a Prod"ction c"# A"alit* ,ngineer 2 was responsible (or inspection o( raw #aterials, in-process inspection o( 4obs, (inished prod"cts.

DP-Testing. Radiographic film interpretation. Hydro Pressure testing. Inspection Reports work. Welding Inspection.

JO) SK+66S

Knowledge in a!rication Drawings. a!out #$%& $tandards. on 'isual and dimensional inspection on pressure (essel ) industrial

" Knowledge " Knowledge

C 9SN' 6e el 22 1erti(ication in 7adiograph* 'esting, -ltrasonic 'esting, !agnetic Particle 'esting, :*e Penetrant 'esting.

19: 8perating S*ste#s !S 8((ice D 9"to19:. D <indows EPF% D !icroso(t 8((ice, ,Gcel and Power Point

-ate o5 )i$t8 6a &9a&e0 K o# Hobbie0 N8V, 1HIH : ,nglish, !arathi and 0indi. : Pla*ing and watching 1ric)et, 6istening #"sic.

2 do hereb* declare that the partic"lars o( in(or#ation and (acts stated herein abo e are tr"e, correct and co#plete to the best o( #* )nowledge and belie(. Pla'eDN9V2- !-!B92.


Name: !ano4 S. Pawar

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