10 The Ebusiness Suite Development Process

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10 The eBusiness Suite Development Process

Table of Contents
Table of Contents....................................................................................................... 1 User Interfaces........................................................................................................... 2 Process Overview....................................................................................................... 2 Identifying a Report.................................................................................................... 3 Run t e Report........................................................................................................... 3 !iew t e "inis ed Re#uest.......................................................................................... $ !iew t e Report %og "ile............................................................................................. & !iew t e Concurrent Progra' (efinition....................................................................) T e Concurrent Progra' (efinition............................................................................* Copy t e Concurrent (efinition.................................................................................. + !iew t e ,ew (efinition............................................................................................. .odify t e (efinition to Produce /.%.......................................................................10 1et t e (efault Te'plate.......................................................................................... 11 C ec2 t e Responsibility........................................................................................... 12 3uery t e Re#uest 4roup......................................................................................... 13 5dd t e ,ew Report.................................................................................................. 1$ 1ub'it t e ,ew Re#uest.......................................................................................... 1& !iew t e ,ew Re#uest.............................................................................................. 1) !iew t e Re#uest Output.......................................................................................... 1* Create an RT" Te'plate........................................................................................... 1%oad t e /.% 1a'ple (ata....................................................................................... 20 Co'plete t e 1a'ple (ata %oad.............................................................................. 21 "inis t e Te'plate.................................................................................................. 22 6egin (ata (efinition Registration...........................................................................23 Register t e (ata (efinition..................................................................................... 2$ 5pply t e (ata (efinition Registration.....................................................................2) 6egin t e Te'plate Registration.............................................................................. 2* Register t e Te'plate.............................................................................................. 2+ Update t e .apping................................................................................................. 30 Co'plete t e Te'plate Registration........................................................................31 1ub'it t e 6I Publis er Re#uest.............................................................................. 32 !iew t e Results....................................................................................................... 33

User Interfaces
Template manager Data definition manager X ! Publisher concurrent re"uest X ! Publisher Des#top $Template Builder%

Process &vervie'
1( dentif) the report( Submit the re"uest *ie' the finished re"uest *ie' the report log file Cop) the concurrent program definition+ and modif) it to produce X ! as its output( ,dd the ne' concurrent re"uest to the re"uest group- so that+ )ou can submit it via S.S( /( Submit the report using S.S( Submit the re"uest *ie' the re"uest output+ and save the X ! to a file on )our des#top machine( 0( Design the template follo'ing the standards $'here applicable%( 1( .egister )our concurrent re"uest as a Data Definition in the X ! Publisher Template anager( 2( .egister the template in the X ! Publisher Template anager( 3( ,dd translations+ if desired+ to )our .T4 template 5( .un the BI Publisher Concurrent .e"uest(

Identif)ing a .eport
In the S)stem ,dministrator responsibilit)+ there is a report called+ ,ctive Users( !et6s use it for our sample(

.un the .eport

*ie' the 4inished .e"uest

*ie' the .eport !og 4ile


*ie' the Concurrent Program Definition

The Concurrent Program Definition

Cop) the Concurrent Definition

*ie' the 7e' Definition

odif) the Definition to Produce X !


Set the Default Template

T is step 'ust be done fro' t e S)stem ,dministration responsibility not t e S)stem ,dministrator 7i.e.8 for's9based: responsibility.


Chec# the .esponsibilit)

C ec2 t e responsibility to see w at R;3U;1T 4ROUP it is using. In t is case8 t e S)stem ,dministrator responsibility is using t e S)stem ,dministrator .eports Re#uest 4roup.


8uer) the .e"uest 9roup


,dd the 7e' .eport


Submit the 7e' .e"uest


*ie' the 7e' .e"uest


*ie' the .e"uest &utput

< ile you ave t e output in your browser window8 15!; a copy of t e file to your 'ac ine. "or sa2e of si'plicity8 we will na'e t e file8 ",(1CUR/.='l. ,OT;> T e original file is #uite large as it as nu'erous entries. <e will want to significantly reduce t is file. 1o8 using t e Te=t ;ditor of your c oice8 open t e ",(1CUR/.='l file on your 'ac ine. ,otice t at eac User record is surrounded by t e /.% tag ?6R;5@A B ?C6R;5@A. 1o8 do t is8 delete all t e data fro' t e file ;/C;PT t e co'plete entry for t e 1D15(.I, user. Once you ave done t at8 re'e'ber to also delete t e user records after 1D15(.I,. 5lso8 re'e'ber not to delete all t e way to t e end of t e file8 t ere are /.% tags t at need to be preserved at t e end of t e file. 1pecifically8 t e tags you need to preserve are> ?C%I1TE6R;5@A ?5"E1R<I,ITA?C5"E1R<I,ITA ?5"E1R<I,IT1A?C5"E1R<I,IT1A ?CO15"E"IR1TE3U;RDA ?C%I1TEO15"E"IR1TE3U;RDA ?C",(1CUR1A 1*


Create an .T4 Template

(o t e following steps> 1: 4o to t e 6I Publis er directory w ere you 2eep your sa'ples "or e=a'ple> C:;Program 4iles;&racle;BI Publisher Des#top;samples;.T4 templates. 2: Create a directory in your .T4 templates directory8 call it User !isting. 3: .ove t e 47DSCU.X(<ml file t at you edited to your new User !isting directory. $: .ove a copy of Balance !etter Start(rtf into your User %isting directory. &: Rena'e Balance !etter Start(rtf to User !isting Start(rtf. ): Open and edit User !isting Start(rtf until it appears as s own above. *: %oad t e 47DSCU.X(<ml data. +: 5dd t e Userna'e field into t e te'plate. -: Create a table of t e Responsibility infor'ation.


!oad the X ! Sample Data


Complete the Sample Data !oad


4inish the Template


Begin Data Definition .egistration

6I Publis er provides Te'plate .anager to register your report data definitions and te'plates. Register t e concurrent re#uest as a data definition in t e Te'plate .anager to 'a2e t e data source available to 6I Publis er at runti'e. To register a (ata (efinition> 1. "ro' t e /.% Publis er 5d'inistrator responsibility8 navigate to t e (ata (efinitions page. 2. ;nter t e re#uired fields. T e data definition Code 'ust 'atc t e concurrent progra'Fs s ort na'e. 5t runti'e t is allows t e Concurrent .anager to provide t e list of te'plates t at are available for t e concurrent progra'.


.egister the Data Definition

T e (ata (efinition Code .U1T .5TCG t e concurrent progra'Fs s ort na'e. 5t runti'e t is allows t e Concurrent .anager to provide t e list of te'plates t at are available to t e concurrent progra'. 7ame ;nter a user9friendly na'e for your data definition. Code If you are using t e Oracle 5pplications concurrent 'anager to generate your report8 t e data definition Code 'ust 'atc t e concurrent progra' s ort na'e of t e report progra' 7for e=a'ple8 R5/CU1 for t e Custo'er %isting 1u''ary:. T is enables t e concurrent 'anager to locate t e te'plates available for t e report concurrent progra' w en you sub'it t e re#uest. ,pplication 1elect t e reportFs application fro' t e %O!. Start Date ;nter t e date fro' w ic t e data definition will be active. 2$

X ! Schema Dou 'ust supply /.% 1c e'a if bot of t e following conditions are applicable> T is data definition will be assigned to a P(" te'plate. T e P(" te'plate will re#uire field 'apping. 5 P(" te'plate re#uires 'apping if t e te'plate for' field na'es 7place olders: do not 'atc t e data ele'ent tag na'es of t e /.% file. Use t e Bro'se button to upload t e /.% 1c e'a fro' a saved location. =nd Date Dou cannot delete data definitions fro' t e Te'plate .anager. To 'a2e t e data definition inactive8 enter an end date. Previe' Data To use t e report Previe' feature of t e Te'plate .anager8 upload a sa'ple /.% file fro' t e data source. T e Previe' feature is available fro' t e *ie' Template page8 page &9) and also at runti'e fro' t e Oracle 5pplications re#uest sub'ission interface. Data Template If you are using an /.% Publis er data te'plate to generate t e data for t is data definition8 enter t e file location8 or use t e Bro'se button to upload your data te'plate. If you are using a concurrent progra' to generate t e data8 leave t is field blan2. "or infor'ation on creating data te'plates8 see (ata Te'plates8 page -91 . 5fter t e data definition is created8 all t e fields are updateable e=cept ,pplication and Code. *ie'ing and Updating a Data Denition To view an e=isting data definition> 1. 1earc for t e data definition fro' t e Data Definitions tab. 2. "ro' t e searc results8 select t e data definition 7ame to launc t e *ie' Data Definition page. 5ccess t e Update Data Definition page by perfor'ing eit er of t e following> 1elect t e Update icon fro' t e searc results region. 1elect t e Update button fro' t e *ie' Data Definition page. "ro' t e Update Data Definition page8 all fields are updateable e=cept ,pplication and Code. Setting .untime Properties for a Data Denition Dou can set runti'e configuration properties t at are specific to a data definition. To update or assign properties to t is data definition8 select t e =dit Configuration button. Property values set at t e (ata (efinition level ta2e precedence over values set at t e 1ite level8 but will be superseded by values set at t e Te'plate level.


,ppl) the Data Definition .egistration


Begin the Template .egistration


.egister the Template

< en you create a te'plate8 you assign it a data definition and upload your te'plate layout files. 5ssigning t e data definition 'a2es t e te'plate available to t e corresponding data source at runti'e. 5t initial creation8 you upload one te'plate file for a specific language and territory co'bination. T is file will beco'e t e (efault Te'plate "ile. To upload additional te'plate files or to c ange t e (efault Te'plate "ile8 use t e *ie' Template page. If your te'plate type is P("8 t e Template apping region will display after you clic2 t e ,ppl) button. 7ame ;nter a user9friendly na'e for your te'plate. Code 2+

5ssign a te'plate code using t e product s ort na'e and a descriptive ending. ,pplication 1elect t e reportFs 5pplication. Data Denition 1elect your reportFs data definition. T e data definition 'ust already e=ist in t e Te'plate .anager. T)pe 1elect t e file type of t e te'plate. !alid te'plate file types are> eTe=t 9 Inbound8 eTe=t 9 Outbound8 P("8 RT"8 /1%9"O8 /1%9GT.%8 /1%9T;/T8 and /1%9/.%. Start Date ;nter t e date fro' w ic t e te'plate will be active. =nd Date To 'a2e t e te'plate inactive8 enter an end date. Subtemplate If t is is a subte'plate8 select HDesH fro' t e drop list. 5 subte'plate is referenced by ot er te'plates8 but cannot be run on its own. "or e=a'ple8 you 'ay create a subte'plate to contain co''on content t at you want s ared across reports so t at you do not ave to duplicate t at content in all t e te'plates. Dou enter synta= in t e pri'ary te'plate to HcallH t e subte'plate so t at at runti'e its contents are included in t e report. 4ile Use t e Bro'se button to upload your te'plate layout file. !anguage 1elect t e te'plate language. 5dd 'ore language te'plate files to your te'plate definition fro' t e *ie' Template page. Territor) 1elect t e language territory. Translatable $chec# bo<% 1elect t is c ec2 bo= if you want t is te'plate to be translatable. Only RT" te'plates are translatable. 5fter t e te'plate definition is created8 t e following fields are not updateable> ,pplication8 Code8 and T)pe. Update t e te'plate fro' t e *ie' Template page.


Update the


If your te'plate type is P("8 t e Template apping region displays after you select ,ppl). If you na'ed t e place olders on t e P(" te'plate according to t eir corresponding /.% ele'ent na'es8 no 'apping is re#uired. If you did not na'e t e P(" place olders according to t e /.% ele'ent na'es 7or if you are using a t ird9 party P(" te'plate t at already contained na'ed place olders:8 you 'ust 'ap eac te'plate field na'e to its corresponding /.% ele'ent. Dou 'ust ave loaded t e /.% sc e'a to t e te'plateFs corresponding (ata (efinition to 'a2e t e /.% ele'ent na'es available to t e Te'plate .anagerFs 'apping tool. To perfor' 'apping8 select t e =nable apping button to launc t e Update apping page.


Complete the Template .egistration


Submit the BI Publisher .e"uest


*ie' the .esults

,OT;> Our report does not #uite loo2 t e way t at we e=pect. It is close8 but not co'plete t ere. T e proble' is t at it as 'erged all t e Users into 1 big responsibility listing. Obviously not w at we want.


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