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EVALUATION 2. How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

The combination of both my main product (music video) and ancillary texts (digipak and magazine advert) i The styling and makeup of the band members in my music video links well with my digipak and magazine advertisement. Both are in a simplistic and minimalist style, with a monotonal colour palette. The design of my digipak and magazine advertisement is very simplistic yet bold with the contrast of the all-white background and black text, this also links to the style of photography I used on the insert poster in my digipak. Emulating the bold style of photographers Terry Richardson and Viktor Vauthier, using a white background/screen and dressing the models/band members in mono-tonal clothing to create a simple yet bold end product. The black, bold choice of typography also links and combines well with the font/text on my digipak and the opening title on my music video. The QR barcode seen on my magazine advertisement is linked to the bands Tumblr page, this page is full of images like a continuous moodboard of inspiration from all areas of creativity (music, fashion, art, graphics, architecture, design etc) as well as exclusive music and images from INFLUXX. This Tumblr page is also set up in the same style as the digipak, magazine advertisement and style of my music video. It features mainly mono-tonal photography and conceptual images that are vague and even meaningless to some, yet creative and inspirational at the same time to the right target audience. All of the shots in my music video are symmetrical, precise and well framed, this also reflects in my style of photography which can be seen on the insert of my digipak. The models/band members are framed precisely and symmetrically in the shot. The style and representation of the band members (Ellie and Alex is continued from the music video into my ancillary texts). Alex and Ellie making very little eye contact with the camera in the music video and if they do it is with very little emotional and may even be seen as being cold. This is also shown in my photography on the poster insert, both Alex and Ellie have very little emotion and hardly engage with the audience, this works well to create a representation of the band in the eyes of their audience, they are clearly very serious about the music they make and want to ensure that is the main focal point of their work not their image or public relations. This is also reflected in the style of my digipak and advertisement as well as my music video. They all focus on the song, performance and music, there is no detail needed (of course the band are well presented with a polished looked however that is all appearance wise, unlike other bands the main female vocalist is not presented provocatively to try and lure in a large male fan base). For the band the music they produce speaks for itself and this is really shown in the digipak and magazine advertisement, as an indie/synth pop band they do not need to address a worldwide target audience like musicians in the pop genre for example. The audience INFLUXX are aiming their music at are believed to care more about the music being made rather than what the band are doing on stage and in their performances. Tradition elements making a connection with the main product and ancillary texts such as the bands record label have been included in my work. The closing title in my music video

names the bands record label (IAMSOUNDS), the logo for this record label can also be found on my digipak (back panel) and on my magazine advertisement which also brings all of these products together as a brand that their target audience can relate to.

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