API579 EXAMPLE Calculations

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EXAMPLE Given: Code : ASME B31.4 Design Temperature : 140 oF (60 oC !ipe Materia" : A!

# $% &rade A'$( E)* (in a++ordan+e ,it- ASME B36.10M A""o,a."e Tensi"e Strengt- o/ Materia" at Design Temp.( S: 10000 psi 1oint E//i+ien+2 /or pipe E)*( E : 1.0 3omina" !ipe Si4e( 3!S 5 Do : 40 in+- (1'16 mm !ipe S+-edu"e (*a"" T-i+7ness : STD. (6.$3 mm Assume a +orrosion a""o,an+e( C 5 3 mm (0.11011 in+(1 psi 5 1 pound per s8uare in+- 5 0.0903066$$ 7g:+m' Find: Ma;. a""o,a."e ,or7ing pressure( or ,-at ,e +a""ed design pressure( !. Data: 3omina" pipe ,a"" t-i+7ness( tn 5 6.$3 mm (S+-edu"e STD. !ipe *a"" T-i+7ness To"eran+e 5 < 1'.$= tn )emaining t-i+7ness a/ter dedu+ting o/ to"eran+e( t 5 (1>0.1'$ tn 5 0.09$ tn 5 0.09$ ; 6.$3 mm 5 0.3309$ mm (0.3'0'69 in+Corroded T-i+7ness 5 0.3309$ ? C 5 0.3309$ ? 3 5 $.3309$ mm ( 0.'10109 in+Solution: t 5 !Do : ' SE or ! 5 ' t S E : Do ! 5 ' t S E : Do 5 ' (0.'10109 in+- (10000 psi (1.0 : (40 in+- 5 1$9.6403 psi (10.066 .ar So( t-e pipe is designed to resist a design pressure ! 5 157 psi (11.030' 7g:+m' T-ere/ore( t-e operating pressure s-a"" not e;+eed !op 5 120 psi (0.4360 7g:+m' For )emaining %i/e (2ears ( p"ease re/er to t-e A!# $90 Piping In pe!tion "ode In pe!tion# $epair# Alteration# and $erating o% In ervi!e Piping S& te' ( 7(1 ")$$)SI)* $A+E DE+E$MI*A+I)*

7(1 (1 $e'aining Li%e "al!ulation T-e remaining "i/e o/ t-e piping s2stem s-a"" .e +a"+u"ated /rom t-e /o""o,ing /ormu"a: )emaining %i/e (2ears 5 (ta+tua" ? tre8uired : Corrosion )ate *-ere( ta+tua" 5 t-e a+tua" t-i+7ness( in in+-es (mi""imeters ( measured at t-e time o/ inspe+tion /or a gi@en "o+ation or +omponent as spe+i/ied in $.6.( tre8uired 5 t-e re8uired t-i+7ness( in in+-es (mi""imeters ( at t-e same "o+ation or +omponent as t-e ta+tua" measurement +omputed .2 t-e design /ormu"as (e.g.( pressure and stru+tura" .e/ore +orrosion a""o,an+e and manu/a+turerAs to"eran+e are added.

In a Positive Material Identification program, a material non-conformance is a test result that: ------ 3.8 material nonconformance: Is not consistent with the specified alloy.

What is the remaining life of a piping system with a short-term corrosion rate of . ! in"yr # .$% mm"yr& and a long-term corrosion rate of . % in"yr # .!3 mm"yr&' ( minimum re)uired thic*ness of .!% + #3.8 mm&, a remaining thic*ness of .$! + #%.3 mm&, and an original thic*ness of .$, + #-.8 mm&. ------ ,.!.! .ong-term and short-term corrosion rates should /e compared to see which results in the shortest remaining life as part of the data assessment. 0ow do you evaluate the effects of fire damage on a piping system' -----,.1 2tili3ing (PI %,4 5itness-for-6ervice 7he remaining life of a piping system shall /e calculated with what formula' -----,.!.! 7 actual - 7 minimum " corrosion rate 7he owner-user shall specify industry )ualified 27 6hear Wave 89aminers when: -----%, %.! 7rying to detect and si3e flaws for 5itness-for-6ervice evaluation. What is the level of e9amination in a Material :erification program' ------ %,8 3.% level of e9amination: 7he specified percentage of the num/er of components to /e e9amined.

6u/stituting appropriate ;<8 procedures for a pressure test after a repair may only /e done after: -----%, 8.$.- Pressure 7esting =onsultation with the inspector and the piping engineer. (PI >P %,4 provides procedures for: ------ %, %.3.!! (PI >P %,4, 6ection 3 provides procedures for the assessment of e)uipment for resistance to /rittle fracture. When positive material identification #PMI& testing is re)uired, porta/le ?-ray fluorescence spectrometer: ------ %,8 %.$.! Porta/le ?-ray 5luorescence

cannot /e used to detect elements lighter than sulfur #6&. Piping system corrosion rates shall /e calculated on: ------ ,.!.! 8ither a short-term or long-term /asis (PI %,8, Material :erification program for new and e9isting alloy piping systems covers: -----1.$.% =omponents =overed in a Material :erification ProgramProcess valves #including control valves& and relief valves. ( piping system with a high potential conse)uence of failure has a corrosion rate of ! MP@, . ! in"yr # .$% mm"yr&, a retirement thic*ness of .3% + #8.4 mm&, a re)uired thic*ness of .$% #-.1 mm&, and an actual thic*ness today of .% + #!$., mm&. What is the remaining life' ------ ,.!.! >emaining .ife =alculations Piping components identified /y PMI as not meeting the original piping specifications: -----%, %.8 Would /e targeted for replacement.

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