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Congress of the Philippines Twelfth Congress Third Regular Session

Begun held in Metro Manila on Monday, the twenty-eighth day of July, two thousand three.

Republic Act No. 9225

August 29, 2

AN ACT "A#$N% T&' C$T$('NS&$P )* P&$+$PP$N' C$T$('NS ,&) AC-.$R' *)R'$%N C$T$('NS&$P P'R"AN'NT. A"'N/$N% *)R T&' P.RP)S' C)"")N,'A+T& ACT. N). 0!, AS A"'N/'/ AN/ *)R )T&'R P.RP)S'S Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled: Section 1. Short Title this act shall be known as the "Citi2enship Retention and Re3 ac4uisition Act of 2 !." Section 2. Declaration of Policy - It is hereby declared the policy of the State that all hilippine citi!ens of another country shall be dee"ed not to ha#e lost their hilippine citi!enship under the conditions of this $ct. Section !. Retention of Philippine Citizenship - $ny pro#ision of law to the contrary notwithstanding, natural-born citi!enship by reason of their naturali!ation as citi!ens of a foreign country are hereby dee"ed to ha#e re-ac%uired hilippine citi!enship upon taking the following oath of allegiance to the &epublic: "I ''''''''''''''''''''', sole"ny swear (or affri") that I will support and defend the *onstitution of the &epublic of the hilippines and obey the laws and legal orders pro"ulgated by the duly constituted authorities of the hilippines+ and I hereby declare that I recogni!e and accept the supre"e authority of the hilippines and will "aintain true faith and allegiance thereto+ and that I i"posed this obligation upon "yself #oluntarily without "ental reser#ation or purpose of e#asion." ,atural born citi!ens of the hilippines who, after the effecti#ity of this $ct, beco"e citi!ens of a foreign country shall retain their hilippine citi!enship upon taking the aforesaid oath. Section 5. Derivative Citizenship - -he un"arried child, whether legiti"ate, illegiti"ate or adopted, below eighteen (./) years of age, of those who re-ac%uire hilippine citi!enship upon effecti#ity of this $ct shall be dee"ed citi!enship of the hilippines.

Section 5. Civil and Political Rights and Liabilities - -hose who retain or re-ac%uire hilippine citi!enship under this $ct shall en0oy full ci#il and political rights and be sub0ect to all attendant liabilities and responsibilities under e1isting laws of the hilippines and the following conditions: (.) -hose intending to e1ercise their right of surffrage "ust Meet the re%uire"ents under Section ., $rticle 2 of the *onstitution, &epublic $ct ,o. 3./3, otherwise known as "-he 4#erseas $bsentee 2oting $ct of 5667" and other e1isting laws+ (5) -hose seeking electi#e public in the hilippines shall "eet the %ualification for holding such public office as re%uired by the *onstitution and e1isting laws and, at the ti"e of the filing of the certificate of candidacy, "ake a personal and sworn renunciation of any and all foreign citi!enship before any public officer authori!ed to ad"inister an oath+ (7) -hose appointed to any public office shall subscribe and swear to an oath of allegiance to the &epublic of the hilippines and its duly constituted authorities prior to their assu"ption of office: Provided, -hat they renounce their oath of allegiance to the country where they took that oath+ (8) -hose intending to practice their profession in the hilippines shall apply with the proper authority for a license or per"it to engage in such practice+ and (9) -hat right to #ote or be elected or appointed to any public office in the hilippines cannot be e1ercised by, or e1tended to, those who: (a) are candidates for or are occupying any public office in the country of which they are naturali!ed citi!ens+ and:or (b) are in acti#e ser#ice as co""issioned or non-co""issioned officers in the ar"ed forces of the country which they are naturali!ed citi!ens. Section 0. Separability Clause - If any section or pro#ision of this $ct is held unconstitutional or in#alid, any other section or pro#ision not affected thereby shall re"ain #alid and effecti#e. Section 6. Repealing Clause - $ll laws, decrees, orders, rules and regulations inconsistent with the pro#isions of this $ct are hereby repealed or "odified accordingly. Section 7. Effectivity Clause -his $ct shall take effect after fifteen (.9) days following its publication in the Official Ga ette or two (5) newspaper of general circulation.

$ppro#ed, *RAN#+$N /R$+)N 8)S' /' 9'N'C$A 8R.

resident of the Senate

Speaker of the ;ouse of &epresentati#es

-his $ct, which is a consolidation of Senate Bill ,o. 5.76 and ;ouse Bill ,o. 8<56 was finally passed by the the ;ouse of &epresentati#es and Senate on $ugust 59, 5667 and $ugust 5=, 5667, respecti#ely. )SCAR %. :A;'S Secretary of Senate R);'RT) P. NA(AR'N) Secretary >eneral ;ouse of &epresenati#es

$ppro#ed: $ugust 53, 5667 %+)R$A "ACAPA%A+3ARR):) President of the Philippines

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