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OCTOBER 16, 2013


I. Objective:
Give possible cause and effect to the situation heard. PELC _________________
II. Subject Matter:
A. Giving possible Cause and Effect to the Situation Heard
C. Chart, flashcards
D. Save our planet from destruction
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
/d/ and /dh/ sounds
1. They traveled during the day.
2. Those passenger might doze during the trip.
2. Unlocking Difficulties:
Match each word to each meaning.
1. atmosphere
a. the act of clearing the forest.
2. pollutants
b. the act of destroying or state of being
3. endanger
4. destruction
c. to expose to danger.
5. deforestation
d. any various harmful chemical which impair
6. tremendous
the purify of water, soil or atmosphere
e. the mass or body of gases that surrounds
the earth or any heavenly bodies
f. dangerous; terrible
3. Motivation:
Class, I have here a real egg and a fork. I am going to strike the egg
with fork, what happened to the egg?
B. Presentation
1. Have the pupils listen as the teacher reads the selection. Save the Earth
2. Comprehension Check-up:
1. What day-to-day activities do you think contributes to the endangering
of our planet earth?
2. What are the sources of air pollutants?
3. What is the effect of this greater heating of the earth?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
In the situation you have listened to, what possible causes and effects
can you give?
4. Fixing Skills:
Write the four causes of the earth's danger on Column A and the effect
on Column B. select from the list below.
1. Increased heating of the earth
2. Indiscriminate cutting of trees
3. Exhaust pipes of running vehicles
4. Destruction of ozone layer
5. Spraying of plants with chemicals
(Causes) A

(Effects) B

5. Generalization:
What is cause? What is effect?
What would you do to give possible cause/effect to the situation
6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Listen to these situations and be able to give the possible cause
and effect.
1. Mario was very delighted over his high score in Science.
2. Your neighbor's three-year old daughter is crying.
b. Independent Practice:
Divide the class into groups of four. Each group will give the
cause/effect of the following situations.
1. The door bangs as Albert leaves the room.
2. The pupils suddenly keep quiet.
7. Valuing:
Why is it important to save our planet from destruction?
IV. Evaluation:
Listen to each situation and answer the questions that follow by selecting the
letter of the correct answer.
Kevin smelled smoke in the air. He looked down the street and saw a fire
blazing in old garage. "I have to do something fast," he said to himself.
Kevin knew that he could not fight the fire himself, so he ran to the nearest
phone. He reported the fire. Soon a fire truck was on the day to the garage. By
nine-thirty, fire fighters from 5 action Five had put out the fire.
1. Kevin smelled smoke to the air. What was the effect?
a. He checked and saw fire
b. He started to feel funny
c. He bought someone was smoking.
He reported the fire.


V. Assignment:
Give three possible causes and three possible effects to this situation:
The street are flooded every time it rains.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use the verb that agrees with the singular indefinite pronouns

Being respectful

II. Subject Matter:

Using the Verb that Agrees with Indefinite Pronouns
PELC Building English Skills (Language) pp. 47-49
Growing in English (Language) pp. 99-101
Materials: chart, flashcards
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Sentence Drill
Somebody gives me a surprise.
Everybody works hard.
I think someone is playing a joke on me.
2. Review:
What kind of pronouns are the words? What is a pronoun? What kinds
of pronoun do you know?
3. Motivation:
Read the story.
a. Who are the characters in the story?
b. What can you say about them?
B. Presentation:
1. Read the dialogue.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What made Lita laugh?
b. What did Aurora say to Lita?
c. Was Aurora right? Why?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
What are the indefinite pronouns used in sentence 1 and 2?
What do the words everybody and everyone mean?
4. Generalization:
What are indefinite pronouns? What form of the verb is used with
singular indefinite pronoun?
5. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Choose the correct form of verb inside the parenthesis for each
indefinite pronoun.
1. Everyone (is, are) a unique person, with or without defect.
2. Everyone at the Science Fair (is, are) curious.
b. Independent Practice:
Complete each sentence with a verb in the present tense.
1. A few of the contestants ____________.
2. Either of the subjects _____________.
6. Valuing:
How will you show respect to people with defects?
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph below. Copy the verb that agrees with each indefinite
Everyone in my class (has, have) a pen pal. Several write to more than one
person. Nobody (forget, forgets) to send letters every week.

Everybody (is, are) always eager to check the mail. Something usually
(arrive, arrives) in the mail for me. Each of my pen pals (is, are) special. Both of
my pen pals live in America. Some of us read the letter about the class. Many
hope to visit their pen pals someday. All enjoy communicating with new friends.
V. Assignment:
Use each of the following singular, indefinite pronouns in a sentence.
1. anybody
2. someone
3. everybody
4. none
5. anyone

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use the verb that agrees with the plural indefinite pronouns
II. Subject Matter:
Using the Verb that Agrees with the Plural Indefinite Pronouns
BEC-PELC 7.1 p. 24 Growing in English Language, pp.97-100
Materials: chart, pictures
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Gave the plural form of the noun in the parentheses
Fishing is fun. (Man), (woman) and (child) love it both as an occupation
and as a part of sport. It does not necessarily mean catching different
(species) of fish, like (tuna), (milkfish), (salmon) or mackerel.
2. Review:
What are the indefinite pronouns?
Can you give examples of singular/plural indefinite pronouns?
3. Motivation:
Show pictures of life in the past and in the 21 5t century.
Compare the two pictures. Talk about to which picture do they want to
live with.
B. Presentation:
1. Read the paragraph.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
What was everyone striving for ever since the world begun?
Why is electricity considered to be the necessity in the homes?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
Let the pupils read sentences in sentence -strips.
1. Many think life is better now than before.
2. Some say it is much better to live today.
3. Few believe it is happier and more peaceful to live this time.
4. Fixing Skills:
Complete each
sentence with the appropriate verb inside the
1. Many of the pupils (is, are) proud of their projects.
2. All of the 'students (love, loves) their projects.
3. Few (has, have) started on their science projects.
5. Generalization:
What kind of verbs do the plural indefinite pronouns take?
6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Complete each sentence with the correct form of the verb in the
(feel) 1. All pupils __ excited in their field trip.
2. Most of the entries __ very creative.
3. Few pupils __ witling to join the competition.
b. Independent Practice:
Group the pupils. Provide each group with a list of plural indefinite
pronouns. Have them write a sentence using each word. The answers
must be written in the newsprint.
IV. Evaluation:

Choose the correct verb form from the parentheses.

1. Few pupils (work, works) hard for the next fair.
2. Both boys and girls (neglect, neglects) responsibilities.
3. All the boys (do, does) their best today.
V. Assignment:
Construct your own sentences using the plural indefinite pronouns.
1. Few ________________________________.
2. Both ________________________________.
3. Several ______________________________.
4. Many _______________________________.
5. All _________________________________.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use possible causes and effects to news stories heard.


II. Subject Matter:

Giving Possible Causes and Effects to News Stories Heard.
BEC-PELC 6 p. 24 Growing in English Reading p. 186
Materials: Recorded news broadcast, charts, newspapers
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Match each cause and its effect.
When the generator is
turned on.
2. If we strike a match
because the air is not
4. because the lights are off
because brakes are


A car stops
The building is dark
electricity flows out of it
the friction produces some heat
there is no wind

2. Review:
How can you distinguish cause from given effect?
3. Motivation:
What news report did you hear this morning?
B. Presentation:
1. Listening to the taped news report.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
Who was the policeman's daughter?
What did the two women offer her?
How much was the original price of the ring?
Why did they sell it for only P450.00?
3. Valuing:
If you were the daughter of the policeman, would you also do the
same? Why?
4. Discussion/Analysis:
Studying the sentence taken from the news broadcast:
Two women were detained because they were peddling fake jewelry.
What is the reason why the two women are detained?
Which is the cause/effect?
5. Generalization:
How can you give possible cause to a given effect?
6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Work by pairs. (Think pair share) Pupil A will write a cause from
the controversial issue in the newspaper then pupil B will write the
possible effect.
b. Independent Practice:
Listening to another news broadcast then identify cause-effect
Cause __________________________
Effect __________________________

IV. Evaluation:
Listen to the recorded news broadcast then fill up the table below.

1. A total of 3780 students enrolled this school year at Manila High School. It is
four percent lower than 3933 figure last school year. This is due to change of
residence and unemployment.
2. Most failures and inability of students to hurdle the College Entrance Test
are due to poor reading ability and comprehension and deficient
mathematical ability.
V. Assignment:
Read news stories in the news paper. Then list down 5 possible effects to a
given cause and vice versa.

NOVEMBER 4, 2013


I. Objective:
Give other events that could happen next . PELC_________

awareness about the possible consequences of our actions

II. Subject Matter:

A. Giving other Events that Could Happen Next
C. Charts, strips of paper, flashcards
D. Awareness about the possible consequences of our actions
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
Give the possible outcomes to the given situations.
1. Marie study hard before the periodical exams, therefore she would
2. There are dark clouds in the sky, after a while thunder and lightning
followed, most probably ...
2. Motivation:
Have the children sit quietly and listen to the sounds around them.
What sounds have you heard? What sounds have you enjoyed hearing?
Which sound did you not like? Why?
3. Unlocking Difficulties:
Using flashcards, pick out the word that will complete each sentence.
1. The _________ of rain is heard on the roof.
2. The _________ of the wind is like a prowling cat.
4. Raising of Motive Question:
What will you do if you heard some noise?
B. Presentation:
1. Let the pupils read the selection Noise.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Answering the motive questions.
b. Answering guide questions.
1. What did the writer of the poem says about noise? Does she like
2. If you heard a boom of thunder, what would you do?
3. What would you expect a person to do if she heard a moaning
3. Analysis and Discussion:
Eloisa was eating her snacks in the canteen. When she looked around,
she saw a black purse lying on the table nearby. She got it and brought it
to the lost-and-found center of the school.
What do you think would probably happen?
Why do you say so?
4. Fixing Skills:
Read the following and choose the sentence that tells probably happen

1. In the early days, most things are made at home. Other things were
made in shops. The people did much of this work with their hands.
a. It was easy to do work.
b. Men earned much money from their work.
c. Work was done slowly.

5. Generalization:
What would you do to be able to give the events of what could happen
6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Write your own ideas to complete each sentence.
1. If I fix my blanket and pillow after waking up, _________.
2. If I eat good breakfast before going to school,
b. Independent Practice:
Divide the class into groups of 4. ask each leader of the group to
pick a piece of paper having a situation. Then, on a piece of cartolina,
each group will write the events that could probably happen next.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the situations. Then, select from the given choices the events that will
happen next.
1. A band is playing in the plaza one early morning. Many people are there. All
of them are well dressed. They are standing around the flagpole. Two of
them are holding the string of the big flag.
a. The flag will be raised.
b. The flag will be changed.
c. The flag will be lowered.
2. Mildred is putting on a beautiful long gown. Her mother is helping her. There
is a crown on a table. There are decorated candles, too. Downstairs Mildred's
father and brothers are decorating an arch. What do you think is going to
a. Mildred is going to a wedding.
b. Mildred is going to have her picture taking.
c. Mildred is going to join a Santa Cruzan.


V. Assignment:
Write the appropriate event that will happen next to each of the following
1. Mina had a very beautiful voice. She joined the singing contest in school. She
practices very well for the contest.
2. Nick planted some santan cuttings/ but he forgot to water them. What do you
think will happen to the plants?

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Draw pictures of incidents that are possible to happen

Being cautions

II. Subject Matter:

Drawing Pictures of Incidents that are Possible to Happen. The Birthday Gift
Exercises 17-18, Reading Comprehension Exercises in English VI
Materials: pictures, charts
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
/ oo /
2. Motivation:
What special gift to you want to receive on your birthday? Why?
3. Unlocking of Difficulties:
Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the word box.
a. I embraced Mother tightly after she forgave me for breaking her
favorite jar.
b. Hanz longed to see his father who had been abroad since he was born.
4. Motive Question:
What birthday gift did the girl in the story received?
B. Presentation:
1. Silent reading of the selection written on chart.
2. Discussion/Analysis:
a. Answering the motive question.
The girl received a motorbike on her birthday.
b. Comprehension Questions:
Why was the father unhappy with the birthday gift?
How did Theresa learn to ride a motorbike?
c. Valuing:
Why do you think did Therese meet an accident?
3. Skill Development:
Present a picture from the selection read. Have the pupils arrange
them according to how they happened in the story.
4. Fixing Skills:
Group Work.
After reading the selection, have the groups draw the incidents that
are possible to happen.
5. Independent Practice:
Have the pupils read the selections that follow, then draw the incidents
that are possible to happen.
The Foolish Chicken
One day a chicken stood near a pond watching the ducks swim fast. It
longed to swim like them. But its mother had warned it not to go near the
pond, as it could fall into the water and drown.
IV. Evaluation:
Draw the incidents that may happen in this story.

A fox saw a crow upon a tree with a morsel in. its beak. It wanted that bit of
food very badly. So it flattered the crow and asked her to sing.
V. Assignment:
Draw the incidents that may happen to your favorite tele-series.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Analyze ideas as to cause and effect from discussions

Preservation of artworks, Love for nature

II. Subject Matter:

Analyzing Ideas as to Cause and Effect
BEC 6 Reading pp. 80-86; pp. 88-89
Materials: chart, pictures, strips of cartolina
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
2. Review:
Read each sentence. Find the error and encircle it.
a. Animals are producers in this world.
b. The sun provides water to the living things.
3. Unlocking Difficulties:
Pick out a leaf and match to its appropriate meaning.
monastery chapel


______ a building where monks live.

______ pictures
______ person who poses for an artist
4. Motivation:
Have you heard about the so called "Four Famous Paintings"?
Why do you think they are so famous?
B. Presentation:
1. Let the pupils read the story "Four Famous Paintings", BE56 Reading, pp.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What makes Mona Lisa famous?
b. Who painted it?
c. Why did the Italian merchant choose that painter to paint portrait of
his wife?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
Read carefully the underlined sentences. Answer the questions that
1. People look at "Mona Lisa" with delight because of her mysterious
a. What is the effect of knowing how to paint solid and like-like?
b. Why do people look at "Mona Lisa" with delight?
4. Fixing Skills:
In each pair of sentences, which is the cause and which is the effect?
1. People need to plant more trees. Trees prevent floods.
2. Pablo found a two-peso coin. He planned to buy a yoyo.
5. Generalization:
What is cause? What is effect? What connectives are used to introduce
a cause or effect?
6. Practice Exercises:

a. Guided Practice:
Write under each column where the sentence should be written.
Effect Connectiv Cause

1. The people cheered loudly for Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo because he

had announced his plan to proclaim Philippine Independence on
June 12, 1898.
b. Independent Practice:
Do as instructed
1. List down all possible causes to flash floods in different places.
2. List down all the possible effects to big families.
IV. Evaluation:
Analyze the given ideas as to cause and effect. Complete the following
1. The pedestrian broke a traffic role so __________.
2. He studies hard, that's why __________.
3. We experience flash floods because ___________.
4. She finished her assignment in order to __________.
V. Assignment:
Write 5 sentences showing cause and effect.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use the present perfect tense of the verb.


II. Subject Matter:

Using the Present Perfect Tense of the Verb.
PELC 8.1.1, p. 24 (spelling) Growing in English 6 Language pp.
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Give the past participle form of the following verbs.


2. Motivation:
How did you feel doing a job alone? Were you able to do it alone?
B. Presentation:
1. Read the story.
What do you think happen to Sir John Trevanion?
How did cryptography help him escape prison?
2. Analysis and Discussion:
Go ever the underlined verbs.
a. Cryptography has grown in recent years.
b. This form of communication has been known for centuries.
c. Many have seen its usefulness.
3. Fixing Skills:
Here are sentences. Which sentences are in the present perfect tense?
a. His mood grew gloomier.
b. He saw no way to escape.
c. Many people have used it.
4. Generalization:
When do we present perfect tense?
How do we form the present perfect tense of verbs?
5. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Use the following present perfect tense in sentences.
1. has/have been
2. has/have felt
3. has/have looked
b. Independent Practice:
Form the present perfect tense of the following using has/have. Use
it in meaningful sentence.
1. are
2. break
3. choose
IV. Evaluation:
Choose the correct verb in each sentence.
1. Thess (bas forgotten, have forgotten) her books on the table.
2. My scoutmaster has (taught, teached) me raised the flag since I was a Grade
Four scout.
3. My teacher (has choosen, bas chosen) our group to perform the dance

V. Assignment:
Give the missing forms of the verbs in the chart below. Use each present
perfect tense in sentence.






Present Perfect Tense

(has/have) begun
(has/have _______)
(has/have) blown
(has/have _______)
(has/have _______)
(has/have) sunk

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Draw pictures of characters reaction that is possible to happen.

Concern to others

II. Subject Matter:

Drawing pictures of Incidents/Characters that is Possible to Happen
Growing in English (Reading) pp. 120-133
Selections: Delia Learns a Lesson From the Teeth and the Tongue
Materials: chart, show me cards, pictures and strips of cartolina
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Pick out a (turn upside down) strip of cartolina and act out the
a. writhing in pain
b. winning the declamation contest
c. offered a helping hand to the old woman
2. Review:
What do you expect when:
a. there is a continuous rain?
b. you review for the test?
c. you did not make your assignment?
3. Unlocking difficulties:
Clap your hands 3 times if the meaning is correct and stamp your feet
twice is not.
a. When you're broke, do you mean you have money?
b. If a daughter is the parent's apple of the eye, is she well liked?
4. Motivation:
How many of you are easy to deal with? Are you friendly? Do you like
to be with your cousins?
B. Presentation:
1. Ask children to read orally the story.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Who were the main characters? Describe each.
b. What did Delia do with the money given by her father?
c. What did Delias father command her to give to Auring?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
How will you figure out the main characters in the story?
4. Fixing Skills:
a. How would you act-out Delia while asking for money?
b. Dramatize the situation when Delias mother introduced her to her
aunt and cousin.
5. Generalization:
In figuring out characters, what do you need to have?
6. Practice Exercises:
Using your imagination, draw the characters in the situation below.
A flash flood is about to reach Don Jose's village. There are children
playing outside the house.
IV. Evaluation:
Listen and draw from your imagination any character found in the dialogue.
V. Assignment:

Draw using your imagination our school 10 years from now.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Write and ending to a given situation

Safety precautions against accidents; Helpfulness

II. Subject Matter:

Writing an Ending to a Given Situation
PELC 7 Writing, p. 24 Growing in English 6 TM, pp. 190-191
Growing in Language 6 Language pp. 244-245 BES LP pp. 350-351
Materials: strips of cartolina, boxes, picture of a rickshaw in a Chinese
neighborhood, a story, pocket chart, manila paper
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Pronounce the /s/ and /sh/ sounds correctly.
a. Word Drill
b. Phrase Drill
shake the bottle
on the shore

wish for the moon

push the button

shame on you
wash the dishes

2. Review:
Review on Cause and Effect
1. You saw a snake under an old bench.
2. The milk gets spoiled
3. He slipped and fell down
3. Motivation:
Look at the picture. What neighboring country reminds you of a
rickshaw? The kind of dress that the person wear? Does China and other
countries like Singapore, still have rickshaw on their streets? Further
ask the pupils to describe the scene they see in the picture on page
B. Presentation:
1. Ask the pupils to listen to an incident which happened 50 years ago in
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Who is the main character in the story?
b. What did the rickshaw man do?
c. How did Lu Hsun react to the situation?
3. Discussion Question:
How do you think the story ended? Welcome some endings. Then
invite the pupils to open their textbooks on page 244. Listen well, and
choose the most likely ending.
4. Fixing Skills:
Try to create a story similar to the story you have listened to. Instead
of a rickshaw man, make a bus driver or a taxi driver as the main
character. Be sure that everyone participates.
5. Generalization:

How do you give an appropriate ending to a situation? Based on known

facts and familiar events, you can draw up the logical consequences of an
action or event.
6. Application:
Analyze and write the appropriate ending below the given situation.
1. The maid left a pot of mongo beans to boil on the stove. She did some
laundering outside the house. In less than an hour ...
2. A gate with a sign, "Beware of Dogs," had been left open. A boy of 12
was passing by, suddenly ...
7. Valuing:
In what ways safety precautions help? Cite examples.
IV. Evaluation:
Write an appropriate ending for each situation.
1. A pedestrian hurried to cross the street. He had not reached the other side
when the traffic light switched from yellow to green. Wheels of waiting
vehicles rushed impatiently on. In an instant...
2. Nico and his playmates wandered by a construction site. A painter working
high up on a scaffolding, accidentally dropped his can of paint. Directly below
was Nico picking up a scrap of wood. Luckily, an alert foreman had heard the
painter's shout, and just in time ...
V. Assignment:
Read the situation and write the ending in your English notebook.
One Saturday afternoon, Jerry and Tony climb on a tree to pick some guavas.
Tony saw a big, ripe guava, he tried to reach it op but the branch is too small for
him ...

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Analyze ideas as cause and effect to news heard

Love for our National Language.

II. Subject Matter:

Analyzing Ideas as Cause and Effect to News Heard
PELC Listening 6, p. 24 Philippine Star
Materials: charts, strips of cartolina, manila paper
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
Match the following causes on Column A to 'the suitable effects on
Column B. (Write it on strips of cartolina)
missing a. failed test
b. feeling hungry
2. strong typhoon c. roofless houses
3. forget to study
d. late to work
4. drunk driving
e. car accident
5. faulty sleep
2. Unlocking Difficulties:
Arrange the jumbled letters to get the hidden words based on the
given clues.
a. n g s t e r you - young fellow
b. d a n gee n red - exposed to danger
c. s i v e v ape r - spreading all over, passing through without causing
3. Motivation:
Do you know Manuel L. Quezon? What was his greatest contribution to
our country? Do you think it is important to have our own language? What
does it symbolizes?
B. Presentation:
1. Have the pupils listen as the teacher reads the news, "Cherokee Tribe
Tries to Save Dying Language"
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What is happening to the Cherokee language?
b. What is the reason why Cherokee language is dying?
c. How was the Cherokee language saved are revived?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
Write the pupils answer to Question A on Comprehension check-up and
analyze it.
What part of the sentence is the cause? How did you identify it?
What part of the sentence is the effect? How did you identify it?
4. Fixing Skills:
In the following sentences taken from the news, identify which is the
cause and which is the effect.
1. A classroom was offered in Lost City School to teach Cherokee
language because of the plea of the tribe leader.
2. Some were being punished because of speaking the Cherokee
5. Generalization:
What is cause? What is effect? What connectives are used to introduce

a cause or an effect?
6. Infusion Values:

How can we show that we are proud of our national language?

IV. Evaluation:
Analyze the ideas I the following news. Then, underline the causes and box
the effects.
A strong typhoon hit the town of Many Kardo so their place was flooded for
almost three days. Because of the heavy rain, the drops were submerged in the
water. The crops was getting ready for harvest time but the typhoon swept the
rice field in no time. Some had gathered whatever they could save from their
field even if it was drenched and smelling.
V. Assignment:
Write a short paragraph showing the cause and effect on the topic "Urban

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use verb in the active voice

Appreciation of Gods creations

II. Subject Matter:

Using Active Voice
PELC Speaking 8.1, p. 24 Growing in English
(Language) 6 pp. 177-178 Open Roads to Reading 6,
Materials: chart
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill/Review:
Dictate the following sentences. Then ask the pupils to underline the
subject and box the predicate.
a. The pupils are happily dancing to the tune of spaghetti dance.
b. Plants need water and sunlight to grow.
c. Mrs. Sambrano teaches us how to recite the poem.
2. Motivation:
Show a picture of nighttime with many stars. Ask the pupils what do
they usually do during this kind of night. Aside from the stars, what other
heavenly bodies do they see in the sky at night?
3. Motive Question:
What heavenly body does Kauro wants to see?
B. Presentation:
1. Have the pupils listen as the teacher reads the selection.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. How does he see stars that could not be seen by naked eyes?
b. What other things he saw in the sky?
c. What did he do with his observations?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
Study the following sentences taken from the selection.
a. Kauro peer eagerly through the telescope.
b. He saw the stars.
c. He sketches it.
4. Fixing Skills:
Let the pupils answer the remaining three sentences on Analysis and
5. Generalization:
What is an active voice of the verb? How do we identify the active
voice? What pattern can we use in writing sentences in the active voice?
6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Study the following sentences. Write A on the blank if the sentence
is in the Active voice and X if not.
_____ 1. The teacher gave clear instructions.
_____ 2.
Their teachers admire conscientious students.
b. Independent Practice:
Write these sentences highlighting the doer not the action of the
1. the reflecting telescope, Isaac Newton, invented, in 1668
2. invented, 1709, somebody, the piano

IV. Evaluation:
Complete the following sentences by supplying the verb and direct object.
1. The pretty girl ______________________.
2. Our class ______________________.
3. The man ______________________.
4. The workers ______________________.
5. A strong typhoon ______________________.
V. Assignment:
Write a paragraph about the topic cleanliness in the school. Use the active
voice of verb in your sentences.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use verb in the passive voice

Listening politely

II. Subject Matter:

Using Verb in the Passive Voice
PELC 8.1 Speaking, p. 24 BES 6, TM, p. 129 BES 6 LP, pp. 370372
Materials: pocket chart, card with words written.
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
a. Word Drill:


b. Phrase Drill:
named for me
walked to the stage
scrubbed the floor needed money
c. Sentence Drill:
The flower looked very pretty.
The dancers walked to the stage.
The food victims needed money.
2. Review:
Complete the sentence by choosing the .correct form of the verb
below. Write only the letter of the correct answer.
1. Peter _____ to the movie by this mother.
a. take
c. was taken
b. taken
d. has taken
2. A strong typhoon ______ the school building.
a. destiny
c. destroyed
b. have destroyed
d. was destroyed
3. Motivation:
Ask: "Did you see a shooting star last night? Did you make a wish?
B. Presentation:
1. Direct pupils to read the sentences in letter B, text p. 160. Here are some
facts about shooting stars.
1. Shooting stars are not really stars, but masses of rack. They are called
2. Meteorites move through outer space. They are attracted by the force
of gravity of the earth.
2. Analysis and Discussion:
The above statements tell about general truths. They are in the simple
present tense.
Read the underlined words in sentences 1, 2, and 3.
What do you noticed about the composition of the verbs?
4. Fixing Skills:
Rewrite the following sentences in the passive voice.
1. The members of the club planned some activities.
2. The girls collected pictures of heavenly bodies.
3. The boys prepared some albums.
5. Generalization:

How do we write sentences in the passive voice?

6. Valuing:
How did you listen to the teacher during class discussion?
7. Practice Exercises:
Pupils will be grouped into 6. Each group will choose its leader. Then
on the board are pasted drawings of different science concepts.
1. shooting stars
2. a solar eclipse
3. lunar eclipse
IV. Evaluation:
Read the following sentences. Then write the passive form of each sentence
without a by-phrase. The beginning of each passive sentence is given.
1. Our club holds monthly meetings in the school library. Our monthly meetings
2. The president asks us to attend1he meetings. We ____________________.
V. Assignment:
Go through the headlines and news reports in newspapers. Underline
sentences with passive constructions. And on a piece of paper, list down at least
five of them. If the passives are abbreviated in headlines, expand them into
a. Fort Santiago renovated by NGO.
b. Fort Santiago was renovated by a Non Government Organization.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use the verb that agrees with the singular indefinite pronouns


II. Subject Matter:

Writing About Ones Feelings/Reactions Using the Correct Form of the Verb.
Growing in English 6 pp. 139-145
Materials: word cards, sentence strips, pocket chart
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Spelling ed and ing words
2. Review:
Encircle all the verbs in these group of words.
3. Motivation:
Have you ever written your life story? What make up ones life story or
Form small groups. Tell each other some of your unforgettable
experiences when you were little children.
B. Presentation:
1. Turn to page 139 LISTEN WELL. Do you remember the girl in the picture?
She's Melissa Mauricio. Listen to her life story. Have a picture of a girl as
someone in class reads the life story.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. When and where was Melissa born? How old is she now?
b. Who are her parents? What are their occupations?
c. How does she spend her weekends?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
Study the sentences about Melissas autobiography.
a. Melissa's father is a school principal.
b. Her parents come from Tarlac.
c. She helps her mother in the store every weekend.
4. Generalization:
What tense do all the sentences express?
What does the simple present tense show?
5. Practice Exercises:
Used the correct form of the verbs in the simple present tense.
How often do farmers harvest their crops?
They harvest two to three times a year.
1. What part of the country do your parents come from?
2. How many member nations does the ASEAN have?
IV. Evaluation:
Write a short paragraph using the sentences below. Use the correct for of the
verb in each blank.
1. It _____ Clean-up Day at Taal, Bocaue, Bulacan.
2. The people _____ early in the morning.

3. The men ______ the canals and the dirty places.

V. Assignment:
Write the paragraph about what you feel when you are in school.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Infer the general mood of the selection/poem read.

Self confidence

II. Subject Matter:

Inferring the general Mood of the Selection
PELC III 8-1, p. 24 Growing in English (Reading) pp. 197-198
Mastering Communication Skills pp. 188-189
Materials: chart, sentence/phrase strips, pocket chart
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill
Read the following phrases with correct pronunciation.
On top of the hill
In the valley
By the side of the rill

Cant be a tree

2. Review:
The sun is behind the mountains. The flowers are all in bloom. Birds
are chirping. The children are laughing.
What word best describes the mood of the passage?
a. funny
b. romantic
c. gay
3. Motivation:
Have you done your best before? How did you feel?
The poem in todays lesson challenges you to be your best in
B. Presentation:
1. Read the poem with expressions by the teacher while the pupils listen.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
Do your best when given a task?
How does it feel to dot he best and be the best?
How can you be best in anything?
3. Generalization:
What is meant by mood?
How would you determine the mood of the selection?
4. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Identify the mood expressed in each .stanza below and write the
correct answer.
1. Lord, let the rain water the plain! Lord, let the sun ripen the grain!
a. forgiving
c. envying
b. pleading
d. exciting
b. Independent Practice:
Infer the mood of the following passages.
1. These past several weeks when you had not written, I realized how
much you mean to me.
2. What a beautiful picturesque! It deserved a price, cried Zeny.
IV. Evaluation:
Choose the answer the best express the mood in the paragraph.
1. Robert was driving along the highway when his front tire went flat. He walked
to the nearest telephone and called mechanic for help. They were very busy
at the garage. Nearly an hour went by before help arrived.
a. hopelessness
b. restlessness

c. tiredness
V. Assignment:
Read again the poem "Be the Best of Whatever You Are" Write the general
mood on your notebook.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use the expressions about the future plans, hope-can and wish could, would

Attentive listening, openness in writing ones hopes and wishes

II. Subject Matter:

Using Hope-Can, Wish-Could, Would Expressing Hopes and Wishes
PELC Growing in English Language TM, pp. 152-154, Txt, pp.
Materials: word cards, cassette, song When You Wish Upon a Star
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Word Study:
Study the spelling and meaning of each word.
Astronomer Analyst
2. Motivation:
Have you ever seen a star shoot across the sky one starry night? What
did you do?
B. Presentation:
1. Listening Activity
What does the song tell about making a wish?
What does the line Makes no difference who you are mean?
Do you believe in wishing upon a star.
2. Discussion:
a. Who among Lorens well wishers tell what is/are likely to happen? Go
over their statement.
What expression of desire or want is used in these sentence?
What form of the verb follows the expression hope?
3. Fixing Skills:
Read the following sentences. Choose wish sentences tell about (a)
thins that are likely to happen (b) things that are not likely to happen.
Write a or b for each sentence.
1. I wish I were the President of the Philippines
2. Father hopes Natalie can make the best decision for herself.
4. Generalization:
When is hope used?
When is wish used?
6. Practice Exercises:
Read this dairy entry written by David. Be able to point out his hopes
and wishes.
Be able to point out his hopes and wishes.
I often dream of flying to mass with my friends. I wish a large
spaceship could take all of us here. I also wish that the spaceship were
fast enough to bring us back and forth to the earth. I hope I can find
evidences showing that life is possible there. I hope I can do it as soon as
possible so that some people on earth can migrate there. The population
on earth has increased very much. Mother earth is already suffering from
destruction. I wish I council do this to save her.
What does David wish?
What are is hopes?
IV. Evaluation:
Write your own dictionary entry telling about your own hopes and wishes.

V. Assignment:
Interview five classmates about their hopes and wishes. Chart the
information you will gather.
1. Ex. Aminah
Can finish her studies and She were a strong tree
can work

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Tell how the story would turn out if some episodes were changed

Greedy people will not be rewarded

II. Subject Matter:

Inferring How the Story Would Turn Out if Some Episodes were Changed.
Defining a Poor Man
PELC 8.2 (Reading) p. 24
Growing in English - Reading TX pp. 204-212, TM pp. 193-195
Materials: charts
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Pronounce the /j/ in the following words:


2. Motivation:
"Lawyers defend anyone who is treated unjustly. Anyone can play
"lawyer" to anybody as the need arises. In the story, find out how a gypsy
acted as a "lawyer" to save a poor man from a big trouble."
3. Motive Question:
"How did the gypsy save' Janos from the big trouble of losing all his
money to a greedy innkeeper?"
B. Presentation:
1. Silent reading of the story. Defending a Poor Man
2. Discussion/Analysis:
a. Answering the motive question
The gypsy compared the impossibility of increasing the number of
boiled corn to that of the hard-boiled eggs being hatched into chicks.
b. Comprehension Check
What did the poor Hungarian owe the innkeeper?
How much did the innkeeper want the poor man to pay?
Who defended the poor man? How?
c. Skill Development:
Tell how the story would turn out if some episodes in the story
were changed.
What would have happened if the gypsy had not appeared in court?
What would have happened if the innkeeper had gotten all the
money from Janos?
3. Practice Exercises:
Read the following stories, then fill the blanks with possible endings.
a. There was once a tired bird that was very thirsty. It saw a jar with very
little water. It tried to reach the water but could not do it.
"Aha, I know what I shall do. I shall put stones in the water." After
putting stones, the water level rose and the thirsty bird's thirst was
If the bird wasnt witty and patient, ______________________________.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the story then complete the sentences that follow.
A. One day, Ruth planted a bean seed. She watered the seed daily. After three
day, she saw a little plant growing. There were two little leaves coming out.
The next day, the little plant grew taller. But she went to visit her

grandmother in the city for three days. When she returned, she saw that the
little plant died. 1f Ruth had not watered the seed daily,
V. Assignment:
Change an incident in your favorite tele-series. Then write what could have
happened had the character took the action which you've written.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use the expressions if-were-would and if-am-will shall

Having an ambition

II. Subject Matter:

Using If-Were-Would and If-Shall or Will
Growing in English Language TM, pp. 159 162; TXT, pp. 206213
Materials: wordcards charts, cassette tape,
If I were, I would, if I am, I will, If
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
Review on using hope-can and wish-could, would
Supposing the Philippine launches a worldwide fight against all
kinds of pollution, what do you hope and wish to do to help carry it
2. Motivation:
What do you hope to be when you grow up?
B. Presentation:
1. Listening Activity:
What are the animals mentioned in the song?
Which words are presented several times in the song?
2. Discussion:
Go over the sentences that answer the questions about he poem.
a. If I were a daily newspaper, I would hold in truth the over.
b. If I were a bubble, I could fly about the sky.
c. If I learn to fly, I will capture the earth and space.
3. Fixing Skills:
Complete the following expressions. Which express things that are
likely to happen? Which don't?
a. If I were a butterfly, ________________.
b. If Father comes home early, _________________.
c. If Mother were here today, __________________.
4. Generalization:
When is If (I) (present tense of verb) used? What form of the verb
follows it?
When is If (I) were used? What verb follows it?
IV. Evaluation:
Write an interesting answer to each of the following questions. (complete
a. What would you do if ..
1. you were born deaf and mute?
2. you were the richest person in the country?
3. you were a scientist?
b. How will you react if .
4. you top the final examination in mathematics.
5. you meet the president of the Philippines?
V. Assignment:
Memorize the song El Condor Pasa.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Infer alternative action taken by characters

Respect Childrens Rights

II. Subject Matter:

Inferring Alternative Action Taken by Characters
PELC 8 (Reading) p. 24 Growing in English Reading 6, pp. 204206; 211
Materials: charts
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
Listen to the following paragraphs. Give the possible effects to the
given situations.
a. Allan always comes to school late.
b. Jobert listens attentively to every discussion of his subject teachers.
c. The Grade 6-C of Bambang Elementary School joins the cleanliness
drive of their community.
2. Motivation:
At your house, what are the usual household chores that you do? Are
you forced to do it or do you do it on your own free will? Why?
3. Motive Question:
Why did the girl wanted to be with her grandmother in paradise?
B. Presentation:
1. Have the pupils listen as the teacher reads the selection, The Little Match
2. Comprehension Check-up:
1. Answering of the motive question.
2. Who is the most important character in the story?
3. What kind of a person is the main character? Describe her in three
3. Analysis and Discussion:
What will happen in the story if some action of the characters or
events in the story were altered or change?
4. Fixing Skills:
Tell what would happen in the story if some action of the characters
were changed.
1. What would happen if instead of living with his father, the girl lives
with her mother?
2. What would happen if the stepmother sells the matchsticks?
5. Generalization:
How do we tell what would happen next in a story if we changed some
actions taken by the characters?
6. Infusion Value:
What are the rights of the children? What will you do if your rights as a
child is violated by other people?
7. Practice Exercises:
Based on the story "Defending a Poor Man" (Growing in English
Reading 6, pp. 204-206) tell what would happen to the following situation
if some actions were changed:
a. The gypsy did not appear in the court.

b. The innkeeper got all the money from Janos.

c. The king decided in favor of the innkeeper.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the story below. "The Ant and the Grasshopper" then answer the
questions that follow.
1. What would happen if the ant listened to the grasshopper to relax and enjoy
the sunshine just like what he is doing?
2. What would happen if the grasshopper joined the ant in collecting and saving
food for the winter?
3. What would happen if the ant shared her food to the hungry grasshopper?
V. Assignment:
Watch your favorite telenovela this evening. Then write your answer what
would happen if the main character exchange role with the villain.

OCTOBER 21, 2013


I. Objective:
Use descriptive words. PELC ___________
II. Subject Matter:
A. Using Descriptive Word
C. Chart
D. Appreciation
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Pronunciation Drill:
I remember the black wharves and the ships, and the sea-tides tossing free;
And Spanish Sailors with bearded lips, and the beauty and the mystery of the
ships, and the magic of the sea.
2. Review Guessing Game using pictures:
Divide the class into groups
a. It's bigger than a dog.
It can bite. I can't fly.
b. It's fatter than a seal.
It can swim. It can't run
c. It's thinner than a sheep.
It can't run. It can climb trees
3. Motivation:
What is your favorite flower?
How does it look like?
Do you know our national flower?
Show a real sampaguita to class. Talk about it
B. Presentation:
1. Reading of the paragraph by the teacher.
2. Analysis and Discussion:
What word in the paragraph describes the sampaguita? Read them.
Examine the following words.
What do you call these words?
3. Fixing Skills:
Show pictures of other animals, people, places, and events for pupils to
describe using adjectives?
4. Generalization:
What do you call words that describe nouns?
What are adjectives?
5. Practice Exercises:
Encircle the descriptive word in each of the following sentences. Then spell
the words.
1. Typhoons are disastrous to a country.
2. He has been branded as a fervid orator.
3. the cat was chary of meeting its paws
4. The mayor is noted for being sweet-tempered.
5. A soldier must play scrupulous attention to orders.
IV. Evaluation:
Select the correct adjective in the parenthesis that will finish each sentence.
1. Some modern rock bands play ________ tunes (angelic, metallic, patriotic)
2. The audience was ___________ when the announcer announced the start of the
contest. (astounded, puzzle, sleep)
3. A _________, knife cut things easily. (sharp, pointed, stainless)


V. Assignment:
Use adjective to describe the following nouns.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use descriptive phrases

Appreciation of Artworks

II. Subject Matter:

Using Descriptive Phrases
PELC 9.1 p. 24 BEC (L) pp. 79-81, 84
Materials: chart, flashcards
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Give the opposite of the following adjectives


2. Review:
Give the synonyms of the following adjectives.



3. Motivation:
Do you know some famous art woks? Name some paintings, sculpture,
songs plays, etch. Describe them.
B. Presentation:
1. Present the paragraph below.
Michaelangelo was a famous Italian sculptor, but he also did some
paintings. He painted the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in Rome which took
four and a half years to finish. The ceiling was very high and
2. Analysis and Discussion:
a. The expressions too high to paint means that it was very hard for
Michaelangelo to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel because of its
height. What does too wide to fill with pictures means?
b. What words follow too? What do you call these words? What words
follow to? What kind of words are they?
3. Fixing Skills:
Form a sentence using the expressions learned for each of the
following situations.
1. Jose is only five years old. He wants to ride a horse, but he simply
cannot do it. What does his father tell him?
4. Generalization:
What word order/expression is used to describe persons, places of
5. Valuing:
Do you appreciate artworks? How do you show your appreciation?
6. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Form a sentence from' the given pairs using too + adjective + to +
simple form of the verb.
1. Cora is young. She could not join the field trip.
2. At first Sonia was shy. She could not talk to anybody in school.
b. Independent Practice:
Read the following pairs of sentences. Complete the second
sentence with the appropriate expressions.
1. A symphony is long. It cannot be composed in just a day.
A symphony is __________
in just a day.

2. Grandfather is old. He cannot do heavy work.

Grandfather is __________
heavy work.
IV. Evaluation:
Form a sentence from the following pair of sentences.
1. Lita was tired. She could not join the choir practice.
2. The stage is small. It cannot accommodate all the singers.
3. Ana is sick. She cannot attend her art class.
4. My son is stout. He cannot run fast.
5. My baby is small. She cannot be left alone.
V. Assignment:
Study the following expressions carefully. Use them in meaningful sentences.
Too wonderful to believe
Too difficult to catch
Too abstract to recognize
Too tiny to see
Too high to paint

NOVEMBER 19, 2013


I. Objective:
Use degrees of comparison of irregular adjectives

Concern for the environment

II. Subject Matter:

Comparing Irregular Adjectives
PELC Growing in English, Language pp. 228-233
Materials: chart, pictures
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Add er or - est to each adjective and write the new word on your
1. funny + er
2. dry + est
3. large + est
2. Motivation:
Have pupils look at the picture of three birds having different
appearance and sizes.
Ask: What can, you say about the birds in the picture?
What do you think are the birds trying to say to each other?
B. Presentation:
1. Have pupils listen carefully as the teacher reads the dialogue of birds in
the picture. Then, have them infer the mood of the selection through the
characters' intonation and utterances.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
1. What is the dialogue of the three birds about?
2. What is the concern of Ernest Eagle?
3. Which of these phrases describes the mood of the selection? What did
the character to prove it?
a. sad and gloomy
c. concerned and pathetic
e. informative and
b. furious and scornful
d. fearful and excited
3. Fixing Skills:
Give the comparative and the superlative degrees of the following
irregular adjectives.
1. ill
2. bad ___________________
3. many ___________________
4. Generalization:
How are the comparative and superlative degrees of irregular
adjectives formed?
5. Practice Exercises:
Write the correct form of the adjective in the parenthesis. Write your
answer on the blank provided for.
1. If you like sun, the Sahara is the (good)_______place to go.
2. Is the rattle snake the (bad) ______ snake?
3. Desert have (many) ______ poisonous snake or scorpions.

IV. Evaluation:
Use the following phrases in meaningful sentence. Use the three degrees of
comparison of adjectives.
1. bad day
2. many horns
3. ill feelings
4. much rain
5. good performance

ID __________________

V. Assignment:
Use the following phrases in sensible sentence using the three degrees of
comparison of adjectives.
1. little rainfall
2. many fruits
3. good trait

NOVEMBER 25, 2013


I. Objective:
Using Two-Word Adjectives.
PELC ___________
II. Subject Matter:
A. Using Two-Word Adjectives
C. Chart
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
By means of pictures, conduct the "Which Game" which is:
a. larger, elephant or carabao?
b. Deeper, stream or ocean?
c. Stronger, man or machine?
2. Review:
Identify the adjectives in the sentences:
a. The fruit vendor threw away ten red apples.
b. The old sick beggar lay on his rough bamboo bed.
3. Motivation:
Say: Look at this picture. What does it show? Do you know how the
Great Pyramid of Egypt was built? Why do you think it is called the Great
B. Presentation:
1. Listening Text:
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What do you think is the general mood of the story?
b. What trait or attitude did the workers or workmen show to their King?
To their work?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
Study the following adjectives
century-old lovely


4. Fixing Skills:
Make the following descriptions into two-word adjectives
a. travel done in two hours.
b. a letter made up of these pages
c. a house with three bedrooms.
5. Generalization:
What are compound adjectives? How are they formed? How are
adjectives formed out of other words, such as nouns and verbs?
6. Valuing:
What can you say about the attitude of the workmen in the selection?
How will you compare yourself to them?

7. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Copy the following sentences and write an appropriate two-word
adjective in the blank.
a. ___________________We bought a
ticket for the show.
b. Ramon lives in a ______ apartment.
c. The class recited a ______poem about the elephant.
b. Independent Practice:
Think of 10 two-word adjectives and use them in a sentence.
IV. Evaluation:
Change the underline phrases to tow-word adjectives.
1 The mother has delivered a baby of ten pounds.
2. The class wrote a story of three paragraphs?
3. He watched the show of two hours.
4. The chairman reds a report having ten pages?
5. The pet is a kitten of three colors


V. Assignment:
Change the following into phrases containing two-word adjectives.
a. a cake with three layers.
b. a cell phone measuring three inches long
c. a library having thirty- five rooms.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Use adjectives in a series

Expressing Pleasures

II. Subject Matter:

Using adjectives in a Series.
PELC 9.4 p. 25 GIE (L) pp. 246-251
Materials: chart, flashcards
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
Identify the adjectives
describes color, number,
Long circus
Orange blossoms

in each phrases. Tell weather the adjective

length, texture, size age, kind.
Stormy weather
three glasses
young fellow
cold night

2. Review:
Divide the class into four groups. Have them read the nouns below.
Assign one noun to each group. Think of adjectives to describe them, then
indicate whether they describe color, number, length, texture, size, age,
kind. (Use a graphic organizer for your answer)
1. woman
3. creature
2. experience
4. flowers
3. Motivation:
Have you been to other places? What experiences did you have? Can
you share them to us?
B. Presentation:
1. Sometimes you use two or more adjectives in one sentence. In what order
should they be placed? Note the underlined words.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. What did Melissa have for the first time?
b. How did she feel?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
Notice that more than one adjective was used to describe a noun. Take
a close look at the series of adjectives arranged?
1. I saw two long narrow rivers which looked like thousand white threads.
2. Several huge, majestic purple (numeral - size - quality mountains
fascinated me.
4. Fixing Skills:
(Form 4 groups. The first to finish will win.)
How would you put these series of adjectives in order?
1. a red huge old ---- truck
2. two oversized black well-trained --- dogs
3. large white one brand new --- bungalow
5. Generalization:
6. Valuing:
After visiting a panoramic view, how do you feel? In what ways can
you express your feelings?
6. Practice Exercises:
Rearrange the following groups of words such that the adjectives are in
correct order.

1. that book interesting red

2. boys five healthy young
3. large one dozen yellow flowers
IV. Evaluation:
Rewrite the following sentences on a piece of paper. Rearrange the order of
adjectives properly.
He brought with him (rectangular, a, black, disposal) camera.
With it, he took, (thirty, interesting, good) pictures of the tourist places
he went to.
There in Singapore, he rode in (blue, several, new, mini) taxes.
V. Assignment:
Copy the adjectives. Write them in the correct order.
1. The (summer, dry) heat bothered the children.
2. The (orange, big, bright) sun begun to set.
3. The sun peered through (white, billowing) clouds.
4. (Morning, a few, early) showers will nurse the withering plants back to life.
5. (Monson, heavy, the) rains flood the street of Manila.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Make a heading/sub heading for paragraph in a selection.

Importance of Crops to Our Country

II. Subject Matter:

Making Headings/Sub Heading for Paragraphs in a Selection.
PELC 9.1 P. 24; GIE (R) pp. 139-144; pp. 160-161
Materials: chart, flashcards
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review:
Read each paragraph carefully. Then, choose the right main idea.
1. Books are important to man. You get a lot of information from the.
They tell stories of all sorts - from sad to funny, to exciting, to scary.
Some books tell time stories and facts. Others are fictional. Books can
be our best friends,
a. Books are important to man.
b. Books are fun.
c. Books are our best friends.
d. Books are enjoyable.
2. Motivation:
Have you been to a farm? Describe it by mentioning the things that
you can see there.
3. Motive Question:
What is the Philippines' most important food?
B. Presentation:
1. Read the numbered paragraphs on p. 140 GIE (R)
2. Answering the motive question.
3. Comprehension Questions:
a. What is the second most important food of the Filipinos?
b. Describe the corn.
c. What did the farmer do to have the best corns?
d. What are the needs of corn?
3. Skill Development:
Each group will be assigned a heading. This time choose any graphic
organizer and make a subheading for the headings you have made.
Group 1 - What is Corn?
Group 2 - How to Grow Corn?
Group 3 - Growing Corn in the Philippines
Group 4 - Corn Cropping Season
Group 5 - Importance of Corn to Man
4. Generalization:
What must we remember in making heading/subheading for
paragraphs in a selection?
5. Practice Exercises:
a. Guided Practice:
Select the best heading in the paragraph.
1. For many years; educators have engaged in a controversy over the
best method of teaching deaf children to communicate. For a long
time, only one spoken language was encouraged. Sign language
was dismissed as something to be used only as a last resort. But
recently, people have begun to accept a new idea. It is called total
communication. Total communication, means the use of sign

language along with oral language.

a. Language for the Deaf
b. Sing Language for the Deaf
c. Oral Language for the Deaf
d. The Deaf
b. Independent Practice:
You now have the heading for each paragraph, this time make
subheadings for each.
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraphs below. Then complete the outline by arranging the
given subheadings and headings. Producing and Marketing Bananas pah. 164
V. Assignment:
Read the selection "Where Will Our Forest Go?"
GIE (R) pp. 154-156. Complete the outline for the selection by writing the
details for the given headings.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identify the key concept/sentence that make up a story.


II. Subject Matter:

Identify the Key Concept That Make Up a Story.
PELC Growing in English, Reading pp. 146-153
Materials: chart, manila paper
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
t and o
keywords TREE THREE
tie thigh
team - theme
tin thin
bat - bath
torn - thorn
2. Unlocking Difficulties:
Look for the words that will match the following meanings. The first
letter serves as clue.
1. l _ _ _ (jump)
2. p _ _ _ _ _ _ _ (large leopards)
3. r _ _ _ _ _ (plants with small greenish flower that grow in wet places)
3. Motivation:
What does blessing mean to you? What blessing do you receive each
day? Do you think even old and ugly things could be blessings? Why?
4. Motive Question:
Why does the coal became happy and thankful in spite of its
B. Presentation:
1. Have the pupils read the story. I am a Piece of Coal, on p. 146 of
growing in English 6 (Reading)
2. Comprehension Check-up:
a. Answering the motive question.
b. 1. What does the story about?
2. Who was the main character in the story?
3. Why did the coal unhappy?
4. Which part of the story did you like best? Why?
3. Discussion:
Have pupils give the main idea of the story they have read.
Have them tell the key concept sentence that make up tile story, "I
am a Piece of Coal".
4. Fixing Skills:
Have pupils tell a simple story about the picture.

5. Generalization:
What are the key concepts? How do you identify the key concepts/key
ideas that make up the story?
6. Practice Exercises:
Using the chain figure, arrange the concepts below to show the
wholeness of the story "A Reason for Everything."
1. Don't lose hope.
2. Typhoons are destructive to crops.
3. God has a reason for everything.
4. Gather what you can after a disaster.
5. There are reasons for calamities.

IV. Evaluation:
Choose the key concepts/ideas that make up the story. "I am a Piece of CoaL"
1. All old things are useful
2. The older things are useful
3. One should not give up
4. Patience pays
5. Good appearance is needed to be useful
V. Assignment:
Choose a story. Identify/write the key concepts/sentence that make up the
Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Identify the details, heading for an outline

Love for Nature

II. Subject Matter:

Identify the Details, Heading for an Outline
PELC Reading 9.3 p. 25; Growing in English (Reading) pp. 154161
Materials: chart, pictures, radio cassette

III. Learning Activities:

A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Drill:
a. authorities
c. dinoflagellates
b. stagnant
d. appreciate
2. Review:
Listen to a story about a barangay in the province of Nueva Ecija. This
was worst hit by a deadly disease called dengue H-fever. Note details and
be able to answer the questions.
Emergency TM p. 146
a. What was the problem of the barangay?
b. How was it solved?
c. What did the barangay captain do?
3. Motivation:
What can you say about our forest now?
B. Presentation:
1. Have the pupils read silently the article Where Will Our Forests Go? pp.
2. Comprehension Check-up:
What happened to our forest?
What should we do about it?
3. Analysis and Discussion:
What important facts should we remember in the selection? How can
we easily remember facts?
4. Valuing:
What is your learning about what is presently happening now to our
6. Practice Exercises:
Read the report below. Identify and write the proper details that belong
to the heading. The details are found below.

Different Kinds of Volcanoes

I. Dead Volcanoes
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
C. ____________________
D. ____________________
II. Sleeping Volcanoes
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
C. ____________________
III. Active Volcanoes
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph below. Then, complete the outline by arranging the
given details and headings.
Growing Bananas
food markets
loading on ships
V. Assignment:
Do you have a province to go home to once in a while? If you don't choose
an province you want to adopt as your own. Find out the main product

(preferably fruit) of that province. Discover how the product is produced and
marketed. Make an outline of the information you have gathered.

Date: ____________
I. Objective:
Make a tree-point outline of an expository text read.

Conservation of plants

II. Subject Matter:

Making a Three-Point Outline of an Expository Text Read
PELC 9.A (Reading) Building English Skills 6 Reading pp. 99-101
Selection: How Seeds of Plants are Scattered
Materials: pictures, charts
III. Learning Activities:
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Unlocking Difficulties:
droppings - waste matter dropped by birds used on fields.
Hitch hikers seeds that are unintentionally scattered by people
and animals
2. Motivation:
Showing of pictures.
"What do you think the birds are doing?"
3. Motive Question:
How are the seeds of plants scattered?
B. Presentation:
1. a. Recall the standards of silent reading
b. Reading of the selection How Seeds of Plants are Scattered
2. Comprehension Check-up:
Answering the motive question
What seeds are scattered by the wind?
What plants scattered their own seeds?
What plants are called self-planters?
3. Generalization:
What is an outline?
What are the steps in writing an outline?
4. Practice Exercises:
Read the selection. Make a three point outline. Pearl pp.170
I. ______________________
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
C. ____________________
II. _______________________
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
IV. Evaluation:
Read the paragraph. Make a three point outline by supplying the subtopics
to the main topic..see pp. 171

Clara Burton
Clara Burton as a child
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
C. ____________________

II. Clara Burton as a young woman

A. ____________________

B. ____________________
C. ____________________
III. Clara Burton during the civil war
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
C. ____________________
V. Assignment:
Read and make the outline on a short bond paper.pp. 171
Different Kinds of Volcanoes

Dead Volcanoes
A. ____________________
B. ____________________
C. ____________________
D. ____________________

II. Sleeping Volcanoes

A. ____________________
B. ____________________
C. ____________________
III. Active Volcanoes
A. ____________________
B. ____________________

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