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DPPQS Regd No.


Treatment Certificate No. PMI/MB//201 !14 Date of I""#e $ 04.12.201 This is to certify that the goods described below were treated in accordance with the fumigation treatment requirements of importing country ( USA ) and declared that the consignment has been verified free of impervious surfaces/layers such as plastic wrapping or laminated plastic films, lacquered or painted surfaces, aluminum foil, tarred or waxed paper etc. that may adversely affect the penetration of the fumigant, prior to fumigation.

Detai%" of Treatment
Name of &#migant Date of f#migation P%ace of f#migation Do"age of f#migant 'g/m() D#ration of f#migation '*o#r") +,erage am-ient tem.erat#re d#ring f#migation '/C) &#migation .erformed #nder ga" tig*t "*eet" If container" are not f#migated #nder ga"!tig*t "*eet"0 .re""#re deca1 ,a%#e 'from 200!100 Pa"ca%2") in "econd" METHYL BROMIDE 22.11.2013 GODOWN AT NAVI MUMBAI 48 gm/m 24 Hou ! 23 "# YE$ NA

De"cri.tion of 3oodS
Container n#m-er 'or n#merica% %in4)/"ea% n#m-er Name 5 +ddre"" of e6.orter $AID TO BE $TU%%ED IN I&'U 3(0)2)4 *20+ GALA'Y INTERNATIONAL 3,/11(0- &EARL #.& H$G $O#- &ANT NAGARGHAT/O&AR *E+- MUMBAI.400 0(0 MAHARA$HTRA- INDIA %YVE ELEMENT$ LL# 82)8 &RE$TON #OURT- $UIT H1E$$U& MD 20(,4- U$A ........... A$$ORTED INDIAN GOOD$ ,4( &/G$. ............ 82(1020 DT.01.11.2013 BY $EA . N$I#T- INDIA BALTIMORE- U$A

Name 5 +ddre"" of con"ignee

Name 5 +ddre"" of notif1 .art1 T1.e and de"cri.tion of cargo Q#antit1 'MT")/No. of .ac4age"/No. of .iece" De"cri.tion of .ac4aging materia% S.B.No. 5 Dt. Name of ,e""e% S* Mar4". Port of %oading Port of di"c*arge +dditiona% Dec%aration$ T*e f#migation *a" -een carried o#t in accordance 7it* NSPM!12 +nd ISPM!18.

T*e certificate i" ,a%id on%1 if t*e good" de"cri-ed a-o,e are "*i..ed 7it*in 21 da1" from t*e date of f#migation. Name 5 Signat#re of +ccredited f#migation o.erator 7it* "ea% 5 date / +ccreditation n#m-er

R9MM+N :+&RI 417010;1

DPPQS Regd No. MB/417

Treatment Certificate No. PMI/MB//201 !14 Date of I""#e $ 04.12.201 This is to certify that the goods described below were treated in accordance with the fumigation treatment requirements of importing country ( CANADA ) and declared that the consignment has been verified free of impervious surfaces/layers such as plastic wrapping or laminated plastic films, lacquered or painted surfaces, aluminum foil, tarred or waxed paper etc. that may adversely affect the penetration of the fumigant, prior to fumigation.

Detai%" of Treatment
Name of &#migant Date of f#migation P%ace of f#migation Do"age of f#migant 'g/m() D#ration of f#migation '*o#r") +,erage am-ient tem.erat#re d#ring f#migation '/C) &#migation .erformed #nder ga" tig*t "*eet" If container" are not f#migated #nder ga"!tig*t "*eet"0 .re""#re deca1 ,a%#e 'from 200!100 Pa"ca%2") in "econd" METHYL BROMIDE 22.11.2013 GODOWN AT NAVI MUMBAI 48 gm/m 24 Hou ! 23 "# YE$ NA

De"cri.tion of 3oodS
Container n#m-er 'or n#merica% %in4)/"ea% n#m-er Name 5 +ddre"" of e6.orter $AID TO BE $TU%%ED IN 2IMU 1121(10 *203+ GALA'Y INTERNATIONAL 3,/11(0- &EARL #.& H$G $O#- &ANT NAGARGHAT/O&AR *E+- MUMBAI.400 0(0 MAHARA$HTRA- INDIA %ARAH IM&E' LTD 00,0 %IN#H AVENUE %A$TTORONTO. ONTARIO. M1B 2T,#ANADA ........... NOODLE$- 1AGGERY- VERMI#ILLI- $OU&- 4A$$ORTED INDIAL %OOD$TU%%$ 883 &/G$. ............ 803,,,1 DT.20.11.2013 4 803,)23 DT.20.11.2013 BY $EA . 1N&T- INDIA NEW YOR/- #ANADA

Name 5 +ddre"" of con"ignee

Name 5 +ddre"" of notif1 .art1 T1.e and de"cri.tion of cargo

Q#antit1 'MT")/No. of .ac4age"/No. of .iece" De"cri.tion of .ac4aging materia% S.B.No. 5 Dt. Name of ,e""e% S* Mar4". Port of %oading Port of di"c*arge +dditiona% Dec%aration$ T*e f#migation *a" -een carried o#t in accordance 7it* NSPM!12 +nd ISPM!18.

T*e certificate i" ,a%id on%1 if t*e good" de"cri-ed a-o,e are "*i..ed 7it*in 21 da1" from t*e date of f#migation. Name 5 Signat#re of +ccredited f#migation o.erator 7it* "ea% 5 date / +ccreditation n#m-er

R9MM+N :+&RI 417010;1

DPPQS Regd No. MB/417

Treatment Certificate No. PMI/MB//201 !14 Date of I""#e $ 04.12.201 This is to certify that the goods described below were treated in accordance with the fumigation treatment requirements of importing country ( U.S.A. ) and declared that the consignment has been verified free of impervious surfaces/layers such as plastic wrapping or laminated plastic films, lacquered or painted surfaces, aluminum foil, tarred or waxed paper etc. that may adversely affect the penetration of the fumigant, prior to fumigation.

Detai%" of Treatment
Name of &#migant Date of f#migation P%ace of f#migation Do"age of f#migant 'g/m() D#ration of f#migation '*o#r") +,erage am-ient tem.erat#re d#ring f#migation '/C) &#migation .erformed #nder ga" tig*t "*eet" If container" are not f#migated #nder ga"!tig*t "*eet"0 .re""#re deca1 ,a%#e 'from 200!100 Pa"ca%2") in "econd" METHYL BROMIDE 22.11.2013 GODOWN AT NAVI MUMBAI 48 gm/m 24 Hou ! 23 "# YE$ NA

De"cri.tion of 3oodS
Container n#m-er 'or n#merica% %in4)/"ea% n#m-er Name 5 +ddre"" of e6.orter $AID TO BE $TU%%ED IN OOLU 3)4,0)2 *203+ GALA'Y INTERNATIONAL 3,/11(0- &EARL #.& H$G $O#- &ANT NAGARGHAT/O&AR *E+- MUMBAI.400 0(0 MAHARA$HTRA- INDIA 2EE TRADER$ LL# 33 BU#/INGHAM DRIVEEA$T BURN$WI#/- N1 0881)- U.$.A ........... A$$ORTED INDIAL %OOD$TU%%$ 810 &/G$. ............ 800)8(3 DT.1,.11.2013 BY $EA . 1N&T- INDIA NEW YOR/- U.$.A.

Name 5 +ddre"" of con"ignee

Name 5 +ddre"" of notif1 .art1 T1.e and de"cri.tion of cargo Q#antit1 'MT")/No. of .ac4age"/No. of .iece" De"cri.tion of .ac4aging materia% S.B.No. 5 Dt. Name of ,e""e% S* Mar4". Port of %oading Port of di"c*arge +dditiona% Dec%aration$ T*e f#migation *a" -een carried o#t in accordance 7it* NSPM!12 +nd ISPM!18.

T*e certificate i" ,a%id on%1 if t*e good" de"cri-ed a-o,e are "*i..ed 7it*in 21 da1" from t*e date of f#migation. Name 5 Signat#re of +ccredited f#migation o.erator 7it* "ea% 5 date / +ccreditation n#m-er

R9MM+N :+&RI 417010;1

DPPQS Regd No. MB/417

Treatment Certificate No. PMI/MB//201 !14 Date of I""#e $ 04.12.201 This is to certify that the goods described below were treated in accordance with the fumigation treatment requirements of importing country ( USA ) and declared that the consignment has been verified free of impervious surfaces/layers such as plastic wrapping or laminated plastic films, lacquered or painted surfaces, aluminum foil, tarred or waxed paper etc. that may adversely affect the penetration of the fumigant, prior to fumigation.

Detai%" of Treatment
Name of &#migant Date of f#migation P%ace of f#migation Do"age of f#migant 'g/m() D#ration of f#migation '*o#r") +,erage am-ient tem.erat#re d#ring f#migation '/C) &#migation .erformed #nder ga" tig*t "*eet" If container" are not f#migated #nder ga"!tig*t "*eet"0 .re""#re deca1 ,a%#e 'from 200!100 Pa"ca%2") in "econd" METHYL BROMIDE 22.11.2013 GODOWN AT NAVI MUMBAI 48 gm/m 24 Hou ! 23 "# YE$ NA

De"cri.tion of 3oodS
Container n#m-er 'or n#merica% %in4)/"ea% n#m-er Name 5 +ddre"" of e6.orter $AID TO BE $TU%%ED IN T#LU 34)82(2 *20+ GALA'Y INTERNATIONAL 3,/11(0- &EARL #.& H$G $O#- &ANT NAGARGHAT/O&AR *E+- MUMBAI.400 0(0 MAHARA$HTRA- INDIA %YVE ELEMENT$ LL# 2401 DELTA LANE- EL/ GROVE VILLAGE ILLINOI$ )000(- #HI#AGO- U$A ........... A$$ORTED INDIAL GOOD$ 810 &/G$. ............ 8)0,4)0 DT.2(.11.2013 BY $EA . 1N&T- INDIA NEW YOR/- U$A

Name 5 +ddre"" of con"ignee

Name 5 +ddre"" of notif1 .art1 T1.e and de"cri.tion of cargo Q#antit1 'MT")/No. of .ac4age"/No. of .iece" De"cri.tion of .ac4aging materia% S.B.No. 5 Dt. Name of ,e""e% S* Mar4". Port of %oading Port of di"c*arge +dditiona% Dec%aration$ T*e f#migation *a" -een carried o#t in accordance 7it* NSPM!12 +nd ISPM!18.

T*e certificate i" ,a%id on%1 if t*e good" de"cri-ed a-o,e are "*i..ed 7it*in 21 da1" from t*e date of f#migation. Name 5 Signat#re of +ccredited f#migation o.erator 7it* "ea% 5 date / +ccreditation n#m-er

R9MM+N :+&RI 417010;1

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