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Virgil : The Aeneid

Translated by A. S. Kline

2002 All Rights Reserved

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.k*,/(// *nvo "tion to the Muse............................................................... 0 .k*,/2(10 The Anger o% 2uno ................................................................... 0 .k*,30(40 2uno Asks Aeolus %or 5elp .................................................... /0 .k*,4/(/26 Aeolus R"ises the Stor#......................................................... // .k*,/21(/37 &eptune *ntervenes............................................................. /2 .k*,/38(222 Shelter on the Lib$"n )o"st ............................................... /6 .k*,226(237 9enus *nter edes with 2upiter ........................................... /3 .k*,238(207 2upiter:s ;rophe $ .............................................................. /7 .k*,208(68/ 9enus Spe"ks to Aene"s ..................................................... /4 .k*,682(1/8 She <ire ts 5i# to <ido:s ;"l" e ..................................... 20 .k*,1/4(176 The Te#ple o% 2uno............................................................ 2/ .k*,171(106 The Frie=e ..........................................................................26 .k*,101(3/0 The Arriv"l o% >ueen <ido ............................................... 21 .k*,320(370 *lioneus Asks 5er Assist"n e ............................................23 .k*,37/(343 <ido ?el o#es the Tro@"ns ............................................. 27 .k*,347(7/2 Aene"s M"kes 5i#sel% Known ..........................................28 .k*,7/6(737 <ido Re eives Aene"s.........................................................28 .k*,738(701 )upid *#person"tes As "nius ......................................... 20 .k*,703(822 )upid <e eives <ido .........................................................60 .k*,826(837 <ido Asks %or Aene"s:s Stor$............................................. 6/ .k**,/(37 The Tro@"n 5orse, L"o oAn:s ?"rning..................................66 .k**,38(/11 Sinon:s T"le..........................................................................61 .k**,/13(/01 Sinon <eludes the Tro@"ns ................................................68 .k**,/03(228 L"o oAn "nd the Serpents.................................................64 .k**,224(236 The 5orse Enters Tro$..................................................... 60 .k**,231(208 The Breeks T"ke the )it$................................................ 10 .k**,204(631 Aene"s B"thers his )o#r"des ........................................ 12 .k**,633(10/ Aene"s "nd his Friends Resist ..........................................16 .k**,102(168 )"ss"ndr" is T"ken .......................................................... 13 .k**,164(143 The ."ttle %or the ;"l" e................................................. 17 .k**,147(334 ;ri"#:s F"te ..................................................................... 18 3

.k**,330(348 Aene"s Sees 5elen ........................................................... 10 .k**,344(726 Aene"s is 9isited b$ his Mother 9enus.......................... 30 .k**,721(780 Aene"s Finds his F"#il$ .................................................. 3/ .k**,78/(801 The '#en..........................................................................36 .k**,803(820 Aene"s "nd his F"#il$ Le"ve Tro$ ................................. 31 .k**,860(803 The Loss o% )reus"............................................................33 .k**,807(401 Aene"s Le"ves Tro$..........................................................38 .k***,/(/4 Aene"s S"ils to Thr" e........................................................... 34 .k***,/0(74 The Br"ve o% ;ol$dorus...................................................... 34 .k***,70(/20 The Tro@"ns Re" h <elos ................................................. 70 .k***,/2/(/8/ The ;l"gue "nd " 9ision..................................................... 7/ .k***,/82(204 The Tro@"ns Le"ve )rete %or *t"l$....................................76 .k***,200(288 The 5"rpies .................................................................... 71 .k***,284(206 The B"#es "t A tiu#..................................................... 77 .k***,201(633 Andro#" he in )h"oni" ................................................ 78 .k***,637(172 The ;rophe $ o% 5elenus .............................................. 74 .k***,176(303 The <ep"rture %ro# )h"oni" .........................................82 .k***,307(318 *n Sight o% *t"l$ ................................................................86 .k***,314(348 The Appro" h to Si il$................................................... 81 .k***,344(731 A h"e#enides .................................................................83 .k***,733(70/ ;ol$phe#us......................................................................88 .k***,702(8/4 The <e"th o% An hises ................................................... 84 .k*9,/(36 <ido "nd Ann" <is uss Aene"s............................................ 40 .k*9,31(40 <ido in Love ........................................................................ 4/ .k*9,00(/24 2uno "nd 9enus................................................................. 42 .k*9,/20(/82 The 5unt "nd the )"ve ....................................................46 .k*9,/86(/08 Ru#our Re" hes *"rb"s ................................................... 43 .k*9,/04(2/4 *"rb"s ;r"$s to 2upiter ..................................................... 47 .k*9,2/0(284 2upiter Sends Mer ur$ to Aene"s................................... 47 .k*9,280(660 <ido A uses Aene"s...................................................... 44 .k*9,66/(67/ Aene"s 2usti%ies 5i#sel% .................................................. 00 .k*9,672(602 <ido:s Repl$ ..................................................................... 0/ .k*9,606(110 Aene"s <ep"rts............................................................... 02 .k*9,130(306 <ido Resolves to <ie ...................................................... 06 .k*9,301(336 <ido L"#ents.................................................................. 03 4

.k*9,331(346 Mer ur$ 9isits Aene"s Ag"in ......................................... 07 .k*9,341(720 <ido:s )urse ................................................................... 08 .k*9,760(803 The <e"th o% <ido.......................................................... 00 .k9,/(1/ Aene"s Returns to Si il$ ........................................................ /02 .k9,12(/06 Aene"s <e l"res the B"#es.............................................. /06 .k9,/01(/30 The St"rt o% the B"#es.................................................... /03 .k9,/3/(216 The .o"t R" e ................................................................... /07 .k9,211(243 The ;ri=e(Biving %or the .o"t R" e ............................... /00 .k9,247(67/ The Foot R" e...................................................................//0 .k9,672(141 The .o+ing )ontest ......................................................... //2 .k9,143(311 The Ar her$ )ontest .......................................................//7 .k9,313(706 The E+hibition o% 5orse#"nship ...................................//4 .k9,701(776 2uno sends *ris to Fire the Tro@"n Ships........................ /20 .k9,771(700 The Fleet is S"ved ........................................................... /2/ .k9,800(813 &"utes: Advi e "nd An hises: Bhost ............................. /22 .k9,817(884 <ep"rture %ro# Si il$..................................................... /21 .k9,880(461 9enus Seeks &eptune:s 5elp ......................................... /23 .k9,463(48/ The Loss o% ;"linurus ...................................................... /28 .k9*,/(33 The Te#ple "t )u#"e.......................................................... /20 .k9*,37(08 The Sib$l:s ;rophe $ ......................................................... /60 .k9*,04(/33 Aene"s Asks Entr$ to 5"des............................................ /62 .k9*,/37(/42 The Finding o% Misenus:s .od$......................................./66 .k9*,/46(263 The Funer"l ;$re ............................................................ /61 .k9*,267(276 The S" ri%i e to 5e "te ................................................. /67 .k9*,271(201 The Entr"n e to 5"des ................................................. /68 .k9*,203(667 The Shores o% A heron.................................................. /64 .k9*,668(646 The Sh"de o% ;"linurus.................................................. /60 .k9*,641(1/7 )h"ron the Ferr$#"n .................................................... /10 .k9*,1/8(160 .e$ond the A heron ......................................................./1/ .k9*,110(187 The Sh"de o% <ido ........................................................ /12 .k9*,188(361 The Sh"de o% <eiphobus ............................................... /16 .k9*,363(728 The Sib$l <es ribes T"rt"rus ........................................ /13 .k9*,724(784 The Fields o% El$siu#.................................................... /14 .k9*,780(802 The Meeting with An hises.......................................... /10 .k9*,806(826 The Souls <ue %or Re(birth ........................................... /30 5

.k9*,821(83/ The Tr"ns#igr"tion o% Souls .......................................... /3/ .k9*,832(887 The Future R" e C The Alb"n Kings............................. /32 .k9*,888(408 The Future R" e C Ro#ulus "nd the )"es"rs .............. /32 .k9*,404(436 The Future R" e C Republi "nd .e$ond ...................../36 .k9*,431(443 The Future R" e C M"r ellus........................................ /33 .k9*,447(00/ The B"tes o% Sleep ......................................................... /37 .k9**,/(67 The Tro@"ns Re" h the Tiber.............................................. /38 .k9**,68(/07 King L"tinus "nd the 'r" le .......................................... /34 .k9**,/08(/18 Ful%il#ent o% A ;rophe $.............................................. /70 .k9**,/14(/0/ The ;"l" e o% L"tinus....................................................../7/ .k9**,/02(214 The Tro@"ns Seek Alli"n e ?ith L"tinus .................... /72 .k9**,210(243 L"tinus '%%ers ;e" e .................................................... /71 .k9**,247(61/ 2uno Su##ons Alle to................................................. /73 .k9**,61/(103 Alle to M"ddens >ueen A#"t"................................... /78 .k9**,107(181 Alle to Rouses Turnus ................................................ /70 .k9**,183(360 Alle to A#ong the Tro@"ns........................................... /8/ .k9**,310(38/ Alle to Returns to 5"des ............................................. /86 .k9**,382(700 L"tinus Abdi "tes ........................................................ /81 .k9**,70/(710 L"tiu# ;rep"res %or ?"r ............................................. /83 .k9**,71/(842 The ."ttle(List .............................................................. /87 .k9**,846(4/8 Turnus "nd )"#ill" )o#plete the Arr"$ .................... /40 .k9***,/(23 The Situ"tion in L"tiu# .................................................... /42 .k9***,27(73 Aene"s:s <re"# o% Tiberinus......................................... /42 .k9***,77(/0/ Aene"s S"ils to ;"ll"nteu# ........................................... /41 .k9***,/02(/3/ Aene"s Meets Ev"nder.................................................. /43 .k9***,/32(/46 Ev"nder '%%ers Alli"n e ............................................... /47 .k9***,/41(603 The T"le o% 5er ules "nd )" us................................. /48 .k9***,607(670 ;"ll"nteu# C the Site o% Ro#e .................................../0/ .k9***,680(107 9enus Seeks ?e"pons %ro# 9ul "n.......................... /06 .k9***,108(136 9ul "n:s S#ith$ .......................................................... /01 .k9***,131(3/0 Ev"nder ;roposes Assist"n e ..................................... /03 .k9***,320(341 The ;reli#in"r$ Al"r#s ............................................. /04 .k9***,343(723 9enus:s Bi%t o% Ar#our.............................................../00 .k9***,727(780 9ul "n:s Shield, S enes o% E"rl$ Ro#e ..................... 20/ .k9***,78/(8/6 9ul "n:s Shield, The ."ttle o% A tiu# ....................... 202 6

.k9***,8/1(86/ 9ul "n:s Shield, Augustus:s Triple Triu#ph ..............206 .k*D,/(21 *ris Erges Turnus to ?"r.....................................................203 .k*D,23(87 Turnus Att" ks the Tro@"n Fleet ......................................203 .k*D,88(/07 )$bele M"kes " ;le" to 2ove ........................................... 208 .k*D,/08(/22 )$bele Tr"ns%or#s the Ships ........................................ 204 .k*D,/26(/78 Turnus L"$s Siege to the )"#p..................................... 204 .k*D,/74(226 &isus "nd Eur$"lus, A Mission ;roposed ..................... 2/0 .k*D,221(6/6 &isus "nd Eur$"lus, Aletes )onsents ............................. 2// .k*D,6/1(677 &isus "nd Eur$"lus, The R"id........................................ 2/1 .k*D,678(130 The <e"th o% Eur$"lus "nd &isus................................. 2/7 .k*D,170(321 Eur$"lus:s Mother L"#ents.......................................... 2/4 .k*D,323(340 Turnus in ."ttle............................................................ 220 .k*D,300(768 As "nius F*ulusG in ."ttle..............................................222 .k*D,764(78/ Apollo Spe"ks to *ulus ...................................................221 .k*D,782(8/7 Turnus "t the Tro@"n B"tes ...........................................223 .k*D,8/8(833 The <e"th o% ;"nd"rus.................................................. 227 .k*D,837(848 Turnus Sl"ughters the Tro@"ns .....................................228 .k*D,844(4/4 Turnus *s <riven '%% .................................................... 224 .kD,/(03 The )oun il o% the Bods .......................................................260 .kD,07(//8 2upiter Le"ves the 'ut o#e to F"te .................................262 .kD,//4(/72 Aene"s Returns Fro# ;"ll"ntiu#.................................... 266 .kD,/76(2/1 The Le"ders o% the Tus "n Fleet .....................................261 .kD,2/3(230 The &$#phs o% )$bele ....................................................267 .kD,270(608 Aene"s Re" hes L"nd .....................................................268 .kD,604(123 The ;it hed ."ttle ..........................................................260 .kD,127(300 The <e"th o% ;"ll"s ........................................................212 .kD,3/0(703 Aene"s R"ges *n ."ttle....................................................213 .kD,707(744 2uno ?ithdr"ws Turnus %ro# the Fight...................... 214 .kD,740(831 Me=entius R"ges in ."ttle..............................................230 .kD,833(462 The <e"th o% Me=entius:s Son! L"usus..........................232 .kD,466(004 The <e"th o% Me=entius.................................................231 .kD*,/(00 Aene"s Mourns ;"ll"s .........................................................234 .kD*,/00(/64 Aene"s '%%ers ;e" e ...................................................... 270 .kD*,/60(/4/ Ev"nder Mourns ;"ll"s................................................... 272 .kD*,/42(221 The Funer"l ;$res ..........................................................276 7

.kD*,223(203 An Answer Fro# Arpi .................................................. 271 .kD*,207(663 L"tinus:s ;ropos"l......................................................... 277 .kD*,667(683 <r"n es Att" ks Turnus 9erb"ll$ ................................ 274 .kD*,687(111 Turnus Replies.............................................................. 270 .kD*,113(36/ The Tro@"ns Att" k......................................................... 28/ .kD*,362(307 <i"n":s )on ern For )"#ill" ........................................286 .kD*,308(718 The Ar#ies Eng"ge .......................................................283 .kD*,714(821 )"#ill" *n A tion ..........................................................288 .kD*,823(878 Arruns Follows 5er ...................................................... 280 .kD*,874(463 The <e"th o% )"#ill" .................................................... 24/ .kD*,467(0/3 'pis T"kes Revenge.......................................................246 .kD**,/(36 Turnus <e#"nds M"rri"ge ............................................... 247 .kD**,31(40 5e ;roposes Single )o#b"t........................................... 248 .kD**,4/(//2 5e ;rep"res For ."ttle.................................................... 244 .kD**,//6(/70 2uno Spe"ks to 2uturn".................................................. 240 .kD**,/7/(2/3 Aene"s "nd L"tinus S" ri%i e ........................................ 200 .kD**,2/7(273 The Rutuli"ns .re"k The Tre"t$ ................................. 202 .kD**,277(6/0 Renewed Fighting........................................................ 201 .kD**,6//(642 Aene"s ?ounded, Turnus R"#p"nt ........................... 203 .kD**,646(178 9enus 5e"ls Aene"s.................................................... 208 .kD**,174(100 2uturn" Foils Aene"s .................................................. 600 .kD**,300(336 Aene"s And Turnus A#ongst The Sl"ughter ............. 60/ .kD**,331(302 Aene"s Att" ks The )it$..............................................602 .kD**,306(7/6 >ueen A#"t":s Sui ide................................................ 601 .kD**,7/1(707 Turnus 5e"rs '% A#"t":s <e"th................................ 601 .kD**,708(873 The Fin"l <uel .egins..................................................608 .kD**,877(800 The Boddesses *ntervene ........................................... 600 .kD**,80/(412 2upiter And 2uno <e ide The Future........................... 6/0 .kD**,416(447 2upiter Sends 2uturn" A Sign........................................ 6// .kD**,448(032 The <e"th '% Turnus ...................................................6/6

BkI:1-11 Invocation to the Muse * sing o% "r#s "nd the #"n! he who! e+iled b$ %"te! %irst "#e %ro# the o"st o% Tro$ to *t"l$! "nd to L"vini"n shores C hurled "bout endlessl$ b$ l"nd "nd se"! b$ the will o% the gods! b$ ruel 2uno:s re#orseless "nger! long su%%ering "lso in w"r! until he %ounded " it$ "nd brought his gods to L"tiu#, %ro# th"t the L"tin people "#e! the lords o% Alb" Long"! the w"lls o% noble Ro#e. Muse! tell #e the "use, how w"s she o%%ended in her divinit$! how w"s she grieved! the >ueen o% 5e"ven! to drive " #"n! noted %or virtue! to endure su h d"ngers! to %" e so #"n$ tri"lsH )"n there be su h "nger in the #inds o% the godsH BkI:12-4 The Anger o! "uno There w"s "n "n ient it$! )"rth"ge Fheld b$ olonists %ro# T$reG! opposite *t"l$! "nd the %"r(o%% #ouths o% the Tiber! ri h in we"lth! "nd ver$ s"v"ge in pursuit o% w"r. The$ s"$ 2uno loved this one l"nd "bove "ll others! even negle ting S"#os, here were her we"pons "nd her h"riot! even then the goddess worked "t! "nd herished! the ide" th"t it should h"ve supre#" $ over the n"tions! i% onl$ the %"tes "llowed. Yet she:d he"rd o% o%%spring! derived %ro# Tro@"n blood! th"t would one d"$ overthrow the T$ri"n stronghold, th"t %ro# the# " people would o#e! wide(ruling! "nd proud in w"r! to Lib$":s ruin, so the F"tes ord"ined. Fe"ring this! "nd re#e#bering the "n ient w"r she h"d %ought be%ore! "t Tro$! %or her de"r Argos! F"nd the "use o% her "nger "nd bitter sorrows h"d not $et p"ssed %ro# her #ind, the dist"nt @udge#ent o% ;"ris st"$ed deep in her he"rt! the in@ur$ to her s orned be"ut$! her h"tred o% the r" e! "nd "bdu ted B"n$#ede:s honoursG 9

the d"ughter o% S"turn! in ited %urther b$ this! hurled the Tro@"ns! the Breeks "nd pitiless A hilles h"d le%t! round the whole o e"n! keeping the# %"r %ro# L"tiu#, the$ w"ndered %or #"n$ $e"rs! driven b$ %"te over "ll the se"s. Su h "n e%%ort it w"s to %ound the Ro#"n people. The$ were h"rdl$ out o% sight o% Si il$:s isle! in deeper w"ter! @o$%ull$ spre"ding s"il! bron=e keel ploughing the brine! when 2uno! nursing the etern"l wound in her bre"st! spoke to hersel%, IA# * to "b"ndon #$ purpose! onJuered! un"ble to turn the Teu ri"n king "w"$ %ro# *t"l$K ?h$! the %"tes %orbid it. ?"sn:t ;"ll"s "ble to burn the Argive %leet! to sink it in the se"! be "use o% the guilt "nd #"dness o% one single #"n! A@"+! son o% 'ileusH She hersel% hurled 2upiter:s swi%t %ire %ro# the louds! s "ttered the ships! "nd #"de the se" boil with stor#s, She "ught hi# up in " w"ter(spout! "s he bre"thed %l"#e %ro# his pier ed hest! "nd pinned hi# to " sh"rp ro k, $et *! who w"lk "bout "s Jueen o% the gods! wi%e "nd sister o% 2ove! w"ge w"r on " whole r" e! %or so #"n$ $e"rs. *ndeed! will "n$one worship 2uno:s power %ro# now on! or pl" e o%%erings! hu#bl$! on her "lt"rsH: BkI:#$-%$ "uno Asks Aeolus !or &el' So deb"ting with hersel%! her he"rt in%l"#ed! the goddess "#e to Aeoli"! to the ountr$ o% stor#s! the pl" e o% wild g"les. 5ere in his v"st "ve! King Aeolus! keeps the writhing winds! "nd the ro"ring te#pests! under ontrol! urbs the# with h"ins "nd i#prison#ent. The$ #o"n "ngril$ "t the doors! with " #ount"in:s v"st #ur#urs, Aeolus sits! holding his s eptre! in his high stronghold! so%tening their p"ssions! te#pering their r"ge, i% not! the$:d surel$ "rr$ o%% se"s "nd l"nds "nd the highest he"vens! with the#! in r"pid %light! "nd sweep the# through the "ir. .ut the "ll(power%ul F"ther! %e"ring this! hid the# 10

in d"rk "ves! "nd piled " high #ount"in #"ss over the# "nd g"ve the# " king! who b$ %i+ed "gree#ent! would know how to give the order to tighten or sl" ken the reins. 2uno now o%%ered these words to hi#! hu#bl$, IAeolus! sin e the F"ther o% gods! "nd king o% #en! g"ve $ou the power to Juell! "nd r"ise! the w"ves with the winds! there is " people * h"te s"iling the T$rrheni"n Se"! bringing Tro$:s onJuered gods to *t"l$, Add power to the winds! "nd sink their wre ked bo"ts! or drive the# "p"rt! "nd s "tter their bodies over the se". * h"ve %ourteen &$#phs o% outst"nding be"ut$, o% who# *:ll n"#e <eiope"! the loveliest in looks! @oined in etern"l #"rri"ge! "nd $ours %or ever! so th"t! %or su h servi e to #e "s $ours! she:ll spend "ll her $e"rs with $ou! "nd #"ke $ou the %"ther o% lovel$ hildren.: Aeolus replied, IYour t"sk! ' Jueen! is to de ide wh"t $ou wish, #$ dut$ is to %ul%il $our orders. You brought "bout "ll this kingdo# o% #ine! the s eptre! 2ove:s %"vour! $ou g"ve #e " se"t "t the %e"sts o% the gods! "nd $ou #"de #e lord o% the stor#s "nd the te#pests.: BkI:%1-12( Aeolus )aises the *tor+ ?hen he h"d spoken! he reversed his trident "nd stru k the hollow #ount"in on the side, "nd the winds! %or#ed r"nks! rushed out b$ the door he:d #"de! "nd whirled " ross the e"rth. The$ settle on the se"! E"st "nd ?est wind! "nd the wind %ro# A%ri "! together! thi k with stor#s! stir it "ll %ro# its %urthest deeps! "nd roll v"st w"ves to shore, %ollows " r$ o% #en "nd " re"king o% "bles. Suddenl$ louds t"ke sk$ "nd d"$ "w"$ %ro# the Tro@"n:s e$es, d"rk night rests on the se". *t thunders %ro# the pole! "nd the "ether %l"shes thi k %ire! "nd "ll things thre"ten i##edi"te de"th to #en. *nst"ntl$ Aene"s gro"ns! his li#bs sl" k with old, 11

stret hing his two h"nds tow"rds the he"vens! he ries out in this voi e, I'h! three! %our ti#es %ortun"te were those who h"n ed to die in %ront o% their %"ther:s e$es under Tro$:s high w"llsK ' <io#ede! son o% T$deus br"vest o% BreeksK ?h$ ould * not h"ve %"llen! "t $our h"nd! in the %ields o% *liu#! "nd poured out #$ spirit! where %ier e 5e tor lies! bene"th A hilles:s spe"r! "nd #ight$ S"rpedon, where Si#ois rolls! "nd sweeps "w"$ so #"n$ shields! hel#ets! br"ve bodies! o% #en! in its w"vesK: 5urling these words out! " howling bl"st %ro# the north! strikes sJu"re on the s"il! "nd li%ts the se"s to he"ven, the o"rs bre"k, then the prow swings round "nd o%%ers the be"# to the w"ves, " steep #ount"in o% w"ter %ollows in " #"ss. So#e ships h"ng on the bre"ker:s rest, to others the $"wning deep shows l"nd between the w"ves, the surge r"ges with s"nd. The south wind "t hes three! "nd whirls the# onto hidden ro ks Fro ks the *t"li"ns "ll the Alt"rs! in #id(o e"n! " v"st ree% on the sur%" e o% the se"G three the e"st wind drives %ro# the deep! to the sh"llows "nd Jui k(s"nds F" piti%ul sightG! d"shes the# "g"inst the botto#! overs the# with " gr"vel #ound. A huge w"ve! toppling! strikes one "stern! in %ront o% his ver$ e$es! one "rr$ing %"ith%ul 'rontes "nd the L$ i"ns. The steers#"n:s thrown out "nd hurled he"dlong! %" e down, but the se" turns the ship three ti#es! driving her round! in pl" e! "nd the swi%t vorte+ sw"llows her in the deep. Swi##ers "ppe"r here "nd there in the v"st w"ste! #en:s we"pons! pl"nking! Tro@"n tre"sure in the w"ves. &ow the stor# onJuers *loneus:s tough ship! now A h"tes! now th"t in whi h Ab"s s"iled! "nd old Aletes:s, their ti#bers sprung in their sides! "ll the ships let in the hostile tide! "nd split open "t the se"#s. BkI:124-1#, -e'tune Intervenes &eptune! #e"nwhile! gre"tl$ troubled! s"w th"t the se" 12

w"s hurned with v"st #ur#ur! "nd the stor# w"s loose "nd the still w"ters welled %ro# their deepest levels, he r"ised his "l# %" e %ro# the w"ves! g"=ing over the deep. 5e sees Aene"s:s %leet s "ttered "ll over the o e"n! the Tro@"ns rushed b$ the bre"kers! "nd the plu##eting sk$. And 2uno:s "nger! "nd her str"t"ge#s! do not es "pe her brother. 5e "lls the E"st "nd ?est winds to hi#! "nd then s"$s, I<oes on%iden e in $our birth %ill $ou soH ?inds! do $ou d"re! without #$ intent! to #i+ e"rth with sk$! "nd "use su h trouble! nowH You who# * C K .ut it:s better to "l# the running w"ves, $ou:ll "nswer to #e l"ter %or this #is%ortune! with " di%%erent punish#ent. 5urr$! %l$ now! "nd s"$ this to $our king, ontrol o% the o e"n! "nd the %ier e trident! were given to #e! b$ lot! "nd not to hi#. 5e owns the wild ro ks! ho#e to $ou! "nd $ours! E"st ?ind, let Aeolus o%%i i"te in his p"l" e! "nd be king in the losed prison o% the winds.: So he spe"ks! "nd swi%ter th"n his spee h! he "l#s the swollen se"! s "tters the g"thered loud! "nd brings b" k the sun. )$#othoL "nd Triton! working together! thrust the ships %ro# the sh"rp ree%, &eptune hi#sel% r"ises the# with his trident! p"rts the v"st Jui ks"nd! te#pers the %lood! "nd glides on weightless wheels! over the tops o% the w"ves. As o%ten! when rebellion bre"ks out in " gre"t n"tion! "nd the o##on r"bble r"ge with p"ssion! "nd soon stones "nd %ier$ tor hes %l$ F%ren=$ suppl$ing we"ponsG! i% the$ then see " #"n o% gre"t virtue! "nd weight$ servi e! the$ "re silent! "nd st"nd there listening "ttentivel$, he sw"$s their p"ssions with his words "nd soothes their he"rts, so "ll the upro"r o% the o e"n died! "s soon "s their %"ther! g"=ing over the w"ter! "rried through the le"r sk$! wheeled his horses! "nd g"ve the# their he"d! %l$ing behind in his h"riot. BkI:1#.-222 *helter on the /ibyan Coast The we"r$ %ollowers o% Aene"s #"de e%%orts to set " ourse 13

%or the ne"rest l"nd! "nd t" ked tow"rds the Lib$"n o"st. There is " pl" e there in " deep inlet, "n isl"nd %or#s " h"rbour with the b"rrier o% its bulk! on whi h ever$ w"ve %ro# the deep bre"ks! "nd divides into di#inishing ripples. 'n this side "nd th"t! v"st li%%s "nd twin r"gs loo# in the sk$! under whose su##its the whole se" is "l#! %"r "nd wide, then! "bove th"t! is " s ene o% glittering woods! "nd " d"rk grove overh"ngs the w"ter! with le"%$ sh"de, under the he"dl"nd opposite is " "ve! urt"ined with ro k! inside it! %resh w"ter! "nd se"ts o% n"tur"l stone! the ho#e o% &$#phs. &o h"wsers #oor the we"r$ ships here! no "n hor! with its hooked %lukes! %"stens the#. Aene"s t"kes shelter here with seven ships g"thered %ro# the %leet! "nd the Tro@"ns! with " p"ssion %or dr$ l"nd! dise#b"rking! t"ke possession o% the s"nds the$ longed %or! "nd stret h their brine( "ked bodies on the shore. At on e A h"tes strikes " sp"rk %ro# his %lint! "t hes the %ire in the le"ves! pl" es dr$ %uel round it! "nd Jui kl$ h"s %l"#es "#ong the kindling. Then! we"ried b$ events! the$ t"ke out whe"t! d"#"ged b$ the se"! "nd i#ple#ents o% )eres! "nd prep"re to p"r h the gr"in over the %l"#es! "nd grind it on stone. Aene"s li#bs " r"g #e"nwhile! "nd se"r hes the whole prospe t %"r "nd wide over the se"! looking i% he "n see "n$thing o% Antheus "nd his stor#(tossed ;hr$gi"n g"lle$s! or )"p$s! or )"i us:s "r#s bl"=oned on " high stern. There:s no ship in sight, he sees three st"gs w"ndering on the shore, whole herds o% deer %ollow "t their b" k! "nd gr"=e in long lines "long the v"lle$. 5e h"lts "t this! "nd gr"sps in his h"nd his bow "nd swi%t "rrows! sh"%ts th"t lo$"l A h"tes "rries! "nd %irst he shoots the le"ders the#selves! their he"ds! with br"n hing "ntlers! held high! then the #"ss! with his sh"%ts! "nd drives the whole rowd in on%usion "#ong the le"ves, The onJueror does not stop until he:s s "ttered seven huge 14

"r "sses on the ground! eJu"l in nu#ber to his ships. Then he seeks the h"rbour! "nd divides the# "#ong "ll his %riends. &e+t he sh"res out the wine th"t the good A estes h"d stowed in @"rs! on the Trin" ri"n o"st! "nd th"t hero h"d given the# on le"ving, "nd spe"king to the#! "l#ed their s"d he"rts, I' %riends Fwell! we were not unknown to trouble be%oreG ' $ou who:ve endured worse! the god will gr"nt "n end to this too. You:ve %" ed r"bid S $ll"! "nd her deep(sounding li%%s, "nd $ou:ve e+perien ed the )$ lopes:s ro ks, re#e#ber $our our"ge "nd h"se "w"$ gloo#$ %e"rs, perh"ps one d"$ $ou:ll even delight in re#e#bering this. Through "ll these #is%ortunes! these d"ngerous ti#es! we he"d %or L"tiu#! where the %"tes hold pe" e%ul lives %or us, there Tro$:s kingdo# "n rise "g"in. Endure! "nd preserve $ourselves %or h"ppier d"$s.: So his voi e utters! "nd si k with the weight o% "re! he pretends hope! in his look! "nd sti%les the p"in deep in his he"rt. The$ #"ke re"d$ the g"#e! "nd the %uture %e"st, the$ %l"$ the hides %ro# the ribs "nd l"$ the %lesh b"re, so#e ut it in pie es! Juivering! "nd %i+ it on spits! others pl" e "uldrons on the be" h! "nd %eed the# with %l"#es. Then the$ revive their strength with %ood! stret hed on the gr"ss! "nd %ill the#selves with ri h venison "nd old wine. ?hen hunger is Juen hed b$ the %e"st! "nd the re#n"nts le"red! deep in onvers"tion! the$ dis uss their #issing %riends! "nd! between hope "nd %e"r! Juestion whether the$ live! or whether the$:ve su%%ered de"th "nd no longer he"r their n"#e. Aene"s! the virtuous! "bove "ll #ourns the lot o% %ier e 'rontes! then th"t o% A#$ us! together with L$ us:s ruel %"te! "nd those o% br"ve B$us! "nd br"ve )lo"nthus. BkI:22(-2#, Venus Intercedes 0ith "u'iter &ow! "ll w"s o#plete! when 2upiter! %ro# the heights o% the "ir! looked down on the se" with its %l$ing s"ils! "nd the bro"d l"nds! 15

"nd the o"sts! "nd the people %"r "nd wide! "nd p"used! "t the su##it o% he"ven! "nd %i+ed his e$es on the Lib$"n kingdo#. And "s he weighed su h "res "s he h"d in his he"rt! 9enus spoke to hi#! s"dder still! her bright e$es bri##ing with te"rs, I'h $ou who rule things hu#"n! "nd divine! with etern"l l"w! "nd who terri%$ the# "ll with $our lightning(bolt! wh"t "n #$ Aene"s h"ve done to $ou th"t:s so serious! wh"t h"ve the Tro@"ns done! who:ve su%%ered so #u h destru tion! to who# the whole world:s losed! be "use o% the *t"li"n l"ndsH Surel$ $ou pro#ised th"t "t so#e point! "s the $e"rs rolled b$! the Ro#"ns would rise %ro# the#! le"ders would rise! restored %ro# Teu er:s blood! who would hold power over the se"! "nd "ll the l"nds. F"ther! wh"t thought h"s h"nged $our #indH *t onsoled #e %or the %"ll o% Tro$! "nd its s"d ruin! weighing one destin$! indeed! "g"inst opposing destinies, now the s"#e #is%ortune %ollows these #en driven on b$ su h dis"sters. Bre"t king! wh"t end to their e%%orts will $ou giveH Antenor ould es "pe through the thi k o% the Breek "r#$! "nd s"%el$ enter the *ll$ri"n gul%s! "nd deep into the re"l#s o% the Liburni"ns! "nd p"ss the %ounts o% Ti#"vus! %ro# whi h the river bursts! with " huge #ount"inous ro"r! through nine #ouths! "nd buries the %ields under its nois$ %lood. 5ere! nonetheless! he sited the it$ o% ;"du"! "nd ho#es %or Teu ri"ns! "nd g"ve the people " n"#e! "nd hung up the "r#s o% Tro$, now he:s "l#l$ settled! in tr"nJuil pe" e. .ut we! $our r" e! to who# $ou per#it the heights o% he"ven! lose our ships Fsh"#e%ulKG! betr"$ed! be "use o% one person:s "nger! "nd kept %"r "w"$ %ro# the shores o% *t"l$. *s this the pri=e %or virtueH *s this how $ou restore our ruleH The %"ther o% #en "nd gods! s#iled "t her with th"t look with whi h he le"rs the sk$ o% stor#s! kissed his d"ughter:s lips! "nd then s"id this, BkI:2#.-2 , "u'iter1s 2ro'hecy


I<on:t be "%r"id! )$there"! $our hild:s %"te re#"ins un"ltered, You:ll see the it$ o% L"viniu#! "nd the w"lls * pro#ised! "nd $ou:ll r"ise gre"t(he"rted Aene"s high! to the st"rr$ sk$, &o thought h"s h"nged #$ #ind. This son o% $ours Fsin e this trouble gn"ws "t #$ he"rt! *:ll spe"k! "nd unroll the se ret s roll o% destin$G will w"ge " #ight$ w"r in *t"l$! destro$ proud peoples! "nd est"blish l"ws! "nd it$ w"lls! %or his w"rriors! until " third su##er sees his reign in L"tiu#! "nd three winter "#ps p"ss sin e the Rutuli"ns were be"ten. .ut the bo$ As "nius! surn"#ed *ulus now F5e w"s *lus while the *li"n kingdo# w"s " re"lit$G will i#peri"ll$ o#plete thirt$ gre"t ir les o% the turning #onths! "nd tr"ns%er his throne %ro# its site "t L"viniu#! "nd #ight$ in power! will build the w"lls o% Alb" Long". 5ere kings o% 5e tor:s r" e will reign now %or three hundred $e"rs o#plete! until " ro$"l priestess! *li"! he"v$ with hild! sh"ll be"r M"rs twins. Then Ro#ulus will %urther the r" e! proud in his nurse the she(wol%:s t"wn$ pelt! "nd %ound the w"lls o% M"rs! "nd "ll the people Ro#"ns! %ro# his own n"#e. *:ve %i+ed no li#its or dur"tion to their possessions, *:ve given the# e#pire without end. ?h$! h"rsh 2uno who now tor#ents l"nd! "nd se" "nd sk$ with %e"r! will respond to better @udge#ent! "nd %"vour the Ro#"ns! #"sters o% the world! "nd people o% the tog"! with #e. So it is de reed. A ti#e will o#e! "s the $e"rs glide b$! when the Tro@"n house o% Ass"r" us will %or e ;hthi" into sl"ver$! "nd be lords o% be"ten Argos. Fro# this glorious sour e " Tro@"n )"es"r will be born! who will bound the e#pire with ' e"n! his %"#e with the st"rs! Augustus! " 2ulius! his n"#e des ended %ro# the gre"t *ulus. You! no longer "n+ious! will re eive hi# one d"$ in he"ven! burdened with E"stern spoils, he:ll be "lled to in pr"$er. Then with w"rs "b"ndoned! the h"rsh "ges will grow #ild, 17

?hite h"ired Trust! "nd 9est"! >uirinus with his brother Re#us will #"ke the l"ws, the g"tes o% ?"r! gri# with iron! "nd n"rrowed b$ b"rs! will be losed, inside i#pious R"ge will ro"r %righteningl$ %ro# blood(st"ined #outh! se"ted on s"v"ge we"pons! h"nds tied behind his b" k! with " hundred knots o% bron=e.: BkI:2 .-(.1 Venus *'eaks to Aeneas S"$ing this! he sends Mer ur$! M"i":s son! down %ro# he"ven! so th"t the ountr$ "nd strongholds o% this new )"rth"ge would open to the Tro@"ns! "s guests! "nd <ido! un"w"re o% %"te! would not keep the# %ro# her territor$. 5e %lies through the "ir with " be"ting o% #ight$ wings "nd Jui kl$ l"nds on Lib$"n shore. And soon does "s o##"nded! "nd the ;hoeni i"ns set "side their s"v"ge instin ts! b$ the god:s will, the Jueen "bove "ll "dopts "l# %eelings! "nd kind thoughts! tow"rds the Tro@"ns. .ut Aene"s! the virtuous! turning things over "ll night! de ides! "s soon "s kindl$ d"wn "ppe"rs! to go out "nd e+plore the pl" e! to %ind wh"t shores he h"s re" hed! on the wind! who owns the# Fsin e he sees desertG #"n or be"st! "nd bring b" k the det"ils to his %riends. 5e on e"ls the bo"ts in over(h"nging woods under "n "r hing li%%! en losed b$ trees "nd le"%$ sh"dows, " o#p"nied onl$ b$ A hetes! he goes! swinging two bro"d(bl"ded spe"rs in his h"nd. 5is #other #et hi# hersel%! "#ong the trees! with the %" e "nd "ppe"r"n e o% " virgin! "nd " virgin:s we"pons! " Sp"rt"n girl! or su h "s 5"rp"l$ e o% Thr" e! who we"ries horses! "nd outdoes winged 5ebrus in %light. For she:d slung her bow %ro# her shoulders! "t the re"d$! like " huntress! "nd loosed her h"ir %or the wind to s "tter! her knees b"re! "nd her %lowing tuni g"thered up in " knot. And she ried %irst, I5ello! $ou $oung #en! tell #e! i% $ou:ve seen #$ sister w"ndering here b$ "n$ h"n e! we"ring " Juiver! "nd the hide o% " d"ppled l$n+! 18

or shouting! hot on the tr" k o% " sl"vering bo"rH: So 9enus, "nd so 9enus:s son beg"n in "nswer, I*:ve not seen or he"rd "n$ o% $our sisters! ' 9irgin C or how should * n"#e $ouH Sin e $our looks "re not #ort"l "nd $our voi e is #ore th"n hu#"n, oh! " goddess %or ert"inK 'r ;hoebus:s sisterH 'r one o% the r" e o% &$#phsH .e kind! whoever $ou #"$ be! "nd lighten our l"bour! "nd tell us onl$ wh"t sk$ we:re under! "nd wh"t shores we:ve l"nded on, we:re "dri%t here! driven b$ wind "nd v"st se"s! knowing nothing o% the people or the ountr$, #"n$ " s" ri%i e to $ou will %"ll "t the "lt"rs! under our h"nd.: Then 9enus s"id, I* don:t think #$sel% worth$ o% su h honours, it:s the usto# o% T$ri"n girls to "rr$ " Juiver! "nd l" e our "lves high up! over red hunting boots. You see the kingdo# o% )"rth"ge! T$ri"ns! Agenor:s it$, but bordered b$ Lib$"ns! " people %or#id"ble in w"r. <ido rules this e#pire! h"ving set out %ro# T$re! %leeing her brother. *t:s " long t"le o% wrong! with #"n$ windings, but *:ll tr" e the #"in h"pters o% the stor$. S$ h"eus w"s her husb"nd! we"lthiest! in l"nd! o% ;hoeni i"ns "nd loved with " gre"t love b$ the wret hed girl! whose %"ther g"ve her "s " virgin to hi#! "nd wed the# with gre"t sole#nit$. .ut her brother ;$g#"lion! s"v"ge in wi kedness be$ond "ll others! held the kingdo# o% T$re. M"dness "#e between the#. The king! blinded b$ greed %or gold! killed the unw"r$ S$ h"eus! se retl$! with " kni%e! i#piousl$! in %ront o% the "lt"rs! indi%%erent to his sister:s "%%e tions. 5e on e"led his " tions %or " while! de eived the lovesi k girl! with e#pt$ hopes! "nd #"n$ evil preten es. .ut the ghost o% her unburied husb"nd "#e to her in dre"#, li%ting his p"le he"d in " str"nge #"nner! he l"id b"re the ruelt$ "t the "lt"rs! "nd his he"rt pier ed b$ the kni%e! "nd unveiled "ll the se ret wi kedness o% th"t house. Then he urged her to le"ve Jui kl$ "nd "b"ndon her ountr$! "nd! to help her @ourne$! reve"led "n "n ient tre"sure 19

under the e"rth! "n unknown weight o% gold "nd silver. Sh"ken b$ "ll this! <ido prep"red her %light "nd her %riends. Those who h"d %ier e h"tred o% the t$r"nt or bitter %e"r! g"thered together, the$ sei=ed so#e ships th"t b$ h"n e were re"d$! "nd lo"ded the gold, greed$ ;$g#"lion:s ri hes "re "rried overse"s, " wo#"n le"ds the enterprise. The "#e to this pl" e! "nd bought l"nd! where $ou now see the v"st w"lls! "nd resurgent stronghold! o% new )"rth"ge! "s #u h "s the$ ould en lose with the strips o% hide %ro# " single bull! "nd %ro# th"t the$ "lled it .$rs". .ut who then "re $ouH ?h"t shores do $ou o#e %ro#H ?h"t ourse do $ou t"keH: 5e sighed "s she Juestioned hi#! "nd dr"wing the words %ro# deep in his he"rt he replied, BkI:(.2-41. *he 3irects &i+ to 3ido1s 2alace I' goddess! i% * were to st"rt #$ t"le "t the ver$ beginning! "nd $ou h"d ti#e to he"r the stor$ o% our #is%ortunes! 9esper would h"ve shut d"$ "w"$ in the losed he"vens. A stor# drove us "t whi# to Lib$":s shores! s"iling the #"n$ se"s %ro# "n ient Tro$! i% b$ h"n e the n"#e o% Tro$ h"s o#e to $our he"ring. * "# th"t Aene"s! the virtuous! who "rries #$ household gods in #$ ship with #e! h"ving sn"t hed the# %ro# the ene#$! #$ n"#e is known be$ond the sk$. * seek #$ ountr$ *t"l$! "nd " people born o% 2upiter on high. * e#b"rked on the ;hr$gi"n se" with twent$ ships! %ollowing #$ given %"te! #$ #other! " goddess! showing the w"$, b"rel$ seven "re le%t! wren hed %ro# the wind "nd w"ves. * #$sel% w"nder! destitute "nd unknown! in the Lib$"n desert! driven %ro# Europe "nd Asi".: 9enus did not w"it %or %urther o#pl"int but broke in on his l"#ent like this, I?hoever $ou "re * don:t think $ou dr"w the bre"th o% li%e while h"ted b$ the gods! $ou who:ve re" hed " it$ o% T$re. 'nl$ go on %ro# here! "nd t"ke $oursel% to the Jueen:s threshold! 20

sin e * bring $ou news th"t $our %riends "re restored! "nd $our ships re "lled! driven to s"%et$ b$ the shi%ting winds! unless #$ p"rents t"ught #e %"lse prophe ies! in v"in. See! those twelve sw"ns in e+ult"nt line! th"t "n e"gle! 2upiter:s bird! swooping %ro# the he"vens! w"s troubling in the le"r sk$, now! in " long %ile! the$ see# to h"ve settled! or be g"=ing down now "t those who "lre"d$ h"ve. As! returning! their wings be"t in pl"$! "nd the$ ir le the =enith in " rowd! "nd give their r$! so $our ships "nd $our people "re in h"rbour! or ne"r its entr"n e under %ull s"il. 'nl$ go on! turn $our steps where the p"th t"kes $ou.: She spoke! "nd turning "w"$ she re%le ted the light %ro# her rose(tinted ne k! "nd bre"thed " divine per%u#e %ro# her "#brosi"l h"ir, her robes tr"iled down to her %eet! "nd! in her step! showed her " true goddess. 5e re ognised his #other! "nd "s she v"nished %ollowed her with his voi e, IYou too "re ruel! wh$ do $ou t"unt $our son with %"lse ph"nto#sH ?h$ "# * not "llowed to @oin h"nd with h"nd! "nd spe"k "nd he"r true wordsH: So he " uses her! "nd turns his steps tow"rds the it$. .ut 9enus veiled the# with " d"rk #ist "s the$ w"lked! "nd! "s " goddess! spre"d " thi k overing o% loud "round the#! so th"t no one ould see the#! or tou h the#! or "use the# del"$! or "sk the# where the$ were going. She hersel% so"rs high in the "ir! to ;"phos! "nd returns to her ho#e with delight! where her te#ple "nd its hundred "lt"rs ste"# with S"be"n in ense! %r"gr"nt with %resh g"rl"nds. BkI:41%-4,( The Te+'le o! "uno Me"nwhile the$:ve t" kled the route the p"th reve"led. And soon the$ li#bed the hill th"t loo#s high over the it$! "nd looks down %ro# "bove on the towers th"t %" e it. Aene"s #"rvels "t the #"ss o% buildings! on e huts! #"rvels "t the g"tes! the noise! the p"ved ro"ds. 21

The e"ger T$ri"ns "re bus$! so#e building w"lls! "nd r"ising the it"del! rolling up stones b$ h"nd! so#e hoosing the site %or " house! "nd #"rking " %urrow, the$ #"ke #"gistr"tes "nd l"ws! "nd " s" red sen"te, here so#e "re digging " h"rbour, others l"$ down the deep %ound"tions o% " the"tre! "nd "rve huge olu#ns %ro# the li%%! t"ll "dorn#ents %or the %uture st"ge. 2ust "s bees in e"rl$ su##er "rr$ out their t"sks "#ong the %lower$ %ields! in the sun! when the$ le"d out the "doles ent $oung o% their r" e! or r"# the ells with liJuid hone$! "nd swell the# with sweet ne t"r! or re eive the in o#ing burdens! or %or#ing lines drive the l"=$ herd o% drones %ro# their hives, the work glows! "nd the %r"gr"nt hone$:s sweet with th$#e. I' %ortun"te those whose w"lls "lre"d$ riseK: Aene"s ries! "nd "d#ires the su##its o% the it$. 5e enters "#ong the#! veiled in #ist F#"rvellous to tellG "nd #ingles with the people seen b$ no one. There w"s " grove in the entre o% the it$! delight%ul with sh"de! where the w"ve "nd stor#(tossed ;hoeni i"ns %irst un overed the he"d o% " %ier e horse! th"t reg"l 2uno showed the#, so the r" e would be noted in w"r! "nd ri h in subst"n e throughout the "ges. 5ere Sidoni"n <ido w"s est"blishing " gre"t te#ple to 2uno! ri h with gi%ts "nd divine presen e! with bron=e entr"n es rising %ro# st"irw"$s! "nd be"#s @ointed with bron=e! "nd hinges re"king on bron=e doors. 5ere in the grove so#ething new "ppe"red th"t "l#ed his %e"rs %or the %irst ti#e! here %or the %irst ti#e Aene"s d"red to hope %or s"%et$! "nd to put gre"ter trust in his "%%li ted %ortunes. ?hile! w"iting %or the Jueen! in the v"st te#ple! he looks "t e" h thing, while he #"rvels "t the it$:s we"lth! the skill o% their "rtistr$! "nd the produ ts o% their l"bours! he sees the b"ttles "t Tro$ in their orre t order! the ?"r! known through its %"#e to the whole world! 22

the sons o% Atreus! o% ;ri"#! "nd A hilles "ngered with both. 5e h"lted! "nd s"id! with te"rs, I?h"t pl" e is there! A h"tes! wh"t region o% e"rth not %ull o% our h"rdshipsH See! ;ri"#K 5ere too virtue h"s its rew"rds! here too there "re te"rs %or events! "nd #ort"l things tou h the he"rt. Lose $our %e"rs, this %"#e will bring $ou bene%it.: BkI:4,4-4 ( The 4rie5e So he spe"ks! "nd %eeds his spirit with the insubst"nti"l %rie=e! sighing o%ten! "nd his %" e wet with the stre"#ing te"rs. For he s"w how! here! the Breeks %led! "s the$ %ought round Tro$! h"sed b$ the Tro@"n $outh! "nd! there! the Tro@"ns %led! with plu#ed A hilles pressing the# lose in his h"riot. &ot %"r "w"$! through his te"rs! he re ognises Rhesus:s white( "nv"ssed tents! th"t blood(st"ined <io#ede! T$deus:s son! l"id w"ste with gre"t sl"ughter! betr"$ed in their %irst sleep! diverting the %ier$ horses to his "#p! be%ore the$ ould e"t Tro@"n %odder! or drink %ro# the river D"nthus. Elsewhere Troilus! his we"pons dis "rded in %light! unh"pp$ bo$! uneJu"ll$ #"t hed in his b"ttle with A hilles! is dr"gged b$ his horses! linging %" e(up to the e#pt$ h"riot! still lut hing the reins, his ne k "nd h"ir tr"iling on the ground! "nd his spe"r reversed %urrowing the dust. Me"nwhile the Tro@"n wo#en with loose h"ir! w"lked to un@ust ;"ll"s:s te#ple "rr$ing the s" red robe! #ourning hu#bl$! "nd be"ting their bre"sts with their h"nds. The goddess w"s turned "w"$! her e$es %i+ed on the ground. Three ti#es h"d A hilles dr"gged 5e tor round the w"lls o% Tro$! "nd now w"s selling the li%eless orpse %or gold. Then Aene"s trul$ he"ves " deep sigh! %ro# the depths o% his he"rt! "s he views the spoils! the h"riot! the ver$ bod$ o% his %riend! "nd ;ri"# stret hing out his unw"rlike h"nds. 5e re ognised hi#sel% "s well! %ighting the Breek prin es! "nd the Ethiopi"n r"nks "nd bl" k Me#non:s "r#our. 23

R"ging ;enthesile" le"ds the %ile o% A#"=ons! with res ent shields! "nd shines out "#ong her thous"nds! her golden girdle %"stened bene"th her e+posed bre"sts! " virgin w"rrior d"ring to %ight with #en. BkI:4 4-#1 The Arrival o! 6ueen 3ido ?hile these wonder%ul sights "re viewed b$ Tro@"n Aene"s! while "#"=ed he h"ngs there! r"pt! with %i+ed g"=e! >ueen <ido! o% loveliest %or#! re" hed the te#ple! with " gre"t rowd o% $ouths " o#p"n$ing her. 2ust "s <i"n" le"ds her d"n ing throng on Eurot"s:s b"nks! or "long the ridges o% )$nthus! "nd! %ollowing her! " thous"nd #ount"in(n$#phs g"ther on either side, "nd she "rries " Juiver on her shoulder! "nd overtops "ll the other goddesses "s she w"lks, "nd delight sei=es her #other L"ton":s silent he"rt, su h w"s <ido! so she "rried hersel%! @o$%ull$! "#ongst the#! %urthering the work! "nd her rising kingdo#. Then! %en ed with we"pons! "nd resting on " high throne! she took her se"t! "t the goddess:s doorw"$! under the entr"l v"ult. She w"s giving out l"ws "nd st"tutes to the people! "nd sh"ring the workers l"bour out in %"ir proportions! or "ssigning it b$ lot, when Aene"s suddenl$ s"w Antheus! "nd Sergestus! "nd br"ve )lo"nthus! "ppro" hing! "#ong " l"rge rowd! with others o% the Tro@"ns who# the bl" k stor#( louds h"d s "ttered over the se" "nd "rried %"r o%% to other shores. 5e w"s stunned! "nd A h"tes w"s stunned "s well with @o$ "nd %e"r, the$ burned with e"gerness to l"sp h"nds! but the une+pe ted event on%used their #inds. The$ st"$ on e"led "nd! veiled in the deep #ist! the$ w"t h to see wh"t h"ppens to their %riends! wh"t shore the$ h"ve le%t the %leet on! "nd wh$ the$ "re here, the ele t o% ever$ ship "#e begging %"vour! "nd #"de %or the te#ple "#ong the shouting.


BkI:#2$-#,$ Ilioneus Asks &er Assistance ?hen the$:d entered! "nd %reedo# to spe"k in person h"d been gr"nted! *lioneus! the eldest! beg"n "l#l$, I' Jueen! who# 2upiter gr"nts the right to %ound " new it$! "nd urb proud tribes with $our @usti e! we unlu k$ Tro@"ns! driven b$ the winds over ever$ se"! pr"$ to $ou, keep the terror o% %ire "w"$ %ro# our ships! sp"re " virtuous r" e "nd look #ore kindl$ on our %"te. ?e h"ve not o#e to despoil Lib$"n ho#es with the sword! or to "rr$ o%% stolen plunder to the shore, th"t violen e is not in our #inds! the onJuered h"ve not su h pride. There:s " pl" e "lled 5esperi" b$ the Breeks! "n "n ient l"nd! strong in #en! with " ri h soil, There the 'enotri"ns lived, now ru#our h"s it th"t " l"ter people h"s "lled it *t"l$! "%ter their le"der. ?e h"d set our ourse there when stor#$ 'rion! rising with the tide! "rried us onto hidden sho"ls! "nd %ier e winds s "ttered us %"r! with the overwhel#ing surge! over the w"ves "#ong uninh"bit"ble ro ks, we %ew h"ve dri%ted here to $our shores. ?h"t r" e o% #en is thisH ?h"t l"nd is so b"rb"ri "s to "llow this usto#! th"t we:re denied the hospit"lit$ o% the s"ndsH The$ stir up w"r! "nd prevent us setting %oot on dr$ l"nd. *% $ou despise the hu#"n r" e "nd #ort"l we"pons! still trust th"t the gods re#e#ber right "nd wrong. Aene"s w"s our king! no one #ore @ust th"n hi# in his dut$! or gre"ter in w"r "nd we"ponr$. *% %"te still prote ts the #"n! i% he still en@o$s the ethere"l "ir! i% he doesn:t $et rest "#ong the ruel sh"des! there:s nothing to %e"r! "nd $ou:d not repent o% v$ing with hi# %irst in kindness. Then there "re ities "nd %ields too in the region o% Si il$! "nd %"#ous A estes! o% Tro@"n blood. Allow us to be" h our %leet! d"#"ged b$ the stor#s! "nd ut pl"nks %ro# trees! "nd sh"pe o"rs! 25

so i% our king:s restored "nd our %riends "re %ound we "n he"d %or *t"l$! gl"dl$ seek *t"l$ "nd L"tiu#, "nd i% our s"viour:s lost! "nd the Lib$"n se"s hold $ou! Tro$:s #ost virtuous %"ther! i% no hope now re#"ins %ro# *ulus! let us seek the Si ili"n str"its! %ro# whi h we were driven! "nd the ho#e prep"red %or us! "nd " king! A estes.: So *lioneus spoke, "nd the Tro@"ns "ll shouted with one voi e. BkI:#,1-#%# 3ido 7elco+es the Tro8ans Then! <ido! spoke brie%l$! with lowered e$es, ITro@"ns! %ree $our he"rts o% %e"r, dispel $our "res. 5"rsh events "nd the newness o% the kingdo# %or e #e to e%%e t su h things! "nd prote t #$ borders with gu"rds on "ll sides. ?ho doesn:t know o% Aene"s:s r" e! "nd the it$ o% Tro$! the br"ver$! the #en! or so gre"t " bl"=e o% w"r%"re! indeed! we ;hoeni i"ns don:t possess un%eeling he"rts! the sun doesn:t h"rness his horses th"t %"r %ro# this T$ri"n it$. ?hether $ou opt %or #ight$ 5esperi"! "nd S"turn:s %ields! or the su##it o% Er$+! "nd A estes %or king! *:ll see $ou s"%el$ es orted! "nd help $ou with #$ we"lth. 'r do $ou wish to settle here with #e! "s eJu"ls in #$ kingdo#H The it$ * build is $ours, be" h $our ships, Tro@"ns "nd T$ri"ns will be tre"ted b$ #e without distin tion. * wish $our king Aene"s hi#sel% were here! driven b$ th"t s"#e stor#K *ndeed! *:ll send reli"ble #en "long the o"st! "nd order the# to tr"vel the length o% Lib$"! in "se he:s driven "ground! "nd w"ndering the woods "nd towns.: .r"ve A hetes! "nd our %ore%"ther Aene"s! their spirits r"ised b$ these words! h"d been burning to bre"k %ree o% the #ist. A h"tes w"s %irst to spe"k! s"$ing to Aene"s, ISon o% the goddess! wh"t intention springs to $our #indH You see "ll:s s"%e! the %leet "nd our %riends h"ve been restored to us. 'nl$ one is #issing! who# we s"w plunged in the w"ves, "ll else is in " ord with $our #other:s words.: 26

BkI:#%,-,12 Aeneas Makes &i+sel! 9no0n 5e:d s "r el$ spoken when the #ist surrounding the# suddenl$ p"rted! "nd v"nished in the le"r "ir. Aene"s stood there! shining in the bright d"$light! like " god in shoulders "nd %" e, sin e his #other h"d hersel% i#p"rted to her son be"ut$ to his h"ir! " glow o% $outh! "nd " @o$%ul h"r# to his e$es, like the glor$ "rt "n give to ivor$! or "s when silver! or ;"ri"n #"rble! is surrounded b$ gold. Then he "ddressed the Jueen! suddenl$! surprising the# "ll! s"$ing, I* "# here in person! Aene"s the Tro@"n! hi# who# $ou seek! s"ved %ro# the Lib$"n w"ves. ' <ido! it is not in our power! nor those o% our Tro@"n r" e! wherever the$ #"$ be! s "ttered through the wide world! to p"$ $ou su%%i ient th"nks! $ou who "lone h"ve pitied Tro$:s unspe"k"ble #iseries! "nd sh"re $our it$ "nd ho#e with us! the re#n"nt le%t b$ the Breeks! we"ried b$ ever$ #is h"n e! on l"nd "nd se"! "nd l" king ever$thing. M"$ the gods! "nd the #ind itsel% ons ious o% right! bring $ou " @ust rew"rd! i% the gods respe t the virtuous! i% there is @usti e "n$where. ?h"t h"pp$ "ge g"ve birth to $ouH ?h"t p"rents produ ed su h " hildH Your honour! n"#e "nd pr"ise will endure %orever! wh"tever l"nds #"$ su##on #e! while rivers run to the se"! while sh"dows ross #ount"in slopes! while the sk$ nourishes the st"rs.: So s"$ing he gr"sps his %riend *loneus b$ the right h"nd! Serestus with the le%t! then others! br"ve B$us "nd br"ve )lo"nthus. BkI:,1(-,#, 3ido )eceives Aeneas Sidoni"n <ido w"s %irst "#"=ed "t the hero:s looks then "t his gre"t #is%ortunes! "nd she spoke! s"$ing, 27

ISon o% " goddess! wh"t %"te pursues $ou through "ll these d"ngersH ?h"t %or e drives $ou to these b"rb"rous shoresH Are $ou trul$ th"t Aene"s who# kindl$ 9enus bore to Tro@"n An hises! b$ the w"ters o% ;hr$gi"n Si#oisH *ndeed! * #$sel% re#e#ber Teu er o#ing to Sidon! e+iled %ro# his ountr$:s borders! seeking " new kingdo# with .elus:s help, .elus! #$ %"ther! w"s l"$ing w"ste ri h )$prus! "nd! "s vi tor! held it b$ his "uthorit$. Sin e then the %"ll o% the Tro@"n it$ is known to #e! "nd $our n"#e! "nd those o% the Breek kings. Even their ene#$ gr"nted the Teu ri"ns high pr"ise! #"int"ining the$ were born o% the "n ient Teu ri"n sto k. So o#e! $oung lords! "nd enter our p"l" e. Fortune! pursuing #e too! through #"n$ si#il"r troubles! willed th"t * would %ind pe" e "t l"st in this l"nd. &ot being unknown to evil! *:ve le"rned to "id the unh"pp$.: So she spe"ks! "nd le"ds Aene"s into the ro$"l house! "nd pro l"i#s! "s well! o%%erings "t the god:s te#ples. She sends no less th"n twent$ bulls to his %riends on the shore! "nd " hundred o% her l"rgest pigs with bristling b" ks! " hundred %"t l"#bs with the ewes! "nd @o$%ul gi%ts o% wine! but the interior o% the p"l" e is l"id out with ro$"l lu+ur$! "nd the$ prep"re " %e"st in the entre o% the p"l" e, overs worked skil%ull$ in prin el$ purple! #"ssive silverw"re on the t"bles! "nd her %ore%"thers: heroi deeds engr"ved in gold! " long series o% e+ploits tr" ed through #"n$ heroes! sin e the "n ient origins o% her people. Aene"s Jui kl$ sends A h"tes to the ships to "rr$ the news to As "nius Fsin e " %"ther:s love won:t let his #ind restG "nd bring hi# to the it$, on As "nius "ll the "re o% " %ond p"rent is %i+ed. 5e o##"nds hi# to bring gi%ts too! sn"t hed %ro# the ruins o% Tro$! " %igured robe sti%% with gold! "nd " lo"k %ringed with $ellow " "nthus! 28

worn b$ 5elen o% Argos! brought %ro# M$ en"e when she s"iled to Tro$ "nd her unl"w%ul #"rri"ge! " wonder%ul gi%t %ro# her #other Led", "nd the s eptre th"t *lione! ;ri"#:s eldest d"ughter! on e "rried! "nd " ne kl" e o% pe"rls! "nd " double( oronet o% @ewels "nd gold. A h"tes! h"stening to %ul%il these o##"nds! took his w"$ tow"rds the ships. BkI:,#.-, 4 Cu'id I+'ersonates Ascanius .ut 9enus w"s pl"nning new wiles "nd str"t"ge#s in her he"rt, how )upid! "ltered in looks! #ight "rrive in pl" e o% sweet As "nius! "nd "rouse the p"ssion"te Jueen b$ his gi%ts! "nd entwine the %ire in her bones, trul$ she %e"rs the unreli"bilit$ o% this house! "nd the dupli itous T$ri"ns, un$ielding 2uno "ngers her! "nd her worries in re"se with night%"ll. So she spe"ks these words to winged )upid, IM$ son! $ou who "lone "re #$ gre"t strength! #$ power! " son who s orns #ight$ 2upiter:s T$phoe"n thunderbolts! * "sk $our help! "nd hu#bl$ "ll on $our divine will. *t:s known to $ou how Aene"s! $our brother! is driven over the se"! round "ll the shores! b$ bitter 2uno:s h"tred! "nd $ou h"ve o%ten grieved with #$ grie%. ;hoeni i"n <ido holds hi# there! del"$ing hi# with %l"tter$! "nd * %e"r wh"t #"$ o#e o% 2uno:s hospit"lit$, "t su h " riti "l turn o% events she:ll not be idle. So * intend to de eive the Jueen with guile! "nd en ir le her with p"ssion! so th"t no divine will "n res ue her! but she:ll be sei=ed! with #e! b$ deep love %or Aene"s. &ow listen to #$ thoughts on how $ou "n " hieve this. Su##oned b$ his de"r %"ther! the ro$"l hild! #$ gre"test on ern! prep"res to go to the Sidoni"n it$! "rr$ing gi%ts th"t survived the se"! "nd the %l"#es o% Tro$. *:ll lull hi# to sleep "nd hide hi# in #$ s" red shrine on the heights o% )$ther" or *d"liu#! so he "n know 29

nothing o% #$ de eptions! or interrupt the# #id(w"$. For no #ore th"n " single night i#it"te his looks b$ "rt! "nd! " bo$ $oursel%! t"ke on the known %" e o% " bo$! so th"t when <ido t"kes $ou to her bre"st! @o$%ull$! "#ongst the ro$"l %e"st! "nd the %lowing wine! when she e#br" es $ou! "nd pl"nts sweet kisses on $ou! $ou:ll bre"the hidden %ire into her! de eive her with $our poison.: )upid obe$s his de"r #other:s words! sets "side his wings! "nd l"ughingl$ trips "long with *ulus:s step. .ut 9enus pours gentle sleep over As "nius:s li#bs! "nd w"r#ing hi# in her bre"st! "rries hi#! with divine power! to *d"li":s high groves! where so%t #"r@or"# s#others hi# in %lowers! "nd the bre"th o% its sweet sh"de. BkI:, #-.22 Cu'id 3eceives 3ido &ow! obedient to her orders! delighting in A hetes "s guide! )upid goes o%% "rr$ing ro$"l gi%ts %or the T$ri"ns. ?hen he "rrives the Jueen h"s "lre"d$ settled hersel% in the entre! on her golden ou h under ro$"l "nopies. &ow our %ore%"ther Aene"s "nd the $outh o% Tro$ g"ther there! "nd re line on loths o% purple. Serv"nts pour w"ter over their h"nds, serve bre"d %ro# b"skets, "nd bring n"pkins o% s#ooth loth. *nside there "re %i%t$ %e#"le serv"nts! in " long line! whose t"sk it is to prep"re the #e"l! "nd tend the he"rth %ires, " hundred #ore! "nd "s #"n$ p"ges o% like "ge! to lo"d the t"bles with %ood! "nd %ill the ups. And the T$ri"ns too "re g"thered in rowds through the %estive h"lls! su##oned to re line on the e#broidered ou hes. The$ #"rvel "t Aene"s:s gi%ts! #"rvel "t *ulus! the god:s brilli"nt "ppe"r"n e! "nd de eptive words! "t the robe! "nd the lo"k e#broidered with $ellow " "nthus. The un%ortun"te ;hoeni i"n "bove "ll! doo#ed to %uture ruin! "nnot p" i%$ her %eelings! "nd "t hes %ire with g"=ing! 30

stirred eJu"ll$ b$ the hild "nd b$ the gi%ts. 5e! h"ving hung in "n e#br" e round Aene"s:s ne k! "nd s"ted the de eived %"ther:s gre"t love! seeks out the Jueen. <ido! lings to hi# with her e$es "nd with her he"rt! t"king hi# now "nd then on her l"p! un"w"re how gre"t " god is entering her! to her sorrow. .ut he! re#e#bering his )$pri"n #other:s wishes! begins gr"du"ll$ to er"se "ll thought o% S$ h"eus! "nd works "t sedu ing her #ind! so long unstirred! "nd her he"rt unused to love! with living p"ssion. BkI:.2(-.#, 3ido Asks !or Aeneas1s *tory At the %irst lull in the %e"sting! the t"bles were le"red! "nd the$ set out v"st bowls! "nd wre"thed the wine with g"rl"nds. &oise %illed the p"l" e! "nd voi es rolled out " ross the wide h"lls, bright l"#ps hung %ro# the golden eilings! "nd bl"=ing "ndles dispelled the night. Then the Jueen "sked %or " drinking( up! he"v$ with gold "nd @ewels! th"t .elus "nd "ll .elus:s line were " usto#ed to use! "nd %illed it with wine. Then the h"lls were silent. She spoke, I2upiter! sin e the$ s"$ $ou:re the one who re"tes the l"ws o% hospit"lit$! let this be " h"pp$ d"$ %or the T$ri"ns "nd those %ro# Tro$! "nd let it be re#e#bered b$ our hildren. Let ." hus! the @o$(bringer! "nd kind 2uno be present! "nd $ou! ' ;hoeni i"ns! #"ke this g"thering %estive.: She spoke "nd poured "n o%%ering o% wine onto the t"ble! "nd "%ter the lib"tion w"s the %irst to tou h the bowl to her lips! then she g"ve it to .iti"s! h"llenging hi#, he briskl$ dr"ined the bri##ing up! dren hing hi#sel% in its golden %ullness! then other prin es dr"nk. *ol"s! the long(h"ired! #"de his golden l$re resound! he who# gre"t Atl"s t"ught. 5e s"ng o% the w"ndering #oon "nd the sun:s l"bours! 31

where #en "nd be"sts "#e %ro#! "nd r"in "nd %ire! o% Ar turus! the r"in$ 5$"des! the two .e"rs, wh$ the winter suns rush to dip the#selves in the se"! "nd wh"t del"$ #"kes the slow nights linger. The T$ri"ns redoubled their "ppl"use! the Tro@"ns too. And un%ortun"te <ido! she too spent the night in onvers"tion! "nd dr"nk deep o% her p"ssion! "sking endlessl$ "bout ;ri"# "nd 5e tor, now "bout the "r#our th"t Me#non! son o% the <"wn! "#e with to Tro$! wh"t kind were <io#ed:s horses! how gre"t w"s A hilles. I.ut o#e! #$ guest! tell us %ro# the st"rt "ll the Breek tri ker$! $our #en:s #ish"ps! "nd $our w"nderings, sin e it:s the seventh su##er now th"t brings $ou here! in $our @ourne$! over ever$ l"nd "nd se".:


BkII:1-#, The Tro8an &orse: /aoco:n1s 7arning The$ were "ll silent! "nd turned their %" es tow"rds hi# intentl$. Then %ro# his high ou h our %ore%"ther Aene"s beg"n, I' Jueen! $ou o##"nd #e to renew unspe"k"ble grie%! how the Breeks destro$ed the ri hes o% Tro$! "nd the sorrow%ul kingdo#! #iseries * s"w #$sel%! "nd in whi h * pl"$ed " gre"t p"rt. ?h"t M$r#idon! or <olopi"n! or w"rrior o% %ier e El$sses! ould keep %ro# te"rs in telling su h " stor$H &ow the dew(%illed night is dropping %ro# the sk$! "nd the setting st"rs urge sleep. .ut i% $ou h"ve su h desire to le"rn o% our #is%ortunes! "nd brie%l$ he"r o% Tro$:s l"st "gonies! though #$ #ind shudders "t the #e#or$! "nd re oils in sorrow! *:ll begin. IA%ter #"n$ $e"rs h"ve slipped b$! the le"ders o% the Breeks! opposed b$ the F"tes! "nd d"#"ged b$ the w"r! build " horse o% #ount"inous si=e! through ;"ll"s:s divine "rt! "nd we"ve pl"nks o% %ir over its ribs, the$ pretend it:s " votive o%%ering, this ru#our spre"ds. The$ se retl$ hide " pi ked bod$ o% #en! hosen b$ lot! there! in the d"rk bod$! %illing the bell$ "nd the huge "vernous insides with "r#ed w"rriors. Tenedos is within sight! "n isl"nd known to %"#e! ri h in we"lth when ;ri"#:s kingdo# re#"ined! now @ust " b"$ "nd "n uns"%e "n hor"ge %or bo"ts, the$ s"il there! "nd hide the#selves! on the lonel$ shore. ?e thought the$ h"d gone! "nd were seeking M$ en"e with the wind. So "ll the Tro@"n l"nd w"s %ree o% its long sorrow. The g"tes were opened, it w"s " @o$ to go "nd see the Breek "#p! the deserted site "nd the "b"ndoned shore. 5ere the <olopi"ns st"$ed! here ruel A hilles! here l"$ the %leet! here the$ used to #eet us in b"ttle. So#e were "#"=ed "t virgin Minerv":s %"t"l gi%t! "nd #"rvel "t the horse:s si=e, "nd "t %irst Th$#oetes! whether through tre" her$! or be "use Tro$:s %"te w"s ert"in! 33

urged th"t it be dr"gged inside the w"lls "nd pl" ed on the it"del. .ut )"p$s! "nd those o% wiser @udge#ent! o##"nded us to either hurl this de eit o% the Breeks! this suspe t gi%t! into the se"! or set %ire to it %ro# bene"th! or pier e its hollow bell$! "nd probe %or hiding pl" es. The rowd! un ert"in! w"s split b$ opposing opinions. Then L"o oAn rushes down e"gerl$ %ro# the heights o% the it"del! to on%ront the# "ll! " l"rge rowd with hi#! "nd shouts %ro# %"r o%%, I' unh"pp$ iti=ens! wh"t #"dnessH <o $ou think the ene#$:s s"iled "w"$H 'r do $ou think "n$ Breek gi%t:s %ree o% tre" her$H *s th"t El$sses:s reput"tionH Either there "re Breeks in hiding! on e"led b$ the wood! or it:s been built "s " #" hine to use "g"inst our w"lls! or sp$ on our ho#es! or %"ll on the it$ %ro# "bove! or it hides so#e other tri k, Tro@"ns! don:t trust this horse. ?h"tever it is! *:# "%r"id o% Breeks even those be"ring gi%ts.: So s"$ing he hurled his gre"t spe"r! with e+tre#e %or e! "t the re"ture:s side! "nd into the %r"#e o% the urved bell$. The spe"r stu k Juivering! "nd "t the wo#b:s reverber"tion the "vit$ r"ng hollow "nd g"ve out " gro"n. And i% the gods: %"te! i% our #inds! h"d not been ill(o#ened! he:d h"ve in ited us to #"r the Breeks hiding(pl" e with steel, Tro$ would still st"nd, "nd $ou! high tower o% ;ri"# would re#"in. BkII:#.-144 *inon1s Tale See! #e"nwhile! so#e Tro@"n shepherds! shouting loudl$! dr"gging " $outh! his h"nds tied behind his b" k! to the king. *n order to ontrive this! "nd l"$ Tro$ open to the Breeks! he h"d pl" ed hi#sel% in their p"th! "l# in #ind! "nd re"d$ %or either ourse, to eng"ge in de eption! or %ind ert"in de"th. The Tro@"n $outh run! rowding round! %ro# "ll sides! to see hi#! "nd o#pete in #o king the "ptive. Listen now to Breek tre" her$! "nd le"rn o% "ll their ri#es %ro# @ust this one. Sin e! "s he stood! looking troubled! 34

un"r#ed! "#ongst the g"=ing rowd! "nd "st his e$es "round the ;hr$gi"n r"nks! he s"id, IAhK ?h"t l"nd! wh"t se"s would " ept #e nowH ?h"t:s le%t %or #e "t the l"st in #$ #iser$! * who h"ve no pl" e "#ong the Breeks! when the hostile Tro@"ns! the#selves! de#"nd #$ punish#ent "nd #$ bloodH At this the #ood h"nged "nd "ll violen e w"s he ked. ?e urged hi# to s"$ wh"t blood he w"s sprung %ro#! "nd wh$ he su%%ered, "nd tell us wh"t trust ould be pl" ed in hi# "s " "ptive. Setting %e"r "side "t l"st he spe"ks, M' king! *:ll tell $ou the whole truth! wh"tever h"ppens! "nd indeed *:ll not den$ th"t *:# o% Argive birth, this %irst o% "ll, i% Fortune h"s #"de #e wret hed! she:ll not "lso wrongl$ #"ke #e %"lse "nd " li"r. *% b$ "n$ h"n e so#e #ention o% ;"l"#edes:s n"#e h"s re" hed $our e"rs! son o% .elus! "nd t"lk o% his glorious %"#e! he who# the ;el"sgi"ns! on %"lse h"rges o% tre"son! b$ "tro ious per@ur$! be "use he opposed the w"r! sent inno ent to his de"th! "nd who the$ #ourn! now he:s t"ken %ro# the light, well #$ %"ther! being poor! sent #e here to the w"r when * w"s $oung! "s his %riend! "s we were blood rel"tives. ?hile ;"l"#"des w"s s"%e in power! "nd prospered in the kings: oun il! * "lso h"d so#e n"#e "nd respe t. .ut when he p"ssed %ro# this world "bove! through the @e"lous$ o% pl"usible El$sses Fthe t"le:s not unknownG * w"s ruined! "nd spent #$ li%e in obs urit$ "nd grie%! inw"rdl$ "ngr$ "t the %"te o% #$ inno ent %riend. M"ddened * ould not be silent! "nd * pro#ised! i% h"n e "llowed! "nd i% * ever returned "s " vi tor to #$ n"tive Argos! to "venge hi#! "nd with #$ words stirred bitter h"tred. The %irst hint o% trouble "#e to #e %ro# this! be "use o% it El$sses w"s "lw"$s %rightening #e with new " us"tions! spre"ding veiled ru#ours "#ong the people! "nd guiltil$ seeking to de%end hi#sel%. 5e would not rest till! with )"l h"s 35

"s his instru#ent C but wh$ * do un%old this unwel o#e stor$H ?h$ hinder $ouH *% $ou onsider "ll Breeks the s"#e! "nd th"t:s su%%i ient! t"ke $our venge"n e now, th"t:s wh"t the *th" "n w"nts! "nd the sons o% Atreus would p"$ de"rl$ %or.N Then indeed we were on %ire to "sk! "nd seek the "use! ignor"nt o% su h wi kedness "nd ;el"sgi"n tri ker$. Tre#bling with %i titious %eelings he ontinued! s"$ing, MThe Breeks! we"r$ with the long w"r! o%ten longed to le"ve Tro$ "nd e+e ute " retre"t, i% onl$ the$ h"dK '%ten " %ier e stor# %ro# the se" l"nd(lo ked the#! "nd the g"le terri%ied the# %ro# le"ving, on e th"t horse! #"de o% #"ple(be"#s! stood there! espe i"ll$ then! stor#( louds thundered in the sk$. An+ious! we send Eur$p$lus to onsult ;hoebus:s or" le! "nd he brings b" k these d"rk words %ro# the s"n tu"r$, I?ith blood! "nd " virgin s" ri%i e! $ou "l#ed the winds! ' Breeks! when $ou %irst "#e to these Tro@"n shores! seek $our return in blood! "nd the well(o#ened s" ri%i e o% "n Argive li%e.: ?hen this re" hed the e"rs o% the rowd! their #inds were stunned! "nd "n i $ shudder r"n to their deepest #"rrow, who re"dies this %"te! who# does Apollo hooseH At this the *th" "n thrust the seer! )"l h"s! into their #idst! de#"nding to know wh"t the god:s will #ight be! "#ong the upro"r. M"n$ were "lre"d$ ruell$ prophes$ing th"t ingenious #"n:s wi kedness tow"rds #e! "nd silentl$ s"w wh"t w"s o#ing. For ten d"$s the seer kept silen e! re%using to reve"l the se ret b$ his words! or onde#n "n$one to de"th. .ut "t l"st! urged on b$ El$sses:s loud l"#our! he broke into spee h "s "greed! "nd doo#ed #e to the "lt"r. All " l"i#ed it! "nd wh"t e" h %e"red hi#sel%! the$ endured when dire ted! "l"s! tow"rds one #"n:s destru tion. &ow the terrible d"$ "rrived! the rites were being prep"red %or #e! the s"lted gr"in! "nd the he"db"nds %or #$ %orehe"d. * on%ess * s"ved #$sel% %ro# de"th! burst #$ bonds! "nd "ll th"t night hid b$ " #udd$ l"ke "#ong the reeds! 36

till the$ set s"il! i% "s it h"ppened the$ did. And now *:ve no hope o% seeing #$ old ountr$ "g"in! or #$ sweet hildren or the %"ther * long %or, perh"ps the$:ll seek to punish the# %or #$ %light! "nd "venge #$ ri#e through the de"th o% these un%ortun"tes. .ut * beg $ou! b$ the gods! b$ divine power th"t knows the truth! b$ wh"tever honour "n$where re#"ins pure "#ong #en! h"ve pit$ on su h troubles! pit$ the soul th"t endures undeserved su%%ering.N BkII:14#-1 4 *inon 3eludes the Tro8ans ?ith these te"rs we gr"nt hi# his li%e! "nd "lso pit$ hi#. ;ri"# hi#sel% is the %irst to order his #"n" les "nd tight bonds re#oved! "nd spe"ks these words o% kindness to hi#, MFro# now on! whoever $ou "re! %orget the Breeks! lost to $ou, $ou:ll be one o% us. And e+pl"in to #e trul$ wh"t * "sk, ?h$ h"ve the$ built this huge hulk o% " horseH ?ho re"ted itH ?h"t do the$ "i# "tH ?h"t religious ob@e t or w"r #" hine is itHN 5e spoke, the other! s hooled in ;el"sgi"n "rt "nd tri ker$! r"ised his unbound p"l#s tow"rds the st"rs! s"$ing, MYou! etern"l %ires! in $our invulner"ble power! be witness! $ou "lt"rs "nd i#pious swords * es "ped! $ou s" ri%i i"l ribbons o% the gods th"t * wore "s vi ti#, with right * bre"k the Breek:s sole#n o"ths! with right * h"te the#! "nd i% things "re hidden bring the# to light, *:# bound b$ no l"ws o% their ountr$. 'nl$! Tro$! #"int"in $our "ssur"n es! i% * spe"k truth! i% * rep"$ $ou h"ndso#el$, kept int" t $oursel%! keep $our pro#ises int" t. All the hopes o% the Breeks "nd their on%iden e to begin the w"r "lw"$s depended on ;"ll"s:s "id. .ut %ro# th"t #o#ent when the i#pious son o% T$deus! <io#ede! "nd El$sses inventor o% wi kedness! "ppro" hed the %"te%ul ;"ll"diu# to sn"t h it %ro# its s" red te#ple! killing the gu"rds on the it"del:s heights! "nd d"red to sei=e the hol$ st"tue! "nd tou h the s" red ribbons o% the goddess with blood(so"ked h"nds, %ro# th"t #o#ent 37

the hopes o% the Breeks re eded! "nd slipping b" kw"rds ebbed, their power %r"g#ented! "nd the #ind o% the goddess opposed the#. ;"ll"s g"ve sign o% this! "nd not with dubious portents! %or s "r el$ w"s the st"tue set up in "#p! when glittering %l"#es shone %ro# the upturned e$es! " s"lt swe"t r"n over its li#bs! "nd Fwonder%ul to tellG she hersel% d"rted %ro# the ground with shield on her "r#! "nd spe"r Juivering. )"l h"s i##edi"tel$ pro l"i#ed th"t the %light b$ se" #ust be "tte#pted! "nd th"t Tro$ "nnot be uprooted b$ Argive we"pons! unless the$ renew the o#ens "t Argos! "nd t"ke the goddess ho#e! who# the$ h"ve indeed t"ken b$ se" in their urved ships. And now the$ "re he"ding %or their n"tive M$ en"e with the wind! obt"ining we"pons "nd the %riendship o% the gods! re( rossing the se" to "rrive une+pe tedl$! So )"l h"s re"ds the o#ens. ?"rned b$ hi#! the$:ve set up this st"tue o% " horse %or the wounded goddess! inste"d o% the ;"ll"diu#! to "tone severel$ %or their sin. And )"l h"s ordered the# to r"ise the huge #"ss o% woven ti#bers! r"ised to the sk$! so the g"tes would not t"ke it! nor ould it be dr"gged inside the w"lls! or w"t h over the people in their "n ient rites. Sin e i% $our h"nds viol"ted Minerv":s gi%t! then utter ruin F#"$ the gods %irst turn th"t predi tion on the#selvesKG would o#e to ;ri"# "nd the Tro@"ns, $et i% it "s ended into $our it"del! dr"gged b$ $our h"nds! Asi" would o#e to the ver$ w"lls o% ;elops! in #ight$ w"r! "nd " like %"te would "w"it our hildren.N BkII:1 #-22. /aoco:n and the *er'ents Through these tri ks "nd the skill o% per@ured Sinon! the thing w"s redited! "nd we were tr"pped! b$ his wiliness! "nd %"lse te"rs! we! who were not onJuered b$ <io#ede! or L"riss"n A hilles! nor b$ the ten $e"rs o% w"r! nor those thous"nd ships. Then so#ething gre"ter "nd #ore terrible be%"lls us wret hes! "nd stirs our unsuspe ting souls. 38

L"o oAn! hosen b$ lot "s priest o% &eptune! w"s s" ri%i ing " huge bull "t the usto#"r$ "lt"r. See! " p"ir o% serpents with huge oils! sn"king over the se" %ro# Tenedos through the tr"nJuil deep F* shudder to tell itG! "nd he"ding %or the shore side b$ side, their %ronts li%t high over the tide! "nd their blood(red rests top the w"ves! the rest o% their bod$ slides through the o e"n behind! "nd their huge b" ks "r h in volu#inous %olds. There:s " ro"r %ro# the %o"#ing se", now the$ re" h the shore! "nd with burning e$es su%%used with blood "nd %ire! li k "t their hissing @"ws with %li kering tongues. .l"n hing "t the sight we s "tter. The$ #ove on " set ourse tow"rds L"o oAn, "nd %irst e" h serpent entwines the slender bodies o% his two sons! "nd biting "t the#! devours their wret hed li#bs, then "s he o#es to their "id! we"pons in h"nd! the$ sei=e hi# too! "nd wre"the hi# in #"ssive oils, now en ir ling his w"ist twi e! twi e winding their s "l$ %olds "round his thro"t! their high ne ks "nd he"ds tower "bove hi#. 5e str"ins to burst the knots with his h"nds! his s" red he"db"nd dren hed in blood "nd d"rk veno#! while he sends terrible shouts up to the he"vens! like the bellowing o% " bull th"t h"s %led wounded! %ro# the "lt"r! sh"king the useless "+e %ro# its ne k. .ut the serpent p"ir es "pe! slithering "w"$ to the high te#ple! "nd seek the stronghold o% %ier e ;"ll"s! to hide there under the goddess:s %eet! "nd the ir le o% her shield. BkII:22%-2#( The &orse ;nters Troy Then in truth " str"nge terror ste"ls through e" h shuddering he"rt! "nd the$ s"$ th"t L"o oAn h"s @ustl$ su%%ered %or his ri#e in wounding the s" red o"k(tree with his spe"r! b$ hurling its wi ked sh"%t into the trunk. M;ull the st"tue to her houseN! the$ shout! 39

M"nd o%%er pr"$ers to the goddess:s divinit$.N ?e bre" hed the w"ll! "nd opened up the de%en es o% the it$. All prep"re the#selves %or the work "nd the$ set up wheels "llowing #ove#ent under its %eet! "nd stret h he#p ropes round its ne k. Th"t engine o% %"te #ounts our w"lls pregn"nt with "r#ed #en. Around it bo$s! "nd virgin girls! sing s" red songs! "nd delight in tou hing their h"nds to the ropes, Ep it glides "nd rolls thre"teningl$ into the #idst o% the it$. ' #$ ountr$! ' *liu# house o% the gods! "nd $ou! Tro@"n w"lls %"#ous in w"rK Four ti#es it sti ks "t the threshold o% the g"tes! "nd %our ti#es the we"pons l"sh in its bell$, $et we press on reg"rdless! blind with %ren=$! "nd site the " ursed re"ture on top o% our s" red it"del. Even then )"ss"ndr"! who! b$ the god:s de ree! is never to be believed b$ Tro@"ns! reve"ls our %uture %"te with her lips. ?e un%ortun"te ones! %or who# th"t d"$ is our l"st! lothe the gods: te#ples! throughout the it$! with %estive br"n hes. Me"nwhile the he"vens turn! "nd night rushes %ro# the ' e"n! wr"pping the e"rth! "nd sk$! "nd the M$r#idons: tri ks! in its v"st sh"dow, through the it$ the Tro@"ns %"ll silent, sleep en%olds their we"r$ li#bs. BkII:2#4-2 . The <reeks Take the City And now the Breek ph"l"n+ o% b"ttle(re"d$ ships s"iled %ro# Tenedos! in the benign stillness o% the silent #oon! seeking the known shore! when the ro$"l g"lle$ r"ised " tor h! "nd Sinon! prote ted b$ the gods: un@ust doo#! sets %ree the Breeks i#prisoned b$ pl"nks o% pine! in the horses: bell$. 'pened! it rele"ses the# to the "ir! "nd sliding down " lowered rope! Thess"ndrus! "nd Sthenelus! the le"ders! "nd %"t"l El$sses! e#erge @o$%ull$ %ro# their wooden "ve! with A "#"s! Tho"s! ;eleus:s son &eoptole#us! the noble M" h"on! Menel"us! "nd Epeus who hi#sel% devised this tri k. 40

The$ inv"de the it$ th"t:s drowned in sleep "nd wine! kill the w"t h#en! wel o#e their o#r"des "t the open g"tes! "nd link their l"ndestine r"nks. *t w"s the hour when %irst sleep begins %or we"r$ #ort"ls! "nd ste"ls over the# "s the sweetest gi%t o% the gods. See! in dre"#! be%ore #$ e$es! 5e tor see#ed to st"nd there! s"ddest o% "ll "nd pouring out gre"t te"rs! torn b$ the h"riot! "s on e he w"s! bl" k with blood$ dust! "nd his swollen %eet pier ed b$ the thongs. Ah! how he lookedK 5ow h"nged he w"s %ro# th"t 5e tor who returned we"ring A hilles:s "r#our! or who set Tro@"n %l"#es to the Breek shipsK 5is be"rd w"s r"gged! his h"ir #"tted with blood! be"ring those #"n$ wounds he re eived dr"gged "round the w"lls o% his it$. And * see#ed to weep #$sel%! "lling out to hi#! "nd spe"king to hi# in words o% sorrow, M'h light o% the Tro"d! surest hope o% the Tro@"ns! wh"t h"s so del"$ed $ouH ?h"t shore do $ou o#e %ro# 5e tor! the long("w"itedH ?e"r$ %ro# the #"n$ troubles o% our people "nd our it$ * see $ou! oh! "%ter the de"th o% so #"n$ o% $our kinK ?h"t sh"#e%ul events h"ve #"rred th"t le"r %" eH And wh$ do * see these woundsH: 5e does not repl$! nor does he w"it on #$ idle Juestions! but dr"gging he"v$ sighs %ro# the depths o% his he"rt! he s"$s, MAhK Son o% the goddess! %l$! te"r $oursel% %ro# the %l"#es. The ene#$ h"s t"ken the w"lls, Tro$ %"lls %ro# her high pl" e. Enough h"s been given to ;ri"# "nd $our ountr$, i% ;erg"#" ould be s"ved b$ "n$ h"nd! it would h"ve been s"ved b$ this. Tro$ entrusts her s" red reli s "nd household gods to $ou, t"ke the# "s %riends o% $our %"te! seek #ight$ w"lls %or the#! those $ou will %ound "t l"st when $ou h"ve w"ndered the se"s.N So he spe"ks! "nd brings the s" red he"db"nds in his h"nds %ro# the inner#ost shrine! potent 9est"! "nd the und$ing %l"#e.


BkII:2 %-(#4 Aeneas <athers his Co+rades Me"nwhile the it$ is on%used with grie%! on ever$ side! "nd though #$ %"ther An hises:s house is re#ote! se luded "nd hidden b$ trees! the sounds grow le"rer "nd le"rer! "nd the terror o% w"r sweeps upon it. * sh"ke o%% sleep! "nd li#b to the highest roo%(top! "nd st"nd there with e"rs str"ined, "s when %ire "tt" ks " whe"t(%ield when the south(wind r"ges! or the rushing torrent %ro# " #ount"in stre"# overs the %ields! drowns the ripe rops! the l"bour o% o+en! "nd brings down the trees he"dlong! "nd the d"=ed shepherd! un"w"re! he"rs the e ho %ro# " high ro k$ pe"k. &ow the truth is obvious! "nd the Breek plot reve"led. &ow the v"st h"ll o% <eiphobus is given to ruin the %ire over it, now E "legon:s ne"rb$ bl"=es, the wide Sige"n str"its throw b" k the gl"re. Then the l"#our o% #en "nd the bl"re o% tru#pets rises. Fr"nti "ll$ * sei=e we"pons, not be "use there is #u h use %or we"pons! but #$ spirit burns to g"ther #en %or b"ttle "nd r" e to the it"del with #$ %riends, #"dness "nd "nger hurl #$ #ind he"dlong! "nd * think it be"uti%ul to die %ighting. &ow! see! ;"nthus es "ping the Breek spe"rs! ;"nthus! son o% 'thr$s! Apollo:s priest on the it"del! dr"gging "long with his own h"nds the s" red reli s! the onJuered gods! his little gr"nd hild! running %r"nti "ll$ to #$ door, M?here:s the best "dv"nt"ge! ;"nthus! wh"t position should we t"keHN *:d b"rel$ spoken! when he "nswered with " gro"n, MThe l"st d"$ o#es! Tro$:s ines "p"ble hour. Tro$ is p"st! *liu# is p"st! "nd the gre"t glor$ o% the Tro@"ns, 2upiter "rries "ll to Argos, the Breeks "re lords o% the burning it$. The horse! st"nding high on the r"#p"rts! pours out w"rriors! "nd Sinon the onJueror e+ult"ntl$ stirs the %l"#es. 'thers "re "t the wide(open g"tes! "s #"n$ thous"nds "s ever "#e %ro# gre"t M$ en"e, #ore h"ve blo ked 42

the n"rrow streets with hostile we"pons, " line o% st"nding steel with n"ked %li kering bl"des is re"d$ %or the sl"ughter, b"rel$ the %irst %ew gu"rds "t the g"tes "tte#pt to %ight! "nd the$ resist in blind on%li t.N .$ these words %ro# 'thr$s: son! "nd divine will! *:# thrust "#ongst the we"pons "nd the %l"#es! where the dis#"l Fur$ sounds! "nd the ro"r! "nd the l"#our rising to the sk$. Friends @oined #e! visible in the #oonlight! Ripheus! "nd Ep$tus! #ight$ in b"ttle! 5$p"nis "nd <$#"s! g"thered to #$ side! "nd $oung )oroebus! M$gdon:s son, b$ h"n e he:d "rrived in Tro$ "t th"t ti#e! burning with #"d love %or )"ss"ndr"! "nd brought help! "s " potenti"l son(in(l"w! to ;ri"#! "nd the Tro@"ns! unlu k$ #"n! who didn:t listen to the prophe $ o% his %ren=ied brideK ?hen * s"w the# rowded there e"ger %or b"ttle! * beg"n "s %ollows, M?"rriors! br"vest o% %rustr"ted spirits! i% $our "rdent desire is %i+ed on %ollowing #e to the end! $ou "n see our "use:s %"te. All the gods b$ who# this e#pire w"s supported h"ve dep"rted! le"ving behind their te#ples "nd their "lt"rs, $ou "id " burning it$, let us die "nd rush into b"ttle. The be"ten h"ve one re%uge! to h"ve no hope o% re%uge.N BkII:(##-4$1 Aeneas and his 4riends )esist So their $oung spirits were roused to %ur$. Then! like r"v"ging wolves in " d"rk #ist! driven blindl$ b$ the ruel r"ge o% their bellies! le"ving their $oung w"iting with thirst$ @"ws! we p"ss through our ene#ies! to ert"in de"th! "nd #"ke our w"$ to the he"rt o% the it$, d"rk night envelops us in deep sh"dow. ?ho ould tell o% th"t destru tion in words! or eJu"l our p"in with te"rsH The "n ient it$ %"lls! she who ruled %or so #"n$ $e"rs, rowds o% de"d bodies lie here "nd there in the streets! "#ong the houses! "nd on the s" red thresholds o% the gods. &or is it Tro@"ns "lone who p"$ the pen"lt$ with their blood, 43

our"ge returns "t ti#es to the he"rts o% the de%e"ted "nd the Breek onJuerors die. )ruel #ourning is ever$where! ever$where there is p"ni ! "nd #"n$ " %or# o% de"th. First! Androgeos! #eets us! with " gre"t rowd o% Breeks "round hi#! unknowingl$ thinking us "llied troops! "nd "lls to us in %riendl$ spee h "s well, M5urr$! #enK ?h"t sluggishness #"kes $ou del"$ soH The others "re r"ping "nd plundering burning Tro$, "re $ou onl$ now "rriving %ro# the t"ll shipsHN 5e spoke! "nd str"ight "w"$ Fsin e no repl$ given w"s redible enoughG he knew he:d %"llen into the ene#$ %old. 5e w"s stunned! drew b" k! "nd sti%led his voi e. Like " #"n who une+pe tedl$ tre"ds on " sn"ke in rough bri"rs! "s he strides over the ground! "nd shrinks b" k in sudden %e"r "s it re"rs in "nger "nd swells its d"rk(green ne k! so Androgeos! shuddering "t the sight o% us! drew b" k. ?e h"rge %orw"rd "nd surround the# losel$ with we"pons! "nd ignor"nt o% the pl" e! sei=ed b$ terror! "s the$ "re! we sl"ughter the# wholes"le. Fortune %"vours our %irst e%%orts. And "t this )oroebus! e+ult"nt with our"ge "nd su ess! ries, M'h #$ %riends! where %ortune %irst points out the p"th to s"%et$! "nd shows hersel% " %riend! let us %ollow. Let:s h"nge our shields "dopt Breek e#ble#s. )our"ge or de eit, who:ll Juestion it in w"rH The$:ll "r# us the#selves.N ?ith these words! he t"kes up Androgeos:s plu#ed hel#et! his shield with its noble #"rkings! "nd str"ps the Breek:s sword to his side. Ripheus does likewise! <$#"s too! "nd "ll the w"rriors delight in it. E" h #"n "r#s hi#sel% with the %resh spoils. ?e p"ss on #ingling with the Breeks! with gods th"t "re not our known! "nd l"sh! in #"n$ "n "r#ed en ounter! in the blind night! "nd we send #"n$ " Breek down to 'r us. So#e s "tter to the ships! "nd run %or s"%er shores! so#e! in hu#ili"ted terror! li#b the v"st horse "g"in "nd hide in the wo#b the$ know.


BkII:4$2-4(. Cassandra is Taken MAh! put no %"ith in "n$thing the will o% the gods opposesK See! ;ri"#:s virgin d"ughter dr"gged! with stre"#ing h"ir! %ro# the s"n tu"r$ "nd te#ple o% Minerv"! li%ting her burning e$es to he"ven in v"in, her e$es! sin e ords restr"ined her gentle h"nds. )oroebus ould not st"nd the sight! #"ddened in #ind! "nd hurled hi#sel% "#ong the r"nks! seeking de"th. ?e %ollow hi#! "nd! we"pons lo ked! h"rge together. 5ere! "t %irst! we were overwhel#ed b$ Tro@"n spe"rs! hurled %ro# the high su##it o% the te#ple! "nd wret hed sl"ughter w"s "used b$ the look o% our "r#our! "nd the on%usion "rising %ro# our Breek rests. Then the <"n""ns! g"thering %ro# "ll sides! gro"ning with "nger "t the girl being pulled "w"$ %ro# the#! rush us! A@"+ the %ier est! the two Atrides! "ll the Breek host, @ust "s! "t the onset o% " te#pest! on%li ting winds l"sh! the west! the south! "nd the e"st th"t @o$s in the horses o% d"wn, the %orest ro"rs! brine(wet &ereus r"ges with his trident! "nd stirs the w"ters %ro# their lowest depths. Even those we h"ve s "ttered b$ " ruse! in the d"rk o% night! "nd driven right through the it$! re("ppe"r, %or the %irst ti#e the$ re ognise our shields "nd de eit%ul we"pons! "nd re"lise our spee h di%%ers in sound to theirs. *n " #o#ent we:re overwhel#ed b$ weight o% nu#bers, %irst )oroebus %"lls! b$ the "r#ed goddess:s "lt"r! "t the h"nds o% ;eneleus, "nd Ripheus! who w"s the #ost @ust o% "ll the Tro@"ns! "nd keenest %or wh"t w"s right Fthe gods: vision w"s otherwiseG, 5$p"nis "nd <$#"s die "t the h"nds o% "llies, "nd $our gre"t piet$! ;"nthus! "nd Apollo:s s" red he"db"nd "n not de%end $ou in $our down%"ll. Ashes o% *liu#! de"th %l"#es o% #$ people! be witness th"t! "t $our ruin! * did not ev"de the <"n""n we"pons! nor the risks! "nd! i% it h"d been #$ %"te to die! 45

* e"rned it with #$ sword. Then we "re sep"r"ted! *phitus "nd ;eli"s with #e! *phitus weighed down b$ the $e"rs! "nd ;eli"s! slow(%ooted! wounded b$ El$sses, i##edi"tel$ we:re su##oned to ;ri"#:s p"l" e b$ the l"#our. BkII:4(%-4%# The Battle !or the 2alace 5ere:s " gre"t b"ttle indeed! "s i% the rest o% the w"r were nothing! "s i% others were not d$ing throughout the whole it$! so we see wild ?"r "nd the Breeks rushing to the p"l" e! "nd the entr"n e %illed with " press o% shields. L"dders ling to the w"lls, #en li#b the st"irs under the ver$ doorposts! with their le%t h"nds holding de%ensive shields "g"inst the spe"rs! gr"sping the sloping stone with their right. *n turn! the Tro@"ns pull down the turrets "nd roo%(tiles o% the h"lls! prep"red to de%end the#selves even in de"th! seeing the end ne"r the#! with these "s we"pons, "nd send the gilded roo%(be"#s down! the glor$ o% their "n ient %"thers. 'thers with n"ked swords blo k the inner doors, these the$ de%end in #"ssed r"nks. 'ur spirits were reinspired! to bring help to the king:s p"l" e! to relieve our w"rriors with our "id! "nd "dd power to the be"ten. There w"s "n entr"n e with hidden doors! "nd " p"ss"ge in use between ;ri"#:s h"lls! "nd " se luded g"tew"$ be$ond! whi h the un%ortun"te Andro#" he! while the kingdo# stood! o%ten used to tr"verse! going! un"ttended! to her husb"nd:s p"rents! t"king the little Ast$"n"+ to his gr"nd%"ther. * re" hed the top#ost heights o% the pedi#ent %ro# whi h the wret hed Tro@"ns were hurling their #issiles in v"in. A turret st"nding on the sloping edge! "nd rising %ro# the roo% to the sk$! w"s one %ro# whi h "ll Tro$ ould be seen! the <"n""n ships! "nd the Breek "#p, "nd "tt" king its edges with our swords! where the upper levels o%%ered we"ker #ort"r! we wren hed it %ro# its high pl" e! "nd sent it %l$ing, %"lling suddenl$ it dr"gged "ll to ruin with " ro"r! 46

"nd sh"ttered %"r "nd wide over the Breek r"nks. .ut #ore "rrived! "nd #e"nwhile neither the stones nor "n$ o% the v"rious #issiles e"sed to %l$. *n %ront o% the ourt$"rd itsel%! in the ver$ doorw"$ o% the p"l" e! ;$rrhus e+ults! glittering with the sheen o% bron=e, like " sn"ke! %ed on poisonous herbs! in the light! th"t old winter h"s held! swollen! under the ground! "nd now! gle"#ing with $outh! its skin sloughed! ripples its sli#$ b" k! li%ts its %ront high tow"rds the sun! "nd d"rts its triple(%orked tongue %ro# its @"ws. 5uge ;eriph"s! "nd Auto#edon the "r#our(be"rer! driver o% A hilles:s te"#! "nd "ll the S $ri"n $ouths! "dv"n e on the p"l" e together "nd hurl %irebr"nds onto the roo%. ;$rrhus hi#sel% "#ong the %ront r"nks! lut hing " double("+e! bre"ks through the stubborn g"te! "nd pulls the bron=e doors %ro# their hinges, "nd now! hewing out the ti#ber! he bre" hes the solid o"k "nd opens " huge window with " g"ping #outh. The p"l" e within "ppe"rs! "nd the long h"lls "re reve"led, the inner s"n tu#s o% ;ri"#! "nd the "n ient kings! "ppe"r! "nd "r#ed #en "re seen st"nding on the ver$ threshold. BkII:4%,-##% 2ria+1s 4ate .ut! inside the p"l" e! gro"ns #ingle with s"d on%usion! "nd! deep within! the hollow h"lls howl with wo#en:s ries, the l"#our strikes the golden st"rs. Tre#bling #others w"nder the v"st building! l"sping the doorposts! "nd pl" ing kisses on the#. ;$rrhus drives %orw"rd! with his %"ther A hilles:s strength! no b"rri "des nor the gu"rds the#selves "n stop hi#, the door oll"pses under the r"#:s blows! "nd the posts oll"pse! wren hed %ro# their so kets. Strength #"kes " ro"d, the Breeks! pour through! %or e " p"ss"ge! sl"ughter the %ront r"nks! "nd %ill the wide sp" e with their #en. A %o"#ing river is not so %urious! when it %loods! bursting its b"nks! overwhel#s the b"rriers "g"inst it! 47

"nd r"ges in " #"ss through the %ields! sweeping "ttle "nd st"bles " ross the whole pl"in. * s"w ;$rrhus #$sel%! on the threshold! #"d with sl"ughter! "nd the two sons o% Atreus, * s"w 5e ub"! her hundred wo#en! "nd ;ri"# "t the "lt"rs! polluting with blood the %l"#es th"t he hi#sel% h"d s"n ti%ied. Those %i%t$ h"#bers! the pro#ise o% so #"n$ o%%spring! the doorposts! ri h with spoils o% b"rb"ri"n gold! r"sh down, the Breeks possess wh"t the %ire sp"res. And #"$be $ou "sk! wh"t w"s ;ri"#:s %"te. ?hen he s"w the end o% the "ptive it$! the p"l" e doors wren hed "w"$! "nd the ene#$ "#ong the inner roo#s! the "ged #"n l"sped his long(negle ted "r#our on his old! tre#bling shoulders! "nd %"stened on his useless sword! "nd hurried into the thi k o% the ene#$ seeking de"th. *n the entre o% the h"lls! "nd under the sk$:s n"ked "r h! w"s " l"rge "lt"r! with "n "n ient l"urel ne"rb$! th"t le"nt on the "lt"r! "nd lothed the household gods with sh"de. 5ere 5e ub"! "nd her d"ughters! like doves driven b$ " d"rk stor#! rou hed uselessl$ b$ the shrines! huddled together! lut hing "t the st"tues o% the gods. And when she s"w ;ri"# hi#sel% dressed in $outh%ul "r#our she ried, M?h"t #"d thought! poor husb"nd! urges $ou to %"sten on these we"ponsH ?here do $ou runH The hour de#"nds no su h help! nor de%en es su h "s these! not i% #$ own 5e tor were here hi#sel%. 5ere! * beg $ou! this "lt"r will prote t us "ll or we:ll die together.N So she spoke "nd drew the old #"n tow"rds her! "nd set hi# down on the s" red steps. See! ;olites! one o% ;ri"#:s sons! es "ping ;$rrhus:s sl"ughter! runs down the long h"llw"$s! through ene#ies "nd spe"rs! "nd! wounded! rosses the e#pt$ ourts. ;$rrhus h"ses "%ter hi#! e"ger to strike hi#! "nd gr"sps "t hi# now! "nd now! with his h"nd! "t spe"r(point. ?hen %in"ll$ he re" hed the e$es "nd g"=e o% his p"rents! he %ell! "nd poured out his li%e in " river o% blood. 48

;ri"#! though even now in de"th:s lut hes! did not sp"re his voi e "t this! or hold b" k his "nger, M*% there is "n$ @usti e in he"ven! th"t "res "bout su h things! #"$ the gods rep"$ $ou with %it th"nks! "nd due rew"rd %or $our wi kedness! %or su h " ts! $ou who h"ve #"de #e see #$ own son:s de"th in %ront o% #$ %" e! "nd de%iled " %"ther:s sight with #urder. Yet A hilles! whose son $ou %"lsel$ l"i# to be! w"s no su h ene#$ to ;ri"#, he respe ted the suppli"nt:s rights! "nd honour! "nd returned 5e tor:s bloodless orpse to its sepul hre! "nd sent #e ho#e to #$ kingdo#.N So the old #"n spoke! "nd threw his ine%%e tu"l spe"r without strength! whi h i##edi"tel$ spun %ro# the l"nging bron=e "nd hung uselessl$ %ro# the entre o% the shield:s boss. ;$rrhus spoke to hi#, MThen $ou "n be #essenger! "rr$ the news to #$ %"ther! to ;eleus:s son, re#e#ber to tell hi# o% degener"te ;$rrhus! "nd o% #$ s"d " tions, now die.N S"$ing this he dr"gged hi#! tre#bling! "nd slithering in the pool o% his son:s blood! to the ver$ "lt"r! "nd twined his le%t h"nd in his h"ir! r"ised the glittering sword in his right! "nd buried it to the hilt in his side. This w"s the end o% ;ri"#:s li%e, this w"s the de"th th"t %ell to hi# b$ lot! seeing Tro$ "bl"=e "nd its it"del toppled! he who w"s on e the #"gni%i ent ruler o% so #"n$ Asi"n l"nds "nd peoples. A on e #ight$ bod$ lies on the shore! the he"d shorn %ro# its shoulders! " orpse without " n"#e. BkII:## -#%. Aeneas *ees &elen Then %or the %irst ti#e " wild terror gripped #e. * stood "#"=ed, #$ de"r %"ther:s i#"ge rose be%ore #e "s * s"w " king! o% like "ge! with " ruel wound! bre"thing his li%e "w"$, "nd #$ )reus"! %orlorn! "nd the r"ns" ked house! "nd the %"te o% little *ulus. * looked b" k! "nd onsidered the troops th"t were round #e. 49

The$ h"d "ll le%t #e! we"ried! "nd hurled their bodies to e"rth! or si k with #iser$ dropped into the %l"#es. So * w"s "lone now! when * s"w the d"ughter o% T$nd"reus! 5elen! lose to 9est":s port"l! hiding silentl$ in the se ret shrine, the bright %l"#es g"ve #e light! "s * w"ndered! g"=ing ever$where! r"ndo#l$. A%r"id o% Tro@"ns "ngered "t the %"ll o% Tro$! Breek venge"n e! "nd the %ur$ o% " husb"nd she deserted! she! the #utu"l urse o% Tro$ "nd her own ountr$! h"d on e"led hersel% "nd rou hed! " h"ted thing! b$ the "lt"rs. Fire bl"=ed in #$ spirit, "nger rose to "venge #$ %"llen l"nd! "nd to e+" t the punish#ent %or her wi kedness. MSh"ll she! unh"r#ed! see Sp"rt" "g"in "nd her n"tive M$ en"e! "nd see her house "nd husb"nd! p"rents "nd hildren! "nd go in the triu#ph"nt role o% " Jueen! "ttended b$ " rowd o% Tro@"n wo#en "nd ;hr$gi"n serv"ntsH ?hen ;ri"# h"s been put to the swordH Tro$ onsu#ed with %ireH The <"rd"ni"n shore so"ked "g"in "nd "g"in with bloodH &o. Though there:s no gre"t glor$ in " wo#"n:s punish#ent! "nd su h " onJuest wins no pr"ise! still * will be pr"ised %or e+tinguishing wi kedness "nd e+" ting well(e"rned punish#ent! "nd *:ll delight in h"ving %illed #$ soul with the %l"#e o% revenge! "nd "ppe"sed #$ people:s "shes.N BkII:#%%-,2( Aeneas is Visited by his Mother Venus * blurted out these words! "nd w"s rushing on with r"ging #ind! when #$ de"r #other "#e to #$ vision! never be%ore so bright to #$ e$es! shining with pure light in the night! goddess %or sure! su h "s she #"$ be seen b$ the gods! "nd t"king #e b$ the right h"nd! stopped #e! "nd! then! i#p"rted these words to #e %ro# her rose(tinted lips, MM$ son! wh"t p"in stirs su h un ontroll"ble "ngerH ?h$ this r"geH ?here h"s $our "re %or wh"t is ours v"nishedH First will $ou not see whether )reus"! $our wi%e! "nd $our hild 50

As "nius still live! "nd where $ou h"ve le%t $our %"ther An hises worn(out with "geH The Breek r"nks surround the# on "ll sides! "nd i% #$ love did not prote t the#! the %l"#es would h"ve "ught the# be%ore now! "nd the ene#$ swords drunk o% their blood. You do not h"te the %" e o% the Sp"rt"n d"ughter o% T$nd"reus! nor is ;"ris to bl"#e, the ruthlessness o% the gods! o% the gods! brought down this power! "nd toppled Tro$ %ro# its heights. See F%or *:ll te"r "w"$ "ll the #ist th"t now! shrouding $our sight! di#s $our #ort"l vision! "nd d"rkens ever$thing with #oisture, don:t be "%r"id o% wh"t $our #other o##"nds! or re%use to obe$ her wisdo#G, here! where $ou see sh"ttered he"ps o% stone torn %ro# stone! "nd s#oke billowing #i+ed with dust! &eptune is sh"king the w"lls! "nd the %ound"tions! stirred b$ his #ight$ trident! "nd te"ring the whole it$ up b$ it roots. There! 2uno! the %ier est! is %irst to t"ke the S "e"n B"te! "nd! sword "t her side! "lls on her troops %ro# the ships! in r"ge. &ow! see! Tritoni"n ;"ll"s! st"nding on the highest towers! sending lightning %ro# the stor#( loud! "nd her gri# Borgon bre"stpl"te. F"ther 2upiter hi#sel% supplies the Breeks with our"ge! "nd %ortun"te strength! hi#sel% e+ ites the gods "g"inst the Tro@"n "r#$. 5urr$ $our dep"rture! son! "nd put "n end to $our e%%orts. * will not le"ve $ou! "nd * will pl" e $ou s"%e "t $our %"ther:s door.N She spoke! "nd hid hersel% in the dense sh"dows o% night. <re"d%ul sh"pes "ppe"red! "nd the v"st powers o% gods opposed to Tro$. BkII:,24-,.$ Aeneas 4inds his 4a+ily Then in truth "ll *liu# see#ed to #e to sink in %l"#es! "nd &eptune:s Tro$ w"s toppled %ro# her b"se, @ust "s when %oresters on the #ount"in heights o#pete to uproot "n "n ient "sh tree! stru k ti#e "nd "g"in b$ "+e "nd bl"de! it thre"tens ontinu"ll$ to %"ll! with tre#bling %oli"ge "nd shivering rown! till gr"du"ll$ v"nJuished b$ the blows it gro"ns "t l"st! 51

"nd torn %ro# the ridge! r"shes down in ruin. * des end! "nd! led b$ " goddess! "# %reed %ro# %l"#es "nd ene#ies, the spe"rs give w"$! "nd the %l"#es re ede. And now! when * re" hed the threshold o% #$ %"ther:s house! "nd #$ %or#er ho#e! #$ %"ther! who# it w"s #$ %irst desire to "rr$ into the high #ount"ins! "nd who# * %irst sought out! re%used to e+tend his li%e or endure e+ile! sin e Tro$ h"d %"llen. M'h! $ou!N he ried! Mwhose blood h"s the vigour o% $outh! "nd whose power is uni#p"ired in its %or e! it:s %or $ou to t"ke %light. As %or #e! i% the gods h"d wished to lengthen the thre"d o% #$ li%e! the$:d h"ve sp"red #$ house. *t is #ore th"n enough th"t * s"w one destru tion! "nd survived one t"king o% the it$. <ep"rt! s"$ing %"rewell to #$ bod$ l$ing here so! $es so. * sh"ll %ind de"th with #$ own h"nd, the ene#$ will pit$ #e! "nd look %or plunder. The loss o% #$ buri"l is nothing. )linging to old "ge %or so long! * "# useless! "nd h"ted b$ the gods! ever sin e the %"ther o% the gods "nd ruler o% #en bre"thed the winds o% his lightning(bolt onto #e! "nd tou hed #e with %ire.N So he persisted in s"$ing! "nd re#"ined "d"#"nt. ?e! on our side! )reus"! #$ wi%e! "nd As "nius! "ll our household! weeping bitterl$! deter#ined th"t he should not destro$ ever$thing "long with hi#sel%! "nd rush us b$ urging our doo#. 5e re%used "nd lung to his pl" e "nd his purpose. * hurried to #$ we"pons "g"in! "nd! #iser"bl$! longed %or de"th! sin e wh"t t" ti or opportunit$ w"s open to us nowH M <id $ou think * ould le"ve $ou! %"ther! "nd dep"rtH <id su h sin%ul words %"ll %ro# $our lipsH *% it ple"ses the gods to le"ve nothing o% our gre"t it$ st"nding! i% this is set in $our #ind! i% it delights $ou to "dd $oursel% "nd "ll th"t:s $ours to the ruins o% Tro$! the door is open to th"t de"th, soon ;$rrhus o#es! dren hed in ;ri"#:s blood! he who but hers the son in %ront o% the %"ther! the %"ther "t the "lt"r. Kind #other! did $ou res ue #e %ro# %ire "nd sword %or this! to see the ene#$ in the depths o% #$ house! 52

"nd As "nius! "nd #$ %"ther! "nd )reus"! sl"ughtered! thrown together in " he"p! in one "nother:s bloodH ?e"pons #en! bring we"pons, the l"st d"$ "lls to the de%e"ted. Le"d #e to the Breeks "g"in, let #e revisit the b"ttle "new. This d"$ we sh"ll not "ll perish un"venged.N BkII:,.1-.$4 The =+en So! "g"in! * %"sten on #$ sword! slip #$ le%t "r# into the shield:s str"p! "d@ust it! "nd rush %ro# the house. .ut see! #$ wi%e lings to the threshold! l"sps #$ %oot! "nd holds little *ulus up tow"rds his %"ther, M*% $ou go to die! t"ke us with $ou too! "t "ll osts, but i% "s $ou:ve proved $ou trust in the we"pons $ou we"r! de%end this house %irst. To who# do $ou "b"ndon little *ulus! "nd $our %"ther! "nd #e! * who w"s on e spoken o% "s $our wi%eHN )r$ing out like this she %illed the whole house with her gro"ns! when suddenl$ " wonder! #"rvellous to spe"k o%! o urred. See! between the h"nds "nd %" es o% his grieving p"rents! " gentle light see#ed to shine %ro# the rown o% *ulus:s he"d! "nd " so%t %l"#e! h"r#less in its tou h! li ked "t his h"ir! "nd gr"=ed his %orehe"d. Tre#bling with %e"r! we hurr$ to %li k "w"$ the bl"=ing str"nds! "nd e+tinguish the s" red %ires with w"ter. .ut An hises! #$ %"ther! li%ts his e$es to the he"vens! in delight! "nd r"ises his h"nds "nd voi e to the sk$, MAll(power%ul 2upiter! i% $ou:re #oved b$ "n$ pr"$ers! see us! "nd! gr"nt but this, i% we "re worth$ through our virtue! show us " sign o% it! F"ther! "nd on%ir# $our o#en.N The old #"n h"d b"rel$ spoken when! with " sudden r"sh! it thundered on the le%t! "nd " st"r! through the d"rkness! slid %ro# the sk$! "nd %lew! tr"iling %ire! in " burst o% light. ?e w"t hed it glide over the highest roo%tops! "nd bur$ its brightness! "nd the sign o% its p"ss"ge! in the %orests o% Mount *d", then the %urrow o% its long tr" k 53

g"ve out " glow! "nd! "ll "round! the pl" e s#oked with sulphur. At this #$ %"ther! trul$ over o#e! r"ised hi#sel% tow"rds the sk$! "nd spoke to the gods! "nd pro l"i#ed the s" red st"r. M&ow no del"$, * %ollow! "nd where $ou le"d! there "# *. Bods o% #$ %"thers! s"ve #$ line! s"ve #$ gr"ndson. This o#en is $ours! "nd Tro$ is in $our divine power. * " ept! #$ son! "nd * will not re%use to go with $ou.N BkII:.$#-.2 Aeneas and his 4a+ily /eave Troy 5e spe"ks! "nd now the %ire is #ore "udible! through the it$! "nd the bl"=e rolls its tide ne"rer. M)o#e then! de"r %"ther! l"sp #$ ne k, * will "rr$ $ou on #$ shoulders, th"t t"sk won:t weigh on #e. ?h"tever #"$ h"ppen! it will be %or us both! the s"#e sh"red risk! "nd the s"#e s"lv"tion. Let little *ulus o#e with #e! "nd let #$ wi%e %ollow our %ootsteps "t " dist"n e. You serv"nts! give $our "ttention to wh"t *:# s"$ing. At the entr"n e to the it$ there:s " #ound! "n "n ient te#ple o% %ors"ken )eres! "nd " vener"ble $press ne"rb$! prote ted through the $e"rs b$ the reveren e o% our %"thers, let:s he"d to th"t one pl" e b$ diverse p"ths. You! %"ther! t"ke the s" red ob@e ts! "nd our ountr$:s gods! in $our h"nds, until *:ve w"shed in running w"ter! it would be " sin %or #e! o#ing %ro# su h %ighting "nd re ent sl"ughter! to tou h the#.N So s"$ing! bowing #$ ne k! * spre"d " lo"k #"de o% " t"wn$ lion:s hide over #$ bro"d shoulders! "nd bend to the t"sk, little *ulus l"sps his h"nd in #ine! "nd %ollows his %"ther:s longer strides. M$ wi%e w"lks behind. ?e w"lk on through the sh"dows o% pl" es! "nd * who# till then no shower o% spe"rs! nor rowd o% Breeks in hostile "rr"$! ould #ove! now *:# terri%ied b$ ever$ bree=e! "nd st"rtled b$ ever$ noise! "n+ious! "nd %e"r%ul eJu"ll$ %or #$ o#p"nion "nd #$ burden.


BkII:.($-. # The /oss o! Creusa And now * w"s ne"r the g"tes! "nd thought * h"d o#pleted #$ @ourne$! when suddenl$ the sound o% "ppro" hing %eet %illed #$ he"ring! "nd! peering through the d"rkness! #$ %"ther ried, MM$ son! run #$ son! the$ "re ne"r us, * see their glittering shields "nd gle"#ing bron=e.N So#e hostile power! "t this! s "ttered #$ #uddled wits. %or while * w"s %ollowing "lle$w"$s! "nd str"$ing %ro# the region o% streets we knew! did #$ wi%e )reus" h"lt! sn"t hed "w"$ %ro# #e b$ wret hed %"teH 'r did she w"nder %ro# the p"th or oll"pse with we"rinessH ?ho knowsH She w"s never restored to our sight! nor did * look b" k %or #$ lost one! or "st " thought behind #e! until we "#e to the #ound! "nd "n ient )eres:s s" red pl" e. 5ere when "ll were g"thered together "t l"st! one w"s #issing! "nd h"d es "ped the noti e o% %riends! hild "nd husb"nd. ?h"t #"n or god did * not " use in #$ #"dness, wh"t did * know o% in the it$:s %"ll rueller th"n thisH * pl" e As "nius! "nd #$ %"ther An hises! "nd the gods o% Tro$! in #$ o#p"nions: "re! "nd on e"l the# in " winding v"lle$, * #$sel% seek the it$ on e #ore! "nd t"ke up #$ shining "r#our. *:# deter#ined to in ur ever$ risk "g"in! "nd retr" e "ll Tro$! "nd on e #ore e+pose #$ li%e to d"nger. First * look %or the w"ll! "nd the d"rk threshold o% the g"te %ro# whi h #$ p"th led! "nd * retr" e the l"nd#"rks o% #$ ourse in the night! s "nning the# with #$ e$e. Ever$where the terror in #$ he"rt! "nd the silen e itsel%! dis#"$ #e. Then * t"ke #$sel% ho#ew"rds! in "se b$ h"n e! b$ so#e h"n e! she h"s #"de her w"$ there. The Breeks h"ve inv"ded! "nd o upied! the whole house. Suddenl$ e"ger %ire! rolls over the roo%top! in the wind, the %l"#es t"ke hold! the bl"=e r"ges to the he"vens. * p"ss b$ "nd see "g"in ;ri"#:s p"l" e "nd the it"del. 55

&ow ;hoeni+! "nd %"t"l El$sses! the hosen gu"rds! w"t h over the spoils! in the e#pt$ ourts o% 2uno:s s"n tu"r$. 5ere the Tro@"n tre"sures "re g"thered %ro# ever$ p"rt! ripped %ro# the bl"=ing shrines! t"bles o% the gods! solid gold bowls! "nd plundered robes. Mothers "nd tre#bling sons st"nd round in long r"nks. * even d"red to hurl #$ shouts through the sh"dows! %illing the streets with #$ l"#our! "nd in #$ #iser$! redoubling #$ useless ries! "g"in "nd "g"in. Se"r hing! "nd r"ging endlessl$ "#ong the it$ roo%s! the unh"pp$ ghost "nd true sh"dow o% )reus" "ppe"red be%ore #$ e$es! in " %or# gre"ter th"n *:d known. * w"s du#b%ounded! #$ h"ir stood on end! "nd #$ voi e stu k in #$ thro"t. Then she spoke "nd with these words #itig"ted #$ distress, M'h sweet husb"nd! wh"t use is it to indulge in su h #"d grie%H This h"s not h"ppened without the divine will, neither its l"ws nor the ruler o% gre"t 'l$#pus let $ou t"ke )reus" with $ou! "w"$ %ro# here. Yours is long e+ile! $ou #ust plough " v"st re" h o% se", "nd $ou will o#e to 5esperi":s l"nd! where L$di"n Tiber %lows in gentle ourse "#ong the %"r#ers: ri h %ields. There! h"ppiness! kingship "nd " ro$"l wi%e will be $ours. ."nish these te"rs %or $our beloved )reus". *! " Tro@"n wo#"n! "nd d"ughter(in(l"w to divine 9enus! sh"ll never see the noble h"lls o% the <olopi"ns! or M$r#idons! or go "s sl"ve to so#e Breek wi%e, inste"d the gre"t #other o% the gods keeps #e on this shore. &ow %"rewell! "nd preserve $our love %or the son we sh"re.N ?hen she h"d spoken these words! le"ving #e weeping "nd w"nting to s"$ so #"n$ things! she %"ded into thin "ir. Three ti#es * tried to throw #$ "r#s "bout her ne k, three ti#es her %or# %led #$ h"nds! l"sped in v"in! like the light bree=e! #ost o% "ll like " winged dre"#. So "t l"st when night w"s done! * returned to #$ %riends.


BkII:. ,-%$4 Aeneas /eaves Troy And here! "#"=ed! * %ound th"t " gre"t nu#ber o% new o#p"nions h"d stre"#ed in! wo#en "nd #en! " rowd g"thering %or e+ile! " wret hed throng. The$ h"d o#e %ro# "ll sides! re"d$! with our"ge "nd we"lth! %or wh"tever l"nd * wished to le"d the# to! " ross the se"s. And now Lu i%er w"s rising "bove the heights o% *d"! bringing the d"wn! "nd the Breeks held the b"rri "ded entr"n es to the g"tes! nor w"s there "n$ hope o% res ue. * desisted! "nd! "rr$ing #$ %"ther! took to the hills.


BkIII:1-1% Aeneas *ails to Thrace A%ter the gods h"d seen %it to destro$ Asi":s power "nd ;ri"#:s inno ent people! "nd proud *liu# h"d %"llen! "nd "ll o% &eptune:s Tro$ bre"thed s#oke %ro# the soil! we were driven b$ the gods: prophe ies to se"r h out dist"nt e+ile! "nd deserted l"nds! "nd we built " %leet below Ant"ndros "nd the pe"ks o% ;hr$gi"n *d"! unsure where %"te would "rr$ us! or where we:d be "llowed to settle! "nd we g"thered our %or es together. Su##er h"d b"rel$ begun! when An hises! #$ %"ther! ordered us to set s"il with destin$, * le%t #$ n"tive shore with te"rs! the h"rbour "nd the %ields where Tro$ on e stood. * tr"velled the deep! "n e+ile! with #$ %riends "nd #$ son! "nd the gre"t gods o% our house. F"r o%% is " l"nd o% v"st pl"ins where M"rs is worshipped Fworked b$ the Thr" i"nsG on e ruled b$ %ier e L$ urgus! " %riend o% Tro$ in the p"st! "nd with gods who were "llies! while %ortune l"sted. * went there! "nd %ounded #$ %irst it$ n"#ed Aene"d"e %ro# #$ n"#e! on the shore in the urving b"$! beginning it despite %"te:s "dversit$. BkIII:1 -,% The <rave o! 2olydorus * w"s #"king " s" ri%i e to the gods! "nd #$ #other 9enus! <ione:s d"ughter! with "uspi es %or the work begun! "nd h"d killed " %ine bull on the shore! %or the supre#e king o% the sk$(lords. .$ h"n e! there w"s " #ound ne"rb$! rowned with ornel bushes! "nd bristling with dense spikes o% #$rtle. * went ne"r! "nd tr$ing to te"r up green wood %ro# the soil to de or"te the "lt"r with le"%$ br"n hes! * s"w " wonder! dre"d%ul "nd #"rvellous to tell o%. Fro# the %irst bush! its broken roots torn %ro# the ground! drops o% d"rk blood dripped! "nd st"ined the e"rth with %luid. An i $ shiver gripped #$ li#bs! "nd #$ blood hilled with terror. 58

Ag"in * went on to plu k " stubborn shoot %ro# "nother! probing the hidden "use within, "nd d"rk blood %lowed %ro# the b"rk o% the se ond. Troubled gre"tl$ in spirit! * pr"$ed to the &$#phs o% the wild! "nd %"ther Br"divus! who rules the Thr" i"n %ields! to look with due kindness on this vision! "nd lessen its signi%i "n e. .ut when * "tt" ked the third with gre"ter e%%ort! str"ining with #$ knees "g"inst the s"nd Fto spe"k or be silentHG! " #ourn%ul gro"n w"s "udible %ro# deep in the #ound! "nd " voi e "#e to #$ e"rs, M?h$ do $ou wound " poor wret h! Aene"sH Sp"re #e now in #$ to#b! don:t st"in $our virtuous h"nds! Tro$ bore #e! who "# no str"nger to $ou! nor does this blood %low %ro# so#e dull blo k. 'h! le"ve this ruel l"nd, le"ve this shore o% greed. For * "# ;ol$dorus. 5ere " rop o% iron spe"rs "rpeted #$ tr"ns%i+ed orpse! "nd h"s ripened into sh"rp spines.N Then trul$ * w"s stunned! #$ #ind rushed b$ "n+ious dre"d! #$ h"ir stood up on end! "nd #$ voi e stu k in #$ thro"t. ;ri"#! the un%ortun"te! seeing the it$ en ir led b$ the siege! "nd desp"iring o% Tro@"n "r#s! on e sent this ;ol$dorus! se retl$! with " gre"t weight o% gold! to be r"ised! b$ the Thr" i"n king. ?hen the power o% Tro$ w"s broken! "nd her %ortunes ebbed! the Thr" i"n broke ever$ divine l"w! to %ollow Ag"#e#non:s "use! "nd his vi torious "r#$! #urders ;ol$dorus! "nd t"kes the gold b$ %or e. A ursed hunger %or gold! to wh"t do $ou not drive hu#"n he"rtsK ?hen terror h"d le%t #$ bones * re%erred this divine vision to the people:s "ppointed le"ders! #$ %"ther "bove "ll! "nd "sked the# wh"t the$ thought. All were o% one #ind! to le"ve this wi ked l"nd! "nd dep"rt " pl" e o% hospit"lit$ de%iled! "nd s"il our %leet be%ore the wind. So we renewed the %uner"l rites %or ;ol$dorus! "nd piled the e"rth high on his b"rrow, s"d "lt"rs were r"ised to the Sh"des! with d"rk s" red ribbons "nd bl" k $press! the Tro@"n wo#en "round! h"ir stre"#ing! "s is the usto#, we o%%ered %o"#ing bowls o% w"r# #ilk! 59

"nd dishes o% s" ri%i i"l blood! "nd bound the spirit to its to#b! "nd r"ised " loud shout o% %"rewell. BkIII:, -12$ The Tro8ans )each 3elos Then "s soon "s we:ve on%iden e in the w"ves! "nd the winds gr"nt us "l# se"s! "nd the so%t whispering bree=e "lls to the deep! #$ o#p"nions %lo"t the ships "nd rowd to the shore. ?e set out %ro# h"rbour! "nd l"nds "nd ities re ede. *n the depths o% the se" lies " s" red isl"nd! de"rest o% "ll to the #other o% the &ereids! "nd Aege"n &eptune! th"t w"ndered b$ o"sts "nd shores! until Apollo! "%%e tion"tel$! tied it to high M$ onos! "nd B$"ros! #"king it %i+ed "nd inh"bit"ble! s orning the stor#s. * s"il there, it wel o#es us pe" e%ull$! we"r$ "s we "re! to its s"%e h"rbour. L"nding! we do ho#"ge to Apollo:s it$. King Anius! both king o% the people "nd high(priest o% Apollo! his %orehe"d rowned with the s" red he"db"nd "nd hol$ l"urel! #eets us! "nd re ognises "n old %riend in An hises, we l"sp h"nds in greeting "nd enter his house. * p"id ho#"ge to the god:s te#ple o% "n ient stone, MBr"nt us " true ho#e! Apollo! gr"nt " we"r$ people w"lls! "nd " r" e! "nd " it$ th"t will endure, prote t this se ond it"del o% Tro$! th"t survives the Breeks "nd pitiless A hilles. ?ho# should we %ollowH ?here do $ou o##"nd us to goH ?here should we settleH Br"nt us "n o#en! %"ther! to stir our he"rts. * h"d s "r el$ spoken, suddenl$ ever$thing see#ed to tre#ble! the god:s thresholds "nd his l"urel rowns! "nd the whole hill round us #oved! "nd the tripod gro"ned "s the shrine split open. 5u#bl$ we seek the e"rth! "nd " voi e o#es to our e"rs, MEnduring Tro@"ns! the l"nd whi h %irst bore $ou %ro# its p"rent sto k! th"t s"#e sh"ll wel o#e $ou! restored! to its %ertile bre"st. Se"r h out $our "n ient #other. There the house o% Aene"s sh"ll rule "ll shores! his hildren:s hildren! "nd those th"t "re born to the#.N 60

So ;hoebus spoke, "nd there w"s " gre"t shout o% @o$ #i+ed with on%usion! "nd "ll "sked wh"t w"lls those were! "nd where it is ;hoebus "lls the w"nderers to! o##"nding the# to return. Then #$ %"ther! thinking o% the re ords o% the "n ients! s"id, MListen! ' prin es! "nd le"rn wh"t $ou #"$ hope %or. )rete lies in the #idst o% the se"! the isl"nd o% #ight$ 2ove! where Mount *d" is! the r"dle o% our r" e. The$ inh"bit " hundred gre"t ities! in the ri hest o% kingdo#s! %ro# whi h our e"rliest "n estor! Teu er! i% * re#e#ber the t"le rightl$! %irst s"iled to Tro@"n shores! "nd hose " site %or his ro$"l "pit"l. Entil then *liu# "nd the towers o% the it"del did not st"nd there, #en lived in the depths o% the v"lle$s. The Mother who inh"bits )$bele is )ret"n! "nd the $#b"ls o% the )or$b"ntes! "nd the grove o% *d", %ro# )rete "#e the %"ith%ul silen e o% her rites! "nd the $oked lions dr"wing the l"d$:s h"riot. So o#e! "nd let us %ollow where the god:s o##"nd #"$ le"d! let us pl" "te the winds! "nd seek out the )ret"n kingdo#. *t is no long @ourne$ "w"$, i% onl$ 2upiter is with us! the third d"wn will %ind our %leet on the )ret"n shores.N So s"$ing! he s" ri%i ed the due o%%erings "t the "lt"rs! " bull to &eptune! " bull to $ou! glorious Apollo! " bl" k sheep to the Stor# god! " white to the "uspi ious ?esterlies. BkIII:121-1.1 The 2lague and a Vision A ru#our spre"d th"t ;rin e *do#eneus h"d been driven %ro# his %"ther:s kingdo#! "nd the )ret"n shores were deserted! her houses e#ptied o% ene#ies! "nd the "b"ndoned ho#es w"iting %or us. ?e le%t 'rt$gi":s h"rbour! "nd sped over the se"! thre"ding the %o"#ing str"its thi k with isl"nds! &"+os with its ." hi worship in the hills! green <on$s"! 'le"ros! snow(white ;"ros! "nd the )$ l"des! s "ttered over the w"ters. The s"ilors: ries rose! "s the$ o#peted in their v"rious t"sks, the rew shouted, M?e:re he"ded %or )rete! "nd our "n estors.N 61

A wind rising "stern sent us on our w"$! "nd "t l"st we glided b$ the "n ient shores o% the )uretes. Then * worked e"gerl$ on the w"lls o% our hosen it$! "nd "lled it ;erg"#u#! "nd e+horted #$ people! delighting in the n"#e! to show love %or their ho#es! "nd build " overed %ortress. &ow the ships were usu"ll$ be" hed on the dr$ s"nd, the $oung #en were bus$ with weddings "nd their %resh %ields, * w"s de iding on l"ws "nd ho#este"ds, suddenl$! %ro# so#e in%e ted region o% the sk$! "#e " wret hed pl"gue! orrupting bodies! trees! "nd rops! "nd " se"son o% de"th. The$ relinJuished sweet li%e! or dr"gged their si k li#bs "round, then Sirius bl"=ed over b"rren %ields, the gr"ss withered! "nd the si kl$ h"rvest denied its %ruits. M$ %"ther urged us to retr" e the w"ves! "nd revisit the or" le o% Apollo "t <elos! "nd beg %or prote tion! "sk where the end #ight be to our we"r$ %"te! where he o##"nds th"t we seek help %or our trouble! where to set our ourse. *t w"s night! "nd sleep h"d h"rge o% e"rth:s re"tures, The s" red st"tues o% the gods! the ;hr$gi"n ;en"tes! th"t * h"d "rried with #e %ro# Tro$! out o% the burning it$! see#ed to st"nd there be%ore #$ e$es! "s * l"$ in sleep! per%e tl$ le"r in the light! where the %ull #oon stre"#ed through the window "se#ents, then the$ spoke to #e "nd with their words dispelled #$ "res, MApollo spe"ks here wh"t he would s"$ to $ou! on re" hing <elos! "nd sends us besides! "s $ou see! to $our threshold. ?hen Tr$ burned we %ollowed $ou "nd $our we"pons! we rossed the swelling se"s with $ou on $our ships! we too sh"ll r"ise $our des end"nts $et to be! to the st"rs! "nd gr"nt e#pire to $our it$. .uild gre"t w"lls %or the gre"t! "nd do not shrink %ro# the long l"bour o% e+ile. )h"nge $our ountr$. These "re not the shores th"t <eli"n Apollo urged on $ou! he did not order $ou to settle in )rete. There is " pl" e the Breeks "ll 5esperi" b$ n"#e! "n "n ient l"nd power%ul in "r#s "nd in ri hness o% the soil, 62

There the 'enotri"ns lived, now the ru#our is th"t " $ounger r" e h"s n"#ed it *t"l$ "%ter their le"der. Th"t is our true ho#e! <"rd"nus "nd %"ther *"sius! %ro# who# our r" e %irst "#e! spr"ng %ro# there. )o#e! be"r these words o% truth @o$%ull$ to $our old %"ther! th"t he #ight seek )or$thus "nd Ausoni":s l"nds, 2upiter denies the %ields o% <i te to $ou.N BkIII:1.2-2$% The Tro8ans /eave Crete !or Italy A#"=ed b$ su h " vision! "nd the voi es o% the gods! Fit w"s not " dre"#! but * see#ed to re ognise their e+pression! be%ore #e! their wre"thed h"ir! their living %" es, then " old swe"t b"thed "ll #$ li#bsG #$ bod$ le"pt %ro# the bed! "nd * li%ted #$ voi e "nd upturned p"l#s to he"ven! "nd o%%ered pure gi%ts on the he"rth(%ire. The rite o#pleted! with @o$ * told An hises o% this revel"tion! reve"ling it "ll in order. 5e understood "bout the "#biguit$ in our origins! "nd the du"l des ent! "nd th"t he h"d been de eived b$ " %resh error! "bout our "n ient ountr$. Then he spoke, MM$ son! troubled b$ Tro$:s %"te! 'nl$ )"ss"ndr" prophesied su h "n out o#e. &ow * re#e#ber her %oretelling th"t this w"s destined %or our r" e! "nd o%ten spoke o% 5esperi"! "nd the *t"li"n kingdo#. ?ho:d believe th"t Tro@"ns would tr"vel to 5esperi":s shoresH ?ho:d h"ve been #oved b$ )"ss"ndr"! the prophetess! thenH Let:s trust to Apollo! "nd! w"rned b$ hi#! t"ke the better ourse.N So he spoke! "nd we were delighted to obe$ his ever$ word. ?e dep"rted this ho#e "s well! "nd! le"ving so#e people behind! set s"il! "nd r"n through the v"st o e"n in our hollow ships. ?hen the %leet h"d re" hed the high se"s "nd the l"nd w"s no longer seen! sk$ "nd o e"n on "ll sides! then " d"rk(blue r"in loud settled overhe"d! bringing night "nd stor#! "nd the w"ves bristled with sh"dows. *##edi"tel$ the winds rolled over the w"ter "nd gre"t se"s rose, 63

we were s "ttered here "nd there in the v"st "b$ss. Stor#( louds shrouded the d"$! "nd the night #ists hid the sk$, lightning %l"shed "g"in %ro# the torn louds. ?e were thrown o%% ourse! "nd w"ndered the blind w"ves. ;"linurus hi#sel% w"s un"ble to tell night %ro# d"$ in the sk$! "nd ould not deter#ine his p"th "#ong the w"ves. So %or three d"$s! "nd "s #"n$ st"rless nights! we w"ndered un ert"inl$! in " d"rk %og! over the se". At l"st! on the %ourth d"$! l"nd w"s %irst seen to rise! reve"ling %"r o%% #ount"ins "nd rolling s#oke. The s"ils %ell! we stood to the o"rs, without p"use! the s"ilors! "t %ull stret h! hurned the %o"#! "nd swept the blue se". BkIII:2$ -2.. The &ar'ies Free o% the w"ves *:# wel o#ed %irst b$ the shores o% the Stroph"des! the )l"shing *sl"nds. The Stroph"des "re %i+ed now in the gre"t *oni"n Se"! but "re "lled b$ the Breek n"#e. There dre"d )el"eno "nd the rest o% the 5"rpies live! sin e ;hineus:s house w"s denied the#! "nd the$ le%t his t"bles where the$ %ed! in %e"r. &o worse #onsters th"n these! no rueller pl"gue! ever rose %ro# the w"ters o% St$+! "t the gods: "nger. These birds h"ve the %" es o% virgin girls! %oulest e+ re#ent %lowing %ro# their bellies! l"wed h"nds! "nd %" es "lw"$s thin with hunger. &ow when! "rriving here! we enter port! we see %"t herds o% "ttle s "ttered over the pl"ins! "nd %lo ks o% go"ts! ungu"rded! in the #e"dows. ?e rush "t the# with our swords! "lling on 2ove hi#sel% "nd the gods to @oin us in our plunder, then we build se"ts on the urving be" h! "nd %e"st on the ri h #e"ts. .ut suddenl$ the 5"rpies "rrive! in " %e"rso#e swoop %ro# the hills! %l"pping their wings with " huge noise! sn"t hing "t the %ood! "nd %ouling ever$thing with their 64

%ilth$ tou h, then there:s " de"dl$ shriek "#ongst the %oul sten h. ?e set out the t"bles "g"in! "nd relight the "lt"r %ires! in " deep re ess under "n overh"nging ro k! losed o%% b$ trees "nd tre#bling sh"dows, "g"in %ro# "nother p"rt o% the sk$! so#e hidden l"ir! the nois$ rowd hovers! with t"loned %eet "round their pre$! polluting the %ood with their #ouths. Then * order #$ %riends to t"ke up their we"pons "nd #"ke w"r on th"t dre"d%ul r" e. The$ do e+" tl$ th"t! obe$ing orders! pl" ing hidden swords in the gr"ss! "nd bur$ing their shields out o% sight. Then when the birds swoop! s re"#ing! "long the urved be" h! Misenus! %ro# his high lookout! gives the sign"l on hollow bron=e. M$ %riends h"rge! "nd! in " new kind o% b"ttle! "tte#pt to wound these %oul o e"n birds with their swords. .ut the$ don:t register the blows to their plu#"ge! or the wounds to their b" ks! the$ %lee Jui kl$! so"ring bene"th the he"vens! le"ving behind h"l%(e"ten %ood! "nd the tr" es o% their %ilth. 'nl$ )el"eno! o#inous prophetess! settles on " high li%%! "nd bursts out with this sound %ro# her bre"st, MAre $ou re"d$ to bring w"r to us! sons o% L"o#edon! is it w"r! %or the ows $ou killed! the bullo ks $ou sl"ughtered! driving the inno ent 5"rpies %ro# their %"ther:s ountr$H T"ke these words o% #ine to $our he"rts then! "nd set the# there. *! the eldest o% the Furies! reve"l to $ou wh"t the "ll(power%ul F"ther prophesied to Apollo! "nd ;hoebus Apollo to #e. *t"l$ is the p"th $ou t"ke! "nd! invoking the winds! $ou sh"ll go to *t"l$! "nd enter her h"rbours %reel$, but $ou will not surround the it$ gr"nted $ou with w"lls until dire hunger! "nd the sin o% striking "t us! %or e $ou to onsu#e $our ver$ t"bles with devouring @"ws.N She spoke! "nd %led b" k to the %orest borne b$ her wings. .ut #$ o#p"nions: hill blood %ro=e with sudden %e"r, their our"ge dropped! "nd the$ told #e to beg %or pe" e! with vows "nd pr"$ers! %orgoing we"pons! no #"tter i% these were goddesses or %"t"l! vile birds. 65

And #$ %"ther An hises! with outstret hed h"nds! on the shore! "lled to the gre"t gods "nd de l"red the due s" ri%i e, MBods! "vert these thre"ts! gods! prevent these " ts! "nd! in pe" e! prote t the virtuousKN Then he ordered us to h"ul in the "bles %ro# the shore! un%url "nd spre"d the s"ils. South winds stret hed the "nv"s, we oursed over %o"#ing se"s! wherever the winds "nd the hel#s#"n di t"ted our ourse. &ow wooded O" $nthus "ppe"red "#ongst the w"ves! <uli hiu#! S"#e "nd &eritos:s steep li%%s. ?e r"n p"st L"ertes:s kingdo#! *th" "s:s ree%s! "nd ursed the l"nd th"t re"red ruel El$sses. Soon the loud$ heights o% Mount Leu "t" were reve"led! "s well! "nd Apollo:s he"dl"nd! %e"red b$ s"ilors. ?e he"ded we"ril$ %or it! "nd "ppro" hed the little town, the "n hor w"s thrown %ro# the prow! the stern rested on the be" h. BkIII:2.%-2 ( The <a+es at Actiu+ So! be$ond hope! " hieving l"nd "t l"st! we puri%$ ourselves %or 2ove! "nd light o%%erings on the "lt"rs! "nd elebr"te Tro@"n g"#es on the shore o% A tiu#. M$ n"ked o#p"nions! slipper$ with oil! indulge in the wrestling(bouts o% their ho#el"nd, it:s good to h"ve slipped p"st so #"n$ Breek ities "nd held our ourse in %light through the #idst o% the ene#$. Me"nwhile the sun rolls through the long $e"r "nd i $ winter stirs the w"ves with northerl$ g"les, * %i+ " shield o% hollow bron=e! on e "rried b$ #ight$ Ab"s! on the entr"n e pill"rs! "nd #"rk the event with " verse,
A;-;A* =44;)* T&I* A)M=>) 4)=M C=-6>;)I-< <);;9*

then * order the# to #"n the ben hes "nd le"ve h"rbour, in riv"lr$! #$ %riends strike the se" "nd sweep the w"ves. ?e soon le"ve behind the windblown heights o% ;h"e" i"! 66

p"ss the shores o% Epirus! enter )h"oni":s h"rbour "nd "ppro" h the lo%t$ it$ o% .uthrotu#. BkIII:2 4-(## Andro+ache in Chaonia 5ere " ru#our o% so#ething unbeliev"ble greeted our e"rs, ;ri"#:s son! 5elenus! reigning over Breek ities! h"ving won the wi%e "nd kingdo# o% ;$rrhus! Ae" us:s s ion! Andro#" he being given "g"in to " husb"nd o% her r" e. * w"s "stounded! "nd #$ he"rt burned with "n "#"=ing p"ssion to spe"k to the #"n! "nd le"rn o% su h events. * w"lked %ro# the h"rbour! le"ving the %leet "nd the shore! when! b$ h"n e! in " s" red grove ne"r the it$! b$ " %"lse Si#ois! Andro#" he w"s #"king "n "nnu"l o%%ering! s"d gi%ts! to 5e tor:s "shes! "nd "lling his spirit to the to#b! "n e#pt$ #ound o% green tur%! "nd twin "lt"rs! she h"d s"n ti%ied! " pl" e %or te"rs. ?hen she s"w #e "ppro" hing "nd re ognised! with "#"=e#ent! Tro@"n we"pons round her! she %ro=e "s she g"=ed! terri%ied b$ these gre"t wonders! "nd the he"t le%t her li#bs. She h"l%(%ell "nd "%ter " long while! s "r el$ "ble to! s"id, MAre $ou " re"l person! " re"l #essenger o#e here to #e! son o% the goddessH Are $ou "liveH 'r i% the kindl$ light h"s %"ded! where then is 5e torHN She spoke! "nd poured out her te"rs! "nd %illed the whole pl" e with her weeping. Biven her %ren=$! * b"rel$ replied with " %ew words! "nd! #oved! * spoke dis@ointedl$, MSurel$! * live! "nd le"d " li%e %ull o% e+tre#es, don:t be unsure! %or $ou see trul$. AhK ?h"t %"te h"s overt"ken $ou! %"llen %ro# so gre"t " husb"ndH 'r h"s good %ortune worth$ enough %or 5e tor:s Andro#" he! visited $ou "g"inH Are $ou still ;$rrhus:s wi%eHN She lowered her e$es "nd spoke Juietl$, M' h"pp$ be$ond "ll others w"s th"t virgin d"ughter o% ;ri"#! o##"nded to die beside "n ene#$ to#b! under Tro$:s high w"lls! who never su%%ered %"te:s lotter$! or! "s " prisoner! re" hed her vi torious #"ster:s bedK )"rried over dist"nt se"s! #$ ountr$ set "%ire! * endured 67

the s orn o% A hilles:s son! "nd his $outh%ul "rrog"n e! giving birth "s " sl"ve, he! who then! pursuing 5er#ione! 5elen:s d"ughter! "nd " Sp"rt"n #"rri"ge! tr"ns%erred #e to 5elenus:s keeping! " serv"nt to " serv"nt. .ut 'restes! in%l"#ed b$ gre"t love %or his stolen bride! "nd driven b$ the Furies %or his ri#e! "ught hi#! un"w"res! "nd killed hi# b$ his %"ther:s "lt"r. At ;$rrhus:s de"th " p"rt o% the kingdo# p"ssed! b$ right to 5elenus! who n"#ed the )h"oni"n %ields! "nd "ll )h"oni"! "%ter )h"on o% Tro$! "nd built " ;erg"#us! "nd this %ortress o% *liu#! on the #ount"in ridge. .ut wh"t winds! wh"t %"tes! set $our ourse %or $ouH 'r wh"t god drives $ou! unknowingl$! to our shoresH ?h"t o% the hild! As "niusH <oes he live! "nd gr"=e on "ir! he who# )reus" bore to $ou in v"nished Tro$H 5"s he "n$ love still %or his lost #otherH 5"ve his %"ther Aene"s "nd his un le 5e tor roused in hi# "n$ o% their "n ient our"ge or virile spiritHN ?eeping! she poured out these words! "nd w"s st"rting " long v"in l"#ent! when heroi 5elenus! ;ri"#:s son! "ppro" hed %ro# the it$! with " l"rge retinue! "nd re ognised us "s his own! "nd le"d us! @o$%ull$! to the g"tes! "nd poured out te"rs %reel$ "t ever$ word. * w"lked on! "nd s"w " little Tro$! "nd " op$ o% the gre"t it"del! "nd " dr$ stre"#! n"#ed "%ter the D"nthus! "nd e#br" ed the doorposts o% " S "e"n B"te. M$ Tro@"ns en@o$ed the %riendl$ it$ with #e no less. The king re eived the# in " bro"d olonn"de, the$ poured out ups o% wine in the entre o% " ourt$"rd! "nd held out their dishes while %ood w"s served on gold. BkIII:(#,-4,2 The 2ro'hecy o! &elenus &ow d"$ "%ter d"$ h"s gone b$! "nd the bree=es "ll to the s"ils! "nd the "nv"s swells with " rising Southerl$, 68

* go to 5elenus! the seer! with these words "nd "sk, MTro@"n(born! "gent o% the gods! $ou who know Apollo:s will! the tripods! the l"urels "t )l"ros! the st"rs! the l"ngu"ge o% birds! "nd the o#ens o% their wings in %light! o#e! spe"k Fsin e " %"vour"ble or" le told #e "ll #$ route! "nd "ll the gods in their divinit$ urged #e to seek *t"l$! "nd e+plore the %urthest l"nds, onl$ the 5"rp$! )el"eno! predi ts %resh portents! evil to tell o%! "nd thre"tens bitter "nger "nd vile %"#ineG %irst! wh"t d"ngers sh"ll * "voidH Following wh"t ourse "n * over o#e su h troublesHN 5elenus! %irst s" ri%i ing bullo ks " ording to the ritu"l! obt"ined the gods: gr" e! then loosened the he"db"nd %ro# his hol$ brow! "nd led #e! "n+ious "t so #u h divine power! with his own h"nd! to $our threshold Apollo! "nd then the priest prophesied this! %ro# the divine #outh, MSon o% the goddess! sin e the truth is le"r! th"t $ou s"il the deep blessed b$ the higher powers Fso the king o% the gods "llots our %"tes! "nd rolls the h"nges! so the order "ltersG! *:ll e+pl"in " %ew things o% #"n$! in #$ words to $ou! so $ou #"$ tr"vel %oreign se"s #ore s"%el$! "nd "n %ind rest in "n *t"li"n h"ven, %or the F"tes %orbid 5elenus to know %urther! "nd S"turni"n 2uno denies hi# spee h. Firstl$! " long p"thless p"th! b$ long o"stlines! sep"r"tes $ou %ro# th"t %"r(o%% *t"l$! whose neighbouring port $ou intend to enter! unknowingl$ thinking it ne"rb$. .e%ore $ou "n build $our it$ in " s"%e l"nd! $ou #ust bend the o"r in Si ili"n w"ters! "nd p"ss the levels o% the *t"li"n se"s! in $our ships! the in%ern"l l"kes! "nd Ae"e"n )ir e:s isl"nd. *:ll tell $ou o% signs, keep the# stored in $our #e#or$. ?hen! in $our distress! $ou %ind " huge sow l$ing on the shore! b$ the w"ters o% " re#ote river! under the o"k trees! th"t h"s %"rrowed " litter o% thirt$ $oung! " white sow! l$ing on the ground! with white piglets round her te"ts! 69

th"t pl" e sh"ll be $our it$! there:s true rest %ro# $our l"bours. And do not dre"d th"t gn"wing o% t"bles! in $our %uture, the %"tes will %ind " w"$! Apollo will be there "t $our "ll. .ut "void these l"nds! "nd this ne"rer o"stline o% the *t"li"n shore! w"shed b$ our own o e"n tide, hostile Breeks inh"bit ever$ town. The &"r$ i"n Lo ri h"ve built " it$ here! "nd L$ ti"n *do#eneus h"s %illed the pl"in with soldiers, here is th"t little ;eteli"! o% ;hilo tetes! le"der o% the Meliboe"ns! rel$ing on its w"lls. Then when $our %leet h"s rossed the se"! "nd "n hored "nd the "lt"rs "re r"ised %or $our o%%erings on the shore! veil $our h"ir! lothed in $our purple robes! so th"t in worshipping the gods no hostile %" e #"$ intrude "#ong the s" red %l"#es! "nd disturb the o#ens. Let $our %riends "dopt this #ode o% s" ri%i e! "nd $oursel%, "nd let $our des end"nts re#"in pure in this religion. .ut when the wind "rries $ou! on le"ving! to the Si ili"n shore! "nd the b"rriers o% n"rrow ;elorus open "he"d! #"ke %or the se"s "nd l"nd to port! in " long ir uit, "void the shore "nd w"ters on the st"rbo"rd side. The$ s"$! when the two were one ontinuous stret h o% l"nd! the$ one d"$ broke "p"rt! torn b$ the %or e o% " v"st uphe"v"l Fti#e:s re#ote "ntiJuit$ en"bles su h gre"t h"ngesG. The se" %lowed between the# with %or e! "nd severed the *t"li"n %ro# the Si ili"n o"st! "nd " n"rrow tidew"$ w"shes the ities "nd %ields on sep"r"te shores. S $ll" holds the right side! i#pl" "ble )h"r$bdis the le%t! who! in the depths o% the "b$ss! sw"llows the v"st %lood three ti#es into the downw"rd gul% "nd "ltern"tel$ li%ts it to the "ir! "nd l"shes the he"vens with her w"ves. .ut " "ve surrounds S $ll" with d"rk hiding(pl" es! "nd she thrusts her #ouths out! "nd dr"gs ships onto the ro ks. Above she h"s hu#"n sh"pe! "nd is " girl! with lovel$ bre"sts! " girl! down to her se+! below it she is " se"(#onster o% huge si=e! 70

with dolphins: t"ils @oined to " bell$ %or#ed o% wolves. *t is better to round the point o% ;" h$nus! lingering! "nd ir ling Si il$ on " long ourse! th"n to on e "t h sight o% hideous S $ll" in her v"st "ve "nd the ro ks th"t e ho to her se"(d"rk hounds. .e$ond this! i% 5elenus h"s "n$ knowledge! i% the seer "n be believed! i% Apollo %ills his spirit with truth! son o% the goddess! * will s"$ this one thing! this one thing th"t is worth "ll! "nd *:ll repe"t the w"rning "g"in "nd "g"in! honour gre"t 2uno:s divinit$ "bove "ll! with pr"$er! "nd re ite $our vows to 2uno %reel$! "nd win over th"t power%ul l"d$ with hu#ble gi%ts, so "t l"st $ou:ll le"ve Si il$ behind "nd re" h the o"st o% *t"l$! vi torious. 'n e brought there! "ppro" h the it$ o% )u#"e! the ghostl$ l"kes! "nd Avernus! with its whispering groves! g"=e on the r"ving prophetess! who sings the %"tes deep in the ro k! "nd o##its n"#es "nd signs to le"ves. ?h"tever verses the virgin writes on the le"ves! she "rr"nges in order! "nd stores the# high up in her "ve. The$ st"$ in pl" e! #otionless! "nd keep in r"nk, but on e " light bree=e ru%%les the#! "t the turn o% " hinge! "nd the opening door disturbs the deli "te le"ves! she never thinks to retrieve the#! "s the$ %lutter through the ro k$ "ve! or to return the# to their pl" es! or re onstitute the prophe ies, #en go "w"$ un"nswered! "nd detest the Sib$l:s l"ir. Though $our %riends o#pl"in! "nd though $our ourse "lls $our s"ils urgentl$ to the deep! "nd " %ollowing wind #ight %ill the "nv"s! don:t overv"lue the loss in "n$ del"$! but visit the prophetess! "nd beg her with pr"$ers to spe"k the or" le hersel%! "nd loose her voi e through willing lips. She will rehe"rse the peoples o% *t"l$! the w"rs to o#e! "nd how $ou #ight ev"de or endure e" h tri"l! "nd! shown respe t! she:ll gr"nt $ou " %"vour"ble @ourne$. These "re the things $ou "n be w"rned o% b$ #$ voi e. Bo now! "nd b$ $our " tions r"ise gre"t Tro$ to the st"rs.N 71

BkIII:4,(-#$# The 3e'arture !ro+ Chaonia A%ter the seer h"d spoken these words with benign lips! he ordered he"v$ gi%ts o% gold "nd "rved ivor$ to be "rried to our ships! "nd stored #"ssive silverw"re in the holds! "uldrons %ro# <odon"! " hooked bre"stpl"te woven with triple(linked gold! "nd " %ine oni "l hel#et with " rest o% horse(h"ir! ;$rrhus:s "r#our. There were gi%ts o% his own %or #$ %"ther too. 5elenus "dded horses "nd se"(pilots, he #"nned our o"rs, he "lso eJuipped #$ %riends with we"pons. Me"nwhile An hises ordered us to rig s"ils on the ships! so the rushing wind would not be lost! b$ our del"$. Apollo:s "gent spoke to hi# with gre"t respe t, MAn hises! worth$ o% proud #"rri"ge with 9enus! "red %or b$ the gods! twi e s"ved %ro# the ruins o% Tro$! behold $our l"nd o% *t"l$, s"il "nd t"ke it. .ut still $ou #ust slide p"st it on the se"s, the p"rt o% *t"l$ th"t Apollo n"#ed is %"r "w"$. Bo onw"rd! h"pp$ in $our son:s love. ?h$ should * s"$ #ore! "nd del"$ $our "t hing the rising windHN Andro#" he "lso! grieved "t this %in"l p"rting! brought robes e#broidered with gold we"ve! "nd " ;hr$gi"n lo"k %or As "nius! nor did she %"il to honour hi#! "nd lo"ded hi# down with gi%ts o% loth! "nd s"id, MT"ke these "s well! #$ hild! re#e#br"n es %or $ou %ro# #$ h"nd! "nd witness o% the l"sting love o% Andro#" he! 5e tor:s wi%e. T"ke these l"st gi%ts %ro# $our kin! ' $ou! the sole i#"ge le%t to #e o% #$ Ast$"n"+. 5e h"d the s"#e e$es! the s"#e h"nds! the s"#e lips, "nd now he would be growing up like $ou! eJu"l in "ge.N M$ te"rs welled "s * spoke these p"rting words, MLive h"ppil$! $ou whose %ortunes "re "lre"d$ deter#ined, we "re su##oned onw"rds %ro# destin$ to destin$. 72

For $ou! pe" e is " hieved, $ou:ve no need to plough the levels o% the se"! $ou:ve no need to seek *t"l$:s ever(re eding %ields. * wish th"t $ou #ight g"=e "t $our likeness o% D"nthus! "nd " Tro$ built b$ $our own h"nds! under h"ppier "uspi es! one whi h #ight be less e+posed to the Breeks. *% * ever re" h the Tiber! "nd the Tiber:s neighbouring %ields! "nd g"=e on it$ w"lls gr"nted to #$ people! we:ll one d"$ #"ke one Tro$! in spirit! %ro# e" h o% our kindred ities "nd "llied peoples! in Epirus! in *t"l$! who h"ve the s"#e <"rd"nus %or "n estor! the s"#e histor$, let it be le%t to our des end"nts "re.N BkIII:#$,-#4. In *ight o! Italy ?e s"il on over the se"! lose to the )er"uni"n li%%s ne"rb$! on ourse %or *t"l$! "nd the shortest p"th over the w"ves. Me"nwhile the sun is setting "nd the d"rkened hills "re in sh"dow. 5"ving sh"red o"rs! we stret h out! ne"r the w"ves! on the sur%" e o% the long(desired l"nd! "nd! s "ttered " ross the dr$ be" h! we rest our bodies, sleep re%reshes our we"r$ li#bs. &ight! le"d b$ the 5ours! is not $et in #id( ourse, ;"linurus rises "lertl$ %ro# his ou h! tests "ll the winds! "nd listens to the bree=e, he notes "ll the st"rs gliding through the silent sk$! Ar turus! the r"in$ ;lei"des! both the .e"rs! "nd surve$s 'rion! "r#ed with gold. ?hen he sees th"t "ll t"llies! "nd the sk$ is "l#! he sounds " loud "ll %ro# the ship:s stern, we bre"k "#p! "tte#pt our route! "nd spre"d the winged s"ils. And now <"wn blushes "s she puts the st"rs to %light! when we see! %"r o%%! d"rk hills "nd low(l$ing *t"l$. First A h"tes pro l"i#s *t"l$! then #$ o#p"nions h"il *t"l$ with " @o$%ul shout. Then #$ %"ther An hises took up " l"rge bowl! %illed it with wine! "nd st"nding in the high stern! "lled to the he"vens, MYou gods! lords o% the se" "nd e"rth "nd stor#s! "rr$ us 73

onw"rd on " gentle bree=e! "nd bre"the on us with kindnessKN The wind we longed(%or rises! now "s we ne"r! " h"rbour opens! "nd " te#ple is visible on Minerv":s 5eight. M$ o#p"nions %url the s"ils "nd turn the prows to shore. The h"rbour is "rved in "n "r b$ the e"stern tides, its @utting ro ks boil with s"lt spr"$! so th"t it itsel% is hidden, towering li%%s e+tend their "r#s in " twin w"ll! "nd the te#ple lies b" k %ro# the shore. 5ere * see %our horses in the long gr"ss! white "s snow! gr"=ing widel$ over the pl"in! our %irst o#en. And #$ %"ther An hises ries, M' %oreign l"nd! $ou bring us w"r, horses "re "r#ed %or w"r! w"r is wh"t this herd thre"tens. Yet those s"#e re"tures one d"$ "n be $oked to " h"riot! "nd on e $oked will su%%er the bridle in h"r#on$, there:s "lso hope o% pe" e.N Then we pr"$ to the s" red power o% ;"ll"s! o% the l"shing we"pons! %irst to re eive our heers! "nd lothed in ;hr$gi"n robes we veiled our he"ds be%ore the "lt"r! "nd %ollowing the urgent o##"nd 5elenus h"d given! we dul$ #"de burnt o%%erings to Argive 2uno "s ordered. BkIII:#4%-#%. The A''roach to *icily ?ithout del"$! "s soon "s our vows "re %ull$ p"id! we h"ul on the ends o% our "nv"s(shrouded $"rd("r#s! "nd le"ve the ho#e o% the Breek r" e! "nd the %ields we #istrust. Then T"rentu#:s b"$ is seen! 5er ules:s it$ i% the t"le is true, L" ini"n 2uno:s te#ple rises "g"inst it! )"ulon:s %ortress! "nd S $l" eu#:s shore o% shipwre k. Then %"r o%% Si ili"n Etn" "ppe"rs %ro# the w"ves! "nd we he"r the loud ro"r o% the se"! "nd the dist"nt tre#or o% the ro ks! "nd the broken #ur#urs o% the shore! the sh"llows boil! "nd s"nd #i+es with the %lood. Then #$ %"ther! An hises! s"id, MThis #ust be )h"r$bdis, these "re the li%%s! these "re the horrendous ro ks 5elenus %oretold. ;ull "w"$! ' o#r"des! "nd st"nd to the o"rs together.N 74

The$ do no less th"n the$:re "sked! "nd ;"linurus is the %irst to he"ve his gro"ning ship into the portside w"ves, "ll our o#p"n$ seek port with o"rs "nd s"il. ?e li#b to he"ven on the urving %lood! "nd "g"in sink down with the withdr"wing w"ves to the depths o% 5"des. The li%%s boo# three ti#es in their ro k$ "ves! three ti#es we see the spr"$ burst! "nd the dripping st"rs. Then the wind "nd sunlight desert we"r$ #en! "nd not knowing the w"$ we dri%t to the )$ lopes:s shore. There:s " h"rbour! itsel% l"rge "nd untroubled b$ the p"ssing winds! but Etn" ru#bles ne"rb$ with %e"rso#e "v"l"n hes! now it spews bl" k louds into the sk$! s#oking! with pit h(bl" k turbulen e! "nd glowing "shes! "nd throws up b"lls o% %l"#e! li king the st"rs, now it hurls high the ro ks it vo#its! "nd the #ount"in:s torn entr"ils! "nd g"thers #olten l"v" together in the "ir with " ro"r! boiling %ro# its lowest depths. The t"le is th"t En el"dus:s bod$! s or hed b$ the lightning(bolt! is buried b$ th"t #"ss! "nd piled "bove hi#! #ight$ Etn" bre"thes %l"#es %ro# its riven %urn" es! "nd "s o%ten "s he turns his we"r$ %l"nk! "ll Si il$ Ju"kes "nd ru#bles! "nd louds the sk$ with s#oke. Th"t night we hide in the woods! enduring the dre"d%ul sho ks! un"ble to see wh"t the "use o% the sound is! sin e there "re no he"venl$ %ires! no bright pole in the st"rr$ %ir#"#ent! but louds in " d"rkened sk$! "nd the de"d o% night holds the #oon in shroud. BkIII:#%%-,#4 Achae+enides &ow the ne+t d"$ w"s bre"king with the %irst light o% d"wn! "nd Auror" h"d dispersed the #oist sh"dows %ro# the sk$! when suddenl$ the str"nge %or# o% "n unknown #"n "#e out o% the woods! e+h"usted b$ the l"st p"ngs o% hunger! piti%ull$ dressed! "nd stret hed his h"nds in suppli "tion 75

tow"rds the shore. ?e looked b" k. 9ile with %ilth! his be"rd un ut! his lothing %"stened together with thorns, but otherwise " Breek! on e sent to Tro$ in his ountr$:s "r#our. ?hen he s"w the <"rd"n lothes "nd Tro@"n we"pons! %"r o%%! he hesit"ted " #o#ent! %rightened "t the sight! "nd he ked his steps, then r"n he"dlong to the be" h! with te"rs "nd pr"$ers, MThe st"rs be #$ witness! the gods! the light in the li%e(giving sk$! Tro@"ns! t"ke #e with $ou, "rr$ #e to "n$ ountr$ wh"tsoever! th"t will be %ine b$ #e. * know *:# %ro# one o% the Breek ships! "nd * on%ess th"t * #"de w"r "g"inst Tro@"n gods! i% #$ ri#e is so gre"t "n in@ur$ to $ou! s "tter #e over the w"ves %or it! or drown #e in the v"st o e"n, i% * die *:ll delight in d$ing "t the h"nds o% #en.N 5e spoke "nd lung to #$ knees! e#br" ing the# "nd grovelling there. ?e urged hi# to s"$ who he w"s! born o% wh"t blood! then to s"$ wh"t %"te pursued hi#. ?ithout #u h del"$! #$ %"ther An hises hi#sel% g"ve the $oung #"n his h"nd! li%ting his spirits b$ this re"d$ trust. At l"st he set his %e"rs "side "nd told us, M*:# %ro# the l"nd o% *th" "! " o#p"nion o% unlu k$ El$sses! A h"e#enides b$ n"#e! "nd! #$ %"ther Ad"#"stus being poor! F* wish %"te h"d kept #e soKG * set out %or Tro$. M$ o#r"des le%t #e here in the )$ lops: v"st "ve! %orgetting #e! "s the$ hurriedl$ le%t th"t gri# threshold. *t:s " house o% blood "nd gor$ %e"sts! v"st "nd d"rk inside. 5e hi#sel% is gig"nti ! striking "g"inst the high st"rs C gods! re#ove pl"gues like th"t %ro# the e"rthK C not ple"s"nt to look "t! "%%"ble to no one. 5e e"ts the d"rk blood "nd %lesh o% wret hed #en. * s"w #$sel% how he sei=ed two o% our nu#ber in his huge h"nds! "nd re lining in the entre o% the "ve! broke the# on the ro k! so the threshold! dren hed! sw"# with blood, * s"w how he gn"wed their li#bs! dripping with d"rk lots o% gore! "nd the still(w"r# bodies Juivered in his @"ws. 76

Yet he did not go unpunished, El$sses didn:t su%%er it! nor did the *th" "n %orget hi#sel% in " risis. As soon "s the )$ lops! %ull o% %lesh "nd s"ted with wine! rel"+ed his ne k! "nd l"$! huge in si=e! " ross the "ve! drooling gore "nd blood "nd wine(dren hed %r"g#ents in his sleep! we pr"$ed to the gre"t gods! "nd our roles %i+ed! surrounded hi# on "ll sides! "nd st"bbed his one huge e$e! solit"r$! "nd h"l%(hidden under his s"v"ge brow! like " round Breek shield! or the sun(dis o% ;hoebus! with " sh"rpened st"ke, "nd so we @o$%ull$ "venged the spirits o% our %riends. .ut %l$ %ro# here! wret hed #en! "nd ut $our #ooring ropes. Sin e! like ;ol$phe#us! who pens wooll$ %lo ks in the ro k$ "ve! "nd #ilks their udders! there "re " hundred other "pp"lling )$ lopes! the s"#e in sh"pe "nd si=e! ever$where inh"biting the urved b"$! "nd w"ndering the hills. The #oon:s horns h"ve %illed with light three ti#es now! while * h"ve been dr"gging #$ li%e out in the woods! "#ong the l"irs "nd se ret h"unts o% wild re"tures! w"t hing the huge )$ lopes %ro# the li%%s! tre#bling "t their voi es "nd the sound o% their %eet. The br"n hes $ield " #iser"ble suppl$ o% %ruits "nd ston$ orneli"n herries! "nd the gr"sses! torn up b$ their roots! %eed #e. ?"t hing %or ever$thing! * s"w! %or the %irst ti#e! this %leet "ppro" hing shore. ?h"tever #ight h"ppen! * surrendered #$sel% to $ou, it:s enough %or #e to h"ve es "ped th"t wi ked people. *:d r"ther $ou took this li%e o% #ine b$ "n$ de"th wh"tsoever.N BkIII:,##-, 1 2oly'he+us 5e:d b"rel$ spoken! when we s"w the shepherd ;ol$phe#us hi#sel%! #oving his #ount"inous bulk on the hillside "#ong the %lo ks! "nd he"ding %or the %"#ili"r shore! " %e"r%ul #onster! v"st "nd sh"peless! robbed o% the light. A lopped pine(trunk in his h"nd ste"died "nd guided his steps, his %lee $ sheep " o#p"nied hi#, his sole delight "nd the sol" e %or his evils. 77

As soon "s he "#e to the se" "nd re" hed the deep w"ter! he w"shed "w"$ the blood oo=ing %ro# the gouged e$e(so ket! gro"ning "nd gn"shing his teeth. Then he w"lked through the depths o% the w"ves! without the tide wetting his v"st thighs. An+iousl$ we hurried our dep"rture %ro# there! " epting the worth$ suppli"nt on bo"rd! "nd utting the "ble in silen e, then le"ning into our o"rs! we vied in sweeping the se". 5e he"rd! "nd bent his ourse tow"rds the sound o% spl"shing. .ut when he w"s denied the power to set h"nds on us! "nd un"ble to ounter the %or e o% the *oni"n w"ves! in pursuit! he r"ised " #ight$ shout! "t whi h the se" "nd "ll the w"ves shook! "nd the l"nd o% *t"l$ w"s %rightened %"r inl"nd! "nd Etn" bellowed %ro# its winding "verns! but the tribe o% )$ lopes! roused %ro# their woods "nd high #ount"ins! rushed to the h"rbour! "nd rowded the shore. ?e s"w the# st"nding there! i#potentl$! wild(e$ed! the Aetne"n brotherhood! he"ds towering into the sk$! " %e"rso#e g"thering, like t"ll o"ks rooted on " su##it! or one(be"ring $presses! in 2ove:s high wood or <i"n":s grove. A ute %e"r drove us on to p"$ out the ropes on wh"tever t" k "nd spre"d our s"ils to "n$ %"vour"ble wind. 5elenus:s orders w"rned "g"inst t"king " ourse between S $ll" "nd )h"r$bdis! " h"ir:s bre"dth %ro# de"th on either side, we de ided to be"t b" k "g"in. ?hen! behold! " northerl$ "rrived %ro# the n"rrow he"dl"nd o% ;elorus, * s"iled p"st the n"tur"l ro k #outh o% the ;"nt"gi"s! Meg"r":s b"$! "nd low(l$ing Th"psus. Su h were the shores A h"e#enides! the %riend o% unlu k$ El$sses! showed #e! s"iling his w"ndering @ourne$ "g"in! in reverse. BkIII:, 2-.1% The 3eath o! Anchises An isl"nd lies over "g"inst w"ve(w"shed ;le#$riu#! stret hed " ross " Si ili"n b"$, n"#ed 'rt$gi" b$ #en o% old. The stor$ goes th"t Alpheus! " river o% Elis! %or ed 78

" hidden p"th here under the se"! "nd #erges with the Si ili"n w"ters o% $our %ount"in Arethus". As o##"nded we worshipped the gre"t gods o% this l"nd! "nd %ro# there * p"ssed #"rsh$ 5elorus:s #"rvellousl$ ri h soil. &e+t we p"ssed the t"ll ree%s "nd @utting ro ks o% ;" h$nus! "nd )"#erin" "ppe"red in the dist"n e! gr"nted i##ove"ble! b$ prophe $! "nd the Belo"n pl"ins! "nd Bel" n"#ed "%ter its s"v"ge river. Then steep A r"g"s! on e the breeder o% br"ve horses! showed its #ight$ r"#p"rts in the dist"n e, "nd gr"nted the wind! * le%t p"l#$ Selinus! "nd p"ssed the tri k$ sh"llows o% Lil$b"eu# with their blind ree%s. &e+t the h"rbour o% <rep"nu#! "nd its @o$less shore! re eived #e. 5ere! "l"s! * lost #$ %"ther! An hises! #$ o#%ort in ever$ trouble "nd #is%ortune! *! who:d been driven b$ so #"n$ o e"n stor#s, here $ou le%t #e! we"r$! best o% %"thers! s"ved %ro# so #"n$ d"ngers in v"inK 5elenus! the seer! did not prophes$ this grie% o% #ine! when he w"rned #e o% #"n$ horrors! nor did gri# )el"eno. This w"s #$ l"st trouble! this the end o% #$ long @ourne$, le"ving there! the god drove #e to $our shores.: So our "n estor Aene"s! "s "ll listened to one #"n! re ounted divine %"te! "nd des ribed his @ourne$. At l"st he stopped! "nd #"king "n end here! rested.


BkIV:1-#( 3ido and Anna 3iscuss Aeneas .ut the Jueen! wounded long sin e b$ intense love! %eeds the hurt with her li%e(blood! we"kened b$ hidden %ire. The hero:s our"ge o%ten returns to #ind! "nd the nobilit$ o% his r" e, his %e"tures "nd his words ling %i+edl$ to her he"rt! "nd love will not gr"nt rest%ul "l# to her bod$. The new d"$:s <"wn w"s lighting the e"rth with ;hoebus:s brightness! "nd dispelling the dew(wet sh"dows %ro# the sk$! when she spoke e st"ti "ll$ to her sister! her kindred spirit, MAnn"! sister! how #$ dre"#s terri%$ #e with "n+ietiesK ?ho is this str"nge guest who h"s entered our house! with wh"t boldness he spe"ks! how resolute in #ind "nd w"r%"reK Trul$ * think C "nd it:s no idle s"$ing C th"t he:s born o% " goddess. Fe"r reve"ls the ignoble spirit. Al"sK ?h"t #is%ortunes test hi#K ?h"t b"ttles he spoke o%! th"t he h"s undergoneK *% #$ #ind w"s not set! %i+edl$ "nd i##ov"bl$! never to @oin #$sel% with "n$ #"n in the bonds o% #"rri"ge! be "use %irst(love betr"$ed #e! he"ted #e through d$ing, i% * were not we"ried b$ #"rri"ge "nd brid"l(beds! perh"ps * #ight su u#b to this one te#pt"tion. Ann"! $es * on%ess! sin e #$ poor husb"nd S$ h"eus:s de"th when the "lt"rs were blood(st"ined b$ #$ #urderous brother! he:s the onl$ #"n who:s stirred #$ senses! troubled #$ w"vering #ind. * know the tr" es o% the "n ient %l"#e. .ut * pr"$ r"ther th"t e"rth #ight g"pe wide %or #e! to its depths! or the "ll(power%ul %"ther hurl #e with his lightning(bolt down to the sh"dows! to the p"le ghosts! "nd deepest night o% Erebus! be%ore * viol"te $ou! 5onour! or bre"k $our l"ws. 5e who %irst took #e to hi#sel% h"s stolen #$ love, let hi# keep it with hi#! "nd gu"rd it in his gr"ve.N So s"$ing her bre"st swelled with her rising te"rs. Ann" replied, M' $ou! who "re #ore beloved to $our sister th"n the light! will $ou we"r $our whole $outh "w"$ 80

in loneliness "nd grie%! "nd not know 9enus:s sweet gi%ts or her hildrenH <o $ou think th"t "shes or sepul hr"l spirits "reH Br"nted th"t in Lib$" or T$re be%ore it! no suitor ever dissu"ded $ou %ro# sorrowing, "nd *"rb"s "nd the other lords who# the A%ri "n soil! ri h in %"#e! be"rs! were s orned, will $ou still struggle "g"inst " love th"t ple"sesH <o $ou not re "ll to #ind in whose %ields $ou settledH 5ere B"etuli"n ities! " people unsurp"ssed in b"ttle! unbridled &u#idi"ns! "nd inhospit"ble S$rtis! surround $ou, there! " region o% dr$ desert! with ."r "e"ns r"ging "round. And wh"t o% $our brother:s thre"ts! "nd w"r with T$re i##inentH The Tro@"n ships #"de their w"$ here with the wind! with gods indeed helping the# * think! "nd with 2uno:s %"vour. ?h"t " it$ $ou:ll see here! sister! wh"t " kingdo# rise! with su h " husb"ndK ?ith " Tro@"n "r#$ #"r hing with us! with wh"t gre"t " tions ;uni glor$ will so"rK 'nl$ "sk the gods %or their help! "nd! propiti"ting the# with s" ri%i e! indulge $our guest! spin re"sons %or del"$! while winter! "nd stor#$ 'rion! r"ge "t se"! while the ships "re d"#"ged! "nd the skies "re hostile.N BkIV:#4-% 3ido in /ove .$ s"$ing this she in%l"#es the Jueen:s burning he"rt with love "nd r"ises hopes in her "n+ious #ind! "nd we"kens her sense o% sh"#e. First the$ visit the shrines "nd "sk %or gr" e "t the "lt"rs, the$ s" ri%i e hosen "ni#"ls " ording to the rites! to )eres! the l"w(#"ker! "nd ;hoebus! "nd %"ther L$ "eus! "nd to 2uno "bove "ll! in whose "re "re the #"rri"ge ties, <ido hersel%! supre#el$ lovel$! holding the up in her h"nd! pours the lib"tion between the horns o% " white hei%er or w"lks to the ri h "lt"rs! be%ore the %" e o% the gods! elebr"tes the d"$ with gi%ts! "nd g"=es into the opened hests o% vi ti#s! "nd re"ds the living entr"ils. Ah! the unknowing #inds o% seersK ?h"t use "re pr"$ers 81

or shrines to the i#p"ssionedH Me"nwhile her tender #"rrow is "%l"#e! "nd " silent wound is "live in her bre"st. ?ret hed <ido burns! "nd w"nders %ren=ied through the it$! like "n unw"r$ deer stru k b$ "n "rrow! th"t " shepherd hunting with his bow h"s %ired "t %ro# " dist"n e! in the )ret"n woods! le"ving the winged steel in her! without knowing. She runs through the woods "nd gl"des o% <i te, the leth"l sh"%t h"ngs in her side. &ow she le"ds Aene"s with her round the w"lls showing her Sidoni"n we"lth "nd the it$ she:s built, she begins to spe"k! "nd stops in #id(%low, now she longs %or the b"nJuet "g"in "s d"$ w"nes! $e"rning #"dl$ to he"r "bout the Tro@"n "dventures on e #ore "nd h"ngs on e #ore on the spe"ker:s lips. Then when the$ h"ve dep"rted! "nd the #oon in turn h"s Juen hed her light "nd the setting onstell"tions urge sleep! she grieves! "lone in the e#pt$ h"ll! "nd lies on the ou h he le%t. Absent she he"rs hi# "bsent! sees hi#! or hugs As "nius on her l"p! t"ken with this i#"ge o% his %"ther! so "s to de eive her silent p"ssion. The towers she st"rted no longer rise! the $oung #en no longer "rr$ out their drill! or work on the h"rbour "nd the b"ttle#ents %or de%en e in w"r, the interrupted work is le%t h"nging! the huge thre"tening w"lls! the sk$(re" hing r"nes. BkIV: $-12% "uno and Venus As soon "s 2uno! 2upiter:s beloved wi%e! s"w le"rl$ th"t <ido w"s gripped b$ su h he"rt(si kness! "nd her reput"tion no obst" le to love! she spoke to 9enus in these words, MYou "nd th"t son o% $ours! ert"inl$ t"ke the pri=e! "nd plent$ o% spoils, " gre"t "nd #e#or"ble show o% divine power! whereb$ one wo#"n:s tr"pped b$ the tri ks o% two gods. .ut the truth:s not es "ped #e! $ou:ve "lw"$s held the h"lls o% high )"rth"ge under suspi ion! "%r"id o% #$ it$:s de%en es. 82

.ut where "n th"t endH ?h$ su h riv"lr$! nowH ?h$ don:t we work on etern"l pe" e inste"d! "nd " wedding p" tH You:ve " hieved "ll th"t $our #ind w"s set on, <ido:s burning with p"ssion! "nd she:s dr"wn the #"dness into her ver$ bones. Let:s rule these people together with eJu"l sw"$, let her be sl"ve to " Tro@"n husb"nd! "nd entrust her T$ri"ns to $our h"nd! "s the dowr$.N 9enus beg"n the repl$ to her like this Fsin e she knew she:d spoken with de eit in her #ind to divert the e#pire %ro# *t"l$:s shores to Lib$":sG, M?ho:d be #"d enough to re%use su h "n o%%er or hoose to #"ke w"r on $ou! so long "s %"te %ollows up wh"t $ou s"$ with " tionH .ut %ortune #"kes #e un ert"in! "s to whether 2upiter w"nts " single it$ %or T$ri"ns "nd Tro@"n e+iles! "nd "pproves the #i+ing o% r" es "nd their @oining in le"gue together. You:re his wi%e, $ou "n test his intent b$ "sking. <o it, *:ll %ollow.N Then ro$"l 2uno replied like this, MTh"t t"sk:s #ine. &ow listen "nd *:ll tell $ou brie%l$ how the purpose "t h"nd "n be " hieved. Aene"s "nd poor <ido pl"n to go hunting together in the woods! when the sun %irst shows to#orrow:s d"wn! "nd reve"ls the world in his r"$s. ?hile the lines "re be"ting! "nd losing the thi kets with nets! *:ll pour down d"rk r"in #i+ed with h"il %ro# the sk$! "nd rouse the whole he"vens with #$ thunder. The$:ll s "tter! "nd be lost in the d"rk o% night, <ido "nd the Tro@"n le"der will re" h the s"#e "ve. *:ll be there! "nd i% *:# "ssured o% $our good will! *:ll @oin the# %ir#l$ in #"rri"ge! "nd spe"k %or her "s his own, this will be their wedding(night.N &ot opposed to wh"t she w"nted! 9enus "greed! "nd s#iled to hersel% "t the de eit she:d %ound. BkIV:12 -1.2 The &unt and the Cave Me"nwhile <"wn surges up "nd le"ves the o e"n. 83

'n e she h"s risen! the hosen #en pour %ro# the g"tes, M"ss$li"n horse#en ride out! with wide(#eshed nets! sn"res! bro"d(he"ded hunting spe"rs! "nd " p" k o% keen(s ented hounds. The Jueen lingers in her roo#s! while ;uni prin es w"it "t the threshold, her horse st"nds there! bright in purple "nd gold! "nd h"#ps %ier el$ "t the %o"#ing bit. At l"st she "ppe"rs! with " gre"t rowd "round her! dressed in " Sidoni"n robe with "n e#broidered he#. 5er Juiver:s o% gold! her h"ir knotted with gold! " golden broo h %"stens her purple tuni . 5er Tro@"n %riends "nd @o$%ul *ulus "re with her, Aene"s hi#sel%! the #ost h"ndso#e o% the# "ll! #oves %orw"rd "nd @oins his %riendl$ troop with hers. Like Apollo! le"ving behind the L$ i"n winter! "nd the stre"#s o% D"nthus! "nd visiting his #other:s <elos! to renew the d"n ing! )ret"ns "nd <r$opes "nd p"inted Ag"th$rsi"ns! #ingling "round his "lt"rs! shouting, he hi#sel% striding over the ridges o% )$nthus! his h"ir dressed with tender le"ves! "nd l"sped with gold! the we"pons r"ttling on his shoulder, so Aene"s w"lks! "s lightl$! be"ut$ like the god:s shining %ro# his noble %" e. ?hen the$ re" h the #ount"in heights "nd p"thless h"unts! see the wild go"ts! disturbed on their ston$ su##its! ourse down the slopes, in "nother pl" e deer speed over the open %ield! #"ssing together in " %leeing herd "#ong louds o% dust! le"ving the hillsides behind. .ut the $oung As "nius "#ong the v"lle$s! delights in his %ier$ horse! p"ssing this rider "nd th"t "t " g"llop! hoping th"t "#ongst these h"r#less re"tures " bo"r! with %o"#ing #outh! #ight "nswer his pr"$ers! or " t"wn$ lion! down %ro# the #ount"in. Me"nwhile the sk$ be o#es %illed with " gre"t ru#bling, r"in #i+ed with h"il %ollows! "nd the T$ri"n o#p"n$ "nd the Tro@"n #en! with 9enus:s <"rd"n gr"ndson! s "tter here "nd there through the %ields! in their %e"r! seeking shelter, torrents stre"# down %ro# the hills. 84

<ido "nd the Tro@"n le"der re" h the ver$ s"#e "ve. ;ri#ev"l E"rth "nd 2uno o% the &upti"ls give their sign"l, lightning %l"shes! the he"vens "re p"rt$ to their union! "nd the &$#phs howl on the #ount"in heights. Th"t %irst d"$ is the sour e o% #is%ortune "nd de"th. <ido:s no longer troubled b$ "ppe"r"n es or reput"tion! she no longer thinks o% " se ret "%%"ir, she "lls it #"rri"ge, "nd with th"t n"#e disguises her sin. BkIV:1.(-1 . )u+our )eaches Iarbas Ru#our r" ed "t on e through Lib$":s gre"t ities! Ru#our! o#p"red with who# no other is "s swi%t. She %lourishes b$ speed! "nd g"ins strength "s she goes, %irst li#ited b$ %e"r! she soon re" hes into the sk$! w"lks on the ground! "nd hides her he"d in the louds. E"rth! in ited to "nger "g"inst the gods! so the$ s"$! bore her l"st! " #onster! v"st "nd terrible! %leet(winged "nd swi%t(%ooted! sister to )oeus "nd En el"dus! who %or ever$ %e"ther on her bod$ h"s "s #"n$ w"t h%ul e$es below F#"rvellous to tellG! "s #"n$ tongues spe"king! "s #"n$ listening e"rs. She %lies! s ree hing! b$ night through the sh"dows between e"rth "nd sk$! never losing her e$elids in sweet sleep, b$ d"$ she sits on gu"rd on t"ll roo%(tops or high towers! "nd s "res gre"t ities! "s ten" ious o% lies "nd evil! "s she is #essenger o% truth. &ow in delight she %illed the e"rs o% the n"tions with endless gossip! singing %" t "nd %i tion "like, Aene"s h"s o#e! born o% Tro@"n blood! " #"n who# lovel$ <ido deigns to unite with, now the$:re spending the whole winter together in indulgen e! %orgetting their ro$"lt$! tr"pped b$ sh"#eless p"ssion. The vile goddess spre"d this here "nd there on #en:s lips. *##edi"tel$ she sl"nted her ourse tow"rds King *"rb"s 85

"nd in%l"#ed his #ind with words "nd %uelled his "nger. BkIV:1 %-21% Iarbas 2rays to "u'iter 5e! " son o% 2upiter A##on! b$ " r"ped B"r"#"nti"n &$#ph! h"d set up " hundred gre"t te#ples! " hundred "lt"rs! to the god! in his bro"d kingdo#! "nd s"n ti%ied ever(living %ires! the gods: etern"l gu"rdi"ns, the %loors were so"ked with s" ri%i i"l blood! "nd the thresholds %lower$ with #ingled g"rl"nds. The$ s"$ he o%ten begged 2ove hu#bl$ with upr"ised h"nds! in %ront o% the "lt"rs! "#ong the divine powers! #"ddened in spirit "nd set on %ire b$ bitter ru#our, MAll(power%ul 2upiter! to who# the Moors! on their e#broidered div"ns! b"nJueting! now pour " ." hi o%%ering! do $ou see thisH <o we shudder in v"in when $ou hurl $our lightning bolts! %"ther! "nd "re those idle %ires in the louds th"t terri%$ our #inds! "nd %l"sh "#ong the e#pt$ ru#blingsH A wo#"n! w"ndering within #$ borders! who p"id to %ound " little town! "nd to who# we gr"nted o"st"l l"nds to plough! to hold in tenure! s orns #"rri"ge with #e! "nd t"kes Aene"s into her ountr$ "s its lord. And now like so#e ;"ris! with his p" k o% eunu hs! " ;hr$gi"n "p! tied under his hin! on his gre"s$ h"ir! he:s #"ster o% wh"t he:s sn"t hed, while * bring gi%ts indeed to te#ples! s"id to be $ours! "nd herish $our e#pt$ reput"tion. BkIV:21 -2.% "u'iter *ends Mercury to Aeneas As he gripped the "lt"r! "nd pr"$ed in this w"$! the All(power%ul one listened! "nd turned his g"=e tow"rds the ro$"l it$! "nd the lovers %orget%ul o% their true reput"tion. Then he spoke to Mer ur$ "nd o##"nded hi# so, M'%% $ou go! #$ son! "ll the winds "nd glide on $our wings! "nd t"lk to the Tro@"n le"der who #"lingers in T$ri"n )"rth"ge now! "nd gives no thought to the ities the %"tes will gr"nt hi#! 86

"nd "rr$ #$ words there on the Jui k bree=e. This is not wh"t his loveliest o% #others suggested to #e! nor wh$ she res ued hi# twi e %ro# Breek "r#ies, he w"s to be one who:d rule *t"l$! pregn"nt with e#pire! "nd r$ing out %or w"r! he:d produ e " people o% Teu er:s high blood! "nd bring the whole world under the rule o% l"w. *% the glor$ o% su h things doesn:t in%l"#e hi#! "nd he doesn:t e+ert hi#sel% %or his own honour! does he begrudge the it"dels o% Ro#e to As "niusH ?h"t does he pl"nH ?ith wh"t hopes does he st"$ "#ong "lien people! %orgetting Ausoni" "nd the L"vini"n %ieldsH Let hi# s"il, th"t:s it in tot"l! let th"t be #$ #ess"ge.N 5e %inished spe"king. The god prep"red to obe$ his gre"t %"ther:s order! "nd %irst %"stened the golden s"nd"ls to his %eet th"t "rr$ hi# high on the wing over l"nd "nd se"! like the stor#. Then he took up his w"nd, he "lls p"le ghosts %ro# 'r us with it! sending others down to gri# T"rt"rus! gives "nd t"kes "w"$ sleep! "nd opens the e$es o% the de"d. Rel$ing on it! he drove the winds! "nd %lew through the stor#$ louds. &ow in his %light he s"w the steep %l"nks "nd the su##it o% strong Atl"s! who holds the he"vens on his he"d! Atl"s! whose pine( overed rown is "lw"$s wre"thed in d"rk louds "nd l"shed b$ the wind "nd r"in, %"llen snow lothes his shoulders, while rivers %"ll %ro# his "n ient hin! "nd his rough be"rd bristles with i e. There )$lleni"n Mer ur$ %irst h"lted! b"l"n ed on level wings, %ro# there! he threw his whole bod$ he"dlong tow"rds the w"ves! like " bird th"t %lies low lose to the se"! round the o"sts "nd the ro ks ri h in %ish. So the )$lleni"n(born %lew between he"ven "nd e"rth to Lib$":s s"nd$ shore! utting the winds! o#ing %ro# Atl"s! his #other M"i":s %"ther. As soon "s he re" hed the builders: huts! on his winged %eet! he s"w Aene"s est"blishing towers "nd "ltering roo%s. 5is sword w"s st"rred with t"wn$ @"sper! 87

"nd the lo"k th"t hung %ro# his shoulder bl"=ed with T$ri"n purple! " gi%t th"t ri h <ido h"d #"de! we"ving the loth with golden thre"d. Mer ur$ h"llenged hi# "t on e, MFor love o% " wi%e "re $ou now building the %ound"tions o% high )"rth"ge "nd " ple"sing it$H Al"s! %orget%ul o% $our kingdo# "nd %"teK The king o% the gods hi#sel%! who bends he"ven "nd e"rth to his will! h"s sent #e down to $ou %ro# bright 'l$#pus, he o##"nded #e hi#sel% to "rr$ these words through the swi%t bree=es. ?h"t do $ou pl"nH ?ith wh"t hopes do $ou w"ste idle hours in Lib$":s l"ndsH *% $ou:re not stirred b$ the glor$ o% destin$! "nd won:t e+ert $oursel% %or $our own %"#e! think o% $our growing As "nius! "nd the e+pe t"tions o% hi#! "s *ulus $our heir! to who# will be owed the kingdo# o% *t"l$! "nd the Ro#"n l"nds.N So Mer ur$ spoke! "nd! while spe"king! v"nished %ro# #ort"l e$es! "nd #elted into thin "ir %"r %ro# their sight. BkIV:2. -(($ 3ido Accuses Aeneas Aene"s! stupe%ied "t the vision! w"s stru k du#b! "nd his h"ir rose in terror! "nd his voi e stu k in his thro"t. 5e w"s e"ger to be gone! in %light! "nd le"ve th"t sweet l"nd! sho ked b$ the w"rning "nd the divine o##"nd. Al"sK ?h"t to doH ?ith wh"t spee h d"re he t" kle the love(si k JueenH ?h"t opening words should he hooseH And he "st his #ind b" k "nd %orth swi%tl$! onsidered the issue %ro# ever$ "spe t! "nd turned it ever$ w"$. This see#ed the best de ision! given the "ltern"tives, he "lled Mnestheus! Sergestus "nd br"ve Serestus! telling the# to %it out the %leet in silen e! g"ther the #en on the shore! re"d$ the ships: t" kle! "nd hide the re"son %or these h"nges o% pl"n. 5e in the #e"nti#e! sin e the e+ ellent <ido knew nothing! "nd would not e+pe t the bre"king o%% o% su h " love! would seek "n "ppro" h! 88

the tenderest #o#ent to spe"k! "nd " %"vour"ble #e"ns. The$ "ll gl"dl$ obe$ed his o##"nd "t on e! "nd did his bidding. .ut the Jueen sensed his tri ks Fwho "n de eive " loverHG "nd w"s %irst to "nti ip"te %uture events! %e"r%ul even o% s"%et$. Th"t s"#e i#pious Ru#our brought her #"dness, the$ "re %itting out the %leet! "nd pl"nning " @ourne$. 5er #ind we"kened! she r"ves! "nd! on %ire! runs wild through the it$, like " M"en"d! thrilled b$ the sh"ken e#ble#s o% the god! when the bienni"l %estiv"l rouses her! "nd! he"ring the ." hi r$! Mount )ith"eron su##ons her b$ night with its noise. '% her own " ord she %in"ll$ repro" hes Aene"s in these words, MF"ithless one! did $ou re"ll$ think $ou ould hide su h wi kedness! "nd v"nish %ro# #$ l"nd in silen eH ?ill #$ love not hold $ou! nor the pledge * on e g"ve $ou! nor the pro#ise th"t <ido will die " ruel de"thH Even in winter do $ou l"bour over $our ships! ruel one! so "s to s"il the high se"s "t the height o% the northern g"lesH ?h$H *% $ou were not seeking %oreign l"nds "nd unknown settle#ents! but "n ient Tro$ still stood! would Tro$ be sought out b$ $our ships in w"ve(torn se"sH *s it #e $ou run %ro#H * beg $ou! b$ these te"rs! b$ $our own right h"nd Fsin e *:ve le%t #$sel% no other re ourse in #$ #iser$G! b$ our union! b$ the #"rri"ge we h"ve begun! i% ever * deserved well o% $ou! or "n$thing o% #e w"s sweet to $ou! pit$ this ruined house! "nd i% there is "n$ roo# le%t %or pr"$er! h"nge $our #ind. The Lib$"n peoples "nd &u#idi"n rulers h"te #e be "use o% $ou, #$ T$ri"ns "re hostile, be "use o% $ou "ll sh"#e too is lost! the reput"tion * h"d! b$ whi h "lone * #ight re" h the st"rs. M$ guest! sin e th"t:s "ll th"t is le%t #e %ro# the n"#e o% husb"nd! to who# do $ou relinJuish #e! " d$ing wo#"nH ?h$ do * st"$H Entil ;$g#"lion! #$ brother! destro$s the it$! or *"rb"s the B"etuli"n t"kes #e "ptiveH *% *:d "t le"st on eived " hild o% $ours be%ore $ou %led! i% " little Aene"s were pl"$ing 89

"bout #$ h"lls! whose %" e #ight still re "ll $ours! *:d not %eel #$sel% so utterl$ de eived "nd %ors"ken.N BkIV:((1-(,1 Aeneas "usti!ies &i+sel! She h"d spoken. 5e set his g"=e %ir#l$ on 2upiter:s w"rnings! "nd hid his p"in ste"d%"stl$ in his he"rt. 5e replied brie%l$ "t l"st, M' Jueen! * will never den$ th"t $ou deserve the #ost th"t "n be spelt out in spee h! nor will * regret #$ thoughts o% $ou! Eliss"! while #e#or$ itsel% is #ine! "nd bre"th ontrols these li#bs. *:ll spe"k "bout the re"lit$ " little. * did not e+pe t to on e"l #$ dep"rture b$ ste"lth Fdon:t think th"tG! nor h"ve * ever held the #"rri"ge tor h! or entered into th"t p" t. *% the %"tes h"d "llowed #e to live #$ li%e under #$ own "uspi es! "nd "ttend to #$ own on erns "s * wished! * should %irst h"ve "red %or the it$ o% Tro$ "nd the sweet reli s o% #$ %"#il$! ;ri"#:s high roo%s would re#"in! "nd *:d h"ve re re"ted ;erg"#"! with #$ own h"nds! %or the de%e"ted. .ut now it is *t"l$ th"t Apollo o% Br$niu#! *t"l$! th"t the L$ i"n or" les! order #e to t"ke, th"t is #$ desire! th"t is #$ ountr$. *% the turrets o% )"rth"ge "nd the sight o% $our Lib$"n it$ o up$ $ou! " ;hoeni i"n! wh$ then begrudge the Tro@"ns their settling o% Ausoni":s l"ndsH *t is right %or us too to se"r h out " %oreign kingdo#. As o%ten "s night lo"ks the e"rth with dew(wet sh"dows! "s o%ten "s the burning onstell"tions rise! the troubled i#"ge o% #$ %"ther An hises w"rns "nd terri%ies #e in dre"#, "bout #$ son As "nius "nd the wrong to so de"r " person! who# * he"t o% " 5esperi"n kingdo#! "nd pre(destined %ields. &ow even the #essenger o% the gods! sent b$ 2upiter hi#sel%! F* swe"r it on both our he"dsG! h"s brought the o##"nd on the swi%t bree=e, * s"w the god hi#sel% in bro"d d"$light enter the it$ "nd these ver$ e"rs dr"nk o% his words. Stop rousing $oursel% "nd #e with $our o#pl"ints. 90

* do not t"ke ourse %or *t"l$ o% #$ own %ree will.N BkIV:(,2-( 2 3ido1s )e'ly As he w"s spe"king she g"=ed "t hi# with hostilit$! "sting her e$es here "nd there! onsidering the whole #"n with " silent st"re! "nd then! in ensed! she spoke, M<e eiver! $our #other w"s no goddess! nor w"s <"rd"nus the %"ther o% $our r" e, h"rsh )"u "sus engendered $ou on the rough r"gs! "nd 5$r "ni"n tigers nursed $ou. ?h$ pretend now! or restr"in #$sel% w"iting %or so#ething worseH <id he gro"n "t #$ weepingH <id he look "t #eH <id he shed te"rs in de%e"t! or pit$ his loverH ?h"t is there to s"$ "%ter thisH &ow neither gre"test 2uno! indeed! nor 2upiter! son o% S"turn! "re g"=ing "t this with %riendl$ e$es. &owhere is truth s"%e. * wel o#ed hi# "s " "st"w"$ on the shore! " begg"r! "nd %oolishl$ g"ve "w"$ " p"rt o% #$ kingdo#, * s"ved his lost %leet! "nd his %riends %ro# de"th. AhK <riven b$ the Furies! * burn, now propheti Apollo! now the L$ i"n or" les! now even " divine #essenger sent b$ 2ove hi#sel% "rries his orders through the "ir. This is the work o% the gods indeed! this is " on ern to trouble their "l#. * do not hold $ou b" k! or re%ute $our words, go! seek *t"l$ on the winds! %ind $our kingdo# over the w"ves. Yet i% the virtuous gods h"ve power! * hope th"t $ou will dr"in the up o% su%%ering "#ong the ree%s! "nd "ll out <ido:s n"#e "g"in "nd "g"in. Absent! *:ll %ollow $ou with d"rk %ires! "nd when i $ de"th h"s divided #$ soul "nd bod$! #$ ghost will be present ever$where. )ruel one! $ou:ll be punished. *:ll he"r o% it, th"t news will re" h #e in the depths o% 5"des.N S"$ing this! she broke o%% her spee h #id(%light! "nd %led the light in p"in! turning %ro# his e$es! "nd going! le"ving hi# %e"r%ul "nd hesit"nt! re"d$ to s"$ #ore. 5er serv"nts re eived her "nd "rried her %"iling bod$ to her #"rble h"#ber! "nd l"id her on her bed. 91

BkIV:( (-44 Aeneas 3e'arts .ut duti%ul Aene"s! though he desired to e"se her s"dness b$ o#%orting her "nd to turn "side p"in with words! still! with #u h sighing! "nd " he"rt sh"ken b$ the strength o% her love! %ollowed the divine o##"nd! "nd returned to the %leet. Then the Tro@"ns trul$ set to work "nd l"un hed the t"ll ships "ll "long the shore. The$ %lo"ted the resinous keels! "nd re"d$ %or %light! the$ brought le"%$ br"n hes "nd untri##ed trunks! %ro# the woods! "s o"rs. You ould see the# hurr$ing "nd #oving %ro# ever$ p"rt o% the it$. Like "nts th"t plunder " v"st he"p o% gr"in! "nd store it in their nest! #ind%ul o% winter, " d"rk olu#n goes through the %ields! "nd the$ "rr$ their spoils "long " n"rrow tr" k through the gr"ss, so#e he"ve with their shoulders "g"inst " l"rge seed! "nd push! others tighten the r"nks "nd punish del"$! the whole p"th:s "live with work. ?h"t were $our %eelings <ido "t su h sights! wh"t sighs did $ou give! w"t hing the shore %ro# the heights o% the it"del! ever$where "live! "nd seeing the whole se"! be%ore $our e$es! on%used with su h riesK )ruel Love! to wh"t do $ou not drive the hu#"n he"rt, to burst into te"rs on e #ore! to see on e #ore i% he "n be o#pelled b$ pr"$ers! to hu#bl$ sub#it to love! lest she le"ve "n$thing untried! d$ing in v"in. MAnn"! $ou see the# s urr$ing "ll round the shore, the$:ve o#e %ro# ever$where, the "nv"s "lre"d$ invites the bree=e! "nd the s"ilors! delighted! h"ve set g"rl"nds on the sterns. *% * w"s "ble to %oresee this gre"t grie%! sister! then *:ll be "ble to endure it too. Yet still do one thing %or #e in #$ #iser$! Ann", sin e the de eiver ultiv"ted onl$ $ou! even trusting $ou with his priv"te thoughts, "nd onl$ $ou know the ti#e to "ppro" h the #"n e"sil$. Bo! sister! "nd spe"k hu#bl$ to #$ proud ene#$. 92

* never took the o"th! with the Breeks "t Aulis! to destro$ the Tro@"n r" e! or sent " %leet to ;erg"#"! or disturbed the "shes "nd ghost o% his %"ther An hises, wh$ does he pitilessl$ den$ #$ words " ess to his he"ringH ?here does he run toH Let hi# give his poor lover this l"st gi%t, let hi# w"it %or "n e"s$ vo$"ge "nd %"vour"ble winds. * don:t beg now %or our %or#er tie! th"t he h"s betr"$ed! nor th"t he give up his be"uti%ul L"tiu#! "nd "b"ndon his kingdo#, * "sk %or insubst"nti"l ti#e, pe" e "nd sp" e %or #$ p"ssion! while %"te te" hes #$ be"ten spirit to grieve. * beg %or this l"st %"vour Fpit$ $our sisterG, when he h"s gr"nted it #e! *:ll rep"$ "ll b$ d$ing.N Su h "re the pr"$ers she #"de! "nd su h "re those her unh"pp$ sister "rried "nd re( "rried. .ut he w"s not #oved b$ te"rs! "nd listened to no words re eptivel$, F"te b"rred the w"$! "nd " god se"led the hero:s gentle he"ring. As when northerl$ bl"sts %ro# the Alps blowing here "nd there vie together to uproot "n o"k tree! tough with the strength o% $e"rs, there:s " re"k! "nd the trunk Juivers "nd the top#ost le"ves strew the ground, but it lings to the ro ks! "nd its roots stret h "s %"r down to T"rt"rus "s its rown does tow"rds the he"vens, so the hero w"s bu%%eted b$ endless ple"s %ro# this side "nd th"t! "nd %elt the p"in in his noble he"rt. 5is purpose re#"ined %i+ed, te"rs %ell uselessl$. BkIV:4#$-#$( 3ido )esolves to 3ie Then the unh"pp$ <ido! trul$ "pp"lled b$ her %"te! pr"$ed %or de"th, she w"s we"r$ o% g"=ing "t the v"ult o% he"ven. And th"t she #ight o#plete her purpose! "nd relinJuish the light #ore re"dil$! when she pl" ed her o%%erings on the "lt"r "light with in ense! she s"w Fterrible to spe"k o%KG the hol$ w"ter bl" ken! "nd the wine she h"d poured h"nge to vile blood. She spoke o% this vision to no one! not even her sister. There w"s " #"rble shrine to her %or#er husb"nd in the p"l" e! 93

th"t she:d de ked out! "lso! with #"rvellous be"ut$! with snow(white %lee es! "nd %estive greener$, %ro# it she see#ed to he"r voi es "nd her husb"nd:s words "lling her! when d"rk night gripped the e"rth, "nd the lonel$ owl on the roo%s o%ten grieved with ill(o#ened ries! dr"wing out its long "ll in " l"#ent, "nd #"n$ " prophe $ o% the "n ient seers terri%ied her with its dre"d%ul w"rning. 5"rsh Aene"s hi#sel% perse uted her! in her r"=ed sleep, "lw"$s she w"s %ors"ken! "lone with hersel%! "lw"$s she see#ed to be tr"velling o#p"nionless on so#e long @ourne$! seeking her T$ri"n people in " deserted l"nds "pe, like ;entheus! der"nged! seeing the Furies %ile p"st! "nd twin suns "nd " twin Thebes reve"led to view! or like Ag"#e#non:s son 'restes driven " ross the st"ge when he %lees his #other:s ghost "r#ed with %irebr"nds "nd bl" k sn"kes! while the "venging Furies rou h on the threshold. So th"t when! over o#e b$ "nguish! she h"rboured the #"dness! "nd deter#ined on de"th! she deb"ted with hersel% over the ti#e "nd the #ethod! "nd going to her sorrow%ul sister with " %" e th"t on e"led her intent! "l#! with hope on her brow! s"id, MSister! *:ve %ound " w"$ Fre@oi e with $our sisterG th"t will return hi# to #e! or %ree #e %ro# loving hi#. &e"r the ends o% the ' e"n "nd where the sun sets Ethiopi" lies! the %urthest o% l"nds! where Atl"s! #ightiest o% "ll! turns the sk$ set with shining st"rs, *:ve been told o% " priestess! o% M"ss$li"n r" e! there! " keeper o% the te#ple o% the 5esperides! who g"ve the dr"gon its %ood! "nd gu"rded the hol$ br"n hes o% the tree! s "ttering the hone$dew "nd sleep(indu ing poppies. ?ith her in "nt"tions she pro#ises to set %ree wh"t he"rts she wishes! but bring ruel p"in to others, to stop the rivers %lowing! "nd turn b" k the st"rs, she w"kes no turn"l Spirits, $ou:ll see e"rth $"wn under $our %eet! "nd the "sh trees #"r h %ro# the hills. You! "nd the gods! "nd $our sweet li%e! "re witness! 94

de"r sister! th"t * "r# #$sel% with #"gi "rts unwillingl$. .uild " p$re! se retl$! in "n inner ourt$"rd! open to the sk$! "nd pl" e the we"pons on it whi h th"t i#pious #"n le%t h"nging in #$ roo#! "nd the lothes! "nd the brid"l bed th"t undid #e, * w"nt to destro$ "ll #e#ories o% th"t wi ked #"n! "nd the priestess o##ends it.N S"$ing this she %ell silent, "t the s"#e ti#e " p"llor spre"d over her %" e. Ann" did not $et re"lise th"t her sister w"s disguising her own %uner"l with these str"nge rites! her #ind ould not on eive o% su h intensit$! "nd she %e"red nothing #ore serious th"n when S$ h"eus died. So she prep"red wh"t w"s de#"nded. BkIV:#$4-##( 3ido /a+ents .ut when the p$re o% ut pine "nd o"k w"s r"ised high! in "n inner#ost ourt open to the sk$! the Jueen hung the pl" e with g"rl"nds! "nd wre"thed it with %unere"l %oli"ge, she l"id his sword "nd lothes "nd pi ture on the bed! not un#ind%ul o% the ending. Alt"rs st"nd round "bout! "nd the priestess! with loosened h"ir! intoned the n"#es o% three hundred gods! o% Erebus! )h"os! "nd the triple 5e "te! the three %" es o% virgin <i"n". And she sprinkled w"ter signi%$ing the %ounts o% Avernus, there were herbs too " Juired b$ #oonlight! ut with " bron=e si kle! #oist with the #ilk o% d"rk veno#, "nd " "ul " Juired b$ te"ring it %ro# " newborn olt:s brow! %orest"lling the #other:s love. She hersel%! ne"r the "lt"rs! with s" red gr"in in puri%ied h"nds! one %oot %ree o% onstr"int! her lothing loosened! "lled on the gods to witness her o#ing de"th! "nd on the st"rs ons ious o% %"te, then she pr"$ed to wh"tever @ust "nd "ttentive power there #ight be! th"t "res %or unreJuited lovers. *t w"s night! "nd ever$where we"r$ re"tures were en@o$ing pe" e%ul sleep! the woods "nd the s"v"ge w"ves were resting! 95

while st"rs wheeled #idw"$ in their gliding orbit! while "ll the %ields were still! "nd be"sts "nd olour%ul birds! those th"t live on wide s "ttered l"kes! "nd those th"t live in rough ountr$ "#ong the thorn(bushes! were sunk in sleep in the silent night. .ut not the ;hoeni i"n! unh"pp$ in spirit! she did not rel"+ in sleep! or re eive the d"rkness into her e$es "nd bre"st, her "res redoubled! "nd p"ssion! "live on e #ore! r"ged! "nd she swelled with " gre"t tide o% "nger. So she beg"n in this w"$ turning it over "lone in her he"rt, MSee! wh"t "n * doH .e #o ked tr$ing #$ %or#er suitors! seeking #"rri"ge hu#bl$ with &u#idi"ns who# * h"ve "lre"d$ disd"ined so #"n$ ti#es "s husb"ndsH Sh"ll * %ollow the Tro@"n %leet then "nd th"t Teu ri"n:s ever$ whi#H .e "use the$ #ight delight in h"ving been helped b$ #$ previous "id! or be "use gr"titude %or p"st deeds #ight re#"in trul$ %i+ed in their #e#oriesH *ndeed who! given * w"nted to! would let #e! or would t"ke one the$ h"te on bo"rd their proud shipsH Ah! lost girl! do $ou not know or %eel $et the tre" her$ o% L"o#edon:s r" eH ?h"t thenH Sh"ll * go "lone! " o#p"n$ing triu#ph"nt s"ilorsH 'r with "ll #$ b"nd o% T$ri"ns lustered round #eH Sh"ll * "g"in drive #$ #en to se" in pursuit! those who# * ould b"rel$ te"r "w"$ %ro# their Sidoni"n it$! "nd order the# to spre"d their s"ils to the windH R"ther die! "s $ou deserve! "nd turn "w"$ sorrow with steel. You! #$ sister! onJuered b$ #$ te"rs! in #$ #"dness! $ou %irst burdened #e with these ills! "nd e+posed #e to #$ ene#$. * w"s not "llowed to p"ss #$ li%e without bl"#e! %ree o% #"rri"ge! in the #"nner o% so#e wild re"ture! never knowing su h p"in, * h"ve not kept the vow * #"de to S$ h"eus:s "shes.N Su h w"s the l"#ent th"t burst %ro# her he"rt. BkIV:##4-#%( Mercury Visits Aeneas Again &ow th"t ever$thing w"s re"d$! "nd he w"s resolved on going! 96

Aene"s w"s sn"t hing so#e sleep! on the ship:s high stern. Th"t vision "ppe"red "g"in in dre"# "d#onishing hi#! si#il"r to Mer ur$ in ever$ w"$! voi e "nd olouring! golden h"ir! "nd $outh:s gr" e%ul li#bs, MSon o% the Boddess! "n $ou onsider sleep in this dis"ster! "n:t $ou see the d"nger o% it th"t surrounds $ou! #"d#"n or he"r the %"vour"ble west winds blowingH <eter#ined to die! she broods on #ort"l de eit "nd sin! "nd is tossed "bout on "nger:s vol"tile %lood. ?on:t $ou %lee %ro# here! in h"ste! while $ou "n h"stenH Soon $ou:ll see the w"ter rowded with ships! ruel %irebr"nds burning! soon the shore will r"ge with %l"#e! i% the <"wn %inds $ou lingering in these l"nds. )o#e! now! end $our del"$K ?o#"n is ever %i kle "nd h"nge"ble.N So he spoke! "nd blended with night:s d"rkness. Then Aene"s! terri%ied indeed b$ the sudden "pp"rition! roused his bod$ %ro# sleep! "nd "lled to his %riends, M >ui k! #en! "w"ke! "nd #"n the rowing(ben hes, run "nd loosen the s"ils. Know th"t " god! sent %ro# the he"vens! urges us "g"in to speed our %light! "nd ut the twisted h"wsers. ?e %ollow $ou! whoever $ou #"$ be! s" red "#ong the gods! "nd gl"dl$ obe$ $our o##"nds on e #ore. 'h! be with us! "l# one! help us! "nd show st"rs %"vour"ble to us in the sk$.N 5e spoke! "nd sn"t hed his shining sword %ro# its she"th! "nd stru k the "ble with the n"ked bl"de. All were possessed "t on e with the s"#e "rdour, The$ sn"t hed up their goods! "nd r"n, "b"ndoning the shore, the w"ter w"s lothed with ships, setting to! the$ hurned the %o"# "nd swept the blue w"ves. BkIV:#%4-,2 3ido1s Curse And now! "t d"wn! Auror"! le"ving Tithonus:s s"%%ron bed! w"s s "ttering %resh d"$light over the e"rth. As soon "s the Jueen s"w the d"$ whiten! %ro# her tower! "nd the %leet s"iling o%% under %ull "nv"s! "nd re"lised 97

the shore "nd h"rbour were e#pt$ o% o"rs#en! she stru k her lovel$ bre"st three or %our ti#es with her h"nd! "nd te"ring "t her golden h"ir! s"id, MAh! 2upiter! is he to le"ve! is " %oreigner to pour s orn on our kingdo#H Sh"ll #$ T$ri"ns re"d$ their "r#our! "nd %ollow the# out o% the it$! "nd others dr"g our ships %ro# their do ksH Bo! bring %ire Jui kl$! h"nd out the we"pons! drive the o"rsK ?h"t "# * s"$ingH ?here "# *H ?h"t #"dness twists #$ thoughtsH ?ret hed <ido! is it now th"t $our i#pious " tions hurt $ouH The right ti#e w"s then! when $ou g"ve hi# the rown. So this is the word "nd lo$"lt$ o% the #"n who# the$ s"$ be"rs his %"ther:s gods "round! o% the #"n who "rried his "ge(worn %"ther on his shouldersH )ouldn:t * h"ve sei=ed hold o% hi#! torn his bod$ "p"rt! "nd s "ttered hi# on the w"vesH And put his %riends to the sword! "nd As "nius even! to %e"st on! "s " ourse "t his %"ther:s t"bleH True the %ortunes o% w"r "re un ert"in. Let the# be so, "s one "bout to die! who# h"d * to %e"rH * should h"ve set %ire to his "#p! %illed the de ks with %l"#es! "nd e+tinguishing %"ther "nd son! "nd their whole r" e! given up #$ own li%e "s well. ' Sun! $ou who illu#in"te "ll the works o% this world! "nd $ou 2uno! interpreter "nd knower o% "ll #$ p"in! "nd 5e "te howled to! in ities! "t #idnight rossro"ds! $ou! "venging Furies! "nd $ou! gods o% d$ing Eliss"! " knowledge this! dire t $our righteous will to #$ troubles! "nd he"r #$ pr"$er. *% it #ust be th"t the " ursed one should re" h the h"rbour! "nd s"il to the shore, i% 2ove:s destin$ %or hi# reJuires it! there his go"l, still! troubled in w"r b$ the "r#ies o% " proud r" e! e+iled %ro# his territories! torn %ro# *ulus:s e#br" e! let hi# beg help! "nd w"t h the sh"#e%ul de"th o% his people, then! when he h"s surrendered! to " pe" e without @usti e! #"$ he not en@o$ his kingdo# or the d"$s he longed %or! but let hi# die be%ore his ti#e! "nd lie unburied on the s"nd. This * pr"$! these l"st words * pour out with #$ blood. Then! ' T$ri"ns! pursue #$ h"tred "g"inst his whole line 98

"nd the r" e to o#e! "nd o%%er it "s " tribute to #$ "shes. Let there be no love or tre"ties between our peoples. Rise! so#e unknown "venger! %ro# #$ dust! who will pursue the Tro@"n olonists with %ire "nd sword! now! or in ti#e to o#e! whenever the strength is gr"nted hi#. * pr"$ th"t shore be opposed to shore! w"ter to w"ve! we"pon to we"pon, let the# %ight! the# "nd their des end"nts.N BkIV:,($-.$# The 3eath o! 3ido She spoke! "nd turned her thoughts this w"$ "nd th"t! onsidering how to destro$ her h"te%ul li%e. Then she spoke brie%l$ to ."r e! S$ h"eus:s nurse! sin e d"rk "shes on e"led her own! in her %or#er ountr$, M<e"r nurse! bring #$ sister Ann" here, tell her to hurr$! "nd sprinkle hersel% with w"ter %ro# the river! "nd bring the s" ri%i i"l vi ti#s "nd noble o%%erings. Let her o#e! "nd $ou $oursel% veil $our brow with s" red ribbons. M$ purpose is to o#plete the rites o% St$gi"n 2upiter! th"t * o##"nded! "nd h"ve dul$ begun! "nd put "n end to sorrow! "nd entrust the p$re o% th"t Tro@"n le"der to the %l"#es.N So she s"id. The old wo#"n =e"lousl$ h"stened her steps. .ut <ido restless! wild with desper"te purpose! rolling her bloodshot e$es! her tre#bling heeks st"ined with red %lushes! $et p"llid "t "ppro" hing de"th! rushed into the house through its inner threshold! %uriousl$ li#bed the t"ll %uner"l p$re! "nd unshe"thed " Tro@"n sword! " gi%t th"t w"s never " Juired to this end. Then "s she s"w the *li"n lothing "nd the %"#ili"r ou h! she lingered " while! in te"rs "nd thought! then "st hersel% on the bed! "nd spoke her l"st words, MRe#inders! sweet while %"te "nd the god "llowed it! " ept this soul! "nd loose #e %ro# #$ sorrows. * h"ve lived! "nd * h"ve o#pleted the ourse th"t Fortune gr"nted! "nd now #$ noble spirit will p"ss bene"th the e"rth. 99

* h"ve built " bright it$, * h"ve seen its b"ttle#ents! "venging " husb"nd * h"ve e+" ted punish#ent on " hostile brother! h"pp$! "h! h"pp$ indeed i% Tro@"n keels h"d never tou hed #$ shoresKN She spoke! "nd buried her %" e in the ou h. M* sh"ll die un("venged! but let #e die!N she ried. MSo! so * @o$ in tr"velling into the sh"dows. Let the ruel Tro@"n:s e$es drink in this %ire! on the deep! "nd be"r with hi# the evil o#en o% #$ de"th.N She h"d spoken! "nd in the #idst o% these words! her serv"nts s"w she h"d %"llen on the bl"de! the sword %rothed with blood! "nd her h"nds were st"ined. A r$ rose to the high eiling, Ru#our! run riot! stru k the it$. The houses sounded with weeping "nd sighs "nd wo#en:s ries! the sk$ e hoed with " #ight$ l"#ent"tion! "s i% "ll )"rth"ge or "n ient T$re were %"lling to the inv"ding ene#$! "nd r"ging %l"#es were rolling over the roo%s o% #en "nd gods. 5er sister! terri%ied! he"rd it! "nd rushed through the rowd! te"ring her heeks with her n"ils! "nd be"ting her bre"st! "nd "lled out to the d$ing wo#"n in " us"tion, MSo this w"s the #e"ning o% it! sisterH <id $ou "i# to he"t #eH This p$re o% $ours! this %ire "nd "lt"r were prep"red %or #$ s"keH ?h"t sh"ll * grieve %or %irst in #$ "b"ndon#entH <id $ou s orn $our sister:s o#p"n$ in d$ingH You should h"ve su##oned #e to the s"#e %"te, the s"#e hour the s"#e sword:s hurt should h"ve t"ken us both. * even built $our p$re with these h"nds! "nd w"s * "lling "loud on our %"ther:s gods! so th"t * would be "bsent! ruel one! "s $ou l"$ hereH You h"ve e+tinguished $oursel% "nd #e! sister, $our people! $our Sidoni"n "n estors! "nd $our it$. * should b"the $our wounds with w"ter "nd "t h with #$ lips wh"tever d$ing bre"th still hovers.N So s"$ing she li#bed the high levels! "nd l"sped her d$ing sister to her bre"st! sighing! "nd ste##ing the d"rk blood with her dress. 100

<ido tried to li%t her he"v$ e$elids "g"in! but %"iled, "nd the deep wound hissed in her bre"st. Li%ting hersel% three ti#es! she struggled to rise on her elbow, three ti#es she %ell b" k onto the bed! se"r hing %or light in the depths o% he"ven! with w"ndering e$es! "nd! %inding it! sighed. Then "ll(power%ul 2uno! pit$ing the long su%%ering o% her di%%i ult de"th! sent *ris %ro# 'l$#pus! to rele"se the struggling spirit! "nd "ptive bod$. For sin e she h"d not died through %"te! or b$ " well(e"rned de"th! but wret hedl$! be%ore her ti#e! in%l"#ed with sudden #"dness! ;roserpine h"d not $et t"ken " lo k o% golden h"ir %ro# her he"d! or onde#ned her soul to St$gi"n 'r us. So dew(wet *ris %lew down through the sk$! on s"%%ron wings! tr"iling " thous"nd shi%ting olours " ross the sun! "nd hovered over her he"d. M * t"ke this o%%ering! s" red to <is! "s o##"nded! "nd rele"se $ou %ro# the bod$ th"t w"s $ours.N So she spoke! "nd ut the lo k o% h"ir with her right h"nd. All the w"r#th ebbed "t on e! "nd li%e v"nished on the bree=e.


BkV:1-41 Aeneas )eturns to *icily Me"nwhile Aene"s with the %leet w"s holding " %i+ed ourse now in the #idst o% the se"! utting the w"ves! d"rk in " northerl$ wind! looking b" k "t the it$ w"lls th"t were glowing now with unh"pp$ <ido:s %uner"l %l"#es. The re"son th"t su h " %ire h"d been lit w"s unknown, but the ruel p"in when " gre"t love is pro%"ned! "nd the knowledge o% wh"t " %ren=ied wo#"n #ight do! drove the #inds o% the Tro@"ns to so#bre %orebodings. ?hen the ships re" hed deep w"ter "nd l"nd w"s no longer in sight! but ever$where w"s se"! "nd sk$ w"s ever$where! then " d"rk(blue r"in loud hung overhe"d! bringing night "nd stor#! "nd the w"ves bristled with sh"dows. ;"linurus the hel#s#"n hi#sel% %ro# the high stern ried, IAhK ?h$ h"ve su h stor# louds shrouded the sk$H ?h"t do $ou intend! %"ther &eptuneH: So s"$ing! ne+t he ordered the# to shorten s"il! "nd bend to the he"v$ o"rs! then t" ked "g"inst the wind! "nd spoke "s %ollows, I.r"ve Aene"s! * would not e+pe t to #"ke *t"l$ with this sk$! though gu"rdi"n 2upiter pro#ised it. The winds! rising %ro# the d"rkened west! h"ve shi%ted "nd ro"r " ross our p"th! "nd the "ir thi kens %or " stor#. ?e "nnot st"nd "g"inst it! or l"bour enough to we"ther it. Sin e Fortune over o#es us! let:s go with her! "nd set our ourse wherever she "lls. * think $our brother Er$+:s %riendl$ shores "re not %"r o%%! "nd the h"rbours o% Si il$! i% * onl$ re#e#ber the st"rs * observed rightl$.: Then virtuous Aene"s replied, IFor #$ p"rt *:ve seen %or so#e ti#e th"t the winds reJuired it! "nd $ou:re steering into the# in v"in. Alter the ourse we s"il. *s "n$ l"nd #ore wel o#e to #e! "n$ to whi h *:d pre%er to steer #$ we"r$ %leet! th"n th"t whi h prote ts #$ Tro@"n %riend A estes! "nd holds the bones o% #$ %"ther An hises to its bre"stHN 5"ving s"id this the$ se"r hed out the port! "nd %ollowing winds 102

%illed their s"ils, the ships s"iled swi%tl$ on the %lood! "nd the$ turned "t l"st in delight tow"rds known shores. .ut Al estes! on " high hill in the dist"n e! wondered "t the "rriv"l o% %riendl$ vessels! "nd #et the#! "r#ed with @"velins! in his Lib$"n she(be"r:s pelt, he who# " Tro@"n #other bore! on eived o% the river(god )rinisius. &ot negle t%ul o% his "n ient line"ge he re@oi ed "t their return! entert"ined the# gl"dl$ with his rur"l ri hes! "nd o#%orted the we"r$ with the "ssist"n e o% " %riend. BkV:42-1$( Aeneas 3eclares the <a+es ?hen! in the %ollowing <"wn! bright d"$ h"d put the st"rs to %light! Aene"s "lled his o#p"nions together! %ro# the whole shore! "nd spoke %ro# " high #ound, M&oble Tro@"ns! people o% the high line"ge o% the gods! the $e"r:s $ le is o#plete to the ver$ #onth when we l"id the bones! "ll th"t w"s le%t o% #$ divine %"ther! in the e"rth! "nd dedi "ted the s"d "lt"rs. And now the d"$ is here Fth"t the gods willedG i% * "# not wrong! whi h * will "lw"$s hold "s bitter! "lw"$s honoured. *% * were keeping it! e+iled in B"etuli"n S$rtes! or "ught on the Argive se"s! or in M$ en"e:s it$! *:d still ondu t the $e"rl$ rite! "nd line o% sole#n pro ession! "nd he"p up the due o%%erings on the "lt"r. &ow we even st"nd b$ the "shes "nd bones o% #$ %"ther Fnot %or #$ p"rt * think without the will "nd power o% the godsG "nd "rried to this pl" e we h"ve entered " %riendl$ h"rbour. So o#e "nd let us "ll elebr"te the s" ri%i e with @o$, let us pr"$ %or " wind! "nd #"$ he will #e to o%%er these rites e" h $e"r when #$ it$ is %ounded! in te#ples th"t "re his. A estes! " Tro@"n born! gives $ou two he"d o% o+en %or ever$ ship, *nvite the household gods to our %e"st! our own "nd those who# A estes our host worships. Also! when the ninth <"wn r"ises high the kindl$ light 103

%or #ort"l #en! "nd reve"ls the world in her r"$s! * will de l"re " Tro@"n B"#es, %irst " r" e between the swi%t ships, then those with "bilit$ in running! "nd those! d"ring in strength! who step %orw"rd! who "re superior with @"velin "nd slight "rrows! or trust the#selves to %ight with r"whide gloves, let ever$one be there "nd hope %or the pri=e o% " well(deserved p"l# br"n h. All be silent now! "nd wre"the $our brows.N So s"$ing he veiled his %orehe"d with his #other:s #$rtle. 5el$#us did likewise! A estes o% #"ture $e"rs! the bo$ As "nius! "nd the rest o% the people %ollowed. Then he went with #"n$ thous"nds! %ro# the g"thering to the gr"ve(#ound! in the #idst o% the v"st " o#p"n$ing throng. 5ere with due o%%ering he poured two bowls o% pure wine onto the ground! two o% %resh #ilk! two o% s" ri%i i"l blood! "nd! s "ttering bright pet"ls! he spoke "s %ollows, M'n e #ore! h"il! #$ s" red %"ther, h"il! spirit! ghost! "shes o% #$ %"ther! who# * res ued in v"in. * w"s not "llowed to se"r h! with $ou! %or *t"l$:s borders! our destined %ields! or Ausoni":s Tiber! wherever it #ight be.N 5e h"d @ust %inished spe"king when " shining sn"ke unwound e" h o% its seven oils %ro# the b"se o% the shrine! in seven l"rge loops! pl" idl$ en ir ling the #ound! "nd gliding "#ong the "lt"rs! its b" k #ottled with blue(green #"rkings! "nd its s "les burning with " golden sheen! "s " r"inbow %or#s " thous"nd v"ried olours in louds opposite the sun. Aene"s w"s stunned b$ the sight. Fin"ll$! with " long glide "#ong the bowls "nd polished drinking ups! the serpent t"sted the %ood! "nd! h"ving %ed! dep"rted the "lt"r! retre"ting h"r#lessl$ "g"in into the depths o% the to#b. Aene"s returned #ore e"gerl$ to the tribute to his %"ther! un ert"in whether to tre"t the sn"ke "s the gu"rdi"n o% the pl" e! or "s his %"ther:s "ttend"nt spirit, he killed two sheep "s usto#"r$! two pigs! "nd "s #"n$ bl" k(b" ked hei%ers, "nd poured wine %ro# the bowls! "nd "lled on the spirit "nd sh"dow o% gre"t An hises! rele"sed %ro# A heron. 104

And his o#p"nions "s well! brought gi%ts gl"dl$! o% whi h e" h h"d " store! piling high the "lt"rs! s" ri%i ing bullo ks, others set out rows o% "uldrons! "nd s "ttered "#ong the gr"ss! pl" ed live o"ls under the spits! "nd ro"sted the #e"t. BkV:1$4-1#$ The *tart o! the <a+es The e"gerl$("w"ited d"$ h"d "rrived! "nd now ;h"ethon:s horses brought " ninth d"wn o% loudless light! "nd A estes:s n"#e "nd reput"tion h"d roused the ountr$side, the$ thronged the shore! " @o$ous rowd! so#e to see Aene"s "nd his #en! others to o#pete. First the pri=es were set out %or the# to see in the entre o% the ir uit! s" red tripods! green rowns "nd p"l#s! rew"rds %or the winners! "r#our! "nd lothes d$ed with purple! "nd t"lents o% silver "nd gold, "nd " tru#pet s"ng out! %ro# " entr"l #ound! th"t the g"#es h"d begun. Four well(#"t hed ships with he"v$ o"rs were hosen %ro# the %leet %or the %irst event. Mnesthus! soon to be Mnesthus o% *t"l$ %ro# who# the Me##i"n people "re n"#ed! "pt"ins the Se"(Serpent! with its e"ger rew, B$"s! the v"st )hi#"er" o% huge bulk! " %lo"ting it$! rowed b$ the Tro@"n #en on three de ks! with the o"rs r"ised in triple rows, Sergestus! %ro# who# the house o% Sergi" gets its n"#e! s"ils in the gre"t )ent"ur! "nd )lo"nthus %ro# who# $our %"#il$ derives! )luentius o% Ro#e! in the se"(green S $ll". There:s " ro k %"r out "t se" opposite the %o"#ing shore! whi h! l"shed b$ the swollen w"ves! is so#eti#es drowned! when wintr$ north(westerlies hide the st"rs, it is Juiet in "l# we"ther "nd %l"t ground is r"ised "bove the #otionless w"ter! " wel o#e h"unt %or sun(loving se"(birds. 5ere our "n estor Aene"s set up " le"%$ o"k(trunk "s " #"rk! "s " sign %or the s"ilors to know where to turn b" k! "nd ir le round the long ourse. 105

Then the$ hose pl" es b$ lot! "nd the "pt"ins the#selves! on the sterns! gle"#ed %ro# " dist"n e! resplendent in purple "nd gold, the rest o% the #en were rowned with popl"r le"ves! "nd their n"ked shoulders glistened! shining with oil. The$ #"nned the ben hes! "r#s re"d$ "t the o"rs, re"died %or " tion the$ w"ited %or the sign"l! "nd pounding %e"r! "nd the desire "roused %or glor$! devoured their le"ping he"rts. Then when the le"r tru#pet g"ve the sign"l! "ll i##edi"tel$ shot %orw"rd %ro# the st"rting line! the s"ilor:s shouts stru k the he"vens! "s "r#s were plied the w"ters turned to %o"#. the$ ut the %urrows together! "nd the whole sur%" e g"ped wide! ploughed b$ the o"rs "nd the three(pronged be"ks. The speed is not "s gre"t when the two horse h"riots hit the %ield in their r" e! shooting %ro# their st"lls, "nd the h"rioteers sh"ke the rippling reins over their g"lloping te"#! str"ining %orw"rd to the l"sh. So the whole woodl"nd e hoes with "ppl"use! the shouts o% #en! "nd the p"rtis"nship o% their supporters! the sheltered be" h on entr"tes the sound "nd the hills! reverber"ting! return the l"#our. BkV:1#1-24( The Boat )ace B$"s runs be%ore the p" k! "nd glides %orw"rd on the w"ves! "#ongst the noise "nd on%usion, )lo"nthus %ollows ne+t! his ship better #"nned! but held b" k b$ its weight. A%ter the# sep"r"ted eJu"ll$ the Se"(Serpent "nd the )ent"ur str"in to win " le"d, now the Se"(Serpent h"s it! now the huge )ent"ur wins in %ront! now both sweep on together their bows level! their long keels ploughing the s"lt se". &ow the$ ne"r the ro k "nd "re lose to the #"rker! when B$"s! the le"der! winning "t the h"l%(w"$ point! "lls out loudl$ to his pilot Menoetes, M?h$ so %"r "dri%t to st"rbo"rdH Steer her ourse this w"$, 106

hug the shore "nd gr"=e the r"gs to port! o"rs r"ised, let others keep to deep w"ter.N 5e spoke! but Menoetes %e"ring unseen ree%s wren hed the prow tow"rds the open se". M?h$ so %"r "dri%tHN "g"in! M5e"d %or the ro ks! MenoetesKN he shouts to hi# %or e%ull$! "nd behold! he sees )lo"nthus right "t his b" k "nd t"king the riskier ourse. 5e sJuee=ed " p"th between B$"s:s ship "nd the boo#ing ro ks inside to st"rbo"rd! suddenl$ p"ssing the le"der! "nd! le"ving the #"rker behind! re" hed s"%e w"ter. Then indeed gre"t indign"tion burned in the $oung #"n:s #"rrow! "nd there were te"rs on his heeks! "nd %orgetting his own pride "nd his rew:s s"%et$ he he"ved the ti#id Menoetes he"dlong into the se" %ro# the high stern, he stood to the hel#! hi#sel% "pt"in "nd steers#"n! urged on his #en! "nd turned %or the shore. .ut when Menoetes old "s he w"s! l"wed his w"$ b" k he"vil$ "nd with di%%i ult$ "t l"st %ro# the se" %loor! he li#bed to the top o% the r"g "nd s"t down on the dr$ ro k dripping! in his wet lothing. The Tro@"ns l"ughed "s he %ell! "nd sw"# "nd l"ughed "s he vo#ited the se"w"ter %ro# his hest. At this " @o$%ul hope o% p"ssing B$"s! "s he st"lled! is "roused in Sergestus "nd Mnestheus! the two behind! Sergestus t"kes the le"ding pl" e "nd ne"rs the ro k! still he:s not " %ull ship:s length in %ront! onl$ p"rt, the riv"l Se"(Serpent loses on hi# with her prow. Then! Mnesthus w"lking "#ong his rew "#idships e+horted the#, M&ow! now rise to the o"rs! o#r"des o% 5e tor! $ou who# * hose "s o#p"nions "t Tro$:s l"st %"t"l hour, now! e+ert "ll th"t strength! th"t spirit $ou showed in the B"etuli"n sho"ls! the *oni"n Se"! "nd )"pe M"le":s pursuing w"ves. &ow *! Mnesthus! do not seek to be %irst or tr$ to win C let those onJuer who# $ou h"ve gr"nted to do so! &eptune C but oh! it would be sh"#e%ul to return l"st, " hieve this %or us! ountr$#en! "nd prevent our disgr" e.N The$ bend to it 107

with %ier e riv"lr$, the bron=e stern shudders "t their power%ul strokes, "nd the se"(%loor drops "w"$ bene"th the#, then sh"llow bre"thing #"kes li#bs "nd p"r hed lips Juiver. "nd their swe"t runs down in stre"#s. )h"n e brings the #en the glor$ th"t the$ long %or. ?hen Segestus! his spirit r"ging! %or es his bows! on the inside! tow"rds the ro ks! "nd enters d"ngerous w"ter! unh"ppil$ he strikes the @utting ree%. The li%% sh"kes! the o"rs @"# "g"inst the#! "nd sn"p on the sh"rp edges o% stone! "nd the prow h"ngs there! sn"gged. The s"ilors le"p up! "nd! shouting "loud "t the del"$! g"ther iron(tipped poles "nd sh"rpl$(pointed bo"thooks! "nd res ue their s#"shed o"rs %ro# the w"ter. .ut Mnesthus! delighted! "nd #"de e"ger b$ his su ess! with " swi%t pl"$ o% o"rs! "nd " pr"$er to the winds. he"ds %or ho#e w"ters "nd ourses the open se"! "s " dove! whose nest "nd sweet hi ks "re hidden "#ong the ro ks! suddenl$ st"rtled %ro# so#e hollow! t"kes %light %or the %ields! %rightened %ro# her over! "nd be"ts her wings loudl$! but soon gliding in still "ir ski#s her le"r p"th! b"rel$ #oving her swi%t pinions, in this w"$ Mnestheus "nd the Se"(<r"gon hersel% %urrow the %in"l stret h o% w"ter in %light! "nd her i#petus "lone! "rries her on her winged p"th. Firstl$ he le"ves Segestus behind struggling on the r"ised ro k then in sho"l w"ter! "lling v"inl$ %or help! "nd le"rning how to r" e with sh"ttered o"rs. Then he overh"uls B$"s "nd the )hi#"er":s huge bulk, whi h! deprived o% her hel#s#"n now! gives w"$. &ow )lo"nthus "lone is le%t "he"d! ne"r to the %inish! Mnestheus he"ds %or hi# "nd h"ses losel$ e+erting "ll his powers. Then indeed the shouts redouble! "nd together "ll enthusi"sti "ll$ urge on the pursuer. The %or#er rew "re unh"pp$ lest the$ %"il to keep the honour th"t is theirs "nd the glor$ "lre"d$ 108

in their possession! "nd would sell their lives %or %"#e. the l"tter %eed on su ess, the$ "n be "use the$ think the$ "n. And with their prow "longside the$ #ight h"ve sn"t hed the pri=e! i% )le"nthus h"d not stret hed out his h"nds over the se" "nd poured out his pr"$ers! "nd "lled to the gods in longing. MBods! whose e#pire is the o e"n! whose w"ters * ourse! 'n shore! * will gl"dl$ set " snow(white bull be%ore $our "lt"rs! in p"$#ent o% #$ vows! throw the entr"ilsinto the s"ltw"ter! "nd pour out pure wine.N 5e spoke! "nd "ll the &ereids! ;hor us:s hoir! "nd virgin ;"nope"! he"rd hi# in the w"ve:s depths! "nd %"ther ;ortunus drove hi# on his tr" k! with his gre"t h"nd, the ship r"n to shore! swi%ter th"n south wind or %l$ing "rrow! "nd plunged into the deep h"rbour. BkV:244-2%# The 2ri5e-<iving !or the Boat )ace Then An hises:s son! "lling the# "ll together "s is %itting! b$ the her"ld:s loud r$ de l"res )lo"nthus the winner! "nd wre"thes his %orehe"d with green l"urel! "nd tells hi# to hoose three bullo ks! "nd wine! "nd " l"rge t"lent o% silver "s gi%ts %or the ships. 5e "dds spe i"l honours %or the "pt"ins, " lo"k worked in gold %or the vi tor! edged with Meliboe"n deep purple in " double #e"ndering line! B"n$#ede the bo$(prin e woven on it! "s i% bre"thless with e"gerness! running with his @"velin! h"sing the swi%t st"gs on le"%$ *d", who# 2upiter:s e"gle! "rrier o% the lightning(bolt! h"s now sn"t hed up into the "ir! %ro# *d"! with t"loned %eet, his "ged gu"rds stret h their h"nds to the sk$ in v"in! "nd the b"rking dogs sn"p "t the "ir. 5e gives to the w"rrior! who took se ond pl" e b$ his prowess! " o"t o% #"il %or his own! with polished hooks! in triple woven gold! " be"uti%ul thing "nd " de%en e in b"ttle! th"t he hi#sel% "s vi tor h"d t"ken %ro# <e#oleos! b$ the swi%t Si#ois! below the heights o% *liu#. ;hegeus "nd S"g"ris! his serv"nts! "n b"rel$ "rr$ its %olds! on str"ining shoulders, though! we"ring it! <e#oleus 109

used to drive the s "ttered Tro@"ns "t " run. 5e gr"nts the third pri=e o% " p"ir o% bron=e "uldrons "nd bowls #"de o% silver with designs in bold relie%. &ow the$ h"ve "ll re eived their gi%ts "nd "re w"lking o%%! %orehe"ds tied with s "rlet ribbons! proud o% their new we"lth! when Segestus! who showing #u h skill h"s with di%%i ult$ got le"r o% the ruel ro k! o"rs #issing "nd one tier useless! brings in his bo"t! to #o ker$ "nd no glor$. As " sn"ke! th"t " bron=e(ri##ed wheel h"s rossed obliJuel$! is o%ten "ught on the urb o% " ro"d! or like one th"t " p"sser(b$ h"s rushed with " he"v$ blow %ro# " stone "nd le%t h"l%(de"d! writhes its long oils! tr$ing in v"in to es "pe! p"rt "ggressive! with bl"=ing e$es! "nd hissing! its ne k r"ised high in the "ir! p"rt held b" k b$ the onstr"int o% its wounds! struggling to %ollow with its oils! "nd twining b" k on its own length, so the ship #oves slowl$ on with wre ked o"rs, nevertheless she #"kes s"il! "nd under %ull s"il re" hes h"rbour. Aene"s presents Sergestus with the rew"rd he pro#ised! h"pp$ th"t the ship is s"ved! "nd the rew res ued. 5e is gr"nted " )ret"n born sl"ve(girl! ;holoe! not unskilled in the "rts o% Minerv"! nursing twin bo$s "t her bre"st. BkV:2%,-(,1 The 4oot )ace 'n e this r" e w"s done Aene"s he"ded %or " gr"ss$ sp" e! ir led round "bout b$ urving wooded hillsides! %or#ing "n "#phithe"tre "t the v"lle$:s entre, the hero took hi#sel% there in the #idst o% the throng #"n$ thous"nds strong! "nd o upied " r"ised throne. 5ere i% "n$ b$ h"n e w"nted to o#pete in the %ootr" e he te#pted their #inds with the rew"rd! "nd set the pri=es. Tro@"ns "nd Si ili"ns g"thered together %ro# "ll sides! &isus "nd Eur$"lus the %ore#ost "#ong the#! Eur$"lus %"#ed %or his be"ut$! "nd in the %lower o% $outh! &isus %"#ed %or his devoted "%%e tion %or the l"d, ne+t 110

"#e prin el$ <iores! o% ;ri"#:s ro$"l blood! then S"lius "nd ;"tron together! one "n Ar "ni"n! the other o% Ar "di"n blood "nd Tege"n r" e, then two $oung Si ili"ns! 5el$#us "nd ;"nopes! used to the %orests! o#p"nions o% old A estes, "nd #"n$ others too! whose %"#e is lost in obs urit$. Then Aene"s "#ongst the# spoke "s %ollows, MT"ke these words to he"rt! "nd give ple"sur"ble "ttention. &one o% $our nu#ber will go "w"$ without " rew"rd %ro# #e. *:ll give two )ret"n "rrows! shining with polished steel! %or e" h #"n! to t"ke "w"$! "nd " double(he"ded "+e h"sed with silver, "ll who "re present will re eive the s"#e honour. The %irst three will sh"re pri=es! "nd their he"ds will be rowned with p"le(green olive, let the %irst "s winner t"ke " horse de or"ted with tr"ppings, the se ond "n A#"=oni"n Juiver! %illed with Thr" i"n "rrows! looped with " bro"d belt o% gold "nd %"stened b$ " l"sp with " polished ge#, let the third le"ve ontent with this Argive hel#et.N ?hen he h"d %inished the$ took their pl" es "nd! suddenl$! on he"ring the sign"l! the$ le%t the b"rrier "nd shot onto the ourse! stre"#ing out like " stor# loud! g"=e %i+ed on the go"l. &isus w"s o%% %irst! "nd d"rted "w"$! "he"d o% "ll the others! %"ster th"n the wind or the winged lightning(bolt, S"lius %ollowed behind hi#! but " long w"$ behind, then "%ter " sp" e Eur$"lus w"s third, 5el$#us pursued Eur$"lus! "nd there w"s <iores speeding ne"r hi#! now tou hing %oot to %oot! le"ning "t his shoulder, i% the ourse h"d been longer he:d h"ve slipped p"st hi#! "nd le%t the out o#e in doubt. &ow! we"ried! "l#ost "t the end o% the tr" k! the$ ne"red the winning post itsel%! when the unlu k$ &isus %ell in so#e slipper$ blood! whi h when the bullo ks were killed h"d h"n ed to dren h the ground "nd the green gr"ss. 5ere the $outh! "lre"d$ re@oi ing "t winning! %"iled to keep his sliding %eet on the ground! but %ell %l"t! 111

str"ight in the sli#$ dirt "nd s" red blood. .ut he didn:t %orget Eur$"lus even then! nor his love, but! pi king hi#sel% up out o% the wet! obstru ted S"lius! who %ell he"d over heels onto the thi k s"nd. Eur$"lus sped b$ "nd! d"rting onw"rds to "ppl"use "nd the shouts o% his supporters! took %irst pl" e! winning with his %riend:s help. 5el$#us "#e in behind hi#! then <iores! now in third pl" e. At this S"lius %illed the whole v"st "#phithe"tre! "nd the %" es o% the %ore#ost elders! with his loud l"#our! de#"nding to be given the pri=e stolen %ro# hi# b$ " tri k. 5is popul"rit$ prote ts Eur$"lus! "nd %itting te"rs! "nd "bilit$ is #ore ple"sing in " be"uti%ul bod$. <iores en our"ges hi#! "nd protests in " loud voi e! h"ving re" hed the p"l#! but l"i#ing the l"st pri=e in v"in! i% the highest honour goes to S"lius. Then Aene"s the le"der s"id! MYour pri=es "re still $ours! l"ds! "nd no one is "ltering the order o% "tt"in#ent, but "llow #e to t"ke pit$ on "n un%ortun"te %riend:s %"te.N So s"$ing he gives S"lius the huge pelt o% " B"etuli"n lion! he"v$ with sh"gg$ %ur! its l"ws gilded. At this &isus o##ents, M*% these "re the pri=es %or losing! "nd $ou pit$ the %"llen! wh"t %itting gi%t will $ou gr"nt to &isus! who would h"ve e"rned %irst pl" e through #erit i% ill lu k h"d not dogged #e! "s it did S"liusHN And with th"t he shows his %" e "nd li#bs dren hed with %oul #ud. The best o% le"ders s#iles "t hi#! "nd orders " shield to be brought! the work o% <id$#"on! on e unpinned b$ the Breeks %ro# &eptune:s s" red threshold, this outst"nding pri=e he gives to the noble $outh. BkV:(,2-4%4 The Bo?ing Contest ?hen the r" es were done "nd the gi%ts "llotted! Aene"s ried, M&ow! he who h"s skill "nd our"ge in his he"rt! let hi# st"nd here "nd r"ise his "r#s! his %ists bound in hide.N 112

So s"$ing he set out the double pri=e %or the bo+ing! " bullo k %or the winner! dressed with gold "nd s" red ribbons! "nd " sword "nd " noble hel#et to onsole the de%e"ted. ?ithout del"$ <"res! hugel$ strong! r"ised his %" e "nd rose! to " gre"t #ur#ur %ro# the rowd! he who "lone used to o#pete with ;"ris! "nd b$ th"t s"#e #ound where #ight$ 5e tor lies he stru k the vi torious .utes! borne o% the .ebr$ i"n r" e o% A#$ us! "s he "#e %orw"rd! v"st in bulk! "nd stret hed hi# d$ing on the $ellow s"nd. Su h w"s <"res who li%ted his he"d up %or the bout "t on e! showed his bro"d shoulders! stret hed his "r#s out! sp"rring to right "nd le%t! "nd threw pun hes "t the "ir. A ontest"nt w"s sought %or hi#! but no one %ro# "ll th"t rowd d"red %" e the #"n! or pull the gloves on his h"nds. So! heer%ull$ thinking the$ h"d "ll on eded the pri=e! he st"nds be%ore Aene"s! "nd without #ore del"$ holds the bullo k:s horn in his le%t h"nd "nd s"$s, MSon o% the goddess! i% no one d"re o##it hi#sel% to %ight! when will #$ st"nding here endH 5ow long is it right %or #e to be kept w"itingH 'rder #e to le"d $our gi%t "w"$.N All the Tro@"ns together shout their "pprov"l! "nd de#"nd th"t wh"t w"s pro#ised be gr"nted hi#. At this Entellus upbr"ids A estes! sitting ne+t to hi# on " stret h o% green gr"ss! with gr"ve words, MEntellus! on e the br"vest o% heroes! w"s it "ll in v"in! will $ou let so gre"t " pri=e be "rried o%% without " struggle! "nd so t"#el$H ?here:s our divine #"ster! Er$+! now! %"#ous to no purposeH ?here:s $our n"#e throughout Si il$! "nd wh$ "re those spoils o% b"ttle h"nging in $our houseHN To this Entellus replies, M*t:s not th"t Juelled b$ %e"r! pride or love o% %"#e h"s died, but #$ hill blood is dull with "ge:s sluggishness! "nd the vigour in #$ bod$ is li%eless "nd e+h"usted. *% * h"d wh"t * on e h"d! whi h th"t bo"ster en@o$s "nd relies on! i% th"t $outh%ulness were #ine now! then *:d ert"inl$ h"ve stepped %orw"rd! but not sedu ed 113

b$ pri=es or h"ndso#e bullo ks, * don:t "re "bout gi%ts.N 5"ving spoken he throws " p"ir o% gloves o% i##ense weight whi h %ier e Er$+! binding the tough hide onto his h"nds! used to %ight in! into the #iddle o% the ring. Their #inds "re stunned, huge pie es o% hide %ro# seven #"ssive o+en "re sti%% with the iron "nd le"d sewn into the#. Above "ll <"res hi#sel% is "stonished! "nd de lines the bout %ro# " dist"n e! "nd An hises:s noble son turns the huge volu#e "nd weight o% the gloves b" kw"rds "nd %orw"rds. Then the older #"n spe"ks like this! %ro# his he"rt, M?h"t i% $ou:d seen the "r#s "nd gloves o% 5er ules hi#sel%! "nd the %ier e %ight on this ver$ shoreH Your brother Er$+ on e wore these F$ou see th"t the$:re still st"ined with blood "nd br"in #"tterG 5e %" ed gre"t 5er ules in the#, * used to %ight in the# when #ore vigorous blood gr"nted #e strength! "nd envious "ge h"d not $et sprinkled #$ brow with snow. .ut i% " Tro@"n! <"res! shrinks %ro# these gloves o% ours! "nd good Aene"s " epts it! "nd A estes #$ sponsor "grees! let:s level the odds. *:ll %orgo the gloves o% Er$+ Fb"nish $our %e"rsG, $ou! throw o%% $our Tro@"n ones.N So spe"king he %lings his double(sided lo"k %ro# his shoulders! b"ring the #"ssive #us les o% his li#bs! his thighs with their huge bones! "nd st"nds! " gi"nt! in the entre o% the "ren". Then our "n estor! An hises:s son! li%ts up " like p"ir o% gloves! "nd prote ts the h"nds o% both ontest"nts eJu"ll$. *##edi"tel$ e" h t"kes up his st"n e! poised on his toes! "nd %e"rlessl$ r"ises his "r#s high in %ront o% hi#. Keeping their he"ds up "nd well "w"$ %ro# the blows the$ begin to sp"r! %ist to %ist! "nd provoke " b"ttle! the one better "t #oving his %eet! rel$ing on his $outh! the other power%ul in li#bs "nd bulk, but his slower legs Juiver! his knees "re unste"d$! "nd p"in%ul g"sps sh"ke his huge bod$. The$ throw #"n$ h"rd pun hes "t e" h other but in v"in! the$ l"nd #"n$ on their urved %l"nks! or their hests 114

"re thu#ped loudl$! gloves o%ten str"$ to e"rs "nd brows! "nd @"ws r"ttle under the h"rsh blows. Entellus st"nds solidl$! not #oving! in the s"#e st"n e! "voiding the blows with his w"t h%ul e$es "nd bod$ "lone. <"res! like so#eone who l"$s siege to " towering it$! or surrounds " #ount"in %ortress with we"pons! tries this opening "nd th"t! seeking ever$where! with his "rt! "nd presses h"rd with v"ried but useless "ss"ults. Then Entellus st"nding up to hi#! e+tends his r"ised right, the other! %oreseeing the downw"rd "ngle o% the i##inent blow! slides his ni#ble bod$ "side! "nd retre"ts, Entellus w"stes his e%%ort on the "ir "nd the he"v$ #"n %"lls to the ground he"vil$! with his whole weight! "s " hollow pine(tree! torn up b$ its roots! so#eti#es %"lls on Mount Er$#"nthus or #ight$ Mount *d". The Tro@"ns "nd the Si il"n $ouths le"p up e"gerl$, " shout li%ts to the sk$! "nd A estes is the %irst to run %orw"rd "nd with s$#p"th$ r"ises his old %riend %ro# the ground. .ut th"t hero! not slowed or deterred b$ his %"ll! returns #ore e"gerl$ to the %ight! "nd gener"tes power %ro# "nger. Then sh"#e "nd knowledge o% his own "bilit$ revive his strength! "nd he drives <"res in %ur$ he"dlong " ross the whole "ren"! doubling his pun hes now! to right "nd le%t. &o p"use! or rest, like the stor# louds r"ttling their dense h"ilstones on the roo%! "s he"v$ "re the blows %ro# either h"nd! "s the hero ontinu"ll$ b"tters "t <"res "nd destro$s hi#. Then Aene"s! their le"der! would not "llow the wr"th to ontinue longer! nor Entellus to r"ge with su h bitterness o% spirit! but put "n end to the ontest! "nd res ued the we"r$ <"res! spe"king gentl$ to hi# with these words, MEnlu k$ #"n! wh$ let su h s"v"ger$ depress $our spiritsH <on:t $ou see "nother h"s the power, the gods h"ve h"nged sidesH Yield to the gods.N 5e spoke "nd! spe"king! broke up the %ight. .ut <"re:s lo$"l %riends led hi# "w"$ to the ships! his we"kened knees oll"psing! his he"d sw"$ing %ro# side to side! 115

spitting out lots o% blood %ro# his #outh! teeth "#ongst the#. )"lled b" k the$ " ept the hel#et "nd sword! le"ving the winner:s p"l# "nd the bullo k %or Entellus. At this the vi tor e+ult"nt in spirit "nd glor$ing in the bullo k! s"id, MSon o% the Boddess! "nd "ll $ou Tro@"ns! know now wh"t ph$si "l strength * h"d in #$ $outh! "nd %ro# wh"t %"te $ou:ve re "lled "nd res ued <"res.N 5e spoke "nd pl"nted hi#sel% opposite the bullo k! still st"nding there "s pri=e %or the bout! then! dr"wing b" k his right %ist! "i#ed the h"rd glove between the horns "nd broke its skull s "ttering the br"ins, the o+ %ell Juivering to the ground! stret hed out li%eless. St"nding over it he poured these words %ro# his hest, MEr$+! * o%%er $ou this! the better "ni#"l! %or <"res:s li%e, the winner here! * relinJuish the gloves "nd #$ "rt.N BkV:4%#-#44 The Archery Contest *##edi"tel$ Aene"s invites together "ll who #ight wish to o#pete with their swi%t "rrows! "nd sets out the pri=es. ?ith " l"rge o#p"n$ he r"ises " #"st %ro# Serestus:s ship! "nd ties " %luttering dove! "t whi h the$ "n "i# their sh"%ts! to " ord pier ing the high #"st. The #en g"ther "nd " bron=e hel#et re eives the lots tossed into it, the %irst o% the# "ll to be dr"wn! to heers o% support! is 5ippo oon son o% 5$rt" es! %ollowed b$ Mnestheus! the winner o% the bo"t r" e " while "go, Mnestheus rowned with green olive. Eur$tion:s the third! $our brother! ' %"#ous ;"ndorus! who! ordered to wre k the tre"t$! in the p"st! w"s the %irst to hurl his spe"r "#ongst the Breeks. A estes is the l"st n"#e out %ro# the depths o% the hel#et! d"ring to tr$ his own h"nd "t the $outh%ul ontest. Then the$ t"ke "rrows %ro# their Juivers! "nd! e" h #"n %or hi#sel%! with vigorous strength! bends the bow into "n "r ! 116

"nd %irst through the "ir %ro# the tw"nging string the son o% 5$r "nus:s sh"%t! utting the swi%t bree=e! re" hes the #"rk! "nd strikes deep into the #"st. The #"st Juivered! the bird %luttered its wings in %e"r! "nd there w"s loud "ppl"use %ro# "ll sides. Then Mnestheus e"gerl$ took his st"nd with bent bow! "i#ing high! his "rrow not hed level with his e$es. .ut to his dis#"$ he w"s not "ble to hit the bird hersel% with the sh"%t! but broke the knots o% he#p ord th"t tied her %oot "s it hung %ro# the #"st, she %led to the north wind "nd the d"rk louds! in %light. Then Eur$tion who h"d been holding his bow re"d$! with dr"wn "rrow %or so#e ti#e! "lled on his brother to note his vow! Jui kl$ e$ed the dove! en@o$ing the %reedo# o% the skies! "nd tr"ns%i+ed her! "s she be"t her wings bene"th " d"rk loud. She dropped li%eless! le"ving her spirit with the st"rr$ he"vens! "nd! %"lling! brought b" k to e"rth the sh"%t th"t pier ed her. A estes "lone re#"ined, the pri=e w"s lost, $et he still shot his "rrow high into the "ir! showing "n older #"n:s skill! the bow tw"nging. Then " sudden wonder "ppe"red be%ore their e$es! destined to be o% gre"t #e"ning, the ti#e to o#e unveiled its ru i"l out o#e! "nd gre"t seers o% the %uture elebr"ted it "s "n o#en. The "rrow! %l$ing through the p"ssing louds! "ught %ire #"rked out its p"th with %l"#es! then v"nished into thin "ir! "s shooting st"rs! loosed %ro# he"ven o%ten tr"nsit the sk$! dr"wing their tresses "%ter the#. Astonished! the Trin" ri"ns "nd Tro@"ns stood rooted to the spot! pr"$ing to the gods, nor did their gre"t le"der Aene"s re@e t the sign! but e#br" ing the @o$%ul A estes! lo"ded hi# with h"ndso#e gi%ts "nd spoke "s %ollows, MT"ke these! old #"n, sin e the high king o% 'l$#pus shows! b$ these o#ens! th"t he wishes $ou to t"ke e+tr"ordin"r$ honours. You sh"ll h"ve this gi%t! owned b$ "ged An hises hi#sel%! " bowl engr"ved with %igures! th"t )isseus o% Thr" e 117

on e long "go g"ve An hises #$ %"ther "s " #e#ento o% hi#sel%! "nd "s " pledge o% his %riendship.N So s"$ing he wre"thed his brow with green l"urel "nd pro l"i#ed A estes the highest vi tor "#ong the# "ll. &or did good Eur$tion begrudge the spe i"l pri=e! though he "lone brought the bird down %ro# the sk$. &e+t he who ut the ord stepped %orw"rd %or his rew"rd! "nd l"stl$ he who:s swi%t sh"%t h"d tr"ns%i+ed the #"st. BkV:#4#-,$( The ;?hibition o! &orse+anshi' .ut be%ore the #"t h is o#plete Aene"s the le"der "lls Ep$tides to hi#! o#p"nion "nd gu"rdi"n o% $oung *ulus! "nd spe"ks into his lo$"l e"r, M'%%K BoK Tell As "nius! i% he h"s his troop o% bo$s re"d$ with hi#! "nd is prep"red %or the horse(riding to show hi#sel% with his we"pons! "nd le"d the# out in honour o% his gr"nd%"ther.N 5e hi#sel% orders the whole rowd o% people to le"ve the length$ ir uit! e#pt$ing the %ield. The bo$s "rrive! "nd glitter together on their bridled horses under their %"thers: g"=e! "nd the #en o% Tro$ "nd Si il$ #ur#ur in "d#ir"tion "s the$ go b$. The$ "ll h"ve their h"ir properl$ ir led b$ " ut g"rl"nd, the$ e" h "rr$ two ornel(wood spe"rs tipped with steel! so#e h"ve shining Juivers on their shoulders, " %le+ible torJue o% twisted gold sits high on their hests "round the ne k. The troops o% horse "re three in nu#ber! "nd three le"ders ride "he"d, two groups o% si+ bo$s %ollow e" h! o##"nded "like "nd set out in gle"#ing r"nks. 'ne line o% $ouths is led @o$%ull$ b$ little ;ri"#! re "lling his gr"nd%"ther:s n"#e! $our noble hild! ;olites! seed o% the *t"li"ns, who# " pieb"ld Thr" i"n horse "rries! showing white p"sterns "s it steps! "nd " high white %orehe"d. &e+t is At$s! %ro# who# the L"tin Atii tr" e their line! 118

little At$s! " bo$ loved b$ the bo$ *ulus. L"st! "nd #ost h"ndso#e o% "ll in "ppe"r"n e! *ulus hi#sel% rides " Sidoni"n horse! th"t r"di"nt <ido h"d given hi# "s " re#e#br"n e o% hersel%! "nd " token o% her love. The rest o% the $ouths ride the Si ili"n horses o% old A estes. The Tro@"ns greet the sh$ l"ds with "ppl"use! "nd delight in g"=ing "t the#! seeing their "n ient %"#ilies in their %" es. ?hen the$ h"ve ridden h"ppil$ round the whole "sse#bl$ under the e$es o% their kin! Ep$tides with " prolonged r$ gives the "greed sign"l "nd r" ks his whip. The$ g"llop "p"rt in two eJu"l det" h#ents! the three groups p"rting o#p"n$! "nd dissolving their olu#ns! then! re "lled! the$ wheel round! "nd h"rge with level l"n es. Then the$ per%or# other %igures "nd ounter(%igures in opposing r"nks! "nd we"ve in ir les inside ounter( ir les! "nd per%or# " si#ul"ted b"ttle with we"pons. &ow their b" ks "re e+posed in %light! now the$ turn their spe"rs to h"rge! now ride side b$ side in pe" e. Like the L"b$rinth in #ount"inous )rete! the$ s"$! th"t ont"ined " p"th winding between blind w"lls! w"ndering with guile through " thous"nd turnings! so th"t undete ted "nd irretr" e"ble errors #ight %oil "n$ guidelines th"t #ight be %ollowed, so the Tro@"n hildren twine their steps in @ust su h " p"ttern! we"ving b"ttle "nd %light! in their displ"$! like dolphins swi##ing through the o e"n stre"#s! utting the )"rp"thi"n "nd L$bi"n w"ters! "nd pl"$ing "#ong the w"ves. As "nius %irst revived this kind o% riding! "nd this ontest! when he en ir led Alb" Long" with w"lls! "nd t"ught the E"rl$ L"tins to elebr"te it in the w"$ he "nd the Tro@"n $outh h"d done together, the Alb"ns t"ught their hildren, #ight$ Ro#e re eived it %ro# the# in turn! "nd preserved the "n estr"l rite, "nd tod"$ the bo$s "re "lled ITro$: "nd their pro ession ITro@"n:. So the g"#es "re o#pleted elebr"ting Aene"s:s s" red %"ther. 119

BkV:,$4-,,( "uno sends Iris to 4ire the Tro8an *hi's 5ere Fortune %irst "lters! swit hing lo$"lties. ?hile the$! with their v"rious g"#es! "re p"$ing due honours to the to#b! S"turni"n 2uno sends *ris down %ro# the sk$ to the Tro@"n %leet! bre"thing out " bree=e %or her p"ss"ge! thinking deepl$ "bout her "n ient griev"n e whi h is $et uns"tis%ied. *ris! hurr$ing on her w"$ "long " r"inbow:s thous"nd olours speeds swi%tl$ down her tr" k! " girl unseen. She views the gre"t rowd! "nd s "ns the shore! sees the h"rbour deserted! "nd the ships "b"ndoned. .ut %"r "w"$ on the lonel$ s"nds the Tro@"n wo#en "re weeping An hises:s loss! "nd "ll! weeping! g"=e "t the deep o e"n. MAh! wh"t w"ves "nd se"s "re still le%t %or we"r$ %olkKN The$ "re "ll o% one voi e. The$ pr"$ %or " it$, the$ tire o% enduring su%%ering on the w"ves. So *ris! not ignor"nt o% #is hie%! d"rts "#ong the#! setting "side the "ppe"r"n e "nd robes o% " goddess, be o#ing .eroe! the old wi%e o% T#"ri"n <or$ lus! who h"d on e h"d %"#il$! sons! "nd " %"#ous n"#e. "nd "s su h #oves "#ong the Tro@"n #others! s"$ing, M' wret hed ones! who# Breek h"nds %"iled to dr"g to de"th in the w"r bene"th our n"tive w"llsK ' unh"pp$ people wh"t %"te does Fortune reserve %or $ouH The seventh su##er is on the turn sin e Tro$:s destru tion! "nd we endure the rossing o% ever$ se" "nd shore! so #"n$ inhospit"ble stones "nd st"rs! while we h"se over the v"st se" "%ter "n *t"l$ th"t %lees %ro# us! tossing upon the w"ves. 5ere "re the borders o% our brother Er$+ "nd our host A estes, wh"t stops us building w"lls "nd gr"nting our iti=ens " it$H ' %"therl"nd! ' gods o% our houses! res ued %ro# the ene#$ in v"in! will no it$ now be "lled Tro$H Sh"ll * see nowhere " D"nthus or " Si#ois! 5e tor:s riversH )o#e now! "nd burn these " ursed ships with #e. 120

For the ghost o% )"ss"ndr"! the prophetess! see#ed to h"nd #e burning tor hes in dre"#, ISeek Tro$ here, here is $our ho#e: she s"id. &ow is the ti#e %or deeds! not del"$! given su h portents. See! %our "lt"rs to &eptune, the god hi#sel% lends us %ire "nd the our"ge.N So s"$ing she %irst o% "ll %ir#l$ sei=es the d"ngerous %l"#e "nd! str"ining to li%t it high! br"ndishes it! "nd hurls it. The #inds o% the Tro@"n wo#en "re st"rtled! "nd their wits stunned. 5ere! one o% the rowd! ;$rgo! the eldest! the ro$"l nurse o% so #"n$ o% ;ri"#:s sons! s"$s, MThis is not .eroe! $ou wo#en! this is no wi%e o% Rhoetiti"n <or$ lus, look "t the signs o% divine be"ut$ "nd the burning e$es! the spirit she possesses! her %or#! the sound o% her voi e! her %ootsteps "s she #oves. 2ust now * #$sel% le%t .eroe! si k "nd unh"pp$! th"t she "lone w"s #issing so i#port"nt " rite "nd ould not p"$ An hises the o%%erings due to hi#.N So she spe"ks. At %irst the wo#en g"=e in un ert"int$ "t the ships! with "ngr$ gl"n es! torn between " wret hed $e"rning %or the l"nd the$ h"ve re" hed! "nd the kingdo# %"te "lls the# to! when the goddess! li#bs the sk$ on so"ring wings! utting " gi"nt r"inbow in her %light through the louds. Then trul$ "#"=ed "t the wonder! "nd driven b$ #"dness! the$ r$ out "nd so#e sn"t h %ire %ro# the inner#ost he"rths! others strip the "lt"rs! "nd throw on le"ves "nd twigs "nd burning br"nds. Fire r"ges un he ked "#ong the ben hes! "nd o"rs! "nd the hulls o% p"inted pine. BkV:,,4-, The 4leet is *aved

Eu#elus "rries the news o% the burning ships to An hises:s to#b "nd the r"nks o% the "#pithe"tre! "nd looking behind the# the$ the#selves see d"rk "sh %lo"ting upw"rds in " loud. As "nius is %irst to turn his horse e"gerl$ tow"rds the troubled en "#p#ent! "s @o$%ull$ "s he led his g"lloping troop! 121

"nd his bre"thless gu"rdi"ns "nnot reign hi# b" k. M?h"t new #"dness is thisH 5e ries. M?h"t now! wh"t do $ou "i# "t! wret hed wo#enH You:re burning $our own hopes not the ene#$! nor " hostile Breek "#p. See * "# $our As "niusKN And he %lung his e#pt$ hel#et in %ront o% his %eet! th"t he:d worn "s he:d inspired his preten e o% b"ttle in pl"$. Aene"s hurries there too! "nd the Tro@"n o#p"nies. .ut the wo#en s "tter in %e"r here "nd there "long the shore! "nd ste"lthil$ he"d %or the woods "nd "n$ "vernous ro ks, the$ h"te wh"t the$:ve done "nd the light! with sober #inds the$ re ognise their kin! "nd 2uno is driven %ro# their he"rts. .ut the ro"ring %l"#es don:t lose their indo#it"ble %ur$ @ust %or th"t, the pit h is "light under the wet ti#bers! slowl$ bel hing s#oke! the keel is gr"du"ll$ burned! "nd the pestilen e sinks through " whole hull! nor "re heroi strength or %loods o% w"ter "n$ use. Then virtuous Aene"s te"rs the lothes %ro# his hest! "nd "lls on the gods %or help! li%ting his h"nds, MAll(power%ul 2upiter! i% $ou don:t h"te the Tro@"ns to " #"n! i% $our %or#er "%%e tion h"s reg"rd %or hu#"n su%%ering! let the %leet es "pe the %l"#es now! F"ther! "nd s"ve our slender Tro@"n hopes %ro# ruin, or i% * deserve this! send wh"t is le%t o% us to de"th with $our "ngr$ lightning(bolt! "nd overwhel# us with $our h"nd.N 5e h"d b"rel$ spoken! when " d"rk stor# with pouring r"in r"ges without he k "nd the high hills "nd pl"ins Ju"ke with thunder, " #urk$ downpour %"lls %ro# the whole sk$! the bl" kest o% he"v$ southerlies! "nd the ships "re bri##ing! the h"l%(burnt ti#bers so"ked! until "ll the he"t is Juen hed! "nd "ll the hulls e+ ept %our! "re s"ved %ro# the pestilen e. BkV:.$$-.4# -autes1 Advice and Anchises1 <host .ut Aene"s! the le"der! stunned b$ the bitter blow! 122

pondered his gre"t worries! turning the# this w"$ "nd th"t in his #ind. Should he settle in Si il$:s %ields! %orgetting his destin$! or strike out %or *t"li"n shoresH Then old &"utes! who# "lone Tritoni"n ;"ll"s h"d t"ught! "nd rendered %"#ous %or his gre"t skill Fshe g"ve hi# "nswers! telling wh"t the gre"t gods: "nger portended! or wh"t the ourse o% destin$ de#"ndedG! beg"n to sol" e Aene"s with these words, MSon o% the Boddess! let us %ollow wherever %"te ebbs or %lows! wh"tever o#es! ever$ %ortune #"$ be onJuered b$ endur"n e. You h"ve Tro@"n A estes o% the line o% the gods, let hi# sh"re $our de isions "nd be " willing p"rtner! entrust to hi# those who re#"in %ro# the lost ships! "nd those tired o% $our gre"t venture "nd $our "%%"irs, Sele t "lso "ged #en "nd wo#en e+h"usted b$ the se"! "nd "n$one with $ou who is %r"il! or "%r"id o% d"nger! "nd let the we"r$ h"ve their it$ in this l"nd, "nd i% "greed the$ will "ll it b$ A estes:s n"#e.N Then roused b$ su h words %ro# "n "ged %riend! Aene"s:s he"rt w"s trul$ torn between so #"n$ "res. And now bl" k &ight in her h"riot! borne upw"rds! o upied the he"vens, "nd the likeness o% his %"ther An hises see#ed to glide down %ro# the sk$! "nd spe"k so, MSon! de"rer to #e th"n li%e! when li%e re#"ined! #$ son! troubled b$ Tro$:s %"te! * o#e here "t 2ove:s o##"nd! he who drove the %ire %ro# the ships! "nd "t l"st t"kes pit$ on $ou %ro# high he"ven. Follow the h"ndso#e "dvi e th"t old &"utus gives, t"ke hosen $outh! "nd the br"vest he"rts! to *t"l$. *n L"tiu# $ou #ust subdue " tough r" e! h"rshl$ tr"ined. Yet! %irst! go to the in%ern"l h"lls o% <is! "nd in deep Avernus seek " #eeting with #e! #$ son. For i#pious T"rt"rus! with its s"d sh"des! does not hold #e! * live in El$siu#! "nd the lovel$ g"therings o% the blessed. 5ere the h"ste Sib$l will bring $ou! with #u h blood o% 123

bl" k sheep. Then $ou:ll le"rn "ll "bout $our r" e! "nd the it$ gr"nted $ou. &ow, %"rewell. <ew(wet &ight turns #id( ourse! "nd ruel Morning! with p"nting steeds! bre"thes on #e.N 5e spoke "nd %led like s#oke into thin "ir. M?here "re $ou rushing toH Aene"s ried! M?here "re $ou hurr$ingH ?ho do $ou %leeH ?ho b"rs $ou %ro# #$ e#br" eHN So s"$ing he revived the e#bers o% the slu#bering %ires! "nd p"id reveren e! hu#bl$! with s" red gr"in "nd " %ull enser! to the Tro@"n L"r! "nd the inner shrine o% white(h"ired 9est". BkV:.4,-..% 3e'arture !ro+ *icily *##edi"tel$ he su##oned his o#p"nions! A estes %irst o% "ll! "nd told the# o% 2ove:s o##"nd! "nd his de"r %"ther:s ounsel! "nd the de ision he h"d re" hed in his #ind. There w"s little del"$ in their dis ussions! "nd A estes did not re%use to " ept his orders. The$ tr"ns%erred the wo#en to the new it$:s roll! "nd settled there those who wished! spirits with no desire %or gre"t glor$. The$ the#selves! thinned in their nu#bers! but with #"nhood %ull$ "live to w"r! renewed the rowing ben hes! "nd repl" ed the ti#bers o% the ships burnt b$ %ire! "nd %itted o"rs "nd rigging. Me"nwhile Aene"s #"rked out the it$ li#its with " plough "nd "llo "ted houses, he de l"red th"t this w"s *liu# "nd this pl" e Tro$. A estes the Tro@"n revelled in his kingdo#! "ppointed " ourt! "nd g"ve out l"ws to the "sse#bled sen"te. Then " shrine o% 9enus o% *d"li" w"s dedi "ted! lose to the st"rs! on the tip o% Er$+! "nd the$ "dded " stret h o% s" red grove! "nd " priest! to An hises:s to#b. ?hen "ll the people h"d %e"sted %or nine d"$s! "nd o%%erings h"d been #"de "t the "lt"rs! gentle winds "l#ed the w"ves "nd " strong Southerl$ "lled the# "g"in to se". A gre"t weeping rose "long the urving shore, " d"$ "nd " night the$ lung together in del"$. &ow the wo#en the#selves! to who# the %" e o% the o e"n h"d on e see#ed ruel! "nd its n"#e intoler"ble! 124

wish to go "nd su%%er "ll the toils o% e+ile. Bood Aene"s o#%orts the# with kind words "nd o##ends the# to his kins#"n A estes with te"rs. Then he orders three "lves to be s" ri%i ed to Er$+! " l"#b to the Stor#(gods! "nd %or the h"wsers to be dul$ %reed. 5e hi#sel%! st"nding so#e w"$ o%% on the prow! his brow wre"thed with le"ves o% ut olive! holds " up! throws the entr"ils into the s"lt w"ves! "nd pours out the le"r wine. A wind! rising "stern! %ollows their dep"rture, his %riends in riv"lr$! strike the w"ves! "nd sweep the w"ters. BkV:.. -%(4 Venus *eeks -e'tune1s &el' .ut #e"nwhile 9enus! tor#ented b$ "n+iet$ spe"ks to &eptune! "nd pours out her o#pl"ints in this #"nner, M' &eptune! 2uno:s he"v$ "nger! "nd her i#pl" "ble he"rt! %or e #e to des end to ever$ kind o% pr"$er! she who# no length o% ti#e nor "n$ piet$ "n #ove! nor does she rest! unwe"ried b$ %"te or 2ove:s o##"nds. *t:s not enough th"t in her wi ked h"tred she:s onsu#ed " it$! "t the he"rt o% ;hr$gi"! "nd dr"gged the survivors o% Tro$ through e+tre#es o% punish#ent, she pursues the bones "nd "shes o% the sl"ughtered. She "lone knows the re"son %or su h %ur$. You $oursel% "re witness to the trouble she stirred l"tel$ in Lib$"n w"ters, she on%used the whole se" with the sk$! d"ring to do this within $our re"l#! rel$ing v"inl$ on Aeolus:s violent stor#(winds. See! how! rousing the Tro@"n wo#en! in her wi kedness! "nd disgr" e%ull$! she h"s burnt their %leet! "nd! with ships lost! to le"ve their %riends behind on "n unknown shore. * beg $ou to let the rest s"il s"%el$ through $our se"s! let the# re" h L"urentine Tiber! i% * "sk wh"t is "llowed! i% the F"tes gr"nt the# their it$.N Then the son o% S"turn! the #"ster o% the deep o e"ns! s"id this, MYou:ve ever$ right to trust in #$ re"l#s! )$there"! 125

%ro# whi h $ou dr"w $our own origin. Also *:ve e"rned it, *:ve o%ten ontrolled the r"ge "nd %ur$ o% se" "nd sk$. &or h"s #$ on ern been less %or $our Aene"s on l"nd F* "ll D"nthus "nd Si#ois "s witnessesG. ?hen A hilles h"sed the Tro@"n r"nks! in their p"ni ! %or ing the# to the w"ll! "nd sent #"n$ thous"nds to de"th! "nd the rivers hoked "nd gro"ned! "nd D"nthus ould not %ind his ourse or roll down to the se"! then it w"s * who "ught up Aene"s in " thi k #ist! "s he #et th"t br"ve son o% ;eleus! when neither the gods nor his own strength %"voured hi#! though * longed to destro$ the w"lls o% l$ing Tro$! th"t #$ h"nds h"d built! %ro# the ground up. &ow "lso #$ #ind re#"ins the s"#e, dispel $our %e"rs. 5e will re" h the h"rbours o% Avernus! s"%el$! "s $ou "sk. There will onl$ be one! lost in the w"ves! who# $ou will look %or, one li%e th"t will be given %or the #"n$.N ?hen he h"d soothed the goddess:s he"rt! she @o$ing "t his words! F"ther &eptune $oked his wild horses with gold! set the bits in their %o"#ing #ouths! "nd! with both h"nds! g"ve the# %ree rein. 5e sped lightl$ over the o e"n in his se"(green h"riot! the w"ves subsided "nd the e+p"nse o% swollen w"ters grew "l# under the thunderous "+le, the stor#( louds v"nished %ro# the open sk$. Then "#e his #ulti(%or#ed %ollowers! gre"t wh"les! Bl"u us:s "ged b"nd! ;"l"e#on *no:s son! the swi%t Tritons! "nd "ll o% ;hor us:s host, the le%t h"nd t"ken b$ Thetis! Melite "nd virgin ;"nope"! &es"e"! "nd Spio! Th"li"! "nd )$#odo e. At this! soothing @o$ in turn perv"ded %"ther Aene"s:s "n+ious #ind, he ordered "ll to r"ise their #"sts Jui kl$! "nd the s"ils to be un%urled %ro# the $"rd("r#s. Together the$ h"uled on the ropes "nd let out the "nv"s "s one! now to port "nd now to st"rbo"rd, together the$ swung the high $"rds "bout, benign winds drove the %leet "long. ;"linurus! %irst o% the# "ll! led the lose onvo$, 126

the rest were ordered to set their ourse b$ his. BkV:%(#-%.1 The /oss o! 2alinurus And now dew(wet &ight h"d @ust re" hed her =enith in the sk$, the s"ilors rel"+ed their li#bs in Juiet rest stret hed out on the h"rd ben hes bene"th the o"rs, when Sleep! gliding lightl$ down %ro# the he"venl$ st"rs! p"rted the gloo#$ "ir! "nd s "ttered the sh"dows! seeking $ou! bringing $ou d"rk dre"#s! ;"linurus! though $ou were inno ent, the god settled on the high stern! "ppe"ring "s ;horb"s! "nd poured these words %ro# his #outh, M;"linurus! son o% *"sus! the se"s the#selves steer the %leet! the bree=es blow ste"dil$! this hour is gr"nted %or rest. L"$ down $our he"d "nd rob $our we"r$ e$es o% l"bour. For " little while! * #$sel% will t"ke on $our dut$ %or $ou.N ;"linurus! b"rel$ li%ting his g"=e! spoke to hi#, M<o $ou tell #e to trust the se":s pl" id %" e! the "l# w"vesH Sh"ll * set #$ %"ith on this #onsterH ?h$ should * entrust Aene"s to the de eptive bree=e! * who# " le"r sk$ h"s de eived so o%tenHN So he spoke "nd linging h"rd to the tiller never rel"+ed his hold! "nd held his sight on the st"rs. .ehold! despite his "ution! the god shook " br"n h! wet with Lethe:s dew! sopori%i with St$+:s power! over his brow! "nd set %ree his swi##ing e$es. The %irst sudden drowse h"d b"rel$ rel"+ed his li#bs! when Sleep le"nt "bove hi# "nd threw hi# he"dlong into the le"r w"ters! te"ring "w"$ the tiller "nd p"rt o% the stern! he "lling to his %riends o%ten! in v"in, while the god r"ised his wings in %light into the e#pt$ "ir. The %leet s"iled on its w"$ over the se"! "s s"%el$ "s be%ore! gliding on! un"w"re! "s %"ther &eptune h"d pro#ised. And now dr"wn onw"rds it w"s lose to the Sirens:s li%%s! tri k$ o% old! "nd white with the bones o% #"n$ #en! Fnow the ro ks! 127

%"r o%%! boo#ed loud with the unending bre"kersG when the le"der re"lised his ship w"s w"llowing "dri%t! her hel#s#"n lost! "nd he hi#sel% steered her through the #idnight w"ters! sighing deepl$! "nd sho ked "t he"rt b$ his %riend:s %"te, M'h! %"r too trust%ul o% the "l# se"! "nd the sk$! $ou:ll lie n"ked! ;"linurus! on "n unknown shore.N


BkVI:1-## The Te+'le at Cu+ae So Aene"s spoke! weeping! g"ve his %leet %ull rein! "nd glided "t l"st to the shores o% Euboe"n )u#"e. The$ turned their prows to the se"! se ured the ships: "n hors! b$ the grip o% their %lukes! "nd the urved bo"ts lined the be" h. The $outh%ul b"nd le"pt e"gerl$ to the 5esperi"n shore, so#e sought the #e"ns o% %ire ont"ined in veins o% %lint! so#e r"ided the woods the dense overts o% g"#e! pointing out stre"#s the$ %ound. .ut pious Aene"s sought the su##its! where Apollo rules on high! "nd the v"st "vern ne"rb$! the se ret pl" e o% the terri%$ing Sib$l! in who# the <eli"n prophet inspires gre"tness o% #ind "nd spirit! "nd reve"ls the %uture. Soon the$ entered the grove o% <i"n"! "nd the golden house. <"ed"lus! so the stor$ goes! %leeing %ro# Minos:s kingdo#! d"red to trust hi#sel% to the "ir on swi%t wings! "nd! gliding on unknown p"ths to the %ro=en &orth! hovered lightl$ "t l"st "bove the )h"l idi"n hill. First returning to e"rth here! he dedi "ted his o"r(like wings to $ou ;hoebus! "nd built " gig"nti te#ple. 'n the doors the <e"th o% Androgeos, then the Atheni"ns! )re rops:s des end"nts! o##"nded! s"dl$! to p"$ "nnu"l tribute o% seven o% their sons, there the urn st"nds with the lots dr"wn. F" ing it! rising %ro# the se"! the )ret"n l"nd is depi ted, "nd here the bull:s s"v"ge p"ssion! ;"siph"e:s se ret union! "nd the Minot"ur! h$brid o%%spring! th"t #i+ture o% spe ies! proo% o% unn"tur"l rel"tions, the "rtwork here is th"t p"l" e! "nd its ine+tri "ble #"=e, "nd $et <"ed"lus hi#sel%! pit$ing the noble prin ess Ari"dne:s love! unr"velled the de eptive t"ngle o% orridors! guiding Theseus:s blind %ootsteps with the lue o% thre"d. You:d h"ve sh"red l"rgel$ in su h " work! * "rus! i% grie% h"d "llowed! he:d twi e "tte#pted to %"shion $our %"te in gold! twi e $our %"ther:s h"nds %ell. E$es would h"ve re"d 129

the whole ontinuousl$! i% A hetes h"d not "rrived %ro# his err"nd! with <eiophobe! Bl"u us:s d"ughter! the priestess o% ;hoebus "nd <i"n"! who spoke to the le"der, IThis #o#ent doesn:t reJuire $our sightseeing, it would be better to s" ri%i e seven bullo ks %ro# " virgin herd! "nd "s #"n$ "re%ull$ hosen two($e"r old sheep.: 5"ving spoken to Aene"s in this w"$ Fwithout del"$ the$ s" ri%i ed "s orderedG the priestess "lled the Tro@"ns to her high shrine. The v"st %l"nk o% the Euboe"n li%% is pitted with "ves! %ro# whi h " hundred wide tunnels! " hundred #ouths le"d! %ro# whi h "s #"n$ voi es rush, the Sib$l:s replies. The$ h"d o#e to the threshold! when the virgin ried out, I*t is ti#e to Juestion the 'r" le! behold! the god! the godK: As she so spoke in %ront o% the doors! suddenl$ neither her %" e nor olour were the s"#e! nor did her h"ir re#"in bound! but her hest he"ved! her he"rt swelled with wild %ren=$! she see#ed t"ller! "nd sounded not(hu#"n! %or now the power o% the god is loser. IAre $ou slow with $our vows "nd pr"$ers! Aene"s o% Tro$! "re $ou slowH: she ried. IThe gre"t lips o% the 5ouse o% *nspir"tion will not open without.: And so s"$ing she %ell silent. An i $ shudder r"n to the Tro@"ns: ver$ spines! "nd their le"der poured out he"rt%elt pr"$ers, BkVI:#,- . The *ibyl1s 2ro'hecy I;hoebus! $ou who "lw"$s pitied Tro$:s intense su%%ering! who guided the h"nd o% ;"ris! "nd the <"rd"n "rrow! "g"inst A hilles:s bod$! with $ou "s le"der * entered "ll those se"s! en ir ling v"st l"nds! "nd penetr"ted the re#ote M"ssili"n tribes "nd the %ields edged b$ S$rtes, now "t l"st we h"ve the o"st o% elusive *t"l$ in our gr"sp, Tro$:s ill %ortune onl$ %ollowed us "s %"r "s here. You too with @usti e "n sp"re the Tro@"n r" e! "nd "ll $ou gods "nd goddesses to who# the gre"t glor$ o% *liu# "nd <"rd"ni" 130

w"s "n o%%en e. ' #ost s" red o% prophetesses! $ou who see the %uture! F* "sk %or no l"nds not owed #e b$ #$ destin$G gr"nt th"t we Tro@"ns #"$ settle L"tiu#! with the e+iled gods "nd stor#(tossed powers o% Tro$. Then *:ll dedi "te " te#ple o% solid #"rble to ;hoebus "nd <i"n" Trivi"! "nd s" red d"$s in ;hoebus:s n"#e. A noble inner shrine w"its %or $ou too in our kingdo#. There! gr" ious one! * will pl" e $our or" les! "nd #$sti utter"n es spoken to #$ people! "nd onse r"te pi ked #en. 'nl$ do not write $our verses on the le"ves! lest the$ %l$! disordered pl"$things o% the rushing winds, h"nt the# %ro# $our own #outh.: 5e put "n end to his #outh:s spe"king. .ut the wild prophetess r"ged in her "vern! not $et sub#itting to ;hoebus! "s i% she #ight sh"ke the gre"t god %ro# her spirit, $et he e+h"usted her r"ving #outh "ll the #ore! t"#ing her wild he"rt! sh"ping her b$ onstr"int. And now the shrine:s hundred #ight$ lips h"ve opened o% the#selves! "nd "rr$ the seer:s "nswer through the "ir, I'h! $ou who "re done with "ll the perils o% the se"! F$et gre"ter "w"it $ou on l"ndG the Tro@"ns will o#e to the re"l# o% L"viniu# Fput th"t "re %ro# $our he"rtG, but will not en@o$ their o#ing. ?"r! %ier e w"r! * see, "nd the Tiber %o"#ing with #u h blood. You will not l" k " Si#ois! " D"nthus! " Breek "#p, even now "nother A hilles is born in L"tiu#! he too the son o% " goddess, nor will 2uno! the Tro@"ns: b"ne! be ever %"r "w"$! while $ou! hu#bled "nd destitute! wh"t r" es "nd ities o% *t"l$ will $ou not beg inK 'n e "g"in " %oreign bride is the "use o% "ll these Tro@"n ills! on e #ore "n "lien #"rri"ge. <o not give w"$ to #is%ortunes! #eet the# #ore br"vel$! "s $our destin$ "llows. The p"th o% s"%et$ will open up %or $ou %ro# where $ou le"st i#"gine it! " Breek it$.:


BkVI: %-1## Aeneas Asks ;ntry to &ades ?ith su h words! the Sib$l o% )u#"e h"nts %e"r%ul enig#"s! %ro# her shrine! e hoing %ro# the "ve! t"ngling truths "nd #$steries, "s she r"ves! Apollo thr"shes the reins! "nd twists the spur under her bre"st. ?hen the %ren=$ Juietens! "nd the #"d #outh hushes! Aene"s! the 5ero! begins, I' 9irgin! no new! une+pe ted kind o% su%%ering "ppe"rs, *:ve %oreseen the# "ll "nd tr"velled the# be%ore! in #$ own spirit. 'ne thing * "sk, %or the$ s"$ the g"te o% the King o% <"rkness is here! "nd the sh"dow$ #"rsh! A heron:s over%low, let #e h"ve sight o% #$ de"r %"ther! his %" e, show #e the w"$! open wide the s" red doors. * s"ved hi#! brought hi# out %ro# the thi k o% the ene#$! through the %l"#es! on these shoulders! with " thous"nd spe"rs behind #e, o#p"nion on #$ @ourne$! he endured with #e "ll the se"s! "ll the thre"ts o% sk$ "nd o e"n! we"k! be$ond his power! "nd his "llotted sp"n o% old "ge. 5e ordered #e! with pr"$ers! to seek $ou out! hu#bl$! "nd "ppro" h $our threshold, * "sk $ou! kindl$ one! pit$ both %"ther "nd son, sin e $ou "re "ll power! not %or nothing h"s 5e "te set $ou to rule the groves o% Avernus. *% 'rpheus ould su##on the sh"de o% his wi%e! rel$ing on his Thr" i"n l$re! its #elodious strings, i% ;ollu+! rossing th"t w"$! "nd returning! so o%ten! ould redee# his brother b$ d$ing in turn C "nd gre"t Theseus! wh"t o% hi#! or 5er ulesH C well! #$ r" e too is 2upiter:s on high.: ?ith these words he pr"$ed! "nd gr"sped the "lt"r! "s the priestess beg"n to spe"k, ITro@"n son o% An hises! sprung %ro# the blood o% the gods! the p"th to hell is e"s$, bl" k <is:s door is open night "nd d"$, but to retr" e $our steps! "nd go out to the "ir "bove! th"t is work! th"t is the t"sk. So#e sons o% the gods h"ve done it! 132

who# %"vouring 2upiter loved! or who# burning virtue li%ted to he"ven. ?oods over "ll the #iddle p"rt! "nd )o $tus is round it! sliding in d"rk oils. .ut i% su h desire is in $our #ind! su h " longing to s"il the St$gi"n l"ke twi e! "nd twi e see T"rt"rus! "nd i% it delights $ou to indulge in ins"ne e%%ort! listen to wh"t $ou #ust %irst undert"ke. 5idden in " d"rk tree is " golden bough! golden in le"ves "nd pli"nt ste#! s" red to ;ersephone! the underworld:s 2uno! "ll the groves shroud it! "nd sh"dows en lose the se ret v"lle$s. .ut onl$ one who:s t"ken " gold(le"ved %ruit %ro# the tree is "llowed to enter e"rth:s hidden pl" es. This lovel$ ;roserpine h"s o##"nded to be brought to her "s " gi%t, " se ond %ruit o% gold never %"ils to "ppe"r when the %irst one:s pi ked! the twig:s le"%ed with the s"#e #et"l. So look %or it up high! "nd when $ou:ve %ound it with $our e$es! t"ke it! o% right! in $our h"nd, sin e! i% the F"tes h"ve hosen $ou! it will o#e "w"$ e"sil$! %reel$ o% itsel%, otherwise $ou won:t onJuer it b$ "n$ %or e! or ut it with the sh"rpest steel. And the in"ni#"te bod$ o% $our %riend lies there FAhK You do not knowG "nd t"ints $our whole %leet with de"th! while $ou seek "dvi e "nd h"ng "bout our threshold. )"rr$ hi# %irst to his pl" e "nd bur$ hi# in the to#b. Le"d bl" k "ttle there, let those be $our %irst o%%erings o% "tone#ent. 'nl$ then "n $ou look on the St$gi"n groves! "nd the re"l#s %orbidden to the living.: She spoke "nd with losed lips %ell silent. BkVI:1#,-1%2 The 4inding o! Misenus1s Body Le"ving the "ve! Aene"s w"lked "w"$! with s"d %" e "nd down "st e$es! turning their d"rk %"te over in his #ind. Lo$"l A h"tes w"lked "t his side "nd %"shioned his steps with si#il"r on ern. The$ eng"ged in intri "te dis ussion between the#! "s to who the de"d %riend! the bod$ to be interred! w"s! 133

who# the priestess spoke o%. And "s the$ p"ssed "long the$ s"w Misenus! ruined b$ sh"#e%ul de"th! on the dr$ s"nd! Misenus! son o% Aeolus! th"n who# none w"s #ore outst"nding in rousing #en with the w"r(tru#pet! kindling on%li t with #usi . 5e w"s gre"t 5e tor:s %riend, with 5e tor he went to b"ttle! distinguished b$ his spe"r "nd tru#pet. ?hen vi torious A hilles despoiled 5e tor o% li%e! this #ost our"geous hero @oined the o#p"n$ o% Tro@"n Aene"s! serving no lesser " #"n. .ut when! b$ h"n e! he %oolishl$ #"de the o e"n sound to " hollow on h(shell! "nd "lled gods to o#pete in pl"$ing! i% the t"le "n be believed! Triton overhe"rd hi# "nd drowned hi# in the %o"#ing w"ves "#ong the ro ks. So! with pious Aene"s to the %ore! the$ "ll #ourned round the bod$ with loud l"#our. Then! without del"$! weeping! the$ hurried to "rr$ out the Sib$l:s orders! "nd l"boured to pile tree(trunks "s " %uner"l p$re! r"ising it to the he"vens. The$ enter the "n ient wood! the deep overts o% wild re"tures, the pine(trees %ell! the o"ks r"ng to the blows o% the "+e! "sh trunks "nd %issile o"k were split with wedges! "nd the$ rolled l"rge row"n trees down %ro# the hills. BkVI:1%(-2(# The 4uneral 2yre Aene"s w"s no less " tive in su h e%%orts! en our"ging his o#p"nions! "nd e#plo$ing si#il"r tools. And he turned things over in his own s"ddened #ind! g"=ing "t the i##ense %orest! "nd b$ h"n e pr"$ed so, I*% onl$ th"t golden bough would show itsel% to us now! on so#e su h tree! "#ong the woodsK For the prophetess spoke trul$ o% $ou Misenus! "l"s! onl$ too trul$.: 5e h"d b"rel$ spoken when b$ h"n e " p"ir o% doves "#e %l$ing down %ro# the sk$! bene"th his ver$ e$es! "nd settled on the green gr"ss. Then the gre"t hero knew the$ were his #other:s birds! "nd pr"$ed in his @o$, 134

I' be #$ guides! i% there is so#e w"$! "nd steer " ourse through the "ir! to th"t grove where the ri h br"n h "sts its sh"dow on %ertile soil. And $ou #other! ' goddess! don:t %"il #e in ti#e o% doubt.: So s"$ing he h"lted his %ootsteps! observing wh"t signs the doves #ight give! "nd whi h dire tion the$ #ight t"ke. As the$ %ed the$ went %orw"rd in %light @ust "s %"r "s! %ollowing! his e$es ould keep the# in sight. Then! when the$ re" hed the %oul @"ws o% stinking Avernus! the$ Jui kl$ rose "nd! gliding through the le"r "ir! per hed on the longed(%or du"l(n"tured tree! %ro# whi h the "lien gle"# o% gold shone out! "#ong the br"n hes. 2ust "s #istletoe! th"t does not %or# " tree o% its own! grows in the woods in the old o% winter! with " %oreign le"%! "nd surrounds " s#ooth trunk with $ellow berries, su h w"s the vision o% this le"%$ gold in the d"rk o"k(tree! so the %oil tinkled in the light bree=e. Aene"s i##edi"tel$ plu ked it! e"gerl$ bre"king the tough bough! "nd "rried it to the "ve o% the Sib$lline prophetess. Me"nwhile! on the shore! the Tro@"ns were weeping bitterl$ %or Misenus "nd p"$ing their l"st respe ts to his senseless "shes. First the$ r"ised " huge p$re! he"v$ with ut o"k "nd pine! we"ving the sides with d"rk %oli"ge! set %unere"l $press in %ront! "nd de or"ted it "bove with shining we"pons. So#e he"ted w"ter! #"king the "uldrons boil on the %l"#es! "nd w"shed "nd "nointed the hill orpse. The$ #"de l"#ent. Then! h"ving wept! the$ pl" ed his li#bs on the ou h! "nd threw purple robes over the#! his usu"l dress. So#e r"ised the gre"t bier! " s"d dut$! "nd! with "verted %" es! set " tor h below! in "n estr"l %"shion. Bi%ts were he"ped on the %l"#es! o% in ense! %oodstu%%s! bowls bri##ing with olive(oil. ?hen the "shes oll"psed! "nd the bl"=e died! the$ w"shed the re#"ins o% the p"r hed bones in wine! "nd )or$n"eus! olle ting the %r"g#ents! losed the# in " bron=e urn. Also he ir led his o#r"des three ti#es with pure w"ter 135

to puri%$ the#! sprinkling %ine dew %ro# " %ull olive br"n h! "nd spoke the words o% p"rting. And virtuous Aene"s he"ped up " gre"t #ound %or his to#b! with the hero:s own we"pons! his tru#pet "nd o"r! bene"th " high #ount"in whi h is "lled Misenus now "%ter hi#! "nd preserves his ever(living n"#e throughout the "ges. BkVI:2(,-2,( The *acri!ice to &ecate This done! he Jui kl$ "rried out the Sib$l:s orders. There w"s " deep ston$ "ve! huge "nd g"ping wide! sheltered b$ " d"rk l"ke "nd sh"dow$ woods! over whi h nothing ould e+tend its wings in s"%e %light! sin e su h " bre"th %lowed %ro# those bl" k @"ws! "nd w"s "rried to the over("r hing sk$! th"t the Breeks "lled it b$ the n"#e Aornos! th"t is Avernus! or the .ird(less. 5ere the priestess %irst o% "ll tethered %our bl" k hei%ers! poured wine over their %orehe"ds! "nd pl" ed the top#ost bristles th"t she plu ked! growing between their horns! in the s" red %ire! "s " %irst o%%ering! "lling "loud to 5e "te! power%ul in 5e"ven "nd 5ell. 'thers slit the vi ti#:s thro"ts "nd "ught the w"r# blood in bowls. Aene"s hi#sel% s" ri%i ed " bl" k(%lee ed l"#b to &ight! #other o% the Furies! "nd E"rth! her #ight$ sister! "nd " b"rren hei%er to $ou! ;ersephone. Then he kindled the #idnight "lt"rs %or the St$gi"n King! "nd pl" ed whole "r "sses o% bulls on the %l"#es! pouring ri h oil over the bl"=ing entr"ils. See now! "t the d"wn light o% the rising sun! the ground bellowed under their %eet! the wooded hills beg"n to #ove! "nd! "t the o#ing o% the Boddess! dogs see#ed to howl in the sh"dows. IAw"$! st"nd %"r "w"$! ' $ou pro%"ne ones!: the priestess ried! I"bsent $ourselves %ro# "ll this grove, "nd $ou now! Aene"s! be on $our w"$! "nd te"r $our sword %ro# the she"the, $ou need our"ge! "nd " %ir# #ind! now.: 136

So s"$ing! she plunged wildl$ into the open "ve, he! %e"rlessl$! kept p" e with his v"nishing guide. BkVI:2,4-2 4 The ;ntrance to &ades You gods! whose is the re"l# o% spirits! "nd $ou! du#b sh"dows! "nd )h"os! ;hlegethon! wide silent pl" es o% the night! let #e tell wh"t * h"ve he"rd, b$ $our power! let #e reve"l things buried in the deep e"rth! "nd the d"rkness. 'n the$ went! hidden in solit"r$ night! through gloo#! through <is:s e#pt$ h"lls! "nd insubst"nti"l kingdo#! like " p"th through " wood! in the %"int light under " w"vering #oon! when 2upiter h"s buried the sk$ in sh"dow! "nd bl" k night h"s stolen the olour %ro# things. Right be%ore the entr"n e! in the ver$ @"ws o% 'r us! Brie% "nd venge%ul )"re h"ve #"de their beds! "nd p"llid Si kness lives there! "nd s"d 'ld Age! "nd Fe"r! "nd persu"sive 5unger! "nd vile &eed! %or#s terrible to look on! "nd <e"th "nd ;"in, then <e"th:s brother Sleep! "nd Evil ;le"sure o% the #ind! "nd! on the threshold opposite! de"th(de"ling ?"r! "nd the steel h"#bers o% the Furies! "nd #"d <is ord! her sn"k$ h"ir entwined with blood(wet ribbons. *n the entre " v"st sh"dow$ el# spre"ds its "ged trunks "nd br"n hes, the se"t! the$ s"$! th"t %"lse <re"#s hold! thronging! linging bene"th ever$ le"%. And #"n$ other #onstrous sh"pes o% v"ried re"tures! "re st"bled b$ the doors! )ent"urs "nd bi(%or#ed S $ll"! "nd hundred("r#ed .ri"reus! "nd the Lerne"n 5$dr"! hissing %ier el$! "nd the )hi#"er" "r#ed with %l"#e! Borgons! "nd 5"rpies! "nd the triple bodied sh"de! Ber$on. At this! tre#bling suddenl$ with terror! Aene"s gr"sped his sword! "nd set the n"ked bl"de "g"inst their "ppro" h, "nd! i% his knowing o#p"nion h"d not w"rned hi# th"t these were tenuous bodiless lives %litting "bout 137

with " hollow se#bl"n e o% %or#! he would h"ve rushed "t the#! "nd h" ked "t the sh"dows uselessl$ with his sword. BkVI:2 #-((, The *hores o! Acheron Fro# here there is " ro"d th"t le"ds to the w"ters o% T"rt"re"n A heron. 5ere thi k with #ud " whirlpool seethes in the v"st depths! "nd spews "ll its s"nds into )o $tus. A gri# %err$#"n w"t hes over the rivers "nd stre"#s! )h"ron! dre"d%ul in his sJu"lor! with " #"ss o% unke#pt white h"ir str"ggling %ro# his hin, %l"#es glow in his e$es! " dirt$ g"r#ent h"ngs! knotted %ro# his shoulders. 5e poles the bo"t "nd tri#s the s"ils hi#sel%! "nd %erries the de"d in his d"rk ski%%! old now! but " god:s old "ge is %resh "nd green. 5ere "ll the rowd stre"#s! hurr$ing to the shores! wo#en "nd #en! the li%eless bodies o% noble heroes! bo$s "nd un#"rried girls! sons l"id on the p$re in %ront o% their %"ther:s e$es, "s #"n$ "s the le"ves th"t %"ll in the woods "t the %irst %rost o% "utu#n! "s #"n$ "s the birds th"t %lo k to l"nd %ro# o e"n deeps! when the old o% the $e"r drives the# "bro"d "nd desp"t hes the# to sunnier ountries. The$ stood there! ple"ding to be %irst to #"ke the rossing! stret hing out their h"nds in longing %or the %"r shore. .ut the dis#"l bo"t#"n " epts now these! now those! but driving others "w"$! keeps the# %"r %ro# the s"nd. Then Aene"s! stirred "nd "stonished "t the tu#ult! s"id, I' virgin! tell #e! wh"t does this rowding to the river #e"nH ?h"t do the souls w"ntH And b$ wh"t riterion do these le"ve the b"nk! "nd those sweep o%% with the o"rs on the le"den stre"#H The "n ient priestess spoke brie%l$ to hi#! so, ISon o% An hises! true hild o% the gods! $ou see the deep pools o% )o $tus! "nd the M"rsh o% St$+! b$ whose n"#e the gods %e"r to swe"r %"lsel$. All this rowd! $ou see! were destitute "nd unburied, 138

th"t %err$#"n is )h"ron, those the w"ves "rr$ were buried, he #"$ not "rr$ the# %ro# the %e"r%ul shore on the h"rsh w"ters be%ore their bones "re "t rest in the e"rth. The$ ro"# %or " hundred $e"rs "nd %lit "round these shores, onl$ then "re the$ "d#itted! "nd revisit the pools the$ long %or.: The son o% An hises h"lted! "nd he ked his %ootsteps! thinking deepl$! "nd pit$ing their s"d %"te in his he"rt. 5e s"w Leu "spis "nd 'rontes! "pt"in o% the L$ i"n %leet! there! grieving "nd l" king honour in de"th! who# " Southerl$ overwhel#ed! "s the$ s"iled together %ro# Tro$ on the windswept w"ters! engul%ing both the ship "nd rew in the w"ves. BkVI:((.-(%( The *hade o! 2alinurus .ehold! there "#e the hel#s#"n! ;"linurus! who %ell %ro# the stern on the Lib$"n p"ss"ge! %lung into the #idst o% the w"ves! "s he w"t hed the st"rs. ?hen Aene"s h"d re ognised hi# with di%%i ult$ sorrowing "#ong the deep sh"dows! he spoke %irst! s"$ing, I?h"t god tore $ou %ro# us! ;"linurus! "nd drowned $ou #id(o e"nH For in this one prophe $ Apollo h"s #isled #e! he who# * never %ound %"lse be%ore! he s"id th"t $ou would be s"%e "t se" "nd re" h Ausoni":s shores. *s this the truth o% his pro#iseH: .ut he replied, I;hoebus:s tripod did not %"il $ou! Aene"s! #$ "pt"in! nor did " god drown #e in the deep. .$ h"n e the hel# w"s torn %ro# #e with violen e! "s * lung there! on dut$ "s ordered! steering our ourse! "nd * dr"gged it he"dlong with #e. * swe"r b$ the ruel se" th"t * %e"red less %or #$sel% th"n %or $our ship! lest robbed o% its ge"r! "nd le"red o% its hel#s#"n! it #ight %ounder "#ong su h surging w"ves. The Southerl$ drove #e violentl$ through the v"st se"s %or three stor#$ nights, high on the rest o% " w"ve! in the %ourth d"wn! * ould @ust #"ke out *t"l$. Br"du"ll$ * sw"# to shore, gr"sped now "t s"%et$! 139

but "s * "ught "t the sh"rp tips o% the ro ks! weighed down b$ #$ w"ter(so"ked lothes! the s"v"ge people "tt" ked #e with knives! ignor"ntl$ thinking #e " pri=e. &ow the w"ves h"ve #e! "nd the winds roll #e "long the shore. En onJuered one! * beg $ou! b$ the sweet light "nd "ir o% he"ven! b$ $our %"ther! "nd $our hopes in *ulus to o#e! s"ve #e %ro# this evil, either %ind 9eli":s h"rbour "g"in F%or $ou "nG "nd sprinkle e"rth on #e! or i% there is so#e w"$! i% $our divine #other shows $ou one Fsin e $ou:d not "tte#pt to s"il su h w"ters! "nd the St$gi"n #"rsh! without " god:s will! * thinkG then give this wret h $our h"nd "nd t"ke #e with $ou through the w"ves th"t "t le"st * #ight rest in so#e Juiet pl" e in de"th.: So he spoke! "nd the priestess beg"n to repl$ like this, I?here does this dire longing o% $ours o#e %ro#! ' ;"linurusH )"n $ou see the St$gi"n w"ters! unburied! or the gri# river o% the Furies! )o $tus! or o#e un"sked to the shoreH )e"se to hope th"t divine %"te "n be te#pered b$ pr"$er. .ut hold #$ words in $our #e#or$! "s " o#%ort in $our h"rdship, the ne"rb$ peoples! %ro# ities %"r "nd wide! will be #oved b$ divine o#ens to worship $our bones! "nd build " to#b! "nd send o%%erings to the to#b! "nd the pl" e will h"ve ;"linurus "s its everl"sting n"#e.: 5is "n+iet$ w"s Juelled b$ her words! "nd! %or " little while! grie% w"s b"nished %ro# his s"d he"rt, he delighted in the l"nd being so n"#ed. BkVI:(%4-41, Charon the 4erry+an So the$ pursued their %or#er @ourne$! "nd drew ne"r the river. &ow when the .o"t#"n s"w the# %ro# the St$gi"n w"ve w"lking through the silent wood! "nd dire ting their %ootsteps tow"rds its b"nk! he "tt" ked the# verb"ll$! %irst! "nd unpro#pted! rebuking the#, I?hoever $ou "re! who o#e "r#ed to #$ river! tell #e! %ro# over there! wh$ $ou:re here! "nd h"lt $our steps. This is " pl" e o% sh"dows! o% Sleep "nd drows$ &ight, 140

*:# not "llowed to "rr$ living bodies in the St$gi"n bo"t. Trul$ it w"s no ple"sure %or #e to t"ke 5er ules on his @ourne$ over the l"ke! nor Theseus "nd ;irithous! though the$ #"$ h"ve been hildren o% gods! unriv"lled in strength. The %irst "#e %or )erberus the w"t hdog o% T"rt"rus! "nd dr"gged hi# "w"$ Juivering %ro# under the king:s throne, the others were "%ter sn"t hing our >ueen %ro# <is:s h"#ber.: To this the prophetess o% A#phr$si"n Apollo brie%l$ "nswered, IThere:s no su h tri ker$ here Fdon:t be disturbedG! our we"pons o%%er no "%%ront, $our huge gu"rd(dog "n terri%$ the bloodless sh"des with his etern"l howling, h"ste ;roserpine "n keep to her un le:s threshold. Aene"s the Tro@"n! renowned in piet$ "nd w"r%"re! goes down to the deepest sh"dows o% Erebus! to his %"ther. *% the ide" o% su h "%%e tion does not #ove $ou! still $ou #ust re ognise this bough.: FShe showed the br"n h! hidden in her robes.G Then the "nger in his swollen bre"st subsided. &o #ore w"s s"id. M"rvelling "t the revered o%%ering! o% %"te%ul twigs! seen "g"in "%ter so long! he turned the stern o% the d"rk ski%% tow"rds the# "nd ne"red the b"nk. Then he turned o%% the other souls who s"t on the long ben hes! le"red the g"ngw"$s, "nd re eived #ight$ Aene"s on bo"rd. The se"#ed ski%% gro"ned with the weight "nd let in Ju"ntities o% #"rsh(w"ter through the hinks. At l"st! the river rossed! he l"nded the prophetess "nd the hero s"%e! on the unst"ble #ud! "#ong the blue(gre$ sedge. BkVI:41.-4( Beyond the Acheron 5uge )erberus sets these regions e hoing with his triple(thro"ted howling! rou hing #onstrousl$ in " "ve opposite. Seeing the sn"kes re"ring round his ne k! the prophetess threw hi# " pellet! " sopori%i o% hone$ "nd drugged whe"t. 'pening his three thro"ts! in r"bid hunger! he sei=ed wh"t she threw "nd! %le+ing his #"ssive spine! s"nk to e"rth 141

spre"ding his gi"nt bulk over the whole "ve(%loor. ?ith the gu"rd un ons ious Aene"s won to the entr"n e! "nd Jui kl$ es "ped the b"nk o% the river o% no return. *##edi"tel$ " loud r$ing o% voi es w"s he"rd! the spirits o% weeping in%"nts! who# " d"rk d"$ stole "t the %irst threshold o% this sweet li%e! those hosen to be torn %ro# the bre"st! "nd drowned in bitter de"th. &e"rb$ "re those onde#ned to die on %"lse h"rges. Yet their pl" e is not ord"ined without the "llotted @ur$, Minos! the @udge! sh"kes the urn, he onvenes the voi eless ourt! "nd he"rs their lives "nd sins. Then the ne+t pl" e is held b$ those gloo#$ spirits who! inno ent o% ri#e! died b$ their own h"nd! "nd! h"ting the light! threw "w"$ their lives. 5ow willingl$ now the$:d endure povert$ "nd h"rsh su%%ering! in the "ir "boveK <ivine L"w prevents it! "nd the s"d #"rsh "nd its h"te%ul w"ters binds the#! "nd nine(%old St$+ on%ines the#. BkVI:44$-4., The *hade o! 3ido &ot %"r %ro# there the Fields o% Mourning "re reve"led! spre"d out on "ll sides, so the$ n"#e the#. There! those who# h"rsh love devours with ruel pining "re on e"led in se ret w"lkw"$s! en ir led b$ " #$rtle grove, even in de"th their troubles do not le"ve the#. 5ere Aene"s s"w ;h"edr"! "nd ;ro ris! "nd s"d Eriph$le! displ"$ing the wounds #"de b$ her ruel son! Ev"dne! "nd ;"siph"e, with the# w"lked L"od"#i"! "nd )"eneus! now " wo#"n! on e " $oung #"n! returned b$ her %"te to her own %or# "g"in. A#ong the# ;hoeni i"n <ido w"ndered! in the gre"t wood! her wound still %resh. As soon "s the Tro@"n hero stood ne"r her "nd knew her! sh"dow$ "#ong the sh"dows! like " #"n who sees! or thinks he sees! the new #oon rising through " loud! "s its #onth begins! he wept te"rs "nd spoke to her with tender "%%e tion, 142

I<ido! unh"pp$ spirit! w"s the news th"t "#e to #e o% $our de"th! true then! t"king $our li%e with " bl"deH Al"s! w"s * the "use o% $our d$ingH * swe"r b$ the st"rs! b$ the gods "bove! b$ wh"tever truth #"$ be in the depths o% the e"rth! * le%t $our shores unwillingl$! #$ Jueen. * w"s o##"nded b$ gods! who drove #e b$ their de rees! th"t now %or e #e to go "#ong the sh"des! through pl" es thorn$ with negle t! "nd deepest night, nor did * think #$ le"ving there would ever bring su h grie% to $ou. 5"lt $our %ootsteps "nd do not t"ke $oursel% %ro# #$ sight. ?h"t do $ou %leeH This is the l"st spee h with $ou th"t %"te "llows.: ?ith su h words Aene"s would h"ve "l#ed her %ier$ spirit "nd wild looks! "nd provoked her te"rs. She turned "w"$! her e$es %i+ed on the ground! no #ore "ltered in e+pression b$ the spee h he h"d begun th"n i% h"rd %lint stood there! or " li%% o% ;"ri"n #"rble. At the l"st she tore hersel% "w"$! "nd! hostile to hi#! %led to the sh"dow$ grove where S$ h"eus! her husb"nd in %or#er ti#es! responded to her su%%ering! "nd g"ve her love %or love. Aene"s! no less sh"ken b$ the in@usti e o% %"te! %ollowed her! %"r o%%! with his te"rs! "nd pitied her "s she went. BkVI:4..-#(4 The *hade o! 3ei'hobus Fro# there he l"boured on the w"$ th"t w"s gr"nted the#. And soon the$ re" hed the #ost dist"nt %ields! the re#ote pl" es where those %"#ous in w"r rowd together. 5ere T$deus #et hi#! ;"rthenop"eus glorious in "r#s! "nd the p"le %or# o% Adr"stus, here were the Tro@"ns! wept %or deepl$ "bove! %"llen in w"r! who#! seeing the# "ll in their long r"nks! he gro"ned "t! Bl"u us! Medon "nd Thersilo hus! the three sons o% Antenor! ;ol$boetes! the priest o% )eres! "nd *d"eus still with his h"riot! "nd his we"pons. The spirits st"nd there in rowds to le%t "nd right. 143

The$ "re not s"tis%ied with seeing hi# onl$ on e, the$ delight in lingering on! w"lking beside hi#! "nd le"rning the re"son %or his o#ing. .ut the Breek prin es "nd Ag"#e#non:s ph"l"n+es! tre#bled with gre"t %e"r! when the$ s"w the hero! "nd his gle"#ing we"pons! "#ong the sh"des, so#e turned to run! "s the$ on e sought their ships, so#e r"ised " %"int r$! the noise the$ #"de bel$ing their g"ping #ouths. And he s"w <eiphobus there! ;ri"#:s son! his whole bod$ #util"ted! his %" e brut"ll$ torn! his %" e "nd h"nds both! the e"rs ripped %ro# his ruined he"d! his nostrils she"red b$ "n ugl$ wound. *ndeed Aene"s b"rel$ re ognised the Juivering %or#! hiding its dire punish#ent! even "s he "lled to hi#! unpro#pted! in %"#ili"r tones, I<eiphobus! power%ul in w"r! born o% Teu er:s noble blood! who hose to work su h brut"l punish#ent on $ouH ?ho w"s "llowed to tre"t $ou soH Ru#our h"s it th"t on th"t %in"l night! we"ried b$ endless killing o% Breeks! $ou s"nk down on " pile o% the sl"ughtered. Then * set up "n e#pt$ to#b on the Rhoete"n shore! "nd "lled on $our spirit three ti#es in " loud voi e. Your n"#e "nd we"pons w"t h over the site, * ould not see $ou! %riend! to set $ou! "s * le%t! in $our n"tive soil.: To this ;ri"#:s son replied, I' #$ %riend! $ou:ve negle ted nothing, $ou:ve p"id "ll th"t:s due to <eiophobus "nd " de"d #"n:s spirit. M$ own destin$! "nd th"t Sp"rt"n wo#"n:s de"dl$ ri#e! drowned #e in these sorrows, she le%t #e these #e#ori"ls. You know how we p"ssed th"t l"st night in illusor$ @o$, "nd $ou #ust re#e#ber it onl$ too well. ?hen the %"te%ul 5orse "#e le"ping the w"lls o% Tro$! pregn"nt with the "r#ed w"rriors it "rried in its wo#b! she led the Tro@"n wo#en "bout! w"iling in d"n e! "ping the ." hi rites, she held " huge tor h in their #idst! sign"lling to the Breeks %ro# the heights o% the it"del. * w"s then in our unlu k$ #"rri"ge( h"#ber! worn out with "re! 144

"nd he"v$ with sleep! " sweet deep slu#ber weighing on #e "s * l"$ there! the ver$ se#bl"n e o% pe" e%ul de"th. Me"nwhile th"t illustrious wi%e o% #ine re#oved ever$ we"pon %ro# the house! even ste"ling #$ %"ith%ul sword %ro# under #$ he"d, she "lls Menel"us into the house "nd throws open the doors! hoping * suppose it would prove " gre"t gi%t %or her lover! "nd in th"t w"$ the in%"#$ o% her p"st sins #ight be er"sed. ?h$ dr"g out the t"leH The$ burst into the roo#! "nd with the# El$sses the Aeolid! their o(in iter to wi kedness. Bods! so rep"$ the Breeks! i% these lips * pr"$ %or venge"n e with "re virtuous. .ut $ou! in turn! tell wh"t %"te h"s brought $ou here! living. <o $ou o#e here! driven b$ $our w"ndering on the se"! or e+horted b$ the godsH *% not! wh"t #is%ortune tor#ents $ou! th"t $ou enter these s"d sunless houses! this troubled pl" eH: BkVI:#(#-,2. The *ibyl 3escribes Tartarus ?hile the$ spoke Auror" "nd her ros$ h"riot h"d p"ssed the =enith o% her ethere"l p"th! "nd the$ #ight perh"ps h"ve spent "ll the ti#e "llowed in su h t"lk! but the Sib$l! his o#p"nion! w"rned hi# brie%l$ s"$ing, I&ight "ppro" hes! Aene"s, we w"ste the hours with weeping. This is the pl" e where the p"th splits itsel% in two, there on the right is our ro"d to El$siu#! th"t runs bene"th the w"lls o% #ight$ <is, but the le%t works punish#ent on the wi ked! "nd sends the# on to godless T"rt"rus.: <eiophobus replied, I<o not be "ngr$! gre"t priestess, * will le"ve, * will #"ke up the nu#bers! "nd return to the d"rkness. Bo now glor$ o% our r" e, en@o$ " better %"te.: So he spoke! "nd in spe"king turned "w"$. Aene"s suddenl$ looked b" k! "nd! below the le%t h"nd li%%! he s"w wide b"ttle#ents! surrounded b$ " triple w"ll! "nd en ir led b$ " swi%t river o% red(hot %l"#es! the T"rt"re"n ;hlegethon! hurning with e hoing ro ks. A g"te %ronts it! v"st! with pill"rs o% solid steel! 145

th"t no hu#"n %or e! not the he"venl$ gods the#selves! "n overturn b$ w"r, "n iron tower rises into the "ir! "nd se"ted be%ore it! Tisiphone! lothed in " blood(wet dress! keeps gu"rd o% the doorw"$! sleeplessl$! night "nd d"$. Bro"ns "#e %ro# there! "nd the ruel sound o% the l"sh! then the l"nk o% iron! "nd dr"gging h"ins. Aene"s h"lted! "nd stood rooted! terri%ied b$ the noise. I?h"t evil is pr" tised hereH ' 9irgin! tell #e, b$ wh"t tor#ents "re the$ oppressedH ?h$ "re there su h sounds in the "irH: Then the prophetess beg"n to spe"k "s %ollows, IF"#ous le"der o% the Tro@"ns! it is %orbidden %or the pure to ross the evil threshold, but when 5e "te "ppointed #e to the wood o% Avernus! she t"ught #e the divine tor#ents! "nd guided #e through the# "ll. )ret"n Rh"d"#"nthus rules this h"rshest o% kingdo#s! "nd he"rs their guilt! e+tr" ts on%essions! "nd punishes whoever h"s de%erred "tone#ent %or their sins too long till de"th! delighting in useless on e"l#ent! in the world "bove. Tisiphone the "venger! "r#ed with her whip! le"ps on the guilt$ i##edi"tel$! l"shes the#! "nd thre"tening the# with the %ier e sn"kes in her le%t h"nd! "lls to her s"v"ge troop o% sisters. Then "t l"st the " ursed doors open! s ree hing on @"rring hinges. You o#prehend wh"t gu"rdi"n sits "t the door! wh"t sh"pe w"t hes the thresholdH ?ell still %ier er is the #onstrous 5$dr" inside! with her %i%t$ bl" k g"ping @"ws. There T"rt"rus itsel% %"lls sheer! "nd stret hes down into the d"rkness, twi e "s %"r "s we g"=e upw"rds to he"venl$ 'l$#pus. 5ere the Tit"ni r" e! the "n ient sons o% E"rth! hurled down b$ the lightning(bolt! writhe in the depths. And here * s"w the two sons o% Aloeus! gi"nt %or#s! who tried to te"r down the he"vens with their h"nds! "nd topple 2upiter %ro# his high kingdo#. And * s"w S"l#oneus p"$ing " s"v"ge pen"lt$ %or i#it"ting 2ove:s lightning! "nd the 'l$#pi"n thunder. .r"ndishing " tor h! "nd dr"wn b$ %our horses he rode in triu#ph "#ong the Breeks! through Elis:s it$! 146

l"i#ing the gods: honours "s his own! " %ool! who #i#i ked the stor#( louds "nd the ini#it"ble thunderbolt with bron=e $#b"ls "nd the sound o% horses: hoo%(be"ts. .ut the "ll(power%ul %"ther hurled his lighting %ro# dense loud! not %or hi# %ier$ tor hes! or pine(br"n hes: s#ok$ light "nd drove hi# he"dlong with the #ight$ whirlwind. And Tit$us w"s to be seen "s well! the %oster( hild o% E"rth! our univers"l #other! whose bod$ stret hes over nine " res! "nd " gre"t vulture with hooked be"k %eeds on his indestru tible liver! "nd his entr"ils ripe %or punish#ent! lodged deep inside the hest! groping %or his %e"st! no respite given to the ever(renewing tissue. Sh"ll * spe"k o% the L"piths! *+ion! ;irithous! over who# h"ngs " d"rk r"g th"t see#s to slip "nd %"llH 5igh ou hes %or their %e"st gle"# with golden %r"#es! "nd " b"nJuet o% ro$"l lu+ur$ is spre"d be%ore their e$es, ne"rb$ the eldest Fur$! rou hing! prevents their %ingers tou hing the t"ble, rising up! "nd br"ndishing her tor h! with " voi e o% thunder. 5ere "re those who h"ted their brothers! in li%e! or stru k " p"rent! or ontrived to de%r"ud " lient! or who rou hed "lone over the ri hes the$:d #"de! without setting "n$ "side %or their kin Ftheir rowd is l"rgestG! those who were killed %or "dulter$! or pursued ivil w"r! not %e"ring to bre"k their pledges to their #"sters, shut in the$ see their punish#ent. <on:t "sk to know th"t punish#ent! or wh"t kind o% su%%ering drowns the#. So#e roll huge stones! or h"ng spre"d(e"gled on wheel(spokes, wret hed Theseus sits still! "nd will sit %or eternit$, ;hleg$"s! the #ost un%ortun"te! w"rns the# "ll "nd be"rs witness in " loud voi e "#ong the sh"des, MLe"rn @usti e, be w"rned! "nd don:t despise the gods.N 5ere:s one who sold his ountr$ %or gold! "nd set up " despoti lord, this one #"de l"w "nd re#"de it %or " pri e, he entered his d"ughter:s bed "nd " %orbidden #"rri"ge, 147

"ll o% the# d"red #onstrous sin! "nd did wh"t the$ d"red. &ot i% * h"d " hundred tongues! " hundred #ouths! " voi e o% iron! ould * tell "ll the %or#s o% wi kedness or spell out the n"#es o% ever$ tor#ent.: BkVI:,2%-,.% The 4ields o! ;lysiu+ ?hen she h"d spoken o% this! the "ged priestess o% Apollo s"id, I.ut o#e now! tr"vel the ro"d! "nd o#plete the t"sk set %or $ou, let us hurr$! * see the b"ttle#ents th"t were %orged in the )$ lope"n %ires! "nd the g"tes in the "r h opposite us where we "re told to set down the gi%ts "s ordered.: She spoke "nd keeping step the$ h"stened "long the d"rk p"th rossing the sp" e between "nd "rriving ne"r the doors. Aene"s g"ined the entr"n e! sprinkled %resh w"ter over his bod$! "nd set up the br"n h on the threshold be%ore hi#. 5"ving "t l"st " hieved this! the goddess:s t"sk %ul%illed! the$ "#e to the ple"s"nt pl" es! the delight%ul gr"ss$ tur% o% the Fortun"te Broves! "nd the ho#es o% the blessed. 5ere %reer "ir "nd r"di"nt light lothe the pl"in! "nd these h"ve their own sun! "nd their own st"rs. So#e e+er ise their bodies in " gr"ss$ g$#n"siu#! o#pete in sports "nd wrestle on the $ellow s"nd, others tre"d out the steps o% " d"n e! "nd sing songs. There 'rpheus too! the long(robed priest o% Thr" e! " o#p"nies their voi es with the seven(note s "le! pl"$ing now with %ingers! now with the ivor$ Juill. 5ere "re Teu er:s "n ient people! loveliest o% hildren! gre"t(he"rted heroes! born in h"ppier $e"rs! *lus! Ass"r" us! "nd <"rd"nus %ounder o% Tro$. Aene"s #"rvels %ro# " dist"n e "t their idle h"riots "nd their we"pons, their spe"rs %i+ed in the ground! "nd their horses s "ttered %reel$ browsing over the pl"in, the ple"sure the$ took in h"riots "nd "r#our while "live! the "re in tending shining horses! %ollows the# below the e"rth. 148

Look! he sees others on the gr"ss to right "nd le%t! %e"sting! "nd singing " @o$%ul p"e"n in horus! "#ong the %r"gr"nt groves o% l"urel! out o% whi h the Erid"nus:s bro"d river %lows through the woodl"nds to the world "bove. 5ere is the o#p"n$ o% those who su%%ered wounds %ighting %or their ountr$, "nd those who were pure priests! while the$ lived! "nd those who were %"ith%ul poets! singers worth$ o% Apollo! "nd those who i#proved li%e! with dis overies in Art or S ien e! "nd those who b$ #erit "used others to re#e#ber the#, the brows o% "ll these were bound with white he"db"nds. As the$ rowded round! the Sib$l "ddressed the#! Mus"eus "bove "ll, sin e he holds the entre o% the v"st rowd! "ll looking up to hi#! his t"ll shoulders towering "bove, I.lessed spirits! "nd $ou! gre"test o% ;oets! s"$ wh"t region or pl" e ont"ins An hises. ?e h"ve o#e here! rossing the gre"t rivers o% Erebus! %or hi#.: And the hero replied to her brie%l$ in these words, I&one o% us h"ve " %i+ed "bode, we live in the sh"dow$ woods! "nd #"ke ou hes o% river(b"nks! "nd inh"bit %resh(w"ter #e"dows. .ut li#b this ridge! i% $our he"rts(wish so in lines! "nd * will soon set $ou on "n e"s$ p"th.: 5e spoke "nd went on be%ore the#! "nd showed the# the bright pl"ins below, then the$ le%t the #ount"in heights. BkVI:,. -.$2 The Meeting 0ith Anchises .ut deep in " green v"lle$ his %"ther An hises w"s surve$ing the spirits en losed there! destined %or the light "bove! thinking "re%ull$! "nd w"s reviewing "s it h"n ed the nu#bers o% his own %olk! his de"r gr"ndsons! "nd their %"te "nd %ortunes "s #en! "nd their w"$s "nd works. And when he s"w Aene"s he"ding tow"rds hi# over the gr"ss he stret hed out both his h"nds e"gerl$! his %" e stre"#ing with te"rs! "nd " r$ issued %ro# his lips, I5"ve $ou o#e "t l"st! "nd h"s the lo$"lt$ $our %"ther e+pe ted 149

onJuered the h"rsh ro"dH *s it gr"nted #e to see $our %" e! #$ son! "nd he"r "nd spe"k in %"#ili"r tonesH * "l ul"ted it in #$ #ind! "nd thought it would be so! ounting o%% the hours! nor h"s #$ trouble %"iled #e. Fro# tr"vel over wh"t l"nds "nd se"s! do * re eive $ouK ?h"t d"ngers h"ve hurled $ou "bout! #$ sonK 5ow * %e"red the re"l#s o% Lib$" #ight h"r# $ouK: 5e "nswered, IF"ther! $our i#"ge! $ours! "ppe"ring to #e so o%ten! drove #e to re" h this threshold, M$ ships ride the Etrus "n w"ves. F"ther! let #e l"sp $our h"nd! let #e! "nd do not dr"w "w"$ %ro# #$ e#br" e.: So spe"king! his %" e w"s "lso drowned in " %lood o% te"rs. Three ti#es he tries to throw his "r#s round his %"ther:s ne k! three ti#es! l"sped in v"in! th"t se#bl"n e slips though his h"nds! like the light bree=e! #ost o% "ll like " winged dre"#. BkVI:.$(-.2( The *ouls 3ue !or )e-birth And now Aene"s s"w " se luded grove in " re eding v"lle$! with rustling woodl"nd thi kets! "nd the river o% Lethe gliding p"st those pe" e%ul pl" es. *nnu#er"ble tribes "nd peoples hovered round it, @ust "s! in the #e"dows! on " loudless su##er:s d"$! the bees settle on the #ulti%"rious %lowers! "nd stre"# round the bright lilies! "nd "ll the %ields hu# with their bu==ing. Aene"s w"s thrilled b$ the sudden sight! "nd! in ignor"n e! "sked the "use, wh"t the river is in the dist"n e! who the #en "re rowding the b"nks in su h nu#bers. Then his %"ther An hises "nswered, IThe$ "re spirits! owed " se ond bod$ b$ destin$! "nd the$ drink the h"pp$ w"ters! "nd " l"st %orgetting! "t Lethe:s stre"#. *ndeed! %or " long ti#e *:ve wished to tell $ou o% the#! "nd show $ou the# %" e to %" e! to enu#er"te #$ hildren:s des end"nts! so $ou #ight @o$ with #e #ore "t %inding *t"l$.: I' %"ther! is it to be thought th"t "n$ spirits go %ro# here 150

to the sk$ "bove! returning "g"in to dull #"tterH: I*ndeed *:ll tell $ou! son! not keep $ou in doubt!: An hises "nswered! "nd reve"led e" h thing in order. BkVI:.24-.#1 The Trans+igration o! *ouls IFirstl$! " spirit within the# nourishes the sk$ "nd e"rth! the w"ter$ pl"ins! the shining orb o% the #oon! "nd Tit"n:s st"r! "nd Mind! %lowing through #"tter! vivi%ies the whole #"ss! "nd #ingles with its v"st %r"#e. Fro# it o#e the spe ies o% #"n "nd be"st! "nd winged lives! "nd the #onsters the se" ont"ins bene"th its #"rbled w"ves. The power o% those seeds is %ier$! "nd their origin divine! so long "s h"r#%ul #"tter doesn:t i#pede the# "nd terrestri"l bodies "nd #ort"l li#bs don:t dull the#. Through those the$ %e"r "nd desire! "nd grieve "nd @o$! "nd en losed in night "nd " d"rk dungeon! "n:t see the light. ?h$! when li%e le"ves the# "t the %in"l hour! still "ll o% the evil! "ll the pl"gues o% the %lesh! "l"s! h"ve not o#pletel$ v"nished! "nd #"n$ things! long h"rdened deep within! #ust o% ne essit$ be ingr"ined! in str"nge w"$s. So the$ "re s ourged b$ tor#ents! "nd p"$ the pri e %or %or#er sins, so#e "re hung! stret hed out! to the hollow winds! the t"int o% wi kedness is le"nsed %or others in v"st gul%s! or burned "w"$ with %ire, e" h spirit su%%ers its own, then we "re sent through wide El$siu#! "nd we %ew st"$ in the @o$ous %ields! %or " length o% d"$s! till the $ le o% ti#e! o#plete! re#oves the h"rdened st"in! "nd le"ves pure ethere"l thought! "nd the brightness o% n"tur"l "ir. All these others the god "lls in " gre"t rowd to the river Lethe! "%ter the$ h"ve turned the wheel %or " thous"nd $e"rs! so th"t! trul$ %orgetting! the$ "n revisit the v"ult "bove! "nd begin with " desire to return to the %lesh.:


BkVI:.#2-.., The 4uture )ace @ The Alban 9ings An hises h"d spoken! "nd he drew the Sib$l "nd his son! both together! into the #iddle o% the g"thering "nd the #ur#uring rowd! "nd hose " hill %ro# whi h he ould see "ll the long r"nks opposite! "nd w"t h their %" es "s the$ "#e b$ hi#. I)o#e! * will now e+pl"in wh"t glor$ will pursue the hildren o% <"rd"nus! wh"t des end"nts "w"it $ou o% the *t"li"n r" e! illustrious spirits to #"r h onw"rds in our n"#e! "nd * will te" h $ou $our destin$. See th"t bo$! who le"ns on " he"dless spe"r! he is %"ted to hold " pl" e ne"rest the light! %irst to rise to the upper "ir! sh"ring *t"li"n blood! Silvius! o% Alb"n n"#e! $our l"st(born son! who $our wi%e L"vini"! l"te in $our old "ge! will give birth to in the wood! " king "nd the %"ther o% kings! through who# our r" e will rule in Alb" Long". &e+t to hi# is ;ro "s! glor$ o% the Tro@"n people! "nd )"p$s "nd &u#itor! "nd he who:ll revive $our n"#e! Silvius Aene"s! outst"nding like $ou in virtue "nd "r#s! i% he #ight "t l"st " hieve the Alb"n throne. ?h"t #enK See wh"t "uthorit$ the$ displ"$! their %orehe"ds sh"ded b$ the ivi o"k(le"% rownK The$ will build &o#entu#! B"bii! "nd Fiden"e:s it$, )oll"ti":s %ortress in the hills! ;o#etii "nd the Fort o% *nus! "nd .ol"! "nd )or". Those will be n"#es th"t "re now n"#eless l"nd. BkVI:...-%$. The 4uture )ace @ )o+ulus and the Caesars Yes! "nd " hild o% M"rs will @oin his gr"nd%"ther to " o#p"n$ hi#! Ro#ulus! who# his #other *li" will be"r! o% Ass"r" us:s line. See how M"rs:s twin plu#es st"nd on his rest! "nd his %"ther #"rks hi# out %or the world "bove with his own e#ble#sH .ehold! #$ son! under his o##"nd glorious Ro#e will #"t h e"rth:s power "nd he"ven:s will! "nd en ir le seven hills with " single w"ll! h"pp$ in her r" e o% #en, 152

"s )$bele! the .ere $nthi"n IBre"t Mother:! rowned with turrets! rides through the ;hr$gi"n ities! delighting in her divine hildren! l"sping " hundred des end"nts! "ll gods! "ll dwelling in the heights "bove. &ow dire t $our e$es here! g"=e "t this people! $our own Ro#"ns. 5ere is )"es"r! "nd "ll the o%%spring o% *ulus destined to live under the pole o% he"ven. This is the #"n! this is hi#! who# $ou so o%ten he"r pro#ised $ou! Augustus )"es"r! son o% the <ei%ied! who will #"ke " Bolden Age "g"in in the %ields where S"turn on e reigned! "nd e+tend the e#pire be$ond the Lib$"ns "nd the *ndi"ns Fto " l"nd th"t lies outside the =odi" :s belt! be$ond the sun:s e lipti "nd the $e"r:s! where sk$( "rr$ing Atl"s turns the sphere! inset with gle"#ing st"rs! on his shouldersG, Even now the )"spi"n re"l#s! "nd M"eoti"n e"rth! tre#ble "t divine prophe ies o% his o#ing! "nd the restless #ouths o% the seven(br"n hed &ile "re troubled. Trul$! 5er ules never rossed so #u h o% the e"rth! though he shot the bron=e(%ooted Ar "di"n deer! brought pe" e to the woods o% Er$#"nthus! #"de Lern" tre#ble "t his bow, nor did ." hus! who steers his h"riot! in triu#ph! with reins #"de o% vines! guiding his tigers down %ro# &$s":s high pe"k. <o we re"ll$ hesit"te still to e+tend our power b$ our " tions! "nd does %e"r prevent us settling the *t"li"n l"ndsH BkVI:%$%-%#( The 4uture )ace @ )e'ublic and Beyond ?ho is he! though! over there! distinguished b$ his olive br"n hes! "rr$ing o%%eringsH * know the h"ir "nd the white(be"rded hin o% " king o% Ro#e! &u#"! "lled to supre#e "uthorit$ %ro# little )ures:s povert$(stri ken e"rth! who will se ure our %irst it$ under the rule o% l"w. Then Tullus will su eed hi# who will sh"tter the ountr$:s pe" e! "nd "ll to "r#s sedent"r$ #en! r"nks now unused to triu#phs. 153

The over(bo"st%ul An us %ollows hi# losel$! delighting too #u h even now in the people:s opinion. ?ill $ou look too "t T"rJuin:s d$n"st$! "nd the proud spirit o% .rutus the "venger! the rods o% o%%i e re l"i#edH 5e:ll be the %irst to win " onsul:s powers "nd the s"v"ge "+es! "nd when the sons %o#ent " new ivil w"r! the %"ther will "ll the# to " ount! %or lovel$ %reedo#:s s"ke, "h! to be pitied! wh"tever posterit$ s"$s o% his " tions, his love o% ountr$ will prev"il! "nd gre"t "ppetite %or glor$. Ah! see over there! the <e ii "nd <rusi! "nd TorJu"tus brut"l with the "+e! "nd )"#illus res uing the st"nd"rds. .ut those others! $ou "n dis ern! shining in #"t hing "r#our! souls in h"r#on$ now! while the$ "re lo"ked in d"rkness! "h! i% the$ re" h the light o% the living! wh"t ivil w"r wh"t b"ttle "nd sl"ughter! the$:ll "use! 2ulius )"es"r! the %"ther(in(l"w! down %ro# the Alpine r"#p"rts! %ro# the %ortress o% Monoe us, ;o#pe$! the son(in(l"w! opposing with E"stern %or es. M$ sons! don:t inure $our spirits to su h w"rs! never turn the power%ul %or es o% $our ountr$ on itsel%, You be the %irst to h"lt! $ou! who derive $our r" e %ro# he"ven, hurl the sword %ro# $our h"nd! who "re o% #$ bloodK There:s Mu##ius, triu#phing over )orinth! he:ll drive his h"riot! vi torious! to the high )"pitol! %"#ed %or the Breeks he:s killed, "nd Ae#ilius ;"ulus! who! "venging his Tro@"n "n estors! "nd Minerv":s dese r"ted shrine! will destro$ Ag"#e#non:s M$ en"e! "nd Argos! "nd ;erseus the Ae" id hi#sel%! des end"nt o% w"r(#ight$ A hilles. ?ho would p"ss over $ou in silen e! gre"t )"to! or $ou )ossus! or the Br" hus:s r" e! or the two S ipios! w"r:s lightning bolts! the s ourges o% Lib$"! or $ou F"bri ius! power%ul in povert$! or $ou! Regulus Serr"nus! sowing $our %urrow with seedH F"bii! where do $ou hurr$ #$ we"r$ stepsH You! F"bius M"+i#us! the <el"$er! "re he who "lone renew our St"te. 'thers F* "n well believeG will h"##er out bron=e th"t bre"thes with #ore deli " $ th"n us! dr"w out living %e"tures 154

%ro# the #"rble, ple"d their "uses better! tr" e with instru#ents the #ove#ent o% the skies! "nd tell the rising o% the onstell"tions, re#e#ber! Ro#"n! it is %or $ou to rule the n"tions with $our power! Fth"t will be $our skillG to rown pe" e with l"w! to sp"re the onJuered! "nd subdue the proud.: BkVI:%#4-%%# The 4uture )ace @ Marcellus So %"ther An hises spoke! "nd while the$ #"rvelled! "dded, ISee! how )l"udius M"r ellus! distinguished b$ the Supre#e ;ri=e! o#es %orw"rd! "nd towers! vi torious! over other #en. As " knight! he:ll support the Ro#"n St"te! turbulent with %ier e on%usion! strike the )"th"gini"ns "nd rebellious B"uls! "nd dedi "te "ptured we"pons! " third ti#e! to %"ther >uirinus.: And! "t this! Aene"s s"id Fsin e he s"w " $outh o% outst"nding be"ut$ with shining "r#our! w"lking with M"r ellus! but his %" e l" king in @o$! "nd his e$es down "stG, IF"ther! who is this who " o#p"nies hi# on his w"$H 5is son, or "nother o% his long line o% des end"ntsH ?h"t #ur#uring round the#K ?h"t presen e he h"sK .ut d"rk night! with its s"d sh"dows! hovers round his he"d.: Then his %"ther Aene"s! with welling te"rs! replied, I'! do not "sk "bout $our people:s gre"t sorrow! #$ son. The F"tes will onl$ show hi# to the world! not "llow hi# to st"$ longer. The Ro#"n people would see# too power%ul to $ou gods! i% this gi%t were l"sting. ?h"t #ourning %ro# #"nkind th"t Field o% M"rs will deliver to the #ight$ it$K And wh"t %uner"l pro essions $ou! Tiber! will see! "s $ou glide p"st his new(#"de to#bK &o bo$ o% the line o% *lius sh"ll so e+"lt his L"tin "n estors b$ his show o% pro#ise! nor will Ro#ulus:s l"nd ever t"ke #ore pride in one o% its sons. Al"s %or virtue! "l"s %or the honour o% "n ient ti#es! "nd " h"nd invin ible in w"rK &o one #ight h"ve "tt" ked hi# s"%el$ when "r#ed! whether he #et the ene#$ on %oot! 155

or dug his spurs into the %l"nk o% his %o"#ing h"rger. Ah! bo$ to be pitied! i% onl$ $ou #"$ sh"tter h"rsh %"te! $ou:ll be " M"r ellusK Bive #e h"nd%uls o% white lilies! let #e s "tter r"di"nt %lowers! let #e lo"d #$ s ion:s spirit with those gi%ts "t le"st! in dis h"rging th"t poor dut$.: BkVI:%%,- $1 The <ates o! *lee' So the$ w"nder here "nd there through the whole region! over the wide "ir$ pl"in! "nd g"=e "t ever$thing. And when An hises h"s led his son through e" h pl" e! "nd in%l"#ed his spirit with love o% the glor$ th"t is to o#e! he tells hi# then o% the w"rs he #ust soon %ight! "nd te" hes hi# "bout the L"urentine peoples! "nd the it$ o% L"tinus! "nd how to "void or %" e e" h tri"l. There "re two g"tes o% Sleep, one o% whi h is s"id to be o% horn! through whi h "n e"s$ p"ss"ge is given to true sh"des! the other gle"#s with the whiteness o% polished ivor$! but through it the Bods o% the <e"d send %"lse dre"#s to the world "bove. A%ter his words! An hises " o#p"nies his son there! "nd! %rees hi#! together with the Sib$l! through the ivor$ g"te. Aene"s #"kes his w"$ to the ships "nd re@oins his %riends, then o"sts str"ight to )"iet":s h"rbour "long the shore. The "n hors "re thrown %ro# the prows, on the shore the sterns rest.


BkVII:1-(, The Tro8ans )each the Tiber )"iet"! Aene"s:s nurse! $ou too h"ve gr"nted etern"l %"#e to our shores in d$ing, tributes still prote t $our gr"ve! "nd $our n"#e #"rks $our bones in gre"t 5esperi"! i% th"t is glor$. &ow! "s soon "s the open se" w"s "l#! h"ving p"id the l"st rites due to usto#! "nd r"ised " %uner"l #ound! Aene"s the good le%t the h"rbour "nd s"iled on his w"$. The bree=es blew through the night! "nd " r"di"nt #oon w"s no inhibitor to their vo$"ge! the se" gle"#ing in the tre#ulous light. The ne+t shores the$ tou hed were )ir e:s l"nds! where th"t ri h d"ughter o% the sun #"kes the hidden groves e ho with ontinu"l h"nting! "nd burns %r"gr"nt ed"r %or no turn"l light in her proud p"l" e! "s she sets her #elodious shuttle running through the %ine w"rp. Fro# there the "ngr$ ro"r o% lions ould be he"rd! h"%ing "t their ropes! "nd sounding l"te into the night! "nd the r"ge o% bristling wild(bo"rs! "nd "ged be"rs! "nd the howling sh"pes o% huge wolves! who# )ir e! ruel goddess! h"d "ltered %ro# hu#"n "ppe"r"n e to the %e"tures "nd %or#s o% re"tures! using power%ul herbs. .ut &eptune %illed their s"ils with %ollowing winds! so th"t Tro$:s virtuous r" e should not su%%er so #onstrous " %"te entering the h"rbour! "nd dise#b"rking on th"t %"t"l shore! "nd "rried the# p"st the boiling sh"llows! gr"nting the# es "pe. &ow the se" w"s reddening with the sun:s r"$s! "nd s"%%ron Auror" in her rose( oloured h"riot! shone %ro# the heights o% he"ven! when the winds dropped "nd ever$ bree=e suddenl$ %ell "w"$! "nd the o"rs l"boured slowl$ in the w"ter. At this #o#ent! g"=ing %ro# the se"! Aene"s s"w " v"st %orest. Through it the Tiber:s lovel$ river! with swirling eddies %ull o% golden s"nd! bursts to the o e"n. )ountless birds! "round "nd "bove! th"t h"unt the b"nks "nd stre"#s! were delighting 157

the he"vens with their song "nd %l$ing through the groves. 5e ordered his %riends to h"nge ourse "nd turn their prows tow"rds l"nd! "nd @o$%ull$ entered the sh"ded river. BkVII:(.-1$, 9ing /atinus and the =racle )o#e now! Er"to! "nd *:ll tell o% the kings! the ti#es! the st"te o% "n ient L"tiu#! when th"t %oreign troop %irst l"nded on Ausoni":s shores! "nd *:ll re "ll the %irst %ighting %ro# its ver$ beginning. You goddess! $ou #ust pro#pt $our poet. *:ll tell o% brut"l w"r! *:ll tell o% b"ttle " tion! "nd prin es driven to de"th b$ their our"ge! o% Tro@"n "r#ies! "nd "ll o% 5esperi" %or ed to t"ke up "r#s. A gre"ter order o% things is being born! gre"ter is the work th"t * "tte#pt. King L"tinus! now old in $e"rs! ruled %ields "nd towns! in the tr"nJuillit$ o% l"sting pe" e. ?e he"r he w"s the hild o% F"unus "nd the L"urentine n$#ph! M"ri ". F"unus:s %"ther w"s ;i tus! "nd he bo"sts $ou! S"turn! "s his! $ou the %irst %ounder o% the line. .$ divine de ree! L"tinus h"d no #"le heir! his son h"ving been sn"t hed %ro# hi# in the d"wn o% %irst $outh. There w"s onl$ " d"ughter to keep house in so noble " p"l" e! now re"d$ %or " husb"nd! now old enough to be " bride. M"n$ sought her h"nd! %ro# wide L"tiu# "nd "ll Ausoni"! Turnus "bove "ll! the #ost h"ndso#e! o% power%ul "n estr$! who# the Jueen h"stened to link to her "s her son(in(l"w with wonder%ul "%%e tion. .ut divine o#ens! with their #"n$ terrors! prevented it. There w"s " l"urel! with s" red le"ves! in the high inner ourt in the #iddle o% the p"l" e! th"t h"d been gu"rded with reveren e %or #"n$ $e"rs. *t w"s s"id th"t Lord L"tinus hi#sel% h"d dis overed it! when he %irst built his %ortress! "nd dedi "ted it to Apollo! "nd %ro# it h"d n"#ed the settlers L"urentines. A dense loud o% bees F#"rvellous to tellG borne 158

through the le"r "ir! with " #ight$ hu##ing! settled in the ver$ top o% the tree! "nd hung there! their %eet "ll t"ngled together! in " sudden sw"r#. *##edi"tel$ the prophet ried, I* see " %oreign hero! "ppro" hing! "nd! %ro# " like dire tion! "n "r#$ seeks this s"#e pl" e! to rule %ro# the high it"del.: Then "s he lit the "lt"rs with %resh pine tor hes! "s virgin L"vini" stood there ne+t to her %"ther she see#ed FhorrorKG to "t h the %ire in her long tresses! "nd "ll her %iner$ to burn in r" kling %l"#e! her ro$"ll$ dressed tresses set "light! her rown "light! re#"rk"ble %or its @ewels, then wre"thed in s#oke "nd $ellow light! she see#ed to s "tter sp"rks through "ll the p"l" e. Trul$ it w"s t"lked o% "s " sho king "nd #ir" ulous sight, %or the$ %oretold she would be bright with %"#e "nd %ortune! but it signi%ied " gre"t w"r %or her people. Then the king! troubled b$ the wonder! visited the or" le o% F"unus! his %"r(spe"king %"ther! "nd onsulted the groves below high Albune"! #ightiest o% %orests! th"t e hoed with the s" red %ount"in! "nd bre"thed " de"dl$ v"pour %ro# the d"rk. The people o% *t"l$! "nd "ll the 'enotri"n l"nds! sought "nswers to their doubts! %ro# th"t pl" e, when the priest brought o%%erings there! "nd! %ound sleep! in the silent night! l$ing on spre"d %lee es o% s" ri%i ed sheep! he s"w there #"n$ ghosts %litting in #"rvellous %or#s! "nd he"rd v"rious voi es! h"d spee h with the gods! "nd t"lked with A heron! in the depths o% Avernus. And here the king! L"tinus! hi#sel% seeking "n "nswer! sl"ughtered " hundred wooll$ sheep " ording to the rite! "nd l"$ there supported b$ their skins "nd wooll$ %lee es, Suddenl$ " voi e e#erged %ro# the deep wood, I' #$ son! don:t tr$ to "ll$ $our d"ughter in " L"tin #"rri"ge! don:t pl" e $our %"ith in the intended wedding, str"ngers will o#e to be $our kin! who:ll li%t our n"#e to the st"rs b$ their blood! "nd the hildren 159

o% whose r" e sh"ll see "ll! where the ir ling sun views both o e"ns! turning obedientl$ bene"th their %eet.: L"tinus %"iled to keep this repl$ o% his F"ther:s Juiet! this w"rning given in the silent night! "nd "lre"d$ Ru#our %l$ing %"r "nd wide h"d "rried it through the Ausoni"n ities! when the hildren o% L"o#edon "#e to #oor their ships b$ the river:s gr"ss$ b"nks. BkVII:1$.-14. 4ul!il+ent o! A 2ro'hecy Aene"s! h"ndso#e *ulus! "nd the %ore#ost le"ders! settled their li#bs under the br"n hes o% " t"ll tree! "nd spre"d " #e"l, the$ set whe"t "kes %or " b"se under the %ood F"s 2upiter hi#sel% inspired the#G "nd "dded wild %ruits to these t"bles o% )eres. ?hen the poor %"re drove the# to set their teeth into the thin dis s! the rest being e"ten! "nd to bre"k the %"te%ul ir les o% bre"d boldl$ with h"nds "nd @"ws! not sp"ring the Ju"rtered "kes! *ulus! @okingl$! s"id no #ore th"n, I5"K Are we e"ting the t"bles tooH: Th"t voi e on %irst being he"rd brought the# to the end o% their l"bours! "nd his %"ther! "s the words %ell %ro# the spe"ker:s lips! "ught the# up "nd stopped hi#! "westru k "t the divine will. *##edi"tel$ he s"id, I5"il! l"nd destined to #e b$ %"te! "nd h"il to $ou! ' %"ith%ul gods o% Tro$, here is our ho#e! here is our ountr$. For #$ %"ther An hises Fnow * re#e#berG le%t this se ret o% %"te with #e, ISon! when $ou:re "rried to "n unknown shore! %ood is l" king! "nd $ou:re %or ed to e"t the t"bles! then look %or " ho#e in $our we"riness, "nd re#e#ber %irst thing to set $our h"nd on " site there! "nd build $our houses behind " r"#p"rt.: This w"s the hunger he prophesied! the l"st thing re#"ining! to set " li#it to our ruinP o#e then! "nd with the sun:s d"wn light let:s heer%ull$ dis over 160

wh"t pl" e this is! wh"t #en live here! where this people:s it$ is! "nd let:s e+plore %ro# the h"rbour in "ll dire tions. &ow pour lib"tions to 2ove "nd "ll! with pr"$er! on #$ %"ther An hises! then set out the wine on e #ore. So s"$ing he wre"thed his %orehe"d with " le"%$ spr"$! "nd pr"$ed to the spirit o% the pl" e! "nd to E"rth the oldest o% goddesses! "nd to the &$#phs! "nd the $et unknown rivers, then he invoked &ight "nd &ight:s rising onstell"tions! "nd *d"e"n 2ove! "nd the ;hr$gi"n Mother! in order! "nd his two p"rents! one in he"ven! one in Erebus. At this the "ll(power%ul F"ther thundered three ti#es %ro# the le"r sk$! "nd reve"led " loud in the ether! bright with r"$s o% golden light! sh"king it with his own h"nd. Then the word r"n suddenl$ through the Tro@"n lines th"t the d"$ h"d o#e to %ound their destined it$. The$ riv"lled e" h other in elebr"tion o% the %e"st! "nd delighted b$ the %ine o#en! set out the bowls "nd rowned the wine( ups. BkVII:14%-1 1 The 2alace o! /atinus &e+t d"$ when sunrise lit the e"rth with her %irst %l"#es! the$ v"riousl$ dis overed the it$! shores "nd li#its o% this n"tion, here w"s the pool o% &u#i ius:s %ount"in! this w"s the River Tiber! here the br"ve L"tins lived. Then An hises:s son ordered " hundred envo$s! hosen %ro# ever$ r"nk! "ll veiled in ;"ll"s:s olive le"ves to go to the king:s noble %ortress! "rr$ing gi%ts %or " hero! "nd reJuesting pe" e tow"rds the Tro@"ns. ?ithout del"$! the$ h"stened "s ordered! tr"velling "t " swi%t p" e. 5e hi#sel% #"rked out w"lls with " sh"llow dit h! toiled "t the site! "nd surrounded the %irst settle#ent on those shores with " r"#p"rt "nd b"ttle#ent! in the st$le o% " %orti%ied "#p. And now his #en h"d pursued their @ourne$ "nd the$ s"w L"tinus:s turrets "nd high roo%s! "nd "rrived bene"th the w"lls. .o$s! "nd #en in the %lower o% $outh! were pr" tising 161

horse#"nship outside the it$! bre"king in their #ounts in louds o% dust! or bending t"ut bows! or hurling %ir# spe"rs with their "r#s! h"llenging e" h other to r" e or bo+, when " #essenger! r" ing "he"d on his horse! reported to the e"rs o% the "ged king th"t power%ul w"rriors in unknown dress h"d "rrived. The king ordered the# to be su##oned to the p"l" e! "nd took his se"t! in the entre! on his "n estr"l throne. 5uge "nd #"gni%i ent! r"ised on " hundred olu#ns! his roo% w"s the it$:s su##it! the p"l" e o% L"urenti"n ;i us! s"n ti%ied b$ its grove "nd the worship o% gener"tions. *t w"s "uspi ious %or " king to re eive the s eptre here "nd %irst li%t the fasces! the rods o% o%%i e, this shrine w"s their curia! their sen"te house! the pl" e o% their s" red %e"sts! here the elders! "%ter l"#bs were s" ri%i ed! s"t down "t "n endless line o% t"bles. There st"nding in r"nks "t the entr"n e were the st"tues o% "n estors o% old! in "n ient ed"r(wood! *t"lus! "nd %"ther S"binus! the vine( grower! depi ted gu"rding " urved pruning(hook! "nd "ged S"turn! "nd the i#"ge o% 2"nus bi(%" e! "nd other kings %ro# the beginning! "nd heroes wounded in b"ttle! %ighting %or their ountr$. M"n$ we"pons too hung on the s" red doorposts! "ptive h"riots! urved "+es! hel#et rests! the #"ssive b"rs o% it$ g"tes! spe"rs! shields "nd the ends o% prows torn %ro# ships. There ;i us! the 5orse(T"#er! s"t! holding the lituus! the "ugur:s >uirin"l st"%%! "nd lothed in the trabea! the purple(striped tog"! "nd "rr$ing the ancile! the s" red shield! in his le%t h"nd! he! who# his lover! )ir e! "ptiv"ted b$ desire! stru k with her golden rod, h"nged hi# with #"gi drugs to " woodpe ker! "nd spe kled his wings with olour. BkVII:1 2-24% The Tro8ans *eek Alliance 7ith /atinus Su h w"s the te#ple o% the gods in whi h L"tinus! se"ted on the "n estr"l throne! "lled the Tro@"ns to hi# in the p"l" e! "nd "s the$ entered spoke %irst! with " "l# e+pression, 162

ISons o% <"rd"nus F%or $our it$ "nd people "re not unknown to us! "nd we he"rd o% $our @ourne$ tow"rds us on the se"sG! wh"t do $ou wishH ?h"t re"son! wh"t need h"s brought $our ships to Ausoni"n shores! over so #"n$ "=ure w"vesH ?hether $ou h"ve entered the river #outh! "nd lie in h"rbour! "%ter str"$ing %ro# $our ourse! or driven here b$ stor#s! su h things "s s"ilors endure on the deep o e"n! don:t shun our hospit"lit$! "nd don:t negle t the %" t th"t the L"tins "re S"turn:s people! @ust! not through onstr"int or l"w! but o% our own %ree will! holding to the w"$s o% the "n ient god. And * re#e#ber in truth Fthough the t"le is obs ured b$ ti#eG th"t the Aurun "n elders told how <"rd"nus! sprung %ro# these shores! penetr"ted the ities o% ;hr$gi"n *d"! "nd Thr" i"n S"#os! th"t is now "lled S"#othr" e. Setting out %ro# here! %ro# his Etrus "n ho#e! )or$thus! now the golden p"l" e o% the st"rlit sk$ gr"nts hi# " throne! "nd he in re"ses the nu#ber o% divine "lt"rs.: 5e %inished spe"king! "nd *lioneus! %ollowing! "nswered so, IKing! illustrious son o% F"unus! no d"rk te#pest! driving us though the w"ves! %or ed us onto $our shores! no st"r or o"stline de eived us in our ourse, we tr"velled to this it$ b$ design! "nd with willing he"rts! e+iled %ro# our kingdo#! th"t w"s on e the gre"test th"t the sun g"=ed on! "s he tr"velled %ro# the edge o% he"ven. The %ounder o% our r" e is 2ove! the sons o% <"rd"nus en@o$ 2ove "s their "n estor! our king hi#sel% is o% 2ove:s high r" e, Tro@"n! Aene"s! sends us to $our threshold. The %ur$ o% the stor# th"t poured %ro# %ier e M$ en"e! "nd rossed the pl"ins o% *d"! "nd how the two worlds o% Europe "nd Asi" l"shed! driven b$ %"te! h"s been he"rd b$ those who# the #ost dist"nt l"nds b"nish to where ' e"n ir les b" k! "nd those who# the =one o% e+ essive he"t! stret hed between the other %our! sep"r"tes %ro# us. S"iling out o% th"t deluge! over #"n$ w"stes o% se"! 163

we "sk " hu#ble ho#e %or our ountr$:s gods! "nd " h"r#less stret h o% shore! "nd "ir "nd w"ter " essible to "ll. ?e:ll be no disgr" e to the kingdo#! nor will $our reput"tion be spoken o% lightl$! nor gr"titude %or su h "n " tion %"de! nor Ausoni" regret t"king Tro$ to her bre"st. * swe"r b$ the destin$ o% Aene"s! "nd the power o% his right h"nd! whether proven b$ "n$ #"n in lo$"lt$! or w"r "nd we"pons! #"n$ "re the peoples! #"n$ "re the n"tions Fdo not s orn us be "use we o%%er pe" e(ribbons! "nd words o% pr"$er! un"skedG who the#selves sought us "nd wished to @oin with us, but through divine destin$ we sought out $our shores to "rr$ out its o##"nds. <"rd"nus spr"ng %ro# here! Apollo re "lls us to this pl" e! "nd! with weight$ orders! drives us to Tus "n Tiber! "nd the s" red w"ters o% the &u#i i"n %ount. Moreover our king o%%ers $ou these s#"ll tokens o% his %or#er %ortune! reli s sn"t hed %ro# burning Tro$. 5is %"ther An hises poured lib"tions "t the "lt"r %ro# this gold! this w"s ;ri"#:s burden when b$ usto# he #"de l"ws %or the "sse#bled people! the s eptre! "nd s" red turb"n! "nd the lothes! l"boured on b$ the d"ughters o% *liu#.: BkVII:24 -2%# /atinus =!!ers 2eace At *lioneus:s words L"tinus kept his %" e set %ir#l$ downw"rd! %i+ed #otionless tow"rds the ground! #oving his e$es "lone intentl$. *t is not the e#broidered purple th"t #oves the king nor ;ri"#:s s eptre! so #u h "s his dwelling on his d"ughter:s #"rri"ge "nd her brid"l(bed! "nd he turns over in his #ind old F"unus:s or" le, this #ust be the #"n! %ro# " %oreign house! prophesied b$ the %"tes "s #$ son(in(l"w! "nd su##oned to reign with eJu"l powers! whose des end"nts will be illustrious in virtue! "nd whose #ight will t"ke possession o% "ll the world. At l"st he spoke! @o$%ull$, IM"$ the gods %"vour this beginning! "nd their prophe $. Tro@"n! wh"t $ou wish sh"ll be gr"nted. 164

* do not re@e t $our gi%ts, $ou will not l" k the we"lth o% %ertile %ields! or Tro$:s we"lth! while L"tinus is king. 'nl$! i% Aene"s h"s su h longing %or us! i% he is e"ger to @oin us in %riendship "nd be "lled our "ll$! let hi# o#e hi#sel% "nd not be "%r"id o% " %riendl$ %" e, it will be p"rt o% the p" t! to #e! to h"ve tou hed $our le"der:s h"nd. &ow $ou in turn t"ke #$ repl$ to the king, * h"ve " d"ughter who# the or" les %ro# #$ %"ther:s shrine! "nd #"n$ o#ens %ro# he"ven! will not "llow to unite with " husb"nd o% our r" e, sons will o#e %ro# %oreign shores! whose blood will r"ise our n"#e to the st"rs, this the$ prophes$ is in store %or L"tiu#!. * both think "nd! i% #$ #ind %oresees the truth! * hope th"t this is the #"n destin$ de#"nds.: So s"$ing the king sele ted st"llions %ro# his whole st"ble Fthree hundred stood there sleekl$ in their high st"llsG, i##edi"tel$ he ordered one to be led to e" h Tro@"n b$ r"nk! "p"risoned in purple! swi%t(%ooted! with e#broidered housings Fgold oll"rs hung low over their hests! overed in gold! the$ even h"#ped bits o% $ellow gold between their teethG! "nd %or the "bsent Aene"s there w"s " h"riot! with twin horses! o% he"ven:s line! blowing %ire %ro# their nostrils! b"st"rds o% th"t breed o% her %"ther:s! the Sun! th"t unning )ir e h"d produ ed! b$ #"ting the# with " #ort"l #"re. The sons o% Aene"s! #ounting the horses! rode b" k with these words "nd gi%ts o% L"tinus! be"ring pe" e. BkVII:2%,-(41 "uno *u++ons Allecto .ut behold! the %ero ious wi%e o% 2ove returning %ro# *n" hus:s Argos! winging her "ir$ w"$! s"w the delighted Aene"s "nd his Tro@"n %leet! %ro# the dist"nt sk$! be$ond Si ili"n ;" h$nus. She g"=ed "t the#! "lre"d$ building houses! "lre"d$ on%ident in their l"nd! the ships deserted, she h"lted pier ed b$ " bitter p"ng. Then sh"king her he"d! she poured these words %ro# her bre"st, 165

IAh lo"thso#e tribe! "nd Tro@"n destin$! opposed to #$ own destin$K )ould the$ not h"ve %"llen on the Sige"n pl"ins! ould the$ not h"ve been held "s "ptivesH )ould burning Tro$ not h"ve onsu#ed these #enH The$ %ind " w"$ through the he"rt o% "r#ies "nd %l"#es. And * think #$ powers #ust be e+h"usted "t l"st! or * h"ve o#e to rest! #$ "nger s"ted. ?h$! when the$ were thrown out o% their ountr$ * ventured to %ollow hotl$ through the w"ves! "nd h"llenge the# on ever$ o e"n. The %or es o% se" "nd sk$ h"ve been w"sted on these Tro@"ns. ?h"t use h"ve the S$rtes been to #e! or S $ll"! or g"ping )h"r$bdisH The$ t"ke re%uge in their longed(%or Tiber:s h"nnel! indi%%erent to the se" "nd to #e. M"rs h"d the power to destro$ the L"piths: v"st r" e! the %"ther o% the gods hi#sel% on eded "n ient )"l$don! given <i"n":s "nger! "nd %or wh"t sin did the L"piths or )"l$don! deserve "ll th"tH .ut *! 2ove:s gre"t >ueen! who in #$ wret hedness h"d the power to le"ve nothing untried! who h"ve turned #$sel% to ever$ #e"ns! "# onJuered b$ Aene"s. .ut i% #$ divine strength is not enough! * won:t hesit"te to seek help wherever it #ight be, i% * "nnot sw"$ the gods! *:ll stir the A heron. * " ept it:s not gr"nted to #e to withhold the L"tin kingdo#! "nd b$ destin$ L"vini" will still! un"lter"bl$! be his bride, but * "n dr"w su h things out "nd "dd del"$s! "nd * "n destro$ the people o% these two kings. Let %"ther "nd son(in(l"w unite "t the ost o% their n"tions: lives, virgin! $our dowr$ will be Rutuli"n "nd Tro@"n blood! "nd .ellon"! the goddess o% w"r! w"its to "ttend $our #"rri"ge. &or w"s it 5e ub"! )isseus:s d"ughter! "lone who w"s pregn"nt with " %ire(br"nd! or g"ve birth to nupti"l %l"#es. ?h$! 9enus is "like in her hild! "nother ;"ris! "nother %uner"l tor h %or " resurre ted Tro$.: ?hen she h"d spoken these words! %e"rso#e! she sought the e"rth, "nd su##oned Alle to! the grie%(bringer! %ro# the house o% the F"t"l Furies! %ro# the in%ern"l sh"dows, in whose 166

#ind "re s"d w"rs! "ngers "nd de eits! "nd guilt$ ri#es. A #onster! h"ted b$ her own %"ther ;luto! h"te%ul to her T"rt"re"n sisters, she "ssu#es so #"n$ %or#s! her %e"tures "re so s"v"ge! she sports so #"n$ bl" k vipers. 2uno roused her with these words! s"$ing, IBr"nt #e " %"vour o% #$ own! virgin d"ughter o% &ight! this servi e! so th"t #$ honour "nd glor$ "re not we"kened! "nd give w"$! "nd the people o% Aene"s "nnot woo L"tinus with inter#"rri"ge! or %ill the bounds o% *t"l$. You:ve the power to rouse brothers! who "re one! to on%li t! "nd overturn ho#es with h"tred, $ou bring the s ourge "nd the %uner"l tor h into the house, $ou:ve " thous"nd n"#es! "nd " thous"nd no+ious "rts. Se"r h $our %ertile bre"st! sh"tter the pe" e " ord! sow " us"tions o% w"r, let #en in " #o#ent need! de#"nd "nd sei=e their we"pons.: BkVII:(41-4$# Allecto Maddens 6ueen A+ata So Alle to! steeped in the Borgon:s poison! %irst se"r hes out L"tiu# "nd the high h"lls o% the L"urentine king! "nd sits "t the silent threshold o% >ueen A#"t"! who# on erns "nd "ngers h"ve troubled! with " wo#"n:s p"ssion! on erning the Tro@"n:s "rriv"l! "nd Turnus:s #"rri"ge. The goddess %lings " sn"ke "t her %ro# her d"rk lo ks! "nd plunges it into the bre"st! to her inner#ost he"rt! so th"t #"ddened b$ the re"ture! she #ight trouble the whole p"l" e. Sliding between her lothing! "nd her polished bre"st! it winds itsel% un%elt "nd unknown to the %ren=ied wo#"n! bre"thing its viperous bre"th, the power%ul sn"ke be o#es her twisted ne kl" e o% gold! be o#es the loop o% her long ribbon! knots itsel% in her h"ir! "nd roves slithering down her li#bs. And while "t %irst the si kness! sinking within "s liJuid veno#! perv"des her senses! "nd l"sps her bones with %ire! "nd be%ore her #ind h"s %elt the %l"#e through "ll its thoughts! she spe"ks! so%tl$! "nd in " #other:s usu"l #"nner! 167

weeping gre"tl$ over the #"rri"ge o% her d"ughter to the Tro@"n, I'! h"ve $ou her %"ther no pit$ %or $our d"ughter or $oursel%H 5"ve $ou no pit$ %or her #other! when the %"ithless sedu er will le"ve with the %irst north(wind! seeking the deep! with the girl "s pri=eH ?"sn:t it so when ;"ris! th"t ;hr$gi"n shepherd! entered Sp"rt"! "nd sn"t hed Led":s 5elen o%% to the Tro@"n itiesH ?h"t o% $our s" red pledgeH ?h"t o% $our %or#er "re %or $our own people! "nd $our right h"nd given so o%ten to $our kins#"n TurnusH *% " son(in(l"w %ro# " %oreign tribe is sought %or the L"tins! "nd it:s settled! "nd $our %"ther F"unus:s o##"nd weighs on $ou! then * #$sel% think th"t ever$ l"nd %ree o% our rule th"t is dist"nt! is %oreign, "nd so the gods de l"re. And i% the %irst origins o% his house "re tr" ed! *n" hus "nd A risius "re "n estors o% Turnus! "nd M$ en"e his he"rtl"nd.: ?hen! though tr$ing in v"in with words! she sees L"tinus st"nd %ir# "g"inst her! "nd when the sn"ke:s #"ddening veno# h"s seeped deep into her %lesh! "nd per#e"ted throughout! then! trul$! the unh"pp$ Jueen! go"ded b$ #onstrous horrors! r"ges #"dl$ unrestr"inedl$ through the v"st it$. As " spinning(top! so#eti#es! th"t bo$s intent on pl"$ thr"sh in " ir le round "n e#pt$ ourt$"rd! turns under the whirling l"sh! ( driven with the whip it #oves in urving tr" ks, "nd the hildish rowd #"rvel over it in inno en e! g"=ing "t the twirling bo+wood, "nd the blows gr"nt it li%e, so she is driven through the he"rt o% ities "nd proud peoples! on " ourse th"t is no less swi%t. Moreover! she runs to the woods! pretending ." hi possession! setting out on " gre"ter sin! "nd re"ting " wider %ren=$! "nd hides her d"ughter "#ong the le"%$ #ount"ins! to rob the Tro@"ns o% their wedding "nd del"$ the nupti"ls! shrieking IEuhoe: to ." hus! r$ing IYou "lone "re worth$ o% this virgin, it:s %or $ou in truth she li%ts the so%t thyrsus! $ou she ir les in the d"n e! %or $ou she grows her s" red h"ir.: Ru#our tr"vels, "nd the s"#e %ren=$ drives "ll the wo#en! in%l"#ed! with #"dness in their he"rts! to seek str"nge shelter. 168

The$ le"ve their ho#es! "nd b"re their he"d "nd ne k to the winds, while others "re "lre"d$ %illing the "ir with vibr"nt howling "rr$ing vine(wr"pped spe"rs! "nd lothed in %"wn(skins. The wild >ueen hersel% br"ndishes " bl"=ing pine(br"n h in their #idst! turning her bloodshot g"=e on the#! "nd sings the wedding(song %or Turnus "nd her d"ughter! "nd! suddenl$ %ier e! ries out, I'! wo#en o% L"tiu#! wherever $ou "re! he"r #e, i% $ou still h"ve reg"rd %or unh"pp$ A#"t" in $our pious he"rts! i% $ou:re stung with on ern %or " #other:s rights! loose the ties %ro# $our h"ir! @oin the rites with #e.: So Alle to drives the >ueen with ." hi go"d! %"r "nd wide! through the woods! "#ong the wild re"tures: l"irs. BkVII:4$,-4.4 Allecto )ouses Turnus ?hen she s"w she h"d stirred these %irst %ren=ies enough! "nd h"d disturbed L"tinus:s pl"ns! "nd his whole household! the gri# goddess w"s "rried %ro# there! "t on e! on d"rk wings! to the w"lls o% Turnus! the br"ve Rutuli"n! the it$ the$ s"$ th"t <"n"e! blown there b$ " violent southerl$! built with her A risi"n olonists. The pl" e w"s on e "lled Arde" b$ our "n estors! "nd Arde" still re#"ins "s " gre"t n"#e! its good(%ortune p"st. 5ere! in the d"rk o% night! Turnus w"s now in " deep sleep! in his high p"l" e. Alle to h"nged her %ier e "ppe"r"n e "nd %e"r%ul sh"pe! tr"ns%or#ed her looks into those o% "n old wo#"n! %urrowed her o#inous brow with wrinkles! "ssu#ed white h"ir "nd s" red ribbon! then twined "n olive spr"$ there, she be "#e )"l$be! 2uno:s old serv"nt! "nd priestess o% her te#ple! "nd o%%ered hersel% to the $oung #"n:s e$es with these words, ITurnus! will $ou see "ll $our e%%orts w"sted in v"in! "nd $our s eptre h"nded over to Tro@"n settlersH The king denies $ou $our bride "nd the dowr$ looked %or b$ $our r" e! "nd " str"nger is sought "s heir to the throne. Bo then! be despised! o%%er $oursel%! un(th"nked! to d"nger, 169

go! ut down the Tus "n r"nks! prote t the L"tins with pe" eK This th"t * now s"$ to $ou! "s $ou lie there in the "l# o% night! S"turn:s "ll(power%ul d"ughter hersel% ordered #e to spe"k openl$. So rise! "nd re"d$ $our #en! gl"dl$! to "r# "nd #"r h %ro# the g"tes to the %ields! "nd set %ire to the p"inted ships "n hored in our noble river! "nd the Tro@"n le"ders with the#. The v"st power o% the gods de#"nds it. Let King L"tinus hi#sel% %eel it! unless he "grees to keep his word "nd give $ou $our bride! "nd let hi# "t l"st e+perien e Turnus "r#ed.: At this the w"rrior! #o king the priestess! opened his #outh in turn, IThe news th"t " %leet h"s entered Tiber:s w"ters h"s not es "ped #$ noti e! "s $ou think, don:t i#"gine it:s so gre"t " %e"r to #e. &or is >ueen 2uno un#ind%ul o% #e. .ut $ou! ' #other! old "ge! onJuered b$ we"kness "nd devoid o% truth! troubles with idle "res! "nd #o ks " prophetess! "#idst the w"rs o% kings! with i#"gin"r$ terrors. Your dut$:s to gu"rd the gods: st"tues "nd their te#ples, #en will #"ke w"r "nd pe" e! b$ who# w"r:s to be #"de.: Alle to bl"=ed with "nger "t these words. And! "s the $oung #"n spoke! " sudden tre#or sei=ed his bod$! "nd his e$es be "#e %i+ed! the Fur$ hissed with so #"n$ sn"kes! su h " %or# reve"led itsel%, then turning her %ier$ g"=e on hi#! she pushed hi# "w"$ "s he hesit"ted! tr$ing to s"$ #ore! "nd r"ised up " p"ir o% serpents "#idst her h"ir! "nd r" ked her whip! "nd "dded this through r"bid lips, ISee #e! onJuered b$ we"kness! who# old "ge! devoid o% truth! #o ks with i#"gin"r$ terrors "#ongst the w"rs o% kings. Look on this, * "# here %ro# the house o% the F"t"l Sisters! "nd * bring w"r "nd de"th in #$ h"nd.: So s"$ing! she %lung " burning br"n h "t the $outh! "nd pl"nted the br"nd! s#oking with #urk$ light! in his hest. An i##ense terror sh"ttered his sleep! "nd swe"t! pouring %ro# his whole bod$ dren hed %lesh "nd bone. Fr"nti ! he shouted %or we"pons! looked %or we"pons b$ the bedside! 170

"nd through the p"l" e, desire %or the sword r"ged in hi#! "nd the " ursed #"dness o% w"r! "nger "bove "ll, "s when burning sti ks "re he"ped! with " %ier e r" kling! under the bell$ o% " r"ging "uldron! "nd the depths d"n e with the he"t! the s#oking #i+ture seethes inside! the w"ter bubbles high with %o"#! the liJuid "n no longer ont"in itsel%! "nd d"rk v"pour rises into the "ir. So! viol"ting the pe" e! he o##"nded his $oung le"ders to #"r h "g"inst King L"tinus! "nd ordered the troops to be re"died! to de%end *t"l$! to drive the ene#$ %ro# her borders, his "ppro" h itsel% would be enough %or both Tro@"ns "nd L"tins. ?hen he g"ve the word! "nd "lled the gods to witness his vows! the Rutuli vied in urging e" h other to "r#. This #"n is #oved b$ Turnus:s $outh "nd outst"nding nobilit$ o% %or#! th"t b$ his ro$"l line! this one "g"in b$ his glorious deeds. BkVII:4.#-#( Allecto A+ong the Tro8ans ?hile Turnus w"s rousing the Rutuli"ns with %ier$ our"ge! Alle to hurled hersel% tow"rds the Tro@"ns! on St$gi"n wings! sp$ing out! with %resh unning! the pl" e on the shore where h"ndso#e *ulus w"s hunting wild be"sts on %oot with nets. 5"des:s 9irgin drove his hounds to sudden %ren=$! tou hing their #u==les with " %"#ili"r s ent! so th"t the$ e"gerl$ h"sed down " st"g, this w"s " pri#e "use o% trouble! rousing the spirits o% the ountr$#en to w"r. There w"s " st"g o% outst"nding be"ut$! with huge "ntlers! th"t! torn %ro# its #other:s te"ts! T$rrhus "nd his sons h"d r"ised! the %"ther being the #"n to who# the king:s herds sub#itted! "nd who w"s trusted with #"n"ging his l"nds %"r "nd wide. Silvi"! their sister! tr"ining it to her o##"nds with gre"t "re! "dorned its "ntlers! twining the# with so%t g"rl"nds! groo#ing the wild re"ture! "nd b"thing it in " le"r spring. T"#e to the h"nd! "nd used to %ood %ro# the #"ster:s t"ble! it w"ndered the woods!


"nd returned to the %"#ili"r threshold! b$ itsel%! however l"te "t night. &ow while it str"$ed %"r "(%ield! *ulus the hunts#"n:s %ren=ied hounds st"rted it! b$ h"n e! "s it #oved downstre"#! es "ping the he"t b$ the gr"ss$ b"nks. *ulus hi#sel% in%l"#ed "lso with desire %or high honours! "i#ed "n "rrow %ro# his urved bow! the goddess un%"ilingl$ guiding his err"nt h"nd! "nd the sh"%t! %l$ing with " loud hiss! pier ed %l"nk "nd bell$. .ut the wounded re"ture %leeing to its %"#ili"r ho#e! dr"gged itsel% gro"ning to its st"ll! "nd! bleeding! %illed the house with its ries! like " person begging %or help. Silvi"! the sister! be"ting her "r#s with her h"nds in distress! w"s the %irst to "ll %or help! su##oning the tough ountr$#en. The$ "rrived Jui kl$ Fsin e " s"v"ge be"st h"unted the silent woodsG one with " %ire(h"rdened st"ke! one with " he"v$ knotted st"%%, "nger #"de " we"pon o% wh"tever e" h #"n %ound "s he se"r hed "round. T$rrhus "lled out his #en, sin e b$ h"n e he w"s Ju"rtering "n o"k b$ driving wedges! he sei=ed his "+e! bre"thing s"v"gel$. Then the ruel goddess! seeing the #o#ent to do h"r#! %ound the st"ble:s steep roo%! "nd sounded the herds#en:s "ll! sending " voi e %ro# T"rt"rus through the twisted horn! so th"t e" h grove shivered! "nd the deep woods e hoed, <i"n":s dist"nt l"ke "t &e#i he"rd it, white &"r:s river! with its sulphurous w"ters! he"rd, "nd the %ount"ins o% 9elinus, while "n+ious #others l"sped their hildren to their bre"sts. Then the rough ountr$#en sn"t hing up their we"pons! g"thered #ore Jui kl$! "nd %ro# ever$ side! to the noise with whi h th"t dre"d tru#pet sounded the "ll! nor were the Tro@"n $outh slow to open their "#p! "nd send out help to As "nius. The lines were deplo$ed. The$ no longer o#peted with solid st"%%s! "nd %ire(h"rdened st"kes! in " rusti Ju"rrel! but %ought it out with double(edged bl"des! "nd " d"rk rop o% n"ked swords bristled %"r "nd wide, bron=e shone 172

stru k b$ the sun! "nd hurled its light up to the louds, "s when " w"ve begins to whiten "t the wind:s %irst bre"th! "nd the se" swells little b$ little! "nd r"ises higher w"ves! then surges to he"ven out o% its pro%oundest depths. 5ere $oung Al#o! in the %ront r"nks! the eldest o% T$rrhus:s sons! w"s downed b$ " hissing "rrow, the wound opened bene"th his thro"t! hoking the p"ss"ge o% liJuid spee h! "nd %"iling bre"th! with blood. The bodies o% #"n$ #en were round hi#! old B"l"esus "#ong the#! killed in the #idst o% o%%ering pe" e! who w"s one o% the #ost @ust o% #en! "nd the we"lthiest in Ausoni"n l"nd, %ive %lo ks ble"ted %or hi#! %ive herds returned %ro# his %ields! "nd " hundred ploughs %urrowed the soil. BkVII:#4$-#.1 Allecto )eturns to &ades ?hile the$ %ought over the pl"in! in "n eJu"ll$(#"t hed ontest! the goddess! h"ving! b$ her " tions! su eeded in wh"t she:d pro#ised! h"ving steeped the b"ttle in blood! "nd brought de"th in the %irst skir#ish! le%t 5esperi"! "nd wheeling through the "ir o% he"ven spoke to 2uno! in vi tor$! in " proud voi e, I.ehold! %or $ou! dis ord is o#pleted with s"d w"r, tell the# now to unite "s %riends! or @oin in "lli"n e. Sin e *:ve sprinkled the Tro@"ns with Ausoni"n blood! *:ll even "dd this to it! i% *:# "ssured th"t it:s $our wish *:ll bring neighbouring ities into the w"r! with ru#our! in%l"#ing their #inds with love o% w"r:s #"dness! so th"t the$ o#e with "id %ro# ever$ side, *:ll sow the %ields with we"pons.: Then 2uno "nswered, ITh"t:s #ore th"n enough terror "nd tre" her$, the re"sons %or w"r "re there, "r#ed! the$ %ight h"nd to h"nd! "nd the we"pons th"t h"n e %irst o%%ered "re st"ined with %resh blood. Su h be the #"rri"ge! su h be the wedding(rites th"t this 173

illustrious son o% 9enus! "nd King L"tinus hi#sel%! elebr"te. The F"ther! the ruler o% high 'l$#pus! does not wish $ou to w"nder too %reel$ in the ethere"l he"vens. Le"ve this pl" e. ?h"tever h"n e %or trouble re#"ins * will h"ndle.: So spoke S"turn:s d"ughter, &ow! the Fur$ r"ised her wings! hissing with serpents! "nd sought her ho#e in )o $tus! le"ving the heights "bove. There:s " pl" e in *t"l$! "t the %oot o% high #ount"ins! %"#ous! "nd #entioned b$ tr"dition! in #"n$ l"nds! the v"lle$ o% A#s"n tus, woods thi k with le"ves he# it in! d"rkl$! on both sides! "nd in the entre " ro"ring torrent #"kes the ro ks e ho! "nd oils in whirlpools. There " %e"r%ul "vern! " bre"thing(hole %or ruel <is! is shown! "nd " v"st "b$ss! out o% whi h A heron bursts! holds open its b"le%ul @"ws! into whi h the Fur$! th"t h"ted goddess! plunged! %reeing e"rth "nd sk$. BkVII:#.2-,$$ /atinus Abdicates Me"nwhile S"turn:s ro$"l d"ughter w"s no less " tive! setting " %in"l tou h to the w"r. The whole b"nd o% herds#en rushed into the it$ %ro# the b"ttle! bringing b" k the de"d! the bo$ Al#o! "nd B"l"esus! with " #"ngled %" e! "nd invoking the gods! "nd entre"ting L"tinus. Turnus w"s there! "nd !"t the he"rt o% the out r$! he redoubled their terror o% %ire "nd sl"ughter, ITro@"ns "re "lled upon to reign, ;hr$gi"n sto k #i+es with ours, * "# thrust %ro# the door.: Then those whose wo#en! inspired b$ ." hus! pr"n ed "bout in the p"thless woods! in the god:s d"n e F%or A#"t":s n"#e is not trivi"lG! dr"wing together %ro# ever$ side! g"thered to #"ke their "ppe"l to M"rs. *##edi"tel$! with perverse wills! "ll l"#oured %or w"r:s "tro ities! despite the o#ens! despite the god:s de rees!. 174

The$ vied together in surrounding King L"tinus:s p"l" e, like "n i##ove"ble ro k in the o e"n! he stood %ir#! like " ro k in the o e"n! when " huge bre"ker %"lls! holding solid "#ongst " #ultitude o% howling w"ves! while round "bout the li%%s "nd %o"#ing ree%s ro"r! in v"in! "nd se"weed! hurled "g"inst its sides! is w"shed b" k "g"in. As no power w"s re"ll$ gr"nted hi# to onJuer their blind will! "nd events #oved to ruel 2uno:s orders! with #"n$ "ppe"ls to the gods "nd the helpless winds! the old #"n ried, IAl"s! we "re broken b$ %"te! "nd swept "w"$ b$ the stor#K 'h! wret hed people! $ou:ll p"$ the pri e $ourselves %or this! with s" rilegious blood. You! Turnus! $our ri#e "nd its punish#ent "w"it $ou! "nd too l"te $ou:ll entre"t the gods with pr"$ers. M$ sh"re is rest! $et "t the entr"n e to the h"rbour *:# robbed o% "ll ontent#ent in d$ing.: Spe"king no #ore he shut hi#sel% in the p"l" e! "nd let %"ll the reins o% power. BkVII:,$1-,4$ /atiu+ 2re'ares !or 7ar There w"s " usto# in 5esperi"n L"tiu#! whi h the Alb"n ities "lw"$s held s" red! "s gre"t Ro#e does now! when the$ %irst rouse M"rs to b"ttle! whether the$ prep"re to t"ke s"d w"r in their h"nds to the Bet"e! the 5$r "ni"ns! or the Ar"bs! or to he"d E"st pursuing the <"wn! to re l"i# their st"nd"rds %ro# ;"rthi", there "re twin g"tes o% ?"r Fso the$ "re n"#edG! s"n ti%ied b$ religion! "nd b$ dre"d o% %ier e M"rs, " hundred b"rs o% bron=e! "nd iron:s etern"l strength! lo k the#! "nd 2"nus the gu"rdi"n never le"ves the threshold. ?hen the %in"l de ision o% the it$ %"thers is %or b"ttle! the )onsul hi#sel%! dressed in the >uirine tog"! %olded in the B"bine #"nner! unb"rs these gro"ning doors! hi#sel%! "nd hi#sel% invokes the b"ttle, then the rest o% the #en do so too! "nd bron=e horns bre"the their ho"rse "ssent. 175

L"tinus w"s "lso o##"nded to de l"re w"r in this w"$ on Aene"s:s people! "nd unbolt the s"d g"tes! but the old #"n held b" k his h"nd! "nd shr"nk %ro# the vile dut$! hiding hi#sel% in d"rk sh"dows. Then the >ueen o% the gods! gliding %ro# the sk$! set the relu t"nt doors in #otion! with her own h"nd, S"turn:s d"ughter %or ed open the iron g"tes o% ?"r on their hinges. *t"l$! on e pe" e%ul "nd i##ove"ble! w"s "light. So#e prep"red to ross the pl"ins on %oot! others stirred the deep dust on noble horses, "ll de#"nded we"pons. 'thers polished s#ooth shields! "nd bright @"velins! with thi k gre"se! "nd sh"rpened "+es on grindstones, the$ delighted in "rr$ing st"nd"rds "nd he"ring the tru#pet "ll. So %ive gre"t ities set up "nvils "nd %orged new we"pons, power%ul Atin"! proud Tibur! Arde"! )rustu#eri! "nd towered Ante#n"e. The$ be"t out hel#ets to prote t their he"ds! "nd wove wi kerwork %r"#es %or shields, others h"##ered bre"stpl"tes o% bron=e! "nd shin$ gre"ves o% #"lle"ble silver, to this the$ $ielded pride in the sh"re:s bl"de "nd the si kle! "ll their p"ssion %or the plough, the$ re "st their %"ther:s swords in the %urn" e. And now the tru#pets beg"n to sound! the word th"t sign"lled w"r went round, this #"n! in "l"r#! sn"t hed his hel#et %ro# his ho#e! "nother h"rnessed Juivering horses to the $oke! took up his shield! "nd triple(linked o"t o% #"il! "nd %"stened on his %"ith%ul sword. BkVII:,41-.%2 The Battle-/ist &ow Muses! open wide 5eli on! "nd begin " song o% kings who were roused to w"r, wh"t r"nks o% %ollowers e" h one h"d! %illing the pl"in, with wh"t #en even then *t"l$:s ri h e"rth %lowered, with wh"t "r#ies she shone, sin e! goddesses! $ou re#e#ber! "nd h"ve the power to tell, while " %"int bre"th o% their %"#e h"s b"rel$ re" hed us. 176

First %ier e Me=entius enters the w"r! th"t s orner o% gods! %ro# the Tus "n shore! "nd rouses his troops to "r#s. 5is son! L"usus! is beside hi#! th"n who# no other is #ore h"ndso#e in %or#! e+ ept L"urentine Turnus. L"usus! the t"#er o% horses! who subdues wild be"sts! le"ds " thous"nd #en %ro# Ag$ll":s town! who %ollow hi# in v"in! deserving to be h"ppier th"n under his %"ther:s rule! " %"ther who #ight perh"ps not be " Me=entius. Aventinus %ollows the#! the h"ndso#e son o% h"ndso#e 5er ules! displ"$ing his p"l#( rowned h"riot "nd vi torious horses! over the tur%! "nd "rries his %"ther:s e#ble# on his shield, " hundred sn"kes! "nd the 5$dr" wre"thed with serpents, the priestess Rhe" brought hi# to the shores o% light! in " se ret birth! in the woods! on the Aventine 5ill! " wo#"n #"ted to " god when T$rinthi"n 5er ules! the onJueror who slew Ber$on! "#e to the L"urentine %ields! "nd b"thed his Sp"nish "ttle in the Tus "n stre"#. 5is #en "rr$ @"velins "nd gri# pikes! in their h"nds! to w"r! "nd %ight with polished swords "nd S"belli"n spe"rs. 5e hi#sel%! on %oot! " huge lion skin swinging! with terri%$ing unke#pt #"ne! "nd with its white teeth rowning his he"d! enters the ro$"l p"l" e! @ust like th"t! " s"v"ge! with 5er ules:s lothing %"stened round his shoulders. Then twin(brothers! )"tillus! "nd br"ve )or"s! Argive $ouths! le"ving the w"lls o% Tibur! "nd " people n"#ed "%ter their brother Tiburtus! borne into the %ore%ront o% the "r#$! "#ong the dense spe"rs! like loud(born )ent"urs des ending %ro# " high pe"k in the #ount"ins! le"ving 5o#ole "nd snow( overed 'thr$s in their swi%t ourse, the v"st woods give w"$ "s the$ go! "nd! with " loud r"sh! the thi kets $ield to the#. &or is )"e ulus the %ounder o% ;r"eneste:s it$ #issing! who "s ever$ "ge h"s believed w"s born " king! to 9ul "n! "#ong the wild "ttle! "nd dis overed on the he"rth! he:s %ollowed b$ " rusti "r#$ dr"wn %ro# %"r "nd wide! 177

#en who live in steep ;r"eneste! "nd the %ields o% 2uno o% B"bii! "nd beside ool Anio! "nd "#ong the 5erni "n ro ks dew(wet %ro# the stre"#s, those $ou nurture! ri h An"gni"! "nd $ou %"ther A#"senus. The$ don:t "ll h"ve we"pons or shields! or ru#bling h"riots, #ost %ling pellets o% blue le"d! so#e "rr$ twin d"rts in their h"nd! "nd h"ve reddish "ps o% wol%(skin %or he"dge"r, the le%t %oot is b"re "s the$ w"lk! " boot o% r"w hide prote ts the other. And Mess"pus! &eptune:s son! t"#er o% horses! who# no one:s per#itted to %ell with %ire or steel! now suddenl$ "lls to "r#s his settled tribes! "nd troops unused to w"r! "nd gr"sps the sword "g"in. These hold Fes enniu#:s lines "nd AeJui F"lis i:s! those Sor" te:s heights "nd Fl"viniu#:s %ields! "nd )i#inus:s l"ke "nd hill! "nd )"pen":s groves. The$ #"r h to " ste"d$ be"t! "nd sing o% their king, "s the river )"$ster "nd the Asi"n #e"dows! stru k %ro# "%"r! e ho so#eti#es! when the snow$ sw"ns! "#ong the %lowing louds! return %ro# p"sture! "nd #"ke #elodious #usi %ro# their long thro"ts. &o one would think th"t bron=e( l"d r"nks were @oined in su h " rowd! but "n "ir$ loud o% strident birds driving shore(w"rds %ro# the deep gul%. .ehold! )l"usus! o% "n ient S"bine blood! le"ding " gre"t "r#$! "nd worth " gre"t "r#$ in his own right. &ow the )l"udi"n tribe "nd r" e h"s spre"d! %ro# hi#! through L"tiu#! sin e Ro#e w"s sh"red with the S"bines. ?ith hi#! " v"st o#p"n$ %ro# A#iternu#! "nd "n ient >uirites %ro# )ures! "ll the %or es o% Eretu#! "nd olive( l"d Mutus ", those who live in &o#entu# town! "nd the Rose"n %ields! b$ L"ke 9elinus! those %ro# Tetri ":s bristling li%%s! "nd %ro# Mount Severus! "nd )"speri" "nd Foruli! "nd %ro# beside 5i#ell":s stre"#! those who drink the Tiber "nd F"b"ris! those old &ursi" sent! "nd the "r#ies o% 5ort" "nd the L"tin peoples! "nd those who# Alli"! unlu k$ n"#e! %lows between "nd divides, 178

"s #"n$ "s the w"ves th"t swell in Lib$":s se"s! when %ier e 'rion:s buried b$ the wintr$ w"ters! or thi k "s the e"rs o% orn s or hed b$ the e"rl$ sun! in the pl"in o% 5er#us! or L$ i":s $ellow %ields. The shields l"ng! "nd the e"rth is terri%ied b$ the tr"#p o% %eet. &e+t 5"l"esus! Ag"#e#non:s son! hostile to the Tro@"n n"#e! h"rnesses his horses to his h"riot! "nd h"stens " thous"nd w"rlike tribes to Turnus! #en who turn the %ertile M"ssi soil %or ." hus! "nd those the Aurun "n elders h"ve sent %ro# the high hills! "nd the Sidi ine levels ne"rb$! those who h"ve le%t )"les behind! "nd those who live b$ 9olturnus:s sh"llow river! "nd b$ their side the rough S"ti ul"n "nd the 's "n #en. ;olished @"velins "re their we"pons! but their usto# is to "tt" h " %le+ible le"sh. A shield prote ts their le%t! with urved swords %or lose %ighting. &or sh"ll $ou! 'eb"lus! go un(sung in our verses! $ou who# the$ s"$ the n$#ph Sebethis bore to Telon! who is old now! when he held the throne o% Telebo"n )"pre"e, but not ontent with his %"ther:s %ields! even then the son e+er ised his power over the S"rr"stri"n peoples! "nd the pl"ins th"t S"rnus w"ters! "nd those who hold Ru%r"e "nd ."tulu# "nd )ele#n":s %ields! who "re used to throwing their spe"rs in the Teuton %"shion, "nd those "pple(growers th"t the r"#p"rts o% Abell" look down on! whose he"d( over is b"rk stripped %ro# " ork(tree, "nd their bron=e shields gle"#! their swords gle"# with bron=e. And $ou too E%ens! sent to b"ttle %ro# #ount"inous &ers"e! well known to %"#e! "nd %ortun"te in "r#s! whose people o% the h"rd AeJui"n e"rth! "re espe i"ll$ tough! "nd hunt e+tensivel$ in the %orests. The$ plough the e"rth while "r#ed! "nd "lw"$s delight in "rr$ing o%% %resh spoils! "nd living on plunder. There "#e " priest "s well! o% the M"rruvi"n r" e! sent b$ King Ar hippus! sporting " %rond o% %ruit%ul olive "bove his hel#et! E#bro the #ost(v"li"nt! 179

who! b$ in "nt"tion "nd tou h! w"s "ble to shed sleep on the r" e o% vipers "nd w"ter(sn"kes with poisonous bre"th! soothing their "nger! "nd uring their bites! b$ his "rts. .ut he h"d no power to he"l " blow %ro# " Tro@"n spe"r(point! nor did sleep(indu ing h"r#s! or herbs %ound on M"rsi"n hills! help hi# "g"inst wounds. For $ou! Angiti":s grove wept, Fu inus:s gl"ss$ w"ve! %or $ou, %or $ou! the r$st"l l"kes. And 9irbius! 5ippol$tus:s son! #ost h"ndso#e! went to the w"r! who# his #other Ari i" sent in "ll his glor$! 5e w"s re"red in Egeri":s groves! round the #"rsh$ shores! where <i"n":s "lt"r st"nds! ri h "nd %orgiving. For the$ tell in stor$ th"t 5ippol$tus! "%ter he h"d %"llen pre$ to his step#other ;h"edr":s unning! "nd! torn "p"rt b$ st"#peding horses! h"d p"id the debt due to his %"ther with his blood! "#e "g"in to the he"venl$ st"rs! "nd the upper "ir bene"th the sk$! re "lled b$ Apollo:s herbs "nd <i"n":s love. Then the "ll(power%ul %"ther! indign"nt th"t "n$ #ort"l should rise %ro# the sh"dows to the light o% li%e! hurled Aes ul"pius! Apollo:s son! the dis overer o% su h skill "nd he"ling! down to the St$gi"n w"ves. .ut kindl$ <i"n" hid 5ippol$tus in " se ret pl" e! "nd sent hi# to the n$#ph Egeri"! to her grove! where he #ight spend his li%e "lone! unknown! in the *t"li"n woods! his n"#e "ltered to 9irbius. So too horses "re kept "w"$ %ro# the te#ple o% <i"n" Trivi"! "nd the s" red groves! the$ who! %rightened b$ se"(#onsters! spilt h"riot "nd $outh " ross the shore. BkVII:.%(-%1. Turnus and Ca+illa Co+'lete the Array Turnus hi#sel% went to "nd %ro#! "#ong the %ront r"nks! gr"sping his we"pons! pre(e#inent in %or#! overtopping the rest b$ " he"d. 5is t"ll hel#et w"s rowned with " triple plu#e! holding up " )hi#"er"! bre"thing the %ires o% Etn" %ro# its @"ws! sn"rling the #ore! "nd the #ore s"v"ge with so#bre %l"#es 180

the #ore violent the b"ttle be o#es! the #ore blood is shed. .ut on his polished shield w"s *o! with upli%ted horns! %"shioned in gold! "lre"d$ overed with h"ir! "lre"d$ " hei%er! " power%ul e#ble#! "nd Argus! th"t virgin:s w"t her! "nd old *n" hus pouring his river out o% "n engr"ved urn. A loud o% in%"ntr$ %ollowed! "nd the r"nks with shields were thi k "long the pl"in! Argive #en "nd Aurun "n troops! Rutuli"ns "nd old Si "ni"ns! "nd the S" r"ni"n lines! "nd L"bi i"ns! their shields p"inted, "nd those who %"r#ed $our woodl"nd p"stures! Tiber! "nd &u#i ius:s hol$ shore! "nd those whose ploughsh"re turns Rutuli"n hills or )ir e:s he"dl"nd! those whose %ields 2upiter o% An+ur gu"rds! or Feroni"! ple"sed with her green groves, those %ro# where S"tur":s bl" k #"rsh lies! "nd %ro# where hill E%ens %inds his v"lle$:s ourse! "nd is buried in the se". .esides "ll these "#e )"#ill"! o% the 9ols i"n r" e! le"ding her line o% horse! "nd troops gle"#ing with bron=e! " w"rrior girl! her h"nds not tr"ined to Minerv":s dist"%%! "nd b"sket o% wool! but toughened to endure " %ight! "nd! with her Jui kness o% %oot! out(strip the winds. She #ight h"ve ski##ed the tips o% the st"lks o% un ut orn! "nd not bruised their deli "te e"rs with her running, or! h"nging "bove the swelling w"ves! t"ken her p"th through the he"rt o% the deep! "nd not dipped her Jui k %eet in the se". All o% the $oung #en %looding %ro# houses "nd %ields! "nd the rowds o% wo#en #"rvelled! "nd g"=ed! "t her "s she went b$! in open(#outhed wonder "t how the splendour o% ro$"l purple dr"ped her s#ooth shoulders! how her broo h l"sped her h"ir with gold! how she hersel% "rried her L$ i"n Juiver! "nd " shepherd:s #$rtle st"%%! tipped with the point o% " spe"r.


BkVIII:1-2# The *ituation in /atiu+ ?hen Turnus r"ised the w"r(b"nner on the L"urentine it"del! "nd the tru#pets bl"red out their h"rsh #usi ! when he roused his %ier$ horses "nd l"shed his we"pons! he"rts were pro#ptl$ stirred! "ll L"tiu# together swore "llegi"n e in restless o##otion! "nd $oung #en r"ged wildl$. The #"in le"ders! Mess"pus! E%ens "nd Me=entius! s orner o% gods! g"thered their %or es %ro# ever$ side! stripping the bro"d " res o% %"r#ers. And 9enulus w"s sent to gre"t <io#edes:s it$! Arpi! to seek help! "nd e+pl"in th"t the Tro@"ns were pl"nted in L"tiu#! Aene"s h"d "rrived with his %leet! "rr$ing his v"nJuished gods! "nd pronoun ing hi#sel% " king su##oned b$ destin$! th"t #"n$ tribes were @oining the Tro@"n hero! "nd his n"#e w"s spre"ding %"r "nd wide in L"tiu#. ?h"t Aene"s w"s intending given these beginnings! wh"t out o#e he desired %ro# the w"r! i% %ortune %ollowed hi#! #ight be seen #ore le"rl$ b$ <io#edes! hi#sel%! th"n b$ King Turnus or King L"tinus. So it w"s in L"tiu#. Me"nwhile the Tro@"n hero o% L"o#edon:s line! seeing "ll this! tosses on " v"st se" o% "res! "nd swi%tl$ "sts his #ind this w"$ "nd th"t! sei=ing on v"rious ide"s! turning ever$thing over, "s when tre#ulous light %ro# the w"ter in " bron=e bowl! thrown b" k b$ sunshine! or the #oon:s r"di"nt i#"ge! %li kers %"r "nd wide over ever$thing! then "ngles upw"rds! "nd strikes the p"nelled eiling overhe"d. BkVIII:2,-,# Aeneas1s 3rea+ o! Tiberinus *t w"s night! "nd through "ll the l"nd! deep sleep gripped we"r$ re"tures! bird "nd be"st! when Aene"s! the le"der! l"$ down on the river(b"nk! under the old "r h o% the he"vens! his he"rt troubled b$ w"r:s s"dness! "nd "t l"st "llowed his bod$ to rest. 182

'ld Tiberinus hi#sel%! the god o% the pl" e! "ppe"red to hi#! rising %ro# his lovel$ stre"#! "#ong the popl"r le"ves F%ine linen lo"ked hi# in " blue(gre$ #"ntle! "nd sh"dow$ reeds hid his h"irG! Then he spoke! "nd with his words re#oved "ll "res, I' seed o% the r" e o% gods! who bring our Tro@"n it$ b" k %ro# the ene#$! "nd gu"rd the etern"l %ortress! long looked(%or on L"urentine soil! "nd in L"tin %ields! here is $our house! "nd $our house:s gods! %or sure Fdo not desistG! don:t %e"r the thre"t o% w"r! the gods: swollen "nger h"s died "w"$. And now! lest $ou think this sleep:s idle %"n $! $ou:ll %ind " huge sow l$ing on the shore! under the o"k trees! th"t h"s %"rrowed " litter o% thirt$ $oung! " white sow! l$ing on the ground! with white piglets round her te"ts! That place shall be your city, theres true rest from your labours. .$ this in " sp" e o% thirt$ $e"rs As "nius will %ound the it$ o% Alb"! bright n"#e. * do not prophes$ unsurel$. &ow F"ttendG! in " %ew words *:ll e+pl"in how $ou "n e#erge the vi tor %ro# wh"t will o#e. Ar "di"ns h"ve hosen " site on this o"st! " r" e des ended %ro# ;"ll"s! %riends o% King Ev"nder! who %ollowed his b"nner! "nd lo "ted their it$ in the hills! n"#ed! %ro# their "n estor ;"ll"s! ;"ll"ntiu#. The$ w"ge w"r endlessl$ with the L"tin r" e, su##on the# "s "llies to $our "#p! "nd @oin in le"gue with the#. *:ll guide $ou #$sel% "long the b"nks b$ the right h"nnels! so $ou "n de%e"t the opposing urrent with $our o"rs. Rise! now! son o% the goddess! "nd! "s the %irst st"rs set! o%%er the pr"$ers due to 2uno! "nd with hu#ble vows over o#e her "nger "nd her thre"ts. ;"$ #e honour "s vi tor. * "# hi# who# $ou see s ouring the b"nks! with #$ %ull stre"#! "nd utting through ri h %"r#l"nds! blue Tiber! the river #ost de"r to he"ven. 5ere is #$ noble house! #$ %ount %lows through noble ities.: 183

BkVIII:,,-1$1 Aeneas *ails to 2allanteu+ 5e spoke, then the river plunged into " deep pool! seeking its %loor, night "nd sleep le%t Aene"s. 5e rose "nd! looking tow"rds the he"venl$ sun:s e"stern light! r"ised w"ter %ro# the stre"# in his upped h"nds! "nd poured out this pr"$er to he"ven, I&$#phs! L"urentine &$#phs! %ro# who# o#e the tribe o% rivers! "nd $ou! ' F"ther Tiber! "nd $our s" red stre"#! re eive Aene"s! "nd shield hi# "t l"st %ro# d"nger. *n wh"tever %ount"in the w"ter holds $ou! pit$ing our tri"ls! %ro# wh"tever soil $ou %low in $our supre#e be"ut$! $ou will "lw"$s be honoured b$ #$ tributes! b$ #$ gi%ts! horned river! ruler o% the 5esperi"n w"ters. '! onl$ be with #e "nd prove $our will b$ $our presen e.: So he spoke! "nd hose two g"lle$s %ro# his %leet! #"nned the# with o"rs#en! "nd "lso eJuipped his #en with we"pons. .ut behold " sudden wonder! #"rvellous to the sight! gle"#ing white through the trees! " sow the s"#e olour "s her white litter! seen l$ing on the green b"nk, duti%ul Aene"s! "rr$ing the s" red vessel! sets her with her $oung be%ore the "lt"r "nd s" ri%i es her to $ou! to $ou indeed! #ost power%ul 2uno. Tiber "l#ed his swelling %lood "ll th"t night long! "nd %lowing b" kw"rds stilled his silent w"ve! so th"t he spre"d his w"ter$ levels "s in " gentle pool! or pl" id sw"#p! so it would be e%%ortless %or the o"rs. There%ore the$ sped on the ourse begun! with h"pp$ #ur#urs! the oiled pine slipped through the sh"llows, the w"ves #"rvelled! the woods #"rvelled! unused to the %"r( gle"#ing shields o% heroes! "nd the p"inted ships %lo"ting in the river. The$ wore out " night "nd " d"$ with their rowing n"vig"ted long bends! were sh"ded b$ #"n$ kinds o% trees! "nd ut through the green woods! over the "l# levels. 184

The %ier$ sun h"d li#bed to the #id(point o% the sk$:s "r ! when the$ s"w w"lls "nd " %ort in the dist"n e! "nd the s "ttered roo%s o% houses! whi h Ro#"n power h"s now r"ised he"venw"rds, then Ev"nder owned " poor "%%"ir. The$ turned the prows Jui kl$ tow"rds l"nd! "nd "ppro" hed the town. BkVIII:1$2-1#1 Aeneas Meets ;vander .$ h"n e th"t d"$ the Ar "di"n king w"s #"king sole#n o%%ering to 5er ules! A#phitr$on:s #ight$ son! "nd other gods in " grove in %ront o% the it$. 5is son ;"ll"s w"s with hi#! "nd with hi# were "ll the le"ding $oung #en! "nd his i#poverished sen"te o%%ering in ense! "nd the w"r# blood s#oked on the "lt"rs. ?hen the$ s"w the noble ships, th"t the$ were gliding through the sh"dow$ woods! rowing with silent o"rs, the$ were "l"r#ed "t the sudden sight "nd rose together! le"ving the t"bles. .ut proud ;"ll"s ordered the# not to bre"k o%% the rites! "nd sei=ing his spe"r %lew o%% to #eet the str"ngers hi#sel%! "nd "t so#e dist"n e shouted %ro# " hillo k, I?"rriors wh"t #otive drives $ou to tr$ unknown p"thsH ?here "re $ou he"dingH ?h"t people "re $ouH ?here %ro#H <o $ou bring pe" e or w"rH: Then Aene"s the le"der spoke %ro# the high stern! holding out " br"n h o% olive in pe" e, IYou "re looking "t #en o% Tro@"n birth! "nd spe"rs hostile to the L"tins! #en who# the$ %or e to %lee through "rrog"nt w"r%"re. ?e seek Ev"nder. T"ke #$ #ess"ge "nd s"$ th"t the hosen le"ders o% Tro$ h"ve o#e! "sking %or "r#ed "lli"n e.: ;"ll"s w"s "#"=ed! "westru k b$ th"t gre"t n"#e, I' whoever $ou #"$ be! dise#b"rk! "nd spe"k to #$ %"ther %" e to %" e! "nd o#e bene"th our roo% "s " guest.: And he took his h"nd "nd gripped it tight in wel o#e, the$ le%t the river! "nd went on into the grove. Then Aene"s spoke to King Ev"nder! in words o% %riendship, I&oblest o% the sons o% Bree e! who# Fortune deter#ines #e to #"ke reJuest o%! o%%ering br"n hes de ked with s" red ribbons, 185

indeed * did not %e"r $our being " le"der o% Breeks! "n Ar "di"n! "nd @oined to the r" e o% the twin sons o% Atreus! sin e #$ own worth! "nd the god:s hol$ or" les! our %"thers being rel"ted! $our %"#e known throughout the world! onne t #e to $ou! "nd bring #e here willingl$! through destin$. <"rd"nus! our e"rl$ "n estor! "nd le"der o% Tro$:s it$! born o% Atl"nte"n Ele tr"! "s the Breeks "ssert! vo$"ged to Tro$:s Teu ri"n people, "nd #ightiest Atl"s begot Ele tr"! he who supports the he"venl$ spheres on his shoulders. Your "n estor is Mer ur$! who# lovel$ M"i" on eived! "nd g"ve birth to on )$llene:s old heights, "nd Atl"s! i% we redit wh"t we he"r! begot M"i"! th"t s"#e Atl"s who li%ts the st"rr$ sk$. So both our r" es br"n h %ro# the one root. Rel$ing on this! * de ided on no envo$s! no prior "tte#pts through diplo#" $, #$sel%! * set be%ore $ou! #$sel% "nd #$ own li%e! "nd o#e hu#bl$ to $our threshold. The s"#e <"uni"n r" e pursues us with w"r! "s $ou $oursel%! indeed the$ think i% the$ drive us out! nothing will stop the# bringing "ll 5esperi" o#pletel$ under their $oke! "nd owning the se"s th"t w"sh the e"stern "nd western shores. A ept "nd o%%er %riendship. ?e h"ve br"ve he"rts in b"ttle! soldiers "nd spirits proven in " tion.: BkVIII:1#2-1%( ;vander =!!ers Alliance Aene"s spoke. Ev"nder s "nned his %" e! e$es "nd %or#! %or " long ti#e with his g"=e! "s he w"s spe"king. Then he replied brie%l$! so, I5ow gl"dl$ * know! "nd wel o#e $ou! br"vest o% Tro@"nsK 5ow it brings b" k $our %"ther:s spee h! the voi e "nd %e"tures o% noble An hisesK For * re "ll how ;ri"#! son o% L"o#edon! visiting the re"l#s o% his sister! 5esione! "nd seeking S"l"#is! "#e on %urther to see the hill territories o% Ar "di". *n those d"$s %irst $outh lothed #$ heeks with bloo#! 186

"nd * #"rvelled "t the Tro@"n le"ders! "nd #"rvelled "t the son o% L"o#edon hi#sel%, but An hises "s he w"lked w"s t"ller th"n "ll. M$ #ind burned with $outh%ul desire to "ddress the hero! "nd l"sp his h"nd in #ine, * "ppro" hed "nd led hi# e"gerl$ inside the w"lls o% ;heneus. 'n le"ving he g"ve #e " noble Juiver o% L$ i"n "rrows! " lo"k woven with gold! "nd " p"ir o% golden bits! th"t #$ ;"ll"s now owns. So the h"nd o% #ine $ou look %or is @oined in "lli"n e! "nd when to#orrow:s d"wn returns to the e"rth! *:ll send $ou o%% heered b$ #$ help! "nd "id $ou with stores. Me"nwhile! sin e $ou o#e to us "s %riends! %"vour us b$ elebr"ting this "nnu"l %estiv"l! whi h it is wrong to del"$! "nd be o#e " usto#ed to $our %riends: t"ble.: ?hen he h"d spoken he ordered the %ood "nd drink th"t h"d been re#oved to be repl" ed! "nd se"ted the w"rriors hi#sel% on the tur% ben hes. 5e wel o#ed Aene"s "s the prin ip"l guest! "nd invited hi# to " #"ple(wood throne overed b$ " sh"gg$ lion:s pelt. Then the "lt"r priest with $oung #en he h"d hosen o#peted to bring on the ro"st #e"t %ro# the bulls! pile the b"ked bre"d in b"skets! "nd serve the wine. Aene"s "nd the #en o% Tro$ %e"sted on "n entire hine o% bee%! "nd the s" ri%i i"l org"ns. BkVIII:1%4-($# The Tale o! &ercules and Cacus ?hen hunger h"d been b"nished! "nd desire %or %ood s"ted! King Ev"nder s"id, I&o idle superstition! or ignor"n e o% the "n ient gods! %or ed these sole#n rites o% ours! this ritu"l b"nJuet! this "lt"r to so gre"t " divinit$! upon us. ?e per%or# the#! "nd repe"t the honours due! Tro@"n guest! be "use we were s"ved %ro# ruel perils. &ow look %irst "t this ro k$ overh"nging li%%! how its bulk is widel$ sh"ttered! "nd the #ount"in l"ir st"nds deserted! 187

"nd the r"gs h"ve been pulled down in #ight$ ruin. There w"s " "ve here! re eding to v"st depths! untou hed b$ the sun:s r"$s! inh"bited b$ the %ell sh"pe o% )" us! the h"l%(hu#"n! "nd the ground w"s "lw"$s w"r# with %resh blood! "nd the he"ds o% #en! insolentl$ n"iled to the doors! hung there p"llid with s"d de "$. 9ul "n w"s %"ther to this #onster, "nd! "s he #oved his #"ssive bulk! he bel hed out his d"rk %ires. &ow "t l"st ti#e brought wh"t we wished! the presen e "nd "ssist"n e o% " god. 5er ules! the gre"test o% "vengers! "ppe"red! proud o% the killing "nd the spoils o% three(%old Ber$on! driving his gre"t bulls "long "s vi tor! "nd his "ttle o upied the v"lle$ "nd the river. And )" us! his #ind #"d with %ren=$! lest "n$ wi kedness or unning be le%t un(d"red or un(tried drove o%% %our bulls o% outst"nding Ju"lit$! "nd "s #"n$ hei%ers o% e+ eption"l be"ut$! %ro# their st"lls. "nd! so there #ight be no %orw"rd(pointing spoor! the thie% dr"gged the# into his "ve b$ the t"il! "nd! reversing the signs o% their tr" ks! hid the# in the ston$ d"rk, no one seeking the# would %ind " tr"il to the "ve. Me"nwhile! "s 5er ules! A#phitr$on:s son! w"s #oving the well(%ed herd %ro# their st"lls! "nd prep"ring to le"ve! the "ttle lowed "s the$ went out! "ll the woods were %illed with their o#pl"ining! "nd the sound e hoed %ro# the hills. 'ne hei%er returned their "ll! "nd lowed %ro# the deep "ve! "nd %oiled )" us:s hopes %ro# her prison. At this 5er ules:s indign"tion trul$ bl"=ed! with " veno#ous d"rk r"ge, he sei=ed we"pons in his h"nd! "nd his he"v$ knotted lub! "nd Jui kl$ sought the slopes o% the high #ount"in. Then %or the %irst ti#e #$ people s"w )" us "%r"id! on%usion in his e$es, he %led "t on e! swi%ter th"n the E"st ?ind! he"ding %or his "ve, %e"r lent wings to his %eet. As he shut hi#sel% in! "nd blo ked the entr"n e se urel$! throwing "g"inst it " gi"nt ro k! hung there in h"ins 188

b$ his %"ther:s r"%t! b$ sh"ttering the links! behold 5er ules "rrived in " te"ring p"ssion! turning his he"d this w"$ "nd th"t! s "nning ever$ "ppro" h! "nd gn"shing his teeth. 5ot with r"ge! three ti#es he ir led the whole Aventine 5ill! three ti#es he tried the ston$ doorw"$ in v"in! three ti#es he s"nk down! e+h"usted! in the v"lle$. A sh"rp pinn" le o% %lint! the ro k shorn "w"$ on ever$ side! stood! t"ll to see! rising behind the "ve! " suit"ble pl" e %or vile birds to nest. 5e shook it! where it l"$! it:s ridge sloping tow"rds the river on the le%t! str"ining "t it %ro# the right! loosening its deepest roots! "nd te"ring it out! then suddenl$ hurling it "w"$! the highest he"vens thundered with the blow! the b"nks broke "p"rt! "nd the terri%ied river re oiled. .ut )" us:s den "nd his v"st re"l# stood reve"led! "nd the sh"dow$ "verns within l"$ open! no di%%erentl$ th"n i% e"rth! g"ping deep within! were to unlo k the in%ern"l regions b$ %or e! "nd dis lose the p"llid re"l#s! h"ted b$ the gods! "nd the v"st "b$ss be seen %ro# "bove! "nd the spirits tre#ble "t in o#ing light. So 5er ules! "lling upon "ll his we"pons! hurled #issiles "t )" us %ro# "bove! "ught suddenl$ in une+pe ted d"$light! penned in the hollow ro k! with un" usto#ed howling! "nd r"ined boughs "nd gi"nt blo ks o% stone on hi#. 5e on the other h"nd! sin e there w"s no es "pe now %ro# the d"nger! bel hed thi k s#oke %ro# his thro"t F#"rvellous to tellG "nd enveloped the pl" e in blind d"rkness! blotting the view %ro# sight! "nd g"thering s#oke(l"den night in the "ve! " d"rkness #i+ed with %ire. 5er ules in his pride ould not endure it! "nd he threw hi#sel%! with " he"dlong le"p! through the %l"#es! where the s#oke g"ve out its densest billows! "nd bl" k #ist he"ved in the gre"t "vern. 5ere! "s )" us bel hed out useless %l"#e in the d"rkness! 5er ules sei=ed hi# in " knot(like l"sp! "nd! linging! hoked hi# 189

the e$es sJuee=ed! "nd the thro"t dr"ined o% blood. *##edi"tel$ the doors were ripped out! "nd the d"rk den e+posed! the stolen "ttle! "nd the the%t )" us denied! were reve"led to the he"vens! "nd the sh"peless "r "ss dr"gged out b$ the %eet. The people ould not get their %ill o% g"=ing "t the hideous e$es! the %" e! "nd sh"gg$ bristling hest o% the h"l%(#"n! "nd the "shes o% the @"w:s %l"#es. .e "use o% th"t this rite is elebr"ted! "nd h"pp$ posterit$ re#e#bers the d"$, "nd ;otitius! the %irst! the %ounder! with the ;in"ri"n 5ouse "s gu"rdi"ns o% the worship o% 5er ules! set up this "lt"r in the grove! whi h sh"ll be spoken o% %or ever b$ us "s IThe Mightiest:! "nd the #ightiest it sh"ll be %or ever. )o#e now! ' $ou $oung #en! wre"the $our h"ir with le"ves! hold out wine( ups in $our right h"nds! in honour o% su h gre"t glor$! "nd "ll on the god we know! "nd pour out the wine with " will.: 5e spoke! while gre$(green popl"r veiled his h"ir with 5er ules:s own sh"de! h"nging down in " knot o% le"ves! "nd the s" red up %illed his h"nd. >ui kl$ the$ "ll poured " @o$%ul lib"tion on the t"ble! "nd pr"$ed to the gods. Me"nwhile! evening drew ne"rer in the he"vens! "nd now the priests went out! ;otitius le"ding! lothed in pelts "s usto#"r$! "nd "rr$ing tor hes. The$ rest"rted the %e"st! bringing wel o#e o%%erings "s " se ond ourse! "nd piled the "lt"rs with he"ped pl"tes. Then the S"lii! the d"n ing priests! "#e to sing round the lighted "lt"rs! their %orehe"ds wre"thed with spr"$s o% popl"r! one b"nd o% $ouths! "nother o% old #en! who pr"ised the glories "nd deeds o% 5er ules in song, how "s "n in%"nt he str"ngled the twin sn"kes in his grip! #onsters sent b$ 2uno his step#other, how too he destro$ed ities in o#p"r"ble in w"r! Tro$ "nd 'e h"li", how he endured " thous"nd h"rd l"bours destined %or hi# b$ ruel 2uno! through King Eur$stheus, IYou! un onJuer"ble one! $ou slew the loud(born )ent"urs! bi(%or#ed 5$l"eus "nd ;holus! with $our h"nd, the #onstrous 190

)ret"n .ull, "nd the huge lion below the li%%s o% &e#e". The St$gi"n L"ke tre#bled be%ore $ou, )erberus! 5ell:s gu"rdi"n! l$ing on h"l%(e"ten bones in his blood(dren hed "ve, &o sh"pe! not T$pheus hi#sel%! "r#ed "nd towering upw"rds! d"unted $ou, $our br"ins were not l" king when Lern":s 5$dr" surrounded $ou with its sw"r# o% he"ds. 5"il! true hild o% 2ove! " glor$ "dded to the gods! visit us "nd $our rites with gr" e "nd %"vouring %eet.: Su h things the$ elebr"ted in song! "dding to "ll this )" us:s "ve! "nd the %ire(bre"ther hi#sel%. All the grove r"ng with sound! "nd the hills e hoed. BkVIII:($,-(, 2allanteu+ @ the *ite o! )o+e Then the$ "ll returned to the it$! the s" red rites o#plete. The king w"lked lothed with $e"rs! "nd kept Aene"s "nd his son ne"r hi# %or o#p"n$! lightening the ro"d with v"rious t"lk. Aene"s #"rvelled! "nd s "nned his e$es "bout e"gerl$! "ptiv"ted b$ the pl" e! "nd delighted to enJuire "bout "nd le"rn e" h t"le o% the #en o% old. So King Ev"nder! %ounder o% Ro#e:s it"del! s"id, IThe lo "l &$#phs "nd F"uns on e lived in these groves! "nd " r" e o% #en born o% trees with tough ti#ber! who h"d no l"ws or ulture! "nd didn:t know how to $oke o+en or g"ther we"lth! or l"$ "side " store! but the br"n hes %ed the#! "nd the hunter:s wild %"re. S"turn w"s the %irst to o#e down %ro# he"venl$ 'l$#pus! %leeing 2ove:s we"pons! "nd e+iled %ro# his lost re"l#. 5e g"thered together the unt"ught r" e! s "ttered "#ong the hills! "nd g"ve the# l"ws! "nd hose to "ll it L"tiu#! %ro# latere! Ito hide:! sin e he h"d hidden in s"%et$ on these shores. Ender his reign w"s the Bolden Age #en spe"k o%, in su h tr"nJuil pe" e did he rule the n"tions! until little b$ little "n in%erior! t"rnished "ge su eeded! with w"r:s #"dness! "nd desire %or possessions. 191

Then the Ausoni"n b"nds "#e! "nd the Si oni"n tribes! while S"turn:s l"nd o% L"tiu# o%ten l"id "side her n"#e, then the kings! "nd s"v"ge Th$bris! o% v"st bulk! "%ter who# we *t"li"ns "ll our river b$ the n"#e o% Tiber, the "n ient Albul" h"s lost her true n"#e. As %or #e! e+iled %ro# #$ ountr$ "nd seeking the li#its o% the o e"n! "ll(power%ul )h"n e! "nd ines "p"ble %"te! settled #e in this pl" e! driven on b$ #$ #other the &$#ph )"r#entis:s dire w"rnings! "nd #$ gu"rdi"n god Apollo.: 5e h"d s "r el$ spoken when "dv"n ing he pointed out the "lt"r "nd wh"t the Ro#"ns "ll the )"r#ent"l B"te! in "n ient tribute to the &$#ph )"r#entis! the %"r(seeing prophetess! who %irst %oretold the gre"tness o% Aene"s:s sons! the glor$ o% ;"ll"nteu#. &e+t he pointed to " v"st grove! whi h br"ve Ro#ulus would restore "s " s"n tu"r$! "nd the Luper "l! the ?ol%:s )"ve! under " old li%%! n"#ed in the Ar "di"n w"$ %or the wol%(god! L$ "e"n ;"n. And he "lso pointed out the grove o% s" red Argiletu# "lling the pl" e to witness! rel"ting the de"th o% Argus his guest. 5e le"ds hi# %ro# here to the T"rpei"n Ro k "nd the )"pitol! now "ll gold! on e bristling with wild thorns. Even then the dre"d%ul holiness o% the pl" e "wed the %e"r%ul ountr$ %olk! even then the$ tre#bled "t the wood "nd the ro k. IA god inh"bits this grove!: he s"id! I "nd this hill with its le"%$ su##it! Fwhi h god is unknownG, #$ Ar "di"ns believe the$ h"ve seen 2ove hi#sel%! "s his right h"nd h"s o%ten sh"ken his d"rkening shield! "nd "lled up the stor# louds. Moreover $ou "n see in these two townships with broken w"lls! the #e#ori"ls "nd reli s o% #en o% old. F"ther 2"nus built this %ort! S"turn th"t, this w"s n"#ed the 2"ni ulu#! th"t the S"turni".: T"lking "#ong the#selves the$ "#e to the house o% the i#poverished Ev"nder! "nd s"w "ttle here "nd there! lowing 192

where the Ro#"n Foru# "nd the %"shion"ble )"rin"e would be. ?hen the$ re" hed the house! Ev"nder s"id, I9i torious 5er ules stooped to entering this doorw"$! this p"l" e h"r#ed hi#. M$ guest! d"re to s orn we"lth! "nd #"ke $oursel% worth$ too to be " god, don:t be s "thing "bout the l" k o% possessions.: 5e spoke! "nd led #ight$ Aene"s bene"th the on%ines o% his sloping roo%! "nd "llotted hi# " #"ttress stu%%ed with le"ves! "nd the pelt o% " Lib$"n be"r, &ight %ell! "nd e#br" ed the e"rth with her d"rkening wings. BkVIII:(.$-4$, Venus *eeks 7ea'ons !ro+ Vulcan &ow 9enus! " #other %e"r%ul! "nd not without re"son! in her #ind! troubled b$ the L"urentine thre"ts! "nd %ier e uprising! spoke to 9ul "n! her husb"nd! in their golden brid"l h"#ber! beginning this w"$! bre"thing divine p"ssion into her words, I* didn:t "sk we"pons o% $our skill or power! de"rest husb"nd! nor "n$ help %or #$ poor people! while the Argive kings destro$ed doo#ed Tro$ in the w"r! her it"del %"ted to %"ll to hostile %l"#es, no! * didn:t w"nt to e+er ise $ou or $our skills in v"in! though * owed #u h indeed to ;ri"#:s sons! "nd o%ten wept "t Aene"s:s ruel su%%ering. &ow "t 2ove:s o##"nd he h"s set %oot on Rutuli"n shores! so * o#e likewise "s " suppli"nt "nd "sk "r#s o% the power s" red to #e! " #other on beh"l% o% her son. Thetis! &ereus:s d"ughter! "nd Auror"! Tithonus:s wi%e! ould #ove $ou with te"rs. See wh"t n"tions g"ther! wh"t ities! losing their g"tes! "re sh"rpening their swords "g"inst #e! to destro$ #$ people.: She h"d spoken! "nd "s he hesit"ted! the goddess "ressed hi# in " tender e#br" e! on this side "nd on th"t! in her snow$ "r#s. At on e he %elt the %"#ili"r %l"#e! "nd th"t w"r#th he knew penetr"ted hi# to the #"rrow! "nd r"n through his #elting bones! no di%%erentl$ th"n when! with " pe"l o% thunder! " %orked stre"k o% %ire te"rs through the stor#( louds with d"==ling light, his p"rtner %elt it! delighted with her leverness "nd ons ious 193

o% her be"ut$. Then old 9ul "n spoke! h"ined b$ i##ort"l love, I?h$ do $ou seek inst"n es %ro# the p"stH Boddess! where h"s $our %"ith in #e goneH *% $our "n+iet$ then w"s the s"#e! it would h"ve been right %or #e too to "r# the Tro@"ns then, neither %"te nor the "l#ight$ F"ther re%used to let Tro$ st"nd! or ;ri"# live! ten $e"rs #ore. And so now! i% w"r is $our intent! "nd $our #ind is set on it! e"se to doubt $our powers! entre"ting wh"tever "re * "n pro#ise in #$ r"%t! wh"tever "n be #"de o% iron "nd #olten ele tru#! wh"tever %ire "nd "ir "n do.: S"$ing these words he g"ve her " desired e#br" e! "nd sinking onto his wi%e:s bre"st! sought gentle sleep in ever$ li#b. BkVIII:4$.-4#( Vulcan1s *+ithy ?hen! in v"nishing night:s #id( ourse! %irst rest h"s onJuered the need %or sleep, when " wo#"n! who supports li%e with dist"%% "nd the hu#ble work Minerv" i#poses! %irst w"kes the "shes! "nd slu#bering %l"#es! "dding night hours to her toil! "nd #"int"ins her serv"nts "t their endless t"sk! b$ l"#plight! to keep her husb"nd:s bed pure! "nd r"ise her $oung sons, @ust so! the god! with the power o% %ire! rose now %ro# his so%t bed! no idler "t th"t hour! to l"bour "t the %orge. An isl"nd! its ro ks s#oking! rises steepl$ b$ the Si ili"n o"st! ne"r the %l"nks o% Aeoli"n Lip"re. .ene"th it " "ve! "nd the g"lleries o% Etn"! e"ten "t b$ the )$ lope"n %urn" es! resound! "nd the gro"ns %ro# the "nvils "re he"rd e hoing the he"v$ blows! "nd #"sses o% )h"l$be"n steel hiss in the "verns! "nd %ire bre"thes through the %urn" es. *t is 9ul "n:s ho#e "nd "lled 9ul "ni". 5ere then the god with the power o% %ire des ended %ro# the he"vens. *n the huge "ve the )$ lopes! .rontes! Steropes! "nd b"re(li#bed ;$r "#on! were %orging iron. The$ held " lightning(bolt! sh"ped with their h"nds! 194

like #"n$ o% those the F"ther hurls %ro# "ll over the sk$! p"rt o% it polished! p"rt still le%t to do. The$:d "dded three sh"%ts o% spir"lling r"in! three o% w"ter$ loud! three o% reddening %ire! "nd the winged south wind. now the$ were blending terri%$ing %l"shes! into the work! sounds "nd %e"rs! "nd %ur$ with %ollowing %l"#es. Elsewhere the$ pressed on with " h"riot %or M"rs! with winged wheels! with whi h he rouses #en! with whi h he rouses ities, "nd " hilling "egis! the bre"stpl"te o% ;"ll"s! o#peting to burnish its serpent s "les o% gold! its interwoven sn"kes! "nd the Borgon hersel% on the goddess:s bre"st! with severed ne k "nd rolling e$es, IAw"$ with "ll this!: he shouts! Ire#ove the work $ou:ve st"rted! )$ lopes o% Etn"! "nd turn $our #inds to this, $ou:re to #"ke "r#s %or " br"ve hero. &ow $ou need strength! swi%t h"nds now! "ll the "rt now o% " #"ster. An end to del"$.: 5e s"id no #ore! but the$ "ll bent Jui kl$ to the toil! "nd sh"red the l"bour eJu"ll$. .ron=e "nd golden ore %lowed in stre"#s! "nd steel! th"t de"ls wounds! #elted in " v"st %urn" e. The$ sh"ped " gi"nt shield! one to st"nd "g"inst "ll the we"pons o% L"tiu#! l"$ering it seven ti#es! dis on dis . So#e su ked in "ir "nd blew it out "g"in with p"nting bellows! others dipped the hissing bron=e in the l"ke, the "vern gro"ned bene"th the weight o% "nvils. ?ith #ight$ %or e the$ li%ted their "r#s together in rh$th#! "nd turned the #"ss o% #et"l! gripping it with pin ers. BkVIII:4#4-#1 ;vander 2ro'oses Assistance ?hile the lord o% Le#nos h"stened the work on the Aeoli"n shore! the kindl$ light! "nd the d"wn song o% the birds bene"th the e"ves! "lled Ev"nder %ro# his hu#ble house. The old #"n rose! lothed his bod$ in " tuni 195

"nd str"pped T$rrheni"n s"nd"ls to the soles o% his %eet. Then he %"stened his Teg"e"n sword over his shoulder "nd to his side! %linging b" k " p"nther:s hide on the le%t. Two gu"rd dogs besides r"n "he"d %ro# the high threshold! "nd " o#p"nied their #"ster:s steps. The hero #"de his w"$ to his guest Aene"s:s se luded lodging! thinking o% his words! "nd the help he h"d pro#ised. Aene"s w"s no less e"rl$ to rise, his son ;"ll"s w"lked with the one! A h"tes with the other. The$ l"sped h"nds "s the$ #et! s"t down "#ong the houses! "nd %in"ll$ en@o$ed open onvers"tion. The king w"s the %irst to begin! so, IBre"test le"der o% the Teu ri"ns! %or #$ p"rt while $ou:re s"%e "nd sound *:ll never " ept th"t the kingdo# "nd power o% Tro$ h"ve been overthrown! our strength in w"r is in"deJu"te to su h " n"#e, on this side we "re shut in b$ the Tus "n river! while on th"t the Rutuli"n presses us! "nd thunders in "r#s round our w"lls. .ut * propose to "%%ili"te #ight$ peoples to $ou! "nd " w"r( "#p ri h in kingships! help th"t h"n e unpredi t"bl$ reve"ls. You "rrive "t %"te:s o##"nd. &ot %"r %ro# here is the site o% Arg$ll":s it$! built o% "n ient stone! where the L$di"n r" e! %"#ous in w"r! on e settled the Etrus "n heights. For #"n$ $e"rs it %lourished! until King Me=entius ruled it with "rrog"nt power! "nd s"v"ge we"ponr$. ?h$ re ount the t$r"nt:s wi ked #urders "nd vi ious " tsH M"$ the gods reserve su h %or his li%e "nd r" eK 5e even tied orpses to living bodies! "s " #e"ns o% torture! pl" ing h"nd on h"nd "nd %" e "g"inst %" e! so killing b$ " lingering de"th! in th"t wret hed e#br" e! th"t oo=e o% dise"se "nd de o#position. .ut the we"r$ iti=ens "t l"st "r#ed the#selves surrounded the "tro ious #"d#"n in his p"l" e! #owed down his supporters! "nd %ired the roo%. A#ongst the "rn"ge he es "ped "nd %led 196

to Rutuli"n soil! prote ted b$ Turnus:s "llied "r#$. So "ll Etruri" h"s risen in right%ul "nger! de#"nding the king %or punish#ent! with the thre"t o% i##edi"te w"r. Aene"s! *:ll #"ke $ou le"der o% those thous"nds. For their ships l"#our densel$ on the shore! "nd the$ order the b"nners to "dv"n e! but "n "ged sooths"$er holds the# b" k! singing o% destin$, I' hosen w"rriors o% M"eoni"! the %lower! the honour o% our "n ient r" e! who# @ust resent#ent sends "g"inst the ene#$! "nd who# Me=entius %ires with right%ul "nger! no #"n o% *t"l$ #"$ ontrol su h " people "s $ou, hoose %oreigners "s le"ders.: So the Etrus "n r"nks "#ped on th"t pl"in! %e"r%ul o% this w"rning %ro# the gods. T"r hon hi#sel% h"s sent "#b"ss"dors to #e! with the ro$"l s eptre "nd rown! entrusting #e with the insigni", * to o#e to the "#p! "nd t"ke the Tus "n throne. .ut the slow %rost o% old "ge we"ried b$ the $e"rs! "nd strength now be$ond " ts o% v"lour! begrudge #e the o##"nd. * would urge #$ son to it! e+ ept th"t o% #i+ed blood with " S"bine #other! he t"kes p"rt o% his n"tion"lit$ %ro# her. You! ' br"vest le"der o% Tro@"ns "nd *t"li"ns! to whose r" e "nd $e"rs destin$ is %"vour"ble! who# the divine will "lls! " ept. Moreover *:ll "dd ;"ll"s here! our hope "nd o#%ort, let hi# be o#e " usto#ed under $our guid"n e to endure #ilit"r$ servi e! "nd the gr"ve work o% w"r! witness $our " tions! "nd "d#ire $ou %ro# his e"rl$ $e"rs. *:ll gr"nt hi# two hundred Ar "di"n horse#en! the hoi e %lower o% our #"nhood! "nd ;"ll"s will gr"nt the s"#e to $ou hi#sel%.:


BkVIII:#2$-#%4 The 2reli+inary Alar+s 5e h"d s "r el$ %inished! "nd Aene"s! An hises:s son! "nd lo$"l A h"tes! with e$es down "st! were thinking o% #"n$ " di%%i ult$! in their own so#bre #inds! when )$there" sent " sign %ro# " loudless sk$. For lightning "#e %l"shing une+pe tedl$ %ro# he"ven! with thunder! "nd suddenl$ "ll see#ed to Ju"ke! "nd! through the "ir! " T$rrheni"n tru#pet bl"st see#ed to br"$. The$ looked upw"rds! " gre"t r"sh sounded "g"in "nd "g"in. *n " "l# region o% the sk$ "#ong the louds the$ s"w we"pons reddening in the bright "ir! "nd he"rd the noise o% blows. The others were "stounded but the Tro@"n hero knew the sounds "s those o% things whi h his #other h"d pro#ised. Then he ried, IM$ %riend! indeed! do not wonder * beg $ou "s to wh"t these #"rvels #ight prophes$, * "# "lled b$ 'l$#pus. The goddess who bore #e %oretold she would send this sign i% w"r w"s ne"r! "nd bring we"pons %ro# 9ul "n through the "ir to "id #e. Al"s wh"t sl"ughter "w"its the wret hed L"urentinesK ?h"t " pri e $ou:ll p"$ #e! TurnusK ?h"t shields "nd hel#ets "nd bodies o% the br"ve $ou:ll roll bene"th $our w"ves! %"ther TiberK Let the# "sk %or b"ttle "nd bre"k their tre"ties.: 5"ving spoken! he r"ised hi#sel% %ro# his high throne! "nd %irstl$ revived the dor#"nt "lt"rs with 5er ule"n %ire! then gl"dl$ visited $esterd"$:s L"r "nd the hu#ble household gods. Ev"nder "nd the Tro@"n w"rriors eJu"ll$ s" ri%i ed hosen ewes " ording to the rite. &e+t he went to the ships "nd #et "g"in with his o#r"des! hoosing the #ost outst"nding in our"ge to %ollow hi# to w"r, the others slipped downstre"#! %lo"ting e%%ortlessl$ on the help%ul urrent! "rr$ing news to As "nius o% his %"ther "nd his %ortunes. 5orses were gr"nted to the Tro@"ns who were to t"ke the T$rrheni"n %ield, 198

The$ le"d out " hoi e #ount %or Aene"s! lothed in " t"wn$ lion:s pelt with gle"#ing gilded l"ws. A ru#our suddenl$ %lew through the little town! pro l"i#ing th"t horse#en were riding %"st to the T$rrhene king:s shores. Mothers! in "l"r#! redoubled their pr"$ers! "nd %e"r drew ne"r with d"nger! "nd now the w"r god:s i#"ge loo#ed l"rger. Then old Ev"nder! l"sping his son:s h"nd "s he dep"rted! lung to hi# weeping in ess"ntl$ "nd spoke "s %ollows, I'! i% 2upiter would bring b" k the $e"rs th"t h"ve v"nished! * to be "s * w"s when * %elled the %ore#ost r"nks under ;r"eneste:s ver$ w"lls! "nd "s vi tor he"ped up the shields! "nd sent King Erulus down to T"rt"rus! b$ this right h"nd! he to who# "t his birth his #other Feroni" Fstr"nge to tellG g"ve three lives! triple we"pons to wield C to be three ti#es brought low in de"th, who "t l"st in " #o#ent this right h"nd stripped o% "ll his lives! "nd eJu"ll$ o% "ll his we"pons, * would never be torn "s now %ro# $our sweet e#br" e! #$ son! never would Me=entius h"ve poured insults on this neighbour:s he"d! "used so #"n$ ruel de"ths with the sword! or widowed the it$ o% so #"n$ o% her sons. .ut $ou! powers "bove! "nd $ou! 2upiter! #ight$ ruler o% the gods! t"ke pit$ * beg $ou on this Ar "di"n king! "nd he"r " %"ther:s pr"$er. *% $our will! "nd %"te! keep #$ ;"ll"s s"%e! i% * live to see hi# "nd be together with hi#! * "sk %or li%e, * h"ve the p"tien e to endure "n$ h"rdship. .ut i% $ou thre"ten "n$ unbe"r"ble dis"ster! Fortune! now! oh now! let #e bre"k the thre"d o% ruel e+isten e! while %e"r h"ngs in doubt! while hope:s un ert"in o% the %uture. while $ou! beloved bo$! #$ l"te "nd onl$ @o$! "re held in #$ e#br" e! "nd let no evil news wound #$ e"rs.: These were the words the %"ther poured out "t their l"st p"rting, then his serv"nts "rried hi#! over o#e! into the p"l" e. BkVIII:#%#-,2# Venus1s <i!t o! Ar+our


And now the horse#en h"d ridden %ro# the opened g"tes! Aene"s! "nd lo$"l A hetes! "#ong the %irst, then the other prin es o% Tro$! ;"ll"s hi#sel% tr"velling #id( olu#n! not"ble in his lo"k "nd engr"ved "r#our! like the Morning(St"r! who# 9enus loves "bove "ll the other st"rr$ %ires! when! h"ving b"thed in ' e"n:s w"ve! he r"ises his s" red he"d in he"ven! "nd #elts the d"rk. Mothers st"nd %e"r%ull$ on the b"ttle#ents! "nd with their e$es %ollow the loud o% dust! the sJu"drons bright with bron=e. The "r#ed #en p"ss through the undergrowth where the route is #ost dire t, " shout rises! "nd the$ %or# olu#n! "nd with the thunder o% their hooves sh"ke the broken ground. There:s " l"rge grove b$ the hill$ stre"# o% )"ere! held s" red %"r "nd wide! in "n estr"l reveren e, the hollow hills en lose it on "ll sides! "nd surround the wood with d"rk %ir trees. The t"le is th"t the "n ient ;el"sgi"ns! who on e held the L"tin borders! dedi "ted this wood "nd " %estive d"$ to Silv"nus! god o% the %ields "nd the herds. &ot %"r %ro# here! T"r hon "nd the T$rrheni"ns were "#ped in " s"%e pl" e! "nd now "ll their troops ould be seen! %ro# the high ground! s "ttered widel$ over the %ields. Aene"s! the le"der! "nd the $oung #en hosen %or w"r! "rrived! "nd re%reshed their horses "nd their we"r$ bodies. Then 9enus! bright goddess! "#e be"ring gi%ts through the ethere"l louds, "nd when she s"w her son %ro# %"r "w"$ who h"d retired in se ret to the v"lle$ b$ the ool stre"#! she went to hi# hersel%! un"sked! "nd spoke these words, ISee the gi%ts brought to per%e tion b$ #$ husb"nd:s skill! "s pro#ised. You need not hesit"te! #$ son! to Jui kl$ h"llenge the proud L"urentines! or %ier e Turnus! to b"ttle.: )$there" spoke! "nd invited her son:s e#br" e! "nd pl" ed the shining we"pons under "n o"k tree opposite. 5e "nnot h"ve enough o% turning his g"=e over e" h ite#! delighting in the goddess:s gi%t "nd so high "n honour! "d#iring! "nd turning the hel#et over with h"nds "nd "r#s! 200

with its %e"rso#e rest "nd spouting %l"#es! "nd the %"te%ul sword! the sti%% bre"stpl"te o% bron=e! d"rk(red "nd huge! like " bluish loud when it:s lit b$ the r"$s o% the sun! "nd glows %ro# "%"r, then the s#ooth gre"ves! o% ele tru# "nd re%ined gold! the spe"r! "nd the shield:s indes rib"ble det"il. BkVIII:,2,-,.$ Vulcan1s *hield: *cenes o! ;arly )o+e There the lord with the power o% %ire! not unversed in prophe $! "nd knowledge o% the enturies to o#e! h"d %"shioned the histor$ o% *t"l$! "nd Ro#e:s triu#phs, there w"s ever$ %uture gener"tion o% As "nius:s sto k! "nd the seJuen e o% b"ttles the$ were to %ight. 5e h"d "lso shown the she(wol%! h"ving @ust littered! l$ing on the ground! in the green "ve o% M"rs! the twin brothers! Ro#ulus "nd Re#us! pl"$ing! h"nging on her te"ts! "nd %e"rlessl$ su king "t their %oster(#other. .ending her ne k b" k s#oothl$ she "ressed the# in turn! "nd li ked their li#bs with her tongue. &ot %"r %ro# th"t he h"d pl" ed Ro#e! the S"bine wo#en! l"wlessl$ sn"t hed %ro# the se"ted rowd! when the gre"t g"#es were held in the )ir us, "nd the sudden surge o% %resh w"r%"re between Ro#ulus:s #en! "nd the "ged T"tius "nd his "ustere )ures. &e+t! the s"#e two kings stood "r#ed in %ront o% 2ove:s "lt"r! holding the wine( ups "nd @oined in le"gue! s" ri%i ing " sow! the new(built p"l" e bristling with Ro#ulus:s th"t h. Then! not %"r %ro# th"t! %our(horse h"riots driven in di%%erent dire tions tore Mettus "p"rt FAlb"n! $ou should h"ve kept $our word! thoughKG! "nd Tullus dr"gged the li"r:s entr"ils through the woods! the bri"rs wet with sprinkled blood. There w"s ;orsenn" too! ordering Ro#e to "d#it the b"nished T"rJuin! "nd gripping the it$ in " #ight$ siege, the s ions o% Aene"s running on the sword %or %reedo#:s s"ke. You ould see ;orsenn" in "ngr$! "nd in thre"tening! posture! 201

be "use )o les d"red to te"r down the bridge! be "use )loeli" broke her restr"ints "nd sw"# the river. At the top M"nlius! gu"rdi"n o% the T"rpei"n )it"del! stood be%ore the te#ple! de%ending the high )"pitol. And there the silver$ goose! %l$ing through the gilded olonn"des! " kled th"t the B"uls were "t the g"te. The B"uls were there in the gorse! t"king the )it"del! prote ted b$ the d"rk! the gi%t o% sh"dow$ night. Their h"ir w"s gold! "nd their lothes were gold! the$ shone in striped lo"ks! their white ne ks torJued with gold! e" h w"ving two Alpine @"velins in his h"nd! long shields de%ending their bodies. 5ere he h"d be"ten out the le"ping S"lii "nd n"ked Luper i! the wooll$ priest:s "ps! "nd the ov"l shields th"t %ell %ro# he"ven! h"ste #others in ushioned "rri"ges le"ding s" red i#"ges through the it$. F"r %ro# these he h"d "dded the regions o% T"rt"rus! the high g"tes o% <is! the punish#ent %or wi kedness! "nd $ou )"tiline! h"nging %ro# " thre"tening li%%! tre#bling "t the sight o% the Furies, "nd the good! "t " dist"n e! )"to h"nding out @usti e. BkVIII:,.1-.1( Vulcan1s *hield: The Battle o! Actiu+ The likeness o% the swollen se" %lowed ever$where "#ong these! in gold! though the %lood %o"#ed with white billows! "nd dolphins in bright silver swept the w"ters round "bout with "r hing t"ils! "nd ut through the surge. *n the entre bron=e ships ould be seen! the ."ttle o% A tiu#! "nd $ou ould #"ke out "ll Leu "te in %everish prep"r"tion %or w"r! the w"ves gle"#ing with gold. 'n one side Augustus )"es"r st"nds on the high stern! le"ding the *t"li"ns to the on%li t! with hi# the Sen"te! the ;eople! the household gods! the gre"t gods! his h"pp$ brow shoots out twin %l"#es! "nd his %"ther:s st"r is shown on his he"d. Elsewhere Agripp"! %"voured b$ the winds "nd the gods 202

le"ds his towering olu#n o% ships! his brow shines with the be"ks o% the n"v"l rown! his proud b"ttle distin tion. 'n the other side Anton$! with b"rb"rous we"lth "nd str"nge we"pons! onJueror o% e"stern peoples "nd the *ndi"n shores! bringing Eg$pt! "nd the #ight o% the 'rient! with hi#! "nd %urthest ." tri", "nd his Eg$pti"n onsort %ollows hi# Fthe sh"#eG. All press %orw"rd together! "nd the whole se" %o"#s! hurned b$ the sweeping o"rs "nd the trident r"#s. The$ seek deep w"ter, $ou:d think the )$ l"di isl"nds were uprooted "nd "%lo"t on the %lood! or high #ount"ins l"shed with #ount"ins! so huge the #"ss with whi h the #en "tt" k the towering sterns. .l"=ing tow "nd #issiles o% winged steel shower %ro# their h"nds! &eptune:s %ields grow red with %resh sl"ughter. The Jueen in the entre sign"ls to her olu#ns with the n"tive sistrum! not $et turning to look "t the twin sn"kes "t her b" k. ."rking Anubis! "nd #onstrous gods o% ever$ kind br"ndish we"pons "g"inst &eptune! 9enus! "nd Minerv". M"rs r"ges in the entre o% the ontest! engr"ved in steel! "nd the gri# Furies in the sk$! "nd <is ord in " torn robe strides @o$ousl$! while .ellon" %ollows with her blood(dren hed whip. Apollo o% A tiu# sees %ro# "bove "nd bends his bow, "t this "ll Eg$pt! "nd *ndi"! "ll the Ar"bs "nd S"b"e"ns turn "nd %lee. The Jueen hersel% is seen to "ll upon the winds! set s"il! "nd now! even now! spre"d the sl" kened "nv"s. The lord with the power o% %ire h"s %"shioned her p"llid with the o#ing o% de"th! "#idst the sl"ughter! "rried onw"rds b$ the w"ves "nd wind o% *"p$+! while be%ore her is &ile! #ourning with his v"st e+tent! opening wide his b"$s! "nd! with his whole t"pestr$! "lling the v"nJuished to his d"rk green bre"st! "nd sheltering stre"#s. BkVIII:.14-.(1 Vulcan1s *hield: Augustus1s Tri'le Triu+'h


&e+t Augustus! entering the w"lls o% Ro#e in triple triu#ph! is dedi "ting his i##ort"l o%%ering to *t"l$:s gods! three hundred gre"t shrines throughout the it$. The streets "re ringing with @o$! pl"$%ulness! "ppl"use, " b"nd o% wo#en in ever$ te#ple! "lt"rs in ever$ one, be%ore the "lt"rs s" ri%i i"l steers over the ground. 5e hi#sel% sits "t the snow(white threshold o% shining Apollo! e+"#ines the gi%ts o% n"tions! "nd h"ngs the# on the proud g"tes. The onJuered peoples w"lk p"st in " long line! "s diverse in l"ngu"ge "s in we"pons! or the %"shion o% their lothes. 5ere 9ul "n h"s shown the &o#"d r" e "nd loose(robed A%ri "ns! there the Leleges "nd )"ri"ns "nd Beloni"ns with their Juivers, Euphr"tes runs with Juieter w"ves! "nd the Morini! re#otest o% #"nkind! the double(horned Rhine! the unt"#ed <"h"e! "nd Ar"+es! resenting its restored bridge. Aene"s #"rvels "t su h things on 9ul "n:s shield! his #other:s gi%t! "nd delights in the i#"ges! not re ognising the %uture events! li%ting to his shoulder the glor$ "nd the destin$ o% his heirs.


BkIA:1-24 Iris >rges Turnus to 7ar ?hile "ll these things were h"ppening in v"rious pl" es! S"turni"n 2uno sent *ris %ro# he"ven to br"ve Turnus! who h"n ed to be sitting in " s" red v"lle$! " grove to ;ilu#nus his %"ther. To hi# Th"u#"s:s d"ughter spoke! %ro# her ros$ lips, ITurnus! see! the ir ling d"$s! un"sked! h"ve brought wh"t $ou wished! but wh"t no god d"red to pro#ise. Aene"s le"ving the it$! his %riends "nd ships! seeks the ;"l"tine kingdo#! "nd Ev"nder:s house. Ens"tis%ied he h"s re" hed )or$thus:s %urthest ities! "nd! g"thering #en %ro# the ountr$! "r#s L$di"n troops. ?h$ w"itH &ow is the ti#e to "ll on horse "nd h"riot. End "ll del"$s, sei=e their "#p! in its on%usion.: She spoke! "nd rose into the sk$ on level wings! tr" ing " v"st "r "g"inst the louds in her %light. The $outh knew her! r"ised both his h"nds to the he"vens! "nd sent these words "%ter her "s she %lew, I*ris! glor$ o% the sk$! who sent $ou down through the louds! to #e! on e"rthH ?here does this sudden bright #o#ent spring %ro#H * see the sk$ split "p"rt "t its =enith! "nd the st"rs th"t ro"# the pole. * %ollow so #ight$ "n o#en! whoever "lls #e to "r#s.: S"$ing this he went to the river "nd s ooped w"ter %ro# the sur%" e o% the stre"#! "lling o%ten to the gods! "nd weighting the "ir with pr"$ers. BkIA:2#-., Turnus Attacks the Tro8an 4leet &ow the whole "r#$! ri h in horses! ri h in orn"te lothes! "nd gold! w"s eng"ged in #oving over the open %ields, Mess"pus ontrolling the %ront r"nks! T$rrhus:s sons the re"r! Turnus! the le"der! in the entre o% the line, like the deep B"nges! swelling in silen e! through his seven pl" id stre"#s! or &ile when his ri h stre"# 205

inund"tes the %ields! soon sinking down into his ourse. The Tro@"ns suddenl$ see " bl" k dust loud g"thering there! "nd d"rkness rising over the pl"in. )"i us shouted %irst %ro# the %orw"rd r"#p"rt, I?h"t:s th"t rolling #"ss o% bl" k %og! ountr$#enH .ring $our swords! Jui kl$, h"nd out spe"rs, #ount the w"lls, "h! the ene#$ is hereK: ?ith " gre"t l"#our the Tro@"ns retre"ted through the g"tes! "nd %illed the r"#p"rts. For Aene"s! wisest in w"r%"re! h"d o##"nded! on le"ving! i% "n$thing h"n ed in the #e"nti#e! the$ were not to d"re to %or# r"nks or trust the#selves to the open %ield, the$ were onl$ to gu"rd the "#p "nd w"lls! s"%e behind the r"#p"rts. So! though "nger "nd sh"#e ounselled the troops to %ight! still the$ shut the g"tes "nd %ollowed his orders! "w"iting the ene#$! "r#ed! within their hollow turrets. .ut Turnus h"d g"lloped %orw"rd "he"d o% his slow olu#n! " o#p"nied b$ twent$ hosen horse#en! "nd re" hed the it$ une+pe tedl$, " pieb"ld Thr" i"n horse "rried hi#! " golden hel#et with " ri#son rest prote ted his he"d. IMen!: he shouted! Iis there "n$one who:ll be %irst with #e "#ong the ene#$ C H Look!: "nd twirling " @"velin sent it sk$w"rd to st"rt the %ight! "nd rode proudl$ over the %ield. 5is %riends wel o#ed hi# with " shout! "nd %ollowed with %e"r%ul b"ttle( ries, #"rvelling "t the Tro@"n:s dull souls! not trusting the#selves to " level %ield! nor %" ing #en "rr$ing we"pons! but hugging the "#p. 5e rode to "nd %ro wildl$ round the w"lls! seeking " w"$ in where there w"s none. Like " wol%! l$ing in w"it b$ " %ull sheep%old! th"t sn"rls b$ the pens "t #idnight! enduring the wind "nd r"in! the l"#bs ble"ting s"%e bene"th their #others! "nd r"ges "g"inst the pre$ out o% re" h! %ier e "nd persistent in its "nger! tor#ented b$ its dr$! bloodless @"ws! "nd the %ier eness o% its long(in re"sing hunger, so "s Turnus s "nned the w"ll "nd "#p! the Rutuli"n:s "nger w"s "light! "nd indign"tion burned in his h"rsh #"rrow. 206

5ow ould he tr$ "nd enter! "nd hurl the penned(up Tro@"ns %ro# their r"#p"rt! "nd s "tter the# over the pl"inH 5e "tt" ked the ships! th"t l"$ lose to " %l"nk o% the "#p! de%ended b$ e"rthworks! "nd the %lowing river! "lling out to his e+ult"nt %riends %or %ire! "nd %erventl$ gr"sped " bl"=ing pine(br"nd in his h"nd. Then the$ set to Furged on b$ Turnus:s presen eG "nd "ll the #en "r#ed the#selves with d"rk tor hes. The$ stripped the he"rths, the s#oking br"n hes threw " pit h$ glow! "nd 9ul "n hurled the loud o% "shes to he"ven. BkIA:..-1$, Cybele Makes a 2lea to "ove ' Muse! wh"t god! turned "w"$ su h %ier e %l"#es %ro# the Tro@"nsH ?ho drove su h s"v"ge %ires %ro# the shipsH Tell #e, belie% in the stor$:s "n ient! its %"#e is etern"l. *n the d"$s when Aene"s %irst built his %leet on ;hr$gi"n *d" "nd prep"red to set out over the deep o e"n! the$ s"$ the Mother o% the gods hersel%! .ere $nti"n )$bele! spoke so to gre"t 2upiter, IM$ son! lord o% 'l$#pus! gr"nt wh"t $our de"r #other "sks o% $ou in reJuest. There w"s " pine(%orest " delight to #e %or #"n$ $e"rs " grove on the su##it o% the #ount"in! where the$ brought o%%erings! d"rk with bl" kened %irs "nd #"ple trunks. * g"ve these gl"dl$ to the Tro@"n $outh! sin e he l" ked " %leet, now! troubled! "n+ious %e"r tor#ents #e. Relieve #$ %e"rs! "nd let $our #other b$ her pr"$ers ensure the$ "re not destro$ed! sh"ttered b$ vo$"ging or violent stor#, let their origin on our #ount"in be o% "id to the#.: 5er son! who turns the st"rr$ globe! replied, I'! #$ #other! to wh"t do $ou su##on %"teH ?h"t do $ou seek %or the#H Should keels #"de b$ #ort"l h"nds h"ve etern"l rightsH Should Aene"s tr"vel in ert"int$ through un ert"in d"ngersH To wh"t god "re su h powers per#ittedH &o! one d"$ when the$:ve served their purpose! 207

"nd re" hed "n *t"li"n h"ven! *:ll t"ke "w"$! %ro# those th"t es "pe the w"ves! "nd be"r the Tro@"n hie% to L"urentine %ields! their #ort"l sh"pe! "nd o##"nd the# to be goddesses o% the v"st o e"n! like <oto! &ereus:s hild! "nd B"l"te"! who p"rt the %o"#ing se" with their bre"sts.: 5e spoke! "nd swore his "ssent! b$ his St$gi"n brother:s rivers! b$ the b"nks th"t seethe with pit h on the bl" k "b$ss! "nd with his nod shook "ll 'l$#pus. BkIA:1$.-122 Cybele Trans!or+s the *hi's So the d"$ he h"d pro#ised "#e! "nd the F"tes %ul%illed their "ppointed hour! when Turnus:s in@ur$ to the s" red %leet pro#pted the Mother to de%end the# %ro# the %l"#es. At %irst " str"nge light %l"red to the w"t hers! "nd " huge loud w"s seen to tr"vel " ross the sk$ %ro# the e"st! with b"nds o% her *d"e"n "ttend"nts, then " terrible voi e r"ng through the "ir! e hoing "#ong the Tro@"n "nd Rutuli"n lines, ITro@"ns! don:t rush to de%end the ships! or t"ke up "r#s. Turnus "n burn the o e"n! sooner th"n #$ s" red pines. Bo %ree! $ou Boddesses o% the se", $our #other o##"nds it.: And "t on e e" h ship tore her "ble loose %ro# the b"nk, the$ dipped their noses like dolphins! "nd sought the w"ter$ deep. Then Fstr"nge wonderG "s #"n$ virgin sh"pes re(sur%" ed! "nd sw"# "bout the se". BkIA:12(-1,. Turnus /ays *iege to the Ca+' The Rutuli"ns were "#"=ed in #ind! Mess"pus hi#sel% w"s "we(stru k! his horses p"ni ked, "nd even the nois$ %low o% the river h"lted! "s Tiber retre"ted %ro# the deep. .ut br"ve Turnus:s on%iden e never w"vered, "nd he r"ised their spirits "s well! "nd hided the#, IThese #"rvels "re "i#ed "t the Tro@"ns! 2upiter hi#sel% h"s deprived the# o% their usu"l "llies, those didn:t w"it %or Rutuli"n #issiles "nd %ires. So the se"s "re i#p"ss"ble 208

%or the Tro@"ns! "nd the$ h"ve no hope o% %light, other regions "re lost to the#! "nd this l"nd is in our h"nds! so #"n$ thous"nds o% *t"l$:s peoples "re in "r#s. *:# not "%r"id o% "ll the %"te%ul o#ens %ro# the gods these ;hr$gi"ns openl$ bo"st o%, enough h"s been gr"nted to 9enus "nd the F"tes! sin e the Tro@"ns h"ve re" hed Ausoni":s %ertile %ields. * h"ve #$ own ounter destin$! to root out the guilt$ r" e! th"t h"s sn"t hed #$ bride! with the sword. Th"t:s " sorrow th"t doesn:t tou h Atrides "lone! nor is M$ en"e "lone "llowed to t"ke up "r#s. I.ut to die on e is enough.:H To h"ve sinned be%ore should be enough %or these #en! to who# on%iden e in " dividing w"ll! "nd slight obst" les to de"th! de%ensive #o"ts! gr"nt our"ge! to utterl$ detest well(nigh the whole tribe o% wo#en. <id the$ not witness the work o% &eptune:s h"nds! the b"ttle#ents o% Tro$! sink in %l"#esH .ut $ou! ' hosen ones! whi h o% $ou is re"d$ to uproot the r"#p"rts with $our steel! "nd inv"de their terri%ied "#p with #eH * don:t need 9ul "n:s "r#s! or " thous"nd ships! "g"inst Tro@"ns. Let "ll Etruri" @oin the# now in "lli"n e. The$ need not %e"r d"rkness! or ow"rdl$ the%t Io% their ;"ll"diu#! killing gu"rds on the it"del:s heights:! we won:t hide in the d"rk bell$ o% " horse, * intend to ir le their w"lls in bro"d d"$light with %ire. *:ll #"ke the# on ede its not Breeks! ;el"sgi $outh! the$:re de"ling with! who# 5e tor held till the tenth $e"r. &ow! sin e the best p"rt o% the d"$:s gone! #en! re%resh $ourselves with wh"t:s le%t! ple"sed with work well done! "nd look %orw"rd to st"rting the b"ttle. Me"nwhile the order w"s given to Mess"pus to pi ket the g"tes "lertl$ with sentries "nd ring the r"#p"rts with %l"#es. Fourteen Rutuli"ns were hosen to gu"rd the w"lls with their #en! e" h with " hundred soldiers under the#! purple(plu#ed "nd glittering with gold. The$ r"n "bout! took turns on w"t h! or li%ted the bron=e bowls "nd en@o$ed their wine! 209

stret hed out on the gr"ss. The %ires shone! while the gu"rds spent the w"t h%ul night in g"#es. BkIA:1,%-22( -isus and ;uryalus: A Mission 2ro'osed The "r#ed Tro@"ns held the heights! looking down on this %ro# "bove! "nd "lso with "n+ious %e"rs! he ked the g"tes! built bulw"rks "nd bridges! "nd disposed their we"pons. Mnestheus "nd br"ve Serestus! who# Aene"s their le"der "ppointed to o##"nd the "r#$ "nd st"te! i% "dversit$ ever reJuired it! urged the# on. Sh"ring the risk! the whole o#p"n$ kept w"t h "nd served in turn! "t wh"tever point w"s to be gu"rded b$ e" h. &isus! br"vest o% w"rriors! son o% 5$rt" us! w"s " gu"rd "t the g"tes! he who# *d" the huntress h"d sent to " o#p"n$ Aene"s! "gile with @"velin "nd light d"rts! "nd Eur$"lus w"s with hi#! th"n who# none w"s #ore be"uti%ul "#ong the Aened"e! or we"ring Tro@"n "r#our! " bo$! whose unsh"ven %" e! showed the %irst bloo# o% $outh. 'ne love w"s theirs! "nd the$ h"rged side b$ side into b"ttle, now the$ were "lso gu"rding the g"te "t the s"#e sentr$(post. &isus s"id, IEur$"lus! do the gods set this %ire in our he"rts! or does e" h #"n:s %"t"l desire be o#e godlike to hi#H M$ #ind h"s long urged #e to rush to b"ttle! or high "dventure! "nd is not ontent with pe" e "nd Juiet. You see wh"t on%iden e the Rutuli"ns h"ve in events, their lights shine %"r "p"rt! "nd the$ lie drowned in sleep "nd wine! ever$where is Juiet. Listen to wh"t *:# now thinking! "nd wh"t purpose o#es to #ind. The "r#$ "nd the oun il "ll de#"nd Aene"s be re "lled! "nd #en be sent to report the %" ts to hi#. *% the$ were to gr"nt wh"t * suggest to $ou Fthe glor$ o% doing it is enough %or #eG * think * ould %ind " w"$! be$ond th"t hill! to the w"lls "nd r"#p"rts o% ;"ll"nteu#.: Eur$"lus w"s d"==led! stru k b$ " gre"t desire %or glor$! 210

"nd replied to his "rdent %riend "t on e! like this, I&isus! do $ou shun #$ @oining in this gre"t deed! thenH Sh"ll * send $ou into su h d"nger "loneH Th"t:s not how #$ %"ther 'pheltes! se"soned in w"r! edu "ted #e! r"ising #e "#ong Breek terrors "nd Tro$:s orde"ls! nor h"ve * ondu ted #$sel% so with $ou! %ollowing noble Aene"s "nd the ends o% %"te. This is #$ spirit! one s orn%ul o% the d"$! th"t thinks the honour $ou "i# "t well bought with li%e itsel%.: &isus replied, I*ndeed * h"d no su h doubts o% $ou! th"t would be wrong, not so will gre"t 2upiter! or whoever looks "t this " tion with %"vour"ble g"=e! bring #e b" k to $ou in triu#ph, but i% F"s $ou o%ten see in su h risesG i% h"n e or so#e god sweeps #e to dis"ster! * w"nt $ou to survive, $our $outh is #ore deserving o% li%e. Let there be so#eone to entrust #e to e"rth! #$ bod$ res ued %ro# on%li t! or r"nso#ed %or " pri e! or i% Fortune denies the usto#"r$ rites! to per%or# the# in #$ "bsen e! "nd honour #e with " stone. And don:t let #e be " "use o% grie% to $our poor #other! #$ bo$! who "lone "#ong #"n$ #others d"red to %ollow $ou! without thought o% st"$ing in gre"t A estes:s it$.: .ut the l"d s"id, IYou we"ve $our e+ uses in v"in! #$ purpose won:t h"nge or $ield to $ours. Let:s hurr$:! "nd he roused gu"rds! who "#e up to t"ke their pl" e, le"ving his post he w"lked b$ &isus:s side to seek the prin e. BkIA:224-(1( -isus and ;uryalus: Aletes Consents Ever$ other re"ture! throughout the l"nd! w"s e"sing its "res with sleep! its he"rt %orget%ul o% toil, the Tro@"ns: hie% "pt"ins! the pi k o% their #"nhood! were holding oun il on the #ost serious "%%"irs o% st"te! wh"t to do! "nd who should go now "s #essenger to Aene"s. The$ stood! between the "#p "nd the pl"in! le"ning 211

on their long spe"rs! holding their shields. &isus "nd Eur$"lus! together! begged e"gerl$ to be "d#itted "t on e, the #"tter being i#port"nt! "nd worth the del"$. *ulus w"s %irst to wel o#e the i#p"tient p"ir! "nd ordered &isus to spe"k. So the son o% 5$rt" us s"id, IFollowers o% Aene"s! listen with %"ir #inds! "nd don:t @udge #$ words b$ our $e"rs. The Rutuli"ns "re Juiet! drowned in sleep "nd wine. ?e ourselves h"ve seen " pl" e %or " sortie, it opens in " %ork o% the ro"d b$ the ne"rest g"te to the se". There:s " g"p between the %ires! "nd bl" k s#oke rises to the st"rs. *% $ou "llow us to sei=e the h"n e! $ou:ll soon see us b" k "g"in burdened with spoils "%ter "rr$ing out v"st sl"ughter. The ro"d will not de eive us "s we seek Aene"s "nd ;"ll"nteu#:s w"lls. *n our %reJuent hunting through the se ret v"lle$s we:ve seen the outskirts o% the it$! "nd know the whole river.: To this Aletes! he"v$ with $e"rs "nd wise in #ind! replied, IBods o% our %"thers! under whose power Tro$ lies! $ou do not intend to obliter"te the Tro@"n r" e "s $et sin e $ou bring us su h our"ge in our $oung #en "nd su h %ir# he"rts.: So s"$ing! he took the# both b$ the shoulder "nd h"nd while te"rs %looded his heeks "nd lips. I?h"t possible pri=e ould * onsider worth$ to be gr"nted $ou #en %or su h " glorious " tionH The gods "nd tr"dition will give $ou the %irst "nd #ost be"uti%ul one, then good Aene"s! "nd As "nius! who:s untou hed b$ the $e"rs "nd never un#ind%ul o% su h servi e! will i##edi"tel$ "w"rd the rest.: As "nius interrupted, IR"ther * entre"t $ou both! &isus! sin e #$ well(being depends on #$ %"ther:s return! b$ the gre"t gods o% our house! b$ the L"r o% Ass"r" us! "nd b$ gre$(h"ired 9est":s inner#ost shrine! * l"$ "ll #$ %ortune "nd #$ pro#ise in $our l"p! "ll #$ %"ther b" k! give #e " sight o% hi#, there:s no sorrow i% he:s restored. *:ll give $ou " p"ir o% wine( ups! "ll o% silver! with %igures 212

in relie%! th"t #$ %"ther "ptured when Arisb" w"s t"ken! "nd twin tripods! two l"rge t"lents o% gold! "nd "n "ntiJue bowl Sidoni"n <ido g"ve #e. *% we trul$ #"n"ge to "pture *t"l$! "nd t"ke the s eptre! "nd "ssign the spoils b$ lot! $ou h"ve seen the horse golden Turnus rode! "nd the "r#our he wore! *:ll sep"r"te %ro# this #o#ent! %ro# the lots! th"t s"#e horse! the shield! "nd the ri#son plu#es "s $our rew"rd! &isus. Moreover #$ %"ther will give $ou twelve wo#en o% hoi est person! "nd #"le "ptives "ll with their own "r#our! "nd! be$ond th"t! wh"tever l"nd King L"tinus owns hi#sel%. .ut now * trul$ wel o#e $ou wholl$ to #$ he"rt! Eur$"lus! " bo$ to be revered! whose "ge * o#e loser to in ti#e! "nd e#br" e $ou "s " %riend %or ever$ o "sion. *:ll never seek glor$ in #$ "#p"igns without $ou, whether * en@o$ pe" e or w"r! $ou:ll h"ve #$ %ir#est trust in word "nd " tion.: Eur$"lus spoke like this in repl$, I&o d"$ will ever %ind #e sep"r"ted %ro# su h bold " tion, in"s#u h "s %ortune proves kind "nd not ruel. .ut * "sk one gi%t "bove "ll %ro# $ou, * h"ve " #other! o% ;ri"#:s "n ient r" e! unh"pp$ wo#"n! who# neither the l"nd o% Tro$! nor King A estes:s it$ ould keep %ro# " o#p"n$ing #e. * le"ve her now! ignor"nt o% wh"tever risk to #e there #ight be! "nd o% #$ %"rewell! sin e F this night "nd $our right h"nd be"r witnessG * ould not be"r " #other:s te"rs. .ut * beg $ou! o#%ort her helplessness "nd "id her loss. Let #e "rr$ this hope * pl" e in $ou with #e! * will #eet "ll d"ngers #ore boldl$.: Their spirits "%%e ted! the Tro@"ns shed te"rs! noble *ulus "bove "ll! "nd this i#"ge o% %ili"l love tou hed his he"rt. Then he s"id, I.e sure *:ll do ever$thing worth$ o% $our gre"t venture. She:ll be "s #$ #other to #e! onl$ l" king her n"#e )reus", no s#"ll gr"titude:s due to her %or be"ring su h " son. 213

?h"tever the out o#e o% $our " tion! * swe"r b$ this li%e! b$ whi h #$ %"ther used on e to swe"r, wh"t * pro#ised to $ou when $ou return! $our "#p"ign su ess%ul! th"t s"#e will " rue to $our #other "nd $our house.: So he spoke! in te"rs, "nd "t the s"#e ti#e stripped the gilded sword %ro# his shoulder! th"t L$ "on o% )nossos h"d #"de with #"rvellous "rt! "nd eJuipped %or use with "n ivor$ she"th. Mnestheus g"ve &isus " pelt! t"ken %ro# " sh"gg$ lion! lo$"l Aletes e+ h"nged hel#ets. The$ "r#ed! "nd le%t i##edi"tel$, "nd the whole b"nd o% le"ders! $oung "nd old! es orted the# to the g"te "s the$ went! with pr"$ers. And noble *ulus too! with #"ture #ind "nd duties be$ond his $e"rs! g"ve the# #"n$ o##issions to "rr$ to his %"ther, but the winds were to s "tter the# "ll! "nd blow the# v"inl$ to the louds. BkIA:(14-(,, -isus and ;uryalus: The )aid Le"ving! the$ rossed the dit hes! seeking the ene#$ "#p in the sh"dow o% night! destined $et to %irst bring #"n$ de"ths. The$ s"w bodies in drunken sleep! stret hed here "nd there on the gr"ss! h"riots tilted upw"rds on the shore! #en! "#ong wheels "nd h"rness! "nd we"pons "nd wine( ups l$ing "bout. &isus! 5$rt" us:s son! spoke %irst! s"$ing, IEur$"lus! now the o "sion trul$ "lls %or " d"ring right h"nd. This is our ro"d. You #ust see th"t no "r#:s r"ised "g"inst us "t our b" k! "nd keep w"t h "re%ull$, *:ll de"l destru tion here! "nd ut $ou " wide p"th.: So he spoke! "nd he ked his spee h! "nd "t on e drove his sword "t proud Rh"#nes! who h"n ed to be bre"thing deepl$ in sleep! piled with thi k overlets! 5e w"s King Turnus:s best(beloved "ugur! "nd " king hi#sel%! but he ould not "vert destru tion with "ugur$. &isus killed three o% his serv"nts ne"rb$! l$ing "reless


"#ong their we"pons! "nd Re#us:s "r#our be"rer! "nd his h"rioteer! %ound "t the horses: %eet, he severed lolling ne ks with his sword. Then he stru k o%% the he"d o% their lord hi#sel%! "nd le%t the trunk spurting blood! the ground "nd the bed dren hed with d"rk w"r# blood. And L"#$rus too! "nd L"#u#! "nd $oung Serr"nus! noted %or his be"ut$! who h"d sported #u h th"t night! "nd l"$ there li#bs drowned b$ #u h wine C h"pp$ i% he:d "rried on his g"#e "ll night till d"wn, So " st"rving lion hurning through " %ull sheep%old! Fdriven b$ its r"ging hungerG gn"ws "nd te"rs "t the %eeble %lo k #ute with %e"r! "nd ro"rs %ro# its bloodst"ined #outh. &or w"s Eur$"lus:s sl"ughter "n$ less, he too r"ged! "bl"=e! "nd "#ong the n"#eless rowd he "tt" ked F"dus! "nd 5erbesus! "nd Ab"ris! while the$ were un ons ious, "nd Rhoetus! but Rhoetus w"s "w"ke "nd s"w it "ll! but rou hed in %e"r behind " huge wine(bowl. As he rose! in lose en ounter! Eur$"lus plunged his whole bl"de into Rhoetus:s hest! "nd withdrew it red with de"th. Rhoetus hoked out his li%e in d"rk blood! "nd! d$ing! brought up wine #i+ed with gore, the other pressed on %erventl$ "nd ste"lthil$. &ow he "ppro" hed Mess"pus:s %ollowers, there he s"w the outer#ost %ires %li kering! "nd the horses! dul$ tethered! ropping the gr"ss, &isus Fseeing hi# "rried "w"$ b$ sl"ughter "nd love o% the sword:s powerG s"id brie%l$, ILet:s go! sin e unhelp%ul d"wn is ne"r. Enough, venge"n e h"s been s"tis%ied, " p"th h"s been #"de through the ene#$.: The$ le%t behind #"n$ o% the #en:s we"pons %"shioned %ro# solid silver! "nd wine(bowls "nd splendid h"ngings. Eur$"lus sn"t hed Rh"#nes:s tr"ppings! "nd gold(studded sword(belt! gi%ts th"t we"lth$ )"edi us h"d on e sent to Re#ulus o% Tibur! e+pressing %riendship in "bsen e, he when d$ing g"ve the# to his gr"ndson "s his own! "nd "%ter his de"th in turn the Rutuli"ns "ptured the# during the w"r in b"ttle, now Eur$"lus %itted the# over his br"ve shoulders! though in v"in. 215

Then he put on Mess"pus:s e+ ellent hel#et with its h"ndso#e plu#es. The le%t the "#p "nd he"ded %or s"%et$. BkIA:(,.-4# The 3eath o! ;uryalus and -isus Me"nwhile riders "rrived! sent out %ro# the L"tin it$! while the rest o% the "r#$ w"ited in re"diness! on the pl"in! bringing " repl$ %or King Turnus, three hundred! "rr$ing shields! led b$ 9ol ens. The$ were "lre"d$ ne"r the "#p! "nd below the w"lls! when the$ s"w the two #en turning down " p"th on the le%t, his hel#et! gle"#ing in the sh"dow o% night! betr"$ed the unthinking Eur$"lus! "nd re%le ted b" k the r"$s. *t w"s not seen in v"in. 9ol ens shouted %ro# his olu#n, IYou #en! h"lt! wh"t:s the re"son %or $our @ourne$H ?ho "re $ou! $ou:re "r#edH ?here "re $ou o%% toH: The$ o%%ered no response! but h"stened their %light to the woods! trusting to the d"rk. The riders losed o%% the known @un tions! on ever$ side! "nd surrounded e" h e+it route with gu"rds. The %orest spre"d out widel$! thi k with br"#bles "nd hol#(o"ks! the dense thorns %illing it on ever$ side, there the p"th glinted through the se ret gl"des. Eur$"lus w"s h"#pered b$ sh"dow$ br"n hes! "nd the weight o% his plunder! "nd his %e"r on%used the p"th:s dire tion. &isus w"s le"r, "nd "lre"d$ un"w"re h"d es "ped the ene#$! "nd w"s "t the pl" e l"ter "lled Alb" %ro# Alb" Long" F"t th"t ti#e King L"tinus h"d his noble st"lls thereG when he stopped! "nd looked b" k v"inl$ %or his #issing %riend. IEur$"lus! unh"pp$ bo$! where did * sep"r"te %ro# $ouH ?hi h w"$ sh"ll * goH: he s"id! onsidering "ll the t"ngled tr" ks o% the de eptive wood! "nd "t the s"#e ti#e s "nning the b" kw"rd tr" es he ould see! riss( rossing the silent thi kets. 5e he"rd horses! he"rd the ries "nd sign"ls o% pursuit, "nd it w"s no gre"t ti#e be%ore " shout re" hed his e"rs "nd he s"w Eur$"lus! betr"$ed b$ the ground "nd the night! 216

on%used b$ the sudden tu#ult! who# the whole troop were dr"gging "w"$! overpowered! struggling violentl$ in v"in. ?h"t "n he doH ?ith wh"t %or e! or we"pons! "n he d"re to res ue the $outhH Should he hurl hi#sel% to his de"th "#ong the swords! "nd b$ his wounds h"sten to " glorious endH 5e swi%tl$ drew b" k his spe"r "r# "nd g"=ing upw"rds "t the #oon "bove! pr"$ed! with these words, I' $ou! goddess! ' $ou! L"ton":s d"ughter! glor$ o% the st"rs! "nd keeper o% the woods! be here "nd help us in our trouble. *% ever #$ %"ther! 5$rt" us! brought o%%erings on #$ beh"l% to $our "lt"rs! i% ever * "dded to the# %ro# #$ own hunting! hung the# bene"th $our do#e! or %i+ed the# to the s" red e"ves! let #e throw their troop into on%usion! guide #$ spe"r through the "ir.: 5e spoke "nd %lung the steel! str"ining with his whole bod$. The %l$ing @"velin divided the sh"dows! stru k Sul#o:s b" k! "s he turned! "nd sn"pped! the broken sh"%t pier ing the he"rt. 5e rolled over! " hot stre"# pouring %ro# his hest! "nd deep g"sps shook his sides! "s he grew old. The$ g"=ed round the#! in ever$ dire tion. See! &isus! "ll the #ore e"ger! levelled "nother spe"r "g"inst his e"r. ?hile the$ hesit"ted! the @"velin hissed through both o% T"gus:s te#ples! "nd %i+ed itsel% still w"r# in the pier ed br"in. Fier e 9ol ens r"ged! but ould not sp$ out the "uthor o% the " t! nor "n$ pl" e th"t he ould vent his %ire. 5e rushed "t Eur$"lus with his n"ked sword! "s he ried out, I*n the #e"n ti#e $ou:ll p"$ in hot blood "nd give #e revenge %or both $our ri#es.: Then! trul$ #"ddened with %e"r! &isus shouted "loud! un"ble to hide hi#sel% in the d"rk "n$ longer! or endure su h "gon$, 'n #e! Rutuli"ns! turn $our steel on #e! #e who did the deedK The guilt is "ll #ine! he neither d"red nor h"d the power, the sk$ "nd the "ll(knowing st"rs be witnesses, he onl$ loved his un%ortun"te %riend too #u h.: 5e w"s still spe"king! but the sword! power%ull$ driven! 217

p"ssed through the ribs "nd tore the white bre"st. Eur$"lus rolled over in de"th! "nd the blood %lowed down his lovel$ li#bs! "nd his ne k! drooping! s"nk on his shoulder! like " bright %lower s $thed b$ the plough! bowing "s it dies! or " popp$ weighed down b$ " h"n e shower! bending its we"r$ he"d. .ut &isus rushed "t the#! seeking 9ol ens "bove "ll! intent on 9ol ens "lone. The ene#$ g"thered round hi#! to drive hi# o%%! in h"nd to h"nd on%li t. 5e "tt" ked none the less! whirling his sword like lightning! until he buried it %ull in the %" e o% the shrieking Rutuli"n! "nd! d$ing! robbed his ene#$ o% li%e. Then! pier ed through! he threw hi#sel% on the li%eless bod$ o% his %riend! "nd %ound pe" e "t l"st in the "l# o% de"th. 5"pp$ p"irK *% #$ poetr$ h"s the power! while the 5ouse o% Aene"s lives beside the )"pitol:s i##obile stone! "nd " Ro#"n le"der rules the E#pire! no d"$ will r"=e $ou %ro# ti#e:s #e#or$. The vi torious Rutuli"ns! g"ining new plunder! "nd the spoils! weeping "rried the li%eless 9ol ens to the "#p. &or w"s there less grie% in th"t "#p when Rh"#nes w"s dis overed! dr"ined o% blood! "nd so #"n$ other le"ders! killed in " single sl"ughter! with Serr"nus "nd &u#". A huge rowd rushed tow"rds the orpses "nd the d$ing! "nd the pl" e %resh with hot killing! "nd %o"#ing stre"#s %ull o% blood. .etween the# the$ identi%ied the spoils! Mess"pus:s gle"#ing hel#et! "nd his tr"ppings re(won with su h swe"t. BkIA:4,$-#24 ;uryalus1s Mother /a+ents And now Auror"! e"rl$! le"ving Tithonus:s s"%%ron bed! sprinkled her %resh r"$s onto the e"rth. And now "s the sun stre"#ed down! now "s d"$ reve"led "ll things! Turnus "r#ed hi#sel%! "nd roused his heroes to "r#s, the$ g"thered their bron=e( l"d troops %or the b"ttle! 218

e" h his own! "nd whetted their "nger with v"rious t"les. The$ even %i+ed the he"ds o% Eur$"lus "nd &isus on r"ised spe"rs Fwret hed sightG! "nd %ollowed behind the#! #"king " gre"t l"#our. The tough sons o% Aene"s h"d %i+ed their opposing lines on the le%t side o% the r"#p"rts Fthe right bordered on the riverG "nd the$ held the wide dit hes "nd stood grieving on the high turrets, #oved "s one! #"de wret hed b$ seeing the he"ds o% #en the$ know onl$ too well tr"ns%i+ed "nd stre"#ing d"rk blood. Me"nwhile winged Ru#our! %l$ing through the "n+ious town! sped the news! "nd stole to the e"rs o% Eur$"lus:s #other. And suddenl$ "ll w"r#th le%t her helpless bones! the shuttle w"s hurled %ro# her h"nds! the thre"d unwound. The wret hed wo#"n rushed out "nd sought the r"#p"rts "nd the %ront line! shrieking #"dl$! her h"ir dishevelled, she ignored the soldiers! the d"nger! the we"pons! then she %illed the he"vens with her l"#ent,: I*s it $ou * see! Eur$"lusH You who brought pe" e "t l"st to #$ old "ge! how ould $ou bring $oursel% to le"ve #e "lone! ruel hildH ?h$ did $ou not give $our poor #other the h"n e %or " %in"l goodb$e when $ou were being sent into so #u h d"ngerH Ah! $ou lie here in " str"nge l"nd! given "s pre$ to the "rrion birds "nd dogs o% L"tiu#K *! $our #other! did not es ort $ou in %uner"l pro ession! or lose $our e$es! or b"the $our wounds! or shroud $ou with the robes * l"boured "t night "nd d"$ %or $ou! soothing the "res o% old "ge "t the loo#. ?here sh"ll * goH ?h"t e"rth now holds $our bod$! $our torn li#bs! $our #"ngled orpseH M$ son! is this wh"t $ou bring ho#e to #eH *s this wh$ * %ollowed $ou b$ l"nd "nd se"H ' Rutuli"ns! i% $ou h"ve %eelings! pier e #e, hurl "ll $our spe"rs "t #e, destro$ #e "bove "ll with $our steel, or $ou! gre"t %"ther o% the gods! pit$ #e! "nd with $our lightning bolt! hurl this h"ted being down to T"rt"rus! 219

sin e * "n sh"tter this ruel li%e no other w"$.: This w"iling shook their he"rts! "nd " gro"n o% sorrow swept the# "ll, their strength %or b"ttle w"s nu#bed "nd we"kened. She w"s igniting grie% "nd *d"eus "nd A tor! "t *lioneus:s order! with *ulus weeping bitterl$! "ught her up! "nd "rried her inside in their "r#s. .ut the w"r(tru#pet! with its bron=e singing! r"ng out its terrible sound! " l"#our %ollowed! th"t the sk$ re(e hoed. The 9ols i"ns! r"ising their shields in line! r"n %orw"rd! re"d$ to %ill in the dit hes! "nd te"r down the r"#p"rts, So#e tried %or "n entr"n e! "nd to s "le the w"ll with l"dders! where the r"nks were thin! "nd " less dense ordon o% #en "llowed the light through. The Tro@"ns " usto#ed to de%ending their w"lls b$ endless w"r%"re! hurled #issiles "t the# o% ever$ sort! "nd %ended the# o%% with sturd$ poles. The$ rolled down stones too! de"dl$ weights! in the hope o% bre"king through the well(prote ted r"nks! whi h under their solid shields! however! re@oi ed in enduring ever$ d"nger. .ut soon even the$ were in"deJu"te sin e the Tro@"ns rolled " v"st ro k to where " l"rge %or#"tion thre"tened! "nd hurled it down! %elling the Rutuli"ns %"r "nd wide! "nd bre"king their "r#oured shell. The br"ve Rutuli"ns no longer "red to %ight blindl$! but tried to le"r the r"#p"rts with #issiles. Elsewhere! Me=entius! de"dl$ to behold! br"ndished Tus "n pine! "nd hurled s#oking %irebr"nds, while Mess"pus! t"#er o% horses! s ion o% &eptune! tore "t the r"#p"rt! "nd "lled %or s "ling l"dders. BkIA:#2#-#% Turnus in Battle * pr"$ to $ou! ' )"lliope! Muses! inspire #$ singing o% the sl"ughter! the de"ths Turnus de"lt with his sword th"t d"$! "nd who e" h w"rrior w"s! th"t he sent down to 'r us! "nd open the lips o% #ight$ w"r with #e! 220

since, goddesses, you remember, and have the power to tell, There w"s " turret! t"ll to look "t! with high " ess(w"$s! "nd " good position! th"t "ll the *t"li"ns tried with ut#ost power to stor#! "nd to dislodge with the ut#ost power o% their e%%orts, the Tro@"ns in turn de%ended the#selves with stones "nd hurled showers o% #issiles through the open loopholes. Turnus w"s %irst to throw " bl"=ing tor h "nd root the %l"#es in its %l"nk! th"t! %"nned b$ " strong wind! sei=ed the pl"nking! "nd lung to the entr"n es the$ devoured. The "n+ious #en inside were "%r"id! "nd tried in v"in to es "pe dis"ster. ?hile the$ lung together "nd retre"ted to the side %ree %ro# d"#"ge! the turret suddenl$ oll"psed! "nd the whole sk$ e hoed to the r"sh. 5"l%(de"d the$ %ell to e"rth! the huge #"ss %ollowing! pier ed b$ their own we"pons! "nd their hests i#p"led on the h"rsh wood. 'nl$ 5elenor "nd L$ us #"n"ged to es "pe, 5elenor being in the pri#e o% $outh! one who# " Li $#ni"n sl"ve h"d se retl$ borne to the M"eoni"n king! "nd sent to Tro$! with we"pons he:d been %orbidden! lightl$ "r#ed with n"ked bl"de! "nd "non$#ous white shield. ?hen he %ound hi#sel% in the #idst o% Turnus:s thous"nds! L"tin r"nks st"nding to right "nd le%t o% hi#! "s " wild re"ture! hedged in b$ " lose ir le o% hunters! r"ges "g"inst theirs we"pons! "nd hurls itsel%! ons iousl$! to de"th! "nd is "rried b$ its le"p on to the hunting spe"rs! so the $outh rushed to his de"th "#ong the ene#$! "nd he"ded %or where the we"pons "ppe"red thi kest. .ut L$ us! Jui ker o% %oot! d"rting "#ong the ene#$ "nd their "r#s re" hed the w"ll! "nd tried to gr"sp the high p"r"pet with his h"nds! to re" h his o#r"des: gr"sp. Turnus %ollowing hi# losel$ on %oot! with his spe"r! t"unted in triu#ph, IM"d#"n! did $ou hope to es "pe #$ re" hH: 5e sei=ed hi#! there "nd then! "s he hung! "nd pulled hi# down! with " l"rge pie e o% the w"ll! like "n e"gle! "rrier o% 2ove:s lightning bolt! so"ring high! 221

li%ting " h"re or the snow(white bod$ o% " sw"n in its t"lons! or " wol%! M"rs:s re"ture! sn"t hing " l"#b %ro# the %old! th"t its #other se"r hes %or endlessl$ ble"ting. A shout rose on "ll sides, the Rutuli"ns drove %orw"rds! so#e %illing the dit hes with #ounds o% e"rth! others throwing burning br"nds onto the roo%s. *lioneus %elled Lu etius with " ro k! " v"st %r"g#ent o% the hillside! "s he ne"red the g"te! "rr$ing %ire! Liger killed E#"thion! Asil"s killed )or$n"eus! the %irst skilled with the @"velin! the other with de eptive long(r"nge "rrows, )"enus %elled 'rt$gius! Turnus vi torious )"eneus! "nd *t$s "nd )lonius! <io+ippus "nd ;ro#olus! "nd S"g"ris! "nd *d"s "s he stood on the highest tower! "nd )"p$s killed ;rivernus. The#ill"s h"d gr"=ed hi# slightl$ %irst with his spe"r! %oolishl$ he threw his shield down! "nd pl" ed his h"nd on the wound, so the "rrow winged silentl$! %i+ed itsel% deep in his le%t side! "nd! bur$ing itsel% within! tore the bre"thing p"ss"ges with " leth"l wound. Ar ens son stood there too in glorious "r#our! his lo"k e#broidered with s enes! bright with Sp"nish blue! " $outh o% noble %e"tures! who# his %"ther Ar ens h"d sent! re"red in M"rs:s grove b$ S$#"ethus:s stre"#s! where the ri h "nd gr" ious "lt"rs o% ;"li us st"nd, Me=entius! dropping his spe"rs! whirled " whistling sling on its tight thong! three ti#es round his he"d! "nd split his "dvers"r$:s %orehe"d open in the #iddle! with the now(#olten le"d! stret hing hi# %ull length in the deep s"nd. BkIA:# $-,(. Ascanius BIulusC in Battle Then the$ s"$ As "nius %irst "i#ed his swi%t "rrows in w"r! used till now to terri%$ wild re"tures in %light! "nd with his h"nd he %elled br"ve &u#"nus! who w"s surn"#ed Re#ulus! "nd h"d l"tel$ won Turnus:s sister "s his wi%e. &u#"nus #"r hed "he"d o% the %ront r"nk! shouting words th"t were %itting "nd un%itting 222

to repe"t! his he"rt swollen with new(won ro$"lt$ "nd bo"sting loudl$ o% his gre"tness, ITwi e onJuered Tro@"ns "ren:t $ou "sh"#ed to be besieged "nd shut behind r"#p"rts "g"in! %ending o%% de"th with w"llsH .ehold! these "re the #en who:d de#"nd our brides through w"rK ?h"t god! wh"t #"dness h"s driven $ou to *t"l$H 5ere "re no Atrides! no El$sses! #"ker o% %i tions, " r" e %ro# h"rd$ sto k! we %irst bring our newborn sons to the river! "nd toughen the# with the w"ter:s %ier e hill, "s hildren the$ keep w"t h in the h"se! "nd we"r$ the %orest! their pl"$ is to wheel their horses "nd shoot "rrows %ro# the bow, but p"tient "t work! "nd used to little! our $oung #en t"#e the e"rth with the hoe! or sh"ke ities in b"ttle. All our li%e we:re "br"ded b$ iron, we go"d our bullo ks: %l"nks with " reversed spe"r! "nd slow "ge doesn:t we"ken our strength o% spirit! or "lter our vigour, we set " hel#et on our white h"irs! "nd delight in olle ting %resh spoils! "nd living on plunder. You we"r e#broidered s"%%ron "nd gle"#ing purple! idleness ple"ses $ou! $ou delight in the en@o$#ent o% d"n e! "nd $our tuni s h"ve sleeves! "nd $our h"ts h"ve ribbons. ' trul$ $ou ;hr$gi"n wo#en! "s $ou:re not ;hr$gi"n #en! run over the heights o% <ind$#us! where " double(reed #"kes #usi %or " usto#ed e"rs. The ti#brels "ll to $ou! "nd the .ere $nthi"n bo+wood %lute o% the Mother o% *d", le"ve we"pons to #en "nd "b"ndon the sword.: As "nius did not toler"te su h bo"st%ul words "nd dire w"rnings! but %" ing hi#! %itted "n "rrow to the horseh"ir string! "nd! str"ining his "r#s "p"rt! p"used! "nd %irst pr"$ed hu#bl$ to 2ove #"king these vows, IAll(power%ul 2upiter! "ssent to #$ bold "tte#pt. * #$sel% will bring gi%ts e" h $e"r to $our te#ple! "nd *:ll pl" e be%ore $our "lt"r " snow(white bullo k with gilded %orehe"d! "rr$ing his he"d "s high "s his #other! "lre"d$ butting with his horns! "nd s "ttering s"nd with his hooves.: The F"ther he"rd! "nd thundered on the le%t 223

%ro# " le"r sk$! "s one the %"t"l bow tw"nged. The t"ut "rrow sped onw"rds with " dre"d%ul hiss! "nd p"ssed through Re#ulus:s brow! "nd split the hollow te#ples with its steel. IBo on! #o k "t virtue with proud wordsK This is the repl$ the twi e( onJuered ;hr$gi"ns send the Rutuli"ns:, As "nius s"id nothing #ore. The Tro@"ns %ollowed this with heers! shouted %or @o$! "nd r"ised their spirits to the skies. BkIA:,(%-,.1 A'ollo *'eaks to Iulus &ow! b$ h"n e! long(h"ired Apollo! se"ted in the loud$ skies! looked down on the *t"li"n r"nks "nd the town! "nd spoke to the vi torious *ulus "s %ollows, I.lessings on $our %resh our"ge! bo$! s ion o% gods "nd "n estor o% gods $et to be! so it is #"n rises to the st"rs. All the w"rs th"t destin$ #ight bring will rightl$ e"se under the rule o% Ass"r" us:s house! Tro$ does not li#it $ou.: ?ith this he l"un hed hi#sel% %ro# high he"ven! p"rted the living "ir! "nd %ound As "nius, then h"nged the %or# o% his %e"tures to old .utes. 5e w"s on e "r#our(be"rer to Tro@"n An hises! "nd %"ith%ul gu"rdi"n o% the threshold, then As "nius:s %"ther #"de hi# the bo$:s o#p"nion. As he w"lked Apollo w"s like the old #"n in ever$ w"$! in voi e "nd olouring! white h"ir! "nd l"nging o% h"rsh we"pons! "nd he spoke these words to the "rdent *ulus, IEnough! son o% Aene"s! th"t &u#"nus h"s %"llen to $our bow "nd is un("venged. Might$ Apollo gr"nts $ou this %irst glor$! "nd does not begrudge $ou $our like we"pons, but "void the rest o% the b"ttle! bo$.: So Apollo spoke "nd in #id(spee h le%t #ort"l sight "nd v"nished %"r %ro# #en:s e$es into le"r "ir. The Tro@"n prin es re ognised the god "nd his elesti"l we"pons! "nd he"rd his Juiver r"ttling "s he %lew. So! given the god:s words "nd his divine will! the$ stopped 224

As "nius! e"ger %or the %ight! while the#selves returning to the b"ttle! "nd openl$ putting their lives "t risk. The l"#our r"ng through the towers "long the whole w"ll! the$ bent their bows Jui kl$ "nd whirled their slings. The whole e"rth w"s strewn with spe"rs, shields "nd hollow hel#ets l"nged "s the$ l"shed together! the b"ttle grew %ier e, v"st "s " r"instor# %ro# the west! l"shing the ground bene"th w"ter$ Aurig"! "nd dense "s the h"il the louds hurl into the w"ves! when 2upiter! bristling with southerlies! twirls the w"ter$ te#pest! "nd bursts the sk$:s "vernous v"pours. BkIA:,.2-.1, Turnus at the Tro8an <ates ;"nd"rus "nd .iti"s! sons o% Al "nor %ro# *d"! who# *"er" the wood(n$#ph bore in 2upiter:s grove! $ouths t"ll "s the pine(trees on their n"tive hills! threw open the g"te entrusted to the# b$ their le"der:s o##"nd! "nd! rel$ing on their we"pons! drew the Rutuli"n ene#$ within the w"lls. The$ the#selves stood in the g"te! in %ront o% the towers to right "nd le%t! steel "r#oured! with plu#es w"ving on their noble he"ds, @ust "s twin o"ks rise up into the "ir! b$ %lowing rivers! on the b"nks o% the ;o! or b$ delight%ul Athesis! li%ting their sh"gg$ he"ds to the sk$! "nd nodding their t"ll rowns. ?hen the$ s"w the entr"n e le"r the Rutuli"ns rushed through. At on e >uer ens "nd AJui olus! h"ndso#e in his "r#our! T#"rus! i#pulsive "t he"rt! "nd 5"e#on! " son o% M"rs! were routed with "ll their Rutuli"n r"nks! "nd took to their heels! or l"id down their lives on the ver$ threshold o% the g"te. Then the "nger grew %ier er in their %ighting spirits! "nd soon the Tro@"ns g"thering #"ssed in the s"#e pl" e! "nd d"red to %ight h"nd to h"nd! "nd "dv"n e %urther outside. The news re" hed Turnus! the Rutuli"n le"der! "s he r"ged "nd troubled the lines in " dist"nt p"rt o% the %ield! th"t the ene#$! hot with %resh sl"ughter! were l"$ing their doors wide open. 5e le%t wh"t he h"d begun! "nd! roused to s"v"ge %ur$! 225

he r"n tow"rds the Tro@"n g"te! "nd the proud brothers. And %irst he brought Antiph"tes down with " spe"r throw! Fsin e he w"s %irst to "dv"n eG! b"st"rd son o% noble S"rpedon b$ " Theb"n #other, the *t"li"n ornel(wood sh"%t %lew through the le"r "ir "nd! %i+ing in his bell$! r"n deep up into his hest, the hollow o% the d"rk wound rele"sed " %o"#ing %low! "nd the #et"l be "#e w"r# in the pier ed lung. Then he overthrew Meropes "nd Er$#"s with his h"nd! "nd then Aphidnus! then .iti"s! %ire in his e$es! l"#our in his he"rt! not to " spe"r Fhe would never h"ve lost his li%e to " spe"rG but " @"velin "rrived with " gre"t hiss! hurled "nd driven like " thunderbolt! th"t neither two bulls: hides nor the %"ith%ul bre"stpl"te with double s "les o% gold ould resist, the #ight$ li#bs oll"psed "nd %ell! e"rth gro"ned "nd the huge shield l"nged "bove hi#. So " ro k pile so#eti#es %"lls on ."i"e:s Euboi shore! %irst onstru ted o% huge blo ks! then toppled into the se", "s it %"lls it tr"ils h"vo behind! tu#bles into the sh"llows "nd settles in the depths, the se" swirls in on%usion! "nd the d"rk s"nd rises upw"rds! then ;ro id":s lo%t$ isl"nd tre#bles "t the sound "nd *s hi":s isle:s h"rsh %loor! l"id down over T$phoeus! "t 2ove:s o##"nd. BkIA:.1.-.## The 3eath o! 2andarus At this M"rs! power%ul in w"r! g"ve the L"tins strength "nd our"ge! "nd twisted his sh"rp go"d in their he"rts! "nd sent Rout "nd d"rk Fe"r "g"inst the Tro@"ns. Biven the h"n e %or " tion! the L"tins "#e together %ro# ever$ side! "nd the god o% b"ttle possessed their souls. ;"nd"rus! seeing his brother:s %"llen orpse! "nd whi h side %ortune w"s on! "nd wh"t %"te w"s driving events! pushed with " #ight$ he"ve o% his bro"d shoulders "nd swung the g"te on its hinges! le"ving #"n$ " o#r"de lo ked outside the w"ll in the ruel on%li t, but the rest 226

he greeted "s the$ rushed in "nd shut in there! with hi#sel%! %oolishl$! not seeing the Rutuli"n king bursting through "#ong the #"ss! %reel$ losing hi# inside the town! like " huge tiger "#ong " helpless herd. At on e %resh %ire %l"shed %ro# Turnus:s e$es his we"pons l"shed %e"r%ull$! the blood(red plu#es on his hel#et Juivered! "nd lightning glittered %ro# his shield. *n sudden tur#oil the sons o% Aene"s re ognised th"t h"ted %or# "nd those huge li#bs. Then gre"t ;"nd"rus spr"ng %orw"rd! bl"=ing with "nger "t his brother:s de"th! shouting, This is not >ueen A#"t":s p"l" e! given in dowr$! or the he"rt o% Arde"! surrounding Turnus with his n"tive w"lls. You see "n ene#$ "#p, $ou "n:t es "pe %ro# here.: Turnus! s#iling! his thoughts "l#! replied to hi#, I)o#e then! i% there:s our"ge in $our he"rt! lose with #e, $ou "n go tell ;ri"# th"t! here too! $ou %ound "n A hilles.: 5e spoke. ;"nd"rus! str"ining with "ll his %or e! hurled his spe"r rough with knots "nd un(stripped b"rk, the wind took it! S"turni"n 2uno de%le ted the i##inent blow! "nd the spe"r stu k %"st in the g"te. Turnus ried, I.ut $ou:ll not es "pe this we"pon #$ right "r# wields with power! the sour e o% this we"pon "nd wound is not su h "s $ou.:, "nd he towered up! his sword li%ted! "nd! with the bl"de! le%t the %orehe"d in two between the te#ples! down to the be"rdless @"w! in "n evil wound. There w"s " r"sh, the ground shook under the v"st weight. ;"nd"rus! d$ing! lowered his %"iling li#bs "nd br"in(sp"ttered we"pons to the ground! "nd his skull split in h"l% hung down on either side over both his shoulders. BkIA:.#,-.%. Turnus *laughters the Tro8ans The Tro@"ns turned "nd %led in sudden terror! "nd i% Turnus h"d thought "t on e to burst the bolts b$ %or e! "nd let in his o#r"des through the g"tes! 227

th"t would h"ve been the end o% the w"r "nd the n"tion. .ut r"ge "nd ins"ne desire %or sl"ughter drove hi#! p"ssion"te! "g"inst the ene#$. First he "ught ;h"leris "nd B$ges who# he h"#strung! then %lung their spe"rs! whi h he sei=ed! "t the b" ks o% the %leeing rowd. 2uno "ided hi# in strength "nd spirit. 5e sent 5"l$s "nd ;hegeus! his shield pier ed! to @oin the#! then Al "nder "nd 5"lius! &oe#on "nd ;r$t"nis un"w"res! "s the$ roused those on the w"lls to b"ttle. As L$n eus "lling to his o#r"des #oved tow"rds hi#! he "nti ip"ted hi# with " stroke o% his glittering sword %ro# the right(h"nd r"#p"rt! L$n eus:s he"d! severed b$ the single blow "t lose Ju"rters! %ell to the ground with the hel#et so#e dist"n e "w"$. Then A#$ us! th"t thre"t to wild re"tures! th"n who# none w"s better "t o"ting spe"rs "nd "r#ing steel with poison! "nd )l$tius! son o% Aeolus! "nd )retheus! %riend to the Muses! )retheus the Muses: %ollower! to who# song "nd l$re "nd striking #e"sures on the strings were "lw"$s " delight! "lw"$s he s"ng o% horses! o% soldiers: we"pons "nd b"ttles. At l"st the Tro@"n le"ders! Mnestheus "nd br"ve Serestus! he"ring o% this sl"ughter o% their #en! "rrived to see their troops s "ttered "nd the ene#$ within. Mnestheus shouted, I?here "re $ou running to! o%% whereH ?h"t other w"lls or b"ttle#ents do $ou h"ve! but theseH ' iti=ens! sh"ll one #"n! he##ed in on "ll sides b$ r"#p"rts! "use su h "rn"ge through this our it$! "nd go unpunishedH Sh"ll he send so #"n$ o% our noblest $ouths to 'r usH )ow"rds! h"ve $ou no pit$! no sh"#e! %or $our wret hed ountr$! %or $our "n ient gods! %or gre"t Aene"sH: BkIA:.%%-%1% Turnus Is 3riven =!! *n%l"#ed b$ su h words the$ were strengthened! "nd the$ h"lted! densel$ p" ked. Turnus little b$ little retre"ted %ro# the %ight! 228

he"ding %or the river! "nd " pl" e e#br" ed b$ the w"ves. The Tro@"ns pressed tow"rds hi# #ore %ier el$! with " gre"t l"#our! "nd #"ssed together! "s " rowd o% hunters with levelled spe"rs lose in on " s"v"ge lion, th"t! %e"r%ul but %ier e! gl"ring in "nger! gives ground! though %ur$ "nd our"ge won:t let it turn its b" k! nor will #en "nd spe"rs "llow it to "tt" k! despite its wish. So Turnus w"vering retr" ed his steps "utiousl$! his #ind seething with r"ge. Even then he h"rged "#ongst the ene#$ twi e! "nd twi e sent the# %l$ing " on%used r"bble "long the w"lls, but the whole "r#$ Jui kl$ g"thered en masse %ro# the "#p! "nd S"turni"n 2uno didn:t d"re e#power hi# "g"inst the#! sin e 2upiter sent *ris down through the "ir %ro# he"ven! "rr$ing no gentle o##"nds %or his sister! i% Turnus did not le"ve the high Tro@"n r"#p"rts. There%ore the w"rrior! overwhel#ed b$ so #"n$ #issiles hurled %ro# ever$ side! ouldn:t so #u h "s hold his own with shield "nd sword("r#. The hel#et prote ting his hollow te#ples r"ng with endless noise! the solid bron=e g"ped %ro# the h"il o% stones! his rest w"s torn o%%! "nd his shield(boss ouldn:t withst"nd the blows, the Tro@"ns! with de"dl$ Mnestheus hi#sel%! redoubled their r"in o% @"velins. Then the swe"t r"n "ll over Turnus:s bod$! "nd %lowed in " d"rk stre"# Fhe:d no ti#e to bre"theG "nd "n "gonised p"nting shook his e+h"usted bod$. Then! %in"ll$! le"ping he"dlong! he plunged down into the river in %ull "r#our. The Tiber wel o#ed hi# to its $ellow %lood "s he %ell! li%ted hi# on its gentle w"ves! "nd! w"shing "w"$ the blood! returned hi#! over@o$ed! to his %riends.


BkA:1- # The Council o! the <ods Me"nwhile the p"l" e o% "ll(power%ul 'l$#pus w"s opened wide! "nd the %"ther o% the gods! "nd king o% #en! "lled " oun il in his st"rr$ house! %ro# whose heights he g"=ed "t ever$ l"nd! "t Tro@"n "#p! "nd L"tin people. The$ took their se"ts in the h"ll with doors "t e"st "nd west! "nd he beg"n, IBre"t sk$(dwellers! wh$ h"ve $ou h"nged $our de ision! o#peting now! with su h opposing willsH * o##"nded *t"l$ not to #"ke w"r on the Tro@"ns. ?h$ this on%li t! "g"inst #$ ordersH ?h"t %e"r h"s driven the# both to t"ke up "r#s "nd in ite violen eH The right ti#e %or %ighting will "rrive Fdon:t bring it onG when %ier e )"rth"ge! pier ing the Alps! will l"un h gre"t destru tion on the Ro#"n strongholds, then it will be %ine to o#pete in h"tred! "nd r"v"ge things. &ow let it "lone! "nd onstru t " tre"t$! gl"dl$! "s "greed.: 2upiter:s spee h w"s brie% "s this, but golden 9enus:s repl$ w"s not, I' %"ther! etern"l @udge o% #en "nd things F%or who else is there * "n #"ke #$ "ppe"l to nowHG $ou see how the Rutuli"ns e+ult! how Turnus is dr"wn b$ noble horses through the rowd! "nd! %ortun"te in w"r! rushes on proudl$. ."rred de%en es no longer prote t the Tro@"ns, r"ther the$ @oin b"ttle within the g"tes! "nd on the r"#p"rt w"lls the#selves! "nd the dit hes "re %illed with blood. Aene"s is "bsent! un"w"re o% this. ?ill $ou never let the siege be r"isedH A se ond ene#$ on e "g"in #en" es "nd h"r"sses new(born Tro$! "nd "g"in! %ro# Aetoli"n Arpi! " <io#ede rises. * "l#ost think the wound * h"d %ro# hi# still "w"its #e, $our hild #erel$ del"$s the thrust o% th"t #ort"l:s we"pon. *% the Tro@"ns sought *t"l$ without $our onsent! "nd despite $our divine will! let the# e+pi"te the sin, don:t gr"nt the# help. .ut i% the$:ve %ollowed the or" les o% powers "bove "nd below! wh$ should "n$one h"nge $our orders now! "nd %orge new destiniesH 230

Sh"ll * re#ind $ou o% their %leet! burned on the shores o% Er$+H 'r the king o% the stor#s "nd his %urious winds roused %ro# Aeoli"! or *ris sent down %ro# the loudsH &ow 2uno even stirs the de"d Fthe onl$ lot still le%t to useG "nd Alle to too! suddenl$ loosed on the upper world! runs wild through "ll the *t"li"n ities. * no longer "re "bout E#pire. Though th"t w"s #$ hope while %ortune w"s kind. Let those $ou wish to win prev"il. F"ther! i% there:s no l"nd $our relentless Jueen will gr"nt the Tro@"ns! * beg! b$ the s#oking ruins o% sh"ttered Tro$! let #e bring As "nius! untou hed! %ro# "#ong the we"pons, let #$ gr"ndson live. Aene"s! $es! #"$ be tossed on unknown se"s! "nd go wherever Fortune gr"nts " ro"d, but let #e h"ve the power to prote t the hild "nd re#ove hi# %ro# the %"t"l b"ttle. A#"thus is #ine! high ;"phos "nd )$ther" "re #ine! "nd *d"li":s te#ple, let hi# ground his we"pons there! "nd live out inglorious $e"rs. )o##"nd th"t )"rth"ge! with her gre"t power! rush *t"l$, then there:ll be no obst" le to the T$ri"n ities. ?h"t w"s the use in their es "ping the pl"gue o% w"r! %leeing through the he"rt o% Argive %l"#es! enduring the d"ngers "t se"! "nd in desol"te l"nds! "s long "s the Tro@"ns seek L"tiu# "nd Tro$ re(bornH ?ouldn:t it h"ve been better to build on those l"st e#bers o% their ountr$! on the soil where Tro$ on e stoodH Bive D"nthus "nd Si#ois b" k to these un%ortun"tes! %"ther! * beg $ou! "nd let the Tro@"ns re(live the ourse o% *liu#.: Then ro$"l 2uno go"ded to s"v"ge %ren=$! ried out, I?h$ do $ou #"ke #e sh"tter #$ pro%ound silen e! "nd utter words o% su%%ering to the worldH <id "n$ god or #"n %or e Aene"s to #"ke w"r "nd "tt" k King L"tinus "s "n ene#$H 5e sought *t"l$ pro#pted b$ the F"tes Fso be itG i#pelled b$ )"ss"ndr":s r"vings, w"s he urged b$ #e to le"ve the "#p! "nd trust his li%e to the windsH To le"ve the out o#e o% w"r! "nd their de%en es to " hild, 231

to disturb Tus "n good %"ith! "nd pe" e%ul tribesH ?h"t goddess! wh"t h"rsh powers o% #ine drove hi# to h"r#H ?here is 2uno in this! or *ris sent %ro# the loudsH *% it:s sh"#e%ul th"t the *t"li"ns surround new(born Tro$ with %l"#es! "nd Turnus #"ke " st"nd on his n"tive soil! he whose "n estor is ;ilu#nus! divine 9enili" his #other, wh"t o% the Tro@"ns with s#oking br"nds using %or e "g"inst the L"tins! pl"nting their $oke on others: %ields "nd driving o%% their plunderH <e iding whose d"ughters to #"rr$! "nd dr"gging betrothed girls %ro# their lover:s "r#s! o%%ering pe" e with one h"nd! but de king their ships with we"ponsH You "n ste"l Aene"s "w"$ %ro# Breek h"nds "nd gr"nt the# %og "nd e#pt$ "ir inste"d o% " #"n! "nd turn their %leet o% ships into "s #"n$ n$#phs, is it wrong then %or #e to h"ve given so#e help to the Rutuli"nsH MAene"s is "bsent! un"w"re o% this.N Let hi# be "bsent "nd un"w"re. ;"phos! *d"liu#! "nd high )$ther" "re $oursH ?h$ #eddle then with " it$ pregn"nt with w"rs "nd %ier e he"rtsH *s it * who tr$ to uproot Tro$:s %r"gile st"te %ro# its b"seH *s it *H 'r he who e+posed the wret hed Tro@"ns to the BreeksH ?h"t re"son w"s there %or Europe "nd Asi" to rise up in "r#s! "nd dissolve their "lli"n e! through tre" her$H <id * le"d the Tro@"n "dulterer to onJuer Sp"rt"H <id * give hi# we"pons! or %o#ent " w"r be "use o% his lustH Then! $ou should h"ve %e"red %or $our own, now! too l"te! $ou r"ise o#pl"ints without @usti e! "nd provoke useless Ju"rrels.: BkA: ,-11. "u'iter /eaves the =utco+e to 4ate So 2uno "rgued! "nd "ll the divinities o% he"ven #ur#ured their diverse opinions! "s when rising g"les #ur#ur in the woods "nd roll out their se ret hu##ing! w"rning s"ilors o% o#ing stor#s. Then the "ll(power%ul %"ther! who h"s pri#e "uthorit$ over things! beg"n Fthe noble h"ll o% the gods %ell silent "s he spoke! e"rth tre#bled underground! high he"ven %ell silent! 232

the Oeph$rs too were stilled! the se" "l#ed its pl" id w"tersG. IT"ke #$ words to he"rt "nd %i+ the# there. Sin e *t"li"ns "nd Tro@"ns "re not "llowed to @oin in "lli"n e! "nd $our dis"gree#ent h"s no end! * will dr"w no distin tion between the#! Tro@"n or Rutuli"n! wh"tever lu k e" h h"s tod"$! wh"tever hopes the$ pursue! whether the "#p:s under siege! be "use o% *t"l$:s %ortunes! or Tro$:s evil w"nderings "nd unh"pp$ prophe ies. &or will * "bsolve the Rutuli"ns. ?h"t e" h h"s instig"ted sh"ll bring its own su%%ering "nd su ess. 2upiter is king o% "ll! eJu"ll$, the %"tes will deter#ine the w"$.: 5e nodded! swe"ring it b$ the w"ters o% his St$gi"n brother! b$ the b"nks th"t seethe with pit h! "nd the bl" k h"s# "nd #"de "ll 'l$#pus tre#ble "t his nod. So the spe"king ended. 2upiter rose %ro# his golden throne! "nd the divinities led hi# to the threshold! "#ong the#. BkA:11%-1,2 Aeneas )eturns 4ro+ 2allantiu+ Me"nwhile the Rutuli"ns g"thered round ever$ g"te! to sl"ughter the #en! "nd ir le the w"lls with %l"#es! while Aene"s:s "r#$ w"s held inside their sto k"de! i#prisoned! with no hope o% es "pe. ?ret hedl$ the$ stood there on the high turrets! "nd ir ling the w"lls! " sp"rse ring. Asius! son o% *#br"sus! Th$#oetes! son o% 5i et"on! the two Ass"r" i! "nd )"stor with old Th$#bris were the %ront r"nk, S"rpedon:s two brothers! )l"rus "nd Th"e#on! %ro# noble L$ i"! were "t their side. A #on o% L$rnesus! no less huge th"n his %"ther )l$tius! or his brother Mnestheus! li%ted " gi"nt ro k! no s#"ll %r"g#ent o% " hillside! str"ining his whole bod$. So#e tried to de%end with @"velins! so#e with stones! hurling %ire "nd %itting "rrows to the bow. See! the Tro@"n bo$! hi#sel%! in their #idst! 9enus:s spe i"l "re! his h"ndso#e he"d un overed! sp"rkling like " @ewel set in $ellow gold 233

"dorning ne k or %orehe"d! gle"#ing like ivor$! inl"id skil%ull$ in bo+wood or 'ri i"n terebinth, his #ilk(white ne k! "nd the ir le o% so%t gold l"sping it! re eived his %lowing h"ir. Your gre"t(he"rted people s"w $ou too *s#"rus! dipping reed(sh"%ts in veno#! "nd "i#ing the# to wound! %ro# " noble L$di"n house! there where #en till ri h %ields! th"t the ;" tolus w"ters with gold. There w"s Mnestheus "s well! who# $esterd"$:s glor$! o% be"ting Turnus b" k %ro# the w"ll:s e#b"nk#ent! e+"lted highl$! "nd )"p$s, %ro# hi# the n"#e o% the )"#p"ni"n it$ o#es. Men were %ighting e" h other in the on%li t o% bitter w"r, while Aene"s! b$ night! w"s utting through the w"ves. ?hen! on le"ving Ev"nder "nd entering the Tus "n "#p! he h"d #et the king! "nnoun ed his n"#e "nd r" e! the help he sought! "nd th"t he hi#sel% o%%ered! wh"t %or es Me=entius w"s g"thering to hi#! "nd the violen e in Turnus:s he"rt! "nd then h"d w"rned how little %"ith "n be pl" ed in hu#"n powers! "nd h"d "dded his entre"ties! T"r hon! @oined %or es with hi# without del"$! "nd "greed " tre"t$, then %ul%illing their %"te the L$di"n people took to their ships b$ divine o##"nd! trusting to " I%oreign: le"der. Aene"s:s vessel took the v"n! "dorned with ;hr$gi"n lions below her be"k! Mount *d" towering "bove the#! " delight to the e+iled Tro@"ns. There gre"t Aene"s s"t "nd pondered the v"r$ing issues o% the w"r! "nd ;"ll"s sti king lose to his le%t side! "sked hi# now "bout the st"rs! their p"th through the d"rk night! "nd now "bout his "dventures on l"nd "nd se". BkA:1,(-214 The /eaders o! the Tuscan 4leet &ow! goddesses! throw 5eli on wide open, begin $our song o% the o#p"n$ th"t %ollowed Aene"s %ro# Tus "n shores! "r#ing the ships "nd riding over the se"s. 234

M"ssi us ut the w"ters "t their he"d! in the bron=e("r#oured Tiger! " b"nd o% " thous"nd w"rriors under hi#! le"ving the w"lls o% )lusiu#! "nd the it$ o% )os"e! whose we"pons "re "rrows! held in light Juivers over their shoulders! "nd de"dl$ bows. Bri# Ab"s w"s with hi#, whose r"nks were "ll splendidl$ "r#oured! his ship "glow with " gilded %igure o% Apollo. ;opuloni"! the #other( it$! h"d given hi# si+ hundred o% her o%%spring! "ll e+pert in w"r! "nd the isl"nd o% *lv"! ri h with the )h"l$bes: ine+h"ustible #ines! three hundred. Asil"s w"s third! th"t interpreter o% gods "nd #en! to who# the entr"ils o% be"sts were "n open book! the st"rs in the sk$! the tongues o% birds! the propheti bolts o% lightning. 5e hurried his thous"nd #en to w"r! dense r"nks bristling with spe"rs. ;is" ordered the# to obe$! it$ o% Alphe"n %ound"tion! set on Etrus "n soil. Then the #ost h"ndso#e Astur %ollowed! Astur rel$ing on horse "nd irides ent "r#our. Three hundred #ore F#inded to %ollow "s oneG were "dded b$ those with their ho#e in )"ere! the %ields b$ the Minio! "n ient ;$rgi! unhe"lth$ Br"vis "e. * would not %orget $ou! )unerus! in w"r the br"vest Liguri"n le"der! or $ou with $our s#"ll o#p"n$! )up"vo! on whose rest the sw"n plu#es rose! " sign o% $our %"ther:s tr"ns%or#"tion F)upid! $our "nd $our #other:s ri#eG. For the$ s"$ th"t )$ nus wept %or his beloved ;h"ethon! singing "#ongst the popl"r le"ves! those sh"des o% ;h"ethon:s sisters! onsoling his sorrow%ul p"ssion with the Muse! "nd drew white "ge over hi#sel%! in so%t plu#"ge! relinJuishing e"rth! "nd seeking the st"rs with song. 5is son! )up"vo! drove on the #ight$ )ent"ur! %ollowing the %leet! with troops o% his own "ge, the %igurehe"d towered over the w"ter! thre"tening %ro# "bove to hurl " huge ro k into the w"ves! the long keel ploughing through the deep o e"n. ' nus! "lso! "lled up troops %ro# his n"tive shores! he! the son o% M"nto the prophetess "nd the Tus "n river! 235

who g"ve $ou $our w"lls! M"ntu"! "nd his #other:s n"#e! M"ntu" ri h in "n estors! but not "ll o% one r" e, there were three r" es there! under e" h r" e %our tribes! hersel% the he"d o% the tribes! her strength %ro# Tus "n blood. Fro# there too Me=entius drove %ive hundred to "r# "g"inst hi#! le"d in pine w"rships through the se" b$ " %igure! the River Min ius! the hild o% L"ke .en" us! rowned with gre$(green reeds. Aulestes ploughed on weightil$! l"shing the w"ves "s he surged to the stroke o% " hundred o"rs, the w"ters %o"#ed "s the sur%" e hurned. 5e s"iled the huge Triton! whose on h shell "l"r#ed the blue w"ves! it:s "rved prow displ"$ed " #"n:s %or# down to the w"ist! "s it s"iled on! its bell$ ending in " se"( re"ture:s! while under the h"l%(#"n:s hest the w"ves #ur#ured with %o"#. Su h w"s the ount o% prin es hosen to s"il in the thirt$ ships to the "id o% Tro$! "nd plough the s"lt pl"ins with their bron=e r"#s. BkA:21#-2# The -y+'hs o! Cybele &ow d"$light h"d v"nished %ro# the sk$ "nd kindl$ ;hoebe w"s tre"ding #id(he"ven with her no turn"l te"#, Aene"s Fsin e "re "llowed his li#bs no restG s"t there ontrolling the hel# hi#sel%! "nd tending the s"ils. And see! in #id( ourse! " troop o% his own %riends "ppe"red, the n$#phs! who# gr" ious )$bele h"d o##"nded to be goddesses o% the se"! to be n$#phs not ships! sw"# beside hi# "nd ut the %lood! "s #"n$ "s the bron=e prows th"t on e l"$ b$ the shore. The$ knew the king %ro# %"r o%%! "nd ir led hi# d"n ing, "nd )$#odo e"! %ollowing! #ost skil%ul o% the# in spee h! "ught "t the stern with her right h"nd! li%ted her length hersel%! "nd p"ddled "long with her le%t "r# under the silent w"ter. Then she spoke to the be#used #"n! so, IAre $ou "w"ke! Aene"s! hild o% the godsH .e "w"ke, loose the sheets, #"ke %ull s"il. ?e "re $our %leet! now n$#phs o% the se"! on e pines o% *d"! 236

%ro# her s" red pe"k. Ag"inst our will we broke our bonds when the tre" herous Rutuli"n w"s pressing us h"rd! with %ire "nd sword! "nd we h"ve sought $ou over the w"ves. )$bele! the Mother! re%"shioned us in this %or#! %ro# pit$! gr"nting th"t we be "#e goddesses! spending li%e under the w"ves. &ow! $our son As "nius is penned behind w"lls "nd dit hes! "#ong we"pons! "nd L"tins bristling %or " %ight. The Ar "di"n 5orse! #i+ed with br"ve Etrus "ns "lre"d$ hold the positions o##"nded, while Turnus:s ert"in purpose is to send his entr"l sJu"drons "g"inst the#! lest the$ re" h the "#p. Ep then! in the rising d"wn! "ll $our %riends with "n order to "r#! "nd t"ke $our invin ible shield th"t the lord o% %ire g"ve $ou hi#sel%! th"t he ir led with " golden ri#. *% $ou don:t think #$ words idle! to#orrow:s light will g"=e on " #ight$ he"p o% Rutuli"n de"d.: She spoke! "nd! knowing how! with her right h"nd! thrust the high stern on! "s she le%t, it sped through the w"ves %"ster th"n " @"velin! or "n "rrow eJu"lling the wind. Then the others Jui kened speed. A#"=ed! the Tro@"n son o% An hises #"rvelled! $et his spirits li%ted "t the o#en. Then looking up to the "r hing he"vens he brie%l$ pr"$ed, IKind )$bele! Mother o% the gods! to who# <ind$#us! tower( rowned ities! "nd h"rnessed lions "re de"r! be #$ le"der now in b"ttle! dul$ %urther this o#en! "nd be with $our Tro@"ns! goddess! with $our %"vouring step.: 5e pr"$ed like this! "nd #e"nwhile the wheeling d"$ rushed in with " %lood o% light! h"sing "w"$ the night, %irst he ordered his o#r"des to obe$ his sign"ls! prep"re their spirits %or %ighting! "nd re"d$ the#selves %or b"ttle. BkA:2,$-($. Aeneas )eaches /and &ow! he stood on the high stern! with the Tro@"ns "nd his %ort in view! "nd "t on e li%ted high the bl"=ing shield! in his le%t h"nd. 237

The Tro@"ns on the w"lls r"ised " shout to the sk$! new hope %reshened their %ur$! the$ hurled their spe"rs! @ust "s Str$#oni"n r"nes under d"rk louds! %l$ing through the "ir! give nois$ ries! "nd %leeing the south wind! tr"il their l"#our. This see#ed str"nge to the Rutuli"n king "nd the *t"li"n le"ders! until looking behind the# the$ s"w the %leet turned tow"rds shore! "nd the whole se" "live with ships. Aene"s:s rest bl"=ed! "nd " d"rk %l"#e stre"#ed %ro# the top! "nd the shield:s gold boss spouted %loods o% %ire, @ust "s when o#ets glow! blood(red "nd o#inous in the le"r night! or when %ier$ Sirius! bringer o% drought "nd pl"gue to %r"il #ort"ls! rises "nd s"ddens the sk$ with sinister light. Still! br"ve Turnus did not lose hope o% sei=ing the shore %irst! "nd driving the "ppro" hing ene#$ "w"$ %ro# l"nd. And he raised his mens spirits as well, and chided them, I?h"t $ou "sked %or in pr"$er is here! to bre"k through with the sword. M"rs hi#sel% e#powers $our h"nds! #enK &ow let e" h re#e#ber his wi%e "nd ho#e! now re "ll the gre"t " tions! the glories o% our %"thers. And let:s #eet the# in the w"ves! while the$:re unsure "nd their %irst steps %"lter "s the$ l"nd. Fortune %"vours the br"ve.: So he spoke! "nd "sked hi#sel% who# to le"d in "tt" k "nd who# he ould trust the siege o% the w"lls. Me"nwhile Aene"s l"nded his "llies %ro# the t"ll ships using g"ngw"$s. M"n$ w"ited %or the spent w"ve to ebb "nd trusted the#selves to the sh"llow w"ter, others rowed. T"r hon! noting " str"nd where no w"ves he"ved "nd no bre"king w"ters ro"red! but the se" swept in s#oothl$ with the rising tide! suddenl$ turned his prow tow"rds it! e+horting his #en, I&ow! ' hosen b"nd! bend to $our sturd$ o"rs, li%t! drive $our bo"ts! split this ene#$ shore with $our be"ks! let the keel itsel% plough " %urrow. * don:t shrink %ro# wre king the ship in su h " h"rbour on e *:ve sei=ed the l"nd.: ?hen T"r hon h"d %inished 238

spe"king so! his o#r"des rose to the o"rs "nd drove their %o"#(wet ships onto the L"tin %ields! till the r"#s g"ined dr$ ground "nd "ll the hulls "#e to rest unh"r#ed. .ut not $ours! T"r hon! sin e! striking the sh"llows! she hung on "n uneven ridge poised %or " while! unb"l"n ed! "nd! tiring the w"ves! broke "nd pit hed her rew into the w"ter! broken o"rs "nd %lo"ting ben hes obstru ted the# "nd "t the s"#e ti#e the ebbing w"ves su ked "t their %eet. BkA:($%-42# The 2itched Battle .ut the long del"$ didn:t keep Turnus b" k, swi%tl$ he #oved his whole %ront "g"inst the Tro@"ns! "nd stood "g"inst the# on the shore. The tru#pets sounded. Aene"s! %irst! "tt" ked the r"nks o% %"r#ers! "s " sign o% b"ttle! "nd toppled the L"tins! killing Theron! noblest o% #en! who unpro#pted sought out Aene"s. The sword dr"nk %ro# his side! pier ed through the bron=e @oints! "nd the tuni s "led with gold. Then he stru k Li h"s! who h"d been ut %ro# the wo#b o% his de"d #other "nd onse r"ted to $ou! ;hoebus, wh$ w"s he "llowed to ev"de the bl"de "t birthH Soon "%ter! he toppled in de"th tough )isseus! "nd huge B$"s! "s the$ l"id #en low with their lubs, 5er ules:s we"pons were no help! nor their stout h"nds nor Mel"#pus their %"ther! 5er ules:s %riend! while e"rth gr"nted hi# he"v$ l"bours. See! Aene"s hurled his @"velin "s ;h"rus uttered words in v"in! "nd pl"nted it in his nois$ gullet. You too! unh"pp$ )$don! "s $ou %ollowed )l$tius! $our new delight! his heeks golden with $outh%ul down! $ou too would h"ve %"llen bene"th the Tro@"n h"nd! "nd l"in there! wret hed! %ree o% th"t love o% $outh th"t w"s ever $ours! h"d the #"ssed r"nks o% $our brothers! not opposed hi#! the hildren o% ;hor us! seven in nu#ber! seven the spe"rs 239

the$ threw, so#e gl"n ed idl$ %ro# hel#et "nd shield! so#e gentle 9enus de%le ted! so the$ onl$ gr"=ed his bod$. Aene"s spoke to %"ith%ul A h"tes, ISuppl$ #e with spe"rs! those th"t lodged in the bodies o% Breeks on *liu#:s pl"in, #$ right h"nd won:t hurl "n$ "t these Rutuli"ns in v"in.: Then he gr"sped " gre"t @"velin "nd threw it, %l$ing on! it r"shed through the bron=e o% M"eon:s shield! s#"shing bre"stpl"te "nd bre"st in one go. 5is brother Al "nor w"s there! supporting his brother with his right "r# "s he %ell, pier ing the "r#! the spe"r %lew str"ight on! keeping its blood(wet ourse! "nd the li%eless "r# hung b$ the shoulder tendons. Then &u#itor! ripping the @"velin %ro# his brother:s bod$! "i#ed "t Aene"s, but he ould not strike "t hi# in return! "nd gr"=ed gre"t A h"tes:s thigh. &ow )l"usus o% )ures "ppro" hed! rel$ing on his $outh%ul strength! "nd hit <r$opes under the hin %ro# " dist"n e "w"$! with his rigid spe"r! driven with %or e! "nd! pier ing his thro"t "s he spoke! took his voi e "nd li%e together, he hit the ground with his %orehe"d! "nd spewed thi k blood %ro# his #outh. )l"usus toppled! in v"rious w"$s! three Thr" i"ns too! o% .ore"s:s e+"lted r" e! "nd three who# *d"s their %"ther "nd their n"tive *s#"rus sent out. 5"l"esus r"n to @oin hi#! "nd the Aurun "n ."nd! "nd Mess"pus! &eptune:s s ion! with his glorious horses. &ow one side! now the other str"ined to push b" k the ene#$, the struggle w"s "t the ver$ threshold o% *t"l$. As w"rring winds! eJu"l in %or e "nd purpose! rise to do b"ttle in the v"st he"vens "nd between the# neither $ield either louds or se", the b"ttle is long in doubt! "ll things st"nd lo ked in on%li t, so the r"nks o% Tro$ l"shed with the L"tin r"nks! %oot "g"inst %oot! #"n pressed h"rd "g"inst #"n. .ut in "nother pl" e! where " torrent h"d rolled "nd s "ttered boulders! with bushes torn %ro# the b"nks! %"r "nd wide! ;"ll"s! seeing his Ar "di"ns unused to h"rging in r"nks 240

on %oot turning to run %ro# the pursuing L"tins! be "use the n"ture o% the ground! hurned b$ w"ter! h"d persu"ded the# to le"ve their horses %or on e! now with pr"$ers! "nd now with bitter words! the sole re ourse in ti#e o% need! %ired their our"ge, IFriends! where "re $ou running toH <on:t trust to %light! b$ $our br"ve deeds! b$ King Ev"nder:s n"#e! "nd the w"rs $ou:ve won! "nd #$ hopes! now seeking to e#ul"te #$ %"ther:s glor$. ?e #ust h" k " w"$ through the ene#$ with our swords. Your noble ountr$ "lls $ou "nd $our le"der ;"ll"s! to where the r"nks o% #en "re densest. &o gods "tt" k us. ?e "re #ort"ls driven be%ore " #ort"l %oe, we h"ve "s #"n$ lives! "s #"n$ h"nds "s the$ do. Look! the o e"n loses us in with " v"st b"rrier o% w"ter! there:s no l"nd le%t to %lee to, sh"ll we seek the se"s or Tro$H: 5e spoke! "nd rushed into the #idst o% the lose(p" ked ene#$. L"gus #et hi# %irst! dr"wn there b$ " hostile %"te. As he tore "t " huge weight o% stone! ;"ll"s pier ed hi# where the spine p"rts the ribs in two! with the spe"r he hurled! "nd plu ked out the spe"r "g"in "s it lodged in the bone. &or did 5isbo surprise hi# %ro# "bove! hope%ul though he w"s! sin e! "s he rushed in! r"ging re klessl$ "t his %riend:s ruel de"th! ;"ll"s inter epted hi# %irst! "nd buried his sword in his swollen hest. &e+t ;"ll"s "tt" ked Sthenius! "nd An he#olus! o% Rhoetus:s "n ient line! who h"d d"red to viol"te his step(#other:s bed. You! twin brothers! "lso %ell in the Rutuli"n %ields! L"ridus "nd Th$#ber! the sons o% <"u us! so "like $ou were indistinguish"ble to kin! "nd " de"r on%usion to $our p"rents, but now ;"ll"s h"s given $ou " ruel sep"r"teness. For Ev"nder:s sword swept o%% $our he"d! Th$#ber, while $our right h"nd! L"ridus! sought its owner! "nd the d$ing %ingers twit hed "nd lut hed "g"in "t the sword. Fired b$ his rebuke "nd seeing his glorious deeds! " #i+ture o% re#orse "nd p"in roused the Ar "di"ns "g"inst their ene#$. Then ;"ll"s pier ed Rhoetus "s he shot p"st in his h"riot. 241

*lus g"ined th"t #u h ti#e "nd th"t #u h respite! sin e he h"d l"un hed his solid spe"r "t *lus %ro# %"r o%%! whi h Rhoetus re eived! "s he %led %ro# $ou! noble Teuthr"s "nd $our brother T$res! "nd rolling %ro# the h"riot he stru k the Rutuli"n %ields with his heels "s he died. As in su##er! when " hoped(%or wind h"s risen! the shepherd sets s "ttered %ires in the woods! the sp" es between "t h light! "nd 9ul "n:s bristling r"nks e+tend over the bro"d %ields! while the shepherd sits "nd g"=es down in triu#ph over the @o$%ul %l"#es, so "ll $our o#r"des: our"ge united "s one to "id $ou ;"ll"s. .ut 5"l"esus! %ier e in w"r! "dv"n ed "g"inst the# "nd g"thered hi#sel% behind his shield. 5e killed L"don! ;heres "nd <e#odo us! stru k o%% Str$#onius:s right h"nd! r"ised tow"rds his thro"t! with his shining sword! "nd s#"shed Tho"s in the %" e with " stone! s "ttering bone #i+ed with blood "nd br"in. 5"l"esus:s %"ther! pres ient o% %"te! h"d hidden hi# in the woods, but when! in white(h"ired old "ge! the %"ther losed his e$es in de"th! the F"tes l"id their h"nds on 5"l"esus "nd doo#ed hi# to Ev"nder:s spe"r. ;"ll"s "tt" ked hi# %irst pr"$ing, IBr"nt lu k to the spe"r * "i# to throw! %"ther Tiber! "nd " p"th through sturd$ 5"l"esus:s hest. Your o"k sh"ll h"ve the these we"pons "nd the soldier:s spoils.: The god he"rd his pr"$er, while 5"l"esus overed *#"on he s"dl$ e+posed his unshielded hest to the Ar "di"n spe"r. BkA:42,-#$ The 3eath o! 2allas .ut L"usus! " power%ul %or e in the w"r! would not "llow his troops to be dis#"$ed b$ the hero:s gre"t sl"ughter, %irst he killed Ab"s opposite! " knott$ obst" le in the b"ttle. The $outh o% Ar "di" %ell! the Etrus "ns %ell! "nd $ou! ' Tro@"ns! #en not even destro$ed b$ the Breeks. The "r#ies #et! eJu"l in le"dership "nd strength, 242

the re"r "nd %ront losed r"nks! "nd the rush prevented we"pons or h"nds %ro# #oving. 5ere! ;"ll"s pressed "nd urged! there L"usus opposed hi#! not #"n$ $e"rs between the#! both o% outst"nding presen e! but Fortune h"d denied the# " return to their ountr$. Yet the king o% gre"t 'l$#pos did not "llow the# to #eet %" e to %" e, their %"te w"s w"iting %or the# soon! "t the h"nd o% " gre"ter opponent. Me"nwhile Turnus:s gentle sister 2uturn" "d@ured hi# to help L"usus! "nd he p"rted the r"nks between in his swi%t h"riot. ?hen he s"w his o#r"des he ried, I*t:s ti#e to hold b" k %ro# the %ight, it:s %or #e "lone to "tt" k ;"ll"s! ;"ll"s is #ine "lone, * wish his %"ther were here to see it.: And his o#r"des drew b" k %ro# the %ield "s ordered. ?hen the Rutuli"ns retired! then the $outh! "#"=ed "t th"t proud o##"nd! #"rvelled "t Turnus! "sting his e$es over the #ight$ bod$! surve$ing "ll o% hi# %ro# the dist"n e with " %ier e look! "nd "nswered the ruler:s words with these, I*:ll soon be pr"ised %or t"king ri h spoils! or %or " glorious de"th, #$ %"ther is eJu"l to either %"te %or #e, "w"$ with $our thre"ts.: So s"$ing he #"r hed down the entre o% the %ield, the blood g"thered! hill! in Ar "di"n he"rts. Turnus le"pt %ro# his h"riot! prep"ring to lose on %oot! "nd the sight o% the "dv"n ing Turnus! w"s no di%%erent th"n th"t o% " lion! seeing %ro# " high point " bull %"r o%% on the pl"in onte#pl"ting b"ttle! "nd rushing down. .ut ;"ll"s "#e %orw"rd %irst! when he thought Turnus #ight be within spe"r(throw! so th"t h"n e #ight help hi#! in venturing his uneJu"l strength! "nd so he spoke to the #ight$ he"vens, I* pr"$ $ou! 5er ules! b$ #$ %"ther:s hospit"lit$ "nd the %e"st to whi h $ou "#e "s " str"nger! "ssist #$ gre"t enterprise. Let #e strip the blood(dren hed "r#our %ro# his d$ing li#bs! "nd let Turnus:s %"iling sight #eet its onJueror.: 5er ules he"rd the $outh! "nd sti%led " he"v$ sigh deep in his he"rt! "nd wept te"rs in v"in. Then 2upiter the %"ther spoke to 5er ules! his son! 243

with kindl$ words, IEver$ #"n h"s his d"$! the ourse o% li%e is brie% "nd "nnot be re "lled, but virtue:s t"sk is this! to in re"se %"#e b$ deeds. So #"n$ sons o% gods %ell bene"th the high w"lls o% Tro$! $es! "nd #$ own son S"rpedon "#ong the#, %"te "lls even %or Turnus! "nd he too h"s re" hed the end o% the $e"rs gr"nted to hi#.: So he spoke! "nd turned his e$es %ro# the Rutuli"n %ields. Then ;"ll"s threw his spe"r with "ll his #ight! "nd sn"t hed his gle"#ing sword %ro# its hollow she"th. The sh"%t %lew "nd stru k Turnus! where the top o% the "r#our l"ps the shoulder! "nd %or ing " w"$ through the ri# o% his shield "t l"st! even gr"=ed his #ight$ %r"#e. At this! Turnus hurled his o"k spe"r tipped with sh"rp steel! long levelled "t ;"ll"s! s"$ing, ISee i% this we"pon o% #ine isn:t o% gre"ter sh"rpness.: The spe"r(he"d! with " Juivering blow! tore through the entre o% his shield! p"ssed through "ll the l"$ers o% iron! o% bron=e! "ll the overl"pping bull:s(hide! pier ing the bre"stpl"te! "nd the #ight$ hest. 9"inl$ he pulled the hot spe"r %ro# the wound, blood "nd li%e %ollowed! b$ one "nd the s"#e p"th. 5e %ell in his own blood Fhis we"pons l"nged over hi#G "nd he stru k the hostile e"rth in de"th with gor$ lips. Then Turnus! st"nding over hi#! ried out, IAr "di"ns! t"ke note! "nd "rr$ these words o% #ine to Ev"nder, * return ;"ll"s to hi# "s he deserves. * %reel$ give wh"tever honours lie in " to#b! wh"tever sol" e there is in buri"l. 5is hospit"lit$ to Aene"s will ost hi# gre"tl$.: So s"$ing he pl"nted his le%t %oot on the orpse! "nd tore "w"$ the huge weight o% ;"ll"s:s belt! engr"ved with the <"n"ids: ri#e, th"t b"nd o% $oung #en %oull$ #urdered on the s"#e wedding night, the blood(dren hed #"rri"ge h"#bers, th"t )lonus! son o% Eur$tus h"d ri hl$ h"sed in gold. &ow Turnus e+ulted "t the spoil! "nd gloried in winning. 'h! hu#"n #ind! ignor"nt o% %"te or %ortune to o#e! 244

or o% how to keep to the li#its! e+"lted b$ %"vour"ble eventsK The ti#e will o#e %or Turnus when he:d pre%er to h"ve bought "n untou hed ;"ll"s "t gre"t pri e! "nd will h"te those spoils "nd the d"$. So his %riends rowded round ;"ll"s with #"n$ gro"ns "nd te"rs! "nd "rried hi# b" k! l$ing on his shield. ' the gre"t grie% "nd glor$ in returning to $our %"ther, th"t d"$ %irst g"ve $ou to w"r%"re! the s"#e d"$ took $ou %ro# it! while nevertheless $ou le%t behind v"st he"ps o% Rutuli"n de"dK BkA:#1$-,$# Aeneas )ages In Battle &ow not #erel$ " ru#our o% this gre"t evil! but " #ore trustworth$ #essenger %lew to Aene"s! s"$ing th"t his #en were " h"ir:s bre"dth %ro# de"th! th"t it w"s ti#e to help the routed Tro@"ns. Seeking $ou! Turnus! $ou! proud o% $our %resh sl"ughter! he #owed down his ne"rest ene#ies! with the sword! "nd %ier el$ drove " wide p"th through the r"nks with its bl"de. ;"ll"s! Ev"nder! "ll w"s be%ore his e$es! the %e"st to whi h he h"d %irst o#e "s " str"nger! the right h"nds pledged in %riendship. Then he "ptured %our $ouths "live! sons o% Sul#o! "nd "s #"n$ re"red b$ E%ens! to s" ri%i e to the sh"des o% the de"d! "nd sprinkle the %l"#es o% the p$re with the prisoners: blood. &e+t he "i#ed " hostile spe"r "t M"gus %ro# " dist"n e, M"gus #oved in leverl$! "nd the spe"r %lew over hi#! Juivering! "nd he l"sped the hero:s knees "s " suppli"nt! "nd spoke "s %ollows, I* beg $ou! b$ $our %"ther:s sh"de! b$ $our hope in $our bo$ *ulus! preserve #$ li%e! %or #$ son "nd #$ %"ther. * h"ve " noble house, t"lents o% h"sed silver lie buried there, * h"ve #"sses o% wrought "nd unwrought gold. Tro$:s vi tor$ does not rest with #e, one li%e will not #"ke th"t #u h di%%eren e.: Aene"s replied to hi# in this w"$, IKeep those #"n$ t"lents o% silver "nd gold $ou #ention %or $our sons. Turnus! be%ore we spoke! did "w"$ with the ourtesies o% w"r! the #o#ent he killed ;"ll"s. So #$ %"ther An hises:s spirit thinks! so does *ulus.: 245

S"$ing this he held the hel#et with his le%t h"nd "nd! bending the suppli"nt:s ne k b" kw"rds! drove in his sword to the hilt. 5"e#on:s son! " priest o% Apollo "nd <i"n"! w"s not %"r "w"$! the b"nd with its s" red ribbons ir ling his te#ples! "nd "ll his robes "nd e#ble#s shining white. Aene"s #et hi# "nd drove hi# over the pl"in! then! st"nding over the %"llen #"n! killed hi# "nd lo"ked hi# in #ight$ d"rkness, Serestus olle ted "nd "rried o%% his we"pons on his shoulders! " troph$ %or $ou! King Br"divus. )"e ulus! born o% the r" e o% 9ul "n! "nd E#bro who "#e %ro# the M"rsi"n hills restored order! the Tro@"n r"ged "g"inst the#, his sword sli ed o%% An+ur:s le%t "r#! it %ell to the ground with the whole dis o% his shield FAn+ur h"d shouted so#e bo"st! trusting the power o% words! li%ting his spirit high perh"ps! pro#ising hi#sel% white(h"ired old "ge "nd long $e"rsG, then T"rJuitus ne"rb$! proud in his gle"#ing "r#our! who# the n$#ph <r$ope h"d born to F"unus o% the woods! e+posed hi#sel% to %ier$ Aene"s. 5e! dr"wing b" k his spe"r! pinned the bre"stpl"te "nd the huge weight o% shield together, then "s the $outh begged in v"in! "nd tried to utter " %low o% words! he stru k his he"d to the ground "nd! rolling the w"r# trunk over! spoke these words "bove hi#! %ro# " hostile he"rt, ILie there now! one to be %e"red. &o noble #other will bur$ $ou in the e"rth! nor weight $our li#bs with "n "n estr"l to#b, $ou:ll be le%t %or the "rrion birds! or! sunk in the "b$ss! the %lood will be"r $ou! "nd hungr$ %ish su k $our wounds.: Then he "ught up with Ant"eus! "nd Lu "s! in Turnus:s %ront line! br"ve &u#" "nd "uburn )"#ers! son o% noble 9ol ens! the we"lthiest in Ausoni"n l"nd! who ruled silent A#$ l"e. 'n e his sword w"s hot! vi torious Aene"s r"ged over the whole pl"in! like Aege"on! who h"d " hundred "r#s "nd " hundred h"nds the$ s"$! "nd bre"thed %ire %ro# %i%t$ hests "nd #ouths! when he l"shed with "s #"n$ like shields o% his "nd drew "s #"n$ swords 246

"g"inst 2ove:s lightning(bolts. See now he w"s he"ded tow"rds the %our horse te"# o% &iph"eus:s h"riot "nd the opposing %ront. And when the horses s"w hi# t"king gre"t strides in his de"dl$ r"ge! the$ shied "nd g"lloped in %e"r! throwing their #"ster! "nd dr"gging the h"riot to the shore. Me"nwhile Lu "gus "nd his brother Liger entered the %r"$ in their h"riot with two white horses, Liger h"ndling the horses: reins! %ier e Lu "gus w"ving his n"ked sword. Aene"s ould not toler"te su h %urious hot(he"dedness, he rushed "t the#! "nd loo#ed up gig"nti with levelled spe"r. Liger s"id to hi#, IThese "re not <io#edes:s horses th"t $ou see! nor A hille:s h"riot! nor ;hr$gi":s pl"in, now $ou:ll be de"lt "n end to $our w"r "nd li%e.: Su h were the words th"t %lew %"r! %ro# %oolish Liger:s lips. .ut the Tro@"n hero did not re"d$ words in repl$! he hurled his spe"r then "g"inst his ene#ies. ?hile Lu "gus urged on his horses! le"ning %orw"rd tow"rds the spe"r:s blow! "s! with le%t %oot "dv"n ed! he prep"red hi#sel% %or b"ttle! the spe"r entered the lower ri# o% his bright shield! then pier ed the le%t thigh, thrown %ro# the h"riot he rolled on the ground in de"th, while noble Aene"s spoke bitter words to hi#, ILu "gus! it w"s not the %light o% $our horses in %e"r th"t betr"$ed $our h"riot! or the ene#$:s idle sh"dow th"t turned the#, it w"s $ou! le"ping %ro# the wheels! who relinJuished the reins.: So s"$ing he gr"sped "t the h"riot, the wret hed brother! Liger! who h"d %"llen "s well! held! out his helpless h"nds, ITro@"n hero! b$ $our own li%e! b$ $our p"rents who bore su h " son! t"ke pit$ * beg $ou! without t"king this li%e "w"$.: As he begged #ore urgentl$! Ae"ne"s s"id, IThose were not the words $ou spoke be%ore. <ie "nd don:t let brother desert brother.: Then he sli ed open his hest where the li%e is hidden. Su h were the de"ths the Tro@"n le"der "used " ross th"t pl"in! r"ging like " torrent o% w"ter or " d"rk te#pest. At l"st his hild! As "nius! "nd the #en 247

who were besieged in v"in! bre"king %ree! le%t the "#p. BkA:,$,-,%% "uno 7ithdra0s Turnus !ro+ the 4ight Me"nwhile 2upiter! un"sked! spoke to 2uno, I' #$ sister! "nd "t the s"#e ti#e #$ de"rest wi%e! "s $ou thought F$our @udge#ent is not wrongG it is 9enus who sust"ins the Tro@"ns: power! not their own right h"nds! so re"d$ %or w"r! nor their %ier e spirits! toler"nt o% d"nger.: 2uno spoke sub#issivel$ to hi#, I' loveliest o% husb"nds wh$ do $ou trouble #e! who "# ill! "nd %e"r%ul o% $our h"rsh o##"ndsH *% #$ love h"d the power it on e h"d! th"t is #$ right! $ou! "ll(power%ul! would surel$ not den$ #e this! to withdr"w Turnus %ro# the on%li t "nd s"ve hi#! unh"r#ed! %or his %"ther! <"unus. Let hi# die then! let hi# p"$ the Tro@"ns in inno ent blood. Yet he derives his n"#e %ro# our line, ;ilu#nus w"s his "n estor %our gener"tions b" k! "nd o%ten weighted $our threshold with opious gi%ts %ro# " l"vish h"nd.: The king o% he"venl$ 'l$#pus brie%l$ replied to her like this, I*% $our pr"$er is %or reprieve %ro# i##inent de"th %or $our doo#ed prin e! "nd $ou underst"nd * so ord"in it! t"ke Turnus "w"$! in %light! sn"t h hi# %ro# on o#ing %"te, there:s roo# %or th"t #u h indulgen e. .ut i% thought o% "n$ gre"ter %"vour hides behind $our pr"$ers! "nd $ou think this whole w"r #"$ be de%le ted or "ltered! $ou nurture " v"in hope.: And 2uno! replied! weeping, I?h$ should $our #ind not gr"nt wh"t $our tongue withholds! "nd li%e be le%t to TurnusH &ow! guiltless! " he"v$ doo# "w"its hi# or * str"$ e#pt$ o% truth. 'h! th"t * #ight be #o ked b$ %"lse %e"rs! "nd th"t $ou! who "re "ble to! #ight h"rbour kinder spee hK ?hen she h"d spoken these words! she d"rted down "t on e %ro# high he"ven through the "ir! driving " stor# be%ore her! "nd wre"thed in loud! "nd sought the r"nks o% *liu# 248

"nd the L"urentine "#p. Then %ro# the "vernous #ist the goddess de ked out " we"k "nd tenuous ph"nto#! in the likeness o% Aene"s! with Tro@"n we"pons F" str"nge #"rvel to beholdG! si#ul"ted his shield! "nd the plu#es on his godlike he"d! g"ve it insubst"nti"l spee h! g"ve it sound without #ind! "nd #i#i ked the w"$ he w"lked, like sh"pes th"t %lit! the$ s"$! "%ter de"th! or dre"#s th"t in sleep de eive the senses. And the ph"nto# %l"unted itsel% e+ult"ntl$ in %ront o% the le"ding r"nks! provoking Turnus with spe"r "sts! "nd e+"sper"ting hi# with words. Turnus r"n "t it! "nd hurled " hissing spe"r %ro# the dist"n e, it turned its heels in %light. Then! "s Turnus thought th"t Aene"s h"d retre"ted "nd on eded! "nd in his on%usion lung to this idle hope in his #ind! he ried, I?here "re $ou o%% to! Aene"sH <on:t desert $our #"rri"ge p" t, this h"nd o% #ine will gr"nt $ou the e"rth $ou looked %or over the se"s.: 5e pursued hi#! "lling loudl$! br"ndishing his n"ked sword! not seeing th"t the wind w"s "rr$ing "w"$ his glor$. *t h"n ed th"t the ship! in whi h King 'sinius s"iled %ro# )lusiu#:s shores! w"s #oored to " high stone pier! with l"dders rele"sed "nd g"ngw"$ re"d$. The swi%t ph"nto# o% %leeing Aene"s s"nk into it to hide! "nd Turnus %ollowed no less swi%tl$! onJuering "ll obst" les "nd le"pt up the high g"ngw"$. 5e h"d b"rel$ re" hed the prow when S"turn:s d"ughter sn"pped the "ble! "nd! sn"t hing the ship! swept it over the w"ters. Then the v"gue ph"nto# no longer tried to hide but! %l$ing into the "ir! #erged with " d"rk loud. Me"nwhile Aene"s hi#sel% w"s h"llenging his #issing ene#$ to b"ttle, "nd sending #"n$ opposing w"rriors to their de"ths! while the stor# "rried Turnus over the wide o e"n. En"w"re o% the truth! "nd ungr"te%ul %or his res ue! he looked b" k "nd r"ised l"sped h"nds "nd voi e to he"ven, 249

IAll(power%ul %"ther! did $ou think #e so worth$ o% punish#ent! did $ou intend #e to p"$ su h " pri eH ?here "# * being t"kenH Fro# who# "# * es "pingH ?h$ "# * %leeing, how will * returnH ?ill * see the w"lls "nd "#p o% L"urentiu# "g"inH ?h"t o% th"t o#p"n$ o% #en th"t %ollowed #e! "nd #$ st"nd"rdH 5"ve * le%t the# "ll Fthe sh"#e o% itG to " ruel de"th! seeing the# s "ttered now! he"ring the gro"ns "s the$ %"llH ?h"t sh"ll * doH ?here is the e"rth th"t ould g"pe wide enough %or #eH R"ther h"ve pit$ on #e! ' winds, <rive the ship on the ro ks! the ree%s F*! Turnus! beg $ou! %reel$G or send it into the vi ious Jui ks"nds! where no Rutuli"n! nor "n$ knowing ru#our o% #$ sh"#e "n %ollow #eH So s"$ing he deb"ted this w"$ "nd th"t in his #ind! whether he should throw hi#sel% on his sword! #"d with su h disgr" e! "nd drive the ruel steel through his ribs! or plunge into the w"ves! "nd! b$ swi##ing! g"in the urving b"$! "nd hurl hi#sel% "g"in "t the Tro@"n we"pons. Three ti#es he "tte#pted e" h, three ti#es gre"t 2uno held hi# b" k! preventing hi# %ro# he"rt%elt pit$. 5e glided on! with the help o% w"ve "nd tide! utting the depths! "nd w"s "rried to his %"ther <"unus:s "n ient it$. BkA:,% -.#4 Me5entius )ages in Battle .ut #e"nwhile %ier$ Me=entius! w"rned b$ 2upiter! took up the %ight! "nd "tt" ked the @ubil"nt Tro@"ns. The Etrus "n r"nks losed up! "nd on entr"ted "ll their h"tred! "nd showers o% #issiles! on hi# "lone. 5e Flike " v"st li%% th"t @uts out into the v"st deep! on%ronting the r"ging winds! "nd e+posed to the w"ves! su%%ering the %or e "nd thre"t o% sk$ "nd se"! itsel% le%t unsh"kenG %elled 5ebrus! son o% <oli h"on! to the e"rth! with hi# were L"t"gus "nd swi%t ;"l#us! but he "nti ip"ted L"t"gus! with " huge %r"g#ent o% ro k %ro# the hillside in his #outh "nd %" e! while he h"#strung 250

;"l#us "nd le%t hi# writhing helplessl$, he g"ve L"usus the "r#our to prote t his shoulders! "nd the plu#es to we"r on his rest. 5e killed Ev"nthes too! the ;hr$gi"n! "nd Mi#"s! ;"ris:s %riend "nd peer! who# The"no bore to his %"ther A#$ us on the s"#e night 5e ub"! )isseus:s ro$"l d"ughter! pregn"nt with " %irebr"nd! g"ve birth to ;"ris, ;"ris lies in the it$ o% his %"thers! the L"urentine shore holds the unknown Mi#"s. And "s " bo"r! th"t pin$ 9esulus h"s sheltered %or #"n$ $e"rs "nd L"urentine #"rshes h"ve nourished with %orests o% reeds! is driven %ro# the high hills! b$ sn"pping hounds! "nd h"lts when it re" hes the nets! snorts %ier el$! h" kles bristling! no one br"ve enough to r"ge "t it! or "ppro" h it! but "ll "tt" king it with spe"rs! "nd shouting %ro# " s"%e dist"n e, h"lts! un"%r"id! turning in ever$ dire tion! grinding its @"ws! "nd sh"king the spe"rs %ro# its hide, so none o% those who were rightl$ "ngered with Me=entius h"d the our"ge to #eet hi# with n"ked sword! but provoked hi# %ro# "%"r with their #issiles! "nd " #ight$ l"#our. A ron! " Breek h"d "rrived there %ro# the "n ient l"nds o% )or$thus! "n e+ile! his #"rri"ge ere#on$ le%t in o#plete. ?hen Me=entius s"w hi# in the dist"n e! e#broiled "#ong the r"nks! with ri#son plu#es! "nd in purple robes given b$ his pro#ised bride! he rushed e"gerl$ into the thi k o% the %oe! "s " r"venous lion o%ten r"nges the high overts Fsin e " r"ging hunger drives itG "nd e+ults! with v"st g"ping @"ws! i% it h"n es to see " %leeing roe(deer! or " st"g with i##"ture horns! then lings rou hing over the entr"ils! with bristling #"ne! its ruel #outh st"ined hideousl$ with blood. ?ret hed A ron %ell! striking the d"rk e"rth with his heels in d$ing! dren hing his sh"ttered we"pons with blood. And he did not even deign to kill 'rodes "s he %led! or in%li t " hidden wound with " thrust o% his spe"r, he r"n to #eet hi# on the w"$! "nd opposed hi# #"n to #"n! getting the better o% hi# b$ %or e o% "r#s not ste"lth. 251

Then setting his %oot on the %"llen #"n! "nd str"ining "t his spe"r! he "lled out, ISoldiers! noble 'rodes lies here! he w"s no s#"ll p"rt o% this b"ttle.: 5is o#r"des shouted! t"king up the @o$%ul r$, Yet 'rodes! d$ing! s"id, I?hoever $ou "re! winner here! *:ll not go un"venged! nor will $ou re@oi e %or long, " like %"te w"t hes %or $ou, $ou:ll soon lie in these s"#e %ields.: Me=entius replied! grinning with r"ge, I<ie now! "s %or #e! the %"ther o% gods "nd king o% #en will see to th"t.: So s"$ing he withdrew his spe"r %ro# the w"rrior:s bod$. Enduring rest! "nd iron sleep! pressed on 'rodes:s e$es! "nd their light w"s shrouded in etern"l night. )"edi us killed Al "thous, S" r"tor killed 5$d"pses, R"po killed ;"rthenius! "nd 'rses o% outst"nding strength. Mess"pus killed )lonius! "nd Eri etes! son o% L$ "on! one l$ing on the ground %"llen %ro# his bridle(less horse! the other still on his %eet. L$ i"n Agis h"d "dv"n ed his %eet but 9"lerus overthrew hi#! with no l" k o% his "n estors: skill, S"lius killed Thronius! "nd &e"l es! %"#ed %or the @"velin! "nd the de eptive long(dist"n e "rrow! in turn killed S"l ius. BkA:.##-%(2 The 3eath o! Me5entius1s *onD /ausus &ow grievous ?"r de"lt grie% "nd de"th #utu"ll$, the$ killed "like! "nd "like the$ died! winners "nd losers! "nd neither one nor the other knew how to %lee. The gods in 2upiter:s h"lls pitied the useless "nger o% the# both! "nd th"t su h p"in e+isted %or #ort"l beings, here 9enus g"=ed down! here! opposite! S"turni"n 2uno. ;"le Tisiphone r"ged "#ong the w"rring thous"nds. And now Me=entius sh"king his #ight$ spe"r! "dv"n ed like " whirlwind over the %ield. Bre"t "s 'rion! when he strides through ' e"n:s deepest h"s#s! %orging " w"$! his shoulders towering "bove the w"ves! or "rr$ing "n "n ient #"nn" "sh down %ro# the #ount"in heights! w"lking the e"rth! with his he"d hidden in the louds! 252

so Me=entius "dv"n ed in his gi"nt:s "r#our. Aene"s! opposite! "t hing sight o% hi# in the %"r r"nks prep"red to go "nd #eet hi#. Me=entius stood there un"%r"id! w"iting %or his gre"t(he"rted ene#$! %ir# in his gre"t bulk, "nd #e"suring with his e$e wh"t dist"n e would suit his spe"r! s"$ing, I&ow let this right h"nd th"t is #$ god! "nd the we"pon * level to throw! "id #eK * vow th"t $ou $oursel%! L"usus! "s token o% #$ vi tor$ over Aene"s! sh"ll be dressed in the spoils stripped %ro# th"t robber:s orpse.: 5e spoke! "nd threw the hissing spe"r %ro# %"r out. .ut! %l$ing on! it gl"n ed %ro# the shield! "nd pier ed the h"ndso#e Antores! ne"rb$! between %l"nk "nd thigh! Antores! %riend o% 5er ules! sent %ro# Argos who h"d @oined Ev"nder! "nd settled in "n *t"li"n it$. Enh"pp$ #"n! he %ell to " wound #e"nt %or "nother! "nd d$ing! g"=ing "t the sk$! re#e#bered sweet Argos. Then virtuous Aene"s hurled " spe"r, it p"ssed through Me=entius:s urved shield o% triple(bron=e! through linen! "nd the interwoven l"$ers o% three bull:s hides! "nd lodged deep in the groin! but %"iled to drive ho#e with %or e. Aene"s! @o$%ul "t the sight o% the Tus "n blood! sn"t hed the sword %ro# his side! "nd pressed his sh"ken ene#$ hotl$. L"usus! seeing it! gro"ned he"vil$ %or love o% his %"ther! "nd te"rs rolled down his heeks C "nd here *:ll not be silent! %or #$ p"rt! "bout $our h"rsh de"th! through %"te! nor! i% %uture "ges pl" e belie% in su h deeds! $our " tions! so glorious! nor $ou $oursel%! $outh! worth$ o% re#e#br"n e C his %"ther w"s retre"ting! $ielding ground! helpless! h"#pered! dr"gging the ene#$ l"n e "long with his shield. The $outh r"n %orw"rd! "nd plunged into the %r"$! "nd! @ust "s Aene"s:s right h"nd li%ted to strike " blow! he sn"t hed "t the sword(point! "nd he ked hi# in del"$, his %riends %ollowed with gre"t l"#our! "nd! with " shower o% spe"rs! %or ed the ene#$ to keep his dist"n e till the %"ther ould withdr"w! prote ted b$ his son:s shield. 253

Aene"s r"ged! but kept hi#sel% under over. As ever$ plough#"n "nd %"r#er runs %ro# the %ields when stor#( louds pour down stre"#s o% h"il! "nd the p"sser b$ shelters in " s"%e orner! under " river b"nk or "n "r h o% high ro k! while the r"in %"lls to e"rth! so "s to pursue the d"$:s work when the sun returns, so! overwhel#ed b$ #issiles %ro# ever$ side! Aene"s endured the louds o% w"r! while the$ "ll thundered! "nd rebuked L"usus! "nd thre"tened L"usus! s"$ing, I?h$ "re $ou rushing to de"th! with our"ge be$ond $our strengthH Your lo$"lt$:s betr"$ing $ou to %oolishness.: &evertheless the $outh r"ged #"dl$! "nd now %ier e "nger rose higher in the Tro@"n le"der:s he"rt! "nd the F"tes g"thered together the l"st thre"ds o% L"usus:s li%e. For Aene"s drove his sword %ir#l$ through the $outh:s bod$! "nd buried it to the hilt, the point p"ssed through his shield! too light %or his thre"ts! "nd the tuni o% so%t gold thre"d his #other h"d woven! blood %illed its %olds, then li%e le%t the bod$ "nd %led! sorrowing! through the "ir to the spirits below. And when An hises:s son s"w the look on his d$ing %" e! th"t %" e p"le with the wonder#ent o% its ending! he gro"ned deepl$ with pit$ "nd stret hed out his h"nd! "s th"t re%le tion o% his own love %or his %"ther tou hed his he"rt. IEnh"pp$ hild! wh"t "n lo$"l Aene"s gr"nt to su h " n"ture! worth$ o% these glorious deeds o% $oursH Keep the we"pons $ou delighted in, "nd i% it is so#ething $ou "re "n+ious "bout! * return $ou to the sh"des "nd "shes o% $our "n estors. This too should sol" e $ou! unh"pp$ one! %or $our s"d de"th, $ou died "t the h"nds o% gre"t Aene"s.: Also he rebuked L"usus:s o#r"des! "nd li%ted their le"der %ro# the e"rth! where he w"s soiling his well(ordered h"ir with blood. BkA:%((- $% The 3eath o! Me5entius Me"nwhile the %"ther! Me=entius! st"un hed his wounds 254

b$ the w"ters o% Tiber:s river! "nd rested his bod$ b$ le"ning "g"inst " tree trunk. 5is bron=e hel#et hung on " ne"rb$ br"n h! "nd his he"v$ "r#our l"$ pe" e%ull$ on the gr"ss. The pi k o% his w"rriors stood "round, he hi#sel%! we"k "nd p"nting e"sed his ne k! his %lowing be"rd stre"#ing over his hest. M"n$ " ti#e he "sked %or L"usus! "nd #"n$ ti#es sent #en to "rr$ hi# " sorrowing %"ther:s orders "nd re "ll hi#. .ut his weeping o#r"des were "rr$ing the de"d L"usus! on his "r#our! " gre"t #"n onJuered b$ " #ight$ wound. The #ind pres ient o% evil! knew their sighs %ro# %"r o%%. Me=entius d"rkened his white h"ir with dust! "nd li%ted both h"nds to he"ven! linging to the bod$, IM$ son! did su h delight in living possess #e! th"t * let $ou %" e the ene#$ %or e in #$ pl" e! $ou who# * %"theredH *s this %"ther o% $ours "live through $our de"th! s"ved b$ $our woundsH Ah! now "t l"st #$ e+ile is wret hedl$ driven ho#e, "nd #$ wound! deepl$K M$ son! * h"ve "lso t"rnished $our n"#e b$ #$ ri#e! driven in h"tred %ro# #$ %"thers: throne "nd s eptre. * h"ve long owed rep"r"tion to #$ ountr$ "nd #$ people:s h"tred, * should h"ve $ielded #$ guilt$ soul to de"th in "n$ %or#K &ow * live, * do not le"ve hu#"nkind $et! or the light! but * will le"ve.: So s"$ing he r"ised hi#sel% we"kl$ on his thigh! "nd! despite "ll! ordered his horse to be brought! though his strength ebbed %ro# the deep wound. 5is #ount w"s his pride! "nd it w"s his sol" e! on it he h"d ridden vi torious %ro# ever$ b"ttle. 5e spoke to the sorrow%ul re"ture! in these words, IRh"ebus! we h"ve lived " long ti#e! i% "n$thing l"sts long %or #ort"l beings. Tod"$ $ou will either "rr$ the he"d o% Aene"s! "nd his blood(st"ined spoils! in vi tor$! "nd "venge L"usus:s p"in with #e! or die with #e! i% no power opens th"t ro"d to us, * don:t think th"t $ou! the br"vest o% re"tures! will deign to su%%er " str"nger:s orders or " Tro@"n #"ster.: 5e spoke! then! #ounting! disposed his li#bs "s usu"l! "nd weighted e" h h"nd with " sh"rp @"velin! 255

his he"d gle"#ing with bron=e! bristling with its horseh"ir rest. So he l"un hed hi#sel% Jui kl$ into the %r"$. *n th"t one he"rt " v"st %lood o% sh"#e "nd #"dness #erged with grie%. And now he "lled to Aene"s in " gre"t voi e. Aene"s knew hi# "nd o%%ered up " @o$ous pr"$er, ISo let the %"ther o% the gods hi#sel% de ree it! so noble ApolloK You then begin the on%li tP.: 5e spoke those words "nd #oved "g"inst hi# with level spe"r. .ut Me=entius replied, I5ow "n $ou %righten #e! #ost s"v"ge o% #en! #e! bere%t o% #$ sonH Th"t w"s the onl$ w"$ $ou ould destro$ #e, * do not shrink %ro# de"th! or h"lt %or "n$ god. )e"se! sin e * o#e here to die! "nd bring $ou! %irst! these gi%ts.: 5e spoke! "nd hurled " spe"r "t his ene#$, then l"nded "nother "nd $et "nother! wheeling in " wide ir le! but the gilded shield withstood the#. 5e rode three ti#es round his "re%ul ene#$! widdershins! throwing d"rts %ro# his h"nd, three ti#es the Tro@"n hero dr"gged round the huge thi ket o% spe"rs %i+ed in his bron=e shield. Then tired o% "ll th"t dr"wn(out del"$! "nd burdened b$ the uneJu"l on%li t! he thought h"rd! "nd %in"ll$ broke %ree! hurling his spe"r str"ight between the w"r horse:s urved te#ples. The "ni#"l re"red! "nd l"shed the "ir with its hooves! "nd throwing its rider! %ollowed hi# down! %ro# "bove! ent"ngling hi#! oll"psing he"dlong onto hi#! its shoulder thrown. Tro@"ns "nd L"tins ignited the he"vens with their shouts. Aene"s r"n to hi#! plu king his sword %ro# its she"th "nd st"nding over hi#! ried, I?here is %ier e Me=entius! now! "nd the s"v"ge %or e o% th"t spiritH: The Tus "n replied! "s! li%ting his e$es to the sk$! "nd gulping the "ir! he reg"ined his thoughts, I.itter ene#$! wh$ t"unt! or thre"ten #e in de"thH There is no sin in killing, * did not o#e to %ight believing so! nor did #$ L"usus "gree "n$ tre"t$ between $ou "nd #e. * onl$ "sk! b$ wh"tever indulgen e " %"llen ene#$ #ight l"i#! th"t #$ bod$ be buried in the e"rth. * know th"t #$ people:s %ier e h"tred surrounds #e, prote t #e! * beg $ou! 256

%ro# their "nger! "nd let #e sh"re " to#b with #$ son.: So he spoke! "nd in %ull "w"reness re eived the sword in his thro"t! "nd poured out his li%e! over his "r#our! in " w"ve o% blood.



Aeneas Mourns 2allas

Me"nwhile <"wn rose "nd le%t the o e"n w"ves, though Aene"s:s sorrow urged hi# to spend his ti#e on his o#r"des: buri"l! "nd his #ind w"s burdened b$ de"th! "s vi tor! "t %irst light! he dis h"rged his vows to the gods. 5e pl"nted " gre"t o"k trunk! its br"n hes lopped "ll round! on " tu#ulus! "nd de ked it out "s " troph$ to $ou! gre"t god o% w"r! in the gle"#ing "r#our stripped %ro# the le"der! Me=entius, he %"stened the rests to it! dripping with blood! the w"rrior:s broken spe"rs! "nd the b"ttered bre"stpl"te! pier ed in twelve pl" es, he tied the bron=e shield to its le%t side! "nd hung the ivor$(hilted sword %ro# its ne k. Then he beg"n to en our"ge his re@oi ing o#r"des, I?e h"ve done gre"t things! #en, b"nish "ll %e"r o% wh"t:s le%t to do, these "re the spoils o% " proud king! the %irst %ruits o% vi tor$! "nd this is Me=entius! %"shioned b$ #$ h"nds. &ow our p"th is tow"rds King L"tinus "nd his it$ w"lls. Look to $our we"pons! spiritedl$! #"ke w"r $our e+pe t"tion! so when the gods "bove give us the sign to t"ke up our st"nd"rds! "nd le"d out our soldiers %ro# the "#p! no del"$ #"$ h"lt us un"w"res! or w"vering purpose hold us b" k through %e"r. Me"nwhile let us o##it to e"rth the unburied bodies o% our %riends! the onl$ tribute re ognised in A heron:s depths. Bo!: he s"id! Igr" e these noble spirits with $our l"st gi%ts! who h"ve won this ountr$ %or us with their blood! "nd %irst let ;"ll"s:s bod$ be sent to Ev"nder:s grieving it$! he! who# " bl" k d"$ stole! though no w"$ l" king in our"ge! "nd plunged in de"th:s bitterness.: So he spoke! weeping! "nd retr" ed his steps to the threshold where ;"ll"s:s li%eless orpse w"s l"id! w"t hed b$ old A oetes! who be%ore h"d been "r#our(be"rer to Ar "di"n Ev"nder! but then! under less h"pp$ "uspi es! set out "s the hosen gu"rdi"n %or his de"r %oster( hild. All the b"nd o% "ttend"nts! "nd the Tro@"n rowd! stood "round! 258

"nd the *li"n wo#en! h"ir loosened "s usto#"r$ in #ourning. As Aene"s entered the t"ll doorw"$ the$ stru k their bre"sts! "nd r"ised " gre"t r$ to the he"vens! "nd the ro$"l p"vilion r"ng with s"d l"#ent"tion. ?hen he s"w the pillowed %" e "nd he"d o% ;"ll"s! p"le "s snow! "nd the open wound o% the Ausoni"n spe"r in his s#ooth hest! he spoke! his te"rs rising, IEnh"pp$ hild! when Fortune entered s#iling w"s it she who begrudged $ou to #e! so th"t $ou would not see #$ kingdo#! or ride! vi torious! to $our %"ther:s houseH This w"s not the l"st pro#ise * #"de $our %"ther! Ev"nder! on le"ving! when he e#br" ed #e! sending #e o%% to win " gre"t e#pire! "nd w"rned #e with trepid"tion th"t the ene#$ were br"ve! " tough r" e. And now! gre"tl$ deluded b$ %"lse hopes! he perh"ps is #"king vows! piling the "lt"rs high with gi%ts! while we! grieving! %ollow his son in v"in pro ession! one who no longer owes "n$ debt to the gods. Enh"pp$ one! $ou will see the bitter %uner"l o% $our hildK *s this how we return! is this our hoped(%or triu#phH *s this wh"t #$ gre"t pro#ise "#ounted toH Yet! Ev"nder! $our e$es will not see " son stru k down with sh"#e%ul wounds! nor be " %"ther pr"$ing %or de"th! " ursed be "use $our son "#e ho#e "live. Al"s! how gre"t w"s the prote tor! who is lost to $ou! Ausoni"! "nd $ou! *ulus.: ?hen he h"d ended his l"#ent! he ordered the# to li%t the s"d orpse! "nd he sent " thous"nd #en! hosen %ro# the r"nks! to "ttend the l"st rites! "nd sh"re the %"ther:s te"rs! " #e"gre sol" e %or so gre"t " grie%! but owed " %"ther:s sorrow. 'thers! without del"$! interwove the %r"#e o% " bier with twigs o% o"k! "nd shoots o% "rbutus! sh"ding the bed the$ onstru ted with " overing o% le"ves. 5ere the$ pl" ed the $outh high on his rusti ou h, like " %lower plu ked b$ " $oung girl:s %ingers! " sweet violet or " drooping h$" inth! whose brightness 259

"nd be"ut$ h"ve not $et %"ded! but whose n"tive e"rth no longer nourishes it! or gives it strength. Then Aene"s brought two robes o% rigid gold "nd purple th"t Sidoni"n <ido h"d #"de %or hi# on e! with her own h"nds! delighting in the l"bour! interwe"ving the %"bri with gold thre"d. Sorrowing! he dr"ped the $outh with one o% these "s " l"st honour! "nd veiled th"t h"ir! whi h would be burned! with its loth! "nd he"ped up #"n$ gi%ts "s well %ro# the L"urentine b"ttle "nd ordered the spoils to be "rried in " long line, he "dded horses "nd we"pons stripped %ro# the ene#$. 5e h"d the h"nds o% those he sent "s o%%erings to the sh"des! to sprinkle the %l"#es with blood in d$ing! bound behind their b" ks! "nd ordered the le"ders the#selves to "rr$ tree(trunks dr"ped with ene#$ we"pons! with the n"#es o% the %oe "tt" hed. Enh"pp$ A oetes! we"ried with "ge! w"s led "long! now bruising his hest with his %ists! now #"rring his %" e with his n"ils! until he %ell! %ull(length on the ground, "nd the$ led h"riots dren hed with Rutuli"n blood. .ehind went the w"r(horse! Aethon! without his tr"ppings! #ourning! wetting his %" e with gre"t te"r drops. 'thers "rried ;"ll"s:s spe"r "nd hel#et! the rest Turnus held "s vi tor. Then " grieving pro ession %ollowed! Tro@"ns! Etrus "ns! "nd Ar "di"ns with we"pons reversed. ?hen "ll the r"nks o% his o#r"des h"d "dv"n ed %"r "he"d! Aene"s h"lted! "nd "dded this! with " deep sigh, IThis s"#e h"rsh %"te o% w"r%"re "lls #e %ro# here to other weeping, #$ s"lute %or eternit$ to $ou! noble ;"ll"s! "nd %or eternit$! %"rewell.: ?ithout spe"king #ore he turned his steps tow"rd the "#p "nd he"ded %or the w"lls. BkAI:1$$-1(% Aeneas =!!ers 2eace And now "#b"ss"dors! sh"ded with olive br"n hes! "#e %ro# the L"tin it$! seeking %"vours, the$ "sked hi# to return the bodies o% #en! %elled b$ the sword! over%lowing 260

the pl"in! "nd "llow the# to be buried under " #ound o% e"rth. there ould be no Ju"rrel with the lost! devoid o% the light, let hi# sp"re those who were on e hosts "nd %"thers o% brides. Aene"s ourteousl$ gr"nted pr"$ers he ould not re%use! "nd "dded these words "s well, IL"tins! wh"t sh"#e%ul #is h"n e h"s ent"ngled $ou in " w"r like this! so th"t $ou %l$ %ro# being our %riendsH <o $ou seek pe" e %or $our de"d killed b$ %"te in b"ttleH * would gl"dl$ gr"nt it to the living too. * would not be here! i% %"te h"d not gr"nted #e " pl" e! " ho#e! nor do * w"ge w"r on $our people, $our king "b"ndoned our %riendship! "nd thought Turnus:s "r#$ gre"ter. *t would h"ve been #ore @ust %or Turnus hi#sel% to #eet this de"th. *% he seeks to end the w"r b$ %or e! "nd drive out the Tro@"ns! he should h"ve %ought #e with these we"pons! he who# the gods! or his right h"nd gr"nted li%e! would h"ve survived. &ow go "nd light the %ires %or $our un%ortun"te ountr$#en.: Aene"s h"d spoken. The$ were silent! stru k du#b! "nd kept their %" es "nd their g"=e %i+ed on one "nother. Then <r"n es! "n elder! "lw"$s hostile to $oung Turnus! shown in his dislike "nd repro" hes! replied in turn! so, I'! Tro@"n hero! gre"t in %"#e! gre"ter in b"ttle! how "n * pr"ise $ou to the skies enoughH Should * wonder %irst "t $our @usti e! or $our e%%orts in w"rH *ndeed we will gr"te%ull$ "rr$ these words b" k to our n"tive it$! "nd i% Fortune o%%ers " w"$! we will "ll$ $ou to our king. Let Turnus seek tre"ties %or hi#sel%. *t will be " delight even to r"ise those #"ssive w"lls "nd li%t the stones o% Tro$ on our shoulders.: 5e spoke! "nd the$ "ll #ur#ured "ssent with one voi e. The$ %i+ed " twelve d"$ tru e! "nd with pe" e "s #edi"tor! Tro@"ns "nd L"tins w"ndered together! in s"%et$! through the wooded hills. The t"ll "sh r"ng to the two(edged "+e! the$ %elled pine(trees towering to the he"vens! "nd the$ never e"sed splitting the o"ks! "nd %r"gr"nt ed"rs! with wedges! 261

or "rr$ing "w"$ the #"nn" "sh in ru#bling w"gons. BkAI:1( -1%1 ;vander Mourns 2allas And now Ru#our %illed Ev"nder:s e"rs! "nd the p"l" e:s "nd the it$:s! %l$ing there! bringing news o% th"t gre"t grie%, Ru#our! th"t " #o#ent sin e w"s "rr$ing ;"ll"s:s vi tor$ to L"tiu#. The Ar "di"ns r"n to the g"tes! "nd %ollowing "n ient usto#! sei=ed tor hes %or the %uner"l, the ro"d shone with the long r"nks o% %l"#es! p"rting the dist"nt %ields. The Tro@"n olu#n! "ppro" hing! #erged its %iles o% #ourners with the#. ?hen the wo#en s"w the# ne"ring the houses! grie% set the it$ "bl"=e with its l"#our. .ut no %or e ould restr"in Ev"nder! "nd he r"n into their #idst! %lung hi#sel% on ;"ll"s:s bod$! on e the bier w"s set down! linging to it with te"rs "nd gro"ns! till "t l"st! he spoke! his grie% s "r el$ "llowing " p"th %or his voi e, I' ;"ll"s! this w"s not the pro#ise $ou #"de $our %"ther! th"t $ou would enter this s"v"ge w"r with "ution. * "# not ignor"nt how gre"t new pride in we"pons "n be! "nd honour won in " %irst on%li t is ver$ sweet. Al"s %or the %irst %ruits o% $our $oung li%e! "nd $our h"rsh s hooling in " w"r so ne"r us! "nd %or #$ vows "nd pr"$ers unhe"rd b$ "n$ godK 5"pp$ were $ou! ' #$ #ost s" red >ueen! in " de"th th"t s"ved $ou %ro# this sorrowK *! b$ living on! h"ve e+ eeded #$ %"te! to survive "s %"ther without son. * should h"ve #"r hed with the "llied "r#ies o% Tro$ "nd been killed b$ those Rutuli"n spe"rsK * should h"ve given #$ li%e! "nd this po#p should h"ve "rried #e! not ;"ll"s! ho#eK Yet * do not bl"#e $ou! Tro@"ns! or our tre"t$! or the h"nds we l"sped in %riendship, #$ white h"irs "re the "use o% this. And i% "n unti#el$ de"th "w"ited #$ son it is #$ @o$ th"t he %ell le"ding the Tro@"ns into L"tiu#! killing 9ols i"ns in thous"nds. *ndeed! ;"ll"s! * thought $ou worth$ o% no other %uner"l 262

th"n this th"t virtuous Aene"s! the gre"t ;h$rgi"ns! the Etrus "n le"ders "nd "ll the Etrus "ns hose. Those! who# $our right h"nd de"lt de"th to! bring gre"t trophies, Turnus! $ou too would be st"nding here! " v"st tree(trunk hung with we"pons! i% $e"rs "nd #"ture strength h"d been "like in both. .ut wh$ in #$ unh"ppiness do * keep the Tro@"ns %ro# w"rH Bo! "nd re#e#ber to t"ke this #ess"ge to $our king, i% * prolong " li%e th"t:s h"te%ul to #e! now ;"ll"s is de"d! it:s be "use $ou know $our right h"nd owes %"ther "nd son the de"th o% Turnus. Th"t is the one p"th o% kindness to #e "nd su ess %or $ou th"t lies open. * don:t "sk %or @o$ while "live! Fth"t:s not "llowed #eG but to "rr$ it to #$ son deep "#ong the sh"des.: BkAI:1%2-224 The 4uneral 2yres <"wn! #e"nwhile! h"d r"ised her kindl$ light on high %or wret hed #en! "lling the# "g"in to work "nd toil, now Aene"s the le"der! now T"r hon! h"d ere ted p$res on the urving b"$. 5ere " ording to "n estr"l usto# the$ e" h brought the bodies o% their people! "nd "s the gloo#$ %ires were lit bene"th! the high sk$ w"s veiled in " d"rk #ist. Three ti#es the$ ir led the bl"=ing piles! l"d in gle"#ing "r#our! three ti#es the$ rounded the #ourn%ul %uner"l %l"#es on horseb" k! "nd uttered w"iling ries. Te"rs sprinkled the e"rth! "nd sprinkled the "r#our! the l"#our o% #en "nd bl"re o% tru#pets li#bed to the he"vens. Then so#e %lung spoils! stripped %ro# the sl"ughtered L"tins! onto the %ire! hel#ets "nd noble swords! bridles "nd swi%t wheels, others! gi%ts %"#ili"r to the de"d! their shields "nd lu kless we"pons. M"n$ he"d o% "ttle were s" ri%i ed round these! to <e"th. The$ ut the thro"ts o% bristling bo"rs! "nd %lo ks ulled %ro# the whole ountr$! over the %l"#es. Then the$ w"t hed their o#r"des burn! "ll "long the shore! "nd kept gu"rd over the h"rred p$res! "nd ould not te"r the#selves "w"$ 263

till dew(wet night wheeled the sk$ round! inset with shining st"rs. Elsewhere too the wret hed L"tins built innu#er"ble p$res. So#e o% the #"n$ orpses the$ buried in the e"rth! so#e the$ took "nd "rried to the %ields ne"rb$! or sent onw"rds to the it$. The rest! " v"st pile o% indis ri#in"te de"d! the$ burnt without ount! "nd without honours, then the wide %ields on ever$ side shone thi k with %ires! in e#ul"tion. The third d"wn dispelled hill sh"dows %ro# the sk$, grieving! the$ r"ked the bones! #i+ed with " depth o% "sh! %ro# the p$res! "nd he"ped " #ound o% w"r# e"rth over the#. Me"nwhile! the #"in l"#our! "nd the he"rt o% their prolonged l"#ent"tion! w"s inside the w"lls! in the it$ o% ri h L"tinus. 5ere #others "nd unh"pp$ d"ughters(in(l"w! here the loving he"rts o% grieving sisters! "nd bo$s robbed o% their %"thers! ursed the dre"d%ul w"r! "nd the #"rri"ge Turnus h"d intended! "nd de#"nded th"t he "nd he "lone should %ight it out with "r#our "nd bl"de! he who l"i#ed %or hi#sel% the kingdo# o% *t"l$! "nd the %ore#ost honours. )ruell$! <r"n es "dded to this "nd testi%ied th"t Turnus "lone w"s su##oned! th"t he "lone w"s h"llenged to b"ttle. At the s"#e ti#e #"n$ "n opinion in v"ried words w"s "g"inst it! "nd %or Turnus! "nd the >ueen:s noble n"#e prote ted hi#! while his gre"t %"#e! "nd the trophies he:d e"rned! spoke %or hi#. BkAI:22#-2 # An Ans0er 4ro+ Ar'i A#ongst this stir! "t the he"rt o% the bl"=e o% dissension! behold! to rown it "ll! the "#b"ss"dors brought "n "nswer %ro# <io#edes:s gre"t it$! s"d th"t nothing h"d been " hieved "t the ost o% "ll their e%%orts! presents "nd gold "nd he"rt%elt pr"$ers h"d been useless! the L"tins #ust %ind other "r#ies or seek pe" e with the Tro@"n king. King L"tinus s"nk bene"th this v"st dis"ppoint#ent. The "ngr$ gods "nd the %resh gr"ves be%ore his e$es! h"d given w"rning th"t this %"te%ul Aene"s w"s le"rl$ sent b$ divine will. 264

So! su##oning his high oun il! the le"ders o% his people! b$ ro$"l o##"nd! he g"thered the# within his t"ll g"tes. The$ onvened! stre"#ing to the king:s p"l" e! through the rowded streets. L"tinus! the oldest "nd #ost power%ul! se"ted hi#sel% "t their entre! with no ple"sure in his "spe t. And he ordered the "#b"ss"dors! b" k %ro# the Aetoli"n it$! to tell their news! "sking %or "ll the "nswers in order. Then "ll tongues %ell silent! "nd! obe$ing his order! 9enulus beg"n "s %ollows, I' iti=ens! we h"ve seen <io#edes "nd his Argive "#p! o#pleted our @ourne$! over o#e "ll d"ngers! "nd gr"sped th"t h"nd b$ whi h the l"nd o% Tro$ %ell. As vi tor over the *"p$gi"n %ields! b$ the B"rg"nus hills! he w"s %ounding the it$ o% Arg$rip"! n"#ed "%ter his %"ther:s people. ?hen we h"d entered! "nd were given le"ve to spe"k to hi# in person! we o%%ered our gi%ts! "nd de l"red our n"#e "nd ountr$, who h"d #"de w"r on us, "nd wh"t h"d brought us to Arpi. 5e listened "nd replied in this w"$ with " "l# look, M' %ortun"te n"tions! re"l#s o% S"turn! "n ient peoples o% Ausoni"! wh"t %ortune troubles $our pe" e "nd persu"des $ou to invite b"se w"rH ?e who viol"ted the %ields o% Tro$ with our bl"des! F%orgetting wh"t we endured in b"ttle bene"th her high w"lls! or those w"rriors Si#ois drownedG h"ve p"id in "tro ious su%%ering! "nd ever$ kind o% punish#ent! %or our sins! throughout the world! " rew th"t even ;ri"# would h"ve pitied, Minerv":s d"rk st"r "nd th"t li%% o% Euboe"! )"phereus the "venger! know it. Menel"us! son o% Atreus! driven %ro# th"t w"r%"re to dist"nt shores! w"s e+iled "s %"r "s Eg$pt! "nd the ;ill"rs o% ;roteus! while El$sses h"s viewed the )$ lopes o% Aetn". Even M$ ene"n Ag"#e#non! le"der o% the #ight$ Breeks! w"s stru k down "t the h"nd o% his wi ked wi%e! when b"rel$ over the threshold, he onJuered Asi"! but "n "dulterer lurked. &eed * spe"k o% the kingdo# o% &eoptole#us! *do#eneus:s household overthrown! or the Lo ri"ns living on Lib$":s o"stH 265

5ow the gods begrudged #e #$ return to #$ ountr$:s "lt"rs, the wi%e * longed %or, "nd lovel$ )"l$donH Even now visit"tions pursue #e! dre"d%ul to see, #$ lost o#r"des! "s birds! sought the sk$ with their wings or h"unt the stre"#s F"l"s " dire punish#ent %or #$ peopleKG "nd %ill the li%%s with their #ourn%ul ries. This w"s the %"te * should h"ve e+pe ted %ro# th"t #o#ent when! in #"dness! * "tt" ked 9enus:s he"venl$ bod$ with #$ sword! "nd h"r#ed her h"nd b$ wounding it. <o not! in truth! do not urge #e to su h on%li t. Sin e Tro$:s towers h"ve %"llen * h"ve no Ju"rrel with Teu er:s r" e! nor h"ve * @o$%ul #e#ories o% those "n ient evils. T"ke the gi%ts $our bring #e! %ro# $our ountr$! to Aene"s. * h"ve withstood his ruel we"pons "nd %ought hi# h"nd to h"nd, trust #$ knowledge o% how he loo#s t"ll "bove his shield! with wh"t power he hurls his spe"r. 5"d the Tro"d produ ed two other #en like hi#! the Tro@"ns would h"ve re" hed the Breek ities! "nd Bree e would be grieving! their %"tes reversed. <uring "ll th"t ti#e we spent %" ing the w"lls o% enduring Tro$ " Breek vi tor$ w"s st"lled "t the h"nds o% 5e tor "nd Aene"s! "nd denied us till the tenth $e"r. .oth were outst"nding in our"ge "nd we"ponr$, Aene"s w"s %irst in virtue. 2oin h"nds with hi# in on%eder"tion! "s best $ou "n! but bew"re o% rossing swords with hi#.N &oblest o% kings! $ou h"ve he"rd! in one! wh"t their king replies "nd wh"t his ounsels "re on erning this gre"t w"r.: BkAI:2 ,-((# /atinus1s 2ro'osal The "#b"ss"dors h"d s "r el$ %inished spe"king when diverse #ur#urs p"ssed swi%tl$ "#ong the troubled *t"li"n %" es! @ust "s when ro ks det"in " %lowing river " #uttering rises %ro# the i#prisoned eddies! "nd the b"nks! th"t border it e ho with spl"shing w"ves. 266

As soon "s thoughts were "l#er "nd "n+ious lips were Juiet! the king beg"n to spe"k! %ro# his high throne! %irst "lling on the gods, IL"tins! * wish we h"d de ided on this vit"l #"tter be%ore now! "nd it would h"ve been better not to onvene the oun il "t su h " #o#ent! when the ene#$ is settled in %ront o% our w"lls. )iti=ens we "re w"ging " wrong(he"ded w"r with " divine r" e! un onJuered w"rriors who# no b"ttles we"r$! "nd who will not relinJuish the sword even when be"ten. *% $ou h"d hopes o% the "lli"n e with Aetoli"n "r#ies! %orgo the#. E" h h"s his own hopes, but see how slight the$ "re. As %or the rest o% our "%%"irs! the utter ruin the$ lie in is in %ront o% $our e$es "nd under $our h"nds. * " use no one, wh"t the ut#ost our"ge ould do h"s been done, the on%li t h"s t"ken "ll the strength o% our kingdo#. So let #e e+pl"in the de ision o% #$ deliber"ting #ind! "nd * will outline it brie%l$ F"ppl$ $our thoughts to itG. There:s "n "n ient do#"in o% #ine "long the Tus "n river! stret hing westw"rd! to the Si "ni"n border "nd be$ond, Aurun "ns "nd Rutuli"ns work the stubborn hills with the plough! sow seed there! "nd use the roughest slopes "s p"sture. Let us $ield "ll this region! with the pine( l"d tr" t o% high hills! to the Tro@"ns in %riendship! "nd spell out the @ust ter#s o% " tre"t$! "nd invite the# to sh"re our kingdo#, let the# settle! i% their desire is su h! "nd build their it$. .ut i% their wish is to onJuer other territories "nd so#e other n"tion! "nd the$ #ight le"ve our soil! let us %"shion twent$ ships o% *t"li"n o"k, or #ore i% the$ "n %ill the#! "ll the ti#ber lies lose to the w"ter, let the# set out the nu#ber "nd design o% their %leet the#selves, we:ll give the l"bour! the ship$"rd "nd the bron=e. Moreover! * w"nt " hundred envo$s to go to "rr$ the news "nd se"l the p" t! L"tins o% noblest birth! holding out br"n hes "s pe" e tokens in their h"nds! "nd be"ring gi%ts! t"lents o% ivor$ "nd gold! "nd the throne "nd the robe! s$#bols o% ro$"lt$. )onsult together! "nd rep"ir our we"r$ %ortunes.: 267

BkAI:((,-(.# 3rances Attacks Turnus Verbally Then <r"n es! who# Turnus:s glor$ provoked with the bitter sting o% se ret env$! rose! hostile "s be%ore!, l"vish o% his we"lth! "nd " better spe"ker! but with " h"nd %ro=en in b"ttle, held to be no #e"n "dviser in oun il! "nd power%ul in " Ju"rrel Fhis #other:s high birth gr"nted hi# nobilit$! his %"ther:s origin w"s un ert"inG, "nd with these words "dded weight "nd subst"n e to their "nger, I' gr" ious king! $ou onsult us on " sub@e t le"r to "ll! "nd needing no spee h %ro# us, ever$one " knowledges the$ know wh"t the publi good de#"nds! but shrink %ro# spee h. Let th"t #"n! through whose in"uspi ious le"dership "nd perverse w"$s Fspe"k * will though he thre"ten #e with violen e or de"thG we h"ve seen so #"n$ glorious le"ders %"ll! "nd the it$ sunk in #ourning! while he "tt" ks the Tro@"n "#p! trusting in %light! "nd %rightens he"ven with his we"pons! let hi# gr"nt %reedo# o% spee h! "nd e"se his "rrog"n e. Add one %urther gi%t to the #"n$ $ou order us to send "nd o##uni "te to the Tro@"ns! one #ore! gr" ious king! wh$ not! "s " %"ther #"$! "nd let no #"n:s violen e prevent $ou! give $our d"ughter to "n illustrious #"n in " #"rri"ge worth$ o% her! binding this pe" e with "n everl"sting ontr" t. .ut i% %e"r o% doing su h possesses our #inds "nd he"rts! let us "ppe"l to the prin e! "nd beg per#ission %ro# hi#, to $ield! "nd give up his rights in %"vour o% his king "nd his ountr$. ' Turnus! $ou who "re the sour e "nd re"son %or "ll these proble#s %or L"tiu#! wh$ do $ou so o%ten hurl $our wret hed ountr$#en into obvious d"ngerH There:s no re#ed$ in w"r! we "ll "sk $ou %or pe" e! together with the sole inviol"ble pledge o% pe" e. * %irst o% "ll! who# $ou i#"gine to be $our ene#$ F"nd * will not ontest itG o#e "s " suppli"nt. ;it$ $our people! set $our pride "side! "nd onJuered! give w"$. Routed! we h"ve seen enough o% de"th "nd #"de bro"d " res desol"te. 268

'r! i% glor$ stirs $ou! i% $ou h"rbour su h strength o% %eeling! "nd i% " p"l" e "s dowr$ is so de"r to $ou! be bold! "nd "rr$ $oursel% on%identl$ "g"inst the ene#$. Surel$ we whose lives "re worthless should be s "ttered over the %ields! unburied "nd unwept! so th"t Turnus #ight g"in his ro$"l brideH And $ou too! i% $ou h"ve "n$ strength! i% $ou h"ve "n$ o% $our %"ther:s w"rlike spirit! $ou #ust look into the %" e o% $our h"llenger.: BkAI:(.,-444 Turnus )e'lies Turnus:s %ur$ bl"=ed "t su h " spee h. 5e g"sped "nd %ro# the depths o% his he"rt g"ve vent to these words, I<r"n es! it:s true $ou "lw"$s h"ve #ore th"n plent$ to s"$ whenever w"r "lls %or #en! "nd $ou:re %irst to "ppe"r when the sen"te is "lled together. .ut there:s no need to %ill the oun il(house with words! th"t %l$ so %reel$ %ro# $ou when $ou "re s"%e! when the r"#p"rt w"lls keep the ene#$ o%% "nd the dit hes "re not $et drowned in blood. So thunder "w"$! eloJuentl$ F"s is $our wontG <r"n es! "nd h"rge #e with ow"rdi e when $our h"nd h"s produ ed like #ounds o% Tro@"n de"d! "nd dotted the %ields ever$where with trophies. You:re %ree to tr$ wh"t r"w our"ge "n do! "nd ert"inl$ we don:t need to se"r h %"r %or ene#ies, the$:re surrounding the w"lls on ever$ side. Sh"ll we go "g"inst the#H ?h$ hesit"teH ?ill $our "ppetite %or w"r "lw"$s re#"in in $our "ir$ tongue "nd %leeing %eetH *! be"tenH You tot"l disgr" e! "n "n$one who sees the Tiber swollen with Tro@"n blood! "nd "ll Ev"nder:s house "nd r" e toppled! "nd the Ar "di"ns stripped o% we"pons! s"$ with @usti e * "# be"tenH .iti"s! "nd gi"nt ;"nd"rus! "nd the thous"nd #en th"t * "s vi tor sent down to T"rt"rus in one d"$! did not %ind it so! i#prisoned 269

though * w"s b$ the w"lls! "nd hedged b$ ene#$ r"#p"rts. &o s"%et$ in w"rH M"d#"n! sing su h "bout the Tro@"n:s li%e! "nd $our possessions. Bo on then! troubling ever$one with $our gre"t %e"rs! "nd e+tolling the powers o% " r" e twi e(de%e"ted! while disp"r"ging L"tinus:s "r#$. &ow even M$r#idon prin es! now <io#ede! T$deus:s son! "nd L"risse"n A hilles! tre#ble "t Tro@"n we"pons! "nd Au%idus:s river %lows b" kw"rds %ro# the Adri"ti w"ves. And wh"t when he pretends he:s "%r"id to Ju"rrel with #e! the unning r"s "l! "nd intensi%ies the h"rge with %"lse terror. You:ll not lose " li%e like $ours to #$ right h"nd Fdon:t shrinkG keep it! let it re#"in in $our bre"st. &ow! old %"ther! * return to $ou "nd $our gre"t deb"te. *% $ou pl" e no %urther hope in our %or es! i% we:re so desol"te! i% one reverse %or our troops h"s utterl$ destro$ed us! "nd our Fortunes "nnot return! let:s stret h out our helpless h"nds! "nd sue %or pe" e. 'h i% onl$ our tr"dition"l our"ge w"s here! though. Th"t #"n to #e would be h"pp$ in his e%%orts! "nd outst"nding in spirit! who h"d %"llen in de"th! so "s not to see su h things! "nd who h"d bitten the dust on e "nd %or "ll. Yet i% we still h"ve our we"lth "nd #"nhood int" t "nd n"tions "nd ities o% *t"l$ "re still our "llies! i% the Tro@"ns won glor$ with gre"t bloodshed! Fthe$ too h"ve their de"d! the stor# o% w"r:s the s"#e %or "llG wh$ do we lose he"rt! sh"#e%ull$! on the ver$ thresholdH ?h$ does %e"r sei=e our li#bs be%ore the tru#pets soundH M"n$ things h"nge %or the better with ti#e! "nd the v"rious l"bours o% "ltering $e"rs, Fortune to$s with #"n$ " #"n! then! visiting hi# in turn! sets hi# on solid ground "g"in. The Aetoli"n "nd his Arpi will be no help to us, but Mess"pus will! "nd Tolu#nius! the %ortun"te! "nd "ll those le"ders sent b$ #"n$ " people, no little glor$ will " rue to the %lower o% L"tiu# "nd L"urentine %ields. ?e h"ve )"#ill" too! o% the glorious 9ols i"n n"tion! 270

le"ding her troop o% riders! "nd sJu"drons bright with bron=e. .ut i% the Tro@"ns onl$ "ll #e to %ight! "nd th"t:s $our wish! i% *:# so gre"t "n obst" le to the o##on good! 9i tor$ is %"r %ro# h"ving %led these h"nds o% #ine with su h h"tred th"t * should re%use to tr$ "n$thing %or " hope so sweet. *:d %" e hi# with our"ge though he out l"ssed gre"t A hilles! "nd wore "r#our to #"t h! %"shioned b$ 9ul "n:s h"nds. *! Turnus! not se ond in virtue to "n$ o% #$ "n estors! dedi "te #$ li%e to $ou "ll! "nd to L"tinus! %"ther o% #$ bride! Aene"s h"llenges #e "loneH * pr"$ th"t he does so h"llenge, "nd! i% the gods: "nger is in this! th"t it is not <r"n es r"ther th"n * who "ppe"ses the# in de"th! or i% there:s worth "nd glor$! t"kes it "ll. BkAI:44#-#(1 The Tro8ans Attack Arguing "#ong the#selves! the$ deb"ted the issues in doubt, while Aene"s w"s #oving his "#p "nd lines. See! " #essenger runs through the ro$"l p"l" e! with gre"t o##otion! %illing the it$ with huge "l"r#, the Tro@"ns! re"d$ %or b"ttle! "nd the Etrus "n r"nks were sweeping down %ro# the river Tiber! over the pl"in. At on e people:s #inds were troubled! their he"rts sh"ken! "nd their deep "nger roused b$ the ungentle sho k. An+iousl$ the$ "lled %or we"pons, we"pons the $oung #en shouted! while their s"d %"thers wept "nd #ur#ured. And now " gre"t l"#our %illed with dis ord rose to he"ven on ever$ side! "s when " %lo k o% birds settles b$ h"n e in so#e t"ll grove! or when the sw"ns give their ho"rse "lls! "#ong nois$ pools! b$ ;"dus":s %ish(%illed stre"#s. IYes! oh iti=ens!: Turnus ried! sei=ing his #o#ent! I onvene $our oun il "nd sit there pr"ising pe" e, while the$ "tt" k us with we"pons.: 5e s"id no #ore but spr"ng up "nd went swi%tl$ %ro# the high h"lls. IYou! 9olusus!: he shouted! Itell the 9ols i"n troops to "r#! "nd le"d the Rutuli"ns. Mess"pus! "nd )or"s with $our brother! 271

deplo$ the "v"lr$! under "r#s! over the wide pl"in. Let so#e se ure the it$ g"tes! "nd o up$ the towers, the rest "rr$ their we"pons with #e! where * order.: At on e there w"s " rush to the w"lls "ll over the it$. King L"tinus hi#sel% le%t the oun il! dis#"$ed b$ the d"rkness o% the hour! "nd "b"ndoned his gre"t pl"n! repro" hing hi#sel% "g"in "nd "g"in %or not h"ving %reel$ re eived Tro@"n Aene"s! "nd "dopted hi# "s his son(in(l"w %or the it$:s s"ke. So#e dug tren hes in %ront o% the g"tes or "rried stones "nd st"kes. The h"rsh tru#pet g"ve the ruel "ll to w"r. Then " diverse ir le o% #others "nd sons ringed the w"lls, this %in"l tri"l su##oned the# "ll. Moreover the >ueen! with " gre"t rowd o% wo#en! drove to ;"ll"s:s te#ple on the heights o% the it"del "rr$ing gi%ts! virgin L"vini" ne+t to her "s her o#p"nion! " sour e o% so #u h trouble! her be"uti%ul e$es "st down. The wo#en li#bed to the te#ple! %illed it with in ense %u#es! "nd poured out s"d pr"$ers %ro# the high threshold, ITritoni"n 9irgin! #ight$ in we"pons! ruler o% w"r! sh"tter the spe"r o% the Tro@"n robber! with $our h"nd! hurl hi# %l"t on the e"rth! stret h hi# prone bene"th our high g"tes.: Turnus! in " %ur$ o% =e"l! "r#ed hi#sel% %or b"ttle. 5e w"s "lre"d$ dressed in his glowing bre"stpl"te! bristling with bron=e s "les! his legs she"thed in gold! his te#ples still b"re! his sword bu kled to his side! shining! splendid! "s he r"n down %ro# the it"del:s heights! e+ult"nt in spirit! "lre"d$ "nti ip"ting the ene#$ in hope, like " st"llion! bre"king his tether "nd %leeing his st"ll! %ree "t l"st! lord o% the open pl"in! who either he"ds %or the p"stures "nd the herds o% #"res! or! used to b"thing in so#e %"#ili"r river! g"llops "w"$! "nd! with he"d held high! neighs with ple"sure! his #"ne pl"$ing over ne k "nd shoulder. )"#ill" sped to #eet hi#! " o#p"nied b$ her 9ols i"n troops! "nd "lighted %ro# her horse lose b$ the g"tes! "ll her o#p"n$ le"ving their #ounts "t her e+"#ple! 272

"nd slipping to e"rth, then she spoke "s %ollows, ITurnus! i% the br"ve #"$ rightl$ h"ve %"ith in the#selves! * d"re to! "nd pro#ise to! en ounter Aene"s:s "v"lr$! "nd ride to #eet the Etrus "n horse#en "lone. Let #e "tte#pt the %irst d"ngers o% the b"ttle with #$ h"nd while $ou st"$ b$ the w"lls "nd prote t the r"#p"rts.: Turnus replied! his g"=e %i+ed on this "#"=ing girl, I' virgin glor$ o% *t"l$! how should * "tte#pt to th"nk $ou or rep"$ $ouH .ut "s $our spirit so"rs be$ond us "ll! sh"re the t"sk with #e. Aene"s! so ru#our s"$s! "nd s outs sent out on%ir#! h"s deplo$ed his light "v"lr$ to se"r h the pl"ins thoroughl$, he hi#sel% li#bing the ridge! #"r hes through the desol"te heights tow"rds the town. * "# prep"ring "n "#bush on " deep tr" k in the woods! so "s to blo k both entr"n es to the gorge with "r#ed #en, $ou #ust w"it %or the Etrus "n "v"lr$ h"rge, br"ve Mess"pus will be with $ou! "nd the L"tin troops! "nd Tiburtus:s b"nd! "nd $ou #ust t"ke o##"nd "s le"der.: So he spoke! "nd e+horted Mess"pus "nd "ll the "llied gener"ls to b"ttle! with si#il"r words! then #oved "g"inst the ene#$. There:s " v"lle$ with " winding bend! suit"ble %or the tri ks "nd str"t"ge#s o% w"r%"re! rowded on both sides b$ " d"rk w"ll o% dense le"ves! to whi h " n"rrow tr" k le"ds, it h"s " on%ined %loor! "nd " di%%i ult entr"n e. Above it! "#ong the look(outs o% the high #ount"in tops! lies " hidden level "nd " se ure shelter! whether one wishes to "tt" k to right or le%t! or #"ke " st"nd on the ridge "nd roll huge boulders down. 5ere the w"rrior hurried b$ " well known network o% p"ths "nd t"king position he o upied the tre" herous woods. BkAI:#(2-# , 3iana1s Concern 4or Ca+illa Me"nwhile! in he"ven:s h"lls! <i"n"! L"ton":s d"ughter! 273

spoke to swi%t 'pis! one o% her s" red b"nd o% virgin %ollowers! "nd g"ve voi e to these sorrow%ul words, I' girl! )"#ill"! is going to the ruel w"r! "nd t"kes up #$ we"pons in v"in. She:s de"rer to #e th"n "ll others! "nd this is no new love th"t o#es to <i"n"! or #oves #$ spirit with sudden sweetness. ?hen Met"bus w"s driven %ro# his throne b$ h"tred o% his t$r"nni "l power! "nd w"s le"ving ;rivernu#! his "n ient it$! %leeing "#idst the on%li t o% w"r! he took his hild to sh"re his e+ile! "nd! slightl$ "ltering her #other:s n"#e )"s#ill"! "lled her )"#ill". )"rr$ing her in %ront o% hi# "t his bre"st he sought " long ridge o% lonel$ %orests, %ier e we"pons thre"tened hi# on ever$ side! "nd the 9ols i"ns hovered round hi# with their troops. ?hile the$ were still in #id(%light! see! the Ausenus over%lowed! %o"#ing to the top o% its b"nks! so gre"t " downpour burst %ro# the louds. 5e! prep"ring to swi# " ross! w"s held b" k b$ love o% his hild! "nd %e"r %or his de"r burden. >ui kl$! deb"ting "ll options with hi#sel%! he settled relu t"ntl$ on this ide", the w"rrior %"stened his d"ughter to the gi"nt spe"r! solid with knots "nd o% se"soned o"k! he h"n ed to be "rr$ing in his strong h"nd! wr"pping her in the b"rk o% " ork(tree %ro# the woods! "nd t$ing her wisel$ to the #iddle o% the sh"%t, then b"l"n ing it in his #ight$ h"nd he ried out to the he"vens, IKind virgin d"ughter o% L"ton"! dweller in the woods! * her %"ther dedi "te this hild to $our servi e, %leeing the ene#$ through the "ir! $ours is the %irst we"pon she l"sps "s " suppli"nt. Boddess * beg $ou to " ept "s $our own this th"t * now o##it to the un ert"in bree=e.: 5e spoke! "nd dr"wing b" k his "r# hurled the spinning sh"%t, the w"ters ro"red! "nd the wret hed )"#ill" %lew over the rushing river on the hissing steel. And Met"bus! with " gre"t rowd o% his ene#ies pressing hi# losel$! g"ve hi#sel% to the %lood! "nd vi toriousl$ sn"t hed his gi%t to <i"n" %ro# the gr"ss$ tur%! the spe"r "nd the little #"id. 274

&o it$ would " ept hi# within their houses or their w"lls! Fnor would he in his s"v"ger$ h"ve given hi#sel% up to the#G he p"ssed his li%e "#ong shepherds on the lonel$ #ount"ins. 5ere! "#ong the thi kets o% s"v"ge l"irs! he nourished his hild "t the udders o% " #"re %ro# the herd! "nd #ilk %ro# wild re"tures! sJuee=ing the te"ts into her deli "te #outh. As soon "s the in%"nt h"d t"ken her %irst steps! he pl" ed " sh"rp l"n e in her h"nds! "nd hung bow "nd Juiver %ro# the little one:s shoulder. A tiger:s pelt hung over he"d "nd down her b" k inste"d o% " gold l"sp %or her h"ir! "nd " long tr"iling robe. Even then she w"s hurling hildish spe"rs with tender h"nd! whirling " s#ooth(thonged sling round her he"d! bringing down Str$#oni"n r"nes "nd snow$ sw"ns. M"n$ " #other in Etrus "n %ortresses wished %or her "s " d"ughter(in(l"w in v"in, she! pure! ontent with <i"n" "lone! herished her love o% her we"pons "nd #"idenhood. * wish she h"d not been swept up into su h w"r%"re! tr$ing to h"llenge the Tro@"ns, she would be #$ d"rling! "nd one o% #$ o#p"n$ still. )o#e now! n$#ph! sin e bitter %"te drives her on! slip %ro# the sk$ "nd seek out the L"tin borders! where with evil o#en the$ @oin in s"d b"ttle. T"ke these we"pons "nd dr"w "n "venging "rrow %ro# the Juiver! "nd i% "n$one viol"tes her s" red %lesh b$ wounding her! Tro@"n or *t"li"n! p"$ #e with their eJu"l punish#ent in blood. Then *:ll "rr$ the bod$ "nd untou hed we"pons o% the poor girl in " "vernous loud to " sepul hre! "nd bur$ her in her own l"nd.: She spoke! "nd 'pis slid down with " sound through he"ven:s light "ir! her bod$ veiled in " d"rk whirlwind. BkAI:# .-,4. The Ar+ies ;ngage *n the #e"nti#e the Tro@"n b"nd with the Etrus "n le"ders! "nd "ll the "v"lr$! "ppro" hed the w"lls! 275

#"rsh"lled in sJu"drons troop b$ troop. ?"rhorses neighing! "vorted over the whole "re"! %ighting the tight rein! pr"n ing this w"$ "nd th"t, the %ield bristled %"r "nd wide with the steel o% spe"rs! "nd the pl"in bl"=ed with li%ted we"pons. 'n the other side! "lso! Mess"pus! "nd the swi%t L"tins! )or"s with his brother! "nd virgin )"#ill":s wing "ppe"red! opposing the# on the pl"in! "nd dr"wing their right "r#s %"r b" k the$ thrust their l"n es %orw"rd! the spe"r(points Juivered, the #"r h o% #en "nd the neighing o% horses in re"sed. And now both h"lted their "dv"n e within " spe"r:s throw, the$ r"n %orw"rd with " sudden shout "nd spurred on their #"ddened horses! spe"rs showered %ro# "ll sides "t on e "s dense "s snow%l"kes! "nd the sk$ w"s veiled in d"rkness. *##edi"tel$ T$rrhenus "nd br"ve A onteus h"rged e" h other! with levelled spe"rs! "nd were the %irst to %"ll with " #ight$ r"sh! sh"ttering their horses: bre"stbones "s the$ ollided, A onteus! hurled like " thunderbolt or " he"v$ stone shot %ro# " "t"pult! w"s thrown so#e dist"n e! "nd w"sted his bre"th o% li%e on the "ir. At on e the r"nks w"vered! "nd the L"tins slung their shields behind the#! "nd turned their #ounts tow"rds the w"lls. The Tro@"ns pursued! Asil"s their le"der he"ding the sJu"drons. &ow the$ were ne"ring the g"tes when the L"tins "g"in r"ised " shout! "nd turned their horse:s responsive ne ks, the Tro@"ns now %led! "nd retre"ted to " dist"n e with loose reins! like the se" running in with "ltern"te w"ves! now rushing to shore! d"shing over the ro ks in " %o"#ing %lood! dren hing the %urthest s"nds with its swell! now retre"ting Jui kl$! su king rolling pebbles in its w"sh! le"ving dr$ s"nd "s the sh"llows ebbed, twi e the Tus "ns drove the routed Rutuli"ns to the it$! twi e! repulsed! the$ looked behind! de%ending their b" ks with their shields. .ut when the$ l"shed in " third en ounter their lines lo ked tight! "nd #"n #"rked #"n! then trul$! the b"ttle 276

swelled %ier el$ "#ong the gro"ns o% the d$ing! with we"pons! bodies! "nd horses in their de"th(throes! in pools o% blood! ent"ngled with sl"ughtered riders. 'rsilo hus hurled " l"n e "t Re#ulus:s horse! %e"ring to "tt" k the #"n! "nd le%t the point e#bedded bene"th its e"r, The re"ring h"rger! #"ddened b$ the blow! "nd un"ble to be"r the wound! li%ted its hest! "nd thr"shed high with its %orelegs! Re#ulus thrown le"r! rolled on the ground. )"tillus %elled *oll"s "nd 5er#inius! " gi"nt in our"ge! " gi"nt in torso "nd li#bs! t"wn$ h"ir on his he"d! his shoulders b"re! %or who# wounds held no terror he spre"d so wide in his "r#our. The driven spe"r p"ssed Juivering through his bro"d shoulders! "nd! pier ing hi#! doubled hi# up with p"in. <"rk blood stre"#ed ever$where, l"shing with swords! the$ de"lt de"th "nd sought " glorious ending through their wounds. BkAI:,4%-.24 Ca+illa In Action .ut "n A#"=on e+ulted in the #idst o% the sl"ughter! with one bre"st b"red %or b"ttle, )"#ill"! "r#ed with her Juiver, now she showered sturd$ @"velins! s "ttering the# %ro# her h"nds! now she li%ted " strong b"ttle("+e in her unwe"ried gr"sp, "nd <i"n":s we"pon! " golden bow! r"ttled on her shoulder. Even when she retre"ted! "tt" ked %ro# behind! she reversed her bow "nd %ired "rrows while %leeing. And "round her were hosen o#r"des! virgin L"rin"! "nd Tull"! "nd T"rpei" wielding her "+e o% bron=e! the *t"lides! d"ughters o% *t"l$! who# noble )"#ill" hose hersel% "s her glor$! %"ith%ul serv"nts in pe" e or w"r, su h were the A#"=ons o% Thr" e! tre"ding Ther#odon:s stre"#s! "nd %ighting with orn"te we"pons! "round 5ippol$te! or when ;enthesile" returned! in her h"riot! "nd the r"nks o% wo#en with res ent shields e+ulted. ?ho# did $ou strike! %irst "nd l"st! with $our spe"r! %ier e girlH 5ow #"n$ bodies did $ou spill over the e"rthH 277

Euneus! son o% )l$tius! w"s the %irst! whose e+posed hest she pier ed with her long sh"%t o% pine! "s he %" ed her. 5e %ell! spewing stre"#s o% blood! "nd bit the gor$ dust! "nd! d$ing! writhed on his wound. Then she killed Liris "nd ;"g"sus too! one g"thering the reins o% his wounded horse "s he rolled %ro# it! the other ne"ring to stret h out " de%en eless h"nd to the %"lling #"n! both %lung he"dlong together. She "dded to the# A#"strus! son o% 5ippot"s! "nd! le"ning %orw"rd to throw! sent her spe"r "%ter Tereus! 5"rp"l$ us! <e#ophoon "nd )ro#is, "nd "s #"n$ spe"rs "s the girl sent spinning %ro# her h"nd! so #"n$ Tro@"n w"rriors %ell. The hunts#"n 'rn$tus w"s riding %"r o%%! in un%"#ili"r "r#our! on his *"p$gi"n horse! the hide stripped %ro# " bullo k overing his bro"d shoulders! his he"d prote ted b$ " wol%:s huge g"ping #"sk! "nd white(toothed @"ws! " rusti :s hunting(spe"r in his h"nd, he #oved "long in the entre o% the "r#$! " %ull he"d "bove the rest. )"t hing hi# she stru k hi# Fno e%%ort in the routed r"nksG then with pitiless he"rt spoke "bove hi#, I<id $ou think $ou h"sed pre$ in the %orest! Tus "nH The d"$ is here th"t proves $our words wrong! with " wo#"n:s we"pons. .ut $ou:ll "rr$ no s#"ll %"#e to $our %"ther:s sh"des! $ou %ell to )"#ill":s spe"r.: Then she killed 'rsilo hus "nd .utes! two o% the l"rgest Tro@"ns! .utes she %i+ed with " spe"r in the b" k! between bre"stpl"te "nd hel#et! where the rider:s ne k gle"#s "nd the shield h"ngs %ro# the le%t "r#, while %leeing %ro# 'rsilo hus! h"sed in " wide ir le! she eluded hi#! wheeling inside! pursuing the pursuer, then! li%ting hersel% higher! drove her strong "+e! "g"in "nd "g"in! through "r#our "nd bone! "s he begged "nd pr"$ed desper"tel$, the wounds st"ining his %" e with w"r# br"in(#"tter. &ow the w"rrior son o% Aunus! #et her! "nd suddenl$ h"lted! terri%ied "t the sight! he " #"n o% the Apennines! not the le"st o% the l$ing Liguri"ns while %"te "llowed it. 278

?hen he s"w he ouldn:t es "pe " %ight b$ " turn o% speed! or divert the Jueen %ro# her "tt" k! he tried to devise " str"t"ge# with wit "nd unning! "s %ollows, I?h"t:s so gre"t "bout rel$ing on " strong horse! wo#"nH Forget %light! "nd trust $oursel% to %ighting #e on level ground! eJuip $oursel% to b"ttle on %oot, $ou:ll soon know whose wind$ bo"sting:s "n illusion.: 5e spoke! "nd she! r"ging "nd burning with bitter resent#ent! h"nded her horse to " %riend! "nd %" ed hi# with eJu"l we"pons. on %oot "nd un"%r"id! with n"ked sword "nd pl"in shield. .ut the $outh! sure he h"d won b$ guile! sped o%% Finst"ntl$G! %li king his reins! took to %light! pri king his horse to " g"llop with spurs o% steel. The girl shouted, IStupid Liguri"n! uselessl$ v"unting $our bo"st%ul spirit! $ou:ve tried $our slipper$ n"tive wiles in v"in! "nd unning won:t "rr$ $ou b" k to Aunus unh"r#ed.: And like lightening she inter epted the horse:s p"th! on swi%t %eet! "nd sei=ing the reins %ro# in %ront t" kled hi#! "nd took venge"n e on the blood she h"ted, "s light "s " %"l on! Apollo:s s" red bird! swooping %ro# " t"ll ro k! overt"king " dove in %light in the high loud! holding her in its t"lons! "nd te"ring her he"rt out with its urved t"lons, while blood "nd torn %e"thers shower %ro# the sk$. BkAI:.2#-.,. Arruns 4ollo0s &er .ut the %"ther o% gods "nd #en with w"t h%ul e$es s"t throned on high 'l$#pus observing it "ll. The #"ker stirred the Etrus "n! T"r hon! to %ier e b"ttle "nd go"ded hi# to "nger with no gentle spur. So T"r hon rode "#idst the sl"ughter "nd the w"vering r"nks! in iting his sJu"drons with v"ried shouts! "nd "lling e" h #"n b$ n"#e! r"ll$ing the routed to the %ight. I?h"t %e"r! wh"t utter ow"rdi e h"s %illed $our he"rts! 279

'! $ou ever(sluggish Tus "ns! ' $ou who "re never "sh"#edH )"n " wo#"n drive $ou in disorder "nd turn $our r"nksH ?h$ do we be"r swords "nd spe"rs idle in our right h"ndsH .ut $ou "re not slow to love or %or no turn"l b"ttles! nor when the urved pipe pro l"i#s the ." hi d"n e. ?"it then %or the %e"st "nd wine( ups on the lo"ded t"bles! Fth"t is $our p"ssion "nd $our ple"sureG while the h"pp$ seer reports the s" red o#ens! "nd the ri h s" ri%i e "lls $ou into the deep groveK: So s"$ing! "nd re"d$ to die! he spurred his #ount into the press! tore "t 9enulus like " whirlwind! "nd sn"t hed hi# %ro# his horse! "nd! l"sping his ene#$ to his hest with his right "r#! "nd stirring hi#sel% to " #ight$ e%%ort! "rried hi# o%%. A shout rose to the skies "nd "ll the L"tins turned their g"=e th"t w"$. T"r hon %lew over the pl"in like lightning! "rr$ing we"pons "nd #"n, then he broke o% the iron tip o% his ene#$:s spe"r! "nd se"r hed %or "n ungu"rded opening where he #ight de"l " de"dl$ wound, 9enulus! struggling with hi#! kept the h"nd %ro# his thro"t! #eeting %or e with %or e. As when " t"wn$ e"gle so"ring high "rries " sn"ke it h"s "ught! entwined in its %eet! with t"lons linging! while the wounded serpent writhes in sinuous oils! "nd re"rs its bristling s "les! hissing with its #outh "s it rises up! "nd none the less "tt" ks its struggling pre$! with urved be"k! while its wings be"t the "ir, so T"r hon "rried his pri=e in triu#ph %ro# the Tiburti"n r"nks. E#ul"ting their le"der:s e+"#ple "nd su ess! the Etrus "ns h"rged. And now Arruns! " #"n whose li%e w"s owed to the %"tes! beg"n to ir le swi%t )"#ill"! with his @"velin! with skil%ul unning! tr$ing %or the e"siest o% h"n es. ?herever the girl rode "#ong the r"nks! in her %ur$! there Arruns sh"dowed her! "nd %ollowed her tr" k in silen e, wherever she returned in triu#ph or withdrew %ro# the %oe! there the $outh se retl$ turned his Jui k reins. 5e tried this "ppro" h "nd th"t! tr"velling the whole ir uit on ever$ side! relentlessl$ br"ndishing his sure spe"r.


BkAI:.,%-%(# The 3eath o! Ca+illa *t h"n ed th"t )hloreus! on e " priest! s" red to )$bele! glittered so#e dist"n e "w"$ splendid in ;hr$gi"n "r#our! spurring his %o"#(%le ked horse! th"t " hide! plu#ed with bron=e s "les! "nd l"sped with gold! prote ted. 5e hi#sel%! shining with deep olours "nd %oreign purple! %ired Bort$ni"n "rrows %ro# " L$ i"n bow, the we"pon w"s golden on his shoulder! "nd golden the seer:s hel#, his s"%%ron lo"k "nd its rustling %olds o% linen were g"thered into " knot with $ellow gold! his tuni "nd b"rb"ri leg( overings e#broidered b$ the needle. The virgin huntress singling hi# out %ro# "ll the press o% b"ttle! either hoping to h"ng his Tro@"n we"pons in the te#ple! or to displ"$ hersel% in "ptured gold! pursued hi# blindl$! "nd r"ged re klessl$ through the r"nks! with " %e#inine desire %or pri=es "nd spoil! when Arruns! %in"ll$ sei=ing his h"n e! r"ised his spe"r %ro# "#bush "nd pr"$ed "loud! like this! to he"ven, I5ighest o% gods! Apollo! gu"rdi"n o% hol$ Sor" te! whose hie% %ollowers "re we %or who# the bl"=e o% the pine(wood %ire is %ed! "nd who "s worshippers! on%ident in our %"ith! pl"nt our steps on deep e#bers "#ong the %l"#es! "ll(power%ul %"ther gr"nt th"t this sh"#e be e%%" ed b$ our we"pons. * seek no pri=e! no troph$ o% the girl:s de%e"t! no spoils, so#e other deed will bring #e %"#e, onl$ let this dre"d%ul s ourge %"ll wounded under #$ blow! "nd *:ll return without glor$ to the ities o% #$ "n estors.: ;hoebus he"rd hi#! "nd gr"nted the su ess o% h"l% the pr"$er in his #ind! h"l% he s "ttered on the p"ssing bree=e, he "greed to the pr"$er th"t Arruns #ight bring )"#ill" to sudden de"th:s ruin, but did not gr"nt th"t his noble ountr$ should see hi# return! "nd the gusts "rried his words "w"$ on the southerl$ winds. So "s the spe"r whistled through the "ir! speeding %ro# his h"nd! "ll the 9ols i"ns turned their e"ger e$es "nd #inds 281

tow"rds the Jueen. She hersel% noti ed neither bree=e nor sound! nor the we"pon %"lling %ro# the sk$! till the spe"r went ho#e! %i+ing itsel% under her n"ked bre"st! "nd driven deep! dr"nk o% her virgin blood. 5er %riends rushed to her "n+iousl$ "nd "ught their %"lling Jueen. Arruns! #ore %e"r%ul th"n the rest! %led in @o$ "nd terror! not d"ring to trust his spe"r %urther! or #eet the virgin:s we"pons. And "s " wol% th"t h"s killed " shepherd! or " gre"t bullo k! i##edi"tel$ hides itsel% deep in the p"thless #ount"ins be%ore the hostile spe"rs "n re" h it! ons ious o% its "ud" ious " tions! "nd holds its lowered t"il Juivering between its legs! "s it he"ds %or the woods, so Arruns! in tur#oil! stole "w"$ %ro# sight! "nd! ontent to es "pe! plunged into the #idst o% the "r#$. )"#ill" tugged "t the we"pon with d$ing h"nds! but the iron point w"s %i+ed between the bones! ne"r the ribs! deep in the wound. She s"nk b" k bloodless! her e$es s"nk! hill with de"th! the on e r"di"nt olour h"d le%t her heeks. Then! e+piring! she spoke to A "! one o% her peers! %"ith%ul to )"#ill" be$ond "ll others! sole sh"rer o% her sorrows! "nd uttered these words to her, IA "! #$ sister! #$ strength l"sted this %"r, now the bitter wound e+h"usts #e! "nd "ll "round #e d"rkens with sh"dows. Fl$! "nd "rr$ #$ %in"l o##"nds to Turnus, he #ust t"ke #$ pl" e in the b"ttle! "nd keep the Tro@"ns %ro# the it$. &ow %"rewell.: ?ith these words she let go the reins! slipping helplessl$ to e"rth. Then! little b$ little! growing old she loosed hersel% %ro# her bod$ o#pletel$! dipping the unresponsive ne k "nd th"t he"d de"th h"d sei=ed! letting go her we"pons! "nd with " sob her li%e %led "ngril$ to the sh"des below. Then indeed "n i##ense shout rose! re" hing the golden st"rs, with )"#ill" %"llen! the b"ttle swelled, the Tro@"n host! the Etrus "n le"ders! "nd Ev"nder:s 282

Ar "di"n sJu"drons rushed on in " #"ss together. BkAI:%(,- 1# ='is Takes )evenge &ow 'pis! <i"n":s sentinel! h"d been se"ted there on " #ount"in! %or " long ti#e! w"t hing the b"ttle %e"rlessl$. And when she s"w %"r o%%! "#ongst the l"#our o% r"ging "r#ies! th"t )"#ill" h"d p"id the pen"lt$ o% de"th! she sighed "nd uttered these words %ro# the depths o% her he"rt, IAh too ruel! virgin girl! too ruel the s" ri%i e $ou h"ve #"de! %or tr$ing to h"llenge the Tro@"ns in w"rK *t h"s not helped $ou th"t $ou worshipped <i"n" in the lonel$ woods "nd wore our Juiver on $our shoulder. Yet $our Jueen h"s not le%t $ou without honour now in the e+tre#es o% de"th! nor will $our loss be without %"#e "#ong the people! nor will $ou su%%er the in%"#$ o% d$ing un("venged. For whoever dese r"ted $our bod$ with this wound will p"$ the pri e o% de"th.: An e"rthen #ound! overed with sh"dow$ hol#(o"k! stood bene"th the high #ount"in! the v"st to#b o% <er ennus! "n "n ient L"urentine king, here the loveliest o% goddesses! "%ter swi%t %light! %irst set %oot "nd "ught sight o% Arruns %ro# the high tu#ulus. ?hen she s"w hi# shining in "r#our! swollen with pride! she ried, I?h$ go so %"r "w"$H Turn $our steps here! o#e this w"$ to destru tion! "nd re eive $our rew"rd! worth$ o% )"#ill". M"$ even $ou not die b$ <i"n":s we"ponsH: She spoke, then the Thr" i"n goddess took " winged "rrow %ro# her golden Juiver! "nd stret hed the bow in "nger! dr"wing it %"r b" k! until the urving horns #et! "nd now with levelled "r#s she tou hed the steel tip with her le%t h"nd! "nd her bre"st "nd the bow(string with her right. At the s"#e #o#ent "s Arruns he"rd the hissing d"rt! "nd the rushing "ir! both one! the steel w"s %i+ed in his bod$. 5is "llies! oblivious! le%t hi# on the un#e#or"ble dust o% the pl"in! g"sping "nd gro"ning in e+tre#it$, 283

while 'pis winged her w"$ to he"venl$ 'l$#pus. )"#ill":s light "v"lr$ were %irst to %lee! their #istress lost! the Rutuli"ns %led in tur#oil! br"ve Atin"s %led! s "ttered le"ders "nd "b"ndoned troops sought s"%et$! "nd! wheeling their horses "bout! he"ded %or the w"lls. &o one ould he k the pursuing! de"th(de"ling Tro@"ns with we"pons! or st"nd "g"inst the# but slung their unstrung bows on bowed shoulders! "nd their horses: hooves shook the ru#bling e"rth in %light. A loud o% d"rk #urk$ dust rolled tow"rds the w"lls! "nd #others! %ro# the w"t htowers! r"ised the wo#ens: r$ to the st"rs in he"ven! "s the$ be"t their bre"sts. The ene#$ host pressed h"rd on those who %irst broke "t speed through the open g"tes! #i+ing with their lines! so the$ did not es "pe " piti%ul de"th! but! pier ed through! g"sped "w"$ their lives on the ver$ threshold! their ountr$:s w"lls "round the#! within the shelter o% their houses. So#e losed the g"tes! "nd d"red not open " p"th %or their %riends or let the# inside the w"lls! though the$ begged! "nd the #ost piti%ul de"th %ollowed! o% those de%ending the entr"n e in "r#s! "nd those rushing onto the swords. So#e driven b$ the rout! shut out! in %ront o% the g"=e "nd the weeping %" es o% their p"rents! rolled he"dlong into the dit hes! others h"rging blindl$ with loose reins b"ttered "t the g"tes "nd the tough g"te(posts b"rring their w"$. The wo#en the#selves when the$ s"w )"#ill" %ro# the w"lls in %ier e e#ul"tion Ftrue love o% ountr$ guided the#G threw we"pons with their we"k h"nds! "nd in their h"ste used poles o% tough o"k "nd %ire(h"rdened st"kes inste"d o% steel! "nd were "bl"=e to die in the %ore%ront de%ending the w"lls. Me"nwhile in the %orest! the bitterest o% #ess"ges %illed Turnus:s thoughts, A " h"d brought the w"rrior her news o% the #ight$ rout, the 9ols i"n r"nks "nnihil"ted! )"#ill" killed! the ene#$ "dv"n ing %ier el$! sweeping "ll be%ore the# in the %ortune o% w"r! p"ni now re" hing the it$. M"ddened he "b"ndoned the "#bush "#ong the hills 284

Fso 2ove:s ruel will de#"ndedG "nd le%t the wild %orest. 5e h"d s "r el$ p"ssed %ro# view! in re" hing the pl"in! when Aene"s! the le"der! #ounted the ridge! "%ter entering the ungu"rded gorge! "nd e#erging %ro# the dense woods. So the$ both #"r hed Jui kl$ tow"rds the w"lls! in %ull %or e! "nd with no gre"t dist"n e between the#, "nd "t th"t #o#ent Aene"s s"w the pl"in! %"r o%%! s#oking with dust! "nd "ught sight o% the L"urentine "r#$! "nd Turnus re"lised th"t %"t"l Aene"s w"s in "r#s! "nd he"rd the #"r h o% %eet! "nd the sound o% horses. The$ would h"ve @oined b"ttle "t on e "nd "tte#pted o#b"t! but ros$ ;hoebus w"s "lre"d$ b"thing his we"r$ te"# in the Sp"nish deeps! "nd! d"$ w"ning! brought b" k the night. The$ "#ped be%ore the it$! "nd strengthened their de%en es.


BkAII:1-#( Turnus 3e+ands Marriage ?hen Turnus s"w the L"tins e+h"usted! "nd we"kened b$ their #ilit"r$ reverse! hi#sel% the sub@e t o% ever$ g"=e! his own pro#ise to the# $et un%ul%illed! he burned i#pl" "bl$! "nd unpro#pted! "nd r"ised his our"ge. As " lion! in the A%ri "n bush! severel$ hurt b$ hunts#en with " wound to the hest! onl$ then rouses hi#sel% to b"ttle! tosses his sh"gg$ #"ne over his ne k! in @o$! "nd! un"%r"id! sn"ps o%% the spe"r so#e po" her h"s pl"nted in hi#! ro"ring %ro# blood(st"ined @"ws, so the violen e grew in Turnus:s in%l"#ed he"rt. Then he spoke to the king! beginning turbulentl$ like this, IThere:s no relu t"n e here! in Turnus, there:s no re"son %or Aene"s:s ow"rd rew to t"ke b" k their words or renoun e their p" t, * go to #eet hi#. )"rr$ out the hol$ rite! %"ther! "nd dr"w up the #"rri"ge ontr" t. *:ll either send this Tro@"n! this Asi"n deserter! to T"rt"rus! Flet the L"tins sit "nd w"t hG "nd with #$ sword! "lone! dispel the n"tion:s sh"#e! or let hi# possess the de%e"ted! let L"vini" go then "s his bride.: L"tinus replied to hi# with "l# in his he"rt, I' $outh o% noble spirit! the #ore $ou e+ el in %ier e our"ge! the #ore it is right %or #e to t"ke "re%ul thought! "nd weigh ever$ event with "ution. You h"ve $our %"ther <"unus:s kingdo#! $ou h"ve the #"n$ %ortresses $ou "ptured b$ %or e! "nd L"tinus is not short o% gold "nd generosit$, there "re other un#"rried girls! not ignoble in birth! in the %ields o% L"tiu# "nd L"urentiu#. Allow #e to s"$ this! un(gentl$! openl$ stripped o% "ll guile! "nd t"ke it to he"rt, it w"s %orbidden %or #e to "ll$ #$ d"ughter to "n$ o% her %or#er suitors! "nd "ll gods "nd #en de reed it. )onJuered b$ love %or $ou! onJuered b$ kinship! "nd the te"rs o% " sorrow%ul wi%e! * broke "ll bounds, * sn"t hed the betrothed girl %ro# #$ son(in(l"w to be! "nd drew the i#pious sword. 286

You see! Turnus! wh"t events! wh"t w"r dogs #e! wh"t " he"v$ burden $ou "bove "ll be"r. <e%e"ted in two gre"t b"ttles we "n h"rdl$ preserve the hopes o% *t"l$ in our it$, Tiber:s stre"#s "re $et w"r# with our blood! the v"st pl"ins whitened b$ our bones. ?h$ did * w"ver so o%tenH ?h"t #"dness h"nged #$ de isionH *% *:d be re"d$ to " ept the Tro@"ns "s "llies with Turnus de"d! wh$ not r"ther end the on%li t while he:s "liveH ?h"t would $our Rutuli"n kin s"$! "nd the rest o% *t"l$! i% * betr"$ed $ou to de"th Flet h"n e den$ those wordsKG while seeking #$ d"ughter in #"rri"geH )onsider the %ortunes o% w"r, pit$ $our "ged %"ther! who# his n"tive Arde" keeps "p"rt %ro# us! sorrowing.: Turnus:s %ur$ w"s un"%%e ted b$ these words, it #ounted higher! in%l"#ed b$ the tre"t#ent. As soon "s he w"s "ble to spe"k! he beg"n like this, IMost gr" ious one! th"t on ern $ou %eel %or #e! * beg $ou! %or #e! set it "side! "nd "llow #e to b"rter de"th %or glor$. * too "n s "tter spe"rs "nd no l" k o% steel! %ro# #$ h"nd! %"ther! "nd blood %lows %ro# the wounds * #"ke "s well. 5is goddess #other will be %"r %ro# hi#! she who overs his %light with #ist! like " wo#"n! "nd hides in e#pt$ sh"dows.: BkAII:#4-%$ &e 2ro'oses *ingle Co+bat .ut the Jueen wept! terri%ied b$ the new ter#s o% on%li t! "nd lung to her "rdent son! "s i% she were d$ing, ITurnus! one thing * beg o% $ou! b$ these te"rs! b$ "n$ respe t %or A#"t" th"t tou hes $our he"rt, $ou "re #$ onl$ hope! the pe" e o% #$ s"d old "ge! the honour "nd power o% L"tinus is in $our h"nds! our whole tottering house rests on $ou, do not eng"ge in o#b"t with the Tro@"ns. ?h"tever d"nger "w"its $ou in th"t b"ttle "w"its #e too! Turnus, * would le"ve this h"te%ul light with $ou "nd will never! "s " prisoner! see Aene"s "s #$ son(in(l"w.: 287

L"vini" listened to her #other:s words! her burning heeks wet with te"rs! while " deep blush kindled their %ire! "nd spre"d over her glowing %" e. 5er virgin looks showed su h olour "s when one st"ins *ndi"n ivor$ with ri#son d$e! or "s white lilies redden when #i+ed with #"n$ " rose. Love stirred Turnus! "nd he %i+ed his g"=e on the girl, %ired still #ore %or b"ttle! he spoke brie%l$ to A#"t", I' #other! * beg $ou not to send #e o%% with te"rs! or like ill o#ens! "s * le"ve %or the b"ttles o% " bitter w"r, Turnus is not %ree to del"$ his hour o% de"th. *d#on! "s " #essenger! "rr$ #$ unwel o#e words to the Tro@"n le"der. ?hen to#orrow:s <"wn! riding her ri#son h"riot! reddens in the sk$! do not le"d Tro@"ns "g"inst Rutuli"ns! let Tro@"n "nd Rutuli"n we"pons rest, let us resolve this w"r with our own blood! on th"t %ield let L"vini" be sought "s bride.: BkAII:%1-112 &e 2re'ares 4or Battle ?hen he h"d spoken! "nd returned Jui kl$ to the p"l" e! he "lled %or his horses! "nd delighted in seeing the#! neighing be%ore hi#! horses 'rith$i" hersel% g"ve ;ilu#nus! "s " glor$! surp"ssing the snow in whiteness! "nd the wind %or speed. Their h"rioteers stood "round e"gerl$ p"tting their e hoing hests! with the %l"t o% their h"nds! "nd o#bing their %lowing #"nes. Turnus drew " bre"stpl"te! sti%% with gold "nd p"le bron=e! over his shoulders! %itted his sword "nd shield in position! "nd the horns with their ri#son rest, the god with the power o% %ire h"d wrought the sword %or his %"ther! <"unus! "nd dipped it! glowing! in the w"ters o% the St$+. Then Turnus gripped his strong spe"r %ir#l$! th"t stood le"ning on " gre"t olu#n in the #iddle o% the h"ll! " spoil won %ro# the Aurun "n! A tor! shook it till it Juivered "nd shouted, I&ow! o spe"r th"t never %"iled #$ "ll! 288

now the ti#e h"s o#e, A tor! the #ightiest! "rried $ou! "nd now the right h"nd o% Turnus, "llow #e to l"$ low the bod$ o% th"t ;hr$gi"n eunu h! te"r o%% "nd sh"tter his bre"stpl"te with #$ power%ul h"nd! "nd de%ile his h"ir with dust! th"t:s urled with " he"ted iron! "nd drowned in #$rrh.: 5e w"s driven b$ %ren=$! glowing sp"rks shot %ro# his whole "spe t! %ire %l"shed %ro# his %ier e e$es! like " bull! be%ore " %ight! th"t st"rts its %or#id"ble bellowing "nd! tr$ing its "nger with its horns! h"rges " tree(trunk! l"shes the "ir with its blows! "nd s "tters the s"nd! "s it pr" tises %or the b"ttle. Me"nwhile Aene"s! no less %ier e! "r#ed with the we"pons! his #other:s gi%t! sh"rpened hi#sel% %or on%li t! "nd roused his "nger! h"pp$ the w"r #ight be settled b$ the #e"ns on o%%er. Then he o#%orted his %riends! "nd *ulus:s "n+ious %e"rs! spe"king o% destin$! "nd ordered the# to t"ke " %ir# repl$ to King L"tinus! "nd de l"re his onditions %or pe" e. BkAII:11(-1,$ "uno *'eaks to "uturna The ne+t d"wn h"d s "r el$ begun to sprinkle the #ount"in su##its with its r"$s! "t th"t ti#e when the horses o% the sun %irst rise %ro# the deep o e"n! "nd bre"the light %ro# li%ted nostrils, the Rutuli"ns "nd Tro@"ns h"d #e"sured out the %ield o% o#b"t! under the #"ssive w"lls o% the it$! "nd were prep"ring he"rths "nd tur% "lt"rs %or their #utu"l gods. 'thers we"ring priest:s "prons! their %orehe"ds wre"thed with verv"in! brought spring w"ter "nd %ier$ e#bers. The Ausoni"n "r#$ #"r hed out! "nd their r"nks! "r#ed with spe"rs! poured through the rowded g"tes. All the host o% Tro@"ns "nd Tus "ns stre"#ed out on the other side! "rr"$ed in their v"rious "r#our! eJuipped with steel! "s i% the bitter on%li t o% w"r "lled out to the#. And the "pt"ins too! "#ong their #"n$ thous"nds! d"rted "bout! brilli"nt in gold "nd purple! Mnestheus o% Ass"r" us:s line! br"ve Asil"s! 289

"nd Mess"pus! t"#er o% horses! son o% &eptune. As soon "s e" h h"d retired to their own ground! "t the given sign"l! the$ pl"nted their spe"rs in the e"rth! "nd le"nt their shields on the#. Then wo#en! "nd we"k old #en! "nd the un"r#ed rowd! poured out e"gerl$! "nd g"thered on towers "nd roo%tops! or stood on the su##it o% the g"tes. .ut 2uno! g"=ed "t the pl"in! looking %ro# the top o% " hill F "lled Alb"n now! then without n"#e! honour or glor$G "t the twin r"nks o% L"urentu# "nd Tro$! "nd L"tinus:s it$. *##edi"tel$! goddess to goddess! she spoke to Turnus:s sister! who ruled over l"kes "nd e hoing rivers F2upiter! the king o% high he"ven! g"ve her th"t honour %or ste"ling her virginit$G, I&$#ph! glor$ o% rivers! de"rest o% "ll to #$ he"rt! $ou know how *:ve pre%erred $ou "lone o% "ll the L"tin girls who:ve #ounted unwel o#e to the ou h o% gre"t(he"rted 2ove! "nd * h"ve %reel$ gr"nted $ou " pl" e in " p"rt o% the sk$, lest $ou bl"#e #e! 2uturn"! le"rn o% i#pending grie%. ?henever Fortune "llowed! "nd the F"tes per#itted the L"tin st"te to prosper! * prote ted Turnus "nd $our it$. &ow * see " w"rrior #eeting with "n uneJu"l destin$! "nd " d"$ o% F"te "nd ini#i "l %or e dr"ws ne"r. * "nnot look "t this o#b"t! the$ "greed to! with #$ e$es. *% $ou d"re do "n$thing #ore %or $our brother in person! go on, it:s %itting. ;erh"ps better things will %ollow %or the wret hed.: She h"d s "r el$ spoken! when 2uturn":s e$es %lowed with te"rs! "nd her h"nd stru k her lovel$ bre"st three or %our ti#es. IThis is not the #o#ent %or te"rs!: s"id S"turni"n 2uno, IRun! "nd! i% there:s " w"$! sn"t h $our brother %ro# de"th, or stir on%li t "nd sh"tter the tre"t$ the$:ve #"de. * te" h $ou d"ring.: 5"ving urged her thus! she le%t her un ert"in "nd troubled! s"dl$ hurt "t he"rt. BkAII:1,1-21# Aeneas and /atinus *acri!ice Me"nwhile the kings drove out, L"tinus in " %our(horsed h"riot 290

o% #"ssive si=e Ftwelve golden r"$s ir ling his shining brow! e#ble#s o% his "n estor! the SunG! Turnus behind " snow(white te"#! br"ndishing two spe"rs with bro"d steel bl"des in his h"nd. 'n the other side! Aene"s! the le"der! "n estor o% the Ro#"n r" e! "#e %ro# the "#p! "bl"=e with st"rr$ shield "nd he"venl$ "r#our! As "nius with hi#! Ro#e:s se ond gre"t hope! while " priest in pure robes brought the o%%spring o% " bristl$ bo"r! "nd "lso "n unshorn two($e"r sheep! "nd tethered the "ni#"ls ne+t to the bl"=ing "lt"rs. The heroes turned their g"=e tow"rds the rising sun! sprinkled s"lt #e"l with their h"nds! #"rked the vi ti#s: %orehe"ds with " kni%e! "nd poured lib"tions %ro# ups onto the "lt"rs. Then pious Aene"s! with sword dr"wn! pr"$ed like this, ISun! be #$ witness! "nd this ountr$ th"t * "ll on! %or whi h * h"ve been "ble to endure su h l"bours! "nd the "ll(power%ul F"ther! "nd $ou 2uno! his wi%e! Fnow goddess! now! be kinder! * pr"$G "nd $ou! glorious M"rs! $ou! %"ther! who ontrol "ll w"r%"re with $our will, * "ll on %ounts "nd rivers! on "ll the holiness o% high he"ven! "nd the powers in the blue o e"n, i% b$ h"n e 9i tor$ %"lls to Turnus o% *t"l$! it is "greed the de%e"ted will withdr"w to Ev"nder:s it$! *ulus will le"ve the l"nd! "nd the people o% Aene"s will never bring renewed w"r in b"ttle! or "tt" k this re"l# with the sword. .ut i% vi tor$ "grees th"t our ontest is #ine F"s * think #ore likel$! "nd #"$ the gods b$ their will prove it soG! * will not o##"nd the *t"li"ns to sub#it to Tro@"ns nor do * seek " kingdo# %or #$sel%, let both n"tions! unde%e"ted! put in pl" e "n etern"l tre"t$. * will per#it $our gods "nd their rites, L"tinus #$ %"ther(in(l"w will keep his we"pons! #$ %"ther(in(l"w will keep his " usto#ed power, the Tro@"ns will build w"lls %or #e! "nd L"vini" will give her n"#e to " it$. So Aene"s w"s %irst to spe"k! then L"tinus %ollowed hi#! thus! r"ising his e$es to he"ven! "nd stret hing his right h"nd to the sk$, I* "lso swe"r! Aene"s! b$ the s"#e e"rth! se"! "nd sk$! 291

b$ L"ton":s twin o%%spring! "nd b$ two(%" ed 2"nus! b$ the power o% the gods below! "nd the shrines o% ruel <is, #"$ the F"ther! who r"ti%ies tre"ties with his lightning! he"r #e. * tou h the "lt"r, * "ll "s witness the gods! "nd the %l"#es between us! no d"$ sh"ll bre"k this pe" e or tru e on *t"l$:s side! however things #"$ %"ll out, nor will "n$ power de%le t #$ will! not i% it plunges the e"rth! drowned in %lood! into the w"ves! "nd dissolves he"ven in hell! @ust "s this s eptre Fsin e he h"n ed to hold the s eptre in his h"ndG hewn! on e "nd %or "ll! %ro# the lowest ste# in the woods! h"ving lost its p"rent trunk! "nd shedding its le"ves "nd twigs to the kni%e! will never! now the r"%ts#"n:s h"nd h"s she"thed it in %ine bron=e! "nd given it to the elders o% L"tiu# to "rr$! e+tend shoots or sh"de %ro# light %oli"ge.: The$ se"led the tre"t$ between the# with these words in %ull view o% the le"ders. Then with due rite the$ sl"ughtered the s" ri%i i"l be"sts over the %l"#es! tore out the entr"ils! while the$ were "live! "nd piled the "lters with he"ped dishes. BkAII:21,-2,# The )utulians Break The Treaty .ut the duel h"d %or " long ti#e see#ed un%"ir to the Rutuli"ns! "nd their he"rts were torn b$ v"ried e#otions! #ore so when the$ s"w the o#b"t"nts: uneJu"l strength ne"r to. Turnus "dded to the unrest! in "dv"n ing with silent tre"d "nd vener"ting the "lt"r hu#bl$! with down "st e$es! "nd b$ his w"sted heeks "nd the p"llor o% his $outh%ul bod$. As soon "s his sister! 2uturn"! w"s "w"re th"t t"lk w"s spre"ding "nd the #inds o% the #ultitude were w"vering in doubt! she entered the he"rt o% the "r#$! in the guise o% )"#ers! whose birth w"s o% noble "n estr$! his %"ther:s n"#e %"#ous %or virtue! "nd he hi#sel% o% the br"vest in "r#s! she entered the he"rt o% the "r#$! not ignor"nt o% her t"sk! sowing v"rious ru#ours "nd spe"king "s %ollows, I' Rutuli"ns! "ren:t $ou "sh"#ed to s" ri%i e one li%e 292

on beh"l% o% so #"n$ o% $ou H Aren:t we their eJu"ls in nu#bers "nd #ightH See! "ll the Tro@"ns "nd Ar "di"ns "re here! "nd the Etruri"n b"nd led b$ %"te! "nd hostile to Turnus, i% ever$ other #"n "tt" ks! there:s b"rel$ "n opponent %or e" h o% the#. Turnus will li#b in glor$ to the gods! "t whose "lt"rs he h"s dedi "ted his li%e! "nd live borne on #en:s lips, but we will be %or ed to sub#it to proud #"sters! our ountr$ lost! we who now sit in" tive in the %ield.: The will o% the $oung #en w"s roused b$ these words! #ore "nd #ore so! "nd " #ur#ur spre"d through the r"nks, even the L"urentines "nd the L"tins h"nged their #inds. Those who h"d l"tel$ hoped %or rest %ro# b"ttle! "nd " s"%e e+isten e! now longed %or we"pons! pr"$ed %or the tre"t$ to be broken! "nd pitied Turnus:s un@ust %"te. 2uturn" "dded "nother gre"ter spur! showing " sign in the depths o% the sk$! none #ore signi%i "nt to disturb *t"li"n #inds! "nd h"r# the# b$ the wonder o% it. 2ove:s t"wn$ e"gle! %l$ing through reddened "ir! stirred the shore(birds! with nois$ on%usion in their winged r"nks! when suddenl$ diving to the w"ter he sei=ed the #ost outst"nding sw"n ruell$ in his urved t"lons. The *t"li"ns p"id "ttention! "nd F"#"=ing to seeG "ll the birds wheeled! l"#ouring! in %light "nd! in " loud! drove their ene#$ through the "ir! d"rkening the sk$ with their wings! until! de%e"ted b$ %or e "nd the weight! the bird g"ve w"$! "nd! dropping the pre$ %ro# his t"lons into the river! %led deep into the louds. Then the Rutuli"ns trul$ h"iled this o#en with " shout "nd spre"d wide their h"nds! "nd Tolu#nius the "ugur w"s %irst to r$ out, IThis! this w"s wh"t #$ pr"$ers h"ve o%ten sought. * underst"nd it! "nd re ognise the gods, sn"t h up the sword with #e! with #e "t $our he"d! o unh"pp$ r" e! %r"gile birds! who# " ruel %oreigner terri%ies with w"r! r"v"ging $our o"st with violen e. 5e will t"ke %light "nd s"il %"r "w"$ over the deep. )lose r"nks! together! "nd de%end 293

the king who h"s been sn"t hed %ro# $ou! in b"ttle. BkAII:2,,-(1$ )ene0ed 4ighting 5e spoke! "nd running %orw"rd hurled his spe"r "t the ene#$, the hissing ornel sh"%t s"ng! "nd ut unerringl$ through the "ir! At one with this! "t one! w"s " #ight$ shout the "r#$ "ll in upro"r! "nd he"rts hot with the tur#oil. The spe"r %lew on! to where! b$ h"n e! nine h"ndso#e brothers stood in its p"th! "ll o% who# one %"ith%ul Tus "n wi%e h"d borne to Ar "di"n B$lippus! *t stru k one o% the#! " $outh o% gre"t be"ut$! in shining "r#our! "t the w"ist! where " stit hed belt rubbed "g"inst his sto#" h! "nd the bu kle bit into the overl"pping ends! pier ed his ribs! "nd hurled hi# to the $ellow s"nd. .ut his spirited b"nd o% brothers! %ired b$ grie%! drew their swords or sn"t hed their iron spe"rs! "nd rushed %orw"rd blindl$. The L"urentine r"nks h"rged the#, Tro@"ns "nd Ag$llines "nd Ar "di"ns in de or"ted "r#our! poured in %ro# the other side, so "ll h"d one longing! to let the sword de ide. The$ stripped the "lt"rs! there w"s " %ier e stor# o% spe"rs in the whole sk$! "nd " steel$ r"in %ell, wine(bowls "nd he"rthstones were "rried o%%, L"tinus hi#sel% %led! t"king his de%e"ted gods! the tre"t$ void. 'thers h"rnessed their h"riots or le"pt on their horses! "nd w"ited with dr"wn swords. Mess"pus! keen to destro$ the tru e! h"rging on his horse! s "red o%% Auletes! "n Etrus "n king with " king:s e#ble#s, the un%ortun"te #"n! "s he b" ked "w"$! ent"ngled! %ell! he"d "nd shoulders! on to the "lt"r behind hi#, "nd Mess"pus %lew "t hi# %uriousl$! spe"r in h"nd! "nd %ro# his horse:s height stru k #ightil$ "t hi# with the #"ssive we"pon! "s Auletes begged piteousl$! "nd spoke like this! over hi#, I5e:s done %or, this nobler vi ti# is given to the gre"t gods.: 294

The *t"li"ns rowded round "nd stripped the w"r# bod$. Ag"inst the#! )or$n"eus sn"t hed " h"rred br"nd %ro# "n "lt"r! "nd "i#ing " blow "t the h"rging Eb$so d"shed %l"#es in his %" e, his gre"t be"rd %l"red "nd g"ve o%% " s#ell o% burning. )or$n"eus %ollowing through his blow! lut hed the h"ir o% his stunned ene#$ in his le%t h"nd "nd brought hi# to e"rth with " thrust o% his bent knee, then st"bbed hi# in the side with his str"ight sword. ;od"lirius! towered over the shepherd Alsus! pursuing hi# with n"ked steel "s he r"n through the shower o% spe"rs in the %ront r"nk, but Alsus swung his "+e b" k! "nd sli ed through the %ront o% his ene#$:s brow "nd hin! dren hing his "r#our with widel$ spouting blood. 5"rsh repose "nd iron slu#ber pressed on his e$es "nd their light w"s sunk in everl"sting night. BkAII:(11-(%2 Aeneas 7ounded: Turnus )a+'ant .ut virtuous Aene"s his he"d b"red! un"r#ed! stret hed out his right h"nd! "nd "lled loudl$ to his troops, I?here "re $ou running toH ?h$ this sudden tide o% dis ordH '! ontrol $our "ngerK The "gree#ent h"s "lre"d$ been stru k! "nd its ter#s %i+ed. * "lone h"ve the right to %ight, Let #e do so, b"nish $our %e"rs. *:ll prove the tre"t$ sound with this right h"nd, these rites #e"n Turnus is "lre"d$ #ine.: A#idst these ries "nd words! see! " hissing "rrow winged its w"$ tow"rds hi#! l"un hed b$ wh"t h"nd! sent whirling b$ who#! w"s unknown! "s w"s the h"n e or god th"t brought the Rutuli"ns su h honour, the glorious pride in it w"s kept on e"led! "nd no one bo"sted o% wounding Aene"s. As soon "s Turnus s"w Aene"s le"ve the r"nks! his "pt"ins in on%usion! he bl"=ed with the %ervour o% sudden hope, he "lled %or we"pons "nd horses "s one! le"pt proudl$ into his h"riot! "nd gripped the reins in his h"nds. 295

5e g"ve #"n$ " br"ve #"n de"th in his swi%t p"ss"ge. M"n$ he overturned h"l%("live! rushed the r"nks under his h"riot! or sei=ing his spe"rs showered the# on those %leeing. 2ust "s when blood(dren hed M"rs is roused! "nd l"shes his shield! b$ the i $ stre"#s o% 5ebrus "nd! in iting w"r! gives rein to his %ren=ied horses! so th"t the$ %l$ over the open pl"in outrunning the south "nd west winds! "nd %"rthest Thr" e gro"ns to the be"t o% their hooves! while "round hi# the %or#s o% bl" k Terror! Anger "nd Tre" her$! speed! the o#p"nions o% the god, with the s"#e swi%tness Turnus l"shed his horses! s#oking with swe"t! through the #idst o% the on%li t! tr"#pling on ene#ies piteousl$ sl"in! while the g"lloping hooves spl"shed blood$ dew! "nd tr"#pled the gore #i+ed with s"nd. &e+t he g"ve Sthenelus to de"th! Th"#$rus! "nd ;holus! the l"tter lose to! the %or#er "t " dist"n e! %ro# " dist"n e too both sons o% *#br"s"s! Bl"u us "nd L"udes! who# *#br"sus hi#sel% h"d r"ised in L$ i"! "nd eJuipped with #"t hing "r#our! to %ight h"nd to h"nd! or outstrip the wind on horseb" k. Elsewhere Eu#edes rode through the #idst o% the b"ttle! %"#ous in w"r%"re! the son o% "ged <olon! re "lling the gr"nd%"ther in n"#e! his %"ther in our"ge "nd skill! he who! in going "s " sp$ th"t ti#e to the Breek "#p! d"red to "sk %or A hilles:s h"riot "s his rew"rd, but <io#edes p"id hi# " di%%erent rew"rd %or his d"ring "nd he no longer "spired to A hilles:s te"#. ?hen Turnus s"w Eu#edes! %"r over the open pl"in! he %irst sent " light @"velin "%ter hi# " ross the long sp" e between! then h"lted his p"ired horses! le"pt %ro# his h"riot! onto the h"l%(de"d! %"llen #"n! "nd! pl"nting his %oot on his ne k! tore the sword %ro# his h"nd! "nd bloodied the bright bl"de deep in his thro"t! "dding these words "s well, ISee the %ields! th"t ?estern L"nd! $ou sought in w"r, lie there "nd #e"sure it, this is the pri=e %or those who d"re to ross swords with #e! thus the$ build their w"lls.: Then with " "st o% his spe"r he sent Asb$tes to keep hi# o#p"n$! 296

)hloreus "nd S$b"ris! <"res "nd Thersilo hus! "nd Th$#oetes who w"s %lung %ro# the ne k o% his re"ring horse. As when the bl"st o% the Edoni"n northerl$ sounds over the Aege"n deep! "nd drives the bre"kers to shore! while brooding gusts in the sk$ put the louds to %light! so! wherever Turnus ut " p"th! the lines g"ve w"$! "nd the r"nks turned "nd r"n, his own speed "rried hi# on! "nd! "s the h"riot #et it! the wind tossed his %lowing plu#e. ;hegeus ould not endure his "tt" k or his spirited w"r( r$, he threw hi#sel% "t the h"riot "nd with his right h"nd wren hed the he"ds o% the swi%t horses "side! "s the$ %o"#ed "t the bit. ?hile he w"s dr"gged "long! h"nging %ro# the $oke! Turnus:s bro"d(he"ded l"n e re" hed %or his e+posed %l"nk! tore open the double(str"nded #"il where it entered! "nd gr"=ed the sur%" e o% the %lesh in " wound. ;hegeus still turned tow"rds his ene#$! his shield r"ised! "nd w"s tr$ing to prote t hi#sel% with his dr"wn sword! when the wheel "nd the onrush o% the spinning "+le sent hi# he"dlong! throwing hi# to the ground! "nd Turnus! %ollowing through! stru k o%% his he"d with " sweep o% his bl"de between the ri# o% the hel#et "nd the h"in(#"il:s upper edge! "nd le%t the bod$ l$ing on the s"nd. BkAII:(%(-4,. Venus &eals Aeneas ?hile Turnus w"s vi toriousl$ de"ling de"th over the pl"in! Mnestheus "nd lo$"l A h"tes! with As "nius b$ their side! set Aene"s down inside the "#p! bleeding! supporting "ltern"te steps with his long spe"r. he struggled %uriousl$ to pull out the he"d o% the broken sh"%t! "nd "lled %or the Jui kest #e"ns o% "ssist"n e, to ut open the wound with " bro"dsword! l"$ open the "rrow(tip:s buried depths! "nd send hi# b" k to w"r. &ow *"p$+! *"sus:s son! "ppro" hed! de"rest o% "ll to Apollo! to who# the god hi#sel%! stru k b$ deep love! long "go 297

o%%ered with delight his own "rts! his own gi%ts! his powers o% prophe $! his l$re! "nd swi%t "rrows. .ut *"p$+! in order to del"$ the %"te o% his d$ing %"ther! hose knowledge o% the virtues o% herbs! "nd the use o% #edi ine! "nd! without %"#e! to pr" tise the silent "rts. Aene"s stood le"ning on his gre"t spe"r! o#pl"ining bitterl$! "#ongst " v"st rowd o% soldiers! with *ulus sorrowing! hi#sel% un#oved b$ the te"rs. The "ged *"p$+! his robe rolled b" k in ;"eoni"n %"shion! tried h"rd in v"in with he"ling %ingers "nd Apollo:s power%ul herbs, he worked "t the "rrow uselessl$ with his h"nd! "nd tugged "t the #et"l with tightened pin ers. &o lu k guided his ourse! nor did Apollo his p"tron help! while ruel terror grew gre"ter "nd gre"ter over the pl"in! "nd evil drew ne"r. &ow the$ s"w the sk$ st"nding on olu#ns o% dust, the horse#en ne"red "nd "rrows %ell thi kl$ in the #idst o% the "#p. A dis#"l r$ rose to he"ven o% #en %ighting "nd %"lling under M"rs:s h"rsh h"nd. At this Aene"s:s #other! 9enus! sh"ken b$ her son:s ruel p"in! ulled " ditt"n$ pl"nt %ro# )ret"n *d"! with down$ le"ves "nd purple %lowers, " herb not unknown to the wild go"ts when winged "rrows h"ve %i+ed the#selves in their sides. This 9enus brought! her %" e veiled in d"rk #ist! this! with its hidden ur"tive powers! she steeped in river w"ter! poured into " glittering b"sin! "nd sprinkled there he"ling "#brosi"l @ui e "nd %r"gr"nt p"n" e". Aged *"p$+ b"thed the wound with this liJuid! not knowing its e%%e t! "nd indeed "ll p"in %led %ro# Aene"s:s bod$! "ll the %low o% blood e"sed deep in the wound. &ow! without %or e! the "rrowhe"d slipped %ro# the wound! %ollowing the #otion o% his h"nd! "nd %resh strength returned to Aene"s! su h "s be%ore. *"p$+ ried, I>ui kl$! bring our hero we"pons. ?h$ "re $ou st"nding thereH: "nd w"s %irst to e+ ite their our"ge "g"inst the ene#$. IAene"s! this ure does not o#e b$ hu#"n "id! 298

nor guiding "rt! it is not #$ h"nd th"t s"ved $ou, " god! " gre"ter one! worked this! "nd sends $ou out "g"in to glorious deeds.: Aene"s! e"ger %or b"ttle! h"d she"thed his legs in gold! le%t "nd right! "nd s orn%ul o% del"$! br"ndished his spe"r. As soon "s his shield w"s %i+ed "t his side! the h"in #"il to his b" k! he l"sped As "nius in his "r#ed e#br" e! "nd! kissing his lips lightl$ through the hel#et! s"id, IM$ son! le"rn our"ge %ro# #e "nd true l"bour, good %ortune %ro# others. &ow #$ h"nd will prote t $ou in w"r! "nd le"d $ou to gre"t rew"rds. M"ke sure l"ter! when $our $e"rs h"ve re" hed #"turit$! th"t $ou re#e#ber, let $our %"ther Aene"s! "nd $our un le 5e tor inspire $our soul! b$ re "lling their e+"#ple.: ?hen he spoken these words! he rushed out through the g"te! in "ll his strength! br"ndishing " gre"t spe"r in his h"nd, Antheus "nd Mnestheus with hi#! "nd their #"ssed r"nks! "nd "ll the "r#$ stre"#ed %ro# the "#p. Then the pl"in w"s " h"os o% blinding dust! "nd the Ju"king e"rth shook under the tr"#p o% %eet. Turnus s"w the# "dv"n e! %ro# the r"#p"rt opposite, the Ausoni"ns s"w! "nd " old tre#or r"n to the #"rrow o% their bones, 2uturn" w"s the %irst o% "ll the L"tins to he"r "nd re ognise the sound! "nd she %led in %e"r. Aene"s %lew "he"d! r" ing his d"rk r"nks over the open pl"in! As when the we"ther bre"ks "nd " stor# loud #oves tow"rds l"nd! over the deep o e"n F"h! the he"rts o% wret hed %"r#ers know i% %ro# %"r o%%! "nd shudder, it brings ruin to trees! "nd h"vo to h"rvests! ever$thing %"r "nd wide is destro$edG! the g"les run be%ore it "nd "rr$ their ro"r to the shore, so the Tro@"n le"der drove his r"nks "g"inst the %oe! thi kl$ the$ "ll g"thered to hi# in dense olu#ns. Th$#breus stru k #ight$ 'siris with his sword! Mnestheus killed Ar etius, A h"tes killed Epulo! B$"s killed E%ens, even Tolu#nius the "ugur %ell! 299

%irst to hurl his spe"r str"ight "t the ene#$. A shout rose to he"ven! "nd in turn the routed Rutuli"ns turned their b" ks in " loud o% dust! %leeing over the %ield. Aene"s hi#sel% did not deign to send the %ugitives to their de"th! nor did he "tt" k the %oot(soldiers! "v"lr$ or those hurling #issiles, he tr" ked onl$ Turnus! se"r hing through the dense gloo#! Turnus "lone he su##oned to o#b"t. BkAII:4,%-4 "uturna 4oils Aeneas

2uturn"! the w"rrior #"iden! her #ind stri ken with %e"r! kno ked Turnus:s h"rioteer! Metis us! %ro# the reins! "t this! so th"t he slipped %ro# the be"#! "nd le%t hi# %"r behind, she hersel% took his pl" e! "nd guided the %lowing reins with her h"nds! "ssu#ing Menis us:s voi e! %or#! we"pons! "ll. As when " d"rk sw"llow %lies through the gre"t house o% so#e ri h lord! winging her w"$ through lo%t$ h"lls g"thering tin$ ru#bs "nd s r"ps o% %ood %or her nois$ $oung! now twittering in the e#pt$ ourt$"rds! now b$ the d"#p ponds, so 2uturn" w"s dr"wn b$ the horses through the ene#$ entre "nd! %l$ing in her swi%t h"riot! riss( rossed the whole pl"in! now here! now there! she gives eviden e o% her triu#ph"nt brother! not "llowing hi# lose o#b"t! %l$ing %"r "w"$. &evertheless Aene"s tr"versed her winding ourse to #eet hi#! tr" king hi#! "lling hi# loudl$ "#ong the r"nks. As o%ten "s he set e$es on his ene#$! "nd tried to #"t h the %light o% the swi%t horses in his ourse! "s o%ten 2uturn" turned "nd wheeled the h"riot. Ah! wh"t to doH 9"inl$ he %lu tu"ted on the shi%ting tide! "nd diverse on erns "lled his thoughts "w"$. Mess"pus! who h"ppened to be "rr$ing two strong spe"rs tipped with steel! "dv"n ed lightl$ tow"rds hi#! levelled one! "nd hurled it with unerring "i#. Aene"s stopped! "nd g"thered hi#sel% behind his shield sinking on one knee, the swi%t spe"r still took o%% the tip 300

o% his hel#et! "nd kno ked the plu#es %ro# the rest. Then his "nger trul$ surged! "nd in ited b$ "ll this tre" her$! seeing his ene#$:s h"riot "nd horses driven %"r o%%! "lling loudl$ on 2ove! "nd the "lt"rs o% the broken tre"t$! "s witness! he plunged "t l"st into the %r"$! "nd! "ided b$ M"rs! he "woke dre"d%ul! s"v"ge! indis ri#in"te sl"ughter! "nd g"ve %ull rein to his wr"th. BkAII:#$$-##( Aeneas And Turnus A+ongst The *laughter ?h"t god "n now rel"te %or #e su h bitter things "s these! who "n tell o% su h v"ried sl"ughter! the de"ths o% gener"ls! who# Turnus now! "nd now the Tro@"n hero! drove in turn over the %ieldH 2upiter w"s it $our will th"t r" es who would live together in everl"sting pe" e should #eet in so gre"t " on%li tH Aene"s #eeting Rutuli"n Su ro Fin the %irst b"ttle th"t brought the Tro@"n "tt" k to " h"ltG Jui kl$ stru k hi# in the side! "nd drove the ruel steel through the ribs th"t prote t the he"rt! where de"th o#e %"stest. Turnus threw A#$ us %ro# his horse! "nd <iores his brother! "tt" king the# on %oot! striking one with the long l"n e "s he "dv"n ed! the other with his sword! then h"nging both their severed he"ds %ro# his h"riot "rried the# "w"$ dripping with blood. Aene"s sent T"los "nd T"n"is "nd br"ve )ethegus to de"th! three in one "tt" k! "nd s"d 'nites o% Theb"n n"#e! whose #other w"s ;eridi", Turnus killed the brothers sent %ro# L$ i"! Apollo:s %ields! "nd Menoetes o% Ar "di"! who h"d h"ted w"r! but in v"in, his hu#ble ho#e "nd his living were round Lern":s %ish(%illed stre"#s! never knowing the p"tron"ge o% the gre"t! "nd his %"ther %"r#ed rented l"nd. Like %ires set burning %ro# opposite sides o% " dr$ %orest into the thi kets o% r" kling l"urel! or %o"#ing rivers %"lling swi%tl$ %ro# the #ount"in heights! ro"ring "nd r" ing se"w"rds! e" h le"ving its p"th o% destru tion! 301

so Aene"s "nd Turnus with no less %ur$ swept through the b"ttle, now "nger surged within, now their he"rts whi h knew no de%e"t were bursting, now with "ll their strength the$ set out to do h"r#. As he bo"sted o% his %"thers! "nd the "ntiJuit$ o% his "n estors: n"#es! "nd "ll his r" e tr" ed b" k through L"tin kings! Aene"s sent Murr"nus he"dlong with " stone! " gre"t whirling ro k! "nd hurled hi# to the ground, bene"th the reins "nd $oke! the wheels hurned hi# round! "nd the horses: hooves! %orget%ul o% their #"ster! tr"#pled hi# under with #"n$ " blow. Turnus #et 5$llus "s he h"rged! ro"ring with boundless pride! "nd hurled " spe"r "t his gilded %orehe"d, pier ing the hel#et the we"pon lodged in his br"in. )retheus! br"vest o% Breeks! $our right h"nd did not s"ve $ou %ro# Turnus! nor did the gods hide )upen us when Aene"s "#e, he set his hest "g"inst the we"pon:s tr" k! "nd the bron=e shield:s resist"n e pro%ited the wret h nothing. The L"urentine %ield s"w $ou %"ll "lso! Aeolus! on $our b" k! spr"wled wide on the ground. You %ell! who# the Breek b"tt"lions ould not l"$ low! nor A hilles who overturned ;ri"#:s kingdo#, here w"s the bound"r$ o% de"th %or $ou, $our noble house w"s below Mount *d"! th"t noble house "t L$rnesus! $our gr"ve in L"urentine soil. All the lines turned tow"rds b"ttle! the whole o% the L"tins! the whole o% the Tro@"ns! Mnestheus "nd %ier e Serestus! Mess"pus! t"#er o% horses! "nd br"ve Asil"s! the Tus "n ph"l"n+! Ev"nder:s Ar "di"n sJu"dron! e" h %or hi#sel%! #en str"ining with "ll their strength, no respite "nd no rest, e+erting the#selves in one v"st on%li t. BkAII:##4-# 2 Aeneas Attacks The City &ow his loveliest o% #others set in his #ind the ide" o% #oving "g"inst the w"lls! "nd turning his "r#$ on the it$! swi%tl$! to on%ound the L"tins with sudden ruin. ?hile he tr" ked Turnus here "nd there through the r"nks 302

"nd swept his gl"n e this w"$ "nd th"t! he ould see the it$! %ree o% %ier e w"r%"re "nd pe" e%ull$ unh"r#ed. Suddenl$ "n i#"ge o% " #ore "#bitious " t o% w"r in%l"#ed hi#, he "lled the gener"ls Mnestheus! Sergestus "nd br"ve Serestus! "nd positioned hi#sel% on " hillo k! where the rest o% the Tro@"n "r#$ g"thered round in " #"ss! without dropping their shields or spe"rs. St"nding "#ongst the# on the high #ound he ried, ILet nothing i#pede #$ orders! 2upiter is with us! "nd let no one be slower to "dv"n e be "use this "tte#pt is so sudden. Tod"$ * will overthrow th"t it$! " "use o% w"r! L"tinus:s "pit"l itsel%! "nd l"$ its s#oking roo%s level with the ground! unless the$ "gree to " ept our rule! "nd sub#it! in de%e"t. <o $ou think * "n w"it until Turnus "n %" e b"ttle with #e! "nd hooses to #eet with #e "g"in! though de%e"ted be%oreH ' iti=ens! this #"n is the %ount"inhe"d "nd sour e o% this wi ked w"r. >ui kl$! bring burning br"nds! "nd re(est"blish the tre"t$! with %ire.: 5e spoke! "nd "ll his troops "dopted wedge(%or#"tion! he"rts eJu"l in e#ul"tion! "nd "dv"n ed in " dense #"ss tow"rds the w"lls, in " %l"sh! s "ling l"dders "nd sudden %l"#es "ppe"red. So#e r"n to the g"tes "nd ut down the le"ding de%enders! others hurled steel! "nd d"rkened the sk$ with #issiles. Aene"s hi#sel%! "#ong the le"ders! r"ised his h"nd! "t the %oot o% the w"ll! " used L"tinus in " loud voi e! "nd "lled the gods to witness th"t he w"s being %or ed into b"ttle "g"in! th"t the *t"li"ns were doubl$ ene#ies! "nother tre"t$ w"s broken. <issension rose "#ong the %e"r%ul iti=ens, so#e o##"nded the it$ be opened! "nd the g"tes be thrown wide to the Tro@"ns! "nd the$ dr"gged the king hi#sel% to the r"#p"rts, others brought we"pons "nd hurried to de%end the w"lls! "s when " shepherd! who:s tr" ked " sw"r# to its l"ir on e"led in the ro k! %ills it with " rid s#oke, the bees inside! "n+ious %or s"%et$! rush round their w"+ %ortress! "nd sh"rpen their "nger in loud bu==ing, the reeking d"rkness rolls through their hive! the ro ks 303

e ho within to " blind hu##ing! "nd %u#es re" h the le"r "ir. BkAII:# (-,1( 6ueen A+ata1s *uicide &ow %urther #is%ortune be%ell the we"r$ L"tins! "nd shook the whole it$ to its %ound"tions with grie%. ?hen >ueen A#"t"! %ro# the p"l" e! s"w the ene#$ "ppro" hing! the w"lls "ss"ulted! %l"#es #ounting to the roo%s! but no opposing Rutuli"n lines! nor Turnus:s "r#$! the unh"pp$ Jueen thought Turnus h"d been killed in o#b"t! "nd! her #ind distr"ught! in sudden "nguish! she ried out th"t she w"s the "use! the guilt$ one! the sour e o% evil! "nd uttering #"n$ wild words in the %ren=$ o% grie%! w"nting to die! she tore her purple robes! "nd %"stened " hideous noose o% de"th to " high be"#. As soon "s the wret hed L"tin wo#en knew o% the dis"ster! %irst her d"ughter L"vini" %ell into " %ren=$! te"ring "t her golden tresses "nd ros$ heeks with her h"nds! then "ll the rowd "round her, the wide h"lls e hoed to their l"#ent"tions. Fro# there the unh"pp$ ru#our spre"d throughout the it$, Spirits s"nk, L"tinus went "bout with rent lothing! stunned b$ his wi%e:s %"te "nd his it$:s ruin! %ouling his white h"ir with louds o% vile dust! repro" hing hi#sel% "g"in "nd "g"in %or not h"ving %reel$ re eived Tro@"n Aene"s! "nd "dopted hi# "s his son(in(l"w. BkAII:,14-, , Turnus &ears =! A+ata1s 3eath Me"nwhile Turnus! %ighting "t the edge o% the pl"in! w"s pursuing the str"gglers now! #ore slowl$! "nd re@oi ing less "nd less in his horses: "dv"n e. The bree=e bore " l"#our to hi# #ingled with "n unknown dre"d! "nd the heerless sounds o% " it$ in h"os #et his str"ining e"rs. IAh! wh"t is this gre"t grie% th"t sh"kes the w"llsH 304

?h"t is this l"#our th"t rises %ro# the dist"nt it$H: So he spoke! "n+iousl$ gr"sping the reins "nd h"lting. At this his sister! ontrolling h"riot! horses "nd reins disguised in the sh"pe o% his h"rioteer! Metis us! ountered with these words, ITurnus! this w"$! let us h"se the sons o% Tro$! where vi tor$ %orges the w"$ "he"d, there "re others with h"nds to de%end our ho#es. Aene"s is "tt" king the *t"li"ns! "nd stirring on%li t, let our h"nds too de"l ruel de"th to the Tro@"ns. You will not le"ve the %ield in%erior in b"ttle honours or the nu#ber $ou h"ve killed: Turnus replied to this, I' sister! * re ognised $ou long "go! when $ou %irst wre ked the tru e with $our guile! "nd dedi "ted $oursel% to w"r%"re! "nd now too $ou hide $our divinit$ in v"in. .ut who desired $ou to be sent down %ro# 'l$#pus to su%%er su h l"boursH ?"s it so $ou #ight see $our unlu k$ brother:s de"thH ?h"t "n * doH ?h"t h"n e "n o%%er #e li%eH * s"w Murr"nus %"ll! be%ore #$ ver$ e$es! "lling out to #e! loudl$! no one #ore de"r to #e th"n hi# re#"ins! " #ight$ #"n! "nd overwhel#ed b$ " #ight$ wound. En%ortun"te E%ens %ell! so he #ight not witness our sh"#e, the Tro@"ns "ptured his bod$ "nd his "r#our. Sh"ll * endure the r"=ing o% our ho#es Fthe one thing le%tG "nd not den$ <r"n es:s words with #$ swordH Sh"ll * turn #$ b" k! "nd this ountr$ see Turnus runH *s it indeed so terrible to dieH 'h be good to #e! $ou Sh"des below! sin e the gods "bove h"ve turned their %" es %ro# #e. * will des end to $ou! " virtuous soul! inno ent o% bl"#e! never unworth$ o% #$ gre"t "n estors.: 5e h"d b"rel$ spoken when S" es sped b$! "rried on " %o"#ing horse through the thi k o% the ene#$! wounded %ull in the %" e b$ "n "rrow! "nd "lling to Turnus b$ n"#e "s he rushed on, ITurnus! in $ou our l"st hope lies! pit$ $our people. Aene"s is e+plosive in "r#s! "nd thre"tens to throw down *t"l$:s highest it"del "nd deliver it to destru tion! even now 305

burning br"nds %l$ tow"rds the roo%s. The L"tins turn their %" es to $ou! their e$es "re on $ou, King L"tinus #utters to hi#sel%! w"vering "s to who# to "ll his sons! tow"rds wh"t "lli"n e to le"n. Moreover the Jueen! #ost lo$"l to $ou! h"s %"llen b$ her own h"nd! "nd %led! in horror o% the light. Mess"pus "nd br"ve Atin"s! "lone in %ront o% the g"tes sust"in our lines. Around the# dense sJu"drons st"nd on ever$ side! " h"rvest o% steel th"t bristles with n"ked swords! while $ou drive $our h"riot over the e#pt$ tur%.: Stunned "nd "#"=ed b$ this vision o% #ultiple dis"ster! Turnus stood silentl$ g"=ing, %ier e sh"#e surged in th"t solit"r$ he"rt! "nd #"dness #ingled with grie%! love stung to %ren=$! ons iousness o% virtue. As soon "s the sh"dows dispersed! "nd light returned to his #ind! he turned his g"=e! with bl"=ing e$es! tow"rds the w"lls! "nd looked b" k on the #ight$ it$ %ro# his h"riot. See! now! " spir"lling rest o% %l"#e %"stened on " tower! "nd rolled sk$w"rd through the stories! " tower he h"d built hi#sel% with @ointed be"#s! set on wheels! "nd eJuipped with high w"lkw"$s. 5e spoke, I&ow! sister! now %"te triu#phs, no #ore del"$s, where god "nd ruel %ortune "lls! let #e %ollow. *:# deter#ined on #eeting Aene"s! deter#ined to su%%er de"th! however bitter, $ou:ll no longer see #e "sh"#ed! sister. * beg $ou let #e r"ge be%ore * "# #"ddened.: And! le"ping swi%tl$ %ro# his h"riot to the ground! he r"n through ene#$ spe"rs! deserting his grieving sister! "nd burst! in his Jui k p"ss"ge! through the r"nks. As when " ro k torn %ro# the #ount"intop b$ " stor# hurtles downw"rd! w"shed %ree b$ " te#pest o% r"in or loosened in ti#e b$ the p"ss"ge o% the $e"rs! "nd the wil%ul #"ss plunges down the slope in " #ight$ rush "nd le"ps over the ground! rolling trees! herds "nd #en with it, so Turnus r"n to the it$ w"lls through the broken r"nks! where the soil w"s #ost dren hed with blood! "nd the "ir 306

shrill with spe"rs! sign"lled with his h"nd "nd beg"n shouting "loud, IRutuli"ns stop now! "nd $ou L"tins hold b" k $our spe"rs. ?h"tever %"te is here! is #ine, it is better th"t * "lone #"ke rep"r"tion %or the tru e "nd de ide it with the sword.: All drew b" k! "nd le%t " sp" e in their #idst. BkAII:, .-.,# The 4inal 3uel Begins &ow Aene"s the le"der he"ring the n"#e o% Turnus le%t the w"lls! "nd le%t the high %ortress! "st "side "ll del"$! broke o%% %ro# ever$ t"sk! "nd e+ult"nt with delight l"shed his we"pons %ier el$, v"st "s Mount Athos! or Mount Er$+! or v"st "s old Apennine hi#sel% when he ro"rs through the glittering hol#(o"ks "nd @o$s in li%ting his snow$ su##it to he"ven. &ow "ll trul$ turned their e$es! stripping the "r#our %ro# their shoulders! Rutuli"ns! Tro@"ns "nd *t"li"ns! those who held the high r"#p"rts "nd those whose r"# b"ttered "t the w"lls bene"th. L"tinus hi#sel% w"s "#"=ed "t these #ight$ #en! born "t opposite ends o% the world! #eeting "nd de iding the out o#e with their swords. As soon "s the %ield w"s le"r on the open pl"in! the$ both d"shed Jui kl$ %orw"rd! hurling their spe"rs %irst %ro# " dist"n e! rushing! with shield "nd ringing bron=e! to b"ttle. The e"rth gro"ned, the$ redoubled their intense sword(strokes! h"n e "nd skill #ingled together. And "s when two bulls h"rge he"d to he"d in #ort"l b"ttle! on #ight$ Sil" or on T"burnus:s heights! "nd in terror their keepers retre"t! the whole herd st"nd silent with %e"r! "nd the hei%ers w"it! #ute! to see who will be lord o% the %orest! who# "ll the herds will %ollow! "s the$ de"l wounds to e" h other with i##ense %or e! gore with butting horns! "nd b"the ne k "nd shoulders in stre"#ing blood! while "ll the wood e hoes to their bellowing, so Tro@"n Aene"s "nd the <"uni"n hero! Turnus! 307

l"shed their shields! "nd the #ight$ r"sh %illed the sk$. 2upiter hi#sel% held up two evenl$ b"l"n ed s "les be%ore hi#! "nd pl" ed in the# the diverse %"tes o% the two! to see who# the e%%ort doo#ed! with whose weight de"th s"nk down. Turnus le"pt %orw"rd thinking hi#sel% s"%e! rose to the %ull height o% his bod$ with upli%ted sword! "nd stru k, the Tro@"ns "nd the "n+ious L"tins ried out! both "r#ies were roused. .ut the tre" herous bl"de sn"pped! "nd would h"ve le%t the e"ger w"rrior de%en eless in #id(stroke! i% i##edi"te %light h"d not s"ved hi#. 5e r"n swi%ter th"n the e"st wind! when he s"w th"t str"nge hilt in his e+posed right h"nd. The t"le is th"t in he"dlong h"ste! when he %irst #ounted behind his $oked te"# %or b"ttle! he le%t his %"ther:s sword behind! "nd sn"t hed up the bl"de o% his h"rioteer! Metis us, "nd th"t served hi# %or " long while "s the str"ggling Tro@"ns turned their b" ks! but the #ort"l bl"de %lew "p"rt like brittle i e "t the stroke! on #eeting 9ul "n:s divine "r#our, "nd the %r"g#ents gle"#ed on the $ellow s"nd. So Turnus r"n #"dl$ this w"$ "nd th"t over the pl"in! winding "i#less ir les here "nd there, on "ll sides the Tro@"ns i#prisoned hi# in their rowded ring! "nd " v"st #"rsh penned hi# on one side! on the other the steep r"#p"rts. Aen"e"s! no less! though his knees! slowed "t ti#es b$ the "rrow wound! %"iled hi# "nd denied hi# speed! pursued "nd pressed his "n+ious ene#$ hotl$! %oot to %oot, "s when " hound in the hunt presses on " st"g! h"sing "nd b"rking! one %ound tr"pped b$ the river or hedged in b$ %e"r o% the ri#son %e"thers, the st"g! terri%ied b$ the sn"res "nd the high b"nks! %lies b" kw"rds "nd %orw"rds " thous"nd w"$s! but the e"ger E#bri"n lings lose with g"ping #outh! "l#ost h"s hi#! "nd sn"ps his @"ws "s though he holds hi#! b"%%led "nd biting e#pt$ "ir, Then " l"#our bre"ks out indeed! the pools "nd b"nks "round e ho! "nd the whole sk$ rings with the tu#ult. As he %led Turnus hided the Rutuli"ns! "lling on e" h 308

b$ n"#e "nd "lling out %or his own %"#ili"r sword. Aene"s in turn thre"tened de"th "nd i##edi"te destru tion i% "n$ one "ppro" hed! "nd terri%ied his tre#bling ene#ies thre"tening to r"=e the it$! "nd pressing on though wounded. The$ o#pleted %ive ir uits! "nd unwound "s #"n$! this w"$ "nd th"t, sin e the$ sought %or no p"ltr$ pri=e "t the g"#es! but vied %or Turnus:s li%e blood. BkAII:.,,-. $ The <oddesses Intervene .$ h"n e this w"s the pl" e where " bitter(le"ved wild olive! s" red to F"unus! h"d stood! " tree revered b$ s"ilors o% old! where! when s"ved %ro# the se"! the$ used to h"ng their gi%ts to the L"urentine god! "nd the votive g"r#ents, but the Tro@"ns h"d re#oved the s" red trunk! "llowing o% no e+ eptions! in order to %ight on open ground. 5ere stood Aene"s:s spe"r! its i#petus h"d "rried it there! %i+ed "nd held %"st b$ the tough roots. The Tro@"n h"lted! intending to plu k out the steel with his h"nd! "nd pursue the #"n he ouldn:t "t h b$ running! with his @"velin. Then Turnus #"d with "n+iet$ indeed ried, IF"unus! pit$ #e! * pr"$! "nd $ou! #ost gr" ious E"rth i% * h"ve ever$ honoured $our rites th"t the sons o% Aene"s h"ve inste"d de%iled b$ w"r! ret"in the steel.: 5e spoke! "nd did not invoke the power o% he"ven in v"in! sin e Aene"s ould not prise open the wood:s grip! b$ "n$ show o% strength! though he wrestled long "nd lingered over the strong stu#p. ?hile he tugged "nd str"ined %ier el$! 2uturn"! the <"uni"n goddess! h"nging "g"in to the sh"pe o% Metis us! the h"rioteer! r"n %orw"rd "nd restored his sword to her brother. .ut 9enus! enr"ged th"t this w"s "llowed the "ud" ious n$#ph! "ppro" hed! "nd plu ked the @"velin %ro# the deep root. Re%reshed with we"pons "nd our"ge! one rel$ing on his sword! the other towering %ier el$ with his spe"r! both bre"thing h"rd! 309

the$ stood! t"ll! %" e to %" e! in #"rti"l on%li t. BkAII:. 1-%42 "u'iter And "uno 3ecide The 4uture The king o% "l#ight$ 'l$#pus #e"nwhile w"s spe"king to 2uno! "s she g"=ed "t the %ighting %ro# " golden loud, I?i%e! wh"t will the end be nowH ?h"t will be le%t in the endH You know $oursel%! "nd on%ess $ou know! th"t Aene"s! is destined %or he"ven "s the n"tion:s god, the F"tes r"ise hi# to the st"rs. ?h"t "re $ou pl"nningH ?h"t hope do $ou ling to in the old loudsH ?"s it right th"t this god be de%iled b$ " #ort"l:s woundH 'r th"t the lost sword F%or wh"t ould 2uturn" " hieve without $ouHG be restored to Turnus! the de%e"ted g"ining new strengthH &ow e"se! "t l"st! "nd give w"$ to #$ entre"ties! lest su h s"dness onsu#e $ou in silen e! "nd $our bitter woes stre"# b" k to #e o%ten %ro# $our sweet lips. *t h"s re" hed its end. You h"ve h"d the power to drive the Tro@"ns over l"nd "nd se"! to stir up evil w"r! to #"r " house! "nd #i+ #"rri"ge with grie%, * %orbid $ou to "tte#pt #ore.: So 2upiter spoke, so! with hu#ble look! the S"turni"n goddess replied, IBre"t 2upiter! trul$! it w"s be "use * knew it w"s $our wish th"t * p"rted relu t"ntl$ %ro# Turnus "nd the E"rth, or $ou would not see #e "lone now! on #$ elesti"l per h! enduring the @ust "nd the un@ust! but *:d be st"nding! wre"thed in %l"#e! in the b"ttle line itsel%! "nd dr"wing the Tro@"ns into de"dl$ o#b"t. * ounselled 2uturn" F* on%essG to help her un%ortun"te brother "nd "pproved gre"ter " ts o% d"ring %or the s"ke o% his li%e! $et not %or her to ontend with the "rrow or the bow, * swe"r it b$ the i#pl" "ble %ount"inhe"d o% St$+! th"t "lone is held in "we b$ the gods "bove. And now * $ield! $es! "nd le"ve the %ighting * lo"the. 310

Yet * beg this o% $ou! %or L"tiu#:s s"ke! %or the #"@est$ o% $our own kin, sin e it is not prohibited b$ "n$ l"w o% %"te, when the$ soon #"ke pe" e with h"pp$ nupti"ls Fso be itG when the$ @oin together soon in l"ws "nd tre"ties! don:t order the n"tive L"tins to h"nge their "n ient n"#e! to be o#e Tro@"ns or be "lled Teu ri"ns! or h"nge their l"ngu"ge! or "lter their lothing. Let L"tiu# still e+ist! let there be Alb"n kings through the "ges! let there be Ro#"n o%%spring strong in *t"li"n virtue, Tro$ h"s %"llen! let her st"$ %"llen! "long with her n"#e.: S#iling "t her! the re"tor o% #en "nd things replied, IYou "re " true sister o% 2ove! "nother hild o% S"turn! su h w"ves o% "nger surge within $our he"rt. )o#e! trul$! "l# this p"ssion th"t w"s needlessl$ roused, * gr"nt wh"t $ou wish! "nd * relent! willingl$ de%e"ted. Ausoni":s sons will keep their %"ther:s spee h "nd #"nners! "s their n"#e is! so it will be, the Tro@"ns sh"ll sink! #erged into the #"ss! onl$. * will "dd s" red l"ws "nd rites! "nd #"ke the# "ll L"tins o% one tongue. Fro# the# " r" e will rise! #erged with Ausoni"n blood! th"t $ou will see surp"ss #en "nd gods in virtue! no n"tion will elebr"te $our rites with "s #u h devotion.: 2uno "greed it! "nd @o$%ull$ "ltered her purpose, then le%t her loud! "nd dep"rted %ro# the sk$. BkAII:%4(-%%, "u'iter *ends "uturna A *ign This done the F"ther turns so#ething else over in his #ind "nd prep"res to t"ke 2uturn" %ro# her brother:s side. Men spe"k o% twin pl"gues! n"#ed the <re"d 'nes! who# &ight bore unti#el$! in one birth with T"rt"re"n Meg"er"! wre"thing the# eJu"ll$ in sn"k$ oils! "nd "dding wings swi%t "s the wind. The$ w"it b$ 2ove:s throne on the %ier e king:s threshold! "nd sh"rpen the %e"rs o% we"k #ort"ls whenever the king o% the gods sends pl"gues 311

"nd de"th:s horrors! or terri%ies guilt$ ities with w"r. 2upiter sent one o% the# Jui kl$ down %ro# he"ven:s heights "nd ordered her to #eet with 2uturn" "s " sign, she %lew! "nd d"rted to e"rth in " swi%t whirlwind. Like "n "rrow loosed %ro# the string! through the louds! th"t " ;"rthi"n! " ;"rthi"n or " )$doni"n! %ired! hissing! "nd le"ping unseen through the swi%t sh"dows! " sh"%t be$ond "ll ure! "r#ed with ruel poison:s veno#, so sped the d"ughter o% &ight! seeking the e"rth. As soon "s she s"w the Tro@"n r"nks "nd Turnus:s troops! she h"nged her sh"pe! suddenl$ shrinking to the %or# o% th"t s#"ll bird th"t per hing "t night on to#bs or deserted roo%tops! o%ten sings her troubling song so l"te "#ong the sh"dows C "nd the %iend %lew s ree hing to "nd %ro in %ront o% Turnus:s %" e! "nd be"t "t his shield with her wings. A str"nge nu#bness loosed his li#bs in dre"d! his h"ir stood up in terror! "nd his voi e lung to his thro"t. .ut when his wret hed sister 2uturn" re ognised the <re"d 'ne:s whirring wings in the dist"n e! she tore "t her loosened h"ir! #"rring her %" e with her n"ils! "nd her bre"sts with her len hed h"nds, I?h"t help "n $our sister give $ou now! TurnusH ?h"t is le%t %or #e who h"ve su%%ered soH ?ith wh"t "rt "n * prolong $our li%eH )"n * st"nd "g"inst su h " portentH &ow "t l"st * le"ve the r"nks. .ird o% ill(o#en! do not $ou terri%$ #e who "lre"d$ "# "%r"id, * know $our wing(be"ts "nd their %"t"l sound! "nd * do not #ist"ke the proud o##"nd o% gre"t(he"rted 2upiter. *s this his rew"rd %or #$ virginit$H ?h$ did he gr"nt #e etern"l li%eH ?h$ is the #ort"l ondition t"ken %ro# #eH Then! "t le"st! * ould end su h p"in "nd go through the sh"dows "t #$ poor brother:s sideK An i##ort"l! *H )"n "n$thing be sweet to #e without $ou #$ brotherH 'h wh"t e"rth "n g"pe deep enough %or #e! to send " goddess down to the deepest Sh"desH: So s"$ing she veiled her he"d in " gre$ #"ntle! "nd the goddess! with #"n$ " r$ o% grie%! plunged into the river:s depths. 312

BkAII:%%.- #2 The 3eath =! Turnus Aene"s pressed on! br"ndishing his gre"t spe"r like " tree! "nd! "ngered "t he"rt! he ried out in this w"$, I?h$ now $et #ore del"$H ?h$ do $ou still retre"t! TurnusH ?e #ust o#pete h"nd to h"nd with %ier e we"pons! not b$ running. )h"nge into ever$ %or#, su##on up "ll $our powers o% #ind "nd "rt! wing $our w"$ i% $ou wish to the high st"rs! or hide in e"rth:s hollow prison.: Turnus shook his he"d, IFier e #"n! $our %ier$ words don:t %righten #e, the gods terri%$ #e "nd 2upiter:s en#it$.: S"$ing no #ore he looked round seeing " gre"t ro k! " v"st "n ient stone! th"t h"ppened to lie there in the pl"in! set up "s " bound"r$ #"rker! to distinguish %ields in dispute. Twelve pi ked #en! #en o% su h %or# "s E"rth now produ es! ould s "r el$ h"ve li%ted it on their shoulders! but the hero! gr"sping it Jui kl$! rising to his %ull height "nd "s swi%tl$ "s he ould! hurled it "t his ene#$. .ut he did not know hi#sel%! running or #oving r"ising the gre"t ro k in his h"nds! or throwing, his knees g"ve w"$! his blood w"s %ro=en old. The stone itsel%! whirled b$ the w"rrior through the e#pt$ "ir! %"iled to tr"vel the whole dist"n e! or drive ho#e with %or e. As in dre"#s when l"nguid sleep weighs down our e$es "t night! we see# to tr$ in v"in to %ollow our e"ger p"th! "nd oll"pse helpless in the #idst o% our e%%orts! the tongue won:t work! the usu"l strength is l" king %ro# our li#bs! "nd neither word nor voi e will o#e, so the dre"d goddess denied Turnus su ess! however our"geousl$ he sought to %ind " w"$. Then shi%ting visions whirled through his br"in, he g"=ed "t the Rutuli"ns! "nd "t the it$! %"ltered in %e"r! "nd shuddered "t the de"th th"t ne"red! he s"w no w"$ to es "pe! no power to "tt" k his ene#$! 313

nor sign o% his h"riot! nor his sister! his h"rioteer. As he w"vered! Aene"s shook his %"te%ul spe"r! seeing " %"vour"ble h"n e! "nd hurled it %ro# the dist"n e with "ll his #ight. Stone shot %ro# " siege engine never ro"red so loud! su h #ight$ thunder never burst %ro# " lightning bolt. Like " bl" k hurri "ne the spe"r %lew on be"ring dire destru tion! "nd pier ed the outer ir le o% the seven(%old shield! the bre"stpl"te:s lower ri#! "nd! hissing! p"ssed through the entre o% the thigh. Bre"t Turnus s"nk! his knee bent bene"th hi#! under the blow. The Rutuli"ns rose up! "nd gro"ned! "nd "ll the hills "round re(e hoed! "nd! %"r "nd wide! the woods returned the sound. 5e lowered his e$es in sub#ission "nd stret hed out his right h"nd, I* h"ve e"rned this! * "sk no #er $: he s"id! Isei=e $our h"n e. *% "n$ on ern %or " p"rent:s grie% "n tou h $ou F$ou too h"d su h " %"ther! in An hisesG * beg $ou to pit$ <"unus:s old "ge "nd return #e! or i% $ou pre%er it #$ bod$ robbed o% li%e! to #$ people. You "re the vi tor! "nd the Ausoni"ns h"ve seen #e stret h out #$ h"nds in de%e"t, L"vini" is $our wi%e! don:t e+tend $our h"tred %urther.: Aene"s stood! %ier e in his "r#our! his e$es %li kered! "nd he held b" k his h"nd, "nd even now! "s he p"used! the words beg"n to #ove hi# #ore deepl$! when high on Turnus:s shoulder $oung ;"ll"s:s lu kless sword(belt #et his g"=e! the str"p glinting with its %"#ili"r de or"tions! he who# Turnus! now we"ring his ene#$:s e#ble#s on his shoulder! h"d wounded "nd thrown! de%e"ted! to the e"rth. As soon "s his e$es took in the troph$! " #e#or$ o% ruel grie%! Aene"s! bl"=ing with %ur$! "nd terrible in his "nger! ried, ISh"ll $ou be sn"t hed %ro# #$ gr"sp! we"ring the spoils o% one who w"s #$ ownH ;"ll"s it is! ;"ll"s! who s" ri%i es $ou with this stroke! "nd e+" ts retribution %ro# $our guilt$ blood.: So s"$ing! burning with r"ge! he buried his sword deep in Turnus:s bre"st, "nd then Turnus:s li#bs grew sl" k with de"th! "nd his li%e %led! with " #o"n! "ngril$! to the Sh"des. 314

The ;nd o! the Aeneid



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