List of Figures: Piston-Cylinder Assembly

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1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 3.1 3.2 3.3 4.1 4.2 4.3 Role of tolerances in product life cycle GD&T Symbology Dimension chains: (a) Elementary chain, (b) Simple chain, (c) Interrelated chain. Tolerance Analysis Vs. Tolerance Allocation Tolerance Vs Cost relation Taguchis Loss Function and normal distribution Graphical representation of the Nominal Characteristic

Page No.

2 4 16 17 18 37 38

Conversion of square zone to cylindrical positional 43 tolerance zone. A flow chart showing the working principle of Genetic Algorithm Piston-cylinder assembly 49 51

Results of parametric study of GA for WCS stack-up 63 condition, (a) Crossover probability vs fitness, (b) mutation probability vs fitness, (c) population size vs fitness, (d) maximum number of generations vs fitness. Percentage Contribution of individual tolerances on total 64 cost for piston cylinder assembly using GA for WCS stack-up Condition. Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total cost based on GA for SM criterion Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total cost using GA-based optimization for EMS criterion. percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total cost in RSS-GA based optimization Schematic diagram showing the Wheel-mount assembly Results of parametric study of GA for wheel-mount assembly using EMS criterion, (a) Crossover probability vs fitness, (b) mutation probability vs fitness, (c) population size vs fitness, (d) maximum number of generations vs fitness 66 67 69 70 75


4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9



Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 77 cost using GA-based optimization for a) EMS b) RSS c) SM d) WCS stack-up conditions Schematic diagram of the Rotor-key assembly Schematic diagram of key part drawing - RFS Schematic diagram of Rotor part drawing - RFS Part Drawing of key - MMC Part Drawing of Rotor - MMC 78 83 83 84 85

4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16

Results of parametric study of GA for rotor-key assembly 88 (WOP) using RSS condition, (a) Crossover probability vs fitness, (b) mutation probability vs fitness, (c) population size vs fitness, (d) maximum number of generations vs fitness Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 90 cost using GA-based optimization for a) EMS b) RSS c) SM d) WCS stack-up conditions without position control Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 91 cost using GA-based optimization for a) EMS b) RSS c) SM d) WCS stack-up conditions - RFS Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 92 cost using GA-based optimization for a) EMS b) RSS c) SM d) WCS stack-up conditions MMC Flow chart showing the steps involved in Differential 95 Evolution Results of parametric study of DE for WCS stack-up 102 condition, (a) Crossover probability vs fitness, (b) mutation probability vs fitness, (c) population size vs fitness, (d) maximum number of generations vs fitness. Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 103 cost using DE for WCS stack-up condition. Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 105 cost based on DE base approach for SM criterion Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 106 cost using DE-based optimization for EMS criterion




5.1 5.2

5.3 5.4



5.6 5.7

Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 107 cost in RSS-DE based optimization Results of parametric study of DE for wheel-mount 109 assembly using EMS criterion, (a) Crossover probability vs fitness, (b) mutation probability vs fitness, (c) population size vs fitness, (d) maximum number of generations vs fitness Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 111 cost using DE-based optimization for a) EMS b) RSS c) SM d) WCS stack-up conditions Results of parametric study of DE for rotor-key assembly 113 (WOP) using RSS condition, (a) Crossover probability vs fitness, (b) mutation probability vs fitness, (c) population size vs fitness, (d) maximum number of generations vs fitness Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 116 cost using DE-based optimization for a) EMS b) RSS c) SM d) WCS stack-up conditions WOP Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 117 cost using DE-based optimization for a) EMS b) RSS c) SM d) WCS stack-up conditions RFS Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 118 cost using DE-based optimization for a) EMS b) RSS c) SM d) WCS stack-up conditions MMC Particle Swarm Optimization working principle 122






6.1 6.2

Results of parametric study of PSO for WCS stack-up 128 condition (a) population size vs fitness, (b) maximum number of generations vs fitness Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 129 cost in WCS-PSO based optimization Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 130 cost based on PSO base approaches for SM criterion Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 131 cost using PSO-based optimization for EMS criterion Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 132 cost in RSS-PSO based optimization

6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6



Results of parametric study of PSO for wheel-mount 133 assembly using EMS criterion, (a) population size vs fitness, (b) maximum number of generations vs fitness Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 135 cost using PSO-based optimization for a) EMS b) RSS c) SM d) WCS stack-up conditions Results of parametric study of PSO for rotor-key 137 assembly (WOP) using RSS condition, (a) population size vs fitness, (b) maximum number of generations vs fitness Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 139 cost using PSO-based optimization for a) EMS b) RSS c) SM d) WCS stack-up conditions WOP Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 140 cost using PSO-based optimization for a) EMS b) RSS c) SM d) WCS stack-up conditions RFS Percentage contribution of individual tolerances on total 141 cost using PSO-based optimization for a) EMS b) RSS c) SM d) WCS stack-up conditions MMC Comparison of cost components for WCS, SM, EMS and 145 RSS stack-up conditions using GA, DE and PSO-based approaches for piston-cylinder assembly Comparison of percentage saving of total cost for various 146 approaches of piston-cylinder assembly Execution time for various stack-up conditions of piston- 147 cylinder assembly for different optimization strategies Comparison of cost components for WCS, SM, EMS and 151 RSS stack-up conditions using GA, DE and PSO-based approaches for wheel-mounting assembly. Comparison of percentage saving of total cost for various 151 approaches of piston-cylinder assembly Execution time for various stack-up conditions of wheel 153 mounting assembly for different optimization strategies Comparison of cost components for WCS, SM, EMS and 159 RSS stack-up conditions using GA, DE and PSO-based approaches for Rotor-Key assembly without position control







7.2 7.3 7.4

7.5 7.6 7.7

xvii 7.8 Comparison of cost components for WCS, SM, EMS and 159 RSS stack-up conditions using GA, DE and PSO-based approaches for rotor-key assembly with position control RFS Comparison of cost components for WCS, SM, EMS and 160 RSS stack-up conditions using GA, DE and PSO-based approaches for rotor-key assembly with position control MMC Comparison of percentage saving of total cost for various 161 approaches of Rotor-Key assembly WOP Comparison of percentage saving of total cost for various 161 approaches of Rotor-Key assembly - RFS Comparison of percentage saving of total cost for various 162 approaches of Rotor-Key assembly MMC Execution time for various stack-up conditions of Rotor- 163 Key assembly for different optimization strategies- WOP Execution time for various stack-up conditions of Rotor- 163 Key assembly for different optimization strategies- RFS Execution time for various stack-up conditions of Rotor- 164 Key assembly for different optimization strategies- MMC


7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15

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