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Strategic Logic Overview

Strategic Logic is an important element of any successful organisation. Based on this strategies can be developed. The elements need to be synchronized to become a successful organisation Business logic o Target market o Product offered o Key activities Organisation Logic o esources o Organisation !esign o "ontrol and #ncentives "ore Process o Product "reation o Product ealisation o Stake $older !evelopment o Self !evelopment Strategies o #ntended Strategy o !eliberate strategy o %nrealised Strategy o ealised strategy o &mergent Strategy

Business logic
Target market

Product offered

Key activities
Key activities are those activities that an organisation must perform to create value and be successful. These can be divided into t'o parts namely Key success factors and differentiating activities. Key success factors are those activities 'hich and organisation must perform and be efficient to survive in the industry for e(ample in case of )*"+ #ndustry the distribution capability is must to survive in the industry. Belo' are the List of key success factors for various industry Sectors !istribution !istribution #ndustry "P+,'holesales "P+,$O &". "P+, etail "P+,)oods etails,+eneral etails,)ashion etail,&/uipment ental Pharmaceutical and Life sciences .erospace !efense .utomotive .utomotive dealer .uto .ncillary .uto ental "hemicals "hemical "atalyst !o'nstream Petroleum Oil and gas %pstream Petroleum Oil and +as &(ploration Semiconductor &lectronics #ndustrial .utomation Photography and #maging +aming *edical home care *edical e/uipment Key Success )actors &fficient and -ide !istribution net'ork

Product development !istribution 0et'ork

#ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial

#ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial #ndustrial "ommunication )inancial Public

-hite goods Personal communication & commerce )errous metal 0on ferrous *ining -ood and forest products .gricultural +eneral &/uipment "apital &/uipment "ontract manufacturing

Organisation Logic


Organisation Design

Control and Incentives

Core Process

Product Creation

Product Realisation

Stake Holder Development

Self Development


Intended Strategies

Deliberate strategy

nrealised Strategy

Realised strategy

!mergent Strategy

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