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Appendix A - Table of Topic Outline and Sources Final Topic: Oral Contraceptives: Bad for womens health Thesis Statement: Among all contraceptives, oral contraceptives pose the most danger to women because they cause physical discomfort and diseases, alter personality and increase probability of cancer. Outline: I. Bac !round A. Definition of Contraceptives Primary Sources nterview: Dr. !enifer ". #u$ano% &ericido &.d. 'amily &edicine( nternal &edicine )oly Child )ospital Secondary Sources Aschenbrenner D.*. + ,enable *. . -.//0) Drug Therapy in rd Nursing 3 Edtion. China: #ippincott 1illiams and 1il2ins Barnes !. -30456. Essentials of Family Planning. #ondon: Blac2well *cientific 7ublications #ehne 8.A. -.//46. Pharmacology for Nursing Care Sixth Edition p.!"#6. Canada: *aunders 9lsevier Barnes !. -30456. Essentials of Family Planning. #ondon: Blac2well *cientific 7ublications )ales D. -30046. $n %n&itation to 'ealth !th Edition. =*A: Broo2s( Cole 7ublishing Company )arper &.!.?. -30@;6. (irth Control Technologies. =*A: =niversity of :eAas 7ress ?istner 8.1. -30556. The Pill. =*A: Delacorte 7ress #ehne 8.A. -.//46. Pharmacology for Nursing Care Sixth Edition p.!3#6. Canada: *aunders 9lsevier

B. :ypes of Contraceptives 3. .. ;. <. >. Condoms Cervical Cap *permicide =D Oral Contraceptives

nterview: Dr. !enifer ". #u$ano% &ericido &.d. 'amily &edicine( nternal &edicine )oly Child )ospital


C. Classifications of Oral Contraceptives 3. Combined Oral Contraceptive .. 7rogestin Only Oral Contraceptive

&c?enry #., :essier #. + )ogan &. -.///6. &osbys Pharmacology in Nursing p.)*#). =*A: 9lsevier &osby 8icci, * + ?yle, :. -.//06. &aternity and 7ediatric Bursing. China: #ippincott 1illiams + 1il2ins nterview: Barnes !. -30456. Essentials of Family Planning. &s. &yra Amorio Barciso #ondon: Blac2well &idwife *cientific 7ublication City )ealth Office #ehne 8.A. -.//46. Pharmacology for *urvey given to women ages Nursing Care Sixth 35%>/ in Dumaguete Edition pp.!")+!3#6. Canada: *aunders 9lsevier *urvey given to women ages Craig, C.8. +*tit$el 8.9. 35%>/ in Dumaguete -300<6. ,odern Pharmacology. =*A: #ittle, Brown and Company ?istner 8.1. -30556. The Pill. =*A: Delacorte 7ress &c?enry #., :essier #. + )ogan &. -.///6. &osbys Pharmacology in Nursing p.)*#). =*A: 9lsevier &osby #ehne 8.A. -.//46. Pharmacology for Nursing Care Sixth Edition p.!"-6. Canada: *aunders 9lsevier C7ills and its 9ffects to the "allbladder.C http.((D2tyasa.hubpages.c om(hub(7ills%and%its% effects%to%the% gallbladder. C1hat are "allstonesE 1hat causes "allstones.C

II."e!ati#e $ffects of Oral %ontracepti#es A. Adverse 7hysical 9ffects 3. Bausea .. Di$$iness ;. "allstones <. )ypertension


.//0. www.medicalnewstoday. com(article(3>;0@3.php COral Contraceptives.C .//@. ral% contraceptives( mF B. Adverse 9motional 9ffects 3. &ood *wings .. #oss of #ibido ;. Depression <. AnAiety nterview: Dr. !enifer ". #u$ano% &ericido &.d. 'amily &edicine( nternal &edicine )oly Child )ospital Dach, !. -./336 .$d&erse Effects of (irth Control Pills. .3

?istner 8.1. -30556. The Pill. =*A: Delacorte 7ress *urvey given to women ages &ayer, D. -.//>6. The 35%>/ in Dumaguete E&erything 'ealth .uide to Controlling $nxiety. =*A: 'G1 7ublications nc. 7ublishing Business and 7rofessional "roup &c?enry #., :essier #. + )ogan &. -.///6. &osbys Pharmacology in Nursing p.)*#). =*A: 9lsevier &osby ?at$ung B.". -300>). (asic / Clinical Pharmacology Sixth Edition p.0*)). =?: 7aramount 7ublishing Business and 7rofessional "roup #ehne 8.A. -.//46. Pharmacology for Nursing Care Sixth Edition p.!"1). Canada: *aunders 9lsevier &c?enry #., :essier #. + )ogan &. -.///6. &osbys Pharmacology in Nursing p.)*#).

C. )igh 8is2 of "etting Cancer 3. Cervical Cancer .. Breast Cancer

*urvey given to women ages 35%>/ in Dumaguete


=*A: 9lsevier &osby &earse 9. -30556. 'and2oo3 on 4ral Contraception. #ondon: !+A Churchill #td. Bational Cancer nstitute -./3., &arch .36.4ral Contracepti&es and Cancer 5is3. 8etrieved from http:(( ancertopics(factsheet(8is 2(oral%contraceptives

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