REG - 50% of Consumers in Asia Pacific, Middle East & Africa Looking To Give To Charity - Master Card Survey

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50% of Consumers in Asia/Pacific, Middle East &

Africa Looking to Give to Charity: MasterCard

More Elderly Consumers Likely to Donate Compared to their Younger

Singapore, 12 August 2009 – The current financial downturn is not stopping consumers
from doing their bit to help the less fortunate. A survey by MasterCard Worldwide found
that 50% of consumers in Asia/Pacific, Middle East and Africa have plans to contribute
towards a charitable cause in the second half of the year.

Consumers in Kuwait (79%), Qatar (75%), Indonesia (71%) and Australia (71%) are
opening their hearts and wallets, with the highest proportion of consumers planning to
make donations. Women (51%) are slightly more inclined towards making a charitable
contribution than their male counterparts (49%).

These were the findings from a consumer survey conducted between 23 March and 18
April 2009 1. A total of 9,211 consumers from 21 markets were surveyed on their plans to
make a charitable donation in the following 6 months.

The majority of consumers across 18 out of the 21 markets in Asia/Pacific, Middle East
and Africa are looking to donate less than 2% of their annual income. In Indonesia (66%)
and Kuwait (30%), the majority of consumers are willing to put 2%-5% and 5%
respectively, of their annual income towards charitable causes. In South Korea,
consumers who are planning to donate form two ends of the spectrum, with 33% looking
to give less than 1% of their annual income and another 33% planning to give more than
5% of their annual income.

Interestingly, elder consumers have a higher propensity to donate with 54% of consumers
aged 46-55 years and 55% of consumers aged 56 and above planning charitable
contributions. This compares with 46% of consumers below the age of 30 and 50% of
consumers aged 31-45 who plan to donate. Those who are married (53%) or divorced
(53%) are also more likely to donate compared to those who are single (45%).

Market Highlights

• More Australian consumers (71%) plan to make a charitable contribution in the
next six months compared to six months ago (66%).

Respondents were asked if they planned to make any charitable donation in the next 6 months.
All references in the release to the next six months refer to the six-month period following the
consumer survey conducted between 23 March and 18 April 2009.

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• The majority of Australian consumers (42%) who plan to donate are looking to
give less than 1% of their annual income. 12% of consumers planning to donate
are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• Female consumers (77%) were found to be more willing to donate as compared to
their male counterparts (66%), and this was consistent across all the different age
• Consumers aged between 46-55 years are the most generous, with 81% of them
planning to help the less fortunate. This is as compared to consumers aged 18-30
years (63%), 31-45 years (73%) and those 56 years and above (65%).


• Fewer Chinese consumers are opening their purses to donate in the next six
months. Only 31% of Chinese consumers plan to make a charitable contribution
in the next six months, down from the 52% six months ago.
• The majority of Chinese consumers (49%) who plan to donate are looking to give
between 1-2% of their annual income. Only 3% of consumers planning to donate
are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• Overall, more Chinese men (32%) compared with women (29%) are planning to
make donations.
• Also, older Chinese consumers are the most generous, with 37% of them aged 56
years and above looking to make donations. This is compared to those aged
between 18-30 (27%), 31-45 (34%) and 46-55 (30%).

Hong Kong

• More consumers in Hong Kong (67%) are willing to donate to a charitable cause
in the next six months compared to six months ago (43%).
• The majority of consumers in Hong Kong (64%) who plan to donate are looking
to give less than 2% of their annual income. 13% of consumers planning to
donate are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• In Hong Kong, more female respondents (71%) than male respondents (64%) are
willing to donate.
• Consumers in the 46-55 years age bracket appear to be the most generous, with
75% of them looking to make donations. This is compared to those aged 18-30
(64%), 31-45 (69%) and 56 and above (50%).


• Fewer Indian consumers are inclined to donate in the next six months. Only 31%
of Indian consumers plan to make a charitable contribution in the next six
months, down from the 33% six months ago.
• The majority of Indian consumers (41%) who plan to donate are looking to give
between 1-2% of their annual income. 15% of consumers planning to donate are
looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• In India, both male (31%) and female consumers (30%) were equally likely to
make charitable donations.
• In terms of age groups, older consumers are more willing to donate than their
younger counterparts. 53% of Indians aged between 46-55 years, and 47% of
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50% of Consumers in Asia/Pacific, Middle East & Africa Looking to Give to Charity: MasterCard

Indians aged 56 and above are planning to donate as compared with the 18% of
Indians aged 18-30 years.


• Fewer Indonesian consumers are planning to donate in the next six months. 71%
of Indonesian consumers plan to make a charitable contribution in the next six
months, down from the 88% six months ago.
• However, Indonesia still ranks as one of the most charitable markets with a large
majority (71%) of people looking to make donations.
• The majority of Indonesian consumers (66%) who plan to donate are looking to
give between 2-5% of their annual income. 15% of consumers planning to donate
are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• Interestingly, while only 22% of all the Indonesian respondents surveyed hold
managerial positions, they seemed to be one of the most philanthropic people.
• Unlike most of the other markets, the younger Indonesians appear to be more
generous, with 73% of those aged between 18-30 years and 77% of those aged
between 31-45 years looking to donate. This is compared with consumers aged
46-55 years (63%) and consumers aged 56 years and above (68%).


• Fewer Japanese consumers are opening their purses to donate in the next six
months. 26% of Japanese consumers plan to make a charitable contribution in the
next six months, down from the 29% six months ago.
• The majority of Japanese consumers (45%) who plan to donate are looking to
give less than 1% of their annual income. 9% of consumers planning to donate
are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• Both male (27%) and female (27%) Japanese consumers are equally likely to
donate to a charitable cause.
• Consumers between the ages of 46-55 years are the most generous, with 33% of
them planning to make donations. This is compared to those aged 18-30 (23%),
31-45 (24%) and 56 years and above (25%).


• Fewer Korean consumers are planning donations to charity in the next six
months. 42% of Korean consumers plan to make a charitable contribution in the
next six months compared to 46% from six months ago.
• Korean consumers who are planning to donate form two ends of the spectrum,
with 33% looking to give less than 1% of their annual income and another 33%
planning to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• Also, Korean men (42%) and women (42%) are equally likely to donate money to
a worthy cause.
• In Korea, older consumers are the most generous with consumers aged 56 years
and above (75%) being the most philanthropic followed by 50% of consumers
aged 46-55. A smaller proportion of consumers aged between 31-45 years (39%)
and 18-30 years (28%) plan to donate to a worthy cause.
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• Fewer Malaysian consumers are planning to make a charitable contribution in the

next six months. Only 27% of Malaysian consumers plan to make a charitable
contribution in the next six months, down from the 46% six months ago.
• The majority of Malaysian consumers (42%) who plan to donate are looking to
give between 1-2% of their annual income. Only 4% of consumers planning to
donate are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• A larger percentage of male consumers (30%) than female consumers (24%) are
likely to donate to a worthy cause.
• In terms of age groups, those aged 46-55 years (33%) are the most generous,
followed by consumers aged 31-45 years (26%), 18-30 years (25%) and 56 years
and above (25%).

New Zealand

• Fewer consumers in New Zealand are opening their purses to donate in the next
six months. 68% of consumers in New Zealand plan to make a charitable
contribution in the next six months, down from the 77% six months ago.
• However, New Zealanders as a whole still remain very philanthropic as they rank
as one of the top 5 most charitable markets.
• The majority of consumers in New Zealand (43%) who plan to donate are looking
to give less than 1% of their annual income. 10% of consumers planning to
donate are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• A higher percentage of female consumers (76%) are looking to donate as
compared with male consumers (61%).
• Among those aged 30 years and above, more than 70% of consumers are
planning to donate to a worthy cause , with 77% of those aged 56 years and
above, 76% of those aged 46-55 years, and 71% of those aged 31-45 years
intending to make donations. This is compared with 48% of consumers aged 18-
30 years planning to donate to a charitable cause.

• Fewer Filipino consumers are opening their purses to donate in the next six
months. 59% of Filipino consumers plan to make a charitable contribution in the
next six months, down from the 65% six months ago.
• The majority of Filipino consumers (46%) who plan to donate are looking to give
between 1-2% of their annual income. Only 5% of consumers planning to donate
are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• A higher percentage of women (62%) than men (57%) are planning to donate
during the next 6 months, and this is consistent across all the age groups.


• More Singaporean consumers (49%) are favorably disposed to making a

charitable donation in the next six months compared to six months ago (46%).
• The majority of Singaporean consumers (43%) who plan to donate are looking to
give between 1-2% of their annual income. Only 6% of consumers planning to
donate are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
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• In Singapore, females (51%) tend to be more willing to give than their male
(47%) counterparts. Particularly under the age of 30, females (60%) plan to
donate more compared with their male (28%) counterparts. Only between the age
of 46-55 years, Singaporean males (60%) seem to be more willing to donate as
compared to Singaporean females (41%).
• Interestingly, older consumers are more generous with 44% of consumers aged
between 18-30, 47% of consumers aged between 31-45 years and 51% of
consumers aged 46-55 years and 60% of consumers aged 56 years and above
planning donations.


• More Taiwanese consumers (47%) plan to make a charitable contribution in the

next six months compared to six months ago (43%).
• The majority of Taiwanese consumers (35%) who plan to donate are looking to
give between 1-2% of their annual income. 10% of consumers planning to donate
are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• Similar to other markets, Taiwanese females (56%) appear to be more willing to
donate as compared to Taiwanese males (37%).
• Older Taiwanese consumers are more generous than their younger counterparts.
32 % of consumers aged between 18-30 years plan to donate compared with 49%
of consumers aged 31-45 years, 54% aged 46-55 years and 53% aged 56 years
and above.


• Fewer Thai consumers are opening their purses to donate in the next six months.
Only 49% of Thai consumers plan to make a charitable contribution in the next
six months compared, down from the 62% six months ago.
• The majority of Thai consumers (38%) who plan to donate are looking to give
between 1-2% of their annual income. 12% of consumers planning to donate are
looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• In Thailand, 50% of male consumers and 48% of female consumers are looking
to make donations.
• Older consumers appeared to be more generous than their younger counterparts.
60% of consumers aged 56 years and above and 56% of consumers aged between
46-55 years plan to make donations, compared to 45% of consumers aged
between 18-30 years and 47% of consumers aged between 31-45 years.


• More Vietnamese consumers (54%) plan to make a charitable contribution in the

next six months compared to six months ago (50%).
• The majority of Vietnamese consumers (44%) who plan to donate are looking to
give between 1-2% of their annual income. Only 3% of consumers planning to
donate are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• Vietnamese female consumers (58%) were found to be more likely to donate to a
noteworthy cause than their male counterparts (51%).
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• Older Vietnamese consumers are more philanthropic, with consumers aged 56

years and above (70%) being the most generous. This is followed by consumers
aged 46-55 years (65%), 31-45 years (56%) and 18-30 years (43%).


• 49% of Egyptian consumers plan to make a charitable contribution in the next six
• The majority of Egyptian consumers (56%) who plan to donate are looking to
give less than 1% of their annual income. Only 7% of consumers planning to
donate are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• In Egypt, males appear to be more inclined towards donating than females, with
53% of males planning to contribute towards philanthropic ventures compared
with 45 % of females.
• In Egypt, the most generous consumers fall in the age bracket of 46-55 years,
with 59% of them planning to donate. This is compared with consumers aged 18-
30 years (46%), 31-45 years (50%) and 56 years and above (44%) intending to
make charitable contributions.


• Kuwait ranks as one of the most charitable markets, with 79% of consumers in
Kuwait planning to make a charitable contribution in the next six months
• The majority of consumers in Kuwait (30%) who plan to donate are looking to
give more than 5% of their annual income.
• In Kuwait, 80% of male consumers and 79% of female consumers are looking to
donate to a charitable cause.
• In Kuwait, a high (92%) proportion of consumers aged 56 and above is looking to
donate to a worthy cause. This is compared with consumers aged 18-30 years
(78%), 31-45 years (79%) and 46-55 years (74%).

• 28% of Lebanese consumers plan to make a charitable contribution in the next six
• The majority of Lebanese consumers (60%) who plan to donate are looking to
give between 1-2% of their annual income. Only 4% of consumers planning to
donate are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• In Lebanon, 27% of males and 28% of females are looking to donate to a
charitable cause.
• Interestingly, single females (32%) have a tendency to donate more compared
with single males (27%). However, married males (26%) appear to be more
generous than married females (23%) in terms of donating to a cause.

• 75% of consumers in Qatar plan to make a charitable contribution in the next six
months, making it one of the most charitable markets in the Asia-Pacific, Middle
East and Africa region.
• The majority of consumers in Qatar (33%) who plan to donate are looking to give
between 1-2% of their annual income. 15% of consumers planning to donate are
looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
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• Males in Qatar appear to have a higher propensity to donate as compared to

females. 77% of males plan to donate to charity compared with 69% of females.
• More than 70% of consumers in the various age brackets plan to make donations
over the next six months - 18-30 years (76%), 31-45 years (71%), 46-55 years
(77%) and 56 years and above (79%).

Saudi Arabia

• 64% of consumers in Saudi Arabia plan to make a charitable contribution in the

next six months
• The majority of consumers in Saudi Arabia (51%) who plan to donate are looking
to give between 1-2% of their annual income. Only 7% of consumers planning to
donate are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• Unlike many markets in the region, it is the younger consumers in Saudi Arabia
that are more generous than their older counterparts. The most philanthropic
consumers are aged between 18-30 years (76%), followed by those aged 31-45
years (62%), 56 years and above (50%) and 46-55 years (48%).

South Africa
• 45% of consumers in South Africa plan to make a charitable contribution in the
next six months
• The majority of South African consumers (46%) who plan to donate are looking
to give between 1-2% of their annual income. Only 6% of consumers planning to
donate are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• 46% of male consumers and 45% of female consumers plan to make donations.

• 52% of consumers in UAE plan to make a charitable contribution in the next six
• The majority of consumers in UAE (40%) who plan to donate are looking to give
between 1-2% of their annual income. Only 7% of consumers planning to donate
are looking to give more than 5% of their annual income.
• 53% of male consumers and 51% of female consumers plan to make donations.
• Consumers in the 46-55 years age bracket (60%) are the most generous, followed
by those aged 18-30 years (56%), 56 years and above (55%) and those aged 31-
45 years (44%).

More information on the Index can be found at the website

MasterCard and its Suite of Research Properties

Based on the MasterCard Survey on Consumer Purchasing Priorities, the MasterCard
Worldwide Index of Consumer Purchasing Resilience is part of the MasterCard
Worldwide Index suite of research products in Asia/Pacific, Middle East and Africa. The
others include the MasterCard Worldwide Index of Consumer Confidence and
MasterCard Worldwide Index of Women’s Advancement.
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50% of Consumers in Asia/Pacific, Middle East & Africa Looking to Give to Charity: MasterCard

Besides these, MasterCard also regularly releases its Insights reports; the series is part its
ongoing research and analysis of business dynamics, financial policies and regulatory
activities in the Asia/Pacific, Middle East and Africa region. Over 60 Insights reports
have been produced since 2004. MasterCard has also released a series of four books on
Asian consumer insights, authored by its Asia/Pacific economist, Dr. Yuwa Hedrick-
Wong and published by John Wiley & Sons.

The MasterCard Indexes and Insights reports are available at

About MasterCard Worldwide

MasterCard Worldwide advances global commerce by providing a critical economic link
among financial institutions, businesses, cardholders and merchants worldwide. As a
franchisor, processor and advisor, MasterCard develops and markets payment solutions,
processes approximately 21 billion transactions each year, and provides industry-leading
analysis and consulting services to financial-institution customers and merchants.
Powered by the MasterCard Worldwide Network and through its family of brands,
including MasterCard®, Maestro® and Cirrus®, MasterCard serves consumers and
businesses in more than 210 countries and territories. For more information go to

Eugenia Koh, +65 6825 8029,
Vani Viswanathan, +65 6825 8053,

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