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Calibration of VISSIM
14th ptv vision User Group Meeting

Martin Fellendorf

PTV Planung Transport Verkehr AG 76131 Karlsruhe

Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Definition > Verification

Process of the software developer to assure the correctness of the software implementation (the software should comply with the specification and user manual) -> should be OK with potential of improvement in 4.0, service packs > Validation Process of model developer to adjust model in order to match traffic characteristics observed in the field in general (ex. Modeling of tactical lane changing maneouvers) -> PTV cooperation with research institutions; NGSIM participation > Calibration Process of software user to adjust model parameters in order to reproduce local driver behaviour and meet local field data (ex. Does model match with measured discharge rates at traffic lights) -> user has to adjust behavioural parameters to match local conditions; focus of this presentation
Calibration general Motorways Mixed traffic Urban Summary 2

Workflow Simulation

Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Objective of the study will effect workflow

Top Down > Objective: > Method: overall volumes and travel times calibrate VISUM model with one/several ODs; refine VISUM network including network topology and adjust hourly OD matrices export VISSIM network and refine topology > Application: Large scale feasibility studies with complex routing (> 10-20 intersections and alternative routes)

Bottom UP > Objective: > Method:

detailed operation with system performance ranking 2nd VISSIM model from scratch: definition of network topology based on arials/CAD definition of routes and/or DTA with multiple ODs calibration of VISSIM parameters and input data > Application: detailed feasibility studies and traffic operations
Calibration general Motorways Mixed traffic Urban Summary 3

Workflow Simulation

Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Tasks of simulation study: model setup

1. Scope of project > Define project objective > Identify area of investigation and are of influence > Select approach (top-down vs. bottom-up); actuated y/n > Estimate resources 2. Data collection > Traffic volumes (counts and/or O/D-matrices) > Base maps, airials, CAD, GIS > Traffic control (signals, VMS,...) > Field observations (counts, speeds, gap times) 3. Coding of base model 4. Error checking > Review animation (deadlocks, lane changing,...) > Check volumes and speed during simulation (use counters+VAP)
Workflow Simulation Calibration general Motorways Mixed traffic Urban Summary 4

Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Tasks of simulation study: calibration and application

4a.Capacity calibration, test simulation MOEs against field data: > calibration of discharge rate at signals > Link and lane speeds and volumes; flow-speed curves 4b. Capacity calibration by generation of congestion > No queues&congestion at areas or links where it is not observed > Increase capacity at those bottlenecks by adding lanes or speed > Estimate capacity by increasing flow rate in intervals of 5-15min 4c. Route choice calibration > If dynamic assignment check sensibility of paths > Floating Car Data; licence plate counting -> costly, rarely done 5. Result: Calibrated base case , then Test alternative scenarios
Workflow Simulation Calibration general Motorways Mixed traffic Urban Summary 5

Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Statistics used for calibration > GEH index (UK) to test observed vs simulated link volumes

2(ObsVal SimVal ) GEH = ObsVal + SimVal

satisfactorily calibrated if GEH < 5 for 85% of the links and GEH < 4 for sum of all link counts

> Route Mean Square (RMS) to test flow rate / discharge rate

1 RMS = ( SimVal ObsVal ) N n

with N simulation runs with varying random seed; change random seed and parameter sets -> VBA application
Workflow Simulation

try to minimize RMS by parameter variation

Calibration general Motorways Mixed traffic Urban


Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Calibration of VISSIM
Traffic volumes: important parameters > Total link and turning volumes > Path flows match Origin-Destination pairs and trip length distribution > Distribution of vehicles types (Composition) Vehicle and driver types: > Technical abilities of vehicles (check trucks, buses, trams) > Associate driver behaviour via link types and vehicle classes > Desired speed distribution per link and vehicle type > Mean value (max throughput at 60 90 km/h) > Increase capacity by decreasing variability of desired speed Network > Type of signalization > Gap times at unsignalized intersections (priority rules) > Visibility distance (Lane change at connectors)
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Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Network calibration: visibility distance > Connectors Lane Change = visibility > Visibility of connector 3 than 500m > Problem for CarPurple as visibility < 500m

500 m

1 2
Workflow Simulation Calibration general Motorways Mixed traffic Urban Summary


Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

CC-Parameters influence capacity of motorway

speed [km/h] 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Volume [veh/h/lane]

VISSIM 3.70 2 lane motorway only left lane investigated 5% trucks (non-overtaking) DesSpeed Car 110-140 km/h SimDuration 3*4500s VolumeIncrease every 300s by 200 veh/h All CC default motorway except: CC1: 0,9s Following distance CC7: 0,4 m/s OscillationAccel. CC1: 1,5s Following distance CC7: 0,2 m/s OscillationAccel

Workflow Simulation

Calibration general


Mixed traffic



Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Awareness on motorways

Typical values: Duration: 1s 4s Probability: 1% - 3% (%: wrong unit for probability in 4.00)

Workflow Simulation

Calibration general


Mixed traffic




Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Capacity as function of awarenes

Conclusion: for motorways (W99) some Vissim-drivers are sleeping
VISSIM 4.00-11 3 lane motorway 0% trucks DesSpeed 110-120 km/h SimDuration 6900s VolumeIncrease every 300s by 100 veh/h No breakdown with 0% sleepers

Workflow Simulation

Calibration general


Mixed traffic




Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Weaving sections on motorways > The closer the weaving

vehicles comes to the end of the merging zone, the more likely he will force the trailing vehicle on the major lane to slow down > Reduced capacity at AcceptDecel (trail) > 0.75

Workflow Simulation

Calibration general


Mixed traffic




Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Gradients on motorway
Brilon; Breler: Traffic Flow on Freeway Upgrades, TRB 2004

> Study conducted for the HBS > > > >

(German HCM) by Ruhr University Field measurements at 5 sections of German Motorways VISSIM was enhanced by gradient dependent acceleration Simulated data fits field measurements Example: A8, 2 lanes, grade 5.6%, speed limit 100 km/h, no truck passing, truck rate 17%

Workflow Simulation

Calibration general


Mixed traffic




Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Gradients on motorway > After calibration simulation model

was employed for varying > gradient, > number of lanes > Volumes > Truck percentage > Generate capacity curves for HBS > Example: top: avg. Speed in 5min intervals over 2km on 3-lane upgrade with 20% trucks
Brilon; Breler: Traffic Flow on Freeway Upgrades, TRB 2004

bottom:Capacities for 1h intervals

Workflow Simulation

Calibration general


Mixed traffic




Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Calibration and mixed traffic comparison of animation

VISSIM models shared lane > Several vehicle types share a lane; multiple lanes; regular vehicles only one per lane -> bicyclist passed by car > One single oversized lane with multiple regular vehicles parallel -> regular vehicles parallel on a single lane Calibration: > Count vehicles per space > Lateral distance as f(v)
Hossain: Calibration of the Microscopic Traffic Flow Simulation Model VISSIM for Urban Conditions in Dhaka City; MsC KA 2004
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Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Calibration and mixed traffic > Vehicle position within lane and observation of adjacent lanes
-> validation and calibration > Lateral distance between vehicles as function of speed difference -> calibration > More experience needed in countries with little lane discipline

s > s0 at v=0 s > s1 at v=50

Workflow Simulation

Calibration general


Mixed traffic




Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Comparison of Simulation and HCM

> TRB subcommittee

HCQS compared in 2002 results of various microsimulators with HCM results > Each developer received artificial but realistic input data and performed simulation for base and future case > Developer calibrated his own model > HCQS members standarized and compared results
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Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Comparison of Simulation and HCM Problem in task description > Link counts given > O/D unknown > Assumption on paths > Results like VMT or VHT depend on paths flows Results of Comparison > 13% diff of speeds in base year but 69% for future > Calibration is important > Diff. in congestion modeling > Diff. assumption on O/Ds -> same as in real world
..\Examples\Training\HCM2002 ??
Workflow Simulation Calibration general Motorways Mixed traffic Urban Summary 18

Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Calibration of urban roads > Lane allocation

-> trick: vehicle class specific dummy connectors > Discharge rate at signals

Look-ahead distance for blue left turning vehicles Look-ahead distance for green left turning vehicles

Workflow Simulation

Calibration general


Mixed traffic




Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Discharge rate at signalized junctions (manual 10.20)

Edit *.INP-File

For each measurement a separate file *.a00; *.a01; *.a02; .....

Evaluation table Discharge at SCJ 1, Signal group 2 (measurement 1) 31 0.85 2.58 1.61 1.61 1.59 ... 1.48 (16: 1.77) 1.57 1.54 91 0.97 2.42 2.21 1.92 1.71 ... 1.31 (16: 1.73) 2.01 1.64 ... 1651 1.02 2.33 1.86 1.87 1.71 ... ----- 1 2 3 4 5 ... 17 18 19 20 21 ----- 0.95 2.43 2.02 1.85 1.73 ... 1.64 1.80 1.65 1.87 1.04 ----- 28 28 28 28 28 ... 27 25 16 6 2
Workflow Simulation

[496: 1.74]

Calibration general


Mixed traffic




Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

Material borrowed without mentioning source at all ocurrences > Dowling Associates; Cambridge Systematics: Volume III Guidelines for Applying Traffic Microsimulation Modeling Software; prepared for FHWA, August 2003 Further references > Bloomberg, L.; Swenson, M.; Haldors, B.: Comparison of Simulation Models and the Highway Capacity Manual, Preprint, Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2003. > Brilon, W.; Breler, A.: Traffic Flow on Freeway Upgrades. Preprint 042953, Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2004. > Gomes, G.; May, A.; Horowitz, R.: A Microsimulation Model of a Congested Freeway using VISSIM. Preprint, Annual Meeting Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., 2004. > Department of Transport: Highway Agency, Manual for Roads & Bridges, Volume 12, London 1996
Workflow Simulation Calibration general Motorways Mixed traffic Urban Summary 21

Fellendorf: VISSIM calibration; ptv vision UGM Oct 2004

PTV vision the world of traffic simulation


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