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Paige Watkins Portfolio

December 2, 2013 Ms.Richard, I have learned a great deal about writing during my enrollment in Composition I. This semester we completed three major writing assignments: Memoir, Rhetorical Analysis, and Proposal. We also completed multiple class blogs on various topics. These assignments have greatly assisted me in grasping the following WPA Outcomes: Rhetorical Knowledge, Critical Thinking, Reading, Writing, Processes, Knowledge of Conventions, and Composition in Electronic Environments.

Rhetorical Knowledge
Throughout the semester, Ive gained a sufficient amount of rhetorical knowledge. We were required to focus on three different purposes: Entertainment, Informative, and Persuasion. These purposes were demonstrated through the writing of a memoir (entertainment), a rhetorical analysis (informative), and a proposal (persuasion). Each of our assignments were constructed for a different type of audience. Therefore, we had to take in consideration the needs of each audience. The memoir audience required entertainment and imagery, while the rhetorical analysis audience required constructive criticism, and the proposal audience required persuasion and facts. Ive also learned that one must always adopt an appropriate voice, tone, and level of formality in a piece of writing. This knowledge is also demonstrated in my writing of a memoir, rhetorical

analysis, and proposal. The memoir was somewhat informal and possessed a relaxed and casual tone, whereas the rhetorical analysis and the proposal were formal and required a highly professional tone.

Critical Thinking, Reading, and Writing

This semester Ive dealt a great deal with the processes of critical thinking, reading, and writing. After completing the rhetorical analysis, I have come to understand a writing assignment as a series of tasks, including finding, evaluating, analyzing, and synthesizing appropriate primary and secondary sources. Developing a rhetorical analysis requires you to find errors in a piece of writing, both grammatical and structural. You must also analyze the problems presented in the writing and formulate the proper solutions. Ive demonstrated the ability to integrate my own ideas with those of others by developing an informal proposal. One of the main goals of a proposal is to effectively establish common ground between the writer and the audience. The writer must demonstrate how the proposal will be beneficial to both parties. Writing a proposal has also assisted me in understanding the relationships among language, knowledge, and power. Writing an effective proposal requires appropriate language use, solid knowledge on the topic at hand, and powerful words of persuasion.


This semester, Ive come to learn that composing a successful text often times requires the composition of multiple drafts. For our major assignments, we were required to generate at least two drafts: a rough draft and a final draft. Composing a rough draft allows us, as writers, to use later invention and rethinking to revise our work. A rough draft is where we give order to previously brainstormed ideas. Here we provide more detail and elaboration on our thoughts. As a class we used one main strategy for generating, revising, editing, and, proof-reading. This strategy is Peer Review. This is where the collaborative and social aspects of the writing process come in. Not only do we critique and analyze our own work, but we also do the same for the work of our peers. Having participated in a number of peer reviews this semester, Ive come to see the advantages and benefits that they provide. During a peer review my peers reviewed and proof read my work, drawing my attention to small errors and giving helpful tips on what specific things I could do to enhance my writing. At the same time, I was also responsible for reviewing their work and giving constructive feedback. In my case, this strategy always proved reliable in assisting me to compose successful final drafts.

Knowledge of Conventions
Throughout the semester, I have come to learn that there are different formats for different types of texts. Our memoir assignment was written in a format of our choosing, while the rhetorical analysis was written in a letter format, and the proposal was in memo/MLA formatting. Another piece of knowledge that Ive gained is the fact that different genres call for different structures and tones. Narratives, such as our memoir assignment, may possess a more casual tone

and be structured however the author pleases. Whereas, informative and persuasive pieces, such as the rhetorical analysis and proposal assignments, must possess a professional tone and be structured in a more specific and orderly manner. When writing the rhetorical analysis, I used subheadings to guide the reader through the material in an organized manner. Subheadings included: Introduction, Discussion of Ethos, Discussion of Pathos, Discussion of Logos, and Conclusion. I used the same style of formatting for the proposal. The proposal subheadings were as follows: Purpose, Problem, Solution, Cost, and Conclusion. Ive also developed control of surface features such as syntax, grammar, punctuation, and spelling. These skills were demonstrated within the completion of the rhetorical analysis assignment. Composing a rhetorical analysis requires a writer to have proper knowledge of all of the above in order to analyze a piece of writing and give constructive feed-back to the selected audience.

Composing in Electronic Environments

This semester we were required to complete five class blogs. Participating in these blogs has taught me to use electronic environments for drafting, reviewing, revising, editing, and sharing texts. Our blogs were to be completed online using Black Board. On the website we were able to compose and edit a piece of writing and then submit it for class viewing. In preparation for our written proposal assignment, we took a class trip to the campus library. There we were given a lesson on how to find sources for our papers. We were taught how to use the Ebsco Discovery System which is a type of search engine compiled of several journals and

articles on various topics, written by multiple authors. By using the Ebsco system, Ive learned to locate, evaluate, organize, and use research material collected from electronic sources.

In closing, I have acquired a sufficient amount of rhetorical knowledge this semester. My skills have been strengthened in the areas of critical thinking, reading, and writing. I have learned a number of processes with which to effectively compose my writing. After completing multiple assignments varying in format and genre, I have gained an increase in knowledge of conventions. Lastly, I have become accustomed to composing in electronic environments through research and online class participation. Overall, my enrollment in Composition I has been very beneficial. I truly feel as if my time in this course has made me a better writer.

Sincerely, Paige Watkins

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