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April in Bloom

Dear Friends and Family, Greetings from Ternopil, Ukraine! Have you been surprised lately? Well, I have! I never thought in a million years that I would be in a place teaching converts of Islam and Hinduism the truth of Jesus. The journey God has had me on has been an adventure. Of the all the names for God the Islamic faith has, they do not have the two most important, love and Father. The concept that we have been created for a purpose by and for love is foreign. To have the privilege to teach in Bangladesh and share a message of hope and peace in the midst of trial and explain how fearfully and wonderfully we are made was truly humbling. For security reasons I have remained quiet about where I had planned to travel and what I would be doing as I didnt want to impede the work of God. When I arrived in Dhaka, I was safely brought to a home and then chaos erupted in the streets. For the next few days we had to be careful walking about as bombs and strikes were creating problems. The very conference I was there to help lead was in jeopardy of being canceled. The regional leaders prayed and felt lead to proceed with caution and delay it by a few days. People were notified, and we were given a couple more days to get things prepared in Dhaka. The day came for us to travel to the complex and another strike was declared. We went anyway and prayed for protection. All in all ~130 of the 145 people from India, Sri Lanka, Nepal, and Bangladesh were able to come and there were no problems with anyones travels. The DNA conference went very well and I ended up teaching more than I had planned but it was good! We felt safe and protected in the complex and completely forgot about the chaos outside until while walking to dinner we heard a bomb explode felt the ground shake and smelt the fireit was a tad too close. No one was injured though it served as a reminder to not forget where we were. The conference concluded with an offering which blessed me more than words can express. Many of those gathered had sold everything to come to the conference and most due to their background have no family to depend on. Yet we were able to raise more than five thousand US! The generosity of the people I serve with is truly humbling. I have never worked with such sacrificial servants before. Praise God! Before I arrived in Dhaka, I taught in Switzerland and spent a few days in London. In Switzerland I felt that a changed had happened. You know that feeling that happens when you put on a new pair of shoes? You are excited that you have a new pair of shoes, they maybe comfortable or shiny or simple, but somehow they change how you feel. Though I have traveled before to teach I felt like I was stepping into something new for me. My time in Switzerland was different than I had originally planned. At first I was asked to teach in a school then the school was canceled and God asked me to come anyway. I ended up teaching at two different locations in Switzerland, visiting CERN, and being encouraged to remain true to what God has shown me. During my time there I also met with key people for the University of the Nations (UofN) and was able to share with many the vision God has given me. My time in London was for rest and to visit a dear friend. It was good! If I had to summarize this past trip it would be obedience. Within obedience you will find joy, safety, protection, love, encouragement, fulfillment, blessings, friendship, and I shall stop here for I fear the list may get long! Despite the trials in Moldova, schedule challenges in Switzerland, chaos in Bangladesh, political demonstrations in Ukraine, and being far from those I love, I am truly in the safest and best place for me. For the Lord has called me and will continue to lead me, He is simply asking for my obedience and I desire to serve Him no matter where He leads and do whatever He is asking. He gives me strength to do all that He has asked and always provides everything that I need. Next Steps I am in full swing of transition! I will be leaving Ukraine towards the beginning of January to move to Kona. Currently I am spending time with dear ones here and closing my apartment. I will be in the states for a couple of weeks then hope to move to Kona towards the beginning of February.

Donations should be sent to YWAM Tyler, PO Box 3000, Garden Valley, TX 75771 My name can not appear anywhere on the check. Please attach a separate note with my full name on it.

Prayer requests Praise God I have received some funds for my moving expenses! I still need to raise $2,000 for moving and about $500 for traveling expenses. Would you please consider praying and giving more to my ministry this month? Also, I will be in the states in January for the sole purpose of raising support for my new ministry plans in Hawaii. I have a limited amount of time in Georgia, but would like to meet with as many people as possible. I will be contacting people in the next few weeks to arrange times/dates. Please help me strengthen my home team so that I can be even more effective on the field. Thank you so much for your love, support, prayers, words of encouragement and sacrificial giving. I am truly humbled and honored that you are a part of my team and will continue to remember you in my prayers. I am looking forward to seeing you all soon! God bless! Love, April Harper !

Prayers for the nation of Bangladesh and here is one of me teaching !

One of the many bible exercises we did and a photo from our offering

Outside CERN ! Our group photo from the Bangladesh DNA

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