Comparative Market Study of Asian Paints and Berger Paint

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Over the years, paints have undertaken several initiatives which have met with unprecedented success and really made people really sit up and take notice of the brand. There are many companies in the market and are manufacturing Paints. with the superior quality, additional features and a competitive price. In this report two major have been undertaken for the comparative market study. sian Paints ! "erger Paints. #y above comparative study of the attitude of consumer of the paints will definitely be useful to those bench markers who are trying to purchase amongst the best product give a new dimension to further strengthen.

$ Objectives of the Study Asian paints % Introduction of Asian Paints % istory % !ision % "oard of #irectors % Supp$y chain % u%an Resources % Environ%ent & Safety % Retai$ Initiatives % Infor%ation Techno$o'y % Re'iona$ Techno$o'y Centre % (ead Techno$o'y Centre % Internationa$ Operations % A)ards "er'er Paints % "er'er istory % An Overvie) % Pro$in*s % Consu%er Services % Co$or "an* % o%e "eautification % !aastu % Fen' Shui % Consu%er Products % Code of Conduct Anne+ure Findin' & Ana$ysis (i%itations of the survey Su''estions Conc$usion "ib$io'raphy


ims and objectives set forth the conduct this survey which help to evaluate the findings of the survey are following & ' ' ' ' ' ' The investigate the performance of the two different brands of paints. To find out the market share of both the companies. To analyses the location wise preference of paints. To study the comparative market performance. to find out the satisfaction level of the consumers. To analysis the various attributes related to the paints.


sian Paints is India(s largest paint company and the third largest paint company in sia today, with a turnover of )s. *+., billion -around ./0 123

million4. The company has an enviable reputation in the corporate world for professionalism, fast track growth, and building shareholder equity. sian Paints

operates in 53 countries and has 56 paint manufacturing facilities in the world servicing consumers in over +2 countries. "esides sian Paints, the group operates around the world through its subsidiaries "erger International 7imited, 8oatings, /8I" Paints and Taubmans. 9orbes :lobal maga;ine ./ ranked sian Paints among the 5<< "est pco

/mall 8ompanies in the =orld for 5<<5 and 5<<* and presented the "est under a "illion( award, to the company. sian Paints is the only paint company in the

world to receive this recognition. One of the country(s leading business maga;ine >"usiness Today> in 9eb. 5<<3 ranked sian Paints as the ?inth "est @mployer in India. survey carried out by (@conomic Times( in Aanuary 5<<<, ranked sian

Paints as the 9ourth most admired company across industries in India. The company has come a long way since its small beginnings in 36B5. 9our friends who were willing to take on the world(s biggest, most famous paint companies operating in India at that time set it up as a partnership firm. Over the course of 52 years sian Paints became a corporate force and India(s leading

paints company. 0riven by its strong consumer%focus and innovative spirit, the

company has been the market leader in paints since 36+1. Today it is double the si;e of any other paint company in India. sian Paints manufacturers a wide range of paints for 0ecorative and Industrial use. Certical integration has seen it diversify into products such as Ophthalmic nhydride and Pentaerythritol, which are used in the paint manufacturing process. sian Paints along with PP: Inc., ./ , one of the largest automotive coatings manufacturer in the world has begun a 2<&2< joint venture, sian PP: Industries

to service the increasing requirements of the Indian automotive coatings market. nother wholly owned subsidiary, sian Paints Industrial 8oatings 7imited has

been set up to cater to the powder coatings market which is one of the fastest growing segments in the subsidiary of industrial coatings market. This wholly owned

sian Paints has entered into a tie%up with 8anada based Protech

8hemical which is one of the top ten powder coatings companies in the world for technological know how in the area of powder coatings.

sian Paints operates in 55 countries across the world. It is manufacturing facilities in each of theBse countries and is the largest paint company in ten overseas markets. sian Paints operates in five regions across the world vi;. /outh sia, /outh @ast sia, /outh Pacific, #iddle @ast and caribbean region through sian Paints, "erger International, /8I" Paints,

the five corporate brands vi;.

pco 8oatings and Taubmans. In ten markets, it operates through its subsidiary, "erger International 7imitedD in @gypt through /8I" PaintsD in five markets in the /outh Pacific it operates through operates through Taubmans. The countries that sian Paints has presence are as follows & /outh sia /outh @ast sia & & "angladesh, ?epal ! /ri 7anka. 8hina #alaysia, /ingapore ! Thailand pco 8oatings and in 9iji and /amoa it also

8aribbean Islands & "arbados, Aamaica, Trinidad and Tobago #iddle @ast /outh Pacific & & "ahrain, @gypt, Oman and .nited rab @mirates ustralia, 9iji, /olomon Islands, /amoa Islands, Tonga ! Canuatu.

sian Paints has harnessed the powers of state of the art supply chain system using cutting edge technology to integrate all its plants, regional distribution centres, outside processing centres and branches in India. ll the

company(s paints plants in India, two chemical plants, 31 processing centres, *2< raw material and intermediate goods suppliers, 3B< packing material vendors, + regional distribution centres, ,5 depots are integrated. The supply chain runs through a wide spectrum of functions right from materials planning to procurement to primary distribution. It has played a pivotal role in improving operational efficiencies and creating agile procurement, production and delivery systems. It has also enhanced the fleEibility of operations, lowered output time and reduced delivery costs, while improving customer servicing levels and profitability. The supply 8hain #anagement is backed by IT efforts that help the company in demand forecasting, deriving optimal plant, depot and /F. combinations, streaming vendor relationships, reducing procurement costs, and scheduling production processes for individual factories.

sian Paints believes that people are its strongest assets. 9or a company can go only as high as its people aim. It is people who innovate and invent, and who engineer the efficiencies that make a business succeed. It is they who drive our growth and lead us to greater heights. t sian Paints, our human resources

systems are designed to create a vision focus performance oriented and agile company. talent pool of over B,<< employees employed across twenty three

countries brings in a unique blend of mindsets and skills. n open and interactive work culture brings out the best in our people. sense of ownership and freedom to eEperiment at their workplace brings out the creativity and innovation in every individual. @Ecellent training is provided to develop leaders and re strengthen competencies from within the organi;ation. "esides encouraging achievers from within the organisation, we employ from some of best management and technology institutes in the country. =e hire people who are best suited for the job and whose personal goals are in alignment with our corporate purpose. Thus, the task is cut out for every individual within the framework of result orientation, market insight, customer perspective, trust, respect and problem solving. The commitment of our people and their sense of discipline and ownership will continue to drive growth for our company.


sian Paints approaches the environment issue from the perspective of waste minimi;ation and conservation of resources. Thus, the continued attempt is to reuse, recycle and eliminate waste, which results in less and less waste being generated. ccordingly, our material losses in manufacturing have been reduced

substantially over the last fes years. 9urther, the company(s four paint plants and the two chemical plants have the I/O 3B<<3 certification for environment management standards.

The company(s latest manufacturing facility which is situated at /riperumbudur near 8hennai will be certified for I/O 3B<<3 in the financial year 5<<+%<,. ll our paint plants have achieved (Gero Industrial 0ischarge( capability.

This has been achieved by the installation of upgraded effluent treatment facilities and installation of reverse osmosis plants in conjunction with appropriate recycling and reuse schemes. Our emulsion manufacturing facility has also achieved ;ero waste status.

=e have adopted the principles of ((green productivity>. /ome of our innovative schemes which enhance green productivity are dealer tinting systems which has resulted in large batch si;esD bulk storage facility for monomers which

reduces wastageD use of natural gas which is a cleaner fuelD solvent recovery plants have been set up which has resulted in ;ero reduction of solvent disposalD improved incinerating systems and reverse osmosis.

S)ord of

onour 1

The company has made significant investments in the area of safety over the past several years. It(s steadfast commitment to safety is reinforced by the fact that four of sian Paints plants were conferred with the (/wood of Honour( by the

"ritish /afety 8ouncil for the second time in quick succession. The "ritish /afety council is the world(s leading occupational health, safety and environmental organi;ations, working closely with the world(s leading companies in developing safe systems for work. The (/word of Honour(, instituted by "/8, is recogni;ed the world over as a pinnacle of achievement in safety management system.

2o$den Peacoc* Nationa$ 3ua$ity A)ard 1

9urther due to vario<us initiatives undertaken by the company at all its

manufacturing facilities,

sian Paints was the recipient of the prestigious (:olden

Peacock ?ational Iuality ward( for 5<<*. This is the most coveted quality award in the country.

Rain)ater harvestin' 1
)ainwater harvesting scheme developed by the company has become the

benchmark for industries. Till date,

sian Paints has harvested over 5< million sian paints has also influenced

litres of )ainwater within its company premises.

harvesting of 3<< million litres of rain water, by sharing its know how with corporate, housing societies and community institutions.

s a result of implementing various water recycling, reuse and conservation measures in our plants, our average water consumption has reduced by B2J inspite of production volumes of water based products doubling in the last five years. sian Paints is committed to operate its plants and facilities in a manner to

ensure continual improvement towards achievement (8lean @nvironment(.

8ustomers % the very core of all our business activities. 9rom the beginning, sian Paints has fostered a customer centric approach to business. simple but

unbeatable concepts of (going where the customer is> drives all our retail strategies.

In the early6<s, for the first time in the paint industry

sian Paints offered

the consumer over one hundred and fifty shades. The concept was eEtended to the dealer shops through 8olour =orld in the mid%6<s, where sian Paints began

offering over one thousand shades. The introduction of 8olour world provided a new direction for the paint industry into the age of retailing by providing the consumer % a service interface. =ith only a limited set of bases and colourants, manufactured and transported throughout the supply chain, sian Paints provided

a choice of innumerable shades to the customer through a technology of tinting at the last retail store.

=ith the introduction of 8olour =orld, almost all wall finishes from


Paints offer a wide range and choice in colours be it for interior or eEterior application. It has been our endeavor to reach out to our customers not only with our products but also with value added services and initiatives.


sian Paints help line introduced few years ago is a toll free service

where consumers call and ask queries related to painting. The company has now eEtended this service to /I ? P I?T/ HO#@ /O7.TIO?/, which offers

painting services in addition to the paint. This service is available in 3< cities vi; % Hyderabad, "angalore, kolkata, 0elhi, 8hennai, 8oimbatore ! 8ochin. hmedabad, #umbai, Pune,

The company entered into a new foray of prediction of colour trends in India. Intensive research is carried out with interior designers, architects and the fashion community to arrive at trend movements in colour each year. The study being done for the second year is termed colour ?@KT 5<<+, which is a collection of 32 shades predicted to be the trendiest and most happening colours in decor space in 5<<+.

This study has helped consumers get an insight into the latest trends in colour. This eEercise thas also gone a long way in helping various industries decide their colour combinations for a range of products ranging from furnishings, floorings to home accessories.

nother important area was the offer of painting for children with the launch of Fids =orld. foray into Fids( =orld marks yet another milestone

wherein the company offers painting designs for Fids )ooms as well as Fids

8orners. 9or the first time, an attempt has been made to invite the customer to get into a 0o%It Lourself mode with these designs. )oyale Play is another innovative concept introduced by the company. It is a collection of innovative and ready to use special effect finishes for interior walls, comprising a range of special effects. nd each of these effects are available in a shade palette that is fitting for that effect in interesting colour combinations. The revolutionary product gives wall paint a whole new usage. ?ow, along with colour, you can give your walls dimension, teEture and life.

sian Paint efforts are continuously on a engage the consumer in the painting process and fulfill all the requirements related to the world of painting.


Information technology -IT4 plays a key role in enabling the company to grow and generate profits. sian Paints is the only company in India to have

integrated /upply 8hain #anagement -/8#4 /olution from i5 Technologies, and @nterprise )esource Planning -@)P4 solution from / P. =ith these IT tools firmly in place and with the backing of an eEtensive communication platform, we are an internally enabled enterprise. The road ahead is to integrate all our stakeholders including suppliers, employees and customers and create an eEtended enterprise.

sian Paints has launched a supplier portal that includes an automoated digital document eEchange facility that will improve the efficiency and effectiveness of interaction with suppliers. n employee portal has also been set sian Paints

up. 8ustomer )elations #anagement -8)#4 tools are being used in Helpline and Home solutions initiatives.

The successful deployment of @)P, 8)# "usiness Intelligence and Portal software from leading solution providers and integrated /8# systems has helped improve efficiency in the business as well as increase the transparency and accuracy of information across the company. In order to affect 5B E , availability of our infrastructure, we are setting up a disaster recovery site in /outh India.

To match the pace of growth of our International business, we are focusing on improving transaction systems and meassaging platforms. Implementing of a portal platform for improved collaboration and sharing of information across all geographies is already underway.

) ! 0 at

sian Paints, )esearch and 0evelopment -) ! 04 plays an

important role in developing new products and innovations, and reducing costs by value re%engineering of formulations. Its 3B< strong team consisting of , doctorates and around 332 qualified scientists, has always backed the company(s business plan and demands of the market place. )ight from the company(s inception, all its decorative products for the Indian market and also in the overseas market have been developed in house. In the last few years, our ) ! 0 efforts have been focused on developing new eEterior finishes, economy emulsions and distempers. High end eEterior finishes and wood finishes were being imported into the country. sian Paints company(s ) ! 0 team has successfully managed to sian Paints

develop these products in house and are currently marketed under @lastomeric Hi%/tretch @Eterior paint and

sian Paints P. wood finish

respectively. "eside they also provide technological support and develop customised products for sian Paints international operations. 9or instance, paints

application practices in "angladesh are different from those in India. Therefore, new type of paints suited for that country have been developed. 8ost reduction is another crucial area where sian Paints focuses its ) ! 0 efforts.

9or International operations,

sian Paints has instituted )egional

Technology centres and 7ead Technology centres. )egional Technology 8entres have been instituted for each of the five operating regions whereas lead Technology centres will be for each product category.


)egional Technology 8entres -)T8s4 are envisaged to play a lead role in coordinating between and for the units under it to derive synergies in technology development and utili;ation and achieving efficiencies in formulations amongst them. /ince each unit may not have an evolved technical centre, )T8s shall essentially be the development lab for the respective units. The )T8 shall hence collate information on products available within the region. The )T8 shall also be the resource centre for supplier information and prices for that region.


7ead Technology 8entres -7T84 shall be assigned for Product 8ategoriesM Technology Platforms to make the best use of available knowledge and eEpertise in specific product M technology platforms. The 7T8 shall act as a knowledge resource centre for a particular product category. It shall have all relevant information about products 4in a product category4 available in the group and will attempt to contnuously update and maintain them. ll sian Paints overseas units

will have to get in touch with the relevant 7T8s for the respective product categories.

sian Paints becomes the 3<th largest decorative paint company in the world. sian Paints is more than twice the si;e of its nearest competitor. It is recogni;ed as one of the most admired companies in India. Present in 55 countries with 5, manufacturing locations, over 52<< /F.(s, Integrated / P%@)P ! i5 % /8# solution. )ated "est @mployer by "T%Hewitt survey, 5<<< "luest of the blue chips by Hindu "usiness 7ineD #ost admired company to work for the @T%"T survey, 5<<<. On the recommendations of "oo;, llen and Hamilton, sian Paints

restructured itself into :rowth, 0ecorative and International business units and adopted /8# and @)P technology. sian Paints aims to become the 2th largest decorative paint company in the world. 362,%++ the family owned company makes the transition to a professionally managed organi;ation. "ritish company "almer 7awrie rejects the products of a giant "ritish Paint company in favour of sian Paints.

sian Paints embarks on an ambitious grassroots marketing campaign, partnering with thousands of dealers in small towns all over India. 36+, sian Paints emerges as India(s leading paint company ahead of any international competition. 36B2 sian Paints touches a turnover of rs. *,2<,<<< with an innovative marketing strategy (to reach consumers in the remotest corners of the country with small packs.> 362B sian Paints mascot, :attu, the mischievous kid, is born. 3st 9eburuary, 36B5 )med with little knowledge and great determination, 8hampaklal H. 8hoksey, 8himanlal ?. 8hoksi, /uryakant 8. 0ani and rvind ). Cakil get

together to manufacture paint in a garage on 9oras )oad, "ombay. They name their company (The sian Oil ! Paint 8ompany(, a name that they picked

randomly from a telephone directory.

> sian Paints aims to become one of the top five 0ecorative coatings companies worldwide by leveraging its eEpertise in the higher growth emerging markets. /imultaneously, the company intends to build long term value in the Industrial coatings business through alliances with established global partners.>

#r. shwin 8. 8hoksi % 8hairman. #r. shwin /. 0ani % Cice%8hairman and #0 #r. bhay . Cakil #anaging 0irector #r. #ahendra 8. 8hoksi #r. mar . Cakil #s. Tarjani Cakil #r. 0eepak #. /atwalekar #r. 0ipankar "asu #r. )ajendra . /hah 0r. /waminathan /ivaram #r. #ahendra #. /hah #r. Hasit . 0ani

warded the (/word of Honour> by the british /afety 8ouncil for all the paint plants in India. This award is considered as the pinnacle of achievement in safety across the world. 9orbes :lobal maga;ine, ./ ranked sian Paints among the 5<< ("est /mall 8ompanies of the =orld> in 5<<5 and 5<<* and among the top 5<< (.nder a "illion 9irms( of sia in 5<<2. )anked 5Bth amongst the top paint companies in the world by 8oatings world % Top 8ompanies )eport 5<<+. The sset % one of sia(s leading financial maga;ine ranked sian

Paints among the leading Indian comppanies in 8orporate :overnance in 5<<5 and 5<<2. )eceived the @rnst ! Loung (@nterepreneur of the Lear % #anufacturing> award in 5<<*. siamoney( % one of sia(s leading financial maga;ine ranked sian

Paints as the >"est /mall 8omapny in India for 5<<5> -/mall company implies companies with market capitali;ation of below ./0 2<< million4.




=elcome to the world of "erger Paints where we turn your dreams into colorful reality. =ith an unmatched range of products and services, "erger paints India 7td. is a leader in paints, offering its customers a variety of innovative painting solutions, be it decorative or industrial.

=hether it is your home or office, your shop or factory, interiors or eEteriors, metal, wood, plastic or any other surface % we have a paint solution for itN =ith an ever evolving profile and rich history, "erger Paints India 7td. -an I/O 6<<3 8omapny4 has come a long way in the highly competitive Indian paints Industry.

Today the name >"erger> and (7ewis "erger> are synonymous with colour. "erger Paints continues to be inspired by the creation and innovtion of #r. 7ewis "erger, who through his marvelous shades, had offered people a chance to transform their homes through the power of imagination. t "erger we believe in

taking paints to thelevel of fine art. @nriched by the imagination of 7ewis "erger since 3,+<.

The history of "@):@) P I?T/ -I?0I 4 7I#IT@0 is literally as colorful as the business it is in. This chapter will reveal the milestones in our history. Please click on the milestones in the picture below to travel through our past.

In 3,+<, a young colour chemist >7ewis "erger> developed a method for manufacturing Prussian blue using a secret process that every designer and householder coveted. His business was nurtured by his descendants and others till it merged with Aenson and ?icholson 7td. to form "erger, Aenson ! ?icholson 7imited.

On 3, 0ecember 365*, an @nglishman, #r. Hadfield, set up Hardfield -India4 7imited % a small paint company in 8alcutta. Hadfieds -India4 7imited started with a small factory in Howrah, =est "engal. 8ontrolling stake in this 8ompany was acquired by "ritish Paints -Holdings4 7imited, @ngland in 36B, and its name was changed to "ritish Paint -India4 7imited. t that time the company

produced 32< tons of readymiEed stiff paints, varnishes and distempers. Our 36B, sales were a paltry sum of )s. 5.2 million, with total employee strength of 3<<.


STOR. SO FAR6 6666

To quote a cliche, )ome wasn(t built in a day. /imilarly, "erger grew over two hundred and forty years. Transiting smoothly through different eras. It is moving effortlessly from the period of industrial revolution to the period of silicon microchips.

It is began in 3,+<, when a young :erman 8hemist, 7ewis "erger, perfected a new process for making the colour Prussian "lue. 8onsidering that it was the colour of most military uniforms then, the pigment assumed great importance, and the business, a great thrust.

It didn(t take long for the company to move from the production of dyes and pigment to the production of paints and coatings. =ith a strong reputation for innovation and entrepreneurship, 7ewis "erger and /ons 7td. grew rapidly.

Aamaica, "ahrain, /ingapore, 8hina...

s its wings grew and gained in

strength, "erger eEpanded its operations across oceans, and beyond boundaries, to cover numerous geographics. In 366B, "erger units were brought under the sinle

umbrella of the holding company ("erger International 7imited( -"I74 with headquarters in /ingapore, which was also listed on the /ingapore stock eEchange. The reputation and the distinction which "erger commands have been augmented over thedecades by its association with some of the most reputed names in the global paints and coatings industry. "erger International 7imtied, today, is a part of the sian Paints :roup,

which ranks among the top tendecorative coatings companies in the world, and is the only paint company to be ranked amongst the 5<< "est .nder a billion 0ollar 8omapnies( is the world for 5<<* by The 9orbes :lobal #aga;ine. The ./ O 25< million sian Paints :roup, with a presence in 5* countries, is spread across the

caribbean, the #iddle @ast, /outh sia, /outh @ast sia and /outh Pacific region. It has 56 paint manufacturing facilities worldwide which service customers in voer 2< countries.

Today, "erger International is present in 33 countries. It is among the leading players in four countries and has a strong presence in the regions it operates in. In the 8aribbean region, "ergon is more than just the biggest paint company. It is a household name. nd considering that the company celebrated 2<

successful years in the region recently, this is not surprising. Incidentally, "erger Paints Aamaica 7imited, which is listed on the Aamaican stock eEchange, is among the top ten companies in the country in terms of market capitalisation. "erger also has a large presence in Trinidad ! Tabago and "arbados. The story is not very different in the #iddle @ast. very well respected

brand in the region, "erger is the largest paint company in "ahrain. .sing its state of the art manufacturing facilities there, and in the .nited rab @mirates, "erger

eEports to countries in the 8ommonwealth of Independent /tates, :ulf 8o% operation 8ouncil and the african continent, thereby continuously augmenting its position in this part of the wordl. Headquartered in /outh @ast sia, "erger enjoys a fine reputation in the

region through its operations in /ingapore, Hong Fong, 8hina, #alaysia, Thailand and #yanmar. One of the fastest growing markets in the world, /outh @ast sia

offers an immense opportunity for berger to leverage its eEisting equity. 9or instance, in line with its ambitious plans, "erger today has a large manufacturing facility in ?ingbo, 8hina, which is the siEth biggest port in the world. =ith a rich past and a promising present, "erger is all set to strengthen its relationships across the golbe in the future.


"@):@) P I?T/ is the culmination of over seven decade process of evolution and growth that began in 365*. Its growth has been closely linked with the business and industrial development of modern India.

"@):@)(/ performance is anchored today in a wide variety of 0ecorative and Industrial Paints which continue to gain an increasing share of the highly competitive India paint market. being an I/O 6<<3 company its quality products have attained instant recognition, worldwide, and continues to meet quality requirements that are demanded today even in thedomestic market.

To 8ountry(s third largest paint manufacturer, with its Headquarters in 8alcutta, "@):@) controls a distribution network comprising of ++ stock points and approEimately 3<,<<< dealers, spread across the country.

Prolinks is "erger Paints( response to a market environment that is increasingly driven by technology and calibrated by eEpertise.

Prolinks is aimed at placing the initiative in the hands of builders, architects and designers to enable them to directly source innovative products and services. The team is entrusted with maintaining a seamless interface between paint specifiers and berger paints.

The objective is to provide specifiers with a complete basis for recommending products and processes % databases, technical services, color consultancy, site inspection, etc. Prolinks eEperts ensure specific solutions to specific problems, whether it is a particular shade that needs development, special climatic factors to be provided for, or application factors that have to be maintained.


House painting can be funN It doesn(t have to be the uncertain, costly, time consuming and hassling process you have endured for so long. 7ewis "erger Home Painting takes the pain out of painting and is a complete painting service. Including professional help on which products are to be used, qualified and eEperienced painters and material delivery, clean up and supervision. topped off with a warranty on the work done by us. ll this is

So%e Co%%on ho%e paintin' prob$e%s you %i'ht encounter

"udgeting % The "iggest stumbling block of them allN How much paint do you need to buyP =hat about the primer, putty, finish and accessoriesP 9iguring out what kind of surface preparation you need for your walls. This differs for previously painted surfaces and surfaces which have never been 8hoosing the right color combination % whether you(re starting from scratch or whether you(re just choosing shades to match a favorite cushion or a painting, you need to be sure that you(ve got the perfect colour combination. =hat colors will you pick for which room P )emember color can shrink a room or make it look larger. It can set the mood for your home.

How many painters will you need P =hich contractor should you go through and where will you find a reliable man who will make sure that your painters will do the job on time P =ho will back up the job quality P =ho will shift your furniture and clean up after the job is over P

5hat does (e)is "er'er

o%e Paintin' do 8

The easiest way to paint your home is to entrust the job to 7ewis "erger Home Painting, because & Lou get the benefit of eEperts dealing with each aspect of painting. The job starts with a free home visit to understand the scope of the job. n accurate estimate, provided by 7ewis "erger Home Painting, is the foundation on which each painting job is undertaken. 9or shade selection, you can use the services of our 8olour 8onsultant where available. warranty is also provided to reassure you on the quality of our paints and workmanship. 9rom pre%painting guidance to material sourcing and delivery to post painting clean up, Home 0ecor does everything. "udgeting M product M selectionM tackling defects M shifting furniture. /pecified time frame job completion.

The service started over 52 years ago as a paint and color consultancy service with the name "erger decor /ervice and evolved into a complete painting solution service in 5<<5 named 7ewis "erger Home 0ecor. no%obligation

service, it is manned by professional teams who will guide you on the aesthetic and functional aspects of color and ensure hassle free painting for consumers.

The latest service offering from "erger Paints, Illusions provides you with designer finishes for your walls allowing you to transform your walls into fashion statments.

Illusions is effectively designer wear for your walls, giving you multi chrome finishes in a number of designs to match your decor or even define itN3 The design shade combinations allows for 3<<(s of combinations allowing you to personali;e your walls.


7ewis "erger 8olor "ank brings you new generation paint technology and a brand new way to buy it. 8hoose from an astounding range of 2<<< Q shades % pale to deep, bright to subdued % freshly miEed for you, in minutes right before your eyes. Innovative paint technology at its finest, 7ewis "erger 8olor "ank is based on computeri;ed paint technology. 9ormulated with the highest quality ingredients and superior eco friendly .C resistant organic colorants, the shades are miEed in a state of the art computeri;ed machine that dispenses colorants with absolute accuracy to base paints. through shake in a gyroshaker ensures that the colorants

are uniformly miEed to gbet the eEact shade of your choice. 7ewis "erger color "ank outlets are locted countrywide. 7ewis "erger currently has a network of over 52<< such counters. 0rop in to the nearest you and eEperience the new way to shop for paints. 8osmic from 7ewis "erger 8olor "ank now gives you the opportunity to paint your home, 9eng /hui style. 9eng /hui is the 8hinese practice of living inharmony with nature. The elements of nature, which govern life, can be activated through specific colours. ttracting good things like fame, fortune,

knowledge, and success and more in your life. The octagon shown inside indicates

the designated position and signifiance of each elements and colours that activiate them. ccording to the 9eng shui, colours are great source of help in improving one(s own life. )ed spells fame in your life. It stands for recognition and longevity. Lellow is the color of marriage and good relationship. It also signifies good health. =hite represente prosperity of children. It is considered to be the colour of purity and innocence. :rey spells travel and foreign trade. It also symboli;es helpful friends. "lack spells success in business M career. It represents money and confers powers. "lueMTurquoise signifies knowledge and scholarly success. It activates inner peace and spiritual understanding. :reen is the colour of growth, one that promotes good health, peace and tranquility in yourr family life. Purple signifies wealth and fortune.

T E CO(OR 5 EE( 1
Lou coordinate colors everyday when youdecide what to wear. /o when it comes to choosing colors for your home why leave it to someone else P fter all

you can best decide what suits you. Trust yourself and remember our basics when you plan. Lou can use the 8olor =heel -which has been used by artists and eEperts for years4 to help you fiE on your color sheme. The color wheel shows how each color of the spectrum relates to every otherD starting from dark -at the center4 and spreading out to light -at the permeter4. Lou can choose from four basic types of color schemes.

/onochro%atic 1
=here one color is dominat, and tints and shades of this color are used to create combinations.

Ana$o'ous 1
=here colors that are adjacent or at least close to one and other on the color =heel are used to create combinations.

Triadic 1
=here a set of three colors more or less equidistant on the wheel are used in combination.

Co%p$e%ntary 1
=here colors that are diametrically opposite on the wheel are used in combinations.

Co$or Pa$ette 1
@ach color evokes a particular emotion. "rowse through this section and enjoy giving your space its own distinctive look.

"$ues 1
/hades of blue can be used for a restful or a bold effect. Pale blue has a calming effect and gives space to a room. darker blue will draw things closer

and add depth. "lue teams up smartly with browns and whites. /o neEt to a wooden bookself, it builds up a striking corner.

hites 5 1
There is nothing that reflects natural light better than white. /now white walls and cabinets make a room sparkle. =ood and metal contrast with white and

this highlights furnishing. The best is that in a stark white room, you can splash any colors of your choice on the curtains and lines.

.e$$o)s 1
Lellow is a hppy color % it gives a lift to black and white. It merges effortlessly with pastels, warms to red, and makes wood glow. )ich gold(s are elegant and used for traditional settins while darker yellows are quieter and cut glare. 0ark yellow terms up best with white and contrasts well with green, blue, and brown.

2reens 1
:reen is perfect background for any other color of your choice. .se a bluish green to cool off a room that is too bright or warm a cold room with a yellow that learn towards green. =hatever you choose, you will get summertime warmth in winter and grassy coolness in summer.

Pin*s 1
Pinks are delicate and soft. They blend wonderfully with grays, browns and sharp blues. "ecause pink is essentially a pastel, it should be used with a stronger color to highlight its pleasant tone. .sed in a party room, pink suggests gaiety.

"ro)ns 1
)emember wood is a color. @arthy and comfortable, brown ranges from the palest of cream beiges to the deepest of chocolate brown. "ecause any brown tone is essentially warm, cool colors should be used accents. .

Red 1
)ed is warm and welcoming. Too much red can distract so it should be used with care infamily rooms. splash of red on a wall or a fireplace or a rug

creates a dramatic effect. /elect a fabric with a cool background color like gray, blue, or green and a dominant red in the pattern. .se only one pattern throughout the room and balance the red there with your accessories. If yours is too warm a room, try the pale purple violet family in large areas.

2rey 1
:rey is cool and contemporary. Pale grey pushes walls away to create space. Carying in range from a light to medium value, grey is an elegant neutral value for all furnishing. If you like stark contrasts, set off grey against bright tones, whites and blacks. To get a blended background, warm grey with blue, brown, or yellow depending on your color choice.

Co%bine or Contrast 1
8ombining, or contrasting colours can be the point of departure that gives an interior its individuality, a personality of its own. 8ombine white with beige the

result is glowing sophistication. 8ontrast red or black with white % the result is stark, bright and stylish.

!AAST5hat is !aastu 8
Caastu is a profound science of structures, which was in vogue thousands of years ago. The word Casstu means (dwelling(. In the modern conteEt it covers all buildings irrespective of their use like residences, industries, business establishments, lodges, hotels etc.

Caastu /astra or the science of Caastu is the guidelines given by the /upreme "eing. It tells us how to avoid disappointments, diseases and disasters by living in structures, which allow a positive cosmic field to be present in the dwelling.

Re$evance of Co$ors in !aastu 1

Ro$e of Co$ors6666666
8olors render an effect on the viewers in different ways. 8rimson or )ed is the color of aggression, passion, celebration and joy. "lue indicates spiritual growth and infinity. :reen symboli;es vitality and prosperity. Lellow indicates spiritual awakening, birth and growth.

"lack indicates austerity and penance. =hite indicates purity and piety.

For your $ivin' roo% 6666

8olors can set the mood of your living room they can be either inviting or irritating. 8olors have psychological effects on people and their moods. If you want your living area to be warm and inviting, use shades of :old as it is one of the warmest and most relaEing colors. =hatever color you pick for the color of your walls, make your carpets and furniture coordinated.

For other roo%s6666

The bedroom is a very private room, where an individual(s taste and preference in colors is very apparent. child(s bedroom would be far different

from the parent(s room. The parents room would have more pastel colors to go with softer furnishings % while the child is more likely to have bright shades on the wall to go with bright posters, quite likely loud music, television and computer.

For your Factory 66666

The following color schemes can also improve the Caastu characteristics of a factory & 0ark and :ray colors are recommended for the /outh =est Gone. )ed or Pink for the /outhest Gone

:lossy =hite M Lellow for the ?ortheast "lue or :reen for the ?orth =est.

FEN2 S -I 1
9engshui is a 8hinese version of Caastu. 9engshui is reportedly B<<< years old. /ome historians believe that it was born in +<< .0. Originally it was

practiced by the @mperors and members of the )oyal 9amilies.

The word feng shui which is normally pronounced as (9oong( means (=ind( and (/hui( is pronounced as (/hway( and means (=ater(.

s per feng shui, there are three components on which universe is made of. @very living being, every plant and every object is supposed to represent one of the three. These are the Lin. Lang and 8hi. Lang is male in nature where as Lin is female in nature. "asically Lin and Lang are two forces, which are responsible in creation and sustenance of all living, and non living objects on earth. 8hi is the force, which is produced due to the interaction of Lin and Lang. The understanding of Lin, Lang and 8hi is essential to understand the concept of feng shui where Lin and Lang are in balance, 8hi is also balanced. There is no plant, animal or object, which cannot be classified under Lin and Lang. yin and Lang Interaction brings about energy, alertness, health, strength as well as sound sleep and relaEation.

The Fen' Shui theory for usin' co$ors6

ccording to 9eng /hui everycolor has a unique frequency and the objective is to bring them all into balance with each other and all other energies in the environment. .se the colors of the five creative elements in 9eng /hui, which would be :reen -wood4, )ed -fire4, Lellow -earth4, =hite -metal4, "lack -water4. ccording to this theory you would incorporate one of each of these colors in each room. This could be in the form of a pciture frame, rug, bedcover, wall color etc. Pay attention to theeEterior colors also. If you had a maroon roof, maroon siding, maroon trim, maroon door your house would not be in good color balance. The solution in this case would be to paint the trim in another color and them the front door could be painted another contrasting color.

T E A(( "ER2ER (OO7
In 0ecorative Paints "erger has paints and paints system for every application $ interior , eEteriorR every surface, concrete, plaster, metal and wood$as well as special applications like water storage etc. "erger acrylic brands like 7uEol /ilk and )angoli for interiors and =eathercoat for eEteriors are quality leaders in technology and represent decor statements that redefined the premium category. 7uEol Hi$:loss is the national hallmark for eEcellence in paint enamel. In addition to these premium trendsetters, "erger offers paint users other attractive options across the price spectrum in every category $ thus enabling buyers to make the choices most appropriate to their budget always with the "erger assurance of the best quality for the price.

This code is applicable to all 0irectors and employees of the company. This is in addition to the code framed under /@"I -Prohibition of Insider Trading )egulation4, 3665 and all other applicable policies, procedures as well as the eEisting rules and regulations applicable to the 8ompany. This code applies to all places where the 8ompanySs business is conducted.

Standards of Conduct
The 8ompany eEpects all 0irectors, employees, agents and contractors to take steps for furthering safety and welfare of citi;ens and for ensuring a cooperative, efficient, positive, harmonious and productive work environment.

Those who neglect or willfully breach this 8ode may be subject to corrective action, which may include termination.

Shareho$der !a$ue
The 0irectors and employees of the 8ompany shall be fully committed to enhancing shareholder value and net worth. @very member of the "oard and employees shall take adequate steps and measures that would have been taken by a man of ordinary prudence towards achieving this objective. 8onflict of Interest The 0irectors and employees shall not participate in the decision making process in respect of any subject matter where there is a conflict of interest between the interest of the company and the personal interest of such persons. The 0irectors and employees shall also not participate in taking decisions in respect of any matter or transaction involving an organisation, firm or a person in which case such 0irectors or employees may be deemed to be interested. :ifts The 0irectors and employees shall not accept any gift, hospitality or material benefits from any agent M contractorsM vendors or other parties with whom the company has a business relationship . :ifts customarily given on special occasions like ?ew Lear, 0iwali, Pujas, 8hristmas, etc., not eEpensive in value or distributed generally and openly at ceremonies and a business lunch or dinner shall not come under purview of this 8lause. Participation by employees in general customer meets, seminars, conferences organi;ed by business partners under an open invitation will also not fall under the purview of this clause.

"usiness opportunity
The 0irectors and employees shall not take advantage of any business opportunity belonging to the 8ompany and known to them to be so belonging.

Ti%e and Attention

The whole$time 0irectors and employees shall devote full time and attention to the affairs of the 8ompany and shall not engage in any other profession or calling which impairs their ability to do so.

0irectors and employees shall function so as to ensure that the 8ompany preserves its reputation in the market, supplies quality products and valued services to the customers, both internal and eEternal and will continuously work towards enhancement of the 8ompanySs goodwill.

#isse%ination of Infor%ation
0irectors and employees shall ensure that all information which is made available by the company to the public, is correct, and is free from ambiguity. Information related to the 8ompany and not in the public domain will be generally treated as confidential. 8onfidential information will be deemed to be a valuable asset and shall be treated as such by all employees and 0irectors. The company shall be entitled to take all such steps as may be required to prevent any unauthorised disclosure of information.

@very employee shall be personally responsible for the 8ompany funds over which he or she eEercises control. 8ompany funds must be used only for 8ompany purposes. @very employee will ensure that he or she and the 8ompanySs agents and contrctors take all reasonable steps such that the 8ompany receives value for the 8ompany funds and accurate and timely record of each and every eEpenditure is kept.

@very employee shall take necessary steps to preserve records as may be necessitated by law and the 8ompanySs business. )ecords include written documents. 80Ss, computer hard disks, email, floppy disks, microfilm, microfiche and all other media.

Co%p$iance )ith (a)s

The 0irectors and employees shall take steps to ensure that the 8ompany complies with applicable laws, regulations, rules and regulatory orders. They will also seek such compliance from the 8ompanySs contractors and agents. ll employees shall comply with applicable laws in India and non$compliance will render them susceptible to action by the 8ompany.

-ti$isation of Assets
The 0irectors and employees shall ensure that the assets of the 8ompany are utilised in the best interest of the 8ompany and not for their personal benefit unless specifically allocated for such purpose.

?on$discrimination & ll other factors being equal, 0irectors and employees shall not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, colour, creed, seE, disability or material status. ny form of

seEual harassment is prohibited. 8omplaints of seEual harassment will be investigated and action taken against offending persons. "enefits ?o 0irector or employee shall derive any undue benefit from the 8ompany which would not be otherwise available to him or her in the course of the 8ompanySs business.

3. ll the present 0irectors and employees of the 8ompany shall be deemed to have accepted this 8ode from *3 0ecember 5<<2. ll other persons who may

become 0irectors and employees shall be deemed to have accepted the code from the date when they become 0irector or employee of the 8ompany. 5. The 8ompany /ecretary shall be the compliance officer for the purpose of this code. *. ll 0irectors and #anager will have to make an annual affirmation of the 8ode. ny person aware of violation of the 8ode may lodge a written complaint with the 8ompliance Officer. B. The 8ompany may suo moto undertake internal investigation or enquiry in respect of a suspected breach of the 8ode. 2. This code may be amended by the "road of 0irectors of the 8ompany.

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