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Daniels 1 Khyne Daniels Miss E.

ENGL 1101-062 Multi-Genre Project: The Choice The multi-genre project that I will be displaying is on the topic of how a Barack Obama ad during the 2012 election can be manipulated to appeal to three different audiences. Through this project I plan to show how subliminal messages are sent through ads. Everyone who watches television comes in contact with political ads and are influenced by them unconsciously. If I convince my audience to be more knowledgeable of the tactics that are involved in ads and the psychological aspects behind them, then I will change their perceptions. Not all ads are negative; some have positive messages. Within my project I will show the truth behind The Choice. In The Choice ad broadcasted by the Obama Campaign, there are several messages that can be seen as encouraging. Throughout the ad, President Obama use short phrases that represent change and power that the voters want in the American government. The only way to reach this is through the voters going out and voting for a political candidate that will make these things happen. Voters have to vote for the candidate they believe is going to run the country the best. My reasoning for choosing this ad would have to be because it is something that is easy to work with. Anything dealing with political officials is always filled with buried messages and tactics influence the public to do whatever it is that is being broadcasted. My first genre piece fell under the print media category. Within this editorial I discussed my political views and how I was affected by the election of President Obama in 2008. I started with a distinct memory of mine. Traveling to Washington DC on a bus sponsored by the Obama Campaign from North Carolina. It was an experience that could not compare to any other. I

Daniels 2 described the event in great detail to give the reader a mental picture of what I was going through. After transitioning to the re-election campaign I saw that it was going to be a difficult race for President Obama. Without some powerful ads to persuade voters to vote and change their country he would not have a chance. Editorials are supposed to be opinion based so I included how I felt the election was going to go and what I thought was going to be the best approach for the President to win. Using an editorial as a way to show the message of how after seeing The Choice ad influenced me to want to convince others to vote was something I feel that was effective. The visual promotion with some words that I created was a bumper sticker. Bumper stickers are used everywhere to display countless different messages. They are cheap to make and creative and the designer that is making them. Seeing this as an option I knew that it would be something simple to do so I jumped on the opportunity. I researched a few samples and templates that would be easy for me to work with. Taking the ad I had already selected it was not challenging to come up with a phrase to go onto this bumper sticker. The target audiences I was going for using the bumper sticker was the 18-21 aged voters who are pursued by catch saying and bright colors. I had unlimited choices on what to do and what to say on this bumper sticker but I chose a design and color combination that went along with the campaign so that it would spark a connection in the mind of whoever saw it to recall President Obama whenever the question came up of who they would be voting for. Being able to broadcast a bumper sticker is also an advantage of using it. The last most difficult genre to work with was a pro/con list. Although this is something that can vary in quantity of things, it has to be convincing when be presented to others. After several hours of research I composed a list of diverse things. Choosing a simple design showed

Daniels 3 people that President Obama is not filled with excess fluff but only things that count. That adds to the idea of being straightforward and to the point. From the ad, I had to choose to target the experienced voters 30+ years old because facts are key in convincing them that President Obama is the best candidate. The President of the United States is the commander and chief of the country. From the Barack Obama ad The Choice he is the best candidate for the job. I have back this in three different genres that appear to three different targeted audiences. Each genre had its own obstacles when working with it. I have learned that the first things while working with a genre is to find out who the target audience is that you are trying to address and then choose words and images that will appeal to them. The editorial appealed to those who read blogs and the newspaper, the bumper stick was targeted towards the 18-21 year old voters who are new to the voting process, and lastly the pro/con list was aimed at the mature voters of 30+ years. Each genre grabs the attention of the audience and persuades them to want to be Barack Obama supporters in the next election.

Daniels 4

Youthful, Idealistic Civil Rights for LGBTs community Roots that can relate to the working man

Inexperience with foreign policy Fighting battles that he cannot win (racism, ignorance, bias) Not being willing to compromise, Affordable Health Care Act Economy is not perfect, National debt ceiling is high Not given respect in the media as President referred to as Obama

Charismatic, Saved Auto Industry, Ended combat mission in Iraq, Universal Health Care, Prevent Another Depression Well Verse (Communicate with anyone regardless of ethnic or economical background) Multi-racial, Oversaw the death of Osama bin Laden, Economy is better than what it was

Daniels 5

Daniels 6

Probama or Nobama?
By: Khyne Daniels When it comes to a presidential candidate we all have the choice to choose whom we would like to run this lovely United States that we live in. For the past two terms, overall the country has select Barrack Obama to be in the oval office. Throughout his presidency people have criticized him and his supporters but the strong willed probama enthusiasts continue to side with him no matter what. He has brought hope to the people that believe in him and the policies he has put into place for the country. I was lucky enough to travel to Washington, DC in January of 2009 to witness the first inauguration of an African American president in history. I stood directly in front of the Washington monument and watched from a distance history being made. President Obama broke down every barrier set by society. By taking that oath into an unknown world he brought truth to times when an African American parent would say to their child, You can be the president of the United States if you put your mind to it. Saying this with a straight face, but in their mind it would never become a reality. Many doubters thought that an African American would never accomplish such a great task. I am so thankful I was able to witness this event. Now the time has come again for re-election and question rises again, what should you do? Who should you vote for? Personally I feel that with the cards that President Obama were dealt, he has done a fair job with his presidency and deserves a second chance. Killing Osama bin Laden, lowering the unemployment, universal health care for the country, and many other worthy things. The choice is yours; will you be Probama or Nobama?

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