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81.9 percent of babies aborted in New York City and 63.7 percent of babies aborted in Texas were Black or Hispanic !

We have pulled back the veil on the abortion cartel. The numbers make it clear that abortion is about eugenics, the African-American and Hispanic communities have been targeted and logic makes it clear that this did not happen coincidentally or unintentionally. ~ Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics A new report published by the CDC has confirmed everything Life Dynamics, Inc. a national pro-life organization located in Denton, Texas has been saying about abortion, that it is based on eugenics. The CDC Abortion Surveillance Report dated November 29, 2013 reveals that in 2010, 56.7% of abortions reported to the CDC nationwide were done on Hispanic and Black women.

According to the CDC Abortion Surveillance Report there were 415,479 abortions for known ethnicity reported for selected states in 2010. 153,045 (or 36.8 percent) were non-Hispanic white babies, 148,261 (or 35.7 percent) were non-Hispanic black babies, 87,240 (or 21.0 percent) were Hispanic babies, and 26,933 (or 6.5 percent) were babies of other races or ethnicities. Life Dynamics points out that this eugenic targeting of minorities with abortion seems consistent statewide as well. The report reveals that a majority of Black or Hispanic babies were aborted in New Jersey (55.9 percent), the District of Columbia (64.8 percent) and Georgia (73.2 percent). In New York City alone 81.9 percent of the babies aborted were Black or Hispanic while in the state of Texas 63.7 percent were Black or Hispanic an increase from 2009.



Mark Crutcher, president of Life Dynamics, responds, This confirms what we have said all along, that abortion is not about womans rights or reproductive freedom it is simply about eugenics. We not only documented the eugenic targeting of minorities in our film, Maafa21 but also in a report we published in 2011. Research we produced for our report, Racial Profiling by Planned Parenthood and the American Abortion Lobby, clearly shows that a majority of family planning centers market abortion to minorities by locating their centers in minority communities.

Crutcher continues, Maafa21 cites a study conducted by three American university researchers into the criteria used to decide the placement of U.S. population control facilities. Their finding was that the primary consideration in making this determination is not poverty but the percentage of blacks in the area. Historically, the population control movements eugenic efforts have been primarily focused on the African-American community and that was the underlying theme of Maafa 21. In our most recent research, however, we have seen unmistakable evidence that the family planning establishment is also ratcheting up its efforts to deal with the Hispanic population. Life Dynamics identified 116 ZIP codes nationwide with more than one population control facility. Of those, 84 were disproportionately black and/or Hispanic. In Texas alone, 94 zip codes showed either an abortion facility or a Planned Parenthood abortion-referral clinic located there and 72 percent of the zip codes have populations that are disproportionately black and/or Hispanic.

Here is what we found for New York:

Here is what we found for Texas:

The report also found multiple abortion centers in many superminority populated areas. The New Jersey zip code 07631 has a black population 286.7% of the states overall percentage and a

Hispanic population 163.9% of the state, and that zip code has four abortion or abortion-referral centers. Minnesota zip code 55404 has a black population that is 797.1% of the overall state percentage and a Hispanic population 537.9% of the state and there are three population control centers there. In Connecticut a state thoroughly dissimilar from Texas in size, culture and geography there are 21 zip codes where abortion centers or Planned Parenthood abortion-referral clinics are located and 15 of them have disproportionately black and/or Hispanic populations. Crutcher summarizes, What this means is that, when the American family planning industry places multiple facilities in a ZIP code, that ZIP code is more than two-and-a-half times as likely to be disproportionately minority as not. What we now know and have documented is that there is not one state in the union without population control centers located in ZIP codes with higher percentages of blacks and/or Hispanics than the states overall percentage. In fact, Hawaii is the only state that does not have facilities located in ZIP codes exceeding 125% of their overall percentage. Not only is this racial targeting widespread, its scale is often enormous. We found 42 states with family planning facilities in ZIP codes where the black and/or Hispanic populations exceeds 200% of the states overall percentage. More telling is that these percentages routinely go far beyond even this level. Numerous states have facilities in ZIP codes that range from 250% to well over 1,000% and it is not uncommon for them to have facilities located in many such ZIP codes. We have pulled back the veil on the abortion cartel. The numbers make it clear that abortion is about eugenics, the African-American and Hispanic communities have been targeted and logic makes it clear that this did not happen coincidentally or unintentionally. Crutcher concluded.

#### For an interview call the office at (940) 380-8800

About Life Dynamics: Mark Crutchers Bio Download the Racial Targeting Report here You can view the trailer or watch Maafa21 here

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