SRP Booklet 2011

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nanosystemsinitiative initiative munich nanosystems munich

NIM Summer Research Program

July 1 August 31, 2011

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Welcome to the NIM Summer Research Program 2011

Opening and Closing Workshops Notice of Events 3 9 19

Contact Details - Participants

NIM Offices and Emergency Contact 22

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NIM Summer Research Program 2011

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Opening Workshop
July 5, 2011 9:30 12:00 a.m. The Opening Workshop will be held at the Ludwig-MaximiliansUniversitt Mnchen, old Physics building N, 1st floor, room 110.

Access via Schellingstrae Subway Station: Line U3 and U6, Universitt


NIM Summer Research Program 2011

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Opening Workshop - Program

9:30 9:45

Welcoming and Introduction by Prof. Lukas Schmidt-Mende 9:45 12:00 Poster Session: Presentation of all SRP Projects from 12:15 15:00 Informal Lunch at Restaurant Atzinger at Schellingstrae 9 Sightseeing Tour through Munich by Bus: Please meet for the sightseeing tour at Geschwister-Scholl-Platz, in front of the Main Entrance of the University





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NIM Summer Research Program 2011

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Closing Workshop
August 26, 2011 9:00 12:00 a.m. The Closing Workshop will be at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt, old Physics building N, 1st floor, room 110 (as Opening Workshop). Please note that while the research mentors are introducing the research projects at the Opening Workshop, you will be expected to present the results of your projects at the Closing Workshop. You will receive detailed information on the event at a later date.


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Informal Meetings
with Silke Mayerl for all interested students: When: Thursday, July 7, 8:00 p.m. Thursday, August 11, 8:00 p.m.


Restaurant Tribhne, Christoph-Probst-Str. 14 Subway Station: Studentenstadt


Getting to know each other, organisational concerns and informal feedback.

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NIM Summer Research Program 2011

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Excursions / Extracurricular Activities

organized by the Munich International Summer University (MISU) Trip to Berlin, Bundestag (German Parliament) Meeting Point: Departure in Munich: Departure in Berlin: Program: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen / Main Building / Main en- trance (as for the sightseeing tour) Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 Saturday, July 2, 7:00 a.m. Monday, July 4, 4:00 p.m. City Tour Berlin Visit to German Bundestag (Parliament)

Trip to castle Neuschwanstein Meeting Point: Departure: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen / Main Building / Main en trance (as for the sightseeing tour) Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1


Saturday, July 9, 9:00 a.m.


Castle Neuschwanstein Church Wieskirche

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Trip to Salzburg, Austria Meeting Point: Departure: Program: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen / Main Building / Main en- trance (as for the sightseeing tour) Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1 Saturday, July 16, 8:30 a.m. City Tour Salzburg

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NIM Summer Research Program 2011

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Notice of Events
Joint Colloquium of CeNS and the Physics Department (LMU)
The CeNS Colloquium (Center for NanoScience, LMU) aims at fostering the interdisciplinary education of the members from CeNS. Internationally renowned speakers as well as researchers from CeNS give an introduction into their research field and present their latest discoveries. The Colloquium takes place on Fridays during the semester from 3:15 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.. The session starts at 3:15 p.m. with coffee and cookies; the lecture starts at 3:30 p.m. in general.

Date July 1

July 8

Speaker University Title Prof. David Optoelec- Molecules Cahen tronic and Solar Materials Cells - LiGroup, mits and Weizmann OpportuniInsitute of ties Science, Rehovot, Israel Prof. Tanja Institute t.b.a. Weil for Organic Chemistry, University of Ulm

Location Adolf-vonBaeyer lecture hall, Butenandtstr. 5-13, Campus Grohadern

Small Physics lecture hall (Kleiner Physik-Hrsaal), Faculty of Physics, LMU


NIM Summer Research Program 2011

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Date Speaker July 15 PD Dr. Leonhard Grill

University Title Departt.b.a. ment of Physical Chemistry, Fritz Haber Institute Berlin July 22 Various CeNS people meets Infrom indusdustry try

Location Adolf-vonBaeyer lecture hall, Butenandtstr. 5-13, Campus Grohadern Small Physics lecture hall (Kleiner Physik-Hrsaal), Faculty of physics, LMU Small Physics lecture hall (Kleiner Physik-Hrsaal), Faculty of physics, LMU

July 29 Prof. Carsten Beta

Institute t.b.a. for Physics and Astronomy

For further information please visit

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IDK-NBT Lecture Series on NanoBioTechnology

The lectures series aims to give an introduction to the different research areas within NanoBioTechnology. The lectures are given by scientists from CeNS and NIM. The lectures take place from 2:00 p.m. 3:00 p.m. and are followed by the CeNS Colloquium. Date / Time July 1 Speaker Prof. Dr. Matthias Weiss Prof. Joachim Rdler University University of Bayreuth LMU Munich Title t.b.a. Location Garching

July 15


Campus Grohadern

For further information please visit


NIM Summer Research Program 2011

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NIM Summer Research

Simonas Krotkus, Lithuania

Jude Safo, USA

Petra Sabljic, Croatia Arturo Castro Nava, Mexico

Diana Car, Croatia

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esearch Program 2011

nanosystemsinitiative initiative munich nanosystems munich

Simonas Krotkus, Lithuania Natalya Solovyeva, Russia

Martiros Khurshudyan, Armenia

Diana Car, Croatia

Harun Basoglu, Turkey

Derya Erdem, Turkey

Lance OHari P. Go Philippines

Elliard Roswell S. Yanza, Philippines

Luv Gupta, India

Aiswarya R. Pillai, India

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Munich Physics Colloquium

(shared by TUM and LMU)
Date Speaker / Time July 4 Prof.Markus Grei17:15 ner University Title Location

Department of Physics, Harvard University

Quantum Magnetism with Ultracold Atoms A Microscopic View on Artificial Quantum Matter The Laws of Neurophysics: Insight from the Electric Sense

Lecture hall H 030 (former E7), Faculty of Physics, LMU, Schellingstr. 4 Lecture hall 2, Physics Department, TUM Garching

July 11 17:15

Andre Longtin

July 18 17:15

Ulrich Schwarz

Physics Department and Center for Neural Dynamics, University of Ottawa Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Heidelberg Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow

Force generation by cells and tissues


July 25 17:15

Prof. Sergey Nikitov

Lecture hall H 030 (former E7), Faculty for Physics, LMU, Schellingstr. 4 Magnonic CrysLecture hall tals and Magnetic 2, Physics Metamaterials Department, Based on Magne- TUM Gartic Films New ching Types of Magnetic Functional Materials: Overview and Perspectives

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For further information please visit

Sommerfeld Theory Colloquium

Date / Time July 13 16:15 Speaker Prof. Joel E. Moore University Title Berkeley Novel ToUniversity, pologically USA Ordered Phases of Condensed Matter Princeton ApplicaUniversity, tion of USA Reflection Positivity: Graphene and Other Examples Location Room A 348/349, Faculty of Physics, LMU, Theresienstr. 37, Munich

July 14 16:00

Prof. Elliot Lieb

Room A 348/349, Faculty of Physics, LMU, Theresienstr. 37, Munich

For further information please visit quium


NIM Summer Research Program 2011

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LMU Faculty for Chemistry and Pharmacy: Lectures and Seminars

Date / Speaker Time July 4 Prof. Christo17:15 pher J. Schofield, University Title Department of Chemistry, University of Oxfort Location Colloquium Organic Chemistry, Adolf-von-Baeyer lecture hall, Butenandtstr. 5-13, Campus Grohadern Adolf-von-Baeyer lecture hall, Butenandtstr. 5-13, Campus Grohadern Adolf-von-Baeyer-lecture hall, Butenandtstr. 5-13, Campus Grohadern Adolf-von-Baeyer lecture hall, Butenandtstr. 5-13, Campus Grohadern

July 12 17:15

July 14 17:15


July 25 17:15

Molecular mechanisms of oxygen sensing in humans and other animals Prof. Frank Insitute for Functional Wrthner Organic NanosysChemistry, tems based University on Dye Agof Wrzgregates burg Prof. Niko- University Polyanions laus Korof Regens- of Group ber burg 14 and 15 Elements in Liquid Ammonia Prof. Yos- DepartEntropyhihisa In- ment of Controlled oue Applied Chiral Chemistry, PhotocheOsaka mistry University

The above is only a selection; for further information please visit

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Augsburg University: Physics Colloquium

Date / Time July 13 10:15 Speaker University Babette Dbrich Title Location Lecture Hall, 1003 in the Hrsaalzentrum Physik, Universittsstrae 1

FriedrichShedding Schillerlight on the University of vacuum Jena

The above is only a selection; for further information please visit


NIM Summer Research Program 2011

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Summer Party of the Munich International Summer University (MISU)

All students and mentors participating at the Munich Summer University are invited to join the MISU Summer Party: When: Where: Tuesday, August 2, 6:00 p.m. Geschwister-Scholl-Platz 1, Eulenhof

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Contact Details
List of Participants and Research Mentors
Name and Contact of participant: Lance OHari P.Go Project: Research Mentor:

Nanostructured so- Florian Auras lid-state solar cells Ateneo de Malila florian.auras@cup. University, Philippi- Campus nes dern Phone: 77616 Arturo Castro Nava Flow behavior of Benni Eggart Native and ChemiNational Autonocally Modified Red benjamin.eggart@ mous University of Blood Cells in Miphysik.uniMexico crofuidic Channels nasarturo@gmail. com Petra Sabljic University of Zagreb, Croatia University of Augsburg Synthesis and assembly of oxide semiconductor nanoparticles Phone: 0821-5983225 Hans Feckl hans.feckl@cup. Phone: 089-218077616 Florian Brandl florian.brandl@ Phone: 089-28912739

sabljic.petra@gmail. Campus Grohacom dern Jude Safo Transport in suspended ferromaStony Brook Univer- gnets in thermal sity, USA gradients jude.safo@gmail. com Campus Garching


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Name and Contact of participant: Aiswarya Radhakrishnan Pillai Kerala University, India Elliard Roswell Sim Yanza


Research Mentor:

Functionalization Felix Buth of electrolyte-gated felix.Buth@wsi. organic thin-film sensors Campus Garching Phone: 089-28912739

Hybrid solar cells Norma Minar made of nanostrucnorma.minar@cup. tured titania and Ateneo de Malila conjugated polyUniversity, Philippi- mers Phone: 089-2180nes 77616 Campus Grohamailbox@elliyan. dern com Simonas Krotkus Well-defined and Claudia Palumbini nanostructured Vilnius University, heterojunctions for claudia.palumbini Lithuania @physik.unifully organic solar cells via imprinting skrotkus@gmail. com Phone: 089-2180Munich Campus 2149 Natalya Solovyeva Characterisation of Kulpreet Singh 2-dimensional naVirdi Moscow State Insnostructures using titute of Electronic transmission elect- kulpreet.virdi@ Technology, Russia ron microscopy and cup.uni-muenadvanced spectro- typhoon@gmail. scopic techniques com Phone: 089-218077505 Campus Grohadern 20 NIM Summer Research Program 2011
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Name and Contact of participant: Martiros Khurshudyan Yerevan State University, Armenia

Project: Nanothermodynamics (Theoretical Physics) Quantum fluctuation theorems

Research Mentor: Obinna Abah abahobinna@ Phone: 0821-5983298 Andreas Wisnet andreas.wisnet@ Phone: 089-218077569 Prof. Christian Plank Phone: 089-41404453 Prof. Christian Plank Phone: 089-41404453

University of Augsburg Derya Erdem Transmission Electron Microskopy Middle East Techni- (TEM) analysis of cal University, Annanostructures kara, Turkey Campus dern Harun Basoglu Adnan Menderes University, Aidyn, Turkey hbasoglu@gmail. com Luv Gupta University hospital Rechts der Isar Institute for experimental oncology and therapy research University hospital Rechts der Isar

Indian Institute of Technology Gandhi- Institute for expenagar, India rimental oncology and therapy search


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Locations of the NIM Summer Research Program

Universitt Augsburg Physics Department
Universittsstr. 1, 86159 Augsburg

Technical University Munich (TUM) Physics Department

James-Franck-Strae, 85748 Garching

University Augsburg

Campus Garching
Erding Dachau

Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU) Frstenfeldbruck Dep. of Chemistry and Pharmacy

Butenandtstr. 11, 81377 Munich

Campus Munich Campus Grohadern

Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich (LMU) Physics Department


Schellingstrae 4, 80799 Munich

How to find the NIM Administration Offices

The address is Faculty of Physics, Schellingstrae 4, 5th floor: Silke Mayerl Room 518 (working hours 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.) Tel.: +49 (0)89 2180 3383 Mobile: +49 (0)1717181440

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Please be aware that statutory accident insurance applies only while you are staying on LMU premises. It does not cover you while travelling to and from the University on a daily basis. It does also not cover you during the social outings; your participation is at your own risk. We therefore strongly recommend you take out a separate personal accident insurance for your stay here in case you have not already done so. Please also note that during your stay in Munich you will need to be covered by a German-approved health insurance. For participants from countries of the European Union as well as students with health insurance valid in Germany, it is recommended that you bring your EHIC (European Health Insurance Card) with you.

In urgent cases or emergencies

In urgent cases please contact Silke Mayerl on mobile tel.: +49 (0) 171-7181440.


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CLUSTER COORDINATOR Prof. Jochen Feldmann Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen (LMU) DEPUTY COORDINATOR Prof. Friedrich Simmel Technische Universitt Mnchen (TUM) GENERAL MANAGER Dr. Peter Sonntag E-Mail: OUTREACH MANAGER Dr. Birgit Gebauer E-Mail: GENDER EQUALITY Silke Mayerl-Kink E-Mail: MEDIA DESIGN Christoph Hohmann E-Mail: SECRETARY Barbara Pinto E-Mail:

NIM OFFICE ADDRESS Nanosystems Initiative Munich Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen Schellingstrae 4 D-80799 Mnchen / Germany Phone: +49 (0)89 2180 5760 Fax: +49 (0)89 2180 5649 E-Mail:

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