Atlanta Classic 2013

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Atlanta Football Classic Social Media 201 Campaign 3

Atlanta Football Classic 2013

A House Divided

Social Media Campaign
Composed by: Stephen T. Hale Co Marketing Director for HBCUPrideNation,LLC For: Atlanta Football Classic Board of irectors

Atlanta Football Classic Social Media 201 Campaign 3

September !!" #$!%

&reetings" 'ne of the largest Historically Blac( Colleges and )ni*ersity sporting e*ents is +pon +s again" and this time they ha*e bro+ght HBC),ride-ation along for the ride. Since it.s !/0/ inception" the Atlanta Football Classic has gathered al+mni" c+rrent st+dents" and HBC) s+pporters +nder one dome to cheer their fa*orite team to1ards *ictory. 2ith no less than %$"$$$3 attendees e*ery year" The Atlanta Football Classic ser*es as a catalyst for Historically Blac( Colleges and )ni*ersity athletic departments to sho1case their talent. 4nstit+tes s+ch as Florida A5M )ni*ersity" Tennessee State )ni*erstity" So+thern )ni*ersity" So+th Carolina State )ni*ersity and no1 -orth Carolina A5T )ni*ersity has been added to the high profile list. Social Media has replaced traditional methods of mar(eting and cons+mer interaction" 1ith a more readily a*ailable" easliy accesible dissemination method. Since the emergence of T1itter" 4nstagram" FaceBoo( and smart phone applications" b+sinesses are getting their message to their target a+dience 1ith more acc+racy and meas+rable s+ccess6 the Atlanta Football Classic is no e7ception. A c+stomi8ed Social Media campaign has been created for the intent to bring the highly tal(ed abo+t classic to the fingertips of its #!st cent+ry" tech sa**y attendees. The ho+se may be di*ided" b+t the anticipation of the Atlanta Classic is not.

9ind :egards" Stephen T. Hale Co;Mar(eting irector HBC),ride-ation"<<C

Atlanta Football Classic Social Media 201 Campaign 3

The Social Media campaign 1ill r+n for a % 1ee( =#! day> spand" 1hich 1ill be incl+si*e of the follo1ing a*en+es: T1itter =?HBC),ride-ation> 4nsta&ram =?HBC),ride-ation>

Faceboo( =https:@@111.faceboo(.com@HBC),ride-ation> T+mblr>

1st Wave (September 15th -20th) The Atlanta classic already has an acco+nt 1ith T1itter 1ith a little o*er !"!$$ follo1ers. To b+ild +pon the acti*e t1itter acco+nt =?AtlantaClassic> the first 1a*e 1ill concentrate primarily on: o increasing follo1er amo+nt and Social Media presence o :einforcing information sent o+t by the =?AtlantaClassic> acco+nt by the +se of :T.s onto the HBC),ride-ation"<<C acco+nt =?HBC),ride-ation> and it.s affiliated parties o Sending o+t history facts abo+t the Classic and the )ni*ersities in*ol*ed" as 1ell as the !$$ Blac( men of America o :aise a1areness of the Atlanta Football Classic sponsored e*ents 2nd Wave (September 22-27) The second 1a*e is dedicated to cons+mer interaction by competing for game tic(ets" V4, seating" ay ,arty passes" etc. The cons+mer interaction is a (ey element that 1ill promote the anticipation of the Atlanta Football

Atlanta Football Classic Social Media 201 Campaign 3

Classic and their affiliates 1ill see not only great potential profit" b+t the o*er1helming sense of pride and +nity in the &eorgia ome stands on game day. o 4nteracti*e games@contest =1inners 1in a pri8e agreed +pon by the Atlanta Football Classic committee 5 HBC),ride-ation. =i.e gift bas(et" t;shirts" game tic(ets" memorabilia" etc.> o ,osting of media footage from past Atlanta Football Classics =Ao+t+be *ideos" print material> o 4mplementing BHashtags. = CAho+se i*ide" CAtlantaClassic" CBleedBl+e" CSee:ed> and enco+rage those attending the Atlanta Classic to +tili8e these hashtags 1hen posting pict+res" t1eets and other social media post. 3rd Wave (September 29- October 4) The third 1a*e is foc+sed soley on creating a hype aro+nd the Atlanta Football Classic and FU ri*alry bet1een the t1o +ni*ersities. o Dnco+ragment 1ill be e7pressed to both -orth Carolina A5T )ni*ersity and So+th Carolina State )ni*ersity st+dents to Eoin aboard the CAtlantaClassicTrain. o Comm+nicate highlighting the +niF+e histories and notable al+mni of both instit+tes" as 1ell as the !$$ Blac( Men of America and collegiate !$$ chapters located at the )ni*ersities. o ,osting of pict+res and T1eets +sing CAtlantaClassic" CBleedBl+e CSee:ed in their collegiate gear" and@or Atlanta Classic memorabilia. o 4f the )ni*ersities ha*e pep rallys or b+s send a1ays for their athletes" then 1e 1o+ld 1ant li*e co*erage from those e*ents. =pending> !a" o# the event (October 5$ 2013)

Atlanta Football Classic Social Media 201 Campaign 3

D*ents happening on the day of the Atlanta Football Classic 1ill be recorded by o+r A@V director. HBC),ride-ation" <<C 1ill de*elop a high F+ality *ideo sho1casing: o The Atlanta Football Classic ,arade o The athletic e*ent" cro1d participation" half time sho1" and other festi*ites as they occ+r. o The post celebration e*ents =team inter*ie1s" official Atlanta Classic e*ents>

%n &'os(n)*
The contents of this proposed campaign are E+st some of the (ey elements decided +pon to e7ec+te the *ison of The Atlanta Football Classic and its affiliates. By adhearing to the str+ct+red timetable abo*e as 1ell as ta(ing imprompt+ opport+nties as they present themsel*es" s+cces is ine*itable. Altho+gh it 1as not repeatedly typed thro+gho+t this doc+ment" the follo1ing items 1ill be s+pported thro+gho+t the campaign: :eT1eets of t1eets@posting from The Atlanta Classic Acco+nt =?AtlantaClassic> as 1ell as !$$ Blac( Men of America =?!$$Blac(men> Ad*ertisement of official Atlanta Football Classic e*ents 4t is my hope that this proposed campaign has eased yo+r mind abo+t the social media aspect of this highly anticipated e*ent. Than( yo+ for contracting

Atlanta Football Classic Social Media 201 Campaign 3

HBC),ride-ation" <<C to handle yo+r e*ent needs. 2e loo( for1ard to the festi*ities.

Join the legacy. Witness the !"erience.#

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