Karana Usage in Astrology

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Karana Usage in Astrology

Karana Names Karana is half of a Tithi. Here we are interested in the 7 Karana names and their meaning. This could be useful to some. 1. Bava In south india this is also know as Simha karnam (Lion). Anyway the word Bava has nothing to do with Lion. This word originated from the Sanskrit word Vapa, which means testacies, sperm, flush, creativity and so on. So naturally as you could expect this karana is good for all Chara deeds (such as journey, daily duties, business etc) and also for Stira deeds (such as sawing seeds, sexual intercourse, for putting foundation stone, worship, temple creation and so on). 2. Balava In south india this is also known as Puli karanam (Leopard). Anyway the word Balava has nothing to do with leopard. This word originated from the Sanskrit word Vadava, which means brahmin lady, female horse (mare), slave girl, prostitute and so on. The major meaning considered here is Brahmin lady. That is why this karana is good for Yajna, Homa (fire worship), study of Veda, for reading epic and puranas etc. It is good for all kinds of Santi karma. 3. Kaulava In south india this is also known as Panni karanam (Pig/Swine). Anyway the word Kaulava has nothing to do with Pig. This word originated from the Sanskrit word Kulapa or Kudava. Kudava is a kind of measurement vessel (also known as Nazhi in south india). 1 Kudava = 32 Tola. Kula means traditional family. so the word Kaula can refer to anyone who follows a traditional path, or traditional job. For example Kulala is the one who creates mud vessels, and Kaulalam is mud vessel. Kaulika is weaver and is also another name for people who follow the traditional Siva-Sakta tantric path of worship. Also remember the word Kaul, popular especially among Kashmiri pundits essentially pointing to Kaulachara (Kaula system of siva-sakti worship). Thus essentially Kaulava karana is related to family, tradition and any thing worldly. Thus naturally it is good for all Sthira karma (such as friendship, compromise, agreement or anything which we want to stay for long). 4. Taitila In south india this is also known as Kazhuta karnam (Donkey). Anyway the word Taitila has nothing to do with Donkey. This word originated from the Sanskrit word Titir, which means getting awards, rewards or respect. Titir is a word with great history. Remember the sage Titir based on whom the Taitireeya banch of vedic knowledge got its name. It could be because of the reverence to him that the word Titir got the meaning respect or reward. Titiksha means patience. There is one very popular English word which originated from the same root word i.e. Title. Apart from the meaning heading, the word Title also means entitling, giving a special name out of respect as a award, reward. Remember the Sir title awarded in medieval periods to many, and also the titles Lord, Dr etc. Thus naturally Taitila karana is good for all activities related to king, authority, ornamentation, ornamenting the idols and revered ones and so on. Of course, to be near the kings or people in power and authority without losing head demands a lot of patience as well. For pledge taking, receiving position, charge taking etc usually Taitila karana is preferred. 5. Gara In south india this is also known as Gaja karana (Elephant). Anyway the word Taitila has nothing to do with Elephant. Here the root word itself is Gara meaning hard, difficult, demanding more effort and so on. Remember the words Garima (proud beauty), Gurutva (essence fullness), Garishta (most dense, most valuable), Gareeyan (most revered, great). Actually this word has a better history. In the ancient past the jobs that are considered difficult are cattle/horse/elephant breading, agriculture and rural business of grains, vehicle related and so on; they demand much effort from the villager. Hriha is a word that points to any type of house. The jobs that comes under the category of difficult jobs and the word gara points to is cattle shed, horse shed, elephant shed and so on. For example Aswa-gara (horse shed). The vehicle of ancient period is horse, and the place to land the vehicle is Garage as per English language. Note that English is also a language of Indo-European language family. The point to note is that it is just due all this that Gara karana is very auspicious for any hard and difficult jobs, whether it be related to vehicle, cattle, house, machinery, rural business and so on. 6. Vanija In south india this karana is known as Surabhi karanam (Cow). Anyway the word Vanija has not hing to do with Cow. This word originated from the Sanskrit word Panija or Pani meaning Phoenician, businessman or market. Remember the word Vanijya (business) which too is a related word. The word Pani or Pany means Phoenician or business (In the vedic past the Phoenicians did business with India). Note the presence of this word in the modern day English word company (com -pany) thus company essentially means group business. Looking at the history of this word it is clear that Vanija or Panija is a word essentially related to business. Thus naturally this Karana is good for starting a business, selling plot or building or anything of the like and so on.

7. Vishti In south india this karana is known with this self same name, and it is assumed that the shape of Vishti is similar to a dog. Anyway the word Vishti has nothing to do with dog. Here the root word itself is Vishti meaning effort without benefit, work without payment; in short wastage of time, money and energy. Vishiti is Vi-Ishti. Ishti is yaga or work. Vi-Ishti is useless Ishti or useless work; i.e. work that got wasted. In short vishti means waste both words (vishti and waste) originated from the same root. Thus naturally this karana is not good for beneficial or good deeds and also for deeds for which we expect some benefit (even punya) in return.

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