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Aula 01

Personal Pronouns
So os pronomes pessoais, os sujeitos da frase. So eles: I, you, he, she, it (singular), we, you, they (plural).

Possessive Adjectives
Pronomes que ocupam o lugar dos adjetivos na lngua inglesa, embora no os substituam, podem ser usados com outros adjetivos. Exemplo: That is a fancy car. That is my fancy car.

Object pronouns
So os pronomes usados na posio de complemento: Me, you, him, her, it (singular), us, you, them (plural). Exemplo: I love you. Nessa frase temos I, subject pronound, o verbo love e you, o subject pronoun.

Possessive Pronouns
So os pronomes possessivos. Tambm indicam posse, assim como os possessive adjectives, porm so usados depois do objeto ou quando este est subentendido. Exemplos:

Relative Pronouns

1.( UFRGS 2010) Baby boomers won't let go of the Woodstock Festival. Why woud we? It's one of the few defining events of the late 60's that had a clear happy ending.

3.(UFRGS 2008 ) But every time she took a step she might have fallen over her shoelaces, which dragged from her unlaced shoes.

A palavra which tem a mesma funo no trecho acima e na frase: (A) I didn't know which sweater to buy.

The pronoun we refers to: (A) the author and his critics (B) the readers and other journalists (C)the author and the other baby boomers (D) the author and the newspaper's editor (E) the readers and the critics

(B) Which flavor of ice cream do you prefer? (C) I have different CDs which I listen to when traveling by car. (D) She still can't remenber which key opens the door to her apartment. (E) My aunt is never sure which road to take when going to the beach.

2. (UFRGS 2006) Considere o uso do pronome what. Em quais das frases abaixo ele usado corretamente?

4. (PUCRS 2008) - ...The things themselves had existed from the beginning of the world...

I What impresses the visitor about Seattle is its wateriness. II- What time does the ferry boat leave for Bainbridge Island? III- Seattle offered plentiful resourses, what attracted Arthur Denny's clan.

The pronoun themselves is used: (A) as the complement to the verb had existed (B) to emphasize the subject of the verb had existed (C) in relation to people taken in general

(A) Apenas em I (B) Apenas em II (C) Apenas em II (D) Apenas em I e II (E) Apenas em II e III

(D) to specify which things are arranged (E) as a personal pronoun

5. (PUCRS 2002) - ... he told the Philadelphia Inquirer, which ran a photo of the its Sunday edtion.

The word which can be substituted by (A) that (B) who (C) whose (D) where (E) when

1. C 2. D 3. C 4. B 5. A

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