Test English in Use

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ENGLISH IN USE Clasa a IX-a a.

Multiple Choice
EXAMPLE: (0) a) begin ) e!a" c) have begun d) had begun

The day (0) ###### auspiciously. They (1) ____ lost no dogs ______ the night, and they swung out upon the trail and into the silence, the darkness, and the cold with spirits that were fairly light. Bill see ed to #### forgotten his forebodings of the previous night, and even wa!ed facetious with the dogs when, at idday, they overturned the sled on a bad piece of trail."t was an awkward i!#up. The sled was upside ##### and $a ed _______ a tree#trunk and a huge rock, and they were forced tounharness the dogs in order to straighten out the tangle. The two en were bent #### the sled and trying to right it, when %enry observed &ne 'ar sidling away. (%ere, you, &ne 'ar)( he cried, straightening up and turning around on the dog. But &ne 'ar broke into a run across the snow, his traces trailing ###### hi . *nd there, out in the snow of their back track, was the she#wolf waiting for hi . *s he neared her, he beca e suddenly cautious. %e slowed down to an alert and incing walk and then stopped. %e regarded her ######### and dubiously, yet desirefully. +he see ed to s ile at hi , showing her teeth in an ingratiating rather #### a enacing way. +he oved ###### hi a few steps, playfully, and then halted. &ne 'ar drew near to her, still alert and cautious, his tail and ears in the air, his head held high. (,ack -ondon#.hite /ang, 0hapter """#The %unger 0ry) $E%: the &o'(s i" ol( 1. a) have 2. a) (u'i"! 3. a) be 4. a) in 5. a) et&ee" 6. a) on 7. a) follwing 8. a) carelessly 9. ) ha( b) through b) had ) (o&" b)a ong ) o)e' b) beneath b) careless c) haven1t c) at () ha)e c) up c) into c) onto c) under c) ca'e*ull+ d) hadn1t d) in d) been d) on d) under d) above () ehi"( d) careful

a) tha" 10. a) to

b) then b) forward

c) in c) to&a'(

d) for d) onto

. ,o'( -o'.atio"
EXAMPLE: (0) pu'chase :sed#car (0) pu'chases often begin with an online (1) #############, and, as a result, an (2) ########### nu ber of sca s involving online car buying seek to dupe (3) ############ shoppers. &nline car#buying sca s are also beco ing (4) ########### sophisticated and, therefore, harder to detect, according to the "nternet 0ri e 0o plaint 0enter, or "03, a (5) ########## between the /B" and the ;ational .hite 0ollar 0ri e 0enter. /ro 2008 through 2010, the "03 received nearly 14,000 (6) ########## fro car (7) ########## who have been targeted or victi i<ed by an online car#buying sca . =icti s lost >44.5 illion over that period. The sca typically starts with a used car that is being sold on a (8) ########## website for auto otive advertise ents. The car is priced below value with so e plausible story for the rock#botto price, according to an "03 consu er bulletin. 0o on reasons for the low price include the seller suddenly oving for work or for ilitary (9) #########, or the seller needing cash ?uickly because of a $ob (10) #### or une!pected edical bills. (www.Bankrate.co ) 1. *@A 2.";0B'*+'A 3.+:+C'0TA 4.";0B'*+'A 5. C*BT;'BA 6.0&DC-*";A 7. +%&CA 8. B'C:T*T"&;A 9. @'C-&EA 10. -&+' $E%: /.a()e'tise.e"t0 1. i"c'easi"!0 2.u"suspecti"!0 3. i"c'easi"!l+0 4. pa't"e'ship0 5. co.plai"ts0 6. shoppe's0 7. 'eputa le0 8. (eplo+.e"t0 /0. loss

c. 9pe" Clo:e
0ount @racula, the _____#sucking va pire fro Transylvania, is a __________ character who has taken on a life of its ___. ;o atter how any ti es so eone kills hi by driving a _______#stake through his heart, we can never be sure that that is the ____ we see of hi . *nd ____ enough, it1s not long before he reappears, sinking his ______ teeth into the neck of yet another unfortunate victi . * id this present#day fascination with va pires it is easy to forget that 0ount @racula was in fact the ________ of the "rish writer Bra +toker. F@raculaG was ___________ in Britain in 1987 and it was an instant success with =ictorian readers who had a fascination with FHothicG horror stories. Ceople1s lives were changing rapidly as a _______ of the industrial revolution and horror stories which dealt with unseen forces of good and evil, offered readers an escape fro the new FscientificG age. (BB0 'nglish)

$E%: /. loo( 0 1. *ictio"al0 2.o&"0 3.&oo(e"0 4.last0 5.su'e0 6. sha'p0 7.c'eatio"0 8. pu lishe(0 /0. 'esult

(. -ill i" &ith the app'op'iate &o'(.

1. @ad was the one #### fi!ed y bike.

2. "t1s ##### first ti e " have visited The Tower of -ondon. 3. FEou lied #### e) she said to hi . *00:+'@

4. %e was accused #### lying. 5. They sell ####### in a bookshop.

6. +he can1t #### done it. 7. Eou didn1t help e, _____ " couldn1t solve the e!ercise.

8. .hen we arrived at school the class had ######## started. 9. "f ##### " hadn1t et her.

10. .hat " need #### ti e. $e+: /.&ho0 1. the0 2.to0 3.o*0 4. oo;s0 5. ha)e0 6. so0 7. al'ea(+0 8. o"l+0 /0. is

Donica BorI Hrup Jcolar "ndustrial Transporturi 0Ki /erate *rad

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