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Heroes Apocalypse

volume one:
Chapter One:
*all characters of this story are original by jay choi, only characters of the original
'heroes series belong to tim kring. Heroes story elements belong to tim kring and
writers *
main Characters:
Vito “Vincent” Vincentino
Lynnette “Lynne” varrow
Ryan visbeen
Jon snack

secondary characters:
mike cross
Todd Rowland

Minor Characters:
“floe” Walker
Liza Dodson
Mr. Barrett
Thug #1
“MHP” (Mysterious Hunter w/ Piercings)
Vito vincentino
San Quentin State Prison, California
Giles: Haha, hey, Luis! Look who it is!
Luis: Hehehehehe . . . Who 'ya talkin' about?
Giles: Shut up and listen, Luis.
Luis: Hehehehehe, okay boss.
Giles: It's our good ol' friend, Vincent!
(Giles and Luis walk towards Vito, who is sitting alone at a table)
Giles: How's it going buddy?
(Vito remains silent, ignoring the two)
Giles: You wouldn't mind me using up your phone call today right? You are scheduled with a phone
call today right? With who? You don't have any family or anything. I need that phone call more than
you do, so help out a buddy.
Luis: Yeahyeahyeahyeahyeah, help Giles out.
Vito: . . . If it's benefiting you, I'd rather burn in hell.
Giles: Ohohoho! Poor choice of words, pal!
(Giles holds up his hand which lits up in flames)
Luis: Hahahahahahaha, yeah, poor choice of words, p-p-ppal!
(Luis holds up two hands forming an electric arc)
(Man appears out of nowhere, puts his hands on both Giles and Luis, disappears, then returns)
Mike: It's a good thing I came in time, Vito! It looked like you were in trouble.
(Vito looks ahead of Mike and sees that Giles and Luis are handcuffed by a guard)
Mike: Brought them to the Haitian Guard.
Vito: Thanks. Haitian Guard? He doesn't look like he's from Haiti or Haitian decent at all.
Mike: He negates powers. I thought you knew that.
Vito: Yeah I know that. I don't get it.
Mike: Never mind, you'll figure out someday . . . maybe. No never mind again, probably not.
Vito: So what are you doing here?
Mike: To visit you of course. I've been teleporting in and out of here for how long now? Guards trust
me and let me spread the good Word.
(A conversation goes on between a couple of guys near Vito and Mike)
Guy #1: Hey, did you guys hear?
Guy#2: Hear what?
Guy #1: Well, I overheard the guards talking. That power negating guard is freaking out because he
says that he won't be able to stop the abilities today.
Guy#3: Wait . . . can't stop abilities? That doesn't . . . does this mean-
(All the prisoners look towards the group of guys and start questioning their proof)
Guy#5: If the guards are scared that must be true! I haven't seen an eclipse in the longest time!
Guy#6: I'm gonna get some kick ass abilities and get the hell out of here!
Mike: Eclipse huh? The world can't seem to track those anymore.
Vito: What do you mean?
Mike: Eclipses are appearing more frequently and randomly than ever, despite what those guys are
saying. So, you excited?
Vito: Why would I be? It's pointless to be so.
Mike: And why is that?
Vito: Look at that poor sap over there.
(Vito points to a praying prisoner)
Vito: What do you suppose he's praying for?
Mike: Could be thanking God for the glorious day. Or the more likely answer, praying to God that the
eclipse will grant him abilities.
Vito: Exactly. Out of the billions of people in the world, who's to say that man will indeed obtain
abilities? Maybe he will, maybe he won't. But I won't get one.
Mike: Why are you so sure of that? Maybe God will let this eclipse grant you abilities. Maybe He is
planning this eclipse to be the onset of a new generation of heroes.
Vito: Heroes? Realism, Mike. The world can't dwell on a bunch of dreamers.
Mike: Well, I didn't ask for teleportation or any ability, but God gave me this gift any way. Don't lose
Vito: It's not that I'm losing hope, I don't have any interest for abilities.
(Bell goes off, signaling all prisoners back to their cells)
Mike: I'll be praying for you, Vito. And if you get picked on by newbies with abilities, tell me
tomorrow. I'll do my thing.
(Vito nods and walks with the crowd of prisoners)
Lynne Varrow
West Orange High School
Santa Ana, California
(Bell sounds, Lynne walks; Todd sees her and catches up)
Todd: Hey, Lynne!
Lynne: . . . Oh hey, Todd. What's up?
Todd: Oh nothing much. Excited for the eclipse?
Lynne: There's an eclipse today?
Todd: Yeah, a lot of people are psyched. No doubt they want something to bust out school with.
(Lynne spots “Floe” Walker walking and awed by many girls)
(Todd can tell that Lynne is looking at Floe)
Todd: Well, I want abilities. So, I'm hoping I get something awesome like super strength or super
speed. What about you, Lynne?
Lynne: . . .
(Floe and Lynne's eyes meet for a brief second, until interrupted by Todd who grabs Lynne's shoulder)
Todd: Lynne?
Lynne: Okay, fine, uhm. I'm not into powers. What are the chances we'll get one? Dreaming and
hoping for ones are things children do.
Todd: Doesn't Floe have an ability? I don't know what it is, but that must mean something to you.
Lynne: Really? I didn't know that! Why didn't you tell me!?
(Punches Todd in the shoulder)
Todd: Ow! Well, the eclipse should shut his abilities off, so we won't find out for a while.
Lynne: Darn. I bet whatever it is, it's awesome.
Todd: I hope its crap.
Lynne: . . . That deserves another punch.
Todd: Ah crap! No!

Ryan Visbeen and Jon Snack

North Haledon, New Jersey
(Ryan and Snack walks out of school)
Ryan: Let's go get some food.
Snack: Sure! A toast to our awesome driver's ed video! We definitely got an A on that.
Ryan: Yeah, ha ha.
(Scene cuts to Ryan and Snack walking out of Dunkin' Donuts)
(Eclipse is out now)
Ryan: Holy cow, look! It's the eclipse!
Snack: Aw sweet! It would be awesome if we got abilities.
Ryan: Yeah, I know! Something crazy like Hulk or something!
Snack: Yo, I would totally have something like Dark Phoenix mixed with Professor X and stuff.
Ryan: Man, Professor is a cripple! I would kill you with my Hulk powers!
Snack: A cripple who kicks @$$! Phoenix would rip Hulk to shreds because her powers are like
Ryan: True to the Professor. But Hulk can smash anyone! Even Juggernaut! No one stops the
Juggernaut, bi-
(A kid across the street, eating ice cream, watches Ryan and Snack jumping around waving their arms
and food. Nothing is heard from them due to the cars passing, but it is clear they are shouting sound
effects to go along with their arm waving)

Vito vincentino
Prison Cell
(Jail bars shut, 'Vito' grabs the bars and starts yelling)
. . . : They can't hear you. And you know that, so stop being so dramatic.
(Camera shifts to show another Vito sitting upon a bed) (“Vito” on the bars is now referred to V2)
V2: Well, way to ruin my act, kid!
Vito: If it ruins your life, then I'm satisfied.
V2: Oh, wow, your nice. What did I ever do to you!?
Vito: Because of you, the world thinks I'm crazy.
V2: . . . But Vito . . .
(Vito looks at V2)
V2: We are crazy.
Vito: . . .
V2: I don't need you, but you need me.
Vito: ?
V2: I know how to get out of here.
Vito: . . .
V2: Follow my plan, and we can be free! Start a new life with nobody knowing that we're crazy!
Vito: . . .
V2: Well? You in?
Vito: But it'd be rude to leave without saying a proper good bye to Mike.
V2: . . . Mike?
Vito: That's right, you haven't seen him, because Mike visits when I'm awake. Mike Cross, beloved
friend, dedicated pastor and missionary, and a teleporter.
V2: . . . Teleporter? Tell me more about Mike . . .

Lynne Varrow
West Orange High School
(In a classroom, students are rushing around the room experimenting with powers)
Mr. Barrett: Students, please sit down. I know you are all very excited with your newfound abilities,
but please refrain from using them.
(Students are all talking. Powers exhibited: Flight, Enhanced Speed, Enhanced Strength)
Mr. Barrett: Students.
(Students continue to chatter. Kids shout back at Mr. Barrett questioning what authority he has, due to
having no powers)
Mr. Barrett: Who says I didn't have powers?
(Barrett holds out his hands and all students cease movement and are held up in the air via telekinesis.
He places them all in their seats)
Mr. Barrett: Now class, pay attention. Look at Lynne back their, being a good pupil by taking notes,
which is what you should all be doing.
(Lynne is, in fact, doodling and not taking notes. Students mutter negative comments about Lynne and
take out their books)
Todd: Yeeesh, everyone's starting to hate you know, Lynne. Well, they hate anyone Barrett favors in
front of the class. Gah, I didn't get any powers from the eclipse . . . Did you?
Lynne: I told you, hoping for an ability is . . . hopeless.
(Lynne looks out at the eclipse. Lynne turns back and raises her hand to ask to use the bathroom, but
notices, everything is frozen)
Lynne: Mr. Barrett? Todd? Floe? Anyone?
(Lynne walks around, and notices a pencil suspended in midair. She moves it aiming at Liza Dodson.
After more fooling around, Lynne opens the door to leave the room, but everything unfreezes again)
(The pencil hits Liza, everyone moves again)
Liza: Ow, what the hell!?
(Turns to see some guys laughing at the 'misfire' of their projectile. Turns again and sees Lynne
opening the door)
Liza: Mr. Barrett! Mr. Barrett! Lynne is trying to leave! That little nobody is trying to ditch class!
(Barrett shuts the door telekinetically and lifts Lynne and sends her towards her seat)
Mr. Barrett: So, you have an ability too, Lynne? If your going to teleport, teleporting to the door is
not the way to leave. But I will show some mercy and give no demerits, because I'm sure your excited
with your new ability.
Lynne: Teleporting, sir? I'm not sure what teleporting feels like, but I don't think-
Liza: Hey! That's not fair, Mr. Barrett! Allow me disintegrate an eyebrow, or her notes or something!
She doesn't deserve an ability at all!
(Mr. Barrett, irritated by Liza's annoying voice, raises two fingers and swing them down quick, causing
Liza's head to slam into her desk)
(The entire class chuckles. Barrett continues to write on the board. Todd turns to Lynne)
Todd: No way! Teleportation? Lucky! But Barrett's right. Teleporting to the door? I would teleport
out of the school!
Lynne: Hahaha yeah, I guess I didn't know what I was thinking.
(Lynne looks concerned with her new found powers)

Jon Snack
Snack Home
(Snack arrives home, drops his bag, turns on the TV)
TV: With the eclipse still going, people continue to gain abilities. Some new abilities discovered and
categorized now are Paper Manipulation, the ability to mold and control any paper products to your
will, and Weather Imitation, the ability to have your body imitate a weather the user desires to feel the
desired weather.
Snack: . . . Wow, those sound like the crappiest powers I ever heard of. Sucks to have that. But, at
least they got something.
(Snack falls, and is about to hit the couch. The couch gleams real quick, and as Snack lands upon the
couch, a loud thud is heard)
Snack: OW! What the heck was that!?
(Scene cuts, Snack dials a number on the phone)
Snack: Yo Visbeen! Get this! I think I discovered a new type of power!
(Scene cuts again to a field where Snack waits and Ryan just arrives)
Ryan: So what were you saying?
Snack: Watch this.
(Snack picks up a piece of paper and points at a rock. Ryan shows a confused look and just stares at
the eclipse again. Snack nudges Ryan to pay attention. The paper gleams and is seen more rigid than
(Snack chucks it at the rock, and the paper lodges into the rock)
Ryan: What the-
Snack: Isn't that awesome!
Ryan: So wait, what is that power!?
Snack: I dunno'! I guess I make this sharp and hard and they can like pierce through stuff!
Ryan: Sweet! Sharpen more stuff!
(Montage scene of things being empowered by Snack, and things being chucked at rocks)
(One flies like a boomerang and comes back towards Snack and Ryan)
Snack: Oh crap, heads up!
(Snack ducks, but Ryan doesn't and holds out his arm)
(A shattering sound is heard)
Snack: . . . Ryan? What is that?
(Camera shows Ryan's ring, then pans out and shows Ryan's arm covered in metal, with some shattered
paper lodged into the arm)
Ryan: Dude, we have powers. You know what this means?
Snack: Shotty Batman!
Ryan: Crap!
Snack: Come, Robin! We got a city to save! And somehow make a terrible accident and create a
horribly disfigured villain!

Vito vincentino
Prison Cell
Vito: I've been staring out this window, and towards the eclipse all freaking day. When am I getting
out of here!?
V2: Just shut the hell up and wait! . . . Okay, now focus on the eclipse and focus on Mike.
Vito: . . . focus on . . . Mike? Okay this seems-
V2: Oh my goodness! Are you kidding me? No homo intended!
Vito: . . . Gah this feels so wrong. He's a man of religion too! This has got to be a sin.
V2: Just shut up and wait! Now focus on Mike teleporting!
Vito: Fine . . .
(Vito takes a deep breath and concentrates)
(Hours later)
V2: Crap, at this rate, the eclipse will be over!
Vito: Then what do I do? I'm getting tired.
V2: . . . That's it! Sleep! Let me take over!
Vito: You kidding me? We agreed to work in unity, no more of this take over and shifts.
V2: Just one more time! I promise you, it will be worth it!
Vito: No.
V2: Come on! We will never know when the next eclipse will be, and we'll never get out of here! We
will always be known as psychos now! But if you trust me, we can be known as something better . . .
known as . . heroes.
Vito: . . . Heroes? Where the hell did you get that from? That's seriously random.
V2: I don't know, it was a spur of the moment thing. Just let me take over!
Vito: . . . Grrr. Fine!
(Vito shuts his eyes to rest. Opens his eyes again and sees that the eclipse is just passing now and that
he is looking at San Quentin State Prison from a view)
Vito: What the . . . I . . . can teleport?
(Vito looks at a pond and sees V2)
V2: WE can teleport. Thanks to Mike.
Vito: Mike can't give his teleportation to people. That's impossible . . . isn't it?
V2: Okay, that's the stupidest thing I ever heard, so I'm just gonna say that that theory is utterly wrong.
(V2 dissapears)
Vito: . . . Freedom . . . And an ability . . . Now, where to begin?
(Vito walks, then teleports away. Eclipse is over)

New York
(Scene now in New York, a civilian being chased, and falls)
Thug #1: We just want your cash and valuables!
Thug #2: Yeah, that's all we want! Just give it!
(The civilian trembles; a shadowy figure appears)
???: Now that's not a nice thing to do. You two should go to prison for that.
Thug #1: Hmm? Who are you? Ugh, never mind. Hey, let's just kill this goof and take his goods too.
(Thug #1 grabs a blue rock salt object and ignites his arm on fire, which ends up being a green colored
Thug #2: Yeah, he looks loaded, with that fancy logo on his shirt. Is that some sort of royal family
(??? appears from the shadows and is shown as a young man with piercings)
MHP: No, not a family crest.
Thug #1: So, you wanna give us your stuff? Or will we have to take it from you?
MHP: I was gonna ask you two the same. Well, something similar.
Thug #2: . . . Say what? You're gonna try and take our stolen goods?
MHP: No . . . I'm here for you two.

To Be Continued . . .

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